Ejemplo n.º 1
 * The widget should respond by populating the OutDrawElements array with FDrawElements 
 * that represent it and any of its children.
 * @param AllottedGeometry  The FGeometry that describes an area in which the widget should appear.
 * @param MyClippingRect    The clipping rectangle allocated for this widget and its children.
 * @param OutDrawElements   A list of FDrawElements to populate with the output.
 * @param LayerId           The Layer onto which this widget should be rendered.
 * @param InColorAndOpacity Color and Opacity to be applied to all the descendants of the widget being painted
 * @param bParentEnabled	True if the parent of this widget is enabled.
 * @return The maximum layer ID attained by this widget or any of its children.
int32 SCompoundWidget::OnPaint( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// A CompoundWidget just draws its children
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
		SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_SlateOnPaint_SCompoundWidget );
		this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// There may be zero elements in this array if our child collapsed/hidden
	if( ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0 )
		check( ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1 );
		FArrangedWidget& TheChild = ArrangedChildren(0);

		const FSlateRect ChildClippingRect = AllottedGeometry.GetClippingRect().InsetBy( ChildSlot.SlotPadding.Get() * AllottedGeometry.Scale ).IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect);

		FWidgetStyle CompoundedWidgetStyle = FWidgetStyle(InWidgetStyle)
			.SetForegroundColor( ForegroundColor );

		return TheChild.Widget->OnPaint( TheChild.Geometry, ChildClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId + 1, CompoundedWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
	return LayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int32 SGridPanel::OnPaint( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::All);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.
	int32 MaxLayerId = LayerId;

	// We need to iterate over slots, because slots know the GridLayers. This isn't available in the arranged children.
	// Some slots do not show up (they are hidden/collapsed). We need a 2nd index to skip over them.
	// GridLayers must ensure that everything in LayerN is below LayerN+1. In other words,
	// every grid layer group must start at the current MaxLayerId (similar to how SOverlay works).
	int32 LastGridLayer = 0;
	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Slots.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren(ChildIndex);
		if (CurWidget.Widget->GetVisibility().IsVisible())
			const FSlot& CurSlot = Slots[ChildIndex];

			FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect() );

			if ( LastGridLayer != CurSlot.LayerParam )
				// We starting a new grid layer group?
				LastGridLayer = CurSlot.LayerParam;
				// Ensure that everything here is drawn on top of 
				// previously drawn grid content.
				LayerId = MaxLayerId+1;

			const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->OnPaint(
				ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled )
			MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId );

//#define LAYOUT_DEBUG

	LayerId = LayoutDebugPaint( AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId );

	return MaxLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool UCanvasPanel::GetGeometryForSlot(UCanvasPanelSlot* Slot, FGeometry& ArrangedGeometry) const
	if ( Slot->Content == NULL )
		return false;

	TSharedPtr<SConstraintCanvas> Canvas = GetCanvasWidget();
	if ( Canvas.IsValid() )
		FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::All);
		Canvas->ArrangeChildren(Canvas->GetCachedGeometry(), ArrangedChildren);

		for ( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ChildIndex++ )
			if ( ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex].Widget == Slot->Content->TakeWidget() )
				ArrangedGeometry = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex].Geometry;
				return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This widget was created before render transforms existed for each widget, and it chose to apply the render transform AFTER the layout transform.
 * This means leveraging the render transform of FGeometry would be expensive, as we would need to use Concat(LayoutTransform, RenderTransform, Inverse(LayoutTransform).
 * Instead, we maintain the old way of doing it by modifying the AllottedGeometry only during rendering to append the widget's implied RenderTransform to the existing LayoutTransform.
int32 SFxWidget::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// Convert the 0..1 origin into local space extents.
	const FVector2D ScaleOrigin = RenderScaleOrigin.Get() * AllottedGeometry.Size;
	const FVector2D Offset = VisualOffset.Get() * AllottedGeometry.Size;
	// create the render transform as a scale around ScaleOrigin and offset it by Offset.
	const auto RenderTransform = Concatenate(Inverse(ScaleOrigin), RenderScale.Get(), ScaleOrigin, Offset);
	// This will append the render transform to the layout transform, and we only use it for rendering.
	FGeometry ModifiedGeometry = AllottedGeometry.MakeChild(AllottedGeometry.Size, RenderTransform);
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(ModifiedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// There may be zero elements in this array if our child collapsed/hidden
	if( ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0 )
		// We can only have one direct descendant.
		check( ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1 );
		const FArrangedWidget& TheChild = ArrangedChildren[0];

		// SFxWidgets are able to ignore parent clipping.
		const FSlateRect ChildClippingRect = (bIgnoreClipping.Get())
			? ModifiedGeometry.GetClippingRect()
			: MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith(ModifiedGeometry.GetClippingRect());

		FWidgetStyle CompoundedWidgetStyle = FWidgetStyle(InWidgetStyle)
			.SetForegroundColor( ForegroundColor );

		return TheChild.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), TheChild.Geometry, ChildClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId + 1, CompoundedWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
	return LayerId;

void SClippingHorizontalBox::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )
	// Call ArrangeChildren so we can cache off the index of the first clipped tab
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);
	ClippedIdx = ArrangedChildren.Num() - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void SWidget::FindChildGeometries_Helper( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >& WidgetsToFind, TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget>& OutResult ) const
	// Perform a breadth first search!

