Ejemplo n.º 1

   makes basewindigs for sides and mins / maxs for the brush
qboolean MakeBrushWindings( mapbrush_t *ob ){
	int i, j;
	winding_t   *w;
	side_t      *side;
	plane_t     *plane;

	ClearBounds( ob->mins, ob->maxs );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < ob->numsides ; i++ )
		plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane->normal, plane->dist );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < ob->numsides && w; j++ )
			if ( i == j ) {
			if ( ob->original_sides[j].bevel ) {
			plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum ^ 1];
			ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 ); //CLIP_EPSILON);

		side = &ob->original_sides[i];
		side->winding = w;
		if ( w ) {
			side->visible = true;
			for ( j = 0 ; j < w->numpoints ; j++ )
				AddPointToBounds( w->p[j], ob->mins, ob->maxs );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		if ( ob->mins[0] < -4096 || ob->maxs[0] > 4096 ) {
			Sys_Printf( "entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of range\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum );
		if ( ob->mins[0] > 4096 || ob->maxs[0] < -4096 ) {
			Sys_Printf( "entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2

Expands all the brush planes and saves a new map out
void TestExpandBrushes (void)
	FILE	*f;
	side_t	*s;
	int		i, j, bn;
	winding_t	*w;
	char	*name = "expanded.map";
	mapbrush_t	*brush;
	vec_t	dist;

	printf ("writing %s\n", name);
	f = fopen (name, "wb");
	if (!f)
		Error ("Can't write %s\b", name);

	fprintf (f, "{\n\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n");

	for (bn=0 ; bn<nummapbrushes ; bn++)
		brush = &mapbrushes[bn];
		fprintf (f, "{\n");
		for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
			s = brush->original_sides + i;
			dist = mapplanes[s->planenum].dist;
			for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
				dist += fabs( 16 * mapplanes[s->planenum].normal[j] );

			w = BaseWindingForPlane (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, dist);

			fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[0][0], (int)w->p[0][1], (int)w->p[0][2]);
			fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[1][0], (int)w->p[1][1], (int)w->p[1][2]);
			fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[2][0], (int)w->p[2][1], (int)w->p[2][2]);

			fprintf (f, "%s 0 0 0 1 1\n", texinfo[s->texinfo].texture);
			FreeWinding (w);
		fprintf (f, "}\n");
	fprintf (f, "}\n");

	fclose (f);

	Error ("can't proceed after expanding brushes");
Ejemplo n.º 3

If the facet isn't bounded by its borders, we screwed up.
static qboolean CM_ValidateFacet( facet_t *facet ) {
	float		plane[4];
	int			j;
	winding_t	*w;
	vec3_t		bounds[2];

	if ( facet->surfacePlane == -1 ) {
		return qfalse;

	Vector4Copy( planes[ facet->surfacePlane ].plane, plane );
	w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane,  plane[3] );
	for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders && w ; j++ ) {
		if ( facet->borderPlanes[j] == -1 ) {
			return qfalse;
		Vector4Copy( planes[ facet->borderPlanes[j] ].plane, plane );
		if ( !facet->borderInward[j] ) {
			VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
			plane[3] = -plane[3];
		ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane, plane[3], 0.1f );

	if ( !w ) {
		return qfalse;		// winding was completely chopped away

	// see if the facet is unreasonably large
	WindingBounds( w, bounds[0], bounds[1] );
	FreeWinding( w );
	for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
		if ( bounds[1][j] - bounds[0][j] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS ) {
			return qfalse;		// we must be missing a plane
		if ( bounds[0][j] >= MAX_MAP_BOUNDS ) {
			return qfalse;
		if ( bounds[1][j] <= -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS ) {
			return qfalse;
	return qtrue;		// winding is fine
Ejemplo n.º 4

create the new portal by taking the full plane winding for the cutting plane
and clipping it by all of the planes from the other portals.

Each portal tracks the node that created it, so unused nodes
can be removed later.
void MakeNodePortal (node_t *node)
	portal_t	*new_portal, *p;
	dplane_t	*plane;
	dplane_t	clipplane;
	winding_t	*w;
	int			side;

	plane = &dplanes[node->planenum];
	w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane);

	new_portal = AllocPortal ();
	new_portal->plane = *plane;
	new_portal->onnode = node;

	side = 0;	// shut up compiler warning
	for (p = node->portals ; p ; p = p->next[side])	
		clipplane = p->plane;
		if (p->nodes[0] == node)
			side = 0;
		else if (p->nodes[1] == node)
			clipplane.dist = -clipplane.dist;
			VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
			side = 1;
			Error ("MakeNodePortal: mislinked portal");

		w = ClipWinding (w, &clipplane, true);
		if (!w)
			printf ("WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)-(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)\n",
					node->mins[0], node->mins[1], node->mins[2], 
					node->maxs[0], node->maxs[1], node->maxs[2]);
			FreePortal (new_portal);

	new_portal->winding = w;	
	AddPortalToNodes (new_portal, node->children[0], node->children[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief makes basewindings for sides and mins / maxs for the brush
static bool MakeBrushWindings (mapbrush_t* brush)
	int i, j;


	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) {
		const plane_t* plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[i].planenum];
		winding_t* w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++) {
			if (i == j)
			/* back side clipaway */
			if (brush->original_sides[j].planenum == (brush->original_sides[j].planenum ^ 1))
			if (brush->original_sides[j].bevel)
			plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[j].planenum ^ 1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); /*CLIP_EPSILON); */

		side_t* side = &brush->original_sides[i];
		side->winding = w;
		if (w) {
			side->visible = true;
			for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++)

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (brush->mbBox.mins[i] < -MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || brush->mbBox.maxs[i] > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH)
			Com_Printf("entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of world range (%f:%f)\n",
				brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum, brush->mbBox.mins[i], brush->mbBox.maxs[i]);
		if (brush->mbBox.mins[i] > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || brush->mbBox.maxs[i] < -MAX_WORLD_WIDTH) {
			Com_Printf("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void BSPBrushWindings(bspbrush_t *brush)
	int i, j;
	winding_t *w;
	plane_t *plane;

	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
		plane = &mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++)
			if (i == j) continue;
			plane = &mapplanes[brush->sides[j].planenum^1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);
		} //end for
		brush->sides[i].winding = w;
	} //end for
} //end of the function BSPBrushWindings
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * MakeBrushWindings
 * Makes basewindigs for sides and mins / maxs for the brush
static boolean_t MakeBrushWindings(map_brush_t * ob) {
	int i, j;
	side_t *side;

	ClearBounds(ob->mins, ob->maxs);

	for (i = 0; i < ob->num_sides; i++) {
		const map_plane_t *plane = &map_planes[ob->original_sides[i].plane_num];
		winding_t *w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for (j = 0; j < ob->num_sides && w; j++) {
			if (i == j)
			// back side clipaway
			if (ob->original_sides[j].plane_num
					== (ob->original_sides[j].plane_num ^ 1))
			if (ob->original_sides[j].bevel)
			plane = &map_planes[ob->original_sides[j].plane_num ^ 1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);

		side = &ob->original_sides[i];
		side->winding = w;
		if (w) {
			side->visible = true;
			for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++)
				AddPointToBounds(w->p[j], ob->mins, ob->maxs);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (ob->mins[0] < -MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || ob->maxs[0] > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH)
			Com_Verbose("entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of range\n",
					ob->entity_num, ob->brush_num);
		if (ob->mins[0] > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || ob->maxs[0] < -MAX_WORLD_WIDTH)
			Com_Verbose("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n",
					ob->entity_num, ob->brush_num);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
winding_t *AAS_SplitWinding( tmp_area_t *tmparea, int planenum ) {
	tmp_face_t *face;
	plane_t *plane;
	int side;
	winding_t *splitwinding;

	plane = &mapplanes[planenum];
	//create a split winding, first base winding for plane
	splitwinding = BaseWindingForPlane( plane->normal, plane->dist );
	//chop with all the faces of the area
	for ( face = tmparea->tmpfaces; face && splitwinding; face = face->next[side] )
		//side of the face the original area was on
		side = face->frontarea != tmparea;
		plane = &mapplanes[face->planenum ^ side];
		ChopWindingInPlace( &splitwinding, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 ); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);
	} //end for
	return splitwinding;
} //end of the function AAS_SplitWinding
Ejemplo n.º 9
void WriteBSPBrushMap( char *name, brush_t *list ){
	FILE        *f;
	side_t      *s;
	int i;
	winding_t   *w;

	/* note it */
	Sys_Printf( "Writing %s\n", name );

