// Purpose:
boost::python::list PyFS_ListDir( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID, const char *pWildCard, bool appendslashdir )
	if( !pPath || !pWildCard )
		return boost::python::list();

	const char *pFileName;
	char wildcard[MAX_PATH];
	FileFindHandle_t fh;
	boost::python::list result;

	// Construct the wildcard
	V_strncpy( wildcard, pPath, sizeof( wildcard ) );
	if( V_strlen( wildcard ) == 0 )
		V_strncpy( wildcard, "./", sizeof( wildcard ) );
	if( appendslashdir && filesystem->IsDirectory( pPath ) )
		V_AppendSlash( wildcard, sizeof( wildcard ) );
	V_strcat( wildcard, pWildCard, sizeof( wildcard ) );

	pFileName = filesystem->FindFirstEx( wildcard, pPathID, &fh );
	while( pFileName )
		result.append( boost::python::object(
				PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8( pFileName, V_strlen( pFileName ), "ignore" )
		) );
		pFileName = filesystem->FindNext( fh );
	filesystem->FindClose( fh );
	return result;
void CObjectBuffStation::InitAttachmentData( void )
	// Initialize the attachment data.
	char szAttachName[13];

	m_nPlayerCount = 0;
	V_strncpy( szAttachName, "playercable1", 13 );
	for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; ++iPlayer )
		m_hPlayers.Set( iPlayer, NULL );

		szAttachName[11] = '1' + iPlayer;
		m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iPlayer].m_iAttachPoint = LookupAttachment( szAttachName );

	m_nObjectCount = 0;
	V_strncpy( szAttachName, "objectcable1", 13 );	
	for ( int iObject = 0; iObject < BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS; ++iObject )
		m_hObjects.Set( iObject, NULL );

		szAttachName[11] = '1' + iObject;
		m_aObjectAttachInfo[iObject].m_iAttachPoint = LookupAttachment( szAttachName );
void CommandMenu::OnMessage(const KeyValues *params, VPANEL fromPanel)
	char text[255];
	bool bHandled = false;

	KeyValues *param1 = const_cast<KeyValues *>(params);

	// toggle attached cvar, if any
	V_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("toggle"), sizeof( text ) );

	if ( text[0] )
		ConVarRef convar( text );
		if ( convar.IsValid() )
			// toggle cvar 

			if ( convar.GetInt() )	
				convar.SetValue( 0 );
				convar.SetValue( 1 );

			Msg("CommandComboBox::OnMessage: cvar %s not found.\n", param1->GetString("typedata") );

		bHandled = true;

	// execute attached command, if any
	V_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("command"), sizeof( text ) );
	if ( text[0] )
		engine->ClientCmd( text );
		bHandled = true;

	// fire custom message, if any
	V_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("custom"), sizeof( text ) );
	if ( text[0] )
		OnCustomItem( param1 ); // let derived class decide what to do
		bHandled = true;

	if ( bHandled )
		PostMessage( GetParent(), new KeyValues("CommandMenuClosed") );
	BaseClass::OnMessage( params, fromPanel );
Ejemplo n.º 4
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( const char *pszFrom, const char *pszTo ) const
	Assert( pszTo ); // Can be 0 length, but not null
	Assert( pszFrom && *pszFrom ); // Must be valid and have one character.
	const char *pos = V_strstr( String(), pszFrom );
	if ( !pos )
		return *this;

	const char *pFirstFound = pos;

	// count number of search string
	int nSearchCount = 0;
	int nSearchLength = V_strlen( pszFrom );
	while ( pos )
		int nSrcOffset = ( pos - String() ) + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// allocate the new string
	int nReplaceLength = V_strlen( pszTo );
	int nAllocOffset = nSearchCount * ( nReplaceLength - nSearchLength );
	size_t srcLength = Length();
	CUtlString strDest;
	size_t destLength = srcLength + nAllocOffset;
	strDest.SetLength( destLength );