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren( MyGeometry, ArrangedChildren );
	const int32 NumChildren = ArrangedChildren.Num();

	// See if we found any of the widgets on this level.
	for(int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < NumChildren; ++ChildIndex )
		const FArrangedWidget& CurChild = ArrangedChildren[ ChildIndex ];
		if ( WidgetsToFind.Contains(CurChild.Widget) )
			// We found one of the widgets for which we need geometry!
			OutResult.Add( CurChild.Widget, CurChild );

	// If we have not found all the widgets that we were looking for, descend.
	if ( OutResult.Num() != WidgetsToFind.Num() )
		// Look for widgets among the children.
		for( int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < NumChildren; ++ChildIndex )
			const FArrangedWidget& CurChild = ArrangedChildren[ ChildIndex ];
			CurChild.Widget->FindChildGeometries_Helper( CurChild.Geometry, WidgetsToFind, OutResult );
/** SWidget Interface */
int32 SSequencerSectionAreaView::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	if( SectionAreaNode.IsValid() )
		// Draw a region around the entire section area

	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
		FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect() );
		const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, ChildClipRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId+1, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );

	return LayerId+1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int32 SSplitter::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren( EVisibility::Visible );
	ArrangeChildren( AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren );

	int32 MaxLayerId = PaintArrangedChildren( Args, ArrangedChildren, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );

	const FSlateBrush* NormalHandleBrush = &Style->HandleNormalBrush;

	// Draw the splitter above any children
	MaxLayerId += 1;

	for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
		const FGeometry& GeometryAfterSplitter = ArrangedChildren[ FMath::Clamp(ChildIndex + 1, 0, ArrangedChildren.Num()-1) ].Geometry;

		const float HalfHitDetectionSplitterHandleSize = ( HitDetectionSplitterHandleSize / 2 );
		const float HalfPhysicalSplitterHandleSize = ( PhysicalSplitterHandleSize / 2 );

		FVector2D HandleSize;		
		FVector2D HandlePosition;
		if ( Orientation == Orient_Horizontal )
			HandleSize.Set( PhysicalSplitterHandleSize, GeometryAfterSplitter.Size.Y );
			HandlePosition.Set( -(HalfHitDetectionSplitterHandleSize + HalfPhysicalSplitterHandleSize), 0 );
			HandleSize.Set( GeometryAfterSplitter.Size.X, PhysicalSplitterHandleSize );
			HandlePosition.Set( 0, -(HalfHitDetectionSplitterHandleSize + HalfPhysicalSplitterHandleSize) );

		if (HoveredHandleIndex != ChildIndex)
				GeometryAfterSplitter.ToPaintGeometry( HandlePosition, HandleSize, 1.0f ),
				ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ),
				InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * NormalHandleBrush->TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor()
				GeometryAfterSplitter.ToPaintGeometry( HandlePosition, HandleSize, 1.0f ),
				ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ),
				InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * Style->HandleHighlightBrush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor()

	return MaxLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int32 SDockingTabWell::OnPaint( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// When we are dragging a tab, it must be painted on top of the other tabs, so we cannot
	// just reuse the Panel's default OnPaint.

	// The TabWell has no visualization of its own; it just visualizes its child tabs.
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.
	int32 MaxLayerId = LayerId;

	TSharedPtr<SDockTab> ForegroundTab = GetForegroundTab();
	FArrangedWidget* ForegroundTabGeometry = NULL;
	// Draw all inactive tabs first
	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren(ChildIndex);
		if (CurWidget.Widget == ForegroundTab)
			ForegroundTabGeometry = &CurWidget;
			FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect() );
			const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->OnPaint( CurWidget.Geometry, ChildClipRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
			MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId );

