Beispiel #1
libusb::device_handle::sptr libusb::device_handle::get_cached_handle(device::sptr dev){
    static uhd::dict<libusb_device *, boost::weak_ptr<device_handle> > handles;

    //lock for atomic access to static table above
    static boost::mutex mutex;
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);

    //not expired -> get existing handle
    if (handles.has_key(dev->get()) and not handles[dev->get()].expired()){
        return handles[dev->get()].lock();

    //create a new cached handle
        sptr new_handle(new libusb_device_handle_impl(dev));
        handles[dev->get()] = new_handle;
        return new_handle;
    catch(const uhd::exception &){
        #ifdef UHD_PLATFORM_LINUX
        UHD_MSG(error) <<
            "USB open failed: insufficient permissions.\n"
            "See the application notes for your device.\n"
        << std::endl;
        UHD_LOG << "USB open failed: device already claimed." << std::endl;
static void apply_fe_corrections(
    uhd::property_tree::sptr sub_tree,
    const uhd::fs_path &db_path,
    const uhd::fs_path &fe_path,
    const std::string &file_prefix,
    const double lo_freq
    //extract eeprom serial
    const uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t db_eeprom = sub_tree->access<uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t>(db_path).get();

    //make the calibration file path
    const fs::path cal_data_path = fs::path(uhd::get_app_path()) / ".uhd" / "cal" / (file_prefix + db_eeprom.serial + ".csv");
    UHD_MSG(status) << "Looking for FE correction at: " << cal_data_path.c_str() << "...  ";
    if (not fs::exists(cal_data_path)) {
        UHD_MSG(status) << "Not found" << std::endl;

    UHD_MSG(status) << "Found, loading...  ";

    //parse csv file or get from cache
    if (not fe_cal_cache.has_key(cal_data_path.string())){
        std::ifstream cal_data(cal_data_path.string().c_str());
        const uhd::csv::rows_type rows = uhd::csv::to_rows(cal_data);

        bool read_data = false, skip_next = false;;
        std::vector<fe_cal_t> datas;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uhd::csv::row_type &row, rows){
            if (not read_data and not row.empty() and row[0] == "DATA STARTS HERE"){
                read_data = true;
                skip_next = true;
            if (not read_data) continue;
            if (skip_next){
                skip_next = false;
            fe_cal_t data;
            std::sscanf(row[0].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.lo_freq);
            std::sscanf(row[1].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.iq_corr_real);
            std::sscanf(row[2].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.iq_corr_imag);
        std::sort(datas.begin(), datas.end(), fe_cal_comp);
        fe_cal_cache[cal_data_path.string()] = datas;
        UHD_MSG(status) << "Loaded" << std::endl;
    } else {
 * Find USRP N2XX with specified IP address and return type
boost::uint32_t find_usrp(udp_simple::sptr udp_transport, bool check_rev) {
    boost::uint32_t hw_rev;
    bool found_it = false;

    // If the user chooses to not care about the rev, simply check
    // for the presence of a USRP N2XX.
    boost::uint32_t cmd_id = (check_rev) ? GET_HW_REV_CMD
                             : USRP2_QUERY;
    boost::uint32_t ack_id = (check_rev) ? GET_HW_REV_ACK
                             : USRP2_ACK;

    const usrp2_fw_update_data_t *update_data_in = reinterpret_cast<const usrp2_fw_update_data_t *>(usrp2_update_data_in_mem);
    usrp2_fw_update_data_t hw_info_pkt = usrp2_fw_update_data_t();
    hw_info_pkt.proto_ver = htonx<boost::uint32_t>(USRP2_FW_PROTO_VERSION); = htonx<boost::uint32_t>(cmd_id);
    udp_transport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&hw_info_pkt, sizeof(hw_info_pkt)));

