PlaformEntityEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntity* const source, NewtonBody* const triggerPort0, NewtonBody* const triggerPort1)
		:DemoEntity (source->GetNextMatrix(), NULL)

		DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)source->GetMesh();
		dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

		SetMesh(mesh, source->GetMeshMatrix());

		const dFloat mass = 100.0f;
		dMatrix matrix (source->GetNextMatrix()) ;
		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

		// note: because the mesh matrix can have scale, for simplicity just apply the local mesh matrix to the vertex cloud
		dVector pool[128];
		const dMatrix& meshMatrix = GetMeshMatrix();
		meshMatrix.TransformTriplex(&pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), mesh->m_vertexCount);
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, &pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0, 0, NULL);

		NewtonBody* body = CreateSimpleBody (world, this, 100, matrix, collision, 0);

		// attach a kinematic joint controller joint to move this body 
		dVector pivot;
		NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (body, &pivot[0]);
		pivot = matrix.TransformVector(pivot);
		m_driver = new FerryDriver (body, pivot, triggerPort0, triggerPort1);
		m_driver->SetMaxLinearFriction (50.0f * dAbs (mass * DEMO_GRAVITY)); 
		m_driver->SetMaxAngularFriction(50.0f * dAbs (mass * DEMO_GRAVITY)); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
NewtonCollision* CreateNewtonConvex (NewtonWorld* world, Entity *ent, int shapeId)
	dVector minBox;
	dVector maxBox;
	NewtonCollision* collision;
	dVector* tmpArray = new dVector [ent->m_vertexCount];
	// Get the Bounding Box for this entity
	ent->GetBBox (minBox, maxBox);
	dVector size (maxBox - minBox);
	dVector origin ((maxBox + minBox).Scale (0.5f));
	size.m_w = 1.0f;
	origin.m_w = 1.0f;
	// Translate al the points to the origin point
	for (int i = 0; i < ent->m_vertexCount; i ++) {
		dVector tmp (ent->m_vertex[i * 3 + 0], ent->m_vertex[i * 3 + 1], ent->m_vertex[i * 3 + 2], 0.0f);
		tmpArray[i] = tmp - origin;
	// make and offset Matrix for this collision shape.
	dMatrix offset (GetIdentityMatrix());
	offset.m_posit = origin;
	// now create a convex hull shape from the vertex geometry 
	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, ent->m_vertexCount, &tmpArray[0][0], sizeof (dVector), 0.1f, shapeId, &offset[0][0]);
	delete tmpArray;
	return collision;
Ejemplo n.º 3
NewtonCollision* CreateNewtonConvex (NewtonWorld* world, StaticEntity *ent, int shapeId)
	NewtonCollision* collision;
	glm::vec3* tmpArray = new glm::vec3 [ent->meshObj->totalVertices];

	glm::vec3 size (ent->maxBox - ent->minBox);
	glm::vec3 origin ((ent->maxBox + ent->minBox)*0.5f);

	unsigned int i,u,counter;

    // Translate all the points to the origin point
    for(i=0; i<ent->meshObj->mesh.size(); i++)
        for(u=0; u<ent->meshObj->>numVertices; u++)

            glm::vec3 tmp(ent->meshObj->mesh[i]->vertex[u].x, ent->meshObj->mesh[i]->vertex[u].y, ent->meshObj->mesh[i]->vertex[u].z);
            tmpArray[counter] = tmp - origin;

	// make and offset Matrix for this collision shape.
	glm::mat4 offset = glm::gtc::matrix_transform::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f),origin);

	// now create a convex hull shape from the vertex geometry
	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, ent->meshObj->totalVertices, &tmpArray[0][0], sizeof (glm::vec3), 0.1f, shapeId, &offset[0][0]);

	delete tmpArray;

	return collision;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CollisionDetection::createConvexHull( Entity *entity, bool enemy )
    size_t vertex_count;
	size_t index_count;
	Ogre::Vector3 *vertices;
	unsigned long *indices;