	// Draw active tab in front
	if (ForegroundTab != TSharedPtr<SDockTab>())
		FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( ForegroundTabGeometry->Geometry.GetClippingRect() );
		const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = ForegroundTabGeometry->Widget->OnPaint( ForegroundTabGeometry->Geometry, ChildClipRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
		MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId );

	return MaxLayerId;
int32 SClippingHorizontalBox::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// Get the clipped children info
	FArrangedChildren ClippedArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ClippedArrangedChildren);
	// Get the non-clipped children info
	// @todo umg: One should not call the virtual OnArrangeChildren, one should only call ArrangeChildren.
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	SBoxPanel::OnArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);
	if ((ClippedArrangedChildren.Num() != 0) && (ArrangedChildren.Num() != 0))
		int32 IndexClippedAt = ClippedArrangedChildren.Num() - 1;
		const FArrangedWidget& LastCippedChild = ClippedArrangedChildren[IndexClippedAt];
		const FArrangedWidget& FirstChild = ArrangedChildren[0];
		const FArrangedWidget& LastChild = ArrangedChildren[ArrangedChildren.Num() - 1];
		float BorderLocalWidth = AllottedGeometry.Size.X;
		// If only the last child/block, which is the wrap button, is being clipped
		if (IndexClippedAt == ArrangedChildren.Num() - 2)
			// Only recalculate the alloted geometry size if said size is fitted to the toolbar/menubar
			if (FMath::TruncToInt(AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition.X + AllottedGeometry.Size.X * AllottedGeometry.Scale) <= FMath::TruncToInt(LastChild.Geometry.AbsolutePosition.X + LastChild.Geometry.Size.X * LastChild.Geometry.Scale))
				// Calculate the size of the custom border
				BorderLocalWidth = (LastCippedChild.Geometry.AbsolutePosition.X + LastCippedChild.Geometry.Size.X * LastCippedChild.Geometry.Scale - FirstChild.Geometry.AbsolutePosition.X) / AllottedGeometry.Scale;
			// Children/blocks are being clipped, calculate the size of the custom border
			const FArrangedWidget& NextChild = (IndexClippedAt + 1 < ClippedArrangedChildren.Num())? ClippedArrangedChildren[IndexClippedAt + 1]: LastCippedChild;
			BorderLocalWidth = (NextChild.Geometry.AbsolutePosition.X + NextChild.Geometry.Size.X * NextChild.Geometry.Scale - FirstChild.Geometry.AbsolutePosition.X) / AllottedGeometry.Scale;
		bool bEnabled = ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled );
		ESlateDrawEffect::Type DrawEffects = !bEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect : ESlateDrawEffect::None;
		FSlateColor BorderBackgroundColor = FLinearColor::White;

		// Draw the custom border
			AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(FVector2D(BorderLocalWidth, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y), FSlateLayoutTransform()),
			BackgroundBrush->GetTint( InWidgetStyle ) * InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * BorderBackgroundColor.GetColor(InWidgetStyle)

	return SHorizontalBox::OnPaint(Args, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int32 SPanel::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// REMOVE THIS: Currently adding a debug quad so that BoxPanels are visible during development
	// OutDrawElements.AddItem( FSlateDrawElement::MakeQuad( AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, AllottedGeometry.Size ) );	
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
		// The box panel has no visualization of its own; it just visualizes its children.
		this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	return PaintArrangedChildren(Args, ArrangedChildren, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled);
Ejemplo n.º 12
UWidgetReflectorNodeBase* FWidgetReflectorNodeUtils::NewNodeTreeFrom(const TSubclassOf<UWidgetReflectorNodeBase>& InNodeClass, const FArrangedWidget& InWidgetGeometry)
	UWidgetReflectorNodeBase* NewNodeInstance = NewNode(InNodeClass, InWidgetGeometry);

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::All);
	InWidgetGeometry.Widget->ArrangeChildren(InWidgetGeometry.Geometry, ArrangedChildren);
	for (int32 WidgetIndex = 0; WidgetIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++WidgetIndex)
		// Note that we include both visible and invisible children!
		NewNodeInstance->AddChildNode(NewNodeTreeFrom(InNodeClass, ArrangedChildren[WidgetIndex]));

	return NewNodeInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int32 SMenuAnchor::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren( EVisibility::Visible );
	ArrangeChildren( AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren );
	// There may be zero elements in this array if our child collapsed/hidden
	if ( ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0 )
		const FArrangedWidget& FirstChild = ArrangedChildren[0];

		// In the case where the user doesn't provide content to the menu anchor, the null widget
		// wont appear in the visible set of arranged children, so only immediately paint the first child,
		// if it's visible and matches the first slot content.
		const bool bHasArrangedAnchorContent = FirstChild.Widget == Children[0].GetWidget();
		if ( bHasArrangedAnchorContent )
			const FSlateRect ChildClippingRect = AllottedGeometry.GetClippingRect().IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect);
			LayerId = FirstChild.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), FirstChild.Geometry, ChildClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId + 1, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled(bParentEnabled));

		const bool bIsOpen = IsOpen();

