void MemoryInstrumenter::checkFeatures(Module &M) {
  // Check whether any memory allocation function can
  // potentially be pointed by function pointers.
  // Also, all intrinsic functions will be called directly,
  // i.e. not via function pointers.
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
    if (DynAAUtils::IsMalloc(F) || F->isIntrinsic()) {
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = F->use_begin(); UI != F->use_end(); ++UI) {
        User *Usr = *UI;
        assert(isa<CallInst>(Usr) || isa<InvokeInst>(Usr));
        CallSite CS(cast<Instruction>(Usr));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < CS.arg_size(); ++i)
          assert(CS.getArgument(i) != F);

  // Check whether memory allocation functions are captured.
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
    // 0 is the return, 1 is the first parameter.
    if (F->isDeclaration() && F->doesNotAlias(0) && !DynAAUtils::IsMalloc(F)) {
      errs() << F->getName() << "'s return value is marked noalias, ";
      errs() << "but the function is not treated as malloc.\n";

  // Sequential types except pointer types shouldn't be used as the type of
  // an instruction, a function parameter, or a global variable.
  for (Module::global_iterator GI = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
       GI != E; ++GI) {
    if (isa<SequentialType>(GI->getType()))
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
    for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(); AI != F->arg_end(); ++AI) {
      if (isa<SequentialType>(AI->getType()))
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
    for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(); BB != F->end(); ++BB) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator Ins = BB->begin(); Ins != BB->end(); ++Ins) {
        if (isa<SequentialType>(Ins->getType()))

  // We don't support multi-process programs for now.
  if (!HookFork)
    assert(M.getFunction("fork") == NULL);
// Convert the given function to use normalized argument/return types.
static bool ConvertFunction(Function *Func) {
  FunctionType *FTy = Func->getFunctionType();
  FunctionType *NFTy = NormalizeFunctionType(FTy);
  if (NFTy == FTy)
    return false; // No change needed.
  Function *NewFunc = RecreateFunction(Func, NFTy);

  // Move the arguments across to the new function.
  for (Function::arg_iterator Arg = Func->arg_begin(), E = Func->arg_end(),
         NewArg = NewFunc->arg_begin();
       Arg != E; ++Arg, ++NewArg) {
    if (Arg->getType() == NewArg->getType()) {
    } else {
      Instruction *Trunc = new TruncInst(
          NewArg, Arg->getType(), NewArg->getName() + ".arg_trunc",

  if (FTy->getReturnType() != NFTy->getReturnType()) {
    // Fix up return instructions.
    Instruction::CastOps CastType =
        Func->getAttributes().hasAttribute(0, Attribute::SExt) ?
        Instruction::SExt : Instruction::ZExt;
    for (Function::iterator BB = NewFunc->begin(), E = NewFunc->end();
         BB != E;
         ++BB) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator Iter = BB->begin(), E = BB->end();
           Iter != E; ) {
        Instruction *Inst = Iter++;
        if (ReturnInst *Ret = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(Inst)) {
          Value *Ext = CopyDebug(
              CastInst::Create(CastType, Ret->getReturnValue(),
                               Ret->getReturnValue()->getName() + ".ret_ext",
          CopyDebug(ReturnInst::Create(Ret->getContext(), Ext, Ret), Ret);

  return true;
Beispiel #3
/// analyzeFunction - Fill in the current structure with information gleaned
/// from the specified function.
void InlineCostAnalyzer::FunctionInfo::analyzeFunction(Function *F,
                                                       const TargetData *TD) {
  Metrics.analyzeFunction(F, TD);

  // A function with exactly one return has it removed during the inlining
  // process (see InlineFunction), so don't count it.
  // FIXME: This knowledge should really be encoded outside of FunctionInfo.
  if (Metrics.NumRets==1)

  DenseMap<Value *, unsigned> PointerArgs;
  unsigned ArgIdx = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E;
       ++I, ++ArgIdx) {
    // Count how much code can be eliminated if one of the arguments is
    // a constant or an alloca.
    ArgumentWeights.push_back(ArgInfo(countCodeReductionForConstant(Metrics, I),
                                      countCodeReductionForAlloca(Metrics, I)));

    // If the argument is a pointer, also check for pairs of pointers where
    // knowing a fixed offset between them allows simplification. This pattern
    // arises mostly due to STL algorithm patterns where pointers are used as
    // random access iterators.
    if (!I->getType()->isPointerTy())
    PointerArgs[I] = ArgIdx;
    countCodeReductionForPointerPair(Metrics, PointerArgs, I, ArgIdx);
bool StructuredModuleEditor::signaturesMatch(Function *First,
		Function *Second) {
	if (First == NULL || Second == NULL)
		return false;

	unsigned FirstNumArgs = First->arg_size();
	unsigned SecondNumArgs = Second->arg_size();

// The number of arguments passed to the old function must match the number of
// arguments passed to the new function
	if (FirstNumArgs != SecondNumArgs)
		return false;

// Both functions must abide by the same calling convention
	if (First->getCallingConv() != Second->getCallingConv())
		return false;

// Both functions must have the same return type
	if (First->getReturnType() != Second->getReturnType())
		return false;

// Checks that the arguments to the old function are of the same type as those of
// the new function, and also that they are in the same order
	for (Function::arg_iterator I = Second->arg_begin(), J = First->arg_begin(),
			IE = Second->arg_end(); I != IE; ++I, ++J) {
		if (I->getType() != J->getType())
			return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #5
/// AddNoCaptureAttrs - Deduce nocapture attributes for the SCC.
bool FunctionAttrs::AddNoCaptureAttrs(const CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  bool Changed = false;

  // Check each function in turn, determining which pointer arguments are not
  // captured.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();

    if (F == 0)
      // External node - skip it;

    // Definitions with weak linkage may be overridden at linktime with
    // something that writes memory, so treat them like declarations.
    if (F->isDeclaration() || F->mayBeOverridden())

    for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A!=E; ++A)
      if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr() &&
          !PointerMayBeCaptured(A, true, /*StoreCaptures=*/false)) {
        Changed = true;

  return Changed;
void MemoryInstrumenter::instrumentPointerParameters(Function *F) {
  assert(F && !F->isDeclaration());
  Instruction *Entry = F->begin()->getFirstNonPHI();
  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(); AI != F->arg_end(); ++AI) {
    if (AI->getType()->isPointerTy())
      instrumentPointer(AI, NULL, Entry);
Beispiel #7
  std::vector<Type*> lowerJuliaArrayArgumentsDecl(Function* F) {
    std::vector<Type*> ArgTypes;
    Type* ReturnType = F->getReturnType();
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E; ++I) {

      Type* argType = I->getType();
      if (is_jl_array_type(argType)) {
        ArgTypes.push_back(PointerType::get(ReturnType, 1));
      } else {

    return ArgTypes;
Beispiel #8
void MemoryInstrumenter::checkFeatures(Module &M) {
    // Check whether any memory allocation function can
    // potentially be pointed by function pointers.
    // Also, all intrinsic functions will be called directly,
    // i.e. not via function pointers.
    for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
        if (DynAAUtils::IsMalloc(F) || F->isIntrinsic()) {
            for (Value::use_iterator UI = F->use_begin(); UI != F->use_end(); ++UI) {
                User *Usr = *UI;
                assert(isa<CallInst>(Usr) || isa<InvokeInst>(Usr));
                CallSite CS(cast<Instruction>(Usr));
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < CS.arg_size(); ++i)
                    assert(CS.getArgument(i) != F);

    // Check whether memory allocation functions are captured.
    for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
        // 0 is the return, 1 is the first parameter.
        if (F->isDeclaration() && F->doesNotAlias(0) && !DynAAUtils::IsMalloc(F)) {
            errs() << F->getName() << "'s return value is marked noalias, ";
            errs() << "but the function is not treated as malloc.\n";

    // Global variables shouldn't be of the array type.
    for (Module::global_iterator GI = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
            GI != E; ++GI) {
    // A function parameter or an instruction can be an array, but we don't
    // instrument such constructs for now. Issue a warning on such cases.
    for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
        for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(); AI != F->arg_end(); ++AI) {
            if (AI->getType()->isArrayTy()) {
                errs() << F->getName() << ":" << *AI << " is an array\n";
    for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
        for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(); BB != F->end(); ++BB) {
            for (BasicBlock::iterator Ins = BB->begin(); Ins != BB->end(); ++Ins) {
                if (Ins->getType()->isArrayTy()) {
                    errs() << F->getName() << ":" << *Ins << " is an array\n";
Beispiel #9
void CaptureConstraints::identify_fixed_integers(Module &M) {
	ExecOnce &EO = getAnalysis<ExecOnce>();
	// Global variables. 
	for (Module::global_iterator gi = M.global_begin();
			gi != M.global_end(); ++gi) {
		if (isa<IntegerType>(gi->getType()) || isa<PointerType>(gi->getType())) {
			if (gi->hasInitializer())
	// Instructions and their constant operands. 
	forallinst(M, ii) {
		if (EO.not_executed(ii))
		if (!EO.executed_once(ii))
		if (isa<IntegerType>(ii->getType()) || isa<PointerType>(ii->getType())) {
		// No matter reachable or not, capture its constant operands. 
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < ii->getNumOperands(); ++i) {
			if (Constant *c = dyn_cast<Constant>(ii->getOperand(i)))
	// Function parameters. 
	forallfunc(M, f) {
		if (EO.not_executed(f))
		if (!EO.executed_once(f))
		for (Function::arg_iterator ai = f->arg_begin();
				ai != f->arg_end(); ++ai) {
			if (isa<IntegerType>(ai->getType()) || isa<PointerType>(ai->getType()))
/// cloneFunctionBody - Create a new function based on F and
/// insert it into module. Remove first argument. Use STy as
/// the return type for new function.
Function *SRETPromotion::cloneFunctionBody(Function *F, 
                                           const StructType *STy) {

  const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<const Type*> Params;

  // Attributes - Keep track of the parameter attributes for the arguments.
  SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> AttributesVec;
  const AttrListPtr &PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // Add any return attributes.
  if (Attributes attrs = PAL.getRetAttributes())
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, attrs));

  // Skip first argument.
  Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
  // 0th parameter attribute is reserved for return type.
  // 1th parameter attribute is for first 1st sret argument.
  unsigned ParamIndex = 2; 
  while (I != E) {
    if (Attributes Attrs = PAL.getParamAttributes(ParamIndex))
      AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(ParamIndex - 1, Attrs));

  // Add any fn attributes.
  if (Attributes attrs = PAL.getFnAttributes())
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(~0, attrs));

  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(STy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage());
  NF->setAttributes(AttrListPtr::get(AttributesVec.begin(), AttributesVec.end()));
  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F, NF);
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Replace arguments
  I = F->arg_begin();
  E = F->arg_end();
  Function::arg_iterator NI = NF->arg_begin();
  while (I != E) {

  return NF;
Beispiel #11
/// lowerIncomingArguments - To avoid having to handle incoming arguments
/// specially, we lower each arg to a copy instruction in the entry block. This
/// ensures that the argument value itself cannot be live out of the entry
/// block.
void SjLjEHPass::lowerIncomingArguments(Function &F) {
  BasicBlock::iterator AfterAllocaInsPt = F.begin()->begin();
  while (isa<AllocaInst>(AfterAllocaInsPt) &&

  for (Function::arg_iterator
         AI = F.arg_begin(), AE = F.arg_end(); AI != AE; ++AI) {
    Type *Ty = AI->getType();

