Beispiel #1
void MantidMatrix::setup(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws, int start,
                         int end) {
  if (!ws) {
    QMessageBox::critical(0, "WorkspaceMatrixModel error",
                          "2D workspace expected.");
    m_rows = 0;
    m_cols = 0;
    m_startRow = 0;
    m_endRow = 0;

  m_workspace = ws;
  m_workspaceTotalHist = static_cast<int>(ws->getNumberHistograms());
  m_startRow = (start < 0 || start >= m_workspaceTotalHist) ? 0 : start;
  m_endRow = (end < 0 || end >= m_workspaceTotalHist || end < start)
                 ? m_workspaceTotalHist - 1
                 : end;
  m_rows = m_endRow - m_startRow + 1;
  m_cols = static_cast<int>(ws->blocksize());
  if (ws->isHistogramData())
    m_histogram = true;
  connect(this, SIGNAL(needsUpdating()), this, SLOT(repaintAll()));

  m_bk_color = QColor(128, 255, 255);
  m_matrix_icon = getQPixmap("mantid_matrix_xpm");
  m_column_width = 100;
Beispiel #2
 * Sum counts in detectors for purposes of rough plotting against the units on the x-axis.
 * Assumes that all spectra share the x vector.
 * @param dets :: A list of detector IDs to sum.
 * @param x :: (output) Time of flight values (or whatever values the x axis has) to plot against.
 * @param y :: (output) The sums of the counts for each bin.
void InstrumentActor::sumDetectorsUniform(QList<int>& dets, std::vector<double>&x, std::vector<double>&y) const

    size_t wi;
    bool isDataEmpty = dets.isEmpty();

    if ( !isDataEmpty )
        try {
            wi = getWorkspaceIndex( dets[0] );
        } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &) {
            isDataEmpty = true; // Detector doesn't have a workspace index relating to it

    if ( isDataEmpty )

    // find the bins inside the integration range
    size_t imin,imax;

    Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws = getWorkspace();
    const Mantid::MantidVec& X = ws->readX(wi);
    x.assign(X.begin() + imin, X.begin() + imax);
    if ( ws->isHistogramData() )
        // calculate the bin centres
        std::transform(x.begin(),x.end(),X.begin() + imin + 1,x.begin(),std::plus<double>());
    // sum the spectra
    foreach(int id, dets)
        try {
            size_t index = getWorkspaceIndex( id );
            const Mantid::MantidVec& Y = ws->readY(index);
            std::transform(y.begin(),y.end(),Y.begin() + imin,y.begin(),std::plus<double>());
        } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &) {
            continue; // Detector doesn't have a workspace index relating to it
Beispiel #3
 * Find the offsets in the spectrum's x vector of the bounds of integration.
 * @param wi :: The works[ace index of the spectrum.
 * @param imin :: Index of the lower bound: x_min == readX(wi)[imin]
 * @param imax :: Index of the upper bound: x_max == readX(wi)[imax]
void InstrumentActor::getBinMinMaxIndex( size_t wi, size_t& imin, size_t& imax ) const
    Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws = getWorkspace();
    const Mantid::MantidVec& x = ws->readX(wi);
    Mantid::MantidVec::const_iterator x_begin = x.begin();
    Mantid::MantidVec::const_iterator x_end = x.end();
    if (x_begin == x_end)
        throw std::runtime_error("No bins found to plot");
    if (ws->isHistogramData())
    if ( wholeRange() )
        imin = 0;
        imax = static_cast<size_t>(x_end - x_begin);
        Mantid::MantidVec::const_iterator x_from = std::lower_bound( x_begin, x_end, minBinValue() );
        Mantid::MantidVec::const_iterator x_to = std::upper_bound( x_begin, x_end, maxBinValue() );
        imin = static_cast<size_t>(x_from - x_begin);
        imax = static_cast<size_t>(x_to - x_begin);
        if (imax <= imin)
            if (x_from == x_end)
                x_to = x_end;
                x_to = x_from + 1;
            imin = static_cast<size_t>(x_from - x_begin);
            imax = static_cast<size_t>(x_to - x_begin);
 *  @param g :: The Graph widget which will display the curve
 *  @param distr :: True for a distribution
 *  @param style :: The curve type to use
void MantidMatrixCurve::init(Graph *g, bool distr,
                             GraphOptions::CurveType style) {
  // Will throw if name not found but return NULL ptr if the type is incorrect
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace =

  if (!workspace) // The respective *Data classes will check for index validity
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Workspace named '" << m_wsName.toStdString()
       << "' found but it is not a MatrixWorkspace. ID='"
       << AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve(m_wsName.toStdString())->id()
       << "'";
    throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());

  // Set the curve name if it the non-naming constructor was called
  if (this->title().isEmpty()) {
    // If there's only one spectrum in the workspace, title is simply workspace
    // name
    if (workspace->getNumberHistograms() == 1)

  Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr matrixWS =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace>(
  // we need to censor the data if there is a log scale because it can't deal
  // with negative values, only the y-axis has been found to be problem so far
  const bool log = g->isLog(QwtPlot::yLeft);

  // Y units are the same for both spectrum and bin plots, e.g. counts
  m_yUnits.reset(new Mantid::Kernel::Units::Label(matrixWS->YUnit(),

  if (m_indexType == Spectrum) // Spectrum plot
    QwtWorkspaceSpectrumData data(*matrixWS, m_index, log, distr);


    // For spectrum plots, X axis are actual X axis, e.g. TOF
    m_xUnits = matrixWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  } else // Bin plot
    QwtWorkspaceBinData data(*matrixWS, m_index, log);


    // For bin plots, X axis are "spectra axis", e.g. spectra numbers
    m_xUnits = matrixWS->getAxis(1)->unit();

  if (!m_xUnits) {
    m_xUnits.reset(new Mantid::Kernel::Units::Empty());

  int lineWidth = 1;
  MultiLayer *ml = dynamic_cast<MultiLayer *>(g->parent()->parent()->parent());
  if (ml && (style == GraphOptions::Unspecified ||
             ml->applicationWindow()->applyCurveStyleToMantid)) {
    applyStyleChoice(style, ml, lineWidth);
  } else if (matrixWS->isHistogramData() && !matrixWS->isDistribution()) {
        true); // this is the Steps style modifier that makes horizontal steps
  } else {
  g->insertCurve(this, lineWidth);

  // set the option to draw all error bars from the global settings
  if (hasErrorBars()) {
    setErrorBars(true, g->multiLayer()->applicationWindow()->drawAllErrors);
  // Initialise error bar colour to match curve colour
  m_errorSettings->m_color = pen().color();

  connect(g, SIGNAL(axisScaleChanged(int, bool)), this,
          SLOT(axisScaleChanged(int, bool)));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(resetData(const QString &)), this,
          SLOT(dataReset(const QString &)));