		if ( bIsOpen )
			// In the case where the anchor content is present and visible, it's the 1 index child, in the case
			// where the anchor content is invisible, it's the 0 index child.
			FArrangedWidget* PopupChild = nullptr;
			if ( bHasArrangedAnchorContent && ArrangedChildren.Num() > 1 )
				PopupChild = &ArrangedChildren[1];
			else if ( !bHasArrangedAnchorContent && ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1 )
				PopupChild = &ArrangedChildren[0];

			if ( PopupChild != nullptr )
					FSlateWindowElementList::FDeferredPaint(PopupChild->Widget, Args, PopupChild->Geometry, MyClippingRect, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled));

	return LayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int32 SBox::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// An SBox just draws its only child
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Maybe none of our children are visible
	if( ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0 )
		check( ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1 );
		FArrangedWidget& TheChild = ArrangedChildren[0];

		const FSlateRect ChildClippingRect = AllottedGeometry.GetClippingRect().InsetBy( ChildSlot.SlotPadding.Get() * AllottedGeometry.Scale ).IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect);

		return TheChild.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), TheChild.Geometry, ChildClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
	return LayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int32 SConstraintCanvas::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.
	int32 MaxLayerId = LayerId;

	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
		FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith(CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect());
		const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, ChildClipRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId + 1, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled(bParentEnabled));

		MaxLayerId = FMath::Max(MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId);

	return MaxLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int32 SPopup::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// There may be zero elements in this array if our child collapsed/hidden
	if (ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0)
		check(ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1);
		FArrangedWidget& TheChild = ArrangedChildren[0];

		FWidgetStyle CompoundedWidgetStyle = FWidgetStyle(InWidgetStyle)

		// An SPopup just queues up its children to be painted after everything in this window is done painting.
			FSlateWindowElementList::FDeferredPaint(TheChild.Widget, Args.WithNewParent(this), TheChild.Geometry, MyClippingRect, CompoundedWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled(bParentEnabled))
	return LayerId;
int32 SResponsiveGridPanel::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::All);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.
	int32 MaxLayerId = LayerId;

	// We need to iterate over slots, because slots know the GridLayers. This isn't available in the arranged children.
	// Some slots do not show up (they are hidden/collapsed). We need a 2nd index to skip over them.
	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
		if (CurWidget.Widget->GetVisibility().IsVisible())
			FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect() );

			const int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint(
				ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled )
			MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId );

	LayerId = LayoutDebugPaint( AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId );

	return MaxLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int32 SSequencerTrackArea::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
		FSlateRect ChildClipRect = MyClippingRect.IntersectionWith( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect() );
		const int32 ThisWidgetLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, ChildClipRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId + 1, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );

		LayerId = FMath::Max(LayerId, ThisWidgetLayerId);

	auto SequencerPin = SequencerWidget.Pin();
	if (SequencerPin.IsValid())
		return SequencerPin->GetEditTool().OnPaint(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId + 1);

	return LayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int32 SWeakWidget::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	// Just draw the children.
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// There may be zero elements in this array if our child collapsed/hidden
	if( ArrangedChildren.Num() > 0 )
		check( ArrangedChildren.Num() == 1 );
		FArrangedWidget& TheChild = ArrangedChildren[0];

		return TheChild.Widget->Paint( 
			LayerId + 1,
			ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );
	return LayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void SWidget::TickWidgetsRecursively( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )

	// Execute any pending active timers for this widget, followed by the passive tick
	ExecuteActiveTimers( InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime );
		Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime);

	// Gather all children, whether they're visible or not.  We need to allow invisible widgets to
	// consider whether they should still be invisible in their tick functions, as well as maintain
	// other state when hidden,
	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(TickInvisibleWidgets.GetValueOnGameThread() ? EVisibility::All : EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Recur!
	for(int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
		FArrangedWidget& SomeChild = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
		SomeChild.Widget->TickWidgetsRecursively( SomeChild.Geometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime );
Ejemplo n.º 21
int32 SGraphPanel::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_SlateOnPaint_SGraphPanel );

	CachedAllottedGeometryScaledSize = AllottedGeometry.Size * AllottedGeometry.Scale;

	//Style used for objects that are the same between revisions
	FWidgetStyle FadedStyle = InWidgetStyle;

	// First paint the background
	const UEditorExperimentalSettings& Options = *GetDefault<UEditorExperimentalSettings>();

	const FSlateBrush* BackgroundImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Panel.SolidBackground"));
	PaintBackgroundAsLines(BackgroundImage, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);

	const float ZoomFactor = AllottedGeometry.Scale * GetZoomAmount();

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildNodes(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Determine some 'global' settings based on current LOD
	const bool bDrawShadowsThisFrame = GetCurrentLOD() > EGraphRenderingLOD::LowestDetail;

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.