    //Loop and receive until the timeout
    size_t len = udp_transport->recv(boost::asio::buffer(usrp2_update_data_in_mem), UDP_TIMEOUT);
    if(len > offsetof(usrp2_fw_update_data_t, data) and ntohl(update_data_in->id) == ack_id) {
        hw_rev = ntohl(update_data_in->data.hw_rev);
        if(filename_map.has_key(hw_rev)) {
            std::cout << boost::format("Found %s.\n\n") % filename_map[hw_rev];
            found_it = true;
        else {
            if(check_rev) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid revision found.");
            else {
                hw_rev = 0;
                std::cout << "Found USRP N2XX." << std::endl;
                found_it = true;
    if(not found_it) throw std::runtime_error("No USRP N2XX found.");

    return hw_rev;
 * Find USRP N2XX with specified IP address and return type
boost::uint32_t find_usrp(udp_simple::sptr udp_transport){
    boost::uint32_t hw_rev;
    bool found_it = false;

    const usrp2_fw_update_data_t *update_data_in = reinterpret_cast<const usrp2_fw_update_data_t *>(usrp2_update_data_in_mem);
    usrp2_fw_update_data_t hw_info_pkt = usrp2_fw_update_data_t();
    hw_info_pkt.proto_ver = htonx<boost::uint32_t>(USRP2_FW_PROTO_VERSION); = htonx<boost::uint32_t>(GET_HW_REV_CMD);
    udp_transport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&hw_info_pkt, sizeof(hw_info_pkt)));

    //Loop and receive until the timeout
    size_t len = udp_transport->recv(boost::asio::buffer(usrp2_update_data_in_mem), UDP_TIMEOUT);
    if(len > offsetof(usrp2_fw_update_data_t, data) and ntohl(update_data_in->id) == GET_HW_REV_ACK){
        hw_rev = ntohl(update_data_in->data.hw_rev);
            std::cout << boost::format("Found %s.\n\n") % filename_map[hw_rev];
            found_it = true;
        else throw std::runtime_error("Invalid revision found.");
    if(not found_it) throw std::runtime_error("No USRP N2XX found.");

    return hw_rev;
 * Tuning
double sbx_xcvr::sbx_version3::set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq) {
    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "SBX tune: target frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % (target_freq/1e6) << std::endl;

    //clip the input
    target_freq = sbx_freq_range.clip(target_freq);

    //map prescaler setting to mininmum integer divider (N) values (pg.18 prescaler)
    static const uhd::dict<int, int> prescaler_to_min_int_div = map_list_of
        (0,23) //adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5
        (1,75) //adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9

    //map rf divider select output dividers to enums
    static const uhd::dict<int, adf4350_regs_t::rf_divider_select_t> rfdivsel_to_enum = map_list_of
        (1,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV1)
        (2,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV2)
        (4,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV4)
        (8,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV8)
        (16, adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV16)

    double actual_freq, pfd_freq;
    double ref_freq = self_base->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(unit);
    int R=0, BS=0, N=0, FRAC=0, MOD=0;
    int RFdiv = 1;
    adf4350_regs_t::reference_divide_by_2_t T     = adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DIVIDE_BY_2_DISABLED;
    adf4350_regs_t::reference_doubler_t     D     = adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DOUBLER_DISABLED;    

    //Reference doubler for 50% duty cycle
    // if ref_freq < 12.5MHz enable regs.reference_divide_by_2
    if(ref_freq <= 12.5e6) D = adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DOUBLER_ENABLED;

    //increase RF divider until acceptable VCO frequency
    double vco_freq = target_freq;
    while (vco_freq < 2.2e9) {
        vco_freq *= 2;
        RFdiv *= 2;

    //use 8/9 prescaler for vco_freq > 3 GHz (pg.18 prescaler)
    adf4350_regs_t::prescaler_t prescaler = target_freq > 3e9 ? adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9 : adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5;

     * The goal here is to loop though possible R dividers,
     * band select clock dividers, N (int) dividers, and FRAC 
     * (frac) dividers.
     * Calculate the N and F dividers for each set of values.
     * The loop exits when it meets all of the constraints.
     * The resulting loop values are loaded into the registers.
     * from pg.21
     * f_pfd = f_ref*(1+D)/(R*(1+T))
     * f_vco = (N + (FRAC/MOD))*f_pfd
     *    N = f_vco/f_pfd - FRAC/MOD = f_vco*((R*(T+1))/(f_ref*(1+D))) - FRAC/MOD
     * f_rf = f_vco/RFdiv)
     * f_actual = f_rf/2
    for(R = 1; R <= 1023; R+=1){
        //PFD input frequency = f_ref/R ... ignoring Reference doubler/divide-by-2 (D & T)
        pfd_freq = ref_freq*(1+D)/(R*(1+T));