    // Aggregate types can't be cast, but are legal argument types, so we have
    // to handle them differently. We use an extract/insert pair as a
    // lightweight method to achieve the same goal.
    if (isa<StructType>(Ty) || isa<ArrayType>(Ty) || isa<VectorType>(Ty)) {
      Instruction *EI = ExtractValueInst::Create(AI, 0, "", AfterAllocaInsPt);
      Instruction *NI = InsertValueInst::Create(AI, EI, 0);

      // Set the operand of the instructions back to the AllocaInst.
      EI->setOperand(0, AI);
      NI->setOperand(0, AI);
    } else {
      // This is always a no-op cast because we're casting AI to AI->getType()
      // so src and destination types are identical. BitCast is the only
      // possibility.
      CastInst *NC =
        new BitCastInst(AI, AI->getType(), AI->getName() + ".tmp",

      // Set the operand of the cast instruction back to the AllocaInst.
      // Normally it's forbidden to replace a CastInst's operand because it
      // could cause the opcode to reflect an illegal conversion. However, we're
      // replacing it here with the same value it was constructed with.  We do
      // this because the above replaceAllUsesWith() clobbered the operand, but
      // we want this one to remain.
      NC->setOperand(0, AI);
/// lowerIncomingArguments - To avoid having to handle incoming arguments
/// specially, we lower each arg to a copy instruction in the entry block. This
/// ensures that the argument value itself cannot be live out of the entry
/// block.
void SjLjEHPrepare::lowerIncomingArguments(Function &F) {
  BasicBlock::iterator AfterAllocaInsPt = F.begin()->begin();
  while (isa<AllocaInst>(AfterAllocaInsPt) &&

  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F.arg_begin(), AE = F.arg_end(); AI != AE;
       ++AI) {
    Type *Ty = AI->getType();

    if (isa<StructType>(Ty) || isa<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
      // Aggregate types can't be cast, but are legal argument types,
      // so we have to handle them differently.  We use
      // select i8 true, %arg, undef to achieve the same goal
      Value *TrueValue = ConstantInt::getTrue(F.getContext());
      Value *UndefValue = UndefValue::get(Ty);
      Instruction *SI = SelectInst::Create(TrueValue, AI, UndefValue,
                                           AI->getName() + ".tmp",

      SI->setOperand(1, AI);
    } else {
      // This is always a no-op cast because we're casting AI to AI->getType()
      // so src and destination types are identical. BitCast is the only
      // possibility.
      CastInst *NC = new BitCastInst(AI, AI->getType(), AI->getName() + ".tmp",

      // Set the operand of the cast instruction back to the AllocaInst.
      // Normally it's forbidden to replace a CastInst's operand because it
      // could cause the opcode to reflect an illegal conversion. However, we're
      // replacing it here with the same value it was constructed with.  We do
      // this because the above replaceAllUsesWith() clobbered the operand, but
      // we want this one to remain.
      NC->setOperand(0, AI);
Beispiel #13
//dupFuncArgu()        //
void InsDuplica::dupFuncArgu(Function &F) {
   BasicBlock *firstBB = F.begin();
   Instruction *firstI = firstBB->begin();
   for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end();
         AI != E; ++AI) {

      //if argument is used only once or all on the same block,
      //do not dup it.
      if (AI->hasOneUse()) {
         valueMap[AI] = AI;
      } else {
         //make copy of cast
         Type *arguType = AI->getType();
         //FIXME unknow signed or not
         CastInst* newCast = CastInst::CreateIntegerCast(AI, arguType, 1, AI->getName()+"_dup", firstI);
         //CastInst *newCast = new CastInst(AI, arguType, AI->getName()+"_dup", firstI);
         valueMap[AI] = newCast;
Beispiel #14
void MemoryInstrumenter::instrumentPointerParameters(Function *F) {
    assert(F && !F->isDeclaration());

    DataLayout &TD = getAnalysis<DataLayout>();

    Instruction *Entry = F->begin()->getFirstInsertionPt();
    for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(); AI != F->arg_end(); ++AI) {
        if (PointerType *ArgType = dyn_cast<PointerType>(AI->getType())) {
            // If an argument is marked as byval, add an implicit allocation.
            // FIXME: still broken. We need allocate one extra byte for it. We'd
            // better do it in the backend.
            if (AI->hasByValAttr()) {
                uint64_t TypeSize = TD.getTypeStoreSize(ArgType->getElementType());
                                           ConstantInt::get(LongType, TypeSize),
            instrumentPointer(AI, NULL, Entry);
Beispiel #15
// Create a wrapper function with type Ty that calls F (which may have a
// different type). Attempt to support common bitcasted function idioms:
//  - Call with more arguments than needed: arguments are dropped
//  - Call with fewer arguments than needed: arguments are filled in with undef
//  - Return value is not needed: drop it
//  - Return value needed but not present: supply an undef
// For now, return nullptr without creating a wrapper if the wrapper cannot
// be generated due to incompatible types.
static Function *CreateWrapper(Function *F, FunctionType *Ty) {
  Module *M = F->getParent();

  Function *Wrapper =
      Function::Create(Ty, Function::PrivateLinkage, "bitcast", M);
  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(M->getContext(), "body", Wrapper);

  // Determine what arguments to pass.
  SmallVector<Value *, 4> Args;
  Function::arg_iterator AI = Wrapper->arg_begin();
  FunctionType::param_iterator PI = F->getFunctionType()->param_begin();
  FunctionType::param_iterator PE = F->getFunctionType()->param_end();
  for (; AI != Wrapper->arg_end() && PI != PE; ++AI, ++PI) {
    if (AI->getType() != *PI) {
      return nullptr;
  for (; PI != PE; ++PI)

  CallInst *Call = CallInst::Create(F, Args, "", BB);

  // Determine what value to return.
  if (Ty->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
    ReturnInst::Create(M->getContext(), BB);
  else if (F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
    ReturnInst::Create(M->getContext(), UndefValue::get(Ty->getReturnType()),
  else if (F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType() == Ty->getReturnType())
    ReturnInst::Create(M->getContext(), Call, BB);
  else {
    return nullptr;

  return Wrapper;
Beispiel #16
/// lowerIncomingArguments - To avoid having to handle incoming arguments
/// specially, we lower each arg to a copy instruction in the entry block. This
/// ensures that the argument value itself cannot be live out of the entry
/// block.
void SjLjEHPrepare::lowerIncomingArguments(Function &F) {
  BasicBlock::iterator AfterAllocaInsPt = F.begin()->begin();
  while (isa<AllocaInst>(AfterAllocaInsPt) &&

  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F.arg_begin(), AE = F.arg_end(); AI != AE;
       ++AI) {
    Type *Ty = AI->getType();

    // Use 'select i8 true, %arg, undef' to simulate a 'no-op' instruction.
    Value *TrueValue = ConstantInt::getTrue(F.getContext());
    Value *UndefValue = UndefValue::get(Ty);
    Instruction *SI = SelectInst::Create(TrueValue, AI, UndefValue,
                                         AI->getName() + ".tmp",

    // Reset the operand, because it  was clobbered by the RAUW above.
    SI->setOperand(1, AI);
Beispiel #17
static void ThunkGToF(Function *F, Function *G) {
  Function *NewG = Function::Create(G->getFunctionType(), G->getLinkage(), "",
  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "", NewG);

  std::vector<Value *> Args;
  unsigned i = 0;
  const FunctionType *FFTy = F->getFunctionType();
  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = NewG->arg_begin(), AE = NewG->arg_end();
       AI != AE; ++AI) {
    if (FFTy->getParamType(i) == AI->getType())
    else {
      Value *BCI = new BitCastInst(AI, FFTy->getParamType(i), "", BB);

  CallInst *CI = CallInst::Create(F, Args.begin(), Args.end(), "", BB);
  if (NewG->getReturnType() == Type::getVoidTy(F->getContext())) {
    ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), BB);
  } else if (CI->getType() != NewG->getReturnType()) {
    Value *BCI = new BitCastInst(CI, NewG->getReturnType(), "", BB);
    ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), BCI, BB);
  } else {
    ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), CI, BB);


  // TODO: look at direct callers to G and make them all direct callers to F.
// RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction - Remove any arguments and return values from F
// that are not in LiveValues. Transform the function and all of the callees of
// the function to not have these arguments and return values.
bool DAE::RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction(Function *F) {
  // Don't modify fully live functions
  if (LiveFunctions.count(F))
    return false;

  // Start by computing a new prototype for the function, which is the same as
  // the old function, but has fewer arguments and a different return type.
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<Type*> Params;

  // Keep track of if we have a live 'returned' argument
  bool HasLiveReturnedArg = false;

  // Set up to build a new list of parameter attributes.
  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> AttributesVec;
  const AttributeSet &PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // Remember which arguments are still alive.
  SmallVector<bool, 10> ArgAlive(FTy->getNumParams(), false);
  // Construct the new parameter list from non-dead arguments. Also construct
  // a new set of parameter attributes to correspond. Skip the first parameter
  // attribute, since that belongs to the return value.
  unsigned i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       I != E; ++I, ++i) {
    RetOrArg Arg = CreateArg(F, i);
    if (LiveValues.erase(Arg)) {
      ArgAlive[i] = true;

      // Get the original parameter attributes (skipping the first one, that is
      // for the return value.
      if (PAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
        AttrBuilder B(PAL, i + 1);
        if (B.contains(Attribute::Returned))
          HasLiveReturnedArg = true;
          push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Params.size(), B));
    } else {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing argument " << i << " (" << I->getName()
            << ") from " << F->getName() << "\n");

  // Find out the new return value.
  Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
  Type *NRetTy = nullptr;
  unsigned RetCount = NumRetVals(F);

  // -1 means unused, other numbers are the new index
  SmallVector<int, 5> NewRetIdxs(RetCount, -1);
  std::vector<Type*> RetTypes;

  // If there is a function with a live 'returned' argument but a dead return
  // value, then there are two possible actions:
  // 1) Eliminate the return value and take off the 'returned' attribute on the
  //    argument.
  // 2) Retain the 'returned' attribute and treat the return value (but not the
  //    entire function) as live so that it is not eliminated.
  // It's not clear in the general case which option is more profitable because,
  // even in the absence of explicit uses of the return value, code generation
  // is free to use the 'returned' attribute to do things like eliding
  // save/restores of registers across calls. Whether or not this happens is
  // target and ABI-specific as well as depending on the amount of register
  // pressure, so there's no good way for an IR-level pass to figure this out.
  // Fortunately, the only places where 'returned' is currently generated by
  // the FE are places where 'returned' is basically free and almost always a
  // performance win, so the second option can just be used always for now.
  // This should be revisited if 'returned' is ever applied more liberally.
  if (RetTy->isVoidTy() || HasLiveReturnedArg) {
    NRetTy = RetTy;
  } else {
    // Look at each of the original return values individually.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i) {
      RetOrArg Ret = CreateRet(F, i);
      if (LiveValues.erase(Ret)) {
        RetTypes.push_back(getRetComponentType(F, i));
        NewRetIdxs[i] = RetTypes.size() - 1;
      } else {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing return value " << i << " from "
              << F->getName() << "\n");
    if (RetTypes.size() > 1) {
      // More than one return type? Reduce it down to size.
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(RetTy)) {
        // Make the new struct packed if we used to return a packed struct
        // already.
        NRetTy = StructType::get(STy->getContext(), RetTypes, STy->isPacked());
      } else {
        assert(isa<ArrayType>(RetTy) && "unexpected multi-value return");
        NRetTy = ArrayType::get(RetTypes[0], RetTypes.size());
    } else if (RetTypes.size() == 1)
      // One return type? Just a simple value then, but only if we didn't use to
      // return a struct with that simple value before.
      NRetTy = RetTypes.front();
    else if (RetTypes.size() == 0)
      // No return types? Make it void, but only if we didn't use to return {}.
      NRetTy = Type::getVoidTy(F->getContext());

  assert(NRetTy && "No new return type found?");