    GetMeshInformation(   entity->getMesh(), vertex_count, vertices, index_count, indices,
                          Vector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),//entity->getParentNode()->getPosition(),
                          Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY, //entity->getParentNode()->getOrientation()
                          Ogre::Vector3(1,1,1));//entity->getParentNode()->_getDerivedScale() );//Ogre::Vector3(1,1,1));

    dFloat *vertexCloud = new dFloat[vertex_count*3];
    for( int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++ )
        vertexCloud[i*3] = vertices[i].x;
        vertexCloud[i*3+1] = vertices[i].y;
        vertexCloud[i*3+2] = vertices[i].z;
    NewtonCollision *newCol = NewtonCreateConvexHull (newtonWorld, vertex_count, vertexCloud, 12, 0.0, shapeID, NULL);
        enemyEnt = newCol;
        NewtonBody* rigidBodyBox = NewtonCreateBody (newtonWorld, newCol);
        //PROBLEM with the line as this comand should work, but terminates the app;Possibly a c++ issue
        //NewtonReleaseCollision( newtonWorld, enemyCol);
	NewtonCollision* MakeConvexHull(const DemoEntity* const bodyPart) const
		dVector points[1024 * 16];

		const DemoEntity* const meshEntity = FindMesh(bodyPart);

		DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)meshEntity->GetMesh();
		dAssert(mesh->m_vertexCount && (mesh->m_vertexCount < int(sizeof(points) / sizeof(points[0]))));

		// go over the vertex array and find and collect all vertices's weighted by this bone.
		const dFloat* const array = mesh->m_vertex;
		for (int i = 0; i < mesh->m_vertexCount; i++) {
			points[i][0] = array[i * 3 + 0];
			points[i][1] = array[i * 3 + 1];
			points[i][2] = array[i * 3 + 2];
			points[i][3] = 0.0f;
		dMatrix matrix(meshEntity->GetMeshMatrix());
		matrix = matrix * meshEntity->GetCurrentMatrix();
		//matrix = matrix * bodyPart->GetParent()->GetCurrentMatrix();
		matrix.TransformTriplex(&points[0][0], sizeof(dVector), &points[0][0], sizeof(dVector), mesh->m_vertexCount);
//		return NewtonCreateConvexHull(GetWorld(), mesh->m_vertexCount, &points[0][0], sizeof(dVector), 1.0e-3f, SERVO_VEHICLE_DEFINITION::m_bodyPart, NULL);
		return NewtonCreateConvexHull(GetWorld(), mesh->m_vertexCount, &points[0][0], sizeof(dVector), 1.0e-3f, 0, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 6
	NewtonCollision* CreateChassisCollision (NewtonWorld* const world) const
		dMatrix offset (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		offset.m_posit.m_y = 0.7f;

		NewtonCollision* const convex0 = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, 8, &VehicleHullShape0[0][0], 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0.001f, 0, NULL);
		NewtonCollision* const convex1 = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, 8, &VehicleHullShape1[0][0], 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0.001f, 0, &offset[0][0]);
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);

		NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, convex0);
		NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, convex1);
		NewtonCompoundCollisionEndAddRemove (collision);	

		NewtonDestroyCollision (convex0);
		NewtonDestroyCollision (convex1);

		return collision;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CMod_PhysicsAddEntity(sharedEntity_t * gEnt) {
	NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;
	NewtonBody* body = NULL;

	std::map<int, bspCmodel>::iterator it = bspModels.find (gEnt->s.modelindex);
	if ( it == bspModels.end() ) {
	vec3_t inertia, com;
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	bspCmodel* bmodel = &it->second;
	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (g_world, bmodel->vertices.size(), &bmodel->vertices[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, &matrix[0][0]);
	body = NewtonCreateBody (g_world, collision);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (g_world, collision);
	bmodel->rigidBody = body;

	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (body, defaultMaterialGroup);
	NewtonBodySetUserData (body, (void*)gEnt);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, PhysicsEntityDie);
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (body, 0);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (body, PhysicsEntityThink);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, PhysicsEntitySetTransform);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &com[0]);
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (body, &com[0]);
	VectorScale (inertia, 10.0f, inertia); // The inertia needs to be scaled by the mass.
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (body, 10.f, inertia[0], inertia[1], inertia[2]);
	matrix.m_posit.m_x = gEnt->s.origin[0] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_y = gEnt->s.origin[1] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_z = gEnt->s.origin[2] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (body, &matrix[0][0]);
	gEnt->s.pos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->s.pos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->r.currentOrigin);
	gEnt->s.apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->s.apos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->r.currentAngles);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Newtonnode::initConvexHull(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const ion::video::Mesh& srcmesh,const float mass,
								const float Ixx,const float Iyy,const float Izz)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if (!srcmesh.isValid()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "Source mesh is invalid\n";

	if (!srcmesh.vertexstream().isMapped()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "source mesh \"" << srcmesh.objIdentifier() << " is not mapped!\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	float *pPoints;
		pPoints=new float[3*srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity()];
		for (ion_uint32 v=0;v<srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity();++v) {
			const ion::math::Vector3f &rV=srcmesh.vertexstream().position(v);


