Ejemplo n.º 1
// Initialize UART0
// Baud rate is 115200 bits/sec
void UART_Init(void){
  SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R |= 0x01;            // activate UART0
  SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= 0x01;            // activate port A
  RxFifo_Init();                        // initialize empty FIFOs
  UART0_CTL_R &= ~UART_CTL_UARTEN;      // disable UART
  UART0_IBRD_R = 43;                    // IBRD = int(80,000,000 / (16 * 115,200)) = int(43.403)
  UART0_FBRD_R = 26;                    // FBRD = round(0.4028 * 64 ) = 26
                                        // 8 bit word length (no parity bits, one stop bit, FIFOs)
  UART0_IFLS_R &= ~0x3F;                // clear TX and RX interrupt FIFO level fields
                                        // configure interrupt for TX FIFO <= 1/8 full
                                        // configure interrupt for RX FIFO >= 1/8 full
                                        // enable TX and RX FIFO interrupts and RX time-out interrupt
  UART0_CTL_R |= 0x301;                 // enable UART
  GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R |= 0x03;           // enable alt funct on PA1-0
  GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R |= 0x03;             // enable digital I/O on PA1-0
                                        // configure PA1-0 as UART
  GPIO_PORTA_AMSEL_R = 0;               // disable analog functionality on PA
                                        // UART0=priority 2
  NVIC_PRI1_R = (NVIC_PRI1_R&0xFFFF00FF)|0x00004000; // bits 13-15
  NVIC_EN0_R = NVIC_EN0_INT5;           // enable interrupt 5 in NVIC
Ejemplo n.º 2
   - initializes the UART to use PA0,1 at 115200 baud
void USB_UART_Init(void){
  // enable UART0
  SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R |= SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R0; // activate UART0 clock gating
  while ((SYSCTL_PRUART_R & SYSCTL_PRUART_R0) == 0) {}; // wait for UART0 to activate
  // enable PORTA
  SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R0; // activate PORTA clock gating
  while ((SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R & SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R0) == 0) {}; // wait for PORTA to activate
  // configure PORTA pins for use with UART0
  GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R   |= 0x03;
  GPIO_PORTA_PCTL_R  |= 0x11;
  GPIO_PORTA_DR2R_R  |= 0x03;
  // configure UART0 for 115200bps operation
  // IBRD = 80e6/(16*115200) = 43.4027 = 43
  // FBRD = integer(.402777*64 + 0.5)  = 26   
  UART0_CTL_R &= ~0x01;                             // clear UART0 enable bit during config
  UART0_IBRD_R = 43;                                // set integer portion of BRD
  UART0_FBRD_R = 26;                                // set fraction portion of BRD
  UART0_LCRH_R = (UART_LCRH_WLEN_8|UART_LCRH_FEN);  // 8 bit word length, 1 stop, no parity, FIFOs enabled
  UART0_CC_R   = 0x00;                              // use system clock
  UART0_IFLS_R &= ~0x3F;                            // clear TX and RX interrupt FIFO level fields
  UART0_IFLS_R |= UART_IFLS_RX1_8;                  // RX FIFO interrupt threshold >= 1/8th full
  UART0_IFLS_R |= UART_IFLS_TX1_8;                  // TX FIFO interrupt threshold <= 4/8th full
  UART0_IM_R  |= (UART_IM_RXIM | UART_IM_RTIM);     // enable interupt on RX and RX transmission end
  UART0_IM_R  |= UART_IM_TXIM;                      // enable interrupt on TX
  UART0_CTL_R |= UART_CTL_UARTEN;                   // set UART0 enable bit    
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main2(void){    int i;
  // *************** Test #1: test transmit (index) FIFO **************
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = ??, result = 0
  result = TxFifo_Put('A');     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Put('B');     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Put('C');     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Put('D');     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 2
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x43, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x44, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 0
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = ??, result = 0
  for(i='A'; i<'A'+TXFIFOSIZE; i=i+1){
    result = TxFifo_Put(i);     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 16
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 15
  result = TxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 14
  result = TxFifo_Put(' ');     // result = 1
  result = TxFifo_Size();       // result = 15
  // *************** Test #2: test receive (pointer) FIFO *************
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = ??, result = 0
  result = RxFifo_Put('A');     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Put('B');     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Put('C');     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Put('D');     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 2
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x43, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x44, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 0