	// find and replace the search string
	pos = pFirstFound;
	int nDestOffset = 0;
	int nSrcOffset = 0;
	while ( pos )
		// Found an instance
		int nCurrentSearchOffset = pos - String();
		int nCopyLength = nCurrentSearchOffset - nSrcOffset;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, nCopyLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nCopyLength;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, pszTo, nReplaceLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nReplaceLength;

		nSrcOffset = nCurrentSearchOffset + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// making sure that the left over string from the source is the same size as the left over dest buffer
	Assert( destLength - nDestOffset == srcLength - nSrcOffset );
	if ( destLength - nDestOffset > 0 )
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, destLength - nDestOffset + 1 );

	return strDest;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	virtual bool GetString( short stringId, char *buff, int buffSize )
		if ( stringId < 0 || stringId >= m_StringMap.GetNumStrings() )
			V_strncpy( buff, "", buffSize );
			return false;
		V_strncpy( buff, m_StringMap.String( stringId ), buffSize );
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CChoreoStringPool::GetString( short stringId, char *buff, int buffSize )
	// fetch from compiled pool
	const char *pString = scenefilecache->GetSceneString( stringId );
	if ( !pString )
		V_strncpy( buff, "", buffSize );
		return false;
	V_strncpy( buff, pString, buffSize );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
char* CopyString( const char *pStr )
	int len = V_strlen( pStr ) + 1;
	char *pRet = new char[len];
	V_strncpy( pRet, pStr, len );
	return pRet;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Purpose: Composes a path and filename together, inserting a path separator
//			if need be
// Input:	path - path to use
//			filename - filename to use
//			dest - buffer to compose result in
//			destSize - size of destination buffer
void V_ComposeFileName( const char *path, const char *filename, char *dest, int destSize )
	V_strncpy( dest, path, destSize );
	V_AppendSlash( dest, destSize );
	V_strncat( dest, filename, destSize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	V_FixSlashes( dest );
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *path - 
//			*dest - 
//			destSize - 
// Output : void V_ExtractFileExtension
void V_ExtractFileExtension(const char *path, char *dest, int destSize)
	*dest = 0;
	const char *extension = V_GetFileExtension( path );
	if (extension)
		V_strncpy(dest, extension, destSize);
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Actualiza la textura de la luz
void CBaseFlashlightEffect::UpdateFlashlightTexture( const char* pTextureName )
	static const char *pEmptyString = "";

	if ( pTextureName == NULL )
		pTextureName = pEmptyString;

	if ( !m_nFlashlightTexture.IsValid() || V_stricmp( m_textureName, pTextureName ) != 0 )
		if ( pTextureName == pEmptyString )
			m_nFlashlightTexture.Init( "effects/flashlight001", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );
			m_nFlashlightTexture.Init( pTextureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );

		V_strncpy( m_textureName, pTextureName, sizeof(m_textureName) );

	// Iniciamos la textura del Flash
	if ( !m_nMuzzleFlashTexture.IsValid() )
		m_nMuzzleFlashTexture.Init( "effects/muzzleflash_light", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *in - 
//			*out - 
//			outSize - 
void V_StripExtension( const char *in, char *out, int outSize )
	// Find the last dot. If it's followed by a dot or a slash, then it's part of a 
	// directory specifier like ../../somedir/./blah.

	// scan backward for '.'
	int end = V_strlen( in ) - 1;
	while ( end > 0 && in[end] != '.' && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) )

	if (end > 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) && end < outSize)
		int nChars = min( end, outSize-1 );
		if ( out != in )
			memcpy( out, in, nChars );
		out[nChars] = 0;
		// nothing found
		if ( out != in )
			V_strncpy( out, in, outSize );
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Purpose: Bone followers
void PyBoneFollowerManager::InitBoneFollowers( CBaseAnimating *pParentEntity, boost::python::list followerbonenames )
	if( !pParentEntity )

	int i, iNumBones;

	iNumBones = bp::len(followerbonenames);

	char **pFollowerBoneNames = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * iNumBones);
	for( i = 0; i < iNumBones; i++ )
		pFollowerBoneNames[i] = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * _MAX_PATH );

		const char *pFollowerBoneName = bp::extract<const char *>(followerbonenames[i]);
		if( pFollowerBoneName )
			V_strncpy(pFollowerBoneNames[i], pFollowerBoneName, _MAX_PATH);
			pFollowerBoneNames[i][0] = '\0';
	CBoneFollowerManager::InitBoneFollowers( pParentEntity, iNumBones, (const char **)pFollowerBoneNames );

	for( i = 0; i < iNumBones; i++ )
		free( pFollowerBoneNames[i] );
	free( pFollowerBoneNames );
Ejemplo n.º 13
PyEntityFactory::PyEntityFactory( const char *pClassName, boost::python::object PyClass )
	m_pPyNext = NULL;
	m_ClassName[0] = 0;

	if( !pClassName )
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "EntityFactory must have a valid name");
		throw boost::python::error_already_set(); 