        //keep the PFD frequency at or below 25MHz (Loop Filter Bandwidth)
        if (pfd_freq > 25e6) continue;

        //ignore fractional part of tuning
        N = int(std::floor(target_freq/pfd_freq));

        //keep N > minimum int divider requirement
        if (N < prescaler_to_min_int_div[prescaler]) continue;

        for(BS=1; BS <= 255; BS+=1){
            //keep the band select frequency at or below 100KHz
            //constraint on band select clock
            if (pfd_freq/BS > 100e3) continue;
            goto done_loop;
    } done_loop:

    //Fractional-N calculation
    MOD = 4095; //max fractional accuracy
    FRAC = int((target_freq/pfd_freq - N)*MOD);

    //Reference divide-by-2 for 50% duty cycle
    // if R even, move one divide by 2 to to regs.reference_divide_by_2
    if(R % 2 == 0){
        T = adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DIVIDE_BY_2_ENABLED;
        R /= 2;

    //actual frequency calculation
    actual_freq = double((N + (double(FRAC)/double(MOD)))*ref_freq*(1+int(D))/(R*(1+int(T))));

        << boost::format("SBX Intermediates: ref=%0.2f, outdiv=%f, fbdiv=%f") % (ref_freq*(1+int(D))/(R*(1+int(T)))) % double(RFdiv*2) % double(N + double(FRAC)/double(MOD)) << std::endl
        << boost::format("SBX tune: R=%d, BS=%d, N=%d, FRAC=%d, MOD=%d, T=%d, D=%d, RFdiv=%d"
            ) % R % BS % N % FRAC % MOD % T % D % RFdiv << std::endl
        << boost::format("SBX Frequencies (MHz): REQ=%0.2f, ACT=%0.2f, VCO=%0.2f, PFD=%0.2f, BAND=%0.2f"
            ) % (target_freq/1e6) % (actual_freq/1e6) % (vco_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/BS/1e6) << std::endl;

    //load the register values
    adf4350_regs_t regs;

    if ((unit == dboard_iface::UNIT_TX) and (actual_freq == sbx_tx_lo_2dbm.clip(actual_freq))) 
        regs.output_power = adf4350_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_2DBM;
        regs.output_power = adf4350_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_5DBM;

    regs.frac_12_bit = FRAC;
    regs.int_16_bit = N;
    regs.mod_12_bit = MOD;
    regs.clock_divider_12_bit = std::max(1, int(std::ceil(400e-6*pfd_freq/MOD)));
    regs.feedback_select = adf4350_regs_t::FEEDBACK_SELECT_DIVIDED;
    regs.clock_div_mode = adf4350_regs_t::CLOCK_DIV_MODE_RESYNC_ENABLE;
    regs.prescaler = prescaler;
    regs.r_counter_10_bit = R;
    regs.reference_divide_by_2 = T;
    regs.reference_doubler = D;
    regs.band_select_clock_div = BS;
    regs.rf_divider_select = rfdivsel_to_enum[RFdiv];

    //write the registers
    //correct power-up sequence to write registers (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    int addr;

    for(addr=5; addr>=0; addr--){
        UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
            "SBX SPI Reg (0x%02x): 0x%08x"
        ) % addr % regs.get_reg(addr) << std::endl;
            unit, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE,
            regs.get_reg(addr), 32

    //return the actual frequency
    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "SBX tune: actual frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % (actual_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    return actual_freq;
Beispiel #6
 * Tuning
double wbx_base::wbx_version4::set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq) {
    //clip to tuning range
    target_freq = wbx_v4_freq_range.clip(target_freq);

    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "WBX tune: target frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % (target_freq/1e6) << std::endl;

     * If the user sets 'mode_n=integer' in the tuning args, the user wishes to
     * tune in Integer-N mode, which can result in better spur
     * performance on some mixers. The default is fractional tuning.
    property_tree::sptr subtree = (unit == dboard_iface::UNIT_RX) ? self_base->get_rx_subtree()
                                                                  : self_base->get_tx_subtree();
    device_addr_t tune_args = subtree->access<device_addr_t>("tune_args").get();
    bool is_int_n = boost::iequals(tune_args.get("mode_n",""), "integer");

    //map prescaler setting to mininmum integer divider (N) values (pg.18 prescaler)
    static const uhd::dict<int, int> prescaler_to_min_int_div = map_list_of
        (0,23) //adf4351_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5
        (1,75) //adf4351_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9