  // The existing function return attributes.
  AttributeSet RAttrs = PAL.getRetAttributes();

  // Remove any incompatible attributes, but only if we removed all return
  // values. Otherwise, ensure that we don't have any conflicting attributes
  // here. Currently, this should not be possible, but special handling might be
  // required when new return value attributes are added.
  if (NRetTy->isVoidTy())
    RAttrs = RAttrs.removeAttributes(NRetTy->getContext(),
    assert(!AttrBuilder(RAttrs, AttributeSet::ReturnIndex).
             overlaps(AttributeFuncs::typeIncompatible(NRetTy)) &&
           "Return attributes no longer compatible?");

  if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeSet::get(NRetTy->getContext(), RAttrs));

  if (PAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

  // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
  AttributeSet NewPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

  // Create the new function type based on the recomputed parameters.
  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(NRetTy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());

  // No change?
  if (NFTy == FTy)
    return false;

  // Create the new function body and insert it into the module...
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage());
  // Insert the new function before the old function, so we won't be processing
  // it again.
  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F->getIterator(), NF);

  // Loop over all of the callers of the function, transforming the call sites
  // to pass in a smaller number of arguments into the new function.
  std::vector<Value*> Args;
  while (!F->use_empty()) {
    CallSite CS(F->user_back());
    Instruction *Call = CS.getInstruction();

    const AttributeSet &CallPAL = CS.getAttributes();

    // The call return attributes.
    AttributeSet RAttrs = CallPAL.getRetAttributes();

    // Adjust in case the function was changed to return void.
    RAttrs = RAttrs.removeAttributes(NRetTy->getContext(),
    if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))
      AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeSet::get(NF->getContext(), RAttrs));

    // Declare these outside of the loops, so we can reuse them for the second
    // loop, which loops the varargs.
    CallSite::arg_iterator I = CS.arg_begin();
    unsigned i = 0;
    // Loop over those operands, corresponding to the normal arguments to the
    // original function, and add those that are still alive.
    for (unsigned e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++I, ++i)
      if (ArgAlive[i]) {
        // Get original parameter attributes, but skip return attributes.
        if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
          AttrBuilder B(CallPAL, i + 1);
          // If the return type has changed, then get rid of 'returned' on the
          // call site. The alternative is to make all 'returned' attributes on
          // call sites keep the return value alive just like 'returned'
          // attributes on function declaration but it's less clearly a win
          // and this is not an expected case anyway
          if (NRetTy != RetTy && B.contains(Attribute::Returned))
            push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Args.size(), B));

    // Push any varargs arguments on the list. Don't forget their attributes.
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator E = CS.arg_end(); I != E; ++I, ++i) {
      if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
        AttrBuilder B(CallPAL, i + 1);
          push_back(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), Args.size(), B));

    if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

    // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
    AttributeSet NewCallPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

    Instruction *New;
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
      New = InvokeInst::Create(NF, II->getNormalDest(), II->getUnwindDest(),
                               Args, "", Call->getParent());
    } else {
      New = CallInst::Create(NF, Args, "", Call);
      if (cast<CallInst>(Call)->isTailCall())


    if (!Call->use_empty()) {
      if (New->getType() == Call->getType()) {
        // Return type not changed? Just replace users then.
      } else if (New->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
        // Our return value has uses, but they will get removed later on.
        // Replace by null for now.
        if (!Call->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())
      } else {
        assert((RetTy->isStructTy() || RetTy->isArrayTy()) &&
               "Return type changed, but not into a void. The old return type"
               " must have been a struct or an array!");
        Instruction *InsertPt = Call;
        if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
          BasicBlock *NewEdge = SplitEdge(New->getParent(), II->getNormalDest());
          InsertPt = &*NewEdge->getFirstInsertionPt();

        // We used to return a struct or array. Instead of doing smart stuff
        // with all the uses, we will just rebuild it using extract/insertvalue
        // chaining and let instcombine clean that up.
        // Start out building up our return value from undef
        Value *RetVal = UndefValue::get(RetTy);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
          if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
            Value *V;
            if (RetTypes.size() > 1)
              // We are still returning a struct, so extract the value from our
              // return value
              V = ExtractValueInst::Create(New, NewRetIdxs[i], "newret",
              // We are now returning a single element, so just insert that
              V = New;
            // Insert the value at the old position
            RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, V, i, "oldret", InsertPt);
        // Now, replace all uses of the old call instruction with the return
        // struct we built

    // Finally, remove the old call from the program, reducing the use-count of
    // F.

  // Since we have now created the new function, splice the body of the old
  // function right into the new function, leaving the old rotting hulk of the
  // function empty.
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Loop over the argument list, transferring uses of the old arguments over to
  // the new arguments, also transferring over the names as well.
  i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(),
       I2 = NF->arg_begin(); I != E; ++I, ++i)
    if (ArgAlive[i]) {
      // If this is a live argument, move the name and users over to the new
      // version.
    } else {
      // If this argument is dead, replace any uses of it with null constants
      // (these are guaranteed to become unused later on).
      if (!I->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())

  // If we change the return value of the function we must rewrite any return
  // instructions.  Check this now.
  if (F->getReturnType() != NF->getReturnType())
    for (Function::iterator BB = NF->begin(), E = NF->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
        Value *RetVal;

        if (NFTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
          RetVal = nullptr;
        } else {
          assert(RetTy->isStructTy() || RetTy->isArrayTy());
          // The original return value was a struct or array, insert
          // extractvalue/insertvalue chains to extract only the values we need
          // to return and insert them into our new result.
          // This does generate messy code, but we'll let it to instcombine to
          // clean that up.
          Value *OldRet = RI->getOperand(0);
          // Start out building up our return value from undef
          RetVal = UndefValue::get(NRetTy);
          for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
            if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
              ExtractValueInst *EV = ExtractValueInst::Create(OldRet, i,
                                                              "oldret", RI);
              if (RetTypes.size() > 1) {
                // We're still returning a struct, so reinsert the value into
                // our new return value at the new index

                RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, EV, NewRetIdxs[i],
                                                 "newret", RI);
              } else {
                // We are now only returning a simple value, so just return the
                // extracted value.
                RetVal = EV;
        // Replace the return instruction with one returning the new return
        // value (possibly 0 if we became void).
        ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), RetVal, RI);

  // Patch the pointer to LLVM function in debug info descriptor.

  // Now that the old function is dead, delete it.

  return true;
Beispiel #19
/// Deduce nocapture attributes for the SCC.
static bool addArgumentAttrs(const SCCNodeSet &SCCNodes) {
  bool Changed = false;

  ArgumentGraph AG;

  // Check each function in turn, determining which pointer arguments are not
  // captured.
  for (Function *F : SCCNodes) {
    // We can infer and propagate function attributes only when we know that the
    // definition we'll get at link time is *exactly* the definition we see now.
    // For more details, see GlobalValue::mayBeDerefined.
    if (!F->hasExactDefinition())

    Changed |= addArgumentAttrsFromCallsites(*F);

    // Functions that are readonly (or readnone) and nounwind and don't return
    // a value can't capture arguments. Don't analyze them.
    if (F->onlyReadsMemory() && F->doesNotThrow() &&
        F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
      for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A != E;
           ++A) {
        if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
          Changed = true;

    for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A != E;
         ++A) {
      if (!A->getType()->isPointerTy())
      bool HasNonLocalUses = false;
      if (!A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
        ArgumentUsesTracker Tracker(SCCNodes);
        PointerMayBeCaptured(&*A, &Tracker);
        if (!Tracker.Captured) {
          if (Tracker.Uses.empty()) {
            // If it's trivially not captured, mark it nocapture now.
            Changed = true;
          } else {
            // If it's not trivially captured and not trivially not captured,
            // then it must be calling into another function in our SCC. Save
            // its particulars for Argument-SCC analysis later.
            ArgumentGraphNode *Node = AG[&*A];
            for (Argument *Use : Tracker.Uses) {
              if (Use != &*A)
                HasNonLocalUses = true;
        // Otherwise, it's captured. Don't bother doing SCC analysis on it.
      if (!HasNonLocalUses && !A->onlyReadsMemory()) {
        // Can we determine that it's readonly/readnone without doing an SCC?
        // Note that we don't allow any calls at all here, or else our result
        // will be dependent on the iteration order through the functions in the
        // SCC.
        SmallPtrSet<Argument *, 8> Self;
        Attribute::AttrKind R = determinePointerReadAttrs(&*A, Self);
        if (R != Attribute::None) {
          Changed = true;
          R == Attribute::ReadOnly ? ++NumReadOnlyArg : ++NumReadNoneArg;

  // The graph we've collected is partial because we stopped scanning for
  // argument uses once we solved the argument trivially. These partial nodes
  // show up as ArgumentGraphNode objects with an empty Uses list, and for
  // these nodes the final decision about whether they capture has already been
  // made.  If the definition doesn't have a 'nocapture' attribute by now, it
  // captures.

  for (scc_iterator<ArgumentGraph *> I = scc_begin(&AG); !I.isAtEnd(); ++I) {
    const std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode *> &ArgumentSCC = *I;
    if (ArgumentSCC.size() == 1) {
      if (!ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition)
        continue; // synthetic root node

      // eg. "void f(int* x) { if (...) f(x); }"
      if (ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses.size() == 1 &&
          ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses[0] == ArgumentSCC[0]) {
        Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition;
        Changed = true;

    bool SCCCaptured = false;
    for (auto I = ArgumentSCC.begin(), E = ArgumentSCC.end();
         I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *Node = *I;
      if (Node->Uses.empty()) {
        if (!Node->Definition->hasNoCaptureAttr())
          SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured)

    SmallPtrSet<Argument *, 8> ArgumentSCCNodes;
    // Fill ArgumentSCCNodes with the elements of the ArgumentSCC.  Used for
    // quickly looking up whether a given Argument is in this ArgumentSCC.
    for (ArgumentGraphNode *I : ArgumentSCC) {

    for (auto I = ArgumentSCC.begin(), E = ArgumentSCC.end();
         I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *N = *I;
      for (ArgumentGraphNode *Use : N->Uses) {
        Argument *A = Use->Definition;
        if (A->hasNoCaptureAttr() || ArgumentSCCNodes.count(A))
        SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured)

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      Changed = true;

    // We also want to compute readonly/readnone. With a small number of false
    // negatives, we can assume that any pointer which is captured isn't going
    // to be provably readonly or readnone, since by definition we can't
    // analyze all uses of a captured pointer.
    // The false negatives happen when the pointer is captured by a function
    // that promises readonly/readnone behaviour on the pointer, then the
    // pointer's lifetime ends before anything that writes to arbitrary memory.
    // Also, a readonly/readnone pointer may be returned, but returning a
    // pointer is capturing it.