	/* open the map file */
	f = fopen( name, "wb" );
	if ( f == NULL ) {
		Error( "Can't write %s\b", name );

	fprintf( f, "{\n\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n" );

	for ( ; list ; list = list->next )
		fprintf( f, "{\n" );
		for ( i = 0,s = list->sides ; i < list->numsides ; i++,s++ )
			// TODO: See if we can use a smaller winding to prevent resolution loss.
			// Is WriteBSPBrushMap() used only to decompile maps?
			w = BaseWindingForPlane( mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, mapplanes[s->planenum].dist );

			fprintf( f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[0][0], (int)w->p[0][1], (int)w->p[0][2] );
			fprintf( f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[1][0], (int)w->p[1][1], (int)w->p[1][2] );
			fprintf( f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[2][0], (int)w->p[2][1], (int)w->p[2][2] );

			fprintf( f, "notexture 0 0 0 1 1\n" );
			FreeWinding( w );
		fprintf( f, "}\n" );
	fprintf( f, "}\n" );

	fclose( f );

Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: brush.c Proyecto: otty/cake3

makes basewindigs for sides and mins / maxs for the brush
returns false if the brush doesn't enclose a valid volume
qboolean CreateBrushWindings(bspBrush_t * brush)
	int             i, j;
	winding_t      *w;
	side_t         *side;
	plane_t        *plane;

	for(i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
		side = &brush->sides[i];
		// don't create a winding for a bevel
		plane = &mapPlanes[side->planenum];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for(j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++)
			if(i == j)
			if(brush->sides[j].planenum == (brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1))
				continue;		// back side clipaway
			plane = &mapPlanes[brush->sides[j].planenum ^ 1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0);	//CLIP_EPSILON);
		// free any existing winding
		side->winding = w;

	return BoundBrush(brush);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void WriteBSPBrushMap( char *name, brush_t *list )
    FILE		*f;
    side_t		*s;
    int			i;
    winding_t	*w;

    /* note it */
    Sys_Printf( "writing %s\n", name );

    /* open the map file */
    f = fopen( name, "wb" );
    if( f == NULL )
        Error( "Can't write %s\b", name );

    fprintf (f, "{\n\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n");

    for ( ; list ; list=list->next )
        fprintf (f, "{\n");
        for (i=0,s=list->sides ; i<list->numsides ; i++,s++)
            w = BaseWindingForPlane (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, mapplanes[s->planenum].dist);
            fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[0][0], (int)w->p[0][1], (int)w->p[0][2]);
            fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[1][0], (int)w->p[1][1], (int)w->p[1][2]);
            fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[2][0], (int)w->p[2][1], (int)w->p[2][2]);
            if ( s->shaderInfo == NULL )
                fprintf (f, "notexture 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0\n" );
                fprintf (f, "%s %i %i 0 1 1 0 0 0\n", s->shaderInfo->shader + 9, s->shaderInfo->shaderWidth, s->shaderInfo->shaderHeight );
            FreeWinding (w);
        fprintf (f, "}\n");
    fprintf (f, "}\n");

    fclose (f);

Ejemplo n.º 12
void SplitBrush( brush_t *brush, int planenum, brush_t **front, brush_t **back ){
	brush_t     *b[2];
	int i, j;
	winding_t   *w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
	plane_t     *plane, *plane2;
	side_t      *s, *cs;
	float d, d_front, d_back;

	*front = NULL;
	*back = NULL;
	plane = &mapplanes[planenum];

	// check all points
	d_front = d_back = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ )
		w = brush->sides[i].winding;
		if ( !w ) {
		for ( j = 0 ; j < w->numpoints ; j++ )
			d = DotProduct( w->p[j], plane->normal ) - plane->dist;
			if ( d > 0 && d > d_front ) {
				d_front = d;
			if ( d < 0 && d < d_back ) {
				d_back = d;

	if ( d_front < 0.1 ) { // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
		// only on back
		*back = CopyBrush( brush );

	if ( d_back > -0.1 ) { // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
		// only on front
		*front = CopyBrush( brush );

	// create a new winding from the split plane
	w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane->normal, plane->dist );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < brush->numsides && w ; i++ )
		plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
		ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist, 0 ); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);

	if ( !w || WindingIsTiny( w ) ) { // the brush isn't really split
		int side;

		side = BrushMostlyOnSide( brush, plane );
		if ( side == PSIDE_FRONT ) {
			*front = CopyBrush( brush );
		if ( side == PSIDE_BACK ) {
			*back = CopyBrush( brush );

	if ( WindingIsHuge( w ) ) {
		Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB,"WARNING: huge winding\n" );

	midwinding = w;

	// split it for real

	for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
		b[i] = AllocBrush( brush->numsides + 1 );
		memcpy( b[i], brush, sizeof( brush_t ) - sizeof( brush->sides ) );
		b[i]->numsides = 0;
		b[i]->next = NULL;
		b[i]->original = brush->original;

	// split all the current windings

	for ( i = 0 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ )
		s = &brush->sides[i];
		w = s->winding;
		if ( !w ) {
		/* strict, in parallel case we get the face back because it also is the midwinding */
		ClipWindingEpsilonStrict( w, plane->normal, plane->dist,
							0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1] );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ )
			if ( !cw[j] ) {
			cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
			*cs = *s;
			cs->winding = cw[j];

	// see if we have valid polygons on both sides
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
		if ( b[i]->numsides < 3 || !BoundBrush( b[i] ) ) {
			if ( b[i]->numsides >= 3 ) {
				Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB,"bogus brush after clip\n" );
			FreeBrush( b[i] );
			b[i] = NULL;

	if ( !( b[0] && b[1] ) ) {
		if ( !b[0] && !b[1] ) {
			Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB,"split removed brush\n" );
			Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB,"split not on both sides\n" );
		if ( b[0] ) {
			FreeBrush( b[0] );
			*front = CopyBrush( brush );
		if ( b[1] ) {
			FreeBrush( b[1] );
			*back = CopyBrush( brush );

	// add the midwinding to both sides
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
		cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];

		cs->planenum = planenum ^ i ^ 1;
		cs->shaderInfo = NULL;
		if ( i == 0 ) {
			cs->winding = CopyWinding( midwinding );
			cs->winding = midwinding;

		vec_t v1;
		int i;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
			v1 = BrushVolume( b[i] );
			if ( v1 < 1.0 ) {
				FreeBrush( b[i] );
				b[i] = NULL;
				//			Sys_FPrintf (SYS_VRB,"tiny volume after clip\n");

	*front = b[0];
	*back = b[1];
Ejemplo n.º 13
void SplitBrush( bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back )
	bspbrush_t	*b[2];
	int			i, j;
	winding_t	*w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
	plane_t		*plane, *plane2;
	side_t		*s, *cs;
	float		d, d_front, d_back;

	*front = *back = NULL;
	plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[planenum];

	// check all points
	d_front = d_back = 0;
	for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
		w = brush->sides[i].winding;
		if (!w)
		for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
			d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist;
			if (d > 0 && d > d_front)
				d_front = d;
			if (d < 0 && d < d_back)
				d_back = d;

	if (d_front < 0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
	{	// only on back
		*back = CopyBrush (brush);
	if (d_back > -0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
	{	// only on front
		*front = CopyBrush (brush);

	// Move the CSG problem so that offset is at the origin
	// This gives us much better floating point precision in the clipping operations
	Vector offset = -0.5f * (brush->mins + brush->maxs);
	// create a new winding from the split plane

	w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist + DotProduct(plane->normal,offset));
	for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides && w ; i++)
		plane2 = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
		ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist+DotProduct(plane2->normal,offset), 0); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);

	if (!w || WindingIsTiny (w) )
	{	// the brush isn't really split
		int		side;

		side = BrushMostlyOnSide (brush, plane);
		if (side == PSIDE_FRONT)
			*front = CopyBrush (brush);
		if (side == PSIDE_BACK)
			*back = CopyBrush (brush);

	if (WindingIsHuge (w))
		qprintf ("WARNING: huge winding\n");

	TranslateWinding( w, -offset );
	midwinding = w;

	// split it for real

    // allocate two new brushes referencing the original
	for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		b[i] = AllocBrush( brush->numsides + 1 );
		b[i]->original = brush->original;

	// split all the current windings
	for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
        // get the current side
		s = &brush->sides[i];

        // get the sides winding
		w = s->winding;
		if( !w )

        // clip the winding
		ClipWindingEpsilon_Offset( w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1], offset );

		for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
            // does winding exist?
			if( !cw[j] )
#if 0
			if (WindingIsTiny (cw[j]))
				FreeWinding (cw[j]);