    //map rf divider select output dividers to enums
    static const uhd::dict<int, adf4351_regs_t::rf_divider_select_t> rfdivsel_to_enum = map_list_of
        (1,  adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV1)
        (2,  adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV2)
        (4,  adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV4)
        (8,  adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV8)
        (16, adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV16)
        (32, adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV32)
        (64, adf4351_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV64)

    double reference_freq = self_base->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(unit);
    //The mixer has a divide-by-2 stage on the LO port so the synthesizer
    //frequency must 2x the target frequency
    double synth_target_freq = target_freq * 2;
    //TODO: Document why the following has to be true
    bool div_resync_enabled = (target_freq > reference_freq);

    adf4351_regs_t::prescaler_t prescaler =
        synth_target_freq > 3e9 ? adf4351_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9 : adf4351_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5;
    adf435x_tuning_constraints tuning_constraints;
    tuning_constraints.force_frac0 = is_int_n;
    tuning_constraints.band_sel_freq_max = 100e3;
    tuning_constraints.ref_doubler_threshold = 12.5e6;
    tuning_constraints.int_range = uhd::range_t(prescaler_to_min_int_div[prescaler], 4095);
    tuning_constraints.pfd_freq_max = 25e6;
    tuning_constraints.rf_divider_range = uhd::range_t(1, 64);
    //When divider resync is enabled, a 180 deg phase error is introduced when syncing
    //multiple WBX boards. Switching to fundamental mode works arounds this issue.
    tuning_constraints.feedback_after_divider = div_resync_enabled;

    double synth_actual_freq = 0;
    adf435x_tuning_settings tuning_settings = tune_adf435x_synth(
        synth_target_freq, reference_freq, tuning_constraints, synth_actual_freq);

    //The mixer has a divide-by-2 stage on the LO port so the synthesizer
    //actual_freq must /2 the synth_actual_freq
    double actual_freq = synth_actual_freq / 2;

    //load the register values
    adf4351_regs_t regs;

    if (unit == dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)
        regs.output_power = (actual_freq == wbx_rx_lo_5dbm.clip(actual_freq)) ? adf4351_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_5DBM
                                                                              : adf4351_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_2DBM;
        regs.output_power = (actual_freq == wbx_tx_lo_5dbm.clip(actual_freq)) ? adf4351_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_5DBM
                                                                              : adf4351_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_M1DBM;

    regs.frac_12_bit            = tuning_settings.frac_12_bit;
    regs.int_16_bit             = tuning_settings.int_16_bit;
    regs.mod_12_bit             = tuning_settings.mod_12_bit;
    regs.clock_divider_12_bit   = tuning_settings.clock_divider_12_bit;
    regs.feedback_select        = tuning_constraints.feedback_after_divider ?
                                    adf4351_regs_t::FEEDBACK_SELECT_DIVIDED :
    regs.clock_div_mode         = div_resync_enabled ?
                                    adf4351_regs_t::CLOCK_DIV_MODE_RESYNC_ENABLE :
    regs.prescaler              = prescaler;
    regs.r_counter_10_bit       = tuning_settings.r_counter_10_bit;
    regs.reference_divide_by_2  = tuning_settings.r_divide_by_2_en ?
                                    adf4351_regs_t::REFERENCE_DIVIDE_BY_2_ENABLED :
    regs.reference_doubler      = tuning_settings.r_doubler_en ?
                                    adf4351_regs_t::REFERENCE_DOUBLER_ENABLED :
    regs.band_select_clock_div  = tuning_settings.band_select_clock_div;
    regs.rf_divider_select      = rfdivsel_to_enum[tuning_settings.rf_divider];
    regs.ldf                    = is_int_n ?
                                    adf4351_regs_t::LDF_INT_N :

    //reset the N and R counter
    regs.counter_reset = adf4351_regs_t::COUNTER_RESET_ENABLED;
    self_base->get_iface()->write_spi(unit, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, regs.get_reg(2), 32);
    regs.counter_reset = adf4351_regs_t::COUNTER_RESET_DISABLED;