	// Save LayerId for comment boxes to ensure they always appear below nodes & wires
	const int32 CommentNodeShadowLayerId = LayerId++;
	const int32 CommentNodeLayerId = LayerId++;

	// Save a LayerId for wires, which appear below nodes but above comments
	// We will draw them later, along with the arrows which appear above nodes.
	const int32 WireLayerId = LayerId++;

	const int32 NodeShadowsLayerId = LayerId;
	const int32 NodeLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId + 1;
	int32 MaxLayerId = NodeLayerId;

	const FVector2D NodeShadowSize = GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>()->GetShadowDeltaSize();
	const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphObj->GetSchema();

	// Draw the child nodes
		// When drawing a marquee, need a preview of what the selection will be.
		const FGraphPanelSelectionSet* SelectionToVisualize = &(SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
		FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectionPreview;
		if ( Marquee.IsValid() )
			ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionPreview);
			SelectionToVisualize = &SelectionPreview;

		// Context for rendering node infos
		FKismetNodeInfoContext Context(GraphObj);

		TArray<FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch> NodeMatches;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(CurWidget.Widget);
			// Examine node to see what layers we should be drawing in
			int32 ShadowLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId;
			int32 ChildLayerId = NodeLayerId;

			// If a comment node, draw in the dedicated comment slots
				UObject* NodeObj = ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed();
				if (NodeObj && NodeObj->IsA(UEdGraphNode_Comment::StaticClass()))
					ShadowLayerId = CommentNodeShadowLayerId;
					ChildLayerId = CommentNodeLayerId;

			const bool bNodeIsVisible = FSlateRect::DoRectanglesIntersect( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect(), MyClippingRect );

			if (bNodeIsVisible)
				const bool bSelected = SelectionToVisualize->Contains( StaticCastSharedRef<SNodePanel::SNode>(CurWidget.Widget)->GetObjectBeingDisplayed() );

				// Handle Node renaming once the node is visible
				if( bSelected && ChildNode->IsRenamePending() )

				// Draw the node's shadow.
				if (bDrawShadowsThisFrame || bSelected)
					const FSlateBrush* ShadowBrush = ChildNode->GetShadowBrush(bSelected);

				// Draw the comments and information popups for this node, if it has any.
					const SNodePanel::SNode::FNodeSlot& CommentSlot = ChildNode->GetOrAddSlot( ENodeZone::TopCenter );
					float CommentBubbleY = -CommentSlot.Offset.Get().Y;
					Context.bSelected = bSelected;
					TArray<FGraphInformationPopupInfo> Popups;

						ChildNode->GetNodeInfoPopups(&Context, /*out*/ Popups);

					for (int32 PopupIndex = 0; PopupIndex < Popups.Num(); ++PopupIndex)
						FGraphInformationPopupInfo& Popup = Popups[PopupIndex];
						PaintComment(Popup.Message, CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, Popup.BackgroundColor, /*inout*/ CommentBubbleY, InWidgetStyle);

				int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId;
					UEdGraphNode* NodeObj = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed());

					/** When diffing nodes, nodes that are different between revisions are opaque, nodes that have not changed are faded */
					FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch NodeMatch = FGraphDiffControl::FindNodeMatch(GraphObjToDiff, NodeObj, NodeMatches);
					if (NodeMatch.IsValid())
					const bool bNodeIsDifferent = (!GraphObjToDiff || NodeMatch.Diff());

					/* When dragging off a pin, we want to duck the alpha of some nodes */
					TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > OnlyStartPin = (1 == PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num()) ? PreviewConnectorFromPins[0].FindInGraphPanel(*this) : TSharedPtr< SGraphPin >();
					const bool bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext = Schema->FadeNodeWhenDraggingOffPin(NodeObj, OnlyStartPin.IsValid() ? OnlyStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj() : NULL);
					const FWidgetStyle& NodeStyleToUse = (bNodeIsDifferent && !bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext)? InWidgetStyle : FadedStyle;

					// Draw the node.O
					CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, NodeStyleToUse, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );

				// Draw the node's overlay, if it has one.
					// Get its size
					const FVector2D WidgetSize = CurWidget.Geometry.Size;

						TArray<FOverlayBrushInfo> OverlayBrushes;
						ChildNode->GetOverlayBrushes(bSelected, WidgetSize, /*out*/ OverlayBrushes);

						for (int32 BrushIndex = 0; BrushIndex < OverlayBrushes.Num(); ++BrushIndex)
							FOverlayBrushInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayBrushes[BrushIndex];
							const FSlateBrush* OverlayBrush = OverlayInfo.Brush;
							if(OverlayBrush != NULL)
								FPaintGeometry BouncedGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.ToPaintGeometry(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayBrush->ImageSize, 1.f);