            // create a clipped "side" with the new winding
			cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
			*cs = *s;
			cs->winding = cw[j];
			cs->tested = false;
            // save the original side information
            //cs->original = s->original;

	// see if we have valid polygons on both sides

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		BoundBrush (b[i]);
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			if (b[i]->mins[j] < MIN_COORD_INTEGER || b[i]->maxs[j] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER)
				qprintf ("bogus brush after clip\n");

		if (b[i]->numsides < 3 || j < 3)
			FreeBrush (b[i]);
			b[i] = NULL;

	if ( !(b[0] && b[1]) )
		if (!b[0] && !b[1])
			qprintf ("split removed brush\n");
			qprintf ("split not on both sides\n");
		if (b[0])
			FreeBrush (b[0]);
			*front = CopyBrush (brush);
		if (b[1])
			FreeBrush (b[1]);
			*back = CopyBrush (brush);

	// add the midwinding to both sides
	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];

		cs->planenum = planenum^i^1;
		cs->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;

        // initialize the displacement map index
		cs->pMapDisp = NULL;

        cs->visible = false;
		cs->tested = false;
		if (i==0)
			cs->winding = CopyWinding (midwinding);
			cs->winding = midwinding;

	vec_t	v1;
	int		i;

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		v1 = BrushVolume (b[i]);
		if (v1 < 1.0)
			FreeBrush (b[i]);
			b[i] = NULL;
//			qprintf ("tiny volume after clip\n");

	*front = b[0];
	*back = b[1];
Ejemplo n.º 14
qboolean CreateBrushWindings( brush_t *brush ){
	int i, j;
	winding_accu_t  *w;
	winding_t   *w;
	side_t      *side;
	plane_t     *plane;

	/* walk the list of brush sides */
	for ( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
		/* get side and plane */
		side = &brush->sides[ i ];
		plane = &mapplanes[ side->planenum ];

		/* make huge winding */
		w = BaseWindingForPlaneAccu( plane->normal, plane->dist );
		w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane->normal, plane->dist );

		/* walk the list of brush sides */
		for ( j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w != NULL; j++ )
			if ( i == j ) {
			if ( brush->sides[ j ].planenum == ( brush->sides[ i ].planenum ^ 1 ) ) {
				continue;       /* back side clipaway */
			if ( brush->sides[ j ].bevel ) {
			plane = &mapplanes[ brush->sides[ j ].planenum ^ 1 ];
			ChopWindingInPlaceAccu( &w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 );
			ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0 ); // CLIP_EPSILON );

			/* ydnar: fix broken windings that would generate trifans */
			// I think it's better to FixWindingAccu() once after we chop with all planes
			// so that error isn't multiplied.  There is nothing natural about welding
			// the points unless they are the final endpoints.  ChopWindingInPlaceAccu()
			// is able to handle all kinds of degenerate windings.
			FixWinding( w );

		/* set side winding */
		if ( w != NULL ) {
			FixWindingAccu( w );
			if ( w->numpoints < 3 ) {
				FreeWindingAccu( w );
				w = NULL;
		side->winding = ( w ? CopyWindingAccuToRegular( w ) : NULL );
		if ( w ) {
			FreeWindingAccu( w );
		side->winding = w;

	/* find brush bounds */
	return BoundBrush( brush );
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void AAS_FixMapBrush(mapbrush_t *brush)
	int i, j, planenum;
	float dist;
	winding_t *w;
	plane_t *plane, *plane1, *plane2;
	side_t *side;
	vec3_t normal;

	//calculate the brush bounds
	ClearBounds(brush->mins, brush->maxs);
	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
		plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[i].planenum];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++)
			if (i == j) continue;
			//there are no brush bevels marked but who cares :)
			if (brush->original_sides[j].flags & SFL_BEVEL) continue;
			plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[j].planenum^1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);
		} //end for

		side = &brush->original_sides[i];
		side->winding = w;
		if (w)
			for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++)
				AddPointToBounds(w->p[j], brush->mins, brush->maxs);
			} //end for
		} //end if
	} //end for
	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides; j++)
			if (i == j) continue;
			plane1 = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[i].planenum];
			plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[j].planenum];
			if (WindingsNonConvex(brush->original_sides[i].winding,
									plane1->normal, plane2->normal,
									plane1->dist, plane2->dist))
				Log_Print("non convex brush");
			} //end if
		} //end for
	} //end for

	//NOW close the f*****g brush!!
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (brush->mins[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
			normal[i] = -1;
			dist = MAX_MAP_BOUNDS - 10;
			planenum = FindFloatPlane(normal, dist);
			Log_Print("mins out of range: added extra brush side\n");
			AAS_AddMapBrushSide(brush, planenum);
		} //end if
		if (brush->maxs[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
			normal[i] = 1;
			dist = MAX_MAP_BOUNDS - 10;
			planenum = FindFloatPlane(normal, dist);
			Log_Print("maxs out of range: added extra brush side\n");
			AAS_AddMapBrushSide(brush, planenum);
		} //end if
		if (brush->mins[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || brush->maxs[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
			Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum);
		} //end if
	} //end for
	//free all the windings
} //end of the function AAS_FixMapBrush
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Generates two new brushes, leaving the original
// unchanged
// modified for Half-Life because there are quite a lot of tiny node leaves
// in the Half-Life bsps
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void Q1_SplitBrush(bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum, int nodenum,
                   bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back)
    bspbrush_t *b[2];
    int i, j;
    winding_t *w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
    plane_t *plane, *plane2;
    side_t *s, *cs;
    float d, d_front, d_back;

    *front = *back = NULL;
    plane = &mapplanes[planenum];

    // check all points
    d_front = d_back = 0;
    for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
        w = brush->sides[i].winding;
        if (!w)
        for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
            d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist;
            if (d > 0 && d > d_front)
                d_front = d;
            if (d < 0 && d < d_back)
                d_back = d;
        } //end for
    } //end for

    if (d_front < 0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
    {   // only on back
        *back = CopyBrush (brush);
        Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: only on back\n");
    } //end if
    if (d_back > -0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
    {   // only on front
        *front = CopyBrush (brush);
        Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: only on front\n");
    } //end if

    // create a new winding from the split plane

    w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist);
    for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides && w; i++)
        plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
        ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist, 0); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);
    } //end for

    if (!w || WindingIsTiny(w))
    {   // the brush isn't really split
        int		side;

        Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: no split winding\n");
        side = BrushMostlyOnSide (brush, plane);
        if (side == PSIDE_FRONT)
            *front = CopyBrush (brush);
        if (side == PSIDE_BACK)
            *back = CopyBrush (brush);

    if (WindingIsHuge(w))
        Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: WARNING huge split winding\n");
    } //end of

    midwinding = w;

    // split it for real

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        b[i] = AllocBrush (brush->numsides+1);
        b[i]->original = brush->original;
    } //end for

    // split all the current windings

    for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
        s = &brush->sides[i];
        w = s->winding;
        if (!w)
        ClipWindingEpsilon (w, plane->normal, plane->dist,
                            0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1]);
        for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
            if (!cw[j])
#if 0
            if (WindingIsTiny (cw[j]))
                FreeWinding (cw[j]);
            cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
            *cs = *s;
//			cs->planenum = s->planenum;
//			cs->texinfo = s->texinfo;
//			cs->visible = s->visible;
//			cs->original = s->original;
            cs->winding = cw[j];
            cs->flags &= ~SFL_TESTED;
        } //end for
    } //end for

    // see if we have valid polygons on both sides

    for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
        BoundBrush (b[i]);
        for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
            if (b[i]->mins[j] < -4096 || b[i]->maxs[j] > 4096)
                Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: bogus brush after clip\n");
            } //end if
        } //end for

        if (b[i]->numsides < 3 || j < 3)
            FreeBrush (b[i]);
            b[i] = NULL;
            Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: numsides < 3\n");
        } //end if
    } //end for

    if ( !(b[0] && b[1]) )
        if (!b[0] && !b[1])
            Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: split removed brush\n");
            Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: split not on both sides\n");
        if (b[0])
            FreeBrush (b[0]);
            *front = CopyBrush (brush);
        } //end if
        if (b[1])
            FreeBrush (b[1]);
            *back = CopyBrush (brush);
        } //end if
    } //end if

    // add the midwinding to both sides
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];

        cs->planenum = planenum^i^1;
        cs->texinfo = 0;
        //store the node number in the surf to find the texinfo later on
        cs->surf = nodenum;
        cs->flags &= ~SFL_VISIBLE;
        cs->flags &= ~SFL_TESTED;
        cs->flags &= ~SFL_TEXTURED;
        if (i==0)
            cs->winding = CopyWinding (midwinding);
            cs->winding = midwinding;
    } //end for

        vec_t v1;
        int i;

        for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
            v1 = BrushVolume (b[i]);
            if (v1 < 1)
                FreeBrush (b[i]);
                b[i] = NULL;
                Log_Print("Q1_SplitBrush: tiny volume after clip\n");
            } //end if
        } //end for
    } //*/