    //write the registers
    //correct power-up sequence to write registers (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    int addr;

    boost::uint16_t rx_id = self_base->get_rx_id().to_uint16();
    std::string board_name = (rx_id == 0x0081) ? "WBX-120" : "WBX";
    for(addr=5; addr>=0; addr--){
        UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
            "%s SPI Reg (0x%02x): 0x%08x"
        ) % board_name.c_str() % addr % regs.get_reg(addr) << std::endl;
            unit, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE,
            regs.get_reg(addr), 32

    //return the actual frequency
    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "%s tune: actual frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % board_name.c_str() % (actual_freq/1e6) << std::endl;

    return actual_freq;
Beispiel #7
 * Structors
e100_impl::e100_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr){
    _tree = property_tree::make();

    //setup the main interface into fpga
    const std::string node = device_addr["node"];
    _fpga_ctrl = e100_ctrl::make(node);

    //read the eeprom so we can determine the hardware
    _dev_i2c_iface = e100_ctrl::make_dev_i2c_iface(E100_I2C_DEV_NODE);
    const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom(*_dev_i2c_iface, mboard_eeprom_t::MAP_E100);

    //determine the model string for this device
    const std::string model = device_addr.get("model", mb_eeprom.get("model", ""));
    if (not model_to_fpga_file_name.has_key(model)) throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
        "  The specified model string \"%s\" is not recognized.\n"
        "  Perhaps the EEPROM is uninitialized, missing, or damaged.\n"
        "  Or, a monitor is pirating the I2C address of the EEPROM.\n"
    ) % model));

    //extract the fpga path and compute hash
    const std::string default_fpga_file_name = model_to_fpga_file_name[model];
    const std::string e100_fpga_image = find_image_path(device_addr.get("fpga", default_fpga_file_name));
    const boost::uint32_t file_hash = boost::uint32_t(hash_fpga_file(e100_fpga_image));

    //When the hash does not match:
    // - close the device node
    // - load the fpga bin file
    // - re-open the device node
    if (_fpga_ctrl->peek32(E100_REG_RB_MISC_TEST32) != file_hash){
        _fpga_ctrl = e100_ctrl::make(node);

    //setup clock control here to ensure that the FPGA has a good clock before we continue
    bool dboard_clocks_diff = true;
    if      (mb_eeprom.get("revision", "0") == "3") dboard_clocks_diff = false;
    else if (mb_eeprom.get("revision", "0") == "4") dboard_clocks_diff = true;
    else UHD_MSG(warning)
        << "Unknown E1XX revision number!\n"
        << "defaulting to differential dboard clocks to be safe.\n"
        << std::endl;
    const double master_clock_rate = device_addr.cast<double>("master_clock_rate", E100_DEFAULT_CLOCK_RATE);
    _aux_spi_iface = e100_ctrl::make_aux_spi_iface();
    _clock_ctrl = e100_clock_ctrl::make(_aux_spi_iface, master_clock_rate, dboard_clocks_diff);

    //Perform wishbone readback tests, these tests also write the hash
    bool test_fail = false;
    UHD_MSG(status) << "Performing wishbone readback test... " << std::flush;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        _fpga_ctrl->poke32(E100_REG_SR_MISC_TEST32, file_hash);
        test_fail = _fpga_ctrl->peek32(E100_REG_RB_MISC_TEST32) != file_hash;
        if (test_fail) break; //exit loop on any failure
    UHD_MSG(status) << ((test_fail)? " fail" : "pass") << std::endl;

    if (test_fail) UHD_MSG(error) << boost::format(
        "The FPGA is either clocked improperly\n"
        "or the FPGA build is not compatible.\n"
        "Subsequent errors may follow...\n"

    //check that the compatibility is correct

    // Create controller objects
    _fpga_i2c_ctrl = i2c_core_100::make(_fpga_ctrl, E100_REG_SLAVE(3));
    _fpga_spi_ctrl = spi_core_100::make(_fpga_ctrl, E100_REG_SLAVE(2));
    _data_transport = e100_make_mmap_zero_copy(_fpga_ctrl);

    // Initialize the properties tree
    _tree->create<std::string>("/name").set("E-Series Device");
    const fs_path mb_path = "/mboards/0";
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "name").set(str(boost::format("%s (euewanee)") % model));

    // setup the mboard eeprom
    _tree->create<mboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "eeprom")
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_impl::set_mb_eeprom, this, _1));

