void ImageFromPDBSelectorUpdaterSrv::updating( ::fwServices::ObjectMsg::csptr _msg ) throw ( ::fwTools::Failed )
    ::fwData::Composite::sptr composite = this->getObject< ::fwData::Composite >();
    for (   ManagedEvents::iterator it = m_managedEvents.begin();
            it != m_managedEvents.end();
            ++it )
        // First element of tuple ( it->get<0>() ) is the event, test if message correspond to a defined event
        if( _msg->hasEvent( it->get<0>() ) )
            ::fwData::Object::sptr obj = ::fwData::Object::dynamicCast( _msg->getSubject().lock() );
            SLM_ASSERT(obj,"Sorry, the subject of message is not a ::fwData::Object");

            // Test if we manage this event from this object message uid ( it->get<1>() )
            if( obj->getID() == it->get<1>() )
                ::fwData::PatientDB::sptr patientDB = ::fwData::PatientDB::dynamicCast(obj);
                SLM_ASSERT("Sorry, the subject of message is not a ::fwData::PatientDB", patientDB);
                ::fwData::Image::sptr img;
                 if( it->get<3>() != REMOVE )
                     img = ::fwComEd::fieldHelper::BackupHelper::getSelectedImage(patientDB);
                // Udapte the composite object referenced by the composite key ( it->get<2>() )
                this->updateComposite(composite, img, it->get<2>(), it->get<3>() );
void DataInfoFromMsgUpdaterSrv::receiving( ::fwServices::ObjectMsg::csptr _msg ) throw ( ::fwTools::Failed )
    ::fwData::Composite::sptr composite = this->getObject< ::fwData::Composite >();
    for (   ManagedEvents::iterator it = m_managedEvents.begin();
            it != m_managedEvents.end();
            ++it )
        std::string event         = it->get<0>();
        std::string uuid          = it->get<1>();
        std::string compositeKey  = it->get<2>();
        ctrlSelection::IUpdaterSrv::ActionType action        = it->get<3>();

        //  test if message correspond to a defined event
        if( _msg->hasEvent( event ) )
            ::fwData::Object::sptr obj = ::fwData::Object::dynamicCast( _msg->getSubject().lock() );
            SLM_ASSERT("Sorry, the subject of message is not a ::fwData::Object", obj);

            // Test if we manage this event from this object message uid
            if( obj->getID() == uuid || uuid == "*")
                ::fwData::Object::sptr dataInfo = ::boost::const_pointer_cast< ::fwData::Object >(_msg->getDataInfo(  event ));
                SLM_ASSERT("no dataInfo set!!!" ,  dataInfo
                        ||  action== ctrlSelection::IUpdaterSrv::REMOVE
                        ||  action== ctrlSelection::IUpdaterSrv::REMOVE_IF_PRESENT
                // Udpate the composite object referenced by the composite key
                this->updateComposite(composite, dataInfo , compositeKey , action );
void PSAFromPDBSelectorUpdaterSrv::updating( ::fwServices::ObjectMsg::csptr _msg ) throw ( ::fwTools::Failed )
    ::fwData::Composite::sptr composite = this->getObject< ::fwData::Composite >();
    for (   PSAManagedEvents::iterator it = m_psaManagedEvents.begin();
            it != m_psaManagedEvents.end();
            ++it )
        // First element of tuple ( it->get<0>() ) is the event, test if message correspond to a defined event
        if( _msg->hasEvent( it->get<0>() ) )
            ::fwData::Object::sptr obj = ::fwData::Object::dynamicCast( _msg->getSubject().lock() );
            SLM_ASSERT(obj,"Sorry, the subject of message is not a ::fwData::Object");

            // Test if we manage this event from this object message uid ( it->get<1>() )
            if( obj->getID() == it->get<1>() )
                ::fwData::PatientDB::sptr patientDB = ::fwData::PatientDB::dynamicCast(obj);
                SLM_ASSERT("Sorry, the subject of message is not a ::fwData::PatientDB", patientDB);

                ::fwData::Patient::sptr pat;
                ::fwData::String::sptr patientName;
                ::fwData::String::sptr patientInfo;
                ::fwData::Study::sptr stu;
                ::fwData::Acquisition::sptr acq;
                if( it->get<7>() != REMOVE )
                    // Get selection
                    pat = ::fwComEd::fieldHelper::BackupHelper::getSelectedPatient(patientDB);
                    stu = ::fwComEd::fieldHelper::BackupHelper::getSelectedStudy(patientDB);
                    acq = ::fwComEd::fieldHelper::BackupHelper::getSelectedAcquisition(patientDB);
                    patientName = ::fwData::String::NewSptr( pat->getCRefName() );
                    std::string acqDate = ::boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( acq->getCreationDate() );
                    acqDate =  acqDate.substr(0,10) + " " + acqDate.substr(11,5);
                    std::stringstream info;
                    info << pat->getCRefName() << "\n" << acqDate;
                    patientInfo = ::fwData::String::NewSptr( info.str() );
                // Udapte the composite object referenced by the composite key ( it->get<2>() )
                this->updateComposite(composite, pat, it->get<2>(), it->get<7>() );
                this->updateComposite(composite, stu, it->get<3>(), it->get<7>() );
                this->updateComposite(composite, acq, it->get<4>(), it->get<7>() );
                this->updateComposite(composite, patientName, it->get<5>(), it->get<7>() );
                this->updateComposite(composite, patientInfo, it->get<6>(), it->get<7>() );