								// Handle bouncing
								const float BounceValue = FMath::Sin(2.0f * PI * BounceCurve.GetLerpLooping());
								BouncedGeometry.DrawPosition += (OverlayInfo.AnimationEnvelope * BounceValue * ZoomFactor);



						TArray<FOverlayWidgetInfo> OverlayWidgets = ChildNode->GetOverlayWidgets(bSelected, WidgetSize);

						for (int32 WidgetIndex = 0; WidgetIndex < OverlayWidgets.Num(); ++WidgetIndex)
							FOverlayWidgetInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayWidgets[WidgetIndex];
							if(OverlayInfo.Widget->GetVisibility() == EVisibility::Visible)
								// call SlatePrepass as these widgets are not in the 'normal' child hierarchy

								const FGeometry WidgetGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.MakeChild(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayInfo.Widget->GetDesiredSize(), 1.f);

								OverlayInfo.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), WidgetGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled);

				MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId + 1 );

	MaxLayerId += 1;

	// Draw connections between pins 
	if (Children.Num() > 0 )

		//@TODO: Pull this into a factory like the pin and node ones
		FConnectionDrawingPolicy* ConnectionDrawingPolicy;
			ConnectionDrawingPolicy = Schema->CreateConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
			if (!ConnectionDrawingPolicy)
				if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationStateMachineSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FStateMachineConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UEdGraphSchema_K2::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(USoundCueGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FSoundCueGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UMaterialGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FMaterialGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements);

		TArray<TSharedPtr<SGraphPin>> OverridePins;
		for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
			TSharedPtr<SGraphPin> Pin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
			if (Pin.IsValid())
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetHoveredPins(CurrentHoveredPins, OverridePins, TimeSinceMouseEnteredPin);

		// Get the set of pins for all children and synthesize geometry for culled out pins so lines can be drawn to them.
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> PinGeometries;
		TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> > VisiblePins;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(Children[ChildIndex]);

			// If this is a culled node, approximate the pin geometry to the corner of the node it is within
			if (IsNodeCulled(ChildNode, AllottedGeometry))
				TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> > NodePins;

				const FVector2D NodeLoc = ChildNode->GetPosition();
				const FGeometry SynthesizedNodeGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(NodeLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);

				for (TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TConstIterator NodePinIterator(NodePins); NodePinIterator; ++NodePinIterator)
					const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>((*NodePinIterator).Get());
					FVector2D PinLoc = NodeLoc + PinWidget.GetNodeOffset();

					const FGeometry SynthesizedPinGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(PinLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);
					PinGeometries.Add(*NodePinIterator, FArrangedWidget(*NodePinIterator, SynthesizedPinGeometry));

				// Also add synthesized geometries for culled nodes
				ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( FArrangedWidget(ChildNode, SynthesizedNodeGeometry) );

		// Now get the pin geometry for all visible children and append it to the PinGeometries map
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> VisiblePinGeometries;
			this->FindChildGeometries(AllottedGeometry, VisiblePins, VisiblePinGeometries);

		// Draw preview connections (only connected on one end)
		if (PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num() > 0)
			for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
				TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > CurrentStartPin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
				if (!CurrentStartPin.IsValid())
				const FArrangedWidget* PinGeometry = PinGeometries.Find( CurrentStartPin.ToSharedRef() );

				if (PinGeometry != NULL)
					FVector2D StartPoint;
					FVector2D EndPoint;

					if (CurrentStartPin->GetDirection() == EGPD_Input)
						StartPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;
						EndPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleLeftOf( PinGeometry->Geometry ) - FVector2D(ConnectionDrawingPolicy->ArrowRadius.X, 0);
						StartPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleRightOf( PinGeometry->Geometry );
						EndPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;

					ConnectionDrawingPolicy->DrawPreviewConnector(PinGeometry->Geometry, StartPoint, EndPoint, CurrentStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj());

				//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect
				ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetIncompatiblePinDrawState(CurrentStartPin, VisiblePins);
			//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect

		// Draw all regular connections
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->Draw(PinGeometries, ArrangedChildren);

		delete ConnectionDrawingPolicy;

	// Draw a shadow overlay around the edges of the graph
	PaintSurroundSunkenShadow(FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Shadow")), AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

		const FSlateBrush* BorderBrush = nullptr;
		if((GEditor->bIsSimulatingInEditor || GEditor->PlayWorld != NULL))
			// Draw a surrounding indicator when PIE is active, to make it clear that the graph is read-only, etc...
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.PlayInEditor"));
		else if(!IsEditable.Get())
			// Draw a different border when we're not simulating but the graph is read-only
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.ReadOnlyBorder"));

