Beispiel #1
    const ::gazebo::physics::ModelPtr &_model,
    const sdf::ElementPtr _settings,
    const std::vector< revolve::gazebo::MotorPtr > &_motors,
    const std::vector< revolve::gazebo::SensorPtr > &_sensors)
    : nextState_(nullptr)
    , input_(new double[_sensors.size()])
    , output_(new double[_motors.size()])
  // Create transport node
  this->node_.reset(new gz::transport::Node());

  auto name = _model->GetName();
  // Listen to network modification requests
//  alterSub_ = node_->Subscribe(
//      "~/" + name + "/modify_diff_cpg", &DifferentialCPG::Modify,
//      this);

  if (not _settings->HasElement("rv:brain"))
    std::cerr << "No robot brain detected, this is probably an error."
              << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("DifferentialCPG brain did not receive settings");

  std::cout << _settings->GetDescription() << std::endl;
  auto motor = _settings->HasElement("rv:motor")
               ? _settings->GetElement("rv:motor")
               : sdf::ElementPtr();
    if (not motor->HasAttribute("x") or not motor->HasAttribute("y"))
      std::cerr << "Missing required motor attributes (x- and/or y- coordinate)"
                << std::endl;
      throw std::runtime_error("Robot brain error");
    auto motorId = motor->GetAttribute("part_id")->GetAsString();
    auto coordX = std::atoi(motor->GetAttribute("x")->GetAsString().c_str());
    auto coordY = std::atoi(motor->GetAttribute("y")->GetAsString().c_str());

    this->positions_[motorId] = {coordX, coordY};
    this->neurons_[{coordX, coordY, 1}] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f};
    this->neurons_[{coordX, coordY, -1}] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f};

//    TODO: Add check for duplicate coordinates

    motor = motor->GetNextElement("rv:motor");

  // Add connections between neighbouring neurons
  for (const auto &position : this->positions_)
    auto name = position.first;
    int x, y; std::tie(x, y) = position.second;

    if (this->connections_.count({x, y, 1, x, y, -1}))
    if (this->connections_.count({x, y, -1, x, y, 1}))
    this->connections_[{x, y, 1, x, y, -1}] = 1.f;
    this->connections_[{x, y, -1, x, y, 1}] = 1.f;

    for (const auto &neighbour : this->positions_)
      int nearX, nearY;
      std::tie(nearX, nearY) = neighbour.second;
      if ((x+1) == nearX or (y+1) == nearY or (x-1) == nearX or (y-1) == nearY)
        this->connections_[{x, y, 1, nearX, nearY, 1}] = 1.f;
        this->connections_[{nearX, nearY, 1, x, y, 1}] = 1.f;

  // Initialise array of neuron states for Update() method
  this->nextState_ = new double[this->neurons_.size()];