	V_strncpy( m_ClassName, pClassName, sizeof( m_ClassName ) );
	m_PyClass = PyClass;

	// Remove old factory if any
	if( EntityFactoryDictionary()->FindFactory( m_ClassName ) )
		EntityFactoryDictionary()->RemoveFactory( m_ClassName );

	// Install new factory
	EntityFactoryDictionary()->InstallFactory( this, m_ClassName );

	// Link
	m_pPyNext				= g_pPyEntityFactoryHead;
	g_pPyEntityFactoryHead	= this;

	// Init 
	if( g_bDoNotInitPythonClasses == false)

Ejemplo n.º 14
bool VideoPlayerPanel::SetVideo( const char *pVideoFile )

	// clearing the video?
	if ( pVideoFile == NULL || pVideoFile[0] == 0x00 )
		return true;

	// create the material
	m_VideoMaterial = g_pVideo->CreateVideoMaterial( "VideoPlayerMaterial", pVideoFile, "GAME",
													VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, true );
	if ( m_VideoMaterial == NULL )
		return false;

	// save filename	
	int sLen = V_strlen( pVideoFile ) + 1;
	m_VideoFileName = new char[ sLen ];
	V_strncpy( m_VideoFileName, pVideoFile, sLen );
	// compute Playback dimensions
	int nWidth, nHeight;
	m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoImageSize( &nWidth, &nHeight );
	m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoTexCoordRange( &m_flU, &m_flV );

	float flFrameRatio = ( (float) GetWide() / (float) GetTall() );
	float flVideoRatio = ( (float) nWidth / (float) nHeight );

	if ( flVideoRatio > flFrameRatio )
		m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
		m_nPlaybackHeight = ( GetWide() / flVideoRatio );
		m_letterBox = 1;
	else if ( flVideoRatio < flFrameRatio )
		m_nPlaybackWidth = ( GetTall() * flVideoRatio );
		m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
		m_letterBox = 2;
		m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
		m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
		m_letterBox = 0;
	m_pMaterial = m_VideoMaterial->GetMaterial();
	m_VideoDuration = m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoDuration();
	m_VideoLoaded = true;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Remove entry from dictionary, Returns TRUE if removed.
bool RemoveFileFromResourceList( const char *pFilename, CUtlRBTree< CUtlString, int > *pTree )
	char szOutName[MAX_PATH];
	char *pOutName;
	V_strncpy( szOutName, pFilename, sizeof( szOutName ) );
	V_FixSlashes( szOutName );
	V_RemoveDotSlashes( szOutName );
	V_strlower( szOutName );
	pOutName = szOutName;

	// strip any prefixed game name
	for ( int i = 0; g_GameNames[i] != NULL; i++ )
		size_t len = strlen( g_GameNames[i] );
		if ( !V_strnicmp( pOutName, g_GameNames[i], len ) && pOutName[len] == '\\' )
			// skip past game name and slash
			pOutName += len+1;

	if ( pTree->Find( pOutName ) != pTree->InvalidIndex() )
		pTree->Remove( pOutName );
		return true;

	return false;
// Message handler for PyNetworkCls
void __MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls( bf_read &msg )
	int iClassID;
	char networkName[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];

	iClassID = msg.ReadWord();
	msg.ReadString( networkName, PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE );

	DbgStrPyMsg( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Registering Python network class message %d %s\n", iClassID, networkName );

	// Get module path
	const char *pch = V_strrchr( networkName, '.' );
	if( !pch )
		Warning( "Invalid python class name %s\n", networkName );
	int n = pch - networkName + 1;

	char modulePath[PYNETCLS_BUFSIZE];
	V_strncpy( modulePath, networkName, n );

	// Make sure the client class is imported
	SrcPySystem()->Import( modulePath );

	// Read which client class we are modifying
	PyClientClassBase *p = FindPyClientClassByID( iClassID );
	if( !p )
		Warning( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Invalid networked class %d\n", iClassID );

	// Read network class name
	V_strncpy( p->m_strPyNetworkedClassName, networkName, sizeof( p->m_strPyNetworkedClassName ) );