			// Actually draw the border

	// Draw the marquee selection rectangle
	PaintMarquee(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	// Draw the software cursor
	PaintSoftwareCursor(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	return MaxLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 22
FWeakWidgetPath::EPathResolutionResult::Result FWeakWidgetPath::ToWidgetPath( FWidgetPath& WidgetPath, EInterruptedPathHandling::Type InterruptedPathHandling, const FPointerEvent* PointerEvent ) const

	TArray<FWidgetAndPointer> PathWithGeometries;
	TArray< TSharedPtr<SWidget> > WidgetPtrs;
	// Convert the weak pointers into shared pointers because we are about to do something with this path instead of just observe it.
	TSharedPtr<SWindow> TopLevelWindowPtr = Window.Pin();
	for( TArray< TWeakPtr<SWidget> >::TConstIterator SomeWeakWidgetPtr( Widgets ); SomeWeakWidgetPtr; ++SomeWeakWidgetPtr )
		WidgetPtrs.Add( SomeWeakWidgetPtr->Pin() );
	// The path can get interrupted if some subtree of widgets disappeared, but we still maintain weak references to it.
	bool bPathUninterrupted = false;

	// For each widget in the path compute the geometry. We are able to do this starting with the top-level window because it knows its own geometry.
	if ( TopLevelWindowPtr.IsValid() )
		bPathUninterrupted = true;

		FGeometry ParentGeometry = TopLevelWindowPtr->GetWindowGeometryInScreen();
		PathWithGeometries.Add( FWidgetAndPointer(
			FArrangedWidget( TopLevelWindowPtr.ToSharedRef(), ParentGeometry ),
			// @todo slate: this should be the cursor's virtual position in window space.
			TSharedPtr<FVirtualPointerPosition>() ) );
		FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible, true);
		TSharedPtr<FVirtualPointerPosition> VirtualPointerPos;
		// For every widget in the vertical slice...
		for( int32 WidgetIndex = 0; bPathUninterrupted && WidgetIndex < WidgetPtrs.Num()-1; ++WidgetIndex )
			TSharedPtr<SWidget> CurWidget = WidgetPtrs[WidgetIndex];

			bool bFoundChild = false;
			if ( CurWidget.IsValid() )
				// Arrange the widget's children to find their geometries.
				CurWidget->ArrangeChildren(ParentGeometry, ArrangedChildren);
				// Find the next widget in the path among the arranged children.
				for( int32 SearchIndex = 0; !bFoundChild && SearchIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++SearchIndex )
					FArrangedWidget& ArrangedWidget = ArrangedChildren[SearchIndex];

					if ( ArrangedWidget.Widget == WidgetPtrs[WidgetIndex+1] )
						if( PointerEvent && !VirtualPointerPos.IsValid() )
							VirtualPointerPos = CurWidget->TranslateMouseCoordinateFor3DChild( ArrangedWidget.Widget, ParentGeometry, PointerEvent->GetScreenSpacePosition(), PointerEvent->GetLastScreenSpacePosition() );

						bFoundChild = true;
						// Remember the widget, the associated geometry, and the pointer position in a transformed space.
						PathWithGeometries.Add( FWidgetAndPointer(ArrangedChildren[SearchIndex], VirtualPointerPos) );
						// The next child in the vertical slice will be arranged with respect to its parent's geometry.
						ParentGeometry = ArrangedChildren[SearchIndex].Geometry;

			bPathUninterrupted = bFoundChild;
			if (!bFoundChild && InterruptedPathHandling == EInterruptedPathHandling::ReturnInvalid )
				return EPathResolutionResult::Truncated;
	WidgetPath = FWidgetPath( PathWithGeometries );
	return bPathUninterrupted ? EPathResolutionResult::Live : EPathResolutionResult::Truncated;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Move focus either forward on backward in the path level specified by PathLevel.
 * That is, this movement of focus will modify the subtree under Widgets(PathLevel).
 * @param PathLevel       The level in this WidgetPath whose focus to move.
 * @param MoveDirectin    Move focus forward or backward?
 * @return true if the focus moved successfully, false if we were unable to move focus
bool FWidgetPath::MoveFocus(int32 PathLevel, EUINavigation NavigationType)
	check(NavigationType == EUINavigation::Next || NavigationType == EUINavigation::Previous);

	const int32 MoveDirectionAsInt = (NavigationType == EUINavigation::Next)
		? +1
		: -1;

	if ( PathLevel == Widgets.Num()-1 )
		// We are the currently focused widget because we are at the very bottom of focus path.
		if (NavigationType == EUINavigation::Next)
			// EFocusMoveDirection::Next implies descend, so try to find a focusable descendant.
			return ExtendPathTo( FFocusableWidgetMatcher() );
			// EFocusMoveDirection::Previous implies move focus up a level.
			return false;
	else if ( Widgets.Num() > 1 )
		// We are not the last widget in the path.
		// GOAL: Look for a focusable descendant to the left or right of the currently focused path.
		// Arrange the children so we can iterate through them regardless of widget type.
		FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
		Widgets[PathLevel].Widget->ArrangeChildren( Widgets[PathLevel].Geometry, ArrangedChildren );

