void APP_Run(void) { appState = APP_STATE_INIT; MOT_Init(); SHELL_Init(); #if PL_HAS_LINE_SENSOR REF_Init(); LF_Init(); TURN_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_ULTRASONIC US_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_BUZZER BUZ_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_EVENTS EVNT_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_RADIO RADIO_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_REMOTE REMOTE_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_QUEUE QUEUE_Init(); #endif if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate(MainTask, (signed portCHAR *)"Main", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error */ } FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); }
void SHELL_Init(void) { MOT_Init(); if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate(ShellTask, "Shell", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE+200, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error */ } FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); }
void APP_Run(void) { appState = APP_STATE_INIT; REF_Init(); MOT_Init(); SHELL_Init(); LF_Init(); TURN_Init(); #if 0 US_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_BUZZER BUZ_Init(); #endif if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate(MainTask, (signed portCHAR *)"Main", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error */ } FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); }
void APP_Run(void) { if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate( AppTask, /* pointer to the task */ "App", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* task stack size */ (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */ tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* initial priority */ (xTaskHandle*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */ ) != pdPASS) { /*lint -e527 */ for(;;){}; /* error! probably out of memory */ /*lint +e527 */ } MOT_Init(); SHELL_Init(); MPC4728_Init(); FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); }
void PL_Init(void) { #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_LED LED_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_EVENTS EVNT_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_TIMER TMR_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_TRIGGER TRG_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_BUZZER BUZ_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_RTOS RTOS_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_SHELL SHELL_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_SHELL_QUEUE SQUEUE_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_MOTOR MOT_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_LINE_SENSOR REF_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_MOTOR_TACHO TACHO_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_MCP4728 MCP4728_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_ULTRASONIC US_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_PID PID_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_DRIVE DRV_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_TURN TURN_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_LINE_FOLLOW LF_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_RADIO RNETA_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_REMOTE REMOTE_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_IDENTIFY ID_Init(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_LINE_MAZE MAZE_Init(); #endif }