Beispiel #1
	 * sends a request to the local HTTP server
	 * @param http_stream open stream to send the request via
	 * @param resource name of the HTTP resource to request
	 * @param content_length bytes available in the response, if successful
	inline unsigned int sendRequest(tcp::iostream& http_stream,
									const std::string& resource,
									unsigned long& content_length)
		const boost::regex regex_get_response_code("^HTTP/1\\.1\\s(\\d+)\\s.*");
		const boost::regex regex_response_header("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+:\\s.*");
		const boost::regex regex_content_length_header("^Content-Length:\\s(\\d+).*", boost::regex::icase);
		const boost::regex regex_response_end("^\\s*$");

		// send HTTP request to the server
		http_stream << "GET " << resource << " HTTP/1.1" << HTTPTypes::STRING_CRLF << HTTPTypes::STRING_CRLF;
		// receive response from the server
		std::string rsp_line;
		boost::smatch rx_matches;
		unsigned int response_code = 0;
		BOOST_REQUIRE(std::getline(http_stream, rsp_line));
		BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_get_response_code));
		BOOST_REQUIRE(rx_matches.size() == 2);

		// extract response status code
		response_code = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(rx_matches[1]);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(response_code != 0);
		// read response headers
		content_length = 0;
		while (true) {
			BOOST_REQUIRE(std::getline(http_stream, rsp_line));
			// check for end of response headers (empty line)
			if (boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_response_end))
			// check validity of response header
			BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_response_header));
			// check for content-length response header
			if (boost::regex_match(rsp_line, rx_matches, regex_content_length_header)) {
				if (rx_matches.size() == 2)
					content_length = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(rx_matches[1]);
		return response_code;