		// Find the currently focused child among the children.
		int32 FocusedChildIndex = ArrangedChildren.FindItemIndex( Widgets[PathLevel+1] );
		FocusedChildIndex = (FocusedChildIndex) % ArrangedChildren.Num() + MoveDirectionAsInt;

		// Now actually search for the widget.
		for( ; FocusedChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num() && FocusedChildIndex >= 0; FocusedChildIndex += MoveDirectionAsInt )
			// Neither disabled widgets nor their children can be focused.
			if ( ArrangedChildren[FocusedChildIndex].Widget->IsEnabled() )
				// Look for a focusable descendant.
				FArrangedChildren PathToFocusableChild = GeneratePathToWidget(FFocusableWidgetMatcher(), ArrangedChildren[FocusedChildIndex], NavigationType);
				// Either we found a focusable descendant, or an immediate child that is focusable.
				const bool bFoundNextFocusable = ( PathToFocusableChild.Num() > 0 ) || ArrangedChildren[FocusedChildIndex].Widget->SupportsKeyboardFocus();
				if ( bFoundNextFocusable )
					// We found the next focusable widget, so make this path point at the new widget by:
					// First, truncating the FocusPath up to the current level (i.e. PathLevel).
					Widgets.Remove( PathLevel+1, Widgets.Num()-PathLevel-1 );
					// Second, add the immediate child that is focus or whose descendant is focused.
					Widgets.AddWidget( ArrangedChildren[FocusedChildIndex] );
					// Add path to focused descendants if any.
					Widgets.Append( PathToFocusableChild );
					// We successfully moved focus!
					return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
	/**  SWidget interface */
	virtual int32 OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const override
		// First paint the background
			LayerId = PaintBackground(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);

		FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
		ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

		// Draw the child nodes

		// When drawing a marquee, need a preview of what the selection will be.
		const auto* SelectionToVisualize = &(SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
		FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectionPreview;
		if (Marquee.IsValid())
			ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionPreview);
			SelectionToVisualize = &SelectionPreview;
		int32 NodesLayerId = LayerId;

		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
			TSharedRef<SWorldTileItem> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SWorldTileItem>(CurWidget.Widget);
			ChildNode->bAffectedByMarquee = SelectionToVisualize->Contains(ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed());
			LayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, NodesLayerId, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled(bParentEnabled));
			ChildNode->bAffectedByMarquee = false;
		// Draw editable world bounds
		if (!WorldModel->IsSimulating())
			float ScreenSpaceSize = FLevelCollectionModel::EditableAxisLength()*GetZoomAmount()*2.f;
			FVector2D PaintSize = FVector2D(ScreenSpaceSize, ScreenSpaceSize);
			FVector2D PaintPosition = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D::ZeroVector) - (PaintSize*0.5f);
			float Scale = 0.2f; // Scale down drawing border
			FSlateLayoutTransform LayoutTransform(Scale, AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedLayoutTransform().GetTranslation() + PaintPosition);
			FSlateRenderTransform RenderTransform(Scale, AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedRenderTransform().GetTranslation() + PaintPosition);
			FPaintGeometry EditableArea(LayoutTransform, RenderTransform, PaintSize/Scale);

			FLinearColor PaintColor = FLinearColor::Yellow;
			PaintColor.A = 0.4f;

		// Draw the marquee selection rectangle
		PaintMarquee(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ++LayerId);

		// Draw the software cursor
		PaintSoftwareCursor(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ++LayerId);

			// Draw a surrounding indicator when PIE is active, to make it clear that the graph is read-only, etc...

		// Draw observer location
			FVector ObserverPosition;
			FRotator ObserverRotation;
			if (WorldModel->GetObserverView(ObserverPosition, ObserverRotation))
				FVector2D ObserverPositionScreen = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D(ObserverPosition.X, ObserverPosition.Y));
				const FSlateBrush* CameraImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("WorldBrowser.SimulationViewPositon"));
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeometry = AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(
					ObserverPositionScreen - CameraImage->ImageSize*0.5f, 


			FVector PlayerPosition;
			FRotator PlayerRotation;
			if (WorldModel->GetPlayerView(PlayerPosition, PlayerRotation))
				FVector2D PlayerPositionScreen = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D(PlayerPosition.X, PlayerPosition.Y));
				const FSlateBrush* CameraImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("WorldBrowser.SimulationViewPositon"));
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeometry = AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(
					PlayerPositionScreen - CameraImage->ImageSize*0.5f, 



		LayerId = PaintScaleRuler(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);
		return LayerId;