    *front = b[0];
    *back = b[1];
} //end of the function Q1_SplitBrush
Ejemplo n.º 17

Generates two new brushes, leaving the original
void SplitBrush (bspbrush_t *brush, int planenum,
	bspbrush_t **front, bspbrush_t **back)
	bspbrush_t	*b[2];
	int			i, j;
	winding_t	*w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
	plane_t		*plane, *plane2;
	side_t		*s, *cs;
	float		d, d_front, d_back;

	*front = *back = NULL;
	plane = &mapplanes[planenum];

	// check all points
	d_front = d_back = 0;
	for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
		w = brush->sides[i].winding;
		if (!w)
		for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
			d = DotProduct (w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist;
			if (d > 0 && d > d_front)
				d_front = d;
			if (d < 0 && d < d_back)
				d_back = d;
	if (d_front < 0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
	{	// only on back
		*back = CopyBrush (brush);
	if (d_back > -0.1) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
	{	// only on front
		*front = CopyBrush (brush);

	// create a new winding from the split plane

	w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist);
	for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides && w ; i++)
		plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
		ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist, 0); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);

	if (!w || WindingIsTiny (w) )
	{	// the brush isn't really split
		int		side;

		side = BrushMostlyOnSide (brush, plane);
		if (side == PSIDE_FRONT)
			*front = CopyBrush (brush);
		if (side == PSIDE_BACK)
			*back = CopyBrush (brush);

	if (WindingIsHuge (w))
		qprintf ("WARNING: huge winding\n");

	midwinding = w;

	// split it for real

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		b[i] = AllocBrush (brush->numsides+1);
		b[i]->original = brush->original;

	// split all the current windings

	for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++)
		s = &brush->sides[i];
		w = s->winding;
		if (!w)
		ClipWindingEpsilon (w, plane->normal, plane->dist,
			0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1]);
		for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
			if (!cw[j])
#if 0
			if (WindingIsTiny (cw[j]))
				FreeWinding (cw[j]);
			cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
			*cs = *s;
//			cs->planenum = s->planenum;
//			cs->texinfo = s->texinfo;
//			cs->visible = s->visible;
//			cs->original = s->original;
			cs->winding = cw[j];
			cs->tested = false;

	// see if we have valid polygons on both sides

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		BoundBrush (b[i]);
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			if (b[i]->mins[j] < -4096 || b[i]->maxs[j] > 4096)
				qprintf ("bogus brush after clip\n");

		if (b[i]->numsides < 3 || j < 3)
			FreeBrush (b[i]);
			b[i] = NULL;

	if ( !(b[0] && b[1]) )
		if (!b[0] && !b[1])
			qprintf ("split removed brush\n");
			qprintf ("split not on both sides\n");
		if (b[0])
			FreeBrush (b[0]);
			*front = CopyBrush (brush);
		if (b[1])
			FreeBrush (b[1]);
			*back = CopyBrush (brush);

	// add the midwinding to both sides
	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];

		cs->planenum = planenum^i^1;
		cs->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;
		cs->visible = false;
		cs->tested = false;
		if (i==0)
			cs->winding = CopyWinding (midwinding);
			cs->winding = midwinding;

	vec_t	v1;
	int		i;

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
		v1 = BrushVolume (b[i]);
		if (v1 < 1.0)
			FreeBrush (b[i]);
			b[i] = NULL;
//			qprintf ("tiny volume after clip\n");

	*front = b[0];
	*back = b[1];
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void
CutNodePortals_r(node_t *node)
    plane_t *plane, clipplane;
    node_t *f, *b, *other_node;
    portal_t *p, *new_portal, *next_portal;
    winding_t *w, *frontwinding, *backwinding;
    int side;

    CheckLeafPortalConsistancy (node);

    // separate the portals on node into it's children
    if (node->contents)
	return;			// at a leaf, no more dividing

    plane = &pPlanes[node->planenum];

    f = node->children[0];
    b = node->children[1];

    // create the new portal by taking the full plane winding for the cutting plane
    // and clipping it by all of the planes from the other portals
    new_portal = AllocMem(PORTAL, 1, true);
    new_portal->planenum = node->planenum;

    w = BaseWindingForPlane(&pPlanes[node->planenum]);
    side = 0;			// shut up compiler warning
    for (p = node->portals; p; p = p->next[side]) {
	clipplane = pPlanes[p->planenum];
	if (p->nodes[0] == node)
	    side = 0;
	else if (p->nodes[1] == node) {
	    clipplane.dist = -clipplane.dist;
	    VectorSubtract(vec3_origin, clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
	    side = 1;
	} else
	    Message(msgError, errMislinkedPortal);

	w = ClipWinding(w, &clipplane, true);
	if (!w) {
	    Message(msgWarning, warnPortalClippedAway);

    if (w) {
	// if the plane was not clipped on all sides, there was an error
	new_portal->winding = w;
	AddPortalToNodes(new_portal, f, b);
    // partition the portals
    for (p = node->portals; p; p = next_portal) {
	if (p->nodes[0] == node)
	    side = 0;
	else if (p->nodes[1] == node)
	    side = 1;
	    Message(msgError, errMislinkedPortal);
	next_portal = p->next[side];

	other_node = p->nodes[!side];
	RemovePortalFromNode(p, p->nodes[0]);
	RemovePortalFromNode(p, p->nodes[1]);

	// cut the portal into two portals, one on each side of the cut plane
	DivideWinding(p->winding, plane, &frontwinding, &backwinding);

	if (!frontwinding) {
	    if (side == 0)
		AddPortalToNodes(p, b, other_node);
		AddPortalToNodes(p, other_node, b);
	if (!backwinding) {
	    if (side == 0)
		AddPortalToNodes(p, f, other_node);
		AddPortalToNodes(p, other_node, f);
	// the winding is split
	new_portal = AllocMem(PORTAL, 1, true);
	*new_portal = *p;
	new_portal->winding = backwinding;
	FreeMem(p->winding, WINDING, 1);
	p->winding = frontwinding;

	if (side == 0) {
	    AddPortalToNodes(p, f, other_node);
	    AddPortalToNodes(new_portal, b, other_node);
	} else {
	    AddPortalToNodes(p, other_node, f);
	    AddPortalToNodes(new_portal, other_node, b);

    // Display progress
    Message(msgPercent, iNodesDone, splitnodes);

Ejemplo n.º 19
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
qboolean AAS_MakeBrushWindings(mapbrush_t *ob)
	int			i, j;
	winding_t	*w;
	side_t		*side;
	plane_t		*plane, *plane1, *plane2;

	ClearBounds (ob->mins, ob->maxs);

	for (i = 0; i < ob->numsides; i++)
		plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
		for (j = 0; j <ob->numsides && w; j++)
			if (i == j) continue;
			if (ob->original_sides[j].flags & SFL_BEVEL) continue;
			plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum^1];
			ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);

		side = &ob->original_sides[i];
		side->winding = w;
		if (w)
			side->flags |= SFL_VISIBLE;
			for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++)
				AddPointToBounds (w->p[j], ob->mins, ob->maxs);
	//check if the brush is convex
	for (i = 0; i < ob->numsides; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < ob->numsides; j++)
			if (i == j) continue;
			plane1 = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum];
			plane2 = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum];
			if (WindingsNonConvex(ob->original_sides[i].winding,
									plane1->normal, plane2->normal,
									plane1->dist, plane2->dist))
				Log_Print("non convex brush");
			} //end if
		} //end for
	} //end for
	//check for out of bound brushes
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		//IDBUG: all the indexes into the mins and maxs were zero (not using i)
		if (ob->mins[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || ob->maxs[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
			Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of range\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum);
			Log_Print("ob->mins[%d] = %f, ob->maxs[%d] = %f\n", i, ob->mins[i], i, ob->maxs[i]);
			ob->numsides = 0; //remove the brush
		} //end if
		if (ob->mins[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || ob->maxs[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
			Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum);
			Log_Print("ob->mins[%d] = %f, ob->maxs[%d] = %f\n", i, ob->mins[i], i, ob->maxs[i]);
			ob->numsides = 0; //remove the brush
		} //end if
	} //end for
	return true;
} //end of the function AAS_MakeBrushWindings
Ejemplo n.º 20
void CM_DrawDebugSurface( void (*drawPoly)(int color, int numPoints, bfixed *points) ) {
	static cvar_t	*cv;
#ifndef BSPC
	static cvar_t	*cv2;
	const patchCollide_t	*pc;
	facet_t			*facet;
	winding_t		*w;
	int				i, j, k, n;
	int				curplanenum, planenum, curinward, inward;
	planeDef_t		plane;
	bvec3_t mins = {-BFIXED(15,0), -BFIXED(15,0), -BFIXED(28,0)}, maxs = {BFIXED(15,0), BFIXED(15,0), BFIXED(28,0)};
	//bvec3_t mins = {BFIXED_0, BFIXED_0, BFIXED_0}, maxs = {BFIXED_0, BFIXED_0, BFIXED_0};
	bvec3_t v1;
	avec3_t v2;

