Beispiel #1
	 * checks response content validity for the local HTTP server
	 * @param http_stream open stream to send the request via
	 * @param resource name of the HTTP resource to request
	 * @param content_regex regex that the response content should match
	inline void checkWebServerResponseContent(tcp::iostream& http_stream,
											  const std::string& resource,
											  const boost::regex& content_regex,
											  unsigned int expectedResponseCode = 200)
		// send valid request to the server
		unsigned int response_code;
		unsigned long content_length = 0;
		response_code = sendRequest(http_stream, resource, content_length);
		BOOST_CHECK(response_code == expectedResponseCode);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(content_length > 0);
		// read in the response content
		boost::scoped_array<char> content_buf(new char[content_length+1]);
		BOOST_CHECK(, content_length));
		content_buf[content_length] = '\0';
		// check the response content
		BOOST_CHECK(boost::regex_match(content_buf.get(), content_regex));