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = ??, result = 0
  for(i='A'; i<'A'+RXFIFOSIZE-1; i=i+1){
    result = RxFifo_Put(i);     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 9
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 8
  result = RxFifo_Get(&letter); // letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 7
  result = RxFifo_Put(' ');     // result = 1
  result = RxFifo_Size();       // result = 8
  // *********** Test #3: test transmit (index) FIFO creator **********
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = ??, result = 0
  result = Tx2Fifo_Put('A');    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Put('B');    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Put('C');    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Put('D');    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 2
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x43, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x44, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 0
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = ??, result = 0
  for(i='A'; i<'A'+TX2FIFOSIZE; i=i+1){
    result = Tx2Fifo_Put(i);    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 32
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 31
  result = Tx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 30
  result = Tx2Fifo_Put(' ');    // result = 1
  result = Tx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 31
  // *********** Test #4: test receive (pointer) FIFO creator *********
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = ??, result = 0
  result = Rx2Fifo_Put('A');    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Put('B');    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Put('C');    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Put('D');    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 2
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x43, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x44, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 0
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = ??, result = 0
  for(i='A'; i<'A'+RX2FIFOSIZE-1; i=i+1){
    result = Rx2Fifo_Put(i);    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 26
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x41, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 25
  result = Rx2Fifo_Get(&letter);// letter = 0x42, result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 24
  result = Rx2Fifo_Put(' ');    // result = 1
  result = Rx2Fifo_Size();      // result = 25
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(void){
  int i;
                 SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ);        // 50 MHz
  // **** general initialization ****
  SYSCTL_RCGC1_R |= SYSCTL_RCGC1_TIMER0;// activate timer0
  BackData = 0;                    // allow time to finish activating
  BackCounter = 0;
  EnteredCount = 0;
  ForeExpected = 0;
  Errors = 0;
  EnterGet = 0;
  GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R |= 0x0F;        // make PF3-PF0 out (connect to scope/logic analyzer)
  GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R |= 0x0F;        // enable digital I/O on PF3-PF0
  GPIO_PORTG_DIR_R |= 0x04;        // make PG2 out (PG2 built-in LED)
  GPIO_PORTG_DEN_R |= 0x04;        // enable digital I/O on PG2
  GPIO_PORTG2 = 0x00;              // clear PG2
  GPIO_PORTF0 = 0x00;
  GPIO_PORTF1 = 0x00;
  GPIO_PORTF2 = 0x00;
  TIMER0_CTL_R &= ~TIMER_CTL_TAEN; // disable timer0A during setup
  TIMER0_CFG_R = TIMER_CFG_16_BIT; // configure for 16-bit timer mode
  // **** timer0A initialization ****
  TIMER0_TAMR_R = TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_PERIOD;// configure for periodic mode
  TIMER0_TAILR_R = INTPERIOD - 1;  // start value to count down from
  TIMER0_IMR_R |= TIMER_IMR_TATOIM;// enable timeout (rollover) interrupt
  TIMER0_ICR_R = TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT;// clear timer0A timeout flag
  // **** interrupt initialization ****
                                   // Timer0A=priority 2
  NVIC_PRI4_R = (NVIC_PRI4_R&0x00FFFFFF)|0x40000000; // top 3 bits
  NVIC_EN0_R |= NVIC_EN0_INT19;    // enable interrupt 19 in NVIC

  // *************** Test #5: test interrupt vulnerability ************
  for(i=0; i<HISTOGRAMSIZE; i=i+1){ unsigned long returnaddress;
    LineHistogram[i] = 0;
    returnaddress = ((unsigned long)&RxFifo_Get + 2*i)&0xFFFFFFFE;
    LineHistogramAddress[i] = returnaddress;   // possible places in Get that could be interrupted
  TIMER0_ICR_R = TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT;// clear timer0A timeout flag
  TIMER0_CTL_R |= TIMER_CTL_TAEN;  // enable timer0A 16-b, periodic, interrupts
      GPIO_PORTF0 = 1;       // profile of main program
      EnterGet = 1;
      i = RxFifo_Get(&ForeActual);  // i = 0 (FIFOFAIL) if error
      EnterGet = 0;
      GPIO_PORTF0 = 0; 
    GPIO_PORTF1 = 2;       // profile of main program

    if(ForeExpected != ForeActual){
      Errors = Errors + 1;           // critical section found
      ForeExpected = ForeActual + 1; // resych to lost/bad data
      GPIO_PORTG2 = 0x04;            // set PG2, means error
      ForeExpected = ForeExpected + 1;// sequence is 0,1,2,3,...,254,255,0,1,...