	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);

	delete [] pPoints;
Ejemplo n.º 9
NewtonCollision* CreateNewtonConvex (NewtonWorld* world, Entity *ent, int shapeId)
	// now create a convex hull shape from the vertex geometry 
	return NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, ent->m_vertexCount, ent->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0.1f, shapeId, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 10
NewtonCollision* CreateConvexCollision (NewtonWorld* world, const dMatrix& srcMatrix, const dVector& originalSize, PrimitiveType type, int materialID__)
	dVector size (originalSize);

	NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;
	switch (type) 
			collision = NewtonCreateNull (world); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateSphere (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, 0, NULL); 

			dFloat r = size.m_x * 0.5f;
			dFloat h = size.m_y;

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCone (world, r, h, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateCapsule (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateTaperedCapsule (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_z * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// create the collision 
			collision = NewtonCreateTaperedCylinder (world, size.m_x * 0.5f, size.m_z * 0.5f, size.m_y, 0, NULL); 

			// Create a clouds of random point around the origin
			#define SAMPLE_COUNT 200
			dVector cloud [SAMPLE_COUNT];

			// make sure that at least the top and bottom are present
			cloud [0] = dVector ( size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [1] = dVector (-size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [2] = dVector ( 0.0f,  size.m_y * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 
			cloud [3] = dVector ( 0.0f, -size.m_y * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			cloud [4] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f,  size.m_z * 0.5f, 0.0f); 
			cloud [5] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, -size.m_z * 0.5f, 0.0f); 

			int count = 6;
			// populate the cloud with pseudo Gaussian random points
			for (int i = 6; i < SAMPLE_COUNT; i ++) {
				cloud [i].m_x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
				cloud [i].m_y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
				cloud [i].m_z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
				count ++;
			collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, count, &cloud[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.01f, 0, NULL); 

			// Create a clouds of random point around the origin
			#define STEPS_HULL 6
			//#define STEPS_HULL 3

			dVector cloud [STEPS_HULL * 4 + 256];
			int count = 0;
			dFloat radius = size.m_y;
			dFloat height = size.m_x * 0.999f;
			dFloat x = - height * 0.5f;
			dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix(2.0f * 3.141592f / STEPS_HULL));
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				dFloat pad = ((i == 1) || (i == 2)) * 0.25f * radius;
				dVector p (x, 0.0f, radius + pad);
				x += 0.3333f * height;
				dMatrix acc (dGetIdentityMatrix());
				for (int j = 0; j < STEPS_HULL; j ++) {
					cloud[count] = acc.RotateVector(p);
					acc = acc * rotation;
					count ++;

			collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (world, count, &cloud[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.02f, 0, NULL); 

			//dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
			dMatrix matrix (dPitchMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f) * dYawMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f) * dRollMatrix(15.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f));
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionA = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionB = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
//			NewtonCollision* const collisionC = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 

matrix.m_posit = dVector (size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionA = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
matrix.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, size.m_x * 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionB = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, size.m_x * 0.25f, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 
matrix.m_posit = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, size.m_x * 0.5f, 1.0f);
NewtonCollision* const collisionC = NewtonCreateBox (world, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x * 0.25f, size.m_x, 0, &matrix[0][0]); 

			collision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision (world, 0);