	// Attach if a network class exists
	unsigned short lookup = m_NetworkClassDatabase.Find( networkName );
	if ( lookup != m_NetworkClassDatabase.InvalidIndex() )
		m_NetworkClassDatabase.Element(lookup)->AttachClientClass( p );
		Warning( "__MsgFunc_PyNetworkCls: Invalid networked class %s\n", networkName );
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Fixes up a file name, removing dot slashes, fixing slashes, converting to lowercase, etc.
void V_FixupPathName( char *pOut, size_t nOutLen, const char *pPath )
	V_strncpy( pOut, pPath, nOutLen );
	V_FixSlashes( pOut );
	V_RemoveDotSlashes( pOut );
	V_FixDoubleSlashes( pOut );
	V_strlower( pOut );
Ejemplo n.º 18
// Purpose:
void CTFViewModel::RemoveViewmodelAddon( void )
    if (m_viewmodelAddon)
    V_strncpy(m_viewmodelAddonName, "", sizeof(m_viewmodelAddonName));
Ejemplo n.º 19
// Purpose: Extracts the base name of a file (no path, no extension, assumes '/' or '\' as path separator)
// Input  : *in - 
//			*out - 
//			maxlen - 
void V_FileBase( const char *in, char *out, int maxlen )
	Assert( maxlen >= 1 );
	Assert( in );
	Assert( out );

	if ( !in || !in[ 0 ] )
		*out = 0;

	int len, start, end;

	len = V_strlen( in );
	// scan backward for '.'
	end = len - 1;
	while ( end&& in[end] != '.' && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) )
	if ( in[end] != '.' )		// no '.', copy to end
		end = len-1;
		end--;					// Found ',', copy to left of '.'

	// Scan backward for '/'
	start = len-1;
	while ( start >= 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[start] ) )

	if ( start < 0 || !PATHSEPARATOR( in[start] ) )
		start = 0;

	// Length of new sting
	len = end - start + 1;

	int maxcopy = min( len + 1, maxlen );

	// Copy partial string
	V_strncpy( out, &in[start], maxcopy );
Ejemplo n.º 20
void EndBSPFile (void)
    // Mark noshadow faces.

    EmitBrushes ();
    EmitPlanes ();

    // stick flat normals at the verts

    // Figure out lightmap extents for all faces.

    // Generate geometry and lightmap alpha for displacements.

    // Emit overlay data.

    // phys collision needs dispinfo to operate (needs to generate phys collision for displacement surfs)

    // We can't calculate this properly until vvis (since we need vis to do this), so we set
    // to zero everywhere by default.

    // Emit static props found in the .vmf file

    // Place detail props found in .vmf and based on material properties

    // Compute bounds after creating disp info because we need to reference it

    // Make sure that we have a water lod control eneity if we have water in the map.

    // Doing this here because stuff about may filter out entities
    UnparseEntities ();

    // remove unused texinfos

    // Figure out which faces want macro textures.

    char fileName[1024];
    V_strncpy( fileName, source, sizeof( fileName ) );
    V_DefaultExtension( fileName, ".bsp", sizeof( fileName ) );
    Msg ("Writing %s\n", fileName);
    WriteBSPFile (fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 21
void V_StrRight( const char *pStr, int nChars, char *pOut, int outSize )
	int len = strlen( pStr );
	if ( nChars >= len )
		V_strncpy( pOut, pStr, outSize );
		V_StrSlice( pStr, -nChars, strlen( pStr ), pOut, outSize );
Ejemplo n.º 22
char* AllocString( const char *pStr, int nMaxChars )
	int allocLen;
	if ( nMaxChars == -1 )
		allocLen = strlen( pStr ) + 1;
		allocLen = min( (int)strlen(pStr), nMaxChars ) + 1;

	char *pOut = new char[allocLen];
	V_strncpy( pOut, pStr, allocLen );
	return pOut;
Ejemplo n.º 23
// Returns true if it completed successfully.
// If it would overflow pOut, it fills as much as it can and returns false.
bool V_StrSubst( 
	const char *pIn, 
	const char *pMatch,
	const char *pReplaceWith,
	char *pOut,
	int outLen,
	bool bCaseSensitive
	int replaceFromLen = strlen( pMatch );
	int replaceToLen = strlen( pReplaceWith );

	const char *pInStart = pIn;
	char *pOutPos = pOut;
	pOutPos[0] = 0;

	while ( 1 )
		int nRemainingOut = outLen - (pOutPos - pOut);

		const char *pTestPos = ( bCaseSensitive ? strstr( pInStart, pMatch ) : V_stristr( pInStart, pMatch ) );
		if ( pTestPos )
			// Found an occurence of pMatch. First, copy whatever leads up to the string.
			int copyLen = pTestPos - pInStart;
			if ( !CopyToMaxChars( pOutPos, nRemainingOut, pInStart, copyLen ) )
				return false;
			// Did we hit the end of the output string?
			if ( copyLen > nRemainingOut-1 )
				return false;

			pOutPos += strlen( pOutPos );
			nRemainingOut = outLen - (pOutPos - pOut);