    Attribute::AttrKind ReadAttr = Attribute::ReadNone;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      Attribute::AttrKind K = determinePointerReadAttrs(A, ArgumentSCCNodes);
      if (K == Attribute::ReadNone)
      if (K == Attribute::ReadOnly) {
        ReadAttr = Attribute::ReadOnly;
      ReadAttr = K;

    if (ReadAttr != Attribute::None) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
        // Clear out existing readonly/readnone attributes
        ReadAttr == Attribute::ReadOnly ? ++NumReadOnlyArg : ++NumReadNoneArg;
        Changed = true;

  return Changed;
Beispiel #20
RocketShip::processFunction(Function &F) {
    // Everything is reset per function.  Ideally we would just make
    // this a per-function pass, but extended feature plans make
    // applying this at the module level a better idea.
    _nodeId = 0;
    _blockId = 0;
    std::vector<BasicBlock*> blockList;

    std::string functionLabel = F.getName();
    std::string demangledLabel = getDemangledName(functionLabel);

    if (demangledLabel == functionLabel ||
        demangledLabel.length() == 0) {
        functionLabel = F.getReturnType()->getDescription() + " " + functionLabel;
        functionLabel = functionLabel + "(";
        for (Function::arg_iterator arg = F.arg_begin();
             arg != F.arg_end();
             arg++) {
            if (arg != F.arg_begin()) {
                functionLabel = functionLabel + ", ";
            functionLabel = functionLabel + arg->getType()->getDescription() + " " + std::string(arg->getName());
        functionLabel = functionLabel + ")";
    } else {
        functionLabel = demangledLabel;

    // Each block in the function needs to be processed and added to
    // the mapping.
    for (Function::iterator bblock = F.begin();
         bblock != F.end();
         bblock++) {
        pBlock block(new Block(_nodeId++, bblock->getName()));
        _blocks.insert(std::pair<BasicBlock*, pBlock>(bblock, block));

        if (bblock == F.begin()) {
            pNode node(new Node(_nodeId++));
        processBlock(bblock, block);

    // Each block needs to process its contained nodes and we need to
    // keep a local copy of each node for later processing.
    for (std::map<BasicBlock*, pBlock>::iterator it = _blocks.begin();
         it != _blocks.end();
         it++) {
        Nodes nodes = it->second->getNodes();
        for (Nodes::iterator node = nodes.begin();
             node != nodes.end();
             node++) {

    // Generates the function name and filename/output stream.
    std::string functionIdentifier = F.getName();
    char* result = cplus_demangle(functionIdentifier.c_str(), DMGL_ANSI|DMGL_PARAMS);

    std::replace(functionIdentifier.begin(), functionIdentifier.end(), '.', '_');
    _outputFile.open(std::string(functionIdentifier + ".dot").c_str());

    _outputFile << "digraph " << functionIdentifier << " {\n";

    // Emit each node to the output stream.  This should be modified
    // to have the node print itself out by passing in the output
    // stream rather than calling a separate function
    for (Nodes::iterator it = _pnodes.begin();
         it != _pnodes.end();
         it++) {
        if ((*it) == NULL) {

        // We only care about nodes with labels since they are what is
        // actually presented.
        if ((*it)->getNodeLabel().length() > 0) {

    _outputFile << "}";
void llvm::InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
                                   GlobalValue *Array) {
  const Type *ArgVTy = 
  const PointerType *UIntPtr = PointerType::getUnqual(Type::Int32Ty);
  Module &M = *MainFn->getParent();
  Constant *InitFn = M.getOrInsertFunction(FnName, Type::Int32Ty, Type::Int32Ty,
                                           ArgVTy, UIntPtr, Type::Int32Ty,
                                           (Type *)0);

  // This could force argc and argv into programs that wouldn't otherwise have
  // them, but instead we just pass null values in.
  std::vector<Value*> Args(4);
  Args[0] = Constant::getNullValue(Type::Int32Ty);
  Args[1] = Constant::getNullValue(ArgVTy);

  // Skip over any allocas in the entry block.
  BasicBlock *Entry = MainFn->begin();
  BasicBlock::iterator InsertPos = Entry->begin();
  while (isa<AllocaInst>(InsertPos)) ++InsertPos;

  std::vector<Constant*> GEPIndices(2, Constant::getNullValue(Type::Int32Ty));
  unsigned NumElements = 0;
  if (Array) {
    Args[2] = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(Array, &GEPIndices[0],
    NumElements =
  } else {
    // If this profiling instrumentation doesn't have a constant array, just
    // pass null.
    Args[2] = ConstantPointerNull::get(UIntPtr);
  Args[3] = ConstantInt::get(Type::Int32Ty, NumElements);

  Instruction *InitCall = CallInst::Create(InitFn, Args.begin(), Args.end(),
                                           "newargc", InsertPos);

  // If argc or argv are not available in main, just pass null values in.
  Function::arg_iterator AI;
  switch (MainFn->arg_size()) {
  case 2:
    AI = MainFn->arg_begin(); ++AI;
    if (AI->getType() != ArgVTy) {
      Instruction::CastOps opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(AI, false, ArgVTy, 
          CastInst::create(opcode, AI, ArgVTy, "argv.cast", InitCall));
    } else {
      InitCall->setOperand(2, AI);
    /* FALL THROUGH */

  case 1:
    AI = MainFn->arg_begin();
    // If the program looked at argc, have it look at the return value of the
    // init call instead.
    if (AI->getType() != Type::Int32Ty) {
      Instruction::CastOps opcode;
      if (!AI->use_empty()) {
        opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(InitCall, true, AI->getType(), true);
          CastInst::create(opcode, InitCall, AI->getType(), "", InsertPos));
      opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(AI, true, Type::Int32Ty, true);
          CastInst::create(opcode, AI, Type::Int32Ty, "argc.cast", InitCall));
    } else {
      InitCall->setOperand(1, AI);

  case 0: break;
// RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction - Remove any arguments and return values from F
// that are not in LiveValues. Transform the function and all of the callees of
// the function to not have these arguments and return values.
bool DAE::RemoveDeadStuffFromFunction(Function *F) {
  // Don't modify fully live functions
  if (LiveFunctions.count(F))
    return false;

  // Start by computing a new prototype for the function, which is the same as
  // the old function, but has fewer arguments and a different return type.
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<Type*> Params;

  // Set up to build a new list of parameter attributes.
  SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> AttributesVec;
  const AttributeSet &PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // Find out the new return value.
  Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
  Type *NRetTy = NULL;
  unsigned RetCount = NumRetVals(F);

  // -1 means unused, other numbers are the new index
  SmallVector<int, 5> NewRetIdxs(RetCount, -1);
  std::vector<Type*> RetTypes;
  if (RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
    NRetTy = RetTy;
  } else {
    StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(RetTy);
    if (STy)
      // Look at each of the original return values individually.
      for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i) {
        RetOrArg Ret = CreateRet(F, i);
        if (LiveValues.erase(Ret)) {
          NewRetIdxs[i] = RetTypes.size() - 1;
        } else {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing return value " << i << " from "
                << F->getName() << "\n");
      // We used to return a single value.
      if (LiveValues.erase(CreateRet(F, 0))) {
        NewRetIdxs[0] = 0;
      } else {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing return value from " << F->getName()
              << "\n");
    if (RetTypes.size() > 1)
      // More than one return type? Return a struct with them. Also, if we used
      // to return a struct and didn't change the number of return values,
      // return a struct again. This prevents changing {something} into
      // something and {} into void.
      // Make the new struct packed if we used to return a packed struct
      // already.
      NRetTy = StructType::get(STy->getContext(), RetTypes, STy->isPacked());
    else if (RetTypes.size() == 1)
      // One return type? Just a simple value then, but only if we didn't use to
      // return a struct with that simple value before.
      NRetTy = RetTypes.front();
    else if (RetTypes.size() == 0)
      // No return types? Make it void, but only if we didn't use to return {}.
      NRetTy = Type::getVoidTy(F->getContext());

  assert(NRetTy && "No new return type found?");

  // The existing function return attributes.
  AttributeSet RAttrs = PAL.getRetAttributes();

  // Remove any incompatible attributes, but only if we removed all return
  // values. Otherwise, ensure that we don't have any conflicting attributes
  // here. Currently, this should not be possible, but special handling might be
  // required when new return value attributes are added.
  if (NRetTy->isVoidTy())
    RAttrs =
      AttributeSet::get(NRetTy->getContext(), AttributeSet::ReturnIndex,
                        AttrBuilder(RAttrs, AttributeSet::ReturnIndex).
    assert(!AttrBuilder(RAttrs, AttributeSet::ReturnIndex).
             hasAttributes(AttributeFuncs::typeIncompatible(NRetTy)) &&
           "Return attributes no longer compatible?");

  if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))

  // Remember which arguments are still alive.
  SmallVector<bool, 10> ArgAlive(FTy->getNumParams(), false);
  // Construct the new parameter list from non-dead arguments. Also construct
  // a new set of parameter attributes to correspond. Skip the first parameter
  // attribute, since that belongs to the return value.
  unsigned i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       I != E; ++I, ++i) {
    RetOrArg Arg = CreateArg(F, i);
    if (LiveValues.erase(Arg)) {
      ArgAlive[i] = true;

      // Get the original parameter attributes (skipping the first one, that is
      // for the return value.
      if (PAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
          push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(F->getContext(), i + 1,
                                            PAL.getParamAttributes(i + 1)));
        AttributesVec.back().Index = Params.size();
    } else {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "DAE - Removing argument " << i << " (" << I->getName()
            << ") from " << F->getName() << "\n");

  if (PAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

  // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
  AttributeSet NewPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

  // Create the new function type based on the recomputed parameters.
  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(NRetTy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());

  // No change?
  if (NFTy == FTy)
    return false;

  // Create the new function body and insert it into the module...
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage());
  // Insert the new function before the old function, so we won't be processing
  // it again.
  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F, NF);

  // Loop over all of the callers of the function, transforming the call sites
  // to pass in a smaller number of arguments into the new function.
  std::vector<Value*> Args;
  while (!F->use_empty()) {
    CallSite CS(F->use_back());
    Instruction *Call = CS.getInstruction();

    const AttributeSet &CallPAL = CS.getAttributes();

    // The call return attributes.
    AttributeSet RAttrs = CallPAL.getRetAttributes();

    // Adjust in case the function was changed to return void.
    RAttrs =
      AttributeSet::get(NF->getContext(), AttributeSet::ReturnIndex,
                        AttrBuilder(RAttrs, AttributeSet::ReturnIndex).
    if (RAttrs.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::ReturnIndex))

    // Declare these outside of the loops, so we can reuse them for the second
    // loop, which loops the varargs.
    CallSite::arg_iterator I = CS.arg_begin();
    unsigned i = 0;
    // Loop over those operands, corresponding to the normal arguments to the
    // original function, and add those that are still alive.
    for (unsigned e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++I, ++i)
      if (ArgAlive[i]) {
        // Get original parameter attributes, but skip return attributes.
        if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
            push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(F->getContext(), i + 1,
                                            CallPAL.getParamAttributes(i + 1)));
          AttributesVec.back().Index = Args.size();

    // Push any varargs arguments on the list. Don't forget their attributes.
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator E = CS.arg_end(); I != E; ++I, ++i) {
      if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(i + 1)) {
          push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(F->getContext(), i + 1,
                                            CallPAL.getParamAttributes(i + 1)));
        AttributesVec.back().Index = Args.size();

    if (CallPAL.hasAttributes(AttributeSet::FunctionIndex))

    // Reconstruct the AttributesList based on the vector we constructed.
    AttributeSet NewCallPAL = AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), AttributesVec);

    Instruction *New;
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
      New = InvokeInst::Create(NF, II->getNormalDest(), II->getUnwindDest(),
                               Args, "", Call);
    } else {
      New = CallInst::Create(NF, Args, "", Call);
      if (cast<CallInst>(Call)->isTailCall())


    if (!Call->use_empty()) {
      if (New->getType() == Call->getType()) {
        // Return type not changed? Just replace users then.
      } else if (New->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
        // Our return value has uses, but they will get removed later on.
        // Replace by null for now.
        if (!Call->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())
      } else {
        assert(RetTy->isStructTy() &&
               "Return type changed, but not into a void. The old return type"
               " must have been a struct!");
        Instruction *InsertPt = Call;
        if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
          BasicBlock::iterator IP = II->getNormalDest()->begin();
          while (isa<PHINode>(IP)) ++IP;
          InsertPt = IP;

        // We used to return a struct. Instead of doing smart stuff with all the
        // uses of this struct, we will just rebuild it using
        // extract/insertvalue chaining and let instcombine clean that up.
        // Start out building up our return value from undef
        Value *RetVal = UndefValue::get(RetTy);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
          if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
            Value *V;
            if (RetTypes.size() > 1)
              // We are still returning a struct, so extract the value from our
              // return value
              V = ExtractValueInst::Create(New, NewRetIdxs[i], "newret",
              // We are now returning a single element, so just insert that
              V = New;
            // Insert the value at the old position
            RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, V, i, "oldret", InsertPt);
        // Now, replace all uses of the old call instruction with the return
        // struct we built

    // Finally, remove the old call from the program, reducing the use-count of
    // F.