			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionA);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionB);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (collision, collisionC);



		default: dAssert (0);

	dMatrix matrix (srcMatrix);
	matrix.m_front = matrix.m_front.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (matrix.m_front % matrix.m_front));
	matrix.m_right = matrix.m_front * matrix.m_up;
	matrix.m_right = matrix.m_right.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (matrix.m_right % matrix.m_right));
	matrix.m_up = matrix.m_right * matrix.m_front;
	NewtonCollisionSetMatrix(collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	return collision;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Car::Car(const ion::base::String& identifier,NewtonWorld *pWorld,const ion::video::Mesh& srcmesh,const float mass,
		 const float Ixx,const float Iyy,const float Izz):Node(identifier),m_pNewtonChassisCollision(0),m_pBody(0),
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if (!srcmesh.isValid()) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "Source mesh is invalid\n";

	if (!srcmesh.vertexstream().isMapped()) {
		ion::base::log("Car::Car()",ion::base::Error) << "source mesh \"" << srcmesh.objIdentifier() << " is not mapped!\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonChassisCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	float *pPoints;
		pPoints=new float[3*srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity()];
		for (ion_uint32 v=0;v<srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity();++v) {
			const ion::math::Vector3f &rV=srcmesh.vertexstream().position(v);

	ion::math::Matrix4f c;


	ion::math::Vector3f origin,inertia;

	// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (m_pNewtonChassisCollision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	

	float ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	float iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	float izz = mass * inertia[2];

	// set the mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (m_pBody, mass, ixx, iyy, izz);

	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (m_pBody, &origin[0]);



	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);

	float updir[3]={0,1,0};


	delete [] pPoints;
void CustomPlayerController::Init(dFloat mass, dFloat outerRadius, dFloat innerRadius, dFloat height, dFloat stairStep, const dMatrix& localAxis)
	dAssert (stairStep >= 0.0f);
	dAssert (innerRadius >= 0.0f);
	dAssert (outerRadius >= innerRadius);
	dAssert (height >= stairStep);
	dAssert (localAxis[0].m_w == dFloat (0.0f));
	dAssert (localAxis[1].m_w == dFloat (0.0f));

	CustomPlayerControllerManager* const manager = (CustomPlayerControllerManager*) GetManager();
	NewtonWorld* const world = manager->GetWorld();

	SetRestrainingDistance (0.0f);

	m_outerRadio = outerRadius;
	m_innerRadio = innerRadius;
	m_height = height;
	m_stairStep = stairStep;
	SetClimbSlope(45.0f * 3.1416f/ 180.0f);
	m_upVector = localAxis[0];
	m_frontVector = localAxis[1];

	m_groundPlane = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	m_groundVelocity = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	const int steps = 12;
	dVector convexPoints[2][steps];

	// create an inner thin cylinder
	dFloat shapeHigh = height;
	dAssert (shapeHigh > 0.0f);
	dVector p0 (0.0f, m_innerRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector p1 (shapeHigh, m_innerRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < steps; i ++) {
		dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix (i * 2.0f * 3.141592f / steps));
		convexPoints[0][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(p0));
		convexPoints[1][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(p1));
	NewtonCollision* const supportShape = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, steps * 2, &convexPoints[0][0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, 0, NULL); 

	// create the outer thick cylinder
	dMatrix outerShapeMatrix (localAxis);
	dFloat capsuleHigh = m_height - stairStep;
	dAssert (capsuleHigh > 0.0f);
	m_sphereCastOrigin = capsuleHigh * 0.5f + stairStep;
	outerShapeMatrix.m_posit = outerShapeMatrix[0].Scale(m_sphereCastOrigin);
	outerShapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
	NewtonCollision* const bodyCapsule = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0, &outerShapeMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(bodyCapsule, capsuleHigh, m_outerRadio * 4.0f, m_outerRadio * 4.0f);

	// compound collision player controller
	NewtonCollision* const playerShape = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (playerShape, supportShape);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (playerShape, bodyCapsule);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionEndAddRemove (playerShape);	

	// create the kinematic body
	dMatrix locationMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	m_body = NewtonCreateKinematicBody(world, playerShape, &locationMatrix[0][0]);

	// players must have weight, otherwise they are infinitely strong when they collide
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, shape);

	// make the body collidable with other dynamics bodies, by default
	NewtonBodySetCollidable (m_body, true);

	dFloat castHigh = capsuleHigh * 0.4f;
	dFloat castRadio = (m_innerRadio * 0.5f > 0.05f) ? m_innerRadio * 0.5f : 0.05f;

	dVector q0 (0.0f, castRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector q1 (castHigh, castRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < steps; i ++) {
		dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix (i * 2.0f * 3.141592f / steps));
		convexPoints[0][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(q0));
		convexPoints[1][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(q1));
	m_castingShape = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, steps * 2, &convexPoints[0][0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, 0, NULL); 

	m_supportShape = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (shape, NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (shape, 0));
	m_upperBodyShape = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (shape, NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (shape, 1));