    // create clock control objects
    //^^^ clock created up top, just reg props here... ^^^
    _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_clock_ctrl::get_fpga_clock_rate, _clock_ctrl))
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_impl::update_tick_rate, this, _1));

    // create codec control objects
    _codec_ctrl = e100_codec_ctrl::make(_fpga_spi_ctrl);
    const fs_path rx_codec_path = mb_path / "rx_codecs/A";
    const fs_path tx_codec_path = mb_path / "tx_codecs/A";
    _tree->create<std::string>(rx_codec_path / "name").set("ad9522");
    _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_codec_path / "gains/pga/range").set(e100_codec_ctrl::rx_pga_gain_range);
    _tree->create<double>(rx_codec_path / "gains/pga/value")
        .coerce(boost::bind(&e100_impl::update_rx_codec_gain, this, _1));
    _tree->create<std::string>(tx_codec_path / "name").set("ad9522");
    _tree->create<meta_range_t>(tx_codec_path / "gains/pga/range").set(e100_codec_ctrl::tx_pga_gain_range);
    _tree->create<double>(tx_codec_path / "gains/pga/value")
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_codec_ctrl::set_tx_pga_gain, _codec_ctrl, _1))
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_codec_ctrl::get_tx_pga_gain, _codec_ctrl));

    // and do the misc mboard sensors
    _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors/ref_locked")
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_impl::get_ref_locked, this));

    // Create the GPSDO control
        _gps = gps_ctrl::make(e100_ctrl::make_gps_uart_iface(E100_UART_DEV_NODE));
    catch(std::exception &e){
        UHD_MSG(error) << "An error occurred making GPSDO control: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    if (_gps.get() != NULL and _gps->gps_detected()){
        BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, _gps->get_sensors()){
            _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors" / name)
                .publish(boost::bind(&gps_ctrl::get_sensor, _gps, name));
Beispiel #8
 * Structors
e100_impl::e100_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr){
    _tree = property_tree::make();
    _type = device::USRP;
    _ignore_cal_file = device_addr.has_key("ignore-cal-file");

    //read the eeprom so we can determine the hardware
    _dev_i2c_iface = e100_ctrl::make_dev_i2c_iface(E100_I2C_DEV_NODE);
    const mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom(*_dev_i2c_iface, E100_EEPROM_MAP_KEY);

    //determine the model string for this device
    const std::string model = device_addr.get("model", mb_eeprom.get("model", ""));
    if (not model_to_fpga_file_name.has_key(model)) throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
        "  The specified model string \"%s\" is not recognized.\n"
        "  Perhaps the EEPROM is uninitialized, missing, or damaged.\n"
        "  Or, a monitor is pirating the I2C address of the EEPROM.\n"
    ) % model));

    //extract the fpga path and compute hash
    const std::string default_fpga_file_name = model_to_fpga_file_name[model];
    std::string e100_fpga_image;
        e100_fpga_image = find_image_path(device_addr.get("fpga", default_fpga_file_name));
        UHD_MSG(error) << boost::format("Could not find FPGA image. %s\n") % print_utility_error("");

    // Setup the FPGA clock over AUX SPI
    bool dboard_clocks_diff = true;
    if      (mb_eeprom.get("revision", "0") == "3") dboard_clocks_diff = false;
    else if (mb_eeprom.get("revision", "0") == "4") dboard_clocks_diff = true;
    else UHD_MSG(warning)
        << "Unknown E1XX revision number!\n"
        << "defaulting to differential dboard clocks to be safe.\n"
        << std::endl;
    const double master_clock_rate = device_addr.cast<double>("master_clock_rate", E100_DEFAULT_CLOCK_RATE);
    _aux_spi_iface = e100_ctrl::make_aux_spi_iface();
    _clock_ctrl = e100_clock_ctrl::make(_aux_spi_iface, master_clock_rate, dboard_clocks_diff);

    // setup the main interface into fpga
    //  - do this after aux spi, because we share gpio147
    const std::string node = device_addr["node"];
    _fpga_ctrl = e100_ctrl::make(node);

    // Initialize FPGA control communication
    fifo_ctrl_excelsior_config fifo_ctrl_config;
    fifo_ctrl_config.async_sid_base = E100_TX_ASYNC_SID;
    fifo_ctrl_config.num_async_chan = 1;
    fifo_ctrl_config.ctrl_sid_base = E100_CTRL_MSG_SID;
    fifo_ctrl_config.spi_base = TOREG(SR_SPI);
    fifo_ctrl_config.spi_rb = REG_RB_SPI;
    _fifo_ctrl = fifo_ctrl_excelsior::make(_fpga_ctrl, fifo_ctrl_config);