  // Since we have now created the new function, splice the body of the old
  // function right into the new function, leaving the old rotting hulk of the
  // function empty.
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Loop over the argument list, transferring uses of the old arguments over to
  // the new arguments, also transferring over the names as well.
  i = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(),
       I2 = NF->arg_begin(); I != E; ++I, ++i)
    if (ArgAlive[i]) {
      // If this is a live argument, move the name and users over to the new
      // version.
    } else {
      // If this argument is dead, replace any uses of it with null constants
      // (these are guaranteed to become unused later on).
      if (!I->getType()->isX86_MMXTy())

  // If we change the return value of the function we must rewrite any return
  // instructions.  Check this now.
  if (F->getReturnType() != NF->getReturnType())
    for (Function::iterator BB = NF->begin(), E = NF->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
        Value *RetVal;

        if (NFTy->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
          RetVal = 0;
        } else {
          assert (RetTy->isStructTy());
          // The original return value was a struct, insert
          // extractvalue/insertvalue chains to extract only the values we need
          // to return and insert them into our new result.
          // This does generate messy code, but we'll let it to instcombine to
          // clean that up.
          Value *OldRet = RI->getOperand(0);
          // Start out building up our return value from undef
          RetVal = UndefValue::get(NRetTy);
          for (unsigned i = 0; i != RetCount; ++i)
            if (NewRetIdxs[i] != -1) {
              ExtractValueInst *EV = ExtractValueInst::Create(OldRet, i,
                                                              "oldret", RI);
              if (RetTypes.size() > 1) {
                // We're still returning a struct, so reinsert the value into
                // our new return value at the new index

                RetVal = InsertValueInst::Create(RetVal, EV, NewRetIdxs[i],
                                                 "newret", RI);
              } else {
                // We are now only returning a simple value, so just return the
                // extracted value.
                RetVal = EV;
        // Replace the return instruction with one returning the new return
        // value (possibly 0 if we became void).
        ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), RetVal, RI);

  // Patch the pointer to LLVM function in debug info descriptor.
  FunctionDIMap::iterator DI = FunctionDIs.find(F);
  if (DI != FunctionDIs.end())

  // Now that the old function is dead, delete it.

  return true;
bool AAEval::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  AliasAnalysis &AA = getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();

  SetVector<Value *> Pointers;
  SetVector<CallSite> CallSites;
  SetVector<Value *> Loads;
  SetVector<Value *> Stores;

  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (I->getType()->isPointerTy())    // Add all pointer arguments.

  for (inst_iterator I = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->getType()->isPointerTy()) // Add all pointer instructions.
    if (EvalTBAA && isa<LoadInst>(&*I))
    if (EvalTBAA && isa<StoreInst>(&*I))
    Instruction &Inst = *I;
    if (CallSite CS = cast<Value>(&Inst)) {
      Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();
      // Skip actual functions for direct function calls.
      if (!isa<Function>(Callee) && isInterestingPointer(Callee))
      // Consider formals.
      for (CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
           AI != AE; ++AI)
        if (isInterestingPointer(*AI))
    } else {
      // Consider all operands.
      for (Instruction::op_iterator OI = Inst.op_begin(), OE = Inst.op_end();
           OI != OE; ++OI)
        if (isInterestingPointer(*OI))

  if (PrintNoAlias || PrintMayAlias || PrintPartialAlias || PrintMustAlias ||
      PrintNoModRef || PrintMod || PrintRef || PrintModRef)
    errs() << "Function: " << F.getName() << ": " << Pointers.size()
           << " pointers, " << CallSites.size() << " call sites\n";

  // iterate over the worklist, and run the full (n^2)/2 disambiguations
  for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I1 = Pointers.begin(), E = Pointers.end();
       I1 != E; ++I1) {
    uint64_t I1Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
    Type *I1ElTy = cast<PointerType>((*I1)->getType())->getElementType();
    if (I1ElTy->isSized()) I1Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(I1ElTy);

    for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I2 = Pointers.begin(); I2 != I1; ++I2) {
      uint64_t I2Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
      Type *I2ElTy =cast<PointerType>((*I2)->getType())->getElementType();
      if (I2ElTy->isSized()) I2Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(I2ElTy);

      switch (AA.alias(*I1, I1Size, *I2, I2Size)) {
      case AliasAnalysis::NoAlias:
        PrintResults("NoAlias", PrintNoAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
        ++NoAlias; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::MayAlias:
        PrintResults("MayAlias", PrintMayAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
        ++MayAlias; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::PartialAlias:
        PrintResults("PartialAlias", PrintPartialAlias, *I1, *I2,
        ++PartialAlias; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::MustAlias:
        PrintResults("MustAlias", PrintMustAlias, *I1, *I2, F.getParent());
        ++MustAlias; break;

  if (EvalTBAA) {
    // iterate over all pairs of load, store
    for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I1 = Loads.begin(), E = Loads.end();
         I1 != E; ++I1) {
      for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I2 = Stores.begin(), E2 = Stores.end();
           I2 != E2; ++I2) {
        switch (AA.alias(AA.getLocation(cast<LoadInst>(*I1)),
                         AA.getLocation(cast<StoreInst>(*I2)))) {
        case AliasAnalysis::NoAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("NoAlias", PrintNoAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++NoAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::MayAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("MayAlias", PrintMayAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++MayAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::PartialAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("PartialAlias", PrintPartialAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++PartialAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::MustAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("MustAlias", PrintMustAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++MustAlias; break;

    // iterate over all pairs of store, store
    for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I1 = Stores.begin(), E = Stores.end();
         I1 != E; ++I1) {
      for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator I2 = Stores.begin(); I2 != I1; ++I2) {
        switch (AA.alias(AA.getLocation(cast<StoreInst>(*I1)),
                         AA.getLocation(cast<StoreInst>(*I2)))) {
        case AliasAnalysis::NoAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("NoAlias", PrintNoAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++NoAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::MayAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("MayAlias", PrintMayAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++MayAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::PartialAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("PartialAlias", PrintPartialAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++PartialAlias; break;
        case AliasAnalysis::MustAlias:
          PrintLoadStoreResults("MustAlias", PrintMustAlias, *I1, *I2,
          ++MustAlias; break;

  // Mod/ref alias analysis: compare all pairs of calls and values
  for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator C = CallSites.begin(),
         Ce = CallSites.end(); C != Ce; ++C) {
    Instruction *I = C->getInstruction();

    for (SetVector<Value *>::iterator V = Pointers.begin(), Ve = Pointers.end();
         V != Ve; ++V) {
      uint64_t Size = AliasAnalysis::UnknownSize;
      Type *ElTy = cast<PointerType>((*V)->getType())->getElementType();
      if (ElTy->isSized()) Size = AA.getTypeStoreSize(ElTy);

      switch (AA.getModRefInfo(*C, *V, Size)) {
      case AliasAnalysis::NoModRef:
        PrintModRefResults("NoModRef", PrintNoModRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
        ++NoModRef; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::Mod:
        PrintModRefResults("Just Mod", PrintMod, I, *V, F.getParent());
        ++Mod; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::Ref:
        PrintModRefResults("Just Ref", PrintRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
        ++Ref; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::ModRef:
        PrintModRefResults("Both ModRef", PrintModRef, I, *V, F.getParent());
        ++ModRef; break;

  // Mod/ref alias analysis: compare all pairs of calls
  for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator C = CallSites.begin(),
         Ce = CallSites.end(); C != Ce; ++C) {
    for (SetVector<CallSite>::iterator D = CallSites.begin(); D != Ce; ++D) {
      if (D == C)
      switch (AA.getModRefInfo(*C, *D)) {
      case AliasAnalysis::NoModRef:
        PrintModRefResults("NoModRef", PrintNoModRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
        ++NoModRef; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::Mod:
        PrintModRefResults("Just Mod", PrintMod, *C, *D, F.getParent());
        ++Mod; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::Ref:
        PrintModRefResults("Just Ref", PrintRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
        ++Ref; break;
      case AliasAnalysis::ModRef:
        PrintModRefResults("Both ModRef", PrintModRef, *C, *D, F.getParent());
        ++ModRef; break;

  return false;
Beispiel #24
/// DoPromotion - This method actually performs the promotion of the specified
/// arguments, and returns the new function.  At this point, we know that it's
/// safe to do so.
CallGraphNode *ArgPromotion::DoPromotion(Function *F,
                               SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> &ArgsToPromote,
                              SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> &ByValArgsToTransform) {

  // Start by computing a new prototype for the function, which is the same as
  // the old function, but has modified arguments.
  const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<const Type*> Params;

  typedef std::set<IndicesVector> ScalarizeTable;

  // ScalarizedElements - If we are promoting a pointer that has elements
  // accessed out of it, keep track of which elements are accessed so that we
  // can add one argument for each.
  // Arguments that are directly loaded will have a zero element value here, to
  // handle cases where there are both a direct load and GEP accesses.
  std::map<Argument*, ScalarizeTable> ScalarizedElements;

  // OriginalLoads - Keep track of a representative load instruction from the
  // original function so that we can tell the alias analysis implementation
  // what the new GEP/Load instructions we are inserting look like.
  std::map<IndicesVector, LoadInst*> OriginalLoads;

  // Attributes - Keep track of the parameter attributes for the arguments
  // that we are *not* promoting. For the ones that we do promote, the parameter
  // attributes are lost
  SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> AttributesVec;
  const AttrListPtr &PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // Add any return attributes.
  if (Attributes attrs = PAL.getRetAttributes())
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, attrs));

  // First, determine the new argument list
  unsigned ArgIndex = 1;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E;
       ++I, ++ArgIndex) {
    if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(I)) {
      // Simple byval argument? Just add all the struct element types.
      const Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
      const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
    } else if (!ArgsToPromote.count(I)) {
      // Unchanged argument
      if (Attributes attrs = PAL.getParamAttributes(ArgIndex))
        AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Params.size(), attrs));
    } else if (I->use_empty()) {
      // Dead argument (which are always marked as promotable)
    } else {
      // Okay, this is being promoted. This means that the only uses are loads
      // or GEPs which are only used by loads