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv2 )
		cv2 = Cvar_Get( "r_debugSurface", "0", 0 );

	if (cv2->integer != 1)
		BotDrawDebugPolygons(drawPoly, cv2->integer);

	if ( !debugPatchCollide ) {

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv ) {
		cv = Cvar_Get( "cm_debugSize", "2", 0 );
	pc = debugPatchCollide;

	for ( i = 0, facet = pc->facets ; i < pc->numFacets ; i++, facet++ ) {

		for ( k = 0 ; k < facet->numBorders + 1; k++ ) {
			if (k < facet->numBorders) {
				planenum = facet->borderPlanes[k];
				inward = facet->borderInward[k];
			else {
				planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
				inward = qfalse;

			VectorCopy( pc->planes[ planenum ].pd.normal, plane.normal );
			plane.dist=pc->planes[ planenum ].pd.dist;

			//planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
			if ( inward ) {
				VectorSubtract( avec3_origin, plane.normal, plane.normal );
				plane.dist = -plane.dist;

			plane.dist += MAKE_BFIXED(cv->value);
			for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
				if (plane.normal[n] > AFIXED_0) v1[n] = maxs[n];
				else v1[n] = mins[n];
			} //end for
			VectorNegate(plane.normal, v2);
			plane.dist += FIXED_ABS(FIXED_VEC3DOT(v1, v2));

			w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane.normal,  plane.dist );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders + 1 && w; j++ ) {
				if (j < facet->numBorders) {
					curplanenum = facet->borderPlanes[j];
					curinward = facet->borderInward[j];
				else {
					curplanenum = facet->surfacePlane;
					curinward = qfalse;
				if (curplanenum == planenum) continue;

				VectorCopy( pc->planes[ curplanenum ].pd.normal, plane.normal );
				plane.dist=pc->planes[ curplanenum ].pd.dist;
				if ( !curinward ) {
					VectorSubtract( avec3_origin, plane.normal, plane.normal );
					plane.dist = -plane.dist;
		//			if ( !facet->borderNoAdjust[j] ) {
					plane.dist -= MAKE_BFIXED(cv->value);
		//			}
				for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
					if (plane.normal[n] > AFIXED_0) v1[n] = maxs[n];
					else v1[n] = mins[n];
				} //end for
				VectorNegate(plane.normal, v2);
				plane.dist -= FIXED_ABS(FIXED_VEC3DOT(v1, v2));

				ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane.normal, plane.dist, BFIXED(0,1) );
			if ( w ) {
				if ( facet == debugFacet ) {
					drawPoly( 4, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
					//Com_Printf("blue facet has %d border planes\n", facet->numBorders);
				} else {
					drawPoly( 1, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
				FreeWinding( w );
				Com_Printf("winding chopped away by border planes\n");

	// draw the debug block
		bvec3_t v[3];

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[1], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[3], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

#if 0
	bvec3_t			v[4];

	v[0][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[0][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[0][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[1][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[1][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[1][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[2][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[2][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[2][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[3][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[3][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[3][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	drawPoly( 4, v[0] );
Ejemplo n.º 21
void CM_AddFacetBevels( facet_t *facet ) {

	int i, j, k, l;
	int axis, dir, order, flipped;
	planeDef_t plane,newplane;
	bfixed d;
	winding_t *w, *w2;
	bvec3_t mins, maxs;
	avec3_t vec, vec2;

	plane=planes[ facet->surfacePlane ].pd;

	w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane.normal,  plane.dist );
	for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders && w ; j++ ) {
		if (facet->borderPlanes[j] == facet->surfacePlane) continue;
		plane=planes[ facet->borderPlanes[j] ].pd;

		if ( !facet->borderInward[j] ) {
			VectorSubtract( avec3_origin, plane.normal, plane.normal );
			plane.dist = -plane.dist;

		ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane.normal, plane.dist, BFIXED(0,1) );
	if ( !w ) {

	WindingBounds(w, mins, maxs);

	// add the axial planes
	order = 0;
	for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ )
		for ( dir = -1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir += 2, order++ )
			plane.normal[axis] = MAKE_AFIXED(dir);
			if (dir == 1) {
				plane.dist = maxs[axis];
			else {
				plane.dist = -mins[axis];
			//if it's the surface plane
			if (CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped)) {
			// see if the plane is allready present
			for ( i = 0 ; i < facet->numBorders ; i++ ) {
				if (CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped))

			if ( i == facet->numBorders ) {
				if (facet->numBorders > 4 + 6 + 16) Com_Printf("ERROR: too many bevels\n");
				facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2(plane, &flipped);
				facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
				facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;
	// add the edge bevels
	// test the non-axial plane edges
	for ( j = 0 ; j < w->numpoints ; j++ )
		k = (j+1)%w->numpoints;
		bvec3_t tmp;
		VectorSubtract (w->p[j], w->p[k], tmp);
		//if it's a degenerate edge
		if (VectorNormalizeB2A(tmp,vec) < BFIXED(0,5))
		for ( k = 0; k < 3 ; k++ )
			if ( vec[k] == -AFIXED_1 || vec[k] == AFIXED_1 )
				break;	// axial
		if ( k < 3 )
			continue;	// only test non-axial edges

		// try the six possible slanted axials from this edge
		for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ )
			for ( dir = -1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir += 2 )
				// construct a plane
				VectorClear (vec2);
				vec2[axis] = MAKE_AFIXED(dir);
				CrossProduct (vec, vec2, plane.normal);
				if (VectorNormalize(plane.normal) < AFIXED(0,5))
				plane.dist = FIXED_VEC3DOT (w->p[j], plane.normal);

				// if all the points of the facet winding are
				// behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel
				for ( l = 0 ; l < w->numpoints ; l++ )
					d = FIXED_VEC3DOT(w->p[l], plane.normal) - plane.dist;
					if (d > BFIXED(0,1))
						break;	// point in front
				if ( l < w->numpoints )

				//if it's the surface plane
				if (CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped)) {
				// see if the plane is allready present
				for ( i = 0 ; i < facet->numBorders ; i++ ) {
					if (CM_PlaneEqual(&planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped)) {

				if ( i == facet->numBorders ) {
					if (facet->numBorders > 4 + 6 + 16) Com_Printf("ERROR: too many bevels\n");
					facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2(plane, &flipped);

					for ( k = 0 ; k < facet->numBorders ; k++ ) {
						if (facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] ==
							facet->borderPlanes[k]) Com_Printf("WARNING: bevel plane already used\n");

					facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
					facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;
					w2 = CopyWinding(w);
					if (!facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders])
						VectorNegate(newplane.normal, newplane.normal);
						newplane.dist = -newplane.dist;
					} //end if
					ChopWindingInPlace( &w2, newplane.normal, newplane.dist, BFIXED(0,1) );
					if (!w2) {
						Com_DPrintf("WARNING: CM_AddFacetBevels... invalid bevel\n");
					else {
					//already got a bevel
//					break;
	FreeWinding( w );

#ifndef BSPC
	//add opposite plane
	facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = facet->surfacePlane;
	facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
	facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = qtrue;
#endif //BSPC