    //Perform wishbone readback tests, these tests also write the hash
    bool test_fail = false;
    UHD_MSG(status) << "Performing control readback test... " << std::flush;
    size_t hash = time(NULL);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        boost::hash_combine(hash, i);
        _fifo_ctrl->poke32(TOREG(SR_MISC+0), boost::uint32_t(hash));
        test_fail = _fifo_ctrl->peek32(REG_RB_CONFIG0) != boost::uint32_t(hash);
        if (test_fail) break; //exit loop on any failure
    UHD_MSG(status) << ((test_fail)? " fail" : "pass") << std::endl;

    if (test_fail) UHD_MSG(error) << boost::format(
        "The FPGA is either clocked improperly\n"
        "or the FPGA build is not compatible.\n"
        "Subsequent errors may follow...\n"

    //check that the compatibility is correct

    // Create controller objects
    _fpga_i2c_ctrl = i2c_core_200::make(_fifo_ctrl, TOREG(SR_I2C), REG_RB_I2C);
    _data_transport = e100_make_mmap_zero_copy(_fpga_ctrl);

    // Initialize the properties tree
    _tree->create<std::string>("/name").set("E-Series Device");
    const fs_path mb_path = "/mboards/0";
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "name").set(model);
    _tree->create<std::string>(mb_path / "codename").set("Euwanee");

    // setup the mboard eeprom
    _tree->create<mboard_eeprom_t>(mb_path / "eeprom")
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_impl::set_mb_eeprom, this, _1));

    // create clock control objects
    //^^^ clock created up top, just reg props here... ^^^
    _tree->create<double>(mb_path / "tick_rate")
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_clock_ctrl::get_fpga_clock_rate, _clock_ctrl))
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&fifo_ctrl_excelsior::set_tick_rate, _fifo_ctrl, _1))
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_impl::update_tick_rate, this, _1));

    //subscribe the command time while we are at it
    _tree->create<time_spec_t>(mb_path / "time/cmd")
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&fifo_ctrl_excelsior::set_time, _fifo_ctrl, _1));

    // create codec control objects
    _codec_ctrl = e100_codec_ctrl::make(_fifo_ctrl/*spi*/);
    const fs_path rx_codec_path = mb_path / "rx_codecs/A";
    const fs_path tx_codec_path = mb_path / "tx_codecs/A";
    _tree->create<std::string>(rx_codec_path / "name").set("ad9522");
    _tree->create<meta_range_t>(rx_codec_path / "gains/pga/range").set(e100_codec_ctrl::rx_pga_gain_range);
    _tree->create<double>(rx_codec_path / "gains/pga/value")
        .coerce(boost::bind(&e100_impl::update_rx_codec_gain, this, _1));
    _tree->create<std::string>(tx_codec_path / "name").set("ad9522");
    _tree->create<meta_range_t>(tx_codec_path / "gains/pga/range").set(e100_codec_ctrl::tx_pga_gain_range);
    _tree->create<double>(tx_codec_path / "gains/pga/value")
        .subscribe(boost::bind(&e100_codec_ctrl::set_tx_pga_gain, _codec_ctrl, _1))
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_codec_ctrl::get_tx_pga_gain, _codec_ctrl));

    // and do the misc mboard sensors
    _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors/ref_locked")
        .publish(boost::bind(&e100_impl::get_ref_locked, this));

    // Create the GPSDO control
    static const fs::path GPSDO_VOLATILE_PATH("/media/ram/e100_internal_gpsdo.cache");
    if (not fs::exists(GPSDO_VOLATILE_PATH))
        UHD_MSG(status) << "Detecting internal GPSDO.... " << std::flush;
            _gps = gps_ctrl::make(e100_ctrl::make_gps_uart_iface(E100_UART_DEV_NODE));
        catch(std::exception &e){
            UHD_MSG(error) << "An error occurred making GPSDO control: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        if (_gps and _gps->gps_detected())
            BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &name, _gps->get_sensors())
                _tree->create<sensor_value_t>(mb_path / "sensors" / name)
                    .publish(boost::bind(&gps_ctrl::get_sensor, _gps, name));
Beispiel #9
 * Tuning
double sbx_xcvr::sbx_version3::set_lo_freq(dboard_iface::unit_t unit, double target_freq) {
    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "SBX tune: target frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % (target_freq/1e6) << std::endl;