    GPIO_PORTF1 = 0; 
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Initialize Serial port
// Input: baudRate is the baud rate in bits/sec
// Output: none
// SCI0BDL=1500000/baudRate, for example
// baudRate =    9600 bits/sec  SCI0BDL=156
// baudRate =   19200 bits/sec  SCI0BDL=78
// baudRate =   38400 bits/sec  SCI0BDL=39
// baudRate =  115200 bits/sec  SCI0BDL=13
// assumes a module clock frequency of 24 MHz
// baud rate must be faster than 5900 bits/sec
void SCI_Init(unsigned char port, unsigned long baudRate){
  if(port==0) {
    //SCI0BDH = 0;   // br=MCLK/(16*BaudRate)
    //SCI0BDL = 500000L/baudRate;   //ECLK = 8mhz
    SCI0BD = 1500000L/baudRate;	 //ECLK = 24mhz
    //SCI0BDL = 2000000L/baudRate;	 //ECLK = 32mhz
    SCI0CR1 = 0;
  /* bit value meaning
      7   0    LOOPS, no looping, normal
      6   0    WOMS, normal high/low outputs
      5   0    RSRC, not appliable with LOOPS=0
      4   0    M, 1 start, 8 data, 1 stop
      3   0    WAKE, wake by idle (not applicable)
      2   0    ILT, short idle time (not applicable)
      1   0    PE, no parity
      0   0    PT, parity type (not applicable with PE=0) */ 
    SCI0CR2 = 0x2C; 
  /* bit value meaning
      7   0    TIE, no transmit interrupts on TDRE
      6   0    TCIE, no transmit interrupts on TC
      5   1    RIE, no receive interrupts on RDRF
      4   0    ILIE, no interrupts on idle
      3   1    TE, enable transmitter
      2   1    RE, enable receiver
      1   0    RWU, no receiver wakeup
      0   0    SBK, no send break */ 
  if(port==1) {
    //SCI1BDH = 0;   // br=MCLK/(16*BaudRate)
    //SCI0BDL = 500000L/baudRate;   //ECLK = 8mhz
    SCI1BD = 1500000L/baudRate;	 //ECLK = 24mhz
    //SCI0BDL = 2000000L/baudRate;	 //ECLK = 32mhz
    SCI1CR1 = 0;
  /* bit value meaning
      7   0    LOOPS, no looping, normal
      6   0    WOMS, normal high/low outputs
      5   0    RSRC, not appliable with LOOPS=0
      4   0    M, 1 start, 8 data, 1 stop
      3   0    WAKE, wake by idle (not applicable)
      2   0    ILT, short idle time (not applicable)
      1   0    PE, no parity
      0   0    PT, parity type (not applicable with PE=0) */ 
    //SCI1CR2 = 0x2C;
    //SCI1CR2 = 0x0C; 
  /* bit value meaning
      7   0    TIE, no transmit interrupts on TDRE
      6   0    TCIE, no transmit interrupts on TC
      5   1    RIE, no receive interrupts on RDRF
      4   0    ILIE, no interrupts on idle
      3   1    TE, enable transmitter
      2   1    RE, enable receiver
      1   0    RWU, no receiver wakeup
      0   0    SBK, no send break */ 
  asm cli   /* enable interrupts */