	NewtonDestroyCollision (bodyCapsule);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (supportShape);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (playerShape);

	m_isJumping = false;
static void LoadHangingBridge (DemoEntityManager* const scene, TriggerManager* const triggerManager, NewtonCollision* const sceneCollision, const char* const name, const dMatrix& location, NewtonBody* const playGroundBody)
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
	DemoEntityManager::dListNode* const bridgeNodes = scene->GetLast();
	LoadScene(scene, name, location);

	// add bridge foundations
	for (DemoEntityManager::dListNode* node = bridgeNodes->GetNext(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = node->GetInfo();
		if (entity->GetName().Find("ramp") != -1) {	
			DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)entity->GetMesh();
			dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0, 0, NULL);
			void* const proxy = NewtonSceneCollisionAddSubCollision (sceneCollision, collision);
			NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);

			// get the location of this tire relative to the car chassis
			dMatrix matrix (entity->GetNextMatrix());

			NewtonCollision* const bridgeCollision = NewtonSceneCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (sceneCollision, proxy);
			NewtonSceneCollisionSetSubCollisionMatrix (sceneCollision, proxy, &matrix[0][0]);	
			NewtonCollisionSetUserData(bridgeCollision, entity);

	// add all the planks that form the bridge
	dTree<NewtonBody*, dString> planks;
	dFloat plankMass = 30.0f;
	for (DemoEntityManager::dListNode* node = bridgeNodes->GetNext(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = node->GetInfo();
		if (entity->GetName().Find("plank") != -1) {	
			DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)entity->GetMesh();
			dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

			// note: because the mesh matrix can have scale, for simplicity just apply the local mesh matrix to the vertex cloud
			dVector pool[128];
			const dMatrix& meshMatrix = entity->GetMeshMatrix();
			meshMatrix.TransformTriplex(&pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), mesh->m_vertexCount);

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, &pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0, 0, NULL);
			NewtonBody* const body = CreateSimpleBody (world, entity, plankMass, entity->GetNextMatrix(), collision, 0);
			NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);
			planks.Insert(body, entity->GetName());

	// connect each plant with a hinge
	// calculate the with of a plank
	dFloat plankwidth = 0.0f;
	dVector planksideDir (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		NewtonBody* const body0 = planks.Find("plank01")->GetInfo();
		NewtonBody* const body1 = planks.Find("plank02")->GetInfo();

		dMatrix matrix0;
		dMatrix matrix1;
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body0, &matrix0[0][0]);
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body1, &matrix1[0][0]);

		planksideDir = matrix1.m_posit - matrix0.m_posit;
		planksideDir = planksideDir.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (planksideDir % planksideDir));

		dVector dir (matrix0.UnrotateVector(planksideDir));
		NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body0);

		dVector p0;
		dVector p1;
		NewtonCollisionSupportVertex(shape, &dir[0], &p0[0]);
		dVector dir1 (dir.Scale (-1.0f));
		NewtonCollisionSupportVertex(shape, &dir1[0], &p1[0]);
		plankwidth = dAbs (0.5f * ((p1 - p0) % dir));

	dTree<NewtonBody*, dString>::Iterator iter (planks);

	dMatrix matrix0;
	NewtonBody* body0 = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body0, &matrix0[0][0]);

	for (iter ++; iter; iter ++) {
		NewtonBody* const body1 = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		dMatrix matrix1;
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body1, &matrix1[0][0]);

		// calculate the hinge parameter form the matrix location of each plank
		dMatrix pinMatrix0 (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[1] * planksideDir;
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[0].Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (pinMatrix0[0] % pinMatrix0[0]));
		pinMatrix0[2] = pinMatrix0[0] * pinMatrix0[1];
		pinMatrix0[0][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[1][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[2][3] = 0.0f;