      // In this table, we will track which indices are loaded from the argument
      // (where direct loads are tracked as no indices).
      ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[I];
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = I->use_begin(), E = I->use_end(); UI != E;
           ++UI) {
        Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(*UI);
        assert(isa<LoadInst>(User) || isa<GetElementPtrInst>(User));
        IndicesVector Indices;
        Indices.reserve(User->getNumOperands() - 1);
        // Since loads will only have a single operand, and GEPs only a single
        // non-index operand, this will record direct loads without any indices,
        // and gep+loads with the GEP indices.
        for (User::op_iterator II = User->op_begin() + 1, IE = User->op_end();
             II != IE; ++II)
        // GEPs with a single 0 index can be merged with direct loads
        if (Indices.size() == 1 && Indices.front() == 0)
        LoadInst *OrigLoad;
        if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(User))
          OrigLoad = L;
          // Take any load, we will use it only to update Alias Analysis
          OrigLoad = cast<LoadInst>(User->use_back());
        OriginalLoads[Indices] = OrigLoad;

      // Add a parameter to the function for each element passed in.
      for (ScalarizeTable::iterator SI = ArgIndices.begin(),
             E = ArgIndices.end(); SI != E; ++SI) {
        // not allowed to dereference ->begin() if size() is 0

      if (ArgIndices.size() == 1 && ArgIndices.begin()->empty())

  // Add any function attributes.
  if (Attributes attrs = PAL.getFnAttributes())
    AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(~0, attrs));

  const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();

  // Work around LLVM bug PR56: the CWriter cannot emit varargs functions which
  // have zero fixed arguments.
  bool ExtraArgHack = false;
  if (Params.empty() && FTy->isVarArg()) {
    ExtraArgHack = true;

  // Construct the new function type using the new arguments.
  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(RetTy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());

  // Create the new function body and insert it into the module.
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage(), F->getName());

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "ARG PROMOTION:  Promoting to:" << *NF << "\n"
        << "From: " << *F);
  // Recompute the parameter attributes list based on the new arguments for
  // the function.

  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F, NF);

  // Get the alias analysis information that we need to update to reflect our
  // changes.
  AliasAnalysis &AA = getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();

  // Get the callgraph information that we need to update to reflect our
  // changes.
  CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>();
  // Get a new callgraph node for NF.
  CallGraphNode *NF_CGN = CG.getOrInsertFunction(NF);

  // Loop over all of the callers of the function, transforming the call sites
  // to pass in the loaded pointers.
  SmallVector<Value*, 16> Args;
  while (!F->use_empty()) {
    CallSite CS = CallSite::get(F->use_back());
    assert(CS.getCalledFunction() == F);
    Instruction *Call = CS.getInstruction();
    const AttrListPtr &CallPAL = CS.getAttributes();

    // Add any return attributes.
    if (Attributes attrs = CallPAL.getRetAttributes())
      AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, attrs));

    // Loop over the operands, inserting GEP and loads in the caller as
    // appropriate.
    CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin();
    ArgIndex = 1;
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
         I != E; ++I, ++AI, ++ArgIndex)
      if (!ArgsToPromote.count(I) && !ByValArgsToTransform.count(I)) {
        Args.push_back(*AI);          // Unmodified argument

        if (Attributes Attrs = CallPAL.getParamAttributes(ArgIndex))
          AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Args.size(), Attrs));

      } else if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(I)) {
        // Emit a GEP and load for each element of the struct.
        const Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
        const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
        Value *Idxs[2] = {
              ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), 0), 0 };
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          Idxs[1] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), i);
          Value *Idx = GetElementPtrInst::Create(*AI, Idxs, Idxs+2,
          // TODO: Tell AA about the new values?
          Args.push_back(new LoadInst(Idx, Idx->getName()+".val", Call));
      } else if (!I->use_empty()) {
        // Non-dead argument: insert GEPs and loads as appropriate.
        ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[I];
        // Store the Value* version of the indices in here, but declare it now
        // for reuse.
        std::vector<Value*> Ops;
        for (ScalarizeTable::iterator SI = ArgIndices.begin(),
               E = ArgIndices.end(); SI != E; ++SI) {
          Value *V = *AI;
          LoadInst *OrigLoad = OriginalLoads[*SI];
          if (!SI->empty()) {
            const Type *ElTy = V->getType();
            for (IndicesVector::const_iterator II = SI->begin(),
                 IE = SI->end(); II != IE; ++II) {
              // Use i32 to index structs, and i64 for others (pointers/arrays).
              // This satisfies GEP constraints.
              const Type *IdxTy = (ElTy->isStructTy() ?
                    Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()) : 
              Ops.push_back(ConstantInt::get(IdxTy, *II));
              // Keep track of the type we're currently indexing.
              ElTy = cast<CompositeType>(ElTy)->getTypeAtIndex(*II);
            // And create a GEP to extract those indices.
            V = GetElementPtrInst::Create(V, Ops.begin(), Ops.end(),
                                          V->getName()+".idx", Call);
            AA.copyValue(OrigLoad->getOperand(0), V);
          // Since we're replacing a load make sure we take the alignment
          // of the previous load.
          LoadInst *newLoad = new LoadInst(V, V->getName()+".val", Call);
          AA.copyValue(OrigLoad, Args.back());

    if (ExtraArgHack)

    // Push any varargs arguments on the list.
    for (; AI != CS.arg_end(); ++AI, ++ArgIndex) {
      if (Attributes Attrs = CallPAL.getParamAttributes(ArgIndex))
        AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Args.size(), Attrs));

    // Add any function attributes.
    if (Attributes attrs = CallPAL.getFnAttributes())
      AttributesVec.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(~0, attrs));

    Instruction *New;
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
      New = InvokeInst::Create(NF, II->getNormalDest(), II->getUnwindDest(),
                               Args.begin(), Args.end(), "", Call);
    } else {
      New = CallInst::Create(NF, Args.begin(), Args.end(), "", Call);
      if (cast<CallInst>(Call)->isTailCall())

    // Update the alias analysis implementation to know that we are replacing
    // the old call with a new one.
    AA.replaceWithNewValue(Call, New);

    // Update the callgraph to know that the callsite has been transformed.
    CallGraphNode *CalleeNode = CG[Call->getParent()->getParent()];
    CalleeNode->replaceCallEdge(Call, New, NF_CGN);

    if (!Call->use_empty()) {

    // Finally, remove the old call from the program, reducing the use-count of
    // F.

  // Since we have now created the new function, splice the body of the old
  // function right into the new function, leaving the old rotting hulk of the
  // function empty.
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Loop over the argument list, transfering uses of the old arguments over to
  // the new arguments, also transfering over the names as well.
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(),
       I2 = NF->arg_begin(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (!ArgsToPromote.count(I) && !ByValArgsToTransform.count(I)) {
      // If this is an unmodified argument, move the name and users over to the
      // new version.
      AA.replaceWithNewValue(I, I2);

    if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(I)) {
      // In the callee, we create an alloca, and store each of the new incoming
      // arguments into the alloca.
      Instruction *InsertPt = NF->begin()->begin();

      // Just add all the struct element types.
      const Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
      Value *TheAlloca = new AllocaInst(AgTy, 0, "", InsertPt);
      const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
      Value *Idxs[2] = {
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), 0), 0 };

      for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
        Idxs[1] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), i);
        Value *Idx = 
          GetElementPtrInst::Create(TheAlloca, Idxs, Idxs+2,
        new StoreInst(I2++, Idx, InsertPt);

      // Anything that used the arg should now use the alloca.
      AA.replaceWithNewValue(I, TheAlloca);

    if (I->use_empty()) {

    // Otherwise, if we promoted this argument, then all users are load
    // instructions (or GEPs with only load users), and all loads should be
    // using the new argument that we added.
    ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[I];

    while (!I->use_empty()) {
      if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I->use_back())) {
        assert(ArgIndices.begin()->empty() &&
               "Load element should sort to front!");
        AA.replaceWithNewValue(LI, I2);
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Promoted load of argument '" << I->getName()
              << "' in function '" << F->getName() << "'\n");
      } else {
        GetElementPtrInst *GEP = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I->use_back());
        IndicesVector Operands;
        for (User::op_iterator II = GEP->idx_begin(), IE = GEP->idx_end();
             II != IE; ++II)

        // GEPs with a single 0 index can be merged with direct loads
        if (Operands.size() == 1 && Operands.front() == 0)

        Function::arg_iterator TheArg = I2;
        for (ScalarizeTable::iterator It = ArgIndices.begin();
             *It != Operands; ++It, ++TheArg) {
          assert(It != ArgIndices.end() && "GEP not handled??");

        std::string NewName = I->getName();
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
            NewName += "." + utostr(Operands[i]);
        NewName += ".val";

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Promoted agg argument '" << TheArg->getName()
              << "' of function '" << NF->getName() << "'\n");

        // All of the uses must be load instructions.  Replace them all with
        // the argument specified by ArgNo.
        while (!GEP->use_empty()) {
          LoadInst *L = cast<LoadInst>(GEP->use_back());
          AA.replaceWithNewValue(L, TheArg);

    // Increment I2 past all of the arguments added for this promoted pointer.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgIndices.size(); i != e; ++i)

  // Notify the alias analysis implementation that we inserted a new argument.
  if (ExtraArgHack)

  // Tell the alias analysis that the old function is about to disappear.
  AA.replaceWithNewValue(F, NF);