    //clip the input
    target_freq = sbx_freq_range.clip(target_freq);

    //map prescaler setting to mininmum integer divider (N) values (pg.18 prescaler)
    static const uhd::dict<int, int> prescaler_to_min_int_div = map_list_of
        (0,23) //adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5
        (1,75) //adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9

    //map rf divider select output dividers to enums
    static const uhd::dict<int, adf4350_regs_t::rf_divider_select_t> rfdivsel_to_enum = map_list_of
        (1,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV1)
        (2,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV2)
        (4,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV4)
        (8,  adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV8)
        (16, adf4350_regs_t::RF_DIVIDER_SELECT_DIV16)

    //use 8/9 prescaler for vco_freq > 3 GHz (pg.18 prescaler)
    adf4350_regs_t::prescaler_t prescaler = target_freq > 3e9 ? adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_8_9 : adf4350_regs_t::PRESCALER_4_5;

    adf435x_tuning_constraints tuning_constraints;
    tuning_constraints.force_frac0 = false;
    tuning_constraints.band_sel_freq_max = 100e3;
    tuning_constraints.ref_doubler_threshold = 12.5e6;
    tuning_constraints.int_range = uhd::range_t(prescaler_to_min_int_div[prescaler], 4095);  //INT is a 12-bit field
    tuning_constraints.pfd_freq_max = 25e6;
    tuning_constraints.rf_divider_range = uhd::range_t(1, 16);

    double actual_freq;
    adf435x_tuning_settings tuning_settings = _tune_adf435x_synth(
        target_freq, self_base->get_iface()->get_clock_rate(unit),
        tuning_constraints, actual_freq);

    //load the register values
    adf4350_regs_t regs;

    if ((unit == dboard_iface::UNIT_TX) and (actual_freq == sbx_tx_lo_2dbm.clip(actual_freq))) 
        regs.output_power = adf4350_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_2DBM;
        regs.output_power = adf4350_regs_t::OUTPUT_POWER_5DBM;

    regs.frac_12_bit            = tuning_settings.frac_12_bit;
    regs.int_16_bit             = tuning_settings.int_16_bit;
    regs.mod_12_bit             = tuning_settings.mod_12_bit;
    regs.clock_divider_12_bit   = tuning_settings.clock_divider_12_bit;
    regs.feedback_select        = tuning_settings.feedback_after_divider ?
                                    adf4350_regs_t::FEEDBACK_SELECT_DIVIDED :
    regs.clock_div_mode         = adf4350_regs_t::CLOCK_DIV_MODE_RESYNC_ENABLE;
    regs.prescaler              = prescaler;
    regs.r_counter_10_bit       = tuning_settings.r_counter_10_bit;
    regs.reference_divide_by_2  = tuning_settings.r_divide_by_2_en ?
                                    adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DIVIDE_BY_2_ENABLED :
    regs.reference_doubler      = tuning_settings.r_doubler_en ?
                                    adf4350_regs_t::REFERENCE_DOUBLER_ENABLED :
    regs.band_select_clock_div  = tuning_settings.band_select_clock_div;
    regs.rf_divider_select      = rfdivsel_to_enum[tuning_settings.rf_divider];

    //reset the N and R counter
    regs.counter_reset = adf4350_regs_t::COUNTER_RESET_ENABLED;
    self_base->get_iface()->write_spi(unit, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE, regs.get_reg(2), 32);
    regs.counter_reset = adf4350_regs_t::COUNTER_RESET_DISABLED;

    //write the registers
    //correct power-up sequence to write registers (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    int addr;

    for(addr=5; addr>=0; addr--){
        UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
            "SBX SPI Reg (0x%02x): 0x%08x"
        ) % addr % regs.get_reg(addr) << std::endl;
            unit, spi_config_t::EDGE_RISE,
            regs.get_reg(addr), 32

    //return the actual frequency
    UHD_LOGV(often) << boost::format(
        "SBX tune: actual frequency %f Mhz"
    ) % (actual_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    return actual_freq;