		// calculate the pivot
		pinMatrix0[3] = matrix0.m_posit + pinMatrix0[2].Scale (plankwidth);
		pinMatrix0[3][3] = 1.0f;

		dMatrix pinMatrix1 (pinMatrix0);
		pinMatrix1[3] = matrix1.m_posit - pinMatrix1[2].Scale (plankwidth);
		pinMatrix1[3][3] = 1.0f;

		// connect these two plank by a hinge, there a wiggle space between eh hinge that give therefore use the alternate hinge constructor
		new CustomHinge (pinMatrix0, pinMatrix1, body0, body1);

		body0 = body1;
		matrix0 = matrix1;

	// connect the last and first plank to the bridge base
		body0 = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body0, &matrix0[0][0]);

		dMatrix pinMatrix0 (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[1] * planksideDir;
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[0].Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (pinMatrix0[0] % pinMatrix0[0]));
		pinMatrix0[2] = pinMatrix0[0] * pinMatrix0[1];
		pinMatrix0[0][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[1][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[2][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[3] = matrix0.m_posit - pinMatrix0[2].Scale (plankwidth);

		new CustomHinge (pinMatrix0, body0, playGroundBody);

		body0 = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body0, &matrix0[0][0]);

		dMatrix pinMatrix0 (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[1] * planksideDir;
		pinMatrix0[0] = pinMatrix0[0].Scale (1.0f / dSqrt (pinMatrix0[0] % pinMatrix0[0]));
		pinMatrix0[2] = pinMatrix0[0] * pinMatrix0[1];
		pinMatrix0[0][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[1][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[2][3] = 0.0f;
		pinMatrix0[3] = matrix0.m_posit + pinMatrix0[2].Scale (plankwidth);

		new CustomHinge (pinMatrix0, body0, playGroundBody);
static void LoadSlide (DemoEntityManager* const scene, TriggerManager* const triggerManager, NewtonCollision* const sceneCollision, const char* const name, const dMatrix& location, NewtonBody* const playGroundBody)
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
	DemoEntityManager::dListNode* const bridgeNodes = scene->GetLast();
	LoadScene(scene, name, location);

	// add bridge foundations
	for (DemoEntityManager::dListNode* node = bridgeNodes->GetNext(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = node->GetInfo();
		if (entity->GetName().Find("ramp") != -1) {
			DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)entity->GetMesh();
			dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0, 0, NULL);
			void* const proxy = NewtonSceneCollisionAddSubCollision (sceneCollision, collision);
			NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);

			// get the location of this tire relative to the car chassis
			dMatrix matrix (entity->GetNextMatrix());

			NewtonCollision* const bridgeCollision = NewtonSceneCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (sceneCollision, proxy);
			NewtonSceneCollisionSetSubCollisionMatrix (sceneCollision, proxy, &matrix[0][0]);	
			NewtonCollisionSetUserData(bridgeCollision, entity);

	// add start triggers
	CustomTriggerController* trigger0 = NULL;
	CustomTriggerController* trigger1 = NULL;
	for (DemoEntityManager::dListNode* node = bridgeNodes->GetNext(); node;) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = node->GetInfo();
		node = node->GetNext() ;
		if (entity->GetName().Find("startTrigger") != -1) {
			DemoMesh* const mesh = (DemoMesh*)entity->GetMesh();
			dAssert (mesh->IsType(DemoMesh::GetRttiType()));

			// create a trigger to match his mesh
			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, mesh->m_vertexCount, mesh->m_vertex, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), 0, 0, NULL);
			dMatrix matrix (entity->GetNextMatrix());
			CustomTriggerController* const controller = triggerManager->CreateTrigger(matrix, collision, NULL);
			NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);

			if (!trigger0) {
				trigger0 = controller;
			} else {
				trigger1 = controller;
			// remove this entity from the scene, since we do not wan the trigger to be visible
			// to see triggers click "show collision mesh, and or "show contact points" in the main menu.