  // Now that the old function is dead, delete it.  If there is a dangling
  // reference to the CallgraphNode, just leave the dead function around for
  // someone else to nuke.
  CallGraphNode *CGN = CG[F];
  if (CGN->getNumReferences() == 0)
    delete CG.removeFunctionFromModule(CGN);
  return NF_CGN;
void CreatChoice(vector<Function*> &T1,vector<Function*> &T2,vector<Function*> &T3,Value* &a,Value* &b,Module &M)
  //*****************************************************creat function to do choice
  vector<Value*> l,l1;
  vector<BasicBlock*> X;
  FunctionType *FT;
  Function* func;
  BasicBlock * BB;
  LLVMContext &context = M.getContext();
  for (int i=0;i<T1.size();i++)
    FT = FunctionType::get(T1[i]->getReturnType(),false);
    func = Function::Create(FT, Function::ExternalLinkage, "F", &M);
    BasicBlock * BB  = BasicBlock::Create(context, "choice",func);
    BasicBlock * BB1 = BasicBlock::Create(context, "or",func);
    BasicBlock * BB2 = BasicBlock::Create(context, "cop",func);
    Value *CondIn = new ICmpInst(*BB, ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, a, b, "cond");
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = T1[i]->arg_begin(), E = T1[i]->arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
      AllocaInst *new_alloca = new AllocaInst(I->getType(),0, "aorg",BB1);
      LoadInst  *new_load = new LoadInst(new_alloca," ",false,BB1);      
    CallInst *O= CallInst::Create(T1[i], l1, "",BB1);
    AllocaInst *new_alloca = new AllocaInst(T2[i]->getReturnType(),0, "corg",BB1);
    StoreInst  *new_store = new StoreInst(O,new_alloca , false,4,BB1);
    LoadInst  *new_load = new LoadInst(new_alloca,"Aorg",false,4,BB1);
    ReturnInst::Create(context, new_load, BB1);  
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = T2[i]->arg_begin(), E = T2[i]->arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
      AllocaInst *new_alloca = new AllocaInst(I->getType(),0, "acop",BB2);
      LoadInst  *new_load = new LoadInst(new_alloca," ",false,BB2);      
    CallInst *OO= CallInst::Create(T2[i], l1, "",BB2);
    AllocaInst *new_alloc = new AllocaInst(T2[i]->getReturnType(),0, "ccop",BB2);
    StoreInst  *new_stor = new StoreInst(OO,new_alloc , false,4,BB2);
    LoadInst  *new_loa = new LoadInst(new_alloc,"Aorg",false,4,BB2);
    ReturnInst::Create(context, new_loa, BB2);
//*******************************************************do the choice******************************************
  for (int i=0;i<T1.size();i++)
       for (Function::iterator blocdebase = T1[i]->begin(), e = T1[i]->end(); blocdebase != e; ++blocdebase)
       BasicBlock * BB = BasicBlock::Create(context, "blocdechoix",T1[i] ,T1[i]->begin());
       BasicBlock * BB1 = BasicBlock::Create(context, "blocother",T1[i]);
       Value *CondInst = new ICmpInst(*BB, ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, a, b, "cond");
       CallInst *O= CallInst::Create(T3[i], "",BB1);
       Type* ty = T1[i]->getReturnType();
       AllocaInst *new_alloca = new AllocaInst(ty,0, "a",BB1);
       StoreInst  *new_store = new StoreInst(O,new_alloca , false,4,BB1);
       LoadInst  *new_load = new LoadInst(new_alloca," ",false,4,BB1);
       ReturnInst::Create(context, new_load, BB1);
//**************************************for function clone********************************************
  for (int i=0;i<T2.size();i++)
      for (Function::iterator blocdebase = T2[i]->begin(), e = T2[i]->end(); blocdebase != e; ++blocdebase)
        const TerminatorInst *TI = blocdebase->getTerminator();      
      BasicBlock * BB1 = BasicBlock::Create(context, "cont",T2[i]);
      Instruction *v=X[0]->getTerminator()->clone();
      BasicBlock * BB2 = BasicBlock::Create(context, "call",T2[i]);
      CallInst *O= CallInst::Create(T3[i], "",BB2);
      Type* ty = T2[i]->getReturnType();
      AllocaInst *new_alloca = new AllocaInst(ty,0, "a",BB2);
      StoreInst  *new_store = new StoreInst(O,new_alloca , false,4,BB2);
      LoadInst  *new_load = new LoadInst(new_alloca," ",false,4,BB2);
      ReturnInst::Create(context, new_load, BB2);
      a = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(context), 1);
      b = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(context), 0);
      Value *CondI = new ICmpInst(*X[0], ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, a, b, "cond");
      BranchInst::Create (BB2,BB1 ,CondI,X[0]);
Beispiel #26
/// PromoteArguments - This method checks the specified function to see if there
/// are any promotable arguments and if it is safe to promote the function (for
/// example, all callers are direct).  If safe to promote some arguments, it
/// calls the DoPromotion method.
CallGraphNode *ArgPromotion::PromoteArguments(CallGraphNode *CGN) {
  Function *F = CGN->getFunction();

  // Make sure that it is local to this module.
  if (!F || !F->hasLocalLinkage()) return 0;

  // First check: see if there are any pointer arguments!  If not, quick exit.
  SmallVector<std::pair<Argument*, unsigned>, 16> PointerArgs;
  unsigned ArgNo = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       I != E; ++I, ++ArgNo)
    if (I->getType()->isPointerTy())
      PointerArgs.push_back(std::pair<Argument*, unsigned>(I, ArgNo));
  if (PointerArgs.empty()) return 0;

  // Second check: make sure that all callers are direct callers.  We can't
  // transform functions that have indirect callers.
  if (F->hasAddressTaken())
    return 0;

  // Check to see which arguments are promotable.  If an argument is promotable,
  // add it to ArgsToPromote.
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ArgsToPromote;
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ByValArgsToTransform;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != PointerArgs.size(); ++i) {
    bool isByVal = F->paramHasAttr(PointerArgs[i].second+1, Attribute::ByVal);

    // If this is a byval argument, and if the aggregate type is small, just
    // pass the elements, which is always safe.
    Argument *PtrArg = PointerArgs[i].first;
    if (isByVal) {
      const Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(PtrArg->getType())->getElementType();
      if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(AgTy)) {
        if (maxElements > 0 && STy->getNumElements() > maxElements) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "argpromotion disable promoting argument '"
                << PtrArg->getName() << "' because it would require adding more"
                << " than " << maxElements << " arguments to the function.\n");
        } else {
          // If all the elements are single-value types, we can promote it.
          bool AllSimple = true;
          for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
            if (!STy->getElementType(i)->isSingleValueType()) {
              AllSimple = false;

          // Safe to transform, don't even bother trying to "promote" it.
          // Passing the elements as a scalar will allow scalarrepl to hack on
          // the new alloca we introduce.
          if (AllSimple) {

    // Otherwise, see if we can promote the pointer to its value.
    if (isSafeToPromoteArgument(PtrArg, isByVal))

  // No promotable pointer arguments.
  if (ArgsToPromote.empty() && ByValArgsToTransform.empty()) 
    return 0;

  return DoPromotion(F, ArgsToPromote, ByValArgsToTransform);
Beispiel #27
/// PromoteArguments - This method checks the specified function to see if there
/// are any promotable arguments and if it is safe to promote the function (for
/// example, all callers are direct).  If safe to promote some arguments, it
/// calls the DoPromotion method.
CallGraphNode *ArgPromotion::PromoteArguments(CallGraphNode *CGN) {
  Function *F = CGN->getFunction();

  // Make sure that it is local to this module.
  if (!F || !F->hasLocalLinkage()) return nullptr;

  // First check: see if there are any pointer arguments!  If not, quick exit.
  SmallVector<Argument*, 16> PointerArgs;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (I->getType()->isPointerTy())
  if (PointerArgs.empty()) return nullptr;

  // Second check: make sure that all callers are direct callers.  We can't
  // transform functions that have indirect callers.  Also see if the function
  // is self-recursive.
  bool isSelfRecursive = false;
  for (Use &U : F->uses()) {
    CallSite CS(U.getUser());
    // Must be a direct call.
    if (CS.getInstruction() == nullptr || !CS.isCallee(&U)) return nullptr;
    if (CS.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent() == F)
      isSelfRecursive = true;
  // Don't promote arguments for variadic functions. Adding, removing, or
  // changing non-pack parameters can change the classification of pack
  // parameters. Frontends encode that classification at the call site in the
  // IR, while in the callee the classification is determined dynamically based
  // on the number of registers consumed so far.
  if (F->isVarArg()) return nullptr;

  // Check to see which arguments are promotable.  If an argument is promotable,
  // add it to ArgsToPromote.
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ArgsToPromote;
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ByValArgsToTransform;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PointerArgs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Argument *PtrArg = PointerArgs[i];
    Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(PtrArg->getType())->getElementType();

    // If this is a byval argument, and if the aggregate type is small, just
    // pass the elements, which is always safe, if the passed value is densely
    // packed or if we can prove the padding bytes are never accessed. This does
    // not apply to inalloca.
    bool isSafeToPromote =
      PtrArg->hasByValAttr() &&
      (isDenselyPacked(AgTy) || !canPaddingBeAccessed(PtrArg));
    if (isSafeToPromote) {
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(AgTy)) {
        if (maxElements > 0 && STy->getNumElements() > maxElements) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "argpromotion disable promoting argument '"
                << PtrArg->getName() << "' because it would require adding more"
                << " than " << maxElements << " arguments to the function.\n");
        // If all the elements are single-value types, we can promote it.
        bool AllSimple = true;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (!STy->getElementType(i)->isSingleValueType()) {
            AllSimple = false;

        // Safe to transform, don't even bother trying to "promote" it.
        // Passing the elements as a scalar will allow scalarrepl to hack on
        // the new alloca we introduce.
        if (AllSimple) {

    // If the argument is a recursive type and we're in a recursive
    // function, we could end up infinitely peeling the function argument.
    if (isSelfRecursive) {
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(AgTy)) {
        bool RecursiveType = false;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (STy->getElementType(i) == PtrArg->getType()) {
            RecursiveType = true;
        if (RecursiveType)
    // Otherwise, see if we can promote the pointer to its value.
    if (isSafeToPromoteArgument(PtrArg, PtrArg->hasByValOrInAllocaAttr()))

  // No promotable pointer arguments.
  if (ArgsToPromote.empty() && ByValArgsToTransform.empty()) 
    return nullptr;

  return DoPromotion(F, ArgsToPromote, ByValArgsToTransform);
static bool eliminateRecursiveTailCall(CallInst *CI, ReturnInst *Ret,
                                       BasicBlock *&OldEntry,
                                       bool &TailCallsAreMarkedTail,
                                       SmallVectorImpl<PHINode *> &ArgumentPHIs,
                                       bool CannotTailCallElimCallsMarkedTail) {
  // If we are introducing accumulator recursion to eliminate operations after
  // the call instruction that are both associative and commutative, the initial
  // value for the accumulator is placed in this variable.  If this value is set
  // then we actually perform accumulator recursion elimination instead of
  // simple tail recursion elimination.  If the operation is an LLVM instruction
  // (eg: "add") then it is recorded in AccumulatorRecursionInstr.  If not, then
  // we are handling the case when the return instruction returns a constant C
  // which is different to the constant returned by other return instructions
  // (which is recorded in AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal).  This is a
  // special case of accumulator recursion, the operation being "return C".
  Value *AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal = nullptr;
  Instruction *AccumulatorRecursionInstr = nullptr;

  // Ok, we found a potential tail call.  We can currently only transform the
  // tail call if all of the instructions between the call and the return are
  // movable to above the call itself, leaving the call next to the return.
  // Check that this is the case now.
  BasicBlock::iterator BBI(CI);
  for (++BBI; &*BBI != Ret; ++BBI) {
    if (canMoveAboveCall(&*BBI, CI)) continue;

    // If we can't move the instruction above the call, it might be because it
    // is an associative and commutative operation that could be transformed
    // using accumulator recursion elimination.  Check to see if this is the
    // case, and if so, remember the initial accumulator value for later.
    if ((AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal =
             canTransformAccumulatorRecursion(&*BBI, CI))) {
      // Yes, this is accumulator recursion.  Remember which instruction
      // accumulates.
      AccumulatorRecursionInstr = &*BBI;
    } else {
      return false;   // Otherwise, we cannot eliminate the tail recursion!