Ejemplo n.º 22
void MakeHullFaces (brush_t *b, brushhull_t *h)
    bface_t	*f, *f2;
    winding_t	*w;
    plane_t		*p;
    int			i, j;
    vec_t		v;
    vec_t		area;

    h->mins[0] = h->mins[1] = h->mins[2] = 9999;
    h->maxs[0] = h->maxs[1] = h->maxs[2] = -9999;

    for (f = h->faces ; f ; f=f->next)
//		w = BaseWindingForIPlane (f->plane);
        w = BaseWindingForPlane (f->plane->normal, f->plane->dist);
        for (f2 = h->faces ; f2 && w ; f2=f2->next)
            if (f == f2)
            p = &mapplanes[f2->planenum ^ 1];

            w = ChopWinding (w, p->normal, p->dist);
        area = w ? WindingArea(w) : 0;
        if (area < 0.1)
            qprintf ("Entity %i, Brush %i: plane with area %4.2f\n"
                     , b->entitynum, b->brushnum, area);
            // remove the face and regenerate the hull
            if (h->faces == f)
                h->faces = f->next;
                for (f2=h->faces ; f2->next != f ; f2=f2->next)
                f2->next = f->next;
            goto restart;
        f->w = w;
        f->contents = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
        if (w)
            for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++)
                for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
                    v = w->p[i][j];
//					w->p[i][j] = floor (v+0.5);	// round to int
                    if (v<h->mins[j])
                        h->mins[j] = v;
                    if (v>h->maxs[j])
                        h->maxs[j] = v;

    for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
        if (h->mins[i] < -BOGUS_RANGE/2
                || h->maxs[i] > BOGUS_RANGE/2)
            vec3_t eorigin = { 0, 0, 0};
            char *pszClass = "Unknown Class";
            if ( b->entitynum )
                entity_t	*e = entities + b->entitynum;
                pszClass = ValueForKey(e, "classname" );
                GetVectorForKey( e, "origin", eorigin );

            printf( "Entity %i, Brush %i: A '%s' @(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)\n",
                    b->entitynum, b->brushnum, pszClass, eorigin[0], eorigin[1], eorigin[2] );
            printf( "\toutside world(+/-%d): (%.0f, %.0f, %.0f)-(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)\n",
                    BOGUS_RANGE/2, h->mins[0], h->mins[1], h->mins[2], h->maxs[0], h->maxs[1], h->maxs[2] );
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * @brief Generates two new brushes, leaving the original unchanged
void SplitBrush (const bspbrush_t* brush, uint16_t planenum, bspbrush_t** front, bspbrush_t** back)
	bspbrush_t* b[2];
	int i, j;
	winding_t* w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
	plane_t* plane;
	float d_front, d_back;

	*front = *back = nullptr;
	plane = &mapplanes[planenum];

	/* check all points */
	d_front = d_back = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) {
		w = brush->sides[i].winding;
		if (!w)
		for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++) {
			const float d = DotProduct(w->p[j], plane->normal) - plane->dist;
			if (d > 0 && d > d_front)
				d_front = d;
			else if (d < 0 && d < d_back)
				d_back = d;
	if (d_front < 0.1) { /* PLANESIDE_EPSILON) */
		/* only on back */
		*back = CopyBrush(brush);
	if (d_back > -0.1) { /* PLANESIDE_EPSILON) */
		/* only on front */
		*front = CopyBrush(brush);

	/* create a new winding from the split plane */
	w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist);
	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides && w; i++) {
		plane_t* plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
		ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane2->normal, plane2->dist, 0); /* PLANESIDE_EPSILON); */

	/* the brush isn't really split */
	if (!w || WindingIsTiny(w)) {
		const int side = BrushMostlyOnSide(brush, plane);
		if (side == PSIDE_FRONT)
			*front = CopyBrush(brush);
		else if (side == PSIDE_BACK)
			*back = CopyBrush(brush);

	if (WindingIsHuge(w)) {
		/** @todo Print brush and entnum either of the brush that was splitted
		 * or the plane that was used as splitplane */
		Com_Printf("WARNING: Large winding\n");

	midwinding = w;

	/* split it for real */
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		b[i] = AllocBrush(brush->numsides + 1);
		b[i]->original = brush->original;

	/* split all the current windings */
	for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) {
		const side_t* s = &brush->sides[i];
		w = s->winding;
		if (!w)
		ClipWindingEpsilon(w, plane->normal, plane->dist,
			0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1]);
		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			side_t* cs;

			if (!cw[j])

			cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
			*cs = *s;

			cs->winding = cw[j];
			cs->tested = false;

	/* see if we have valid polygons on both sides */
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			if (b[i]->mins[j] < -MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || b[i]->maxs[j] > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH) {
				/** @todo Print brush and entnum either of the brush that was split
				 * or the plane that was used as splitplane */
				Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "bogus brush after clip\n");

		if (b[i]->numsides < 3 || j < 3) {
			b[i] = nullptr;

	if (!(b[0] && b[1])) {
		/** @todo Print brush and entnum either of the brush that was splitted
		 * or the plane that was used as splitplane */
		if (!b[0] && !b[1])
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "split removed brush\n");
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "split not on both sides\n");
		if (b[0]) {
			*front = CopyBrush(brush);
		if (b[1]) {
			*back = CopyBrush(brush);

	/* add the midwinding to both sides */
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		side_t* cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];

		cs->planenum = planenum ^ i ^ 1;
		cs->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;
		cs->visible = false;
		cs->tested = false;
		if (i == 0)
			cs->winding = CopyWinding(midwinding);
			cs->winding = midwinding;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		const vec_t v1 = BrushVolume(b[i]);
		if (v1 < 1.0) {
			b[i] = nullptr;
			/** @todo Print brush and entnum either of the brush that was splitted
			 * or the plane that was used as splitplane */
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "tiny volume after clip\n");

	*front = b[0];
	*back = b[1];
Ejemplo n.º 24
void CM_DrawDebugSurface( void ( *drawPoly )( int color, int numPoints, float *points ) ) {
	static cvar_t   *cv;
#ifndef BSPC
	static cvar_t   *cv2;
	const patchCollide_t    *pc;
	facet_t         *facet;
	winding_t       *w;
	int i, j, k, n;
	int curplanenum, planenum, curinward, inward;
	float plane[4];
	vec3_t mins = {-15, -15, -28}, maxs = {15, 15, 28};
	//vec3_t mins = {0, 0, 0}, maxs = {0, 0, 0};
	vec3_t v1, v2;

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv2 ) {
		cv2 = Cvar_Get( "r_debugSurface", "0", 0 );

	if ( cv2->integer != 1 ) {
		BotDrawDebugPolygons( drawPoly, cv2->integer );

	if ( !debugPatchCollide ) {

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv ) {
		cv = Cvar_Get( "cm_debugSize", "2", 0 );
	pc = debugPatchCollide;

	for ( i = 0, facet = pc->facets ; i < pc->numFacets ; i++, facet++ ) {

		for ( k = 0 ; k < facet->numBorders + 1; k++ ) {
			if ( k < facet->numBorders ) {
				planenum = facet->borderPlanes[k];
				inward = facet->borderInward[k];
			} else {
				planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
				inward = qfalse;

			Vector4Copy( pc->planes[ planenum ].plane, plane );

			//planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
			if ( inward ) {
				VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
				plane[3] = -plane[3];

			plane[3] += cv->value;
			for ( n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
				if ( plane[n] > 0 ) {
					v1[n] = maxs[n];
				} else { v1[n] = mins[n];}
			} //end for
			VectorNegate( plane, v2 );
			plane[3] += fabs( DotProduct( v1, v2 ) );

			w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane,  plane[3] );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders + 1 && w; j++ ) {
				if ( j < facet->numBorders ) {
					curplanenum = facet->borderPlanes[j];
					curinward = facet->borderInward[j];
				} else {
					curplanenum = facet->surfacePlane;
					curinward = qfalse;
				if ( curplanenum == planenum ) {

				Vector4Copy( pc->planes[ curplanenum ].plane, plane );
				if ( !curinward ) {
					VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
					plane[3] = -plane[3];
				//			if ( !facet->borderNoAdjust[j] ) {
				plane[3] -= cv->value;
				//			}
				for ( n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
					if ( plane[n] > 0 ) {
						v1[n] = maxs[n];
					} else { v1[n] = mins[n];}
				} //end for
				VectorNegate( plane, v2 );
				plane[3] -= fabs( DotProduct( v1, v2 ) );

				ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane, plane[3], 0.1f );
			if ( w ) {
				if ( facet == debugFacet ) {
					drawPoly( 4, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
					//Com_Printf("blue facet has %d border planes\n", facet->numBorders);
				} else {
					drawPoly( 1, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
				FreeWinding( w );
			} else {
				Com_Printf( "winding chopped away by border planes\n" );

	// draw the debug block
		vec3_t v[3];

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[1], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[3], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

#if 0
	vec3_t v[4];

	v[0][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[0][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[0][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[1][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[1][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[1][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[2][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[2][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[2][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[3][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[3][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[3][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	drawPoly( 4, v[0] );
Ejemplo n.º 25
void AAS_CreateCurveBrushes(void)
	int i, j, n, planenum, numcurvebrushes = 0;
	q3_dsurface_t *surface;
	q3_drawVert_t *dv_p;
	vec3_t points[MAX_PATCH_VERTS];
	int width, height, c;
	patchCollide_t *pc;
	facet_t *facet;
	mapbrush_t *brush;
	side_t *side;
	entity_t *mapent;
	winding_t *winding;

	qprintf("nummapbrushsides = %d\n", nummapbrushsides);
	mapent = &entities[0];

	for(i = 0; i < q3_numDrawSurfaces; i++)
		surface = &q3_drawSurfaces[i];