	// add the platform object
	for (DemoEntityManager::dListNode* node = bridgeNodes->GetNext(); node;) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = node->GetInfo();
		node = node->GetNext() ;
		if (entity->GetName().Find("platform") != -1) {
			// make a platform object
			PlaformEntityEntity* const platformEntity = new PlaformEntityEntity (scene, entity, trigger0->GetBody(), trigger1->GetBody());

			// store the platform in the trigger use data

			// remove this entity from the scene

	NewtonCollision* ConvexCollider3D::CreateHandle(PhysWorld3D* world) const
		return NewtonCreateConvexHull(world->GetHandle(), static_cast<int>(m_vertices.size()), reinterpret_cast<const float*>(, sizeof(Vector3f), m_tolerance, 0, m_matrix);
Ejemplo n.º 16
NzConvexHullGeom::NzConvexHullGeom(NzPhysWorld* physWorld, const void* vertices, unsigned int vertexCount, unsigned int stride, float tolerance, const NzMatrix4f& transformMatrix) :
	m_collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull(physWorld->GetHandle(), vertexCount, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vertices), stride, tolerance, 0, transformMatrix);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CustomDGRayCastCar::AddSingleSuspensionTire (
	void *userData,
	const dVector& localPosition, 
	dFloat mass,
	dFloat radius, 
	dFloat width,
	dFloat friction,
	dFloat suspensionLenght,
	dFloat springConst,
	dFloat springDamper,
	int castMode)
	dVector relTirePos = localPosition;
	suspensionLenght = dAbs ( suspensionLenght );

	dMatrix chassisMatrix;
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (m_body0, &chassisMatrix[0][0]);
	chassisMatrix = chassisMatrix * chassisMatrix;
	relTirePos += chassisMatrix.m_up.Scale ( suspensionLenght );

	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_harpoint              = m_localFrame.UntransformVector( relTirePos ); 
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_localAxis             = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireAxelPosit         = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireAxelVeloc         = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_lateralPin            = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_longitudinalPin       = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_hitBodyPointVelocity  = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_HitBody               = NULL;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_userData              = userData;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_spinAngle             = 0.0f;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_steerAngle            = 0.0f;	
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireLoad              = 0.0f;

	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_posit                 = suspensionLenght;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireIsOnAir           = 1;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireUseConvexCastMode = castMode; 
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_springConst           = springConst;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_springDamper          = springDamper;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_suspensionLenght	  = suspensionLenght;	
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_angularVelocity       = 0.0f;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_breakForce            = 0.0f;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_torque                = 0.0f;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_groundFriction        = friction;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_tireIsConstrained	  = 0;	

	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_mass				  = mass;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_width				  = width;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_radius				  = radius;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_Ixx					  = mass * radius * radius / 2.0f;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_IxxInv				  = 1.0f / m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_Ixx;

#define TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE 12
	dVector shapePoints[TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE * 2];
	for ( int i = 0; i < TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE; i ++ ) {
		shapePoints[i].m_x = -width * 0.5f;	
		shapePoints[i].m_y = radius * dCos ( 2.0f * 3.14159265f * dFloat( i )/ dFloat( TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE ) );
		shapePoints[i].m_z = radius * dSin ( 2.0f * 3.14159265f * dFloat( i )/ dFloat( TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE ) );
		shapePoints[i + TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE].m_x = -shapePoints[i].m_x;
		shapePoints[i + TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE].m_y = shapePoints[i].m_y;
		shapePoints[i + TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE].m_z = shapePoints[i].m_z;
	m_tires[m_tiresCount].m_shape = NewtonCreateConvexHull ( m_world, TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE * 2, &shapePoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, 0, NULL );
// NewtonCreateChamferCylinder(m_world,radius,width,NULL); 
// NewtonCreateSphere(m_world,radius,radius,radius,&offmat[0][0]);
// NewtonCreateCone(m_world,radius,width,NULL);
// NewtonCreateCapsule(m_world,radius,width,NULL);
// NewtonCreateChamferCylinder(m_world,radius,width,NULL);
// NewtonCreateCylinder(m_world,radius*2,width*2,NULL);
// NewtonCreateBox(m_world,radius*2,radius*2,radius*2,NULL);
// NewtonCreateConvexHull (m_world, TIRE_SHAPE_SIZE * 2, &shapePoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, NULL);

	m_tiresCount ++;
dNewtonCollisionConvexHull::dNewtonCollisionConvexHull(dNewtonWorld* const world, int vertexCount, const dFloat* const vertexCloud, dFloat tolerance)
	:dNewtonCollision(world, 0)
	SetShape(NewtonCreateConvexHull(m_myWorld->m_world, vertexCount, vertexCloud, 3 * sizeof (dFloat), tolerance, 0, NULL));