  // We can only transform call/return pairs that either ignore the return value
  // of the call and return void, ignore the value of the call and return a
  // constant, return the value returned by the tail call, or that are being
  // accumulator recursion variable eliminated.
  if (Ret->getNumOperands() == 1 && Ret->getReturnValue() != CI &&
      !isa<UndefValue>(Ret->getReturnValue()) &&
      AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal == nullptr &&
      !getCommonReturnValue(nullptr, CI)) {
    // One case remains that we are able to handle: the current return
    // instruction returns a constant, and all other return instructions
    // return a different constant.
    if (!isDynamicConstant(Ret->getReturnValue(), CI, Ret))
      return false; // Current return instruction does not return a constant.
    // Check that all other return instructions return a common constant.  If
    // so, record it in AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal.
    AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal = getCommonReturnValue(Ret, CI);
    if (!AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal)
      return false;

  BasicBlock *BB = Ret->getParent();
  Function *F = BB->getParent();

  emitOptimizationRemark(F->getContext(), "tailcallelim", *F, CI->getDebugLoc(),
                         "transforming tail recursion to loop");

  // OK! We can transform this tail call.  If this is the first one found,
  // create the new entry block, allowing us to branch back to the old entry.
  if (!OldEntry) {
    OldEntry = &F->getEntryBlock();
    BasicBlock *NewEntry = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "", F, OldEntry);
    BranchInst::Create(OldEntry, NewEntry);

    // If this tail call is marked 'tail' and if there are any allocas in the
    // entry block, move them up to the new entry block.
    TailCallsAreMarkedTail = CI->isTailCall();
    if (TailCallsAreMarkedTail)
      // Move all fixed sized allocas from OldEntry to NewEntry.
      for (BasicBlock::iterator OEBI = OldEntry->begin(), E = OldEntry->end(),
             NEBI = NewEntry->begin(); OEBI != E; )
        if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(OEBI++))
          if (isa<ConstantInt>(AI->getArraySize()))

    // Now that we have created a new block, which jumps to the entry
    // block, insert a PHI node for each argument of the function.
    // For now, we initialize each PHI to only have the real arguments
    // which are passed in.
    Instruction *InsertPos = &OldEntry->front();
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
         I != E; ++I) {
      PHINode *PN = PHINode::Create(I->getType(), 2,
                                    I->getName() + ".tr", InsertPos);
      I->replaceAllUsesWith(PN); // Everyone use the PHI node now!
      PN->addIncoming(&*I, NewEntry);

  // If this function has self recursive calls in the tail position where some
  // are marked tail and some are not, only transform one flavor or another.  We
  // have to choose whether we move allocas in the entry block to the new entry
  // block or not, so we can't make a good choice for both.  NOTE: We could do
  // slightly better here in the case that the function has no entry block
  // allocas.
  if (TailCallsAreMarkedTail && !CI->isTailCall())
    return false;

  // Ok, now that we know we have a pseudo-entry block WITH all of the
  // required PHI nodes, add entries into the PHI node for the actual
  // parameters passed into the tail-recursive call.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = CI->getNumArgOperands(); i != e; ++i)
    ArgumentPHIs[i]->addIncoming(CI->getArgOperand(i), BB);

  // If we are introducing an accumulator variable to eliminate the recursion,
  // do so now.  Note that we _know_ that no subsequent tail recursion
  // eliminations will happen on this function because of the way the
  // accumulator recursion predicate is set up.
  if (AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal) {
    Instruction *AccRecInstr = AccumulatorRecursionInstr;
    // Start by inserting a new PHI node for the accumulator.
    pred_iterator PB = pred_begin(OldEntry), PE = pred_end(OldEntry);
    PHINode *AccPN = PHINode::Create(
        std::distance(PB, PE) + 1, "accumulator.tr", &OldEntry->front());

    // Loop over all of the predecessors of the tail recursion block.  For the
    // real entry into the function we seed the PHI with the initial value,
    // computed earlier.  For any other existing branches to this block (due to
    // other tail recursions eliminated) the accumulator is not modified.
    // Because we haven't added the branch in the current block to OldEntry yet,
    // it will not show up as a predecessor.
    for (pred_iterator PI = PB; PI != PE; ++PI) {
      BasicBlock *P = *PI;
      if (P == &F->getEntryBlock())
        AccPN->addIncoming(AccumulatorRecursionEliminationInitVal, P);
        AccPN->addIncoming(AccPN, P);

    if (AccRecInstr) {
      // Add an incoming argument for the current block, which is computed by
      // our associative and commutative accumulator instruction.
      AccPN->addIncoming(AccRecInstr, BB);

      // Next, rewrite the accumulator recursion instruction so that it does not
      // use the result of the call anymore, instead, use the PHI node we just
      // inserted.
      AccRecInstr->setOperand(AccRecInstr->getOperand(0) != CI, AccPN);
    } else {
      // Add an incoming argument for the current block, which is just the
      // constant returned by the current return instruction.
      AccPN->addIncoming(Ret->getReturnValue(), BB);

    // Finally, rewrite any return instructions in the program to return the PHI
    // node instead of the "initval" that they do currently.  This loop will
    // actually rewrite the return value we are destroying, but that's ok.
    for (BasicBlock &BBI : *F)
      if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BBI.getTerminator()))
        RI->setOperand(0, AccPN);

  // Now that all of the PHI nodes are in place, remove the call and
  // ret instructions, replacing them with an unconditional branch.
  BranchInst *NewBI = BranchInst::Create(OldEntry, Ret);

  BB->getInstList().erase(Ret);  // Remove return.
  BB->getInstList().erase(CI);   // Remove call.
  return true;
Beispiel #29
// First thing we need to do is scan the whole function for values that are
// live across unwind edges.  Each value that is live across an unwind edge
// we spill into a stack location, guaranteeing that there is nothing live
// across the unwind edge.  This process also splits all critical edges
// coming out of invoke's.
void LowerInvoke::
splitLiveRangesLiveAcrossInvokes(std::vector<InvokeInst*> &Invokes) {
  // First step, split all critical edges from invoke instructions.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Invokes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    InvokeInst *II = Invokes[i];
    SplitCriticalEdge(II, 0, this);
    SplitCriticalEdge(II, 1, this);
    assert(!isa<PHINode>(II->getNormalDest()) &&
           !isa<PHINode>(II->getUnwindDest()) &&
           "critical edge splitting left single entry phi nodes?");

  Function *F = Invokes.back()->getParent()->getParent();

  // To avoid having to handle incoming arguments specially, we lower each arg
  // to a copy instruction in the entry block.  This ensures that the argument
  // value itself cannot be live across the entry block.
  BasicBlock::iterator AfterAllocaInsertPt = F->begin()->begin();
  while (isa<AllocaInst>(AfterAllocaInsertPt) &&
  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       AI != E; ++AI) {
    // This is always a no-op cast because we're casting AI to AI->getType() so
    // src and destination types are identical. BitCast is the only possibility.
    CastInst *NC = new BitCastInst(
      AI, AI->getType(), AI->getName()+".tmp", AfterAllocaInsertPt);
    // Normally its is forbidden to replace a CastInst's operand because it
    // could cause the opcode to reflect an illegal conversion. However, we're
    // replacing it here with the same value it was constructed with to simply
    // make NC its user.
    NC->setOperand(0, AI);

  // Finally, scan the code looking for instructions with bad live ranges.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), E = F->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
      // Ignore obvious cases we don't have to handle.  In particular, most
      // instructions either have no uses or only have a single use inside the
      // current block.  Ignore them quickly.
      Instruction *Inst = II;
      if (Inst->use_empty()) continue;
      if (Inst->hasOneUse() &&
          cast<Instruction>(Inst->use_back())->getParent() == BB &&
          !isa<PHINode>(Inst->use_back())) continue;

      // If this is an alloca in the entry block, it's not a real register
      // value.
      if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(Inst))
        if (isa<ConstantInt>(AI->getArraySize()) && BB == F->begin())

      // Avoid iterator invalidation by copying users to a temporary vector.
      std::vector<Instruction*> Users;
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = Inst->use_begin(), E = Inst->use_end();
           UI != E; ++UI) {
        Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(*UI);
        if (User->getParent() != BB || isa<PHINode>(User))

      // Scan all of the uses and see if the live range is live across an unwind
      // edge.  If we find a use live across an invoke edge, create an alloca
      // and spill the value.
      std::set<InvokeInst*> InvokesWithStoreInserted;

      // Find all of the blocks that this value is live in.
      std::set<BasicBlock*> LiveBBs;
      while (!Users.empty()) {
        Instruction *U = Users.back();

        if (!isa<PHINode>(U)) {
          MarkBlocksLiveIn(U->getParent(), LiveBBs);
        } else {
          // Uses for a PHI node occur in their predecessor block.
          PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(U);
          for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
            if (PN->getIncomingValue(i) == Inst)
              MarkBlocksLiveIn(PN->getIncomingBlock(i), LiveBBs);

      // Now that we know all of the blocks that this thing is live in, see if
      // it includes any of the unwind locations.
      bool NeedsSpill = false;
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Invokes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        BasicBlock *UnwindBlock = Invokes[i]->getUnwindDest();
        if (UnwindBlock != BB && LiveBBs.count(UnwindBlock)) {
          NeedsSpill = true;

      // If we decided we need a spill, do it.
      if (NeedsSpill) {
        DemoteRegToStack(*Inst, true);
Beispiel #30
/// AddNoCaptureAttrs - Deduce nocapture attributes for the SCC.
bool FunctionAttrs::AddNoCaptureAttrs(const CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  bool Changed = false;

  SmallPtrSet<Function*, 8> SCCNodes;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (F && !F->isDeclaration() && !F->mayBeOverridden())

  ArgumentGraph AG;

  // Check each function in turn, determining which pointer arguments are not
  // captured.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();

    if (F == 0)
      // External node - only a problem for arguments that we pass to it.

    // Definitions with weak linkage may be overridden at linktime with
    // something that captures pointers, so treat them like declarations.
    if (F->isDeclaration() || F->mayBeOverridden())

    // Functions that are readonly (or readnone) and nounwind and don't return
    // a value can't capture arguments. Don't analyze them.
    if (F->onlyReadsMemory() && F->doesNotThrow() &&
        F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
      for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
           A != E; ++A) {
        if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
          Changed = true;

    for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A!=E; ++A)
      if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
        ArgumentUsesTracker Tracker(SCCNodes);
        PointerMayBeCaptured(A, &Tracker);
        if (!Tracker.Captured) {
          if (Tracker.Uses.empty()) {
            // If it's trivially not captured, mark it nocapture now.
            Changed = true;
          } else {
            // If it's not trivially captured and not trivially not captured,
            // then it must be calling into another function in our SCC. Save
            // its particulars for Argument-SCC analysis later.
            ArgumentGraphNode *Node = AG[A];
            for (SmallVectorImpl<Argument*>::iterator UI = Tracker.Uses.begin(),
                   UE = Tracker.Uses.end(); UI != UE; ++UI)
        // Otherwise, it's captured. Don't bother doing SCC analysis on it.

  // The graph we've collected is partial because we stopped scanning for
  // argument uses once we solved the argument trivially. These partial nodes
  // show up as ArgumentGraphNode objects with an empty Uses list, and for
  // these nodes the final decision about whether they capture has already been
  // made.  If the definition doesn't have a 'nocapture' attribute by now, it
  // captures.

  for (scc_iterator<ArgumentGraph*> I = scc_begin(&AG), E = scc_end(&AG);
       I != E; ++I) {
    std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*> &ArgumentSCC = *I;
    if (ArgumentSCC.size() == 1) {
      if (!ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition) continue;  // synthetic root node

      // eg. "void f(int* x) { if (...) f(x); }"
      if (ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses.size() == 1 &&
          ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses[0] == ArgumentSCC[0]) {
        Changed = true;

    bool SCCCaptured = false;
    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *Node = *I;
      if (Node->Uses.empty()) {
        if (!Node->Definition->hasNoCaptureAttr())
          SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured) continue;

    SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ArgumentSCCNodes;
    // Fill ArgumentSCCNodes with the elements of the ArgumentSCC.  Used for
    // quickly looking up whether a given Argument is in this ArgumentSCC.
    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *N = *I;
      for (SmallVectorImpl<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator UI = N->Uses.begin(),
             UE = N->Uses.end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
        Argument *A = (*UI)->Definition;
        if (A->hasNoCaptureAttr() || ArgumentSCCNodes.count(A))
        SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured) continue;

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      Changed = true;

  return Changed;