		//if the curve is not solid
		if(!(q3_dshaders[surface->shaderNum].contentFlags & (CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP)))
			//Log_Print("skipped non-solid curve\n");
		} //end if

		width = surface->patchWidth;
		height = surface->patchHeight;
		c = width * height;

			Error("ParseMesh: MAX_PATCH_VERTS");
		} //end if

		dv_p = q3_drawVerts + surface->firstVert;

		for(j = 0 ; j < c ; j++, dv_p++)
			points[j][0] = dv_p->xyz[0];
			points[j][1] = dv_p->xyz[1];
			points[j][2] = dv_p->xyz[2];
		} //end for

		// create the internal facet structure
		pc = CM_GeneratePatchCollide(width, height, points);

		for(j = 0; j < pc->numFacets; j++)
			facet = &pc->facets[j];
			brush = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes];
			brush->original_sides = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];
			brush->entitynum = 0;
			brush->brushnum = nummapbrushes - mapent->firstbrush;
			brush->numsides = facet->numBorders + 2;
			nummapbrushsides += brush->numsides;
			brush->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
			//qprintf("\r%6d curve brushes", nummapbrushsides);//++numcurvebrushes);
			qprintf("\r%6d curve brushes", ++numcurvebrushes);
			planenum = FindFloatPlane(pc->planes[facet->surfacePlane].plane, pc->planes[facet->surfacePlane].plane[3]);
			side = &brush->original_sides[0];
			side->planenum = planenum;
			side->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
			side->surf = 0;
			side = &brush->original_sides[1];

				//the plane is expanded later so it's not a problem that
				//these first two opposite sides are coplanar
				side->planenum = planenum ^ 1;
			} //end if
				side->planenum = FindFloatPlane(mapplanes[planenum ^ 1].normal, mapplanes[planenum ^ 1].dist + 1);
				side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED | SFL_VISIBLE;
			} //end else

			side->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
			side->flags |= SFL_CURVE;
			side->surf = 0;
			winding = BaseWindingForPlane(mapplanes[side->planenum].normal, mapplanes[side->planenum].dist);

			for(n = 0; n < facet->numBorders; n++)
				//never use the surface plane as a border
				if(facet->borderPlanes[n] == facet->surfacePlane)

				side = &brush->original_sides[2 + n];
				side->planenum = FindFloatPlane(pc->planes[facet->borderPlanes[n]].plane, pc->planes[facet->borderPlanes[n]].plane[3]);

					side->planenum ^= 1;

				side->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
				side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED | SFL_CURVE;
				side->surf = 0;

				//chop the winding in place
					ChopWindingInPlace(&winding, mapplanes[side->planenum ^ 1].normal, mapplanes[side->planenum ^ 1].dist, 0.1);      //CLIP_EPSILON);
			} //end for

			//VectorCopy(pc->bounds[0], brush->mins);
			//VectorCopy(pc->bounds[1], brush->maxs);
				Log_Print("WARNING: AAS_CreateCurveBrushes: no winding\n");
				brush->numsides = 0;
			} //end if

			brush->original_sides[0].winding = winding;
			WindingBounds(winding, brush->mins, brush->maxs);

			for(n = 0; n < 3; n++)
				//IDBUG: all the indexes into the mins and maxs were zero (not using i)
				if(brush->mins[n] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || brush->maxs[n] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
					Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of range\n", brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum);
					Log_Print("brush->mins[%d] = %f, brush->maxs[%d] = %f\n", n, brush->mins[n], n, brush->maxs[n]);
					brush->numsides = 0; //remove the brush
				} //end if

				if(brush->mins[n] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || brush->maxs[n] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS)
					Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum);
					Log_Print("brush->mins[%d] = %f, brush->maxs[%d] = %f\n", n, brush->mins[n], n, brush->maxs[n]);
					brush->numsides = 0; //remove the brush
				} //end if
			} //end for

				//NOTE: brush bevels now already added
				AAS_CreateMapBrushes(brush, mapent, false);
			} //end if
				// create windings for sides and bounds for brush
			} //end else
		} //end for
	} //end for

	//qprintf("\r%6d curve brushes", nummapbrushsides);//++numcurvebrushes);
	qprintf("\r%6d curve brushes\n", numcurvebrushes);
} //end of the function AAS_CreateCurveBrushes
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void CutNodePortals_r (node_t *node)
	plane_t 	*plane, clipplane;
	node_t		*f, *b, *other_node;
	portal_t	*p, *new_portal, *next_portal;
	winding_t	*w, *frontwinding, *backwinding;
	int			side;

	// Vic: properly calculate the bounding box
	CalcNodeBounds (node);

	// separate the portals on node into it's children
	if (node->contents)
		return;			// at a leaf, no more dividing

	plane = &mapplanes[node->planenum];

	f = node->children[0];
	b = node->children[1];

	// create the new portal by taking the full plane winding for the cutting plane
	// and clipping it by all of the planes from the other portals
	w = BaseWindingForPlane (&mapplanes[node->planenum]);
	side = 0;	// shut up compiler warning
	for (p = node->portals ; p ; p = p->next[side])
		clipplane = mapplanes[p->planenum];
		if (p->nodes[0] == node)
			side = 0;
		else if (p->nodes[1] == node)
			clipplane.dist = -clipplane.dist;
			VectorNegate (clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
			side = 1;
			Error ("CutNodePortals_r: mislinked portal");

		w = ClipWinding (w, &clipplane, true);
		if (!w)
			printf ("WARNING: CutNodePortals_r:new portal was clipped away\n");

	if (w)
		// if the plane was not clipped on all sides, there was an error
		new_portal = AllocPortal ();
		new_portal->planenum = node->planenum;
		new_portal->winding = w;
		AddPortalToNodes (new_portal, f, b);

	// partition the portals
	for (p = node->portals ; p ; p = next_portal)
		if (p->nodes[0] == node)
			side = 0;
		else if (p->nodes[1] == node)
			side = 1;
			Error ("CutNodePortals_r: mislinked portal");
		next_portal = p->next[side];

		other_node = p->nodes[!side];
		RemovePortalFromNode (p, p->nodes[0]);
		RemovePortalFromNode (p, p->nodes[1]);

		// cut the portal into two portals, one on each side of the cut plane
		DivideWindingEpsilon( p->winding, plane, &frontwinding, &backwinding, ON_EPSILON );

		if (!frontwinding)
			if (side == 0)
				AddPortalToNodes (p, b, other_node);
				AddPortalToNodes (p, other_node, b);
		if (!backwinding)
			if (side == 0)
				AddPortalToNodes (p, f, other_node);
				AddPortalToNodes (p, other_node, f);

		// the winding is split
		new_portal = AllocPortal ();
		*new_portal = *p;
		new_portal->winding = backwinding;
		FreeWinding (p->winding);
		p->winding = frontwinding;

		if (side == 0)
			AddPortalToNodes (p, f, other_node);
			AddPortalToNodes (new_portal, b, other_node);
			AddPortalToNodes (p, other_node, f);
			AddPortalToNodes (new_portal, other_node, b);

	CutNodePortals_r (f);
	CutNodePortals_r (b);
Ejemplo n.º 27
void CM_AddFacetBevels( facet_t *facet ) {

	int i, j, k, l;
	int axis, dir, order, flipped;
	float plane[4], d, newplane[4];
	winding_t *w, *w2;
	vec3_t mins, maxs, vec, vec2;


	Vector4Copy( planes[ facet->surfacePlane ].plane, plane );

	w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane,  plane[3] );
	for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders && w ; j++ ) {
		if ( facet->borderPlanes[j] == facet->surfacePlane ) {
		Vector4Copy( planes[ facet->borderPlanes[j] ].plane, plane );

		if ( !facet->borderInward[j] ) {
			VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
			plane[3] = -plane[3];

		ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane, plane[3], 0.1f );
	if ( !w ) {

	WindingBounds( w, mins, maxs );

