Beispiel #1
    ::gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _model,
    sdf::ElementPtr _sensor,
    std::string _partId,
    std::string _sensorId,
    unsigned int _inputs)
    : VirtualSensor(_model, _partId, _sensorId, _inputs)
  if (not _sensor->HasAttribute("sensor") or not _sensor->HasAttribute("link"))
    std::cerr << "Sensor is missing required attributes (`link` or `sensor`)."
              << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Sensor error");

  auto sensorName = _sensor->GetAttribute("sensor")->GetAsString();
  auto linkName = _sensor->GetAttribute("link")->GetAsString();

  auto link = _model->GetLink(linkName);
  if (not link)
    std::cerr << "Link '" << linkName << "' for sensor '" << sensorName
              << "' is not present in model." << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Sensor error");

  std::string scopedName = link->GetScopedName(true) + "::" + sensorName;
  this->sensor_ = gz::sensors::get_sensor(scopedName);

  if (not this->sensor_)
    std::cerr << "Sensor with scoped name '" << scopedName
              << "' could not be found." << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Sensor error");
Beispiel #2
    ::gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _model,
    const std::string &_partId,
    const std::string &_motorId,
    sdf::ElementPtr _motor,
    const unsigned int _outputs)
    : Motor(_model, _partId, _motorId, _outputs)
  if (not _motor->HasAttribute("joint"))
    std::cerr << "JointMotor requires a `joint` attribute." << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Motor error");

  auto jointName = _motor->GetAttribute("joint")->GetAsString();
  this->joint_ = _model->GetJoint(jointName);
  if (not this->joint_)
    std::cerr << "Cannot locate joint motor `" << jointName << "`" << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("Motor error");

  this->jointName_ = this->joint_->GetScopedName();