	// add the axial planes
	order = 0;
	for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ )
		for ( dir = -1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir += 2, order++ )
			VectorClear( plane );
			plane[axis] = dir;
			if ( dir == 1 ) {
				plane[3] = maxs[axis];
			} else {
				plane[3] = -mins[axis];
			//if it's the surface plane
			if ( CM_PlaneEqual( &planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped ) ) {
			// see if the plane is allready present
			for ( i = 0 ; i < facet->numBorders ; i++ ) {
				if ( CM_PlaneEqual( &planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped ) ) {

			if ( i == facet->numBorders ) {
				if ( facet->numBorders > 4 + 6 + 16 ) {
					Com_Printf( "ERROR: too many bevels\n" );
				facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2( plane, &flipped );
				facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
				facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;
	// add the edge bevels
	// test the non-axial plane edges
	for ( j = 0 ; j < w->numpoints ; j++ )
		k = ( j + 1 ) % w->numpoints;
		VectorSubtract( w->p[j], w->p[k], vec );
		//if it's a degenerate edge
		if ( VectorNormalize( vec ) < 0.5 ) {
		CM_SnapVector( vec );
		for ( k = 0; k < 3 ; k++ )
			if ( vec[k] == -1 || vec[k] == 1 ) {
			}           // axial
		if ( k < 3 ) {
			continue;   // only test non-axial edges

		// try the six possible slanted axials from this edge
		for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ )
			for ( dir = -1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir += 2 )
				// construct a plane
				VectorClear( vec2 );
				vec2[axis] = dir;
				CrossProduct( vec, vec2, plane );
				if ( VectorNormalize( plane ) < 0.5 ) {
				plane[3] = DotProduct( w->p[j], plane );

				// if all the points of the facet winding are
				// behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel
				for ( l = 0 ; l < w->numpoints ; l++ )
					d = DotProduct( w->p[l], plane ) - plane[3];
					if ( d > 0.1 ) {
						break;  // point in front
				if ( l < w->numpoints ) {

				//if it's the surface plane
				if ( CM_PlaneEqual( &planes[facet->surfacePlane], plane, &flipped ) ) {
				// see if the plane is allready present
				for ( i = 0 ; i < facet->numBorders ; i++ ) {
					if ( CM_PlaneEqual( &planes[facet->borderPlanes[i]], plane, &flipped ) ) {

				if ( i == facet->numBorders ) {
					if ( facet->numBorders > 4 + 6 + 16 ) {
						Com_Printf( "ERROR: too many bevels\n" );
					facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = CM_FindPlane2( plane, &flipped );

					for ( k = 0 ; k < facet->numBorders ; k++ ) {
						if ( facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] ==
							 facet->borderPlanes[k] ) {
							Com_Printf( "WARNING: bevel plane already used\n" );

					facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
					facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = flipped;
					w2 = CopyWinding( w );
					Vector4Copy( planes[facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders]].plane, newplane );
					if ( !facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] ) {
						VectorNegate( newplane, newplane );
						newplane[3] = -newplane[3];
					} //end if
					ChopWindingInPlace( &w2, newplane, newplane[3], 0.1f );
					if ( !w2 ) {
						// TTimo - can't stand this, useless and noisy
						//Com_DPrintf("WARNING: CM_AddFacetBevels... invalid bevel\n");
					} else {
						FreeWinding( w2 );
					//already got a bevel
//					break;
	FreeWinding( w );

#ifndef BSPC
	//add opposite plane
	facet->borderPlanes[facet->numBorders] = facet->surfacePlane;
	facet->borderNoAdjust[facet->numBorders] = 0;
	facet->borderInward[facet->numBorders] = qtrue;
#endif //BSPC

Ejemplo n.º 28
static clipleaf_t *
carve_leaf (hull_t *hull, nodeleaf_t *nodeleafs, clipleaf_t *leaf, int num)
	mclipnode_t *node;
	plane_t    *plane;
	winding_t  *winding, *fw, *bw;
	clipport_t *portal;
	clipport_t *new_portal;
	clipport_t *next_portal;
	clipleaf_t *other_leaf;
	clipleaf_t *new_leaf;
	plane_t     clipplane;
	int         side;

	if (num < 0) {
		// we've hit a leaf. all done
		leaf->contents = num;
		return leaf;
	node = hull->clipnodes + num;
	plane = hull->planes + node->planenum;

	winding = BaseWindingForPlane (plane);
	for (portal = leaf->portals; portal; portal = portal->next[side]) {
		clipplane = hull->planes[portal->planenum];
		side = (portal->leafs[1] == leaf);
		if (side)
			PlaneFlip (&clipplane, &clipplane);
		winding = ClipWinding (winding, &clipplane, true);
	new_leaf = alloc_leaf ();
	portal = leaf->portals;
	leaf->portals = 0;
	for (; portal; portal = next_portal) {
		side = (portal->leafs[1] == leaf);
		next_portal = portal->next[side];
		other_leaf = portal->leafs[!side];
		remove_portal (portal, other_leaf);

		DivideWinding (portal->winding, plane, &fw, &bw);
		if (!fw) {
			if (side)
				add_portal (portal, other_leaf, new_leaf);
				add_portal (portal, new_leaf, other_leaf);
		if (!bw) {
			if (side)
				add_portal (portal, other_leaf, leaf);
				add_portal (portal, leaf, other_leaf);
		new_portal = alloc_portal ();
		new_portal->planenum = portal->planenum;
		new_portal->winding = bw;
		FreeWinding (portal->winding);
		portal->winding = fw;

		if (side) {
			add_portal (portal, other_leaf, leaf);
			add_portal (new_portal, other_leaf, new_leaf);
		} else {
			add_portal (portal, leaf, other_leaf);
			add_portal (new_portal, new_leaf, other_leaf);
	new_portal = alloc_portal ();
	new_portal->planenum = node->planenum;
	new_portal->winding = winding;
	add_portal (new_portal, leaf, new_leaf);

	nodeleafs[num].leafs[0] = carve_leaf (hull, nodeleafs, leaf,
	nodeleafs[num].leafs[1] = carve_leaf (hull, nodeleafs, new_leaf,
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int				i,j, k;
	vec_t			r;
	face_t			*f;
	winding_t		*w;
	plane_t			plane;
	mface_t			*mf;
	brush_mins[0] = brush_mins[1] = brush_mins[2] = 99999;
	brush_maxs[0] = brush_maxs[1] = brush_maxs[2] = -99999;

	brush_faces = NULL;
	for (i=0 ; i<numbrushfaces ; i++)
		mf = &faces[i];
		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&mf->plane);

		for (j=0 ; j<numbrushfaces && w ; j++)
			if (j == i)
		// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorSubtract (vec3_origin,faces[j].plane.normal, plane.normal);
			plane.dist = -faces[j].plane.dist;
			w = ClipWinding (w, &plane, false);
		if (!w)
			continue;	// overcontrained plane
	// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		f->numpoints = w->numpoints;
		if (f->numpoints > MAXEDGES)
			Error ("f->numpoints > MAXEDGES");
		for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++)
			for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
				r = Q_rint (w->points[j][k]);
				if ( fabs(w->points[j][k] - r) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					f->pts[j][k] = r;
					f->pts[j][k] = w->points[j][k];
				if (f->pts[j][k] < brush_mins[k])
					brush_mins[k] = f->pts[j][k];
				if (f->pts[j][k] > brush_maxs[k])
					brush_maxs[k] = f->pts[j][k];				
		FreeWinding (w);
		f->texturenum = mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&mf->plane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;
		CheckFace (f);
Ejemplo n.º 30
void MakeHeadnodePortals(tree_t *tree)
	vec3_t bounds[2];
	int i, j, n;
	portal_t    *p, *portals[6];
	plane_t bplanes[6], *pl;
	node_t *node;

	node = tree->headnode;

// pad with some space so there will never be null volume leaves
	for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
		bounds[0][i] = tree->mins[i] - SIDESPACE;
		bounds[1][i] = tree->maxs[i] + SIDESPACE;

	tree->outside_node.planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
	tree->outside_node.brushlist = NULL;
	tree->outside_node.portals = NULL;
	tree->outside_node.contents = 0;

	for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
		for(j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
			n = j * 3 + i;

			p = AllocPortal();
			portals[n] = p;

			pl = &bplanes[n];
			memset(pl, 0, sizeof(*pl));

				pl->normal[i] = -1;
				pl->dist = -bounds[j][i];
				pl->normal[i] = 1;
				pl->dist = bounds[j][i];

			p->plane = *pl;
			p->winding = BaseWindingForPlane(pl->normal, pl->dist);
			AddPortalToNodes(p, node, &tree->outside_node);

// clip the basewindings by all the other planes
	for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
		for(j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++)
			if(j == i)

			ChopWindingInPlace(&portals[i]->winding, bplanes[j].normal, bplanes[j].dist, ON_EPSILON);
		} //end for
	} //end for
} //end of the function MakeHeadNodePortals