			// Now add the replacement string.
			if ( !CopyToMaxChars( pOutPos, nRemainingOut, pReplaceWith, replaceToLen ) )
				return false;

			pInStart += copyLen + replaceFromLen;
			pOutPos += replaceToLen;			
			// We're at the end of pIn. Copy whatever remains and get out.
			int copyLen = strlen( pInStart );
			V_strncpy( pOutPos, pInStart, nRemainingOut );
			return ( copyLen <= nRemainingOut-1 );
Ejemplo n.º 24
void SetPassword( const char *pPassword )
	delete [] g_pPassword;
	if ( pPassword )
		int len = V_strlen( pPassword ) + 1;
		g_pPassword = new char[len];
		V_strncpy( g_pPassword, pPassword, len );
		g_pPassword = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 25
CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> LocalSchemeHandlerFactory::Create(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
											CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
											const CefString& scheme_name,
											CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request)
	CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> pResourceHandler = NULL;

	CefURLParts parts;
	CefParseURL(request->GetURL(), parts);

	if( CefString(&parts.path).size() < 2 )
		return NULL;

	char path[MAX_PATH];
	V_strncpy( path, CefString(&parts.path).ToString().c_str() + 1, sizeof(path) );
	V_FixupPathName( path, sizeof( path ), path );

	if( filesystem->IsDirectory( path ) ) 
		V_AppendSlash( path, sizeof( path ) );
		V_strcat( path, "index.html", sizeof(path) );

	if( filesystem->FileExists( path, NULL ) )
		const char *pExtension = V_GetFileExtension( path );

		if( cef_scheme_debug_local_handler.GetBool() )
			Msg( "Local scheme request => Path: %s, Extension: %s, Mime Type: %s, modified path: %s, exists: %d, resource type: %d\n", 
				CefString(&parts.path).ToString().c_str(), pExtension, CefGetMimeType(pExtension).ToString().c_str(), path, filesystem->FileExists( path ),
				request->GetResourceType() );

		CUtlBuffer buf( 0, filesystem->Size( path, NULL ) );
		if( filesystem->ReadFile( path, NULL, buf ) )
			CefRefPtr<CefStreamReader> stream =
				CefStreamReader::CreateForData( buf.Base(), buf.TellPut() );
			if( stream != NULL ) 
				pResourceHandler = new CefStreamResourceHandler( CefGetMimeType(pExtension), stream );

	return pResourceHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void V_MakeAbsolutePath( char *pOut, int outLen, const char *pPath, const char *pStartingDir )
	if ( V_IsAbsolutePath( pPath ) )
		// pPath is not relative.. just copy it.
		V_strncpy( pOut, pPath, outLen );
		// Make sure the starting directory is absolute..
		if ( pStartingDir && V_IsAbsolutePath( pStartingDir ) )
			V_strncpy( pOut, pStartingDir, outLen );
			if ( !_getcwd( pOut, outLen ) )
				Error( "V_MakeAbsolutePath: _getcwd failed." );

			if ( pStartingDir )
				V_AppendSlash( pOut, outLen );
				V_strncat( pOut, pStartingDir, outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		// Concatenate the paths.
		V_AppendSlash( pOut, outLen );
		V_strncat( pOut, pPath, outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pOut ) )
		Error( "V_MakeAbsolutePath: tried to \"..\" past the root." );

	V_FixSlashes( pOut );
Ejemplo n.º 27
void WCKeyValuesT<Base>::SetValue(const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue)

	V_strcpy_safe(szTmpKey, pszKey);

	if (pszValue != NULL)
		V_strcpy_safe(szTmpValue, pszValue);
		szTmpValue[0] = 0;


	int i = FindByKeyName( szTmpKey );
	if ( i == GetInvalidIndex() )
		if ( pszValue )
			// Add the keyvalue to our list.
			MDkeyvalue newkv;
			Q_strncpy( newkv.szKey, szTmpKey, sizeof( newkv.szKey ) );
			Q_strncpy( newkv.szValue, szTmpValue, sizeof( newkv.szValue ) );
			InsertKeyValue( newkv );
		if (pszValue != NULL)
			V_strncpy(m_KeyValues[i].szValue, szTmpValue, sizeof(m_KeyValues[i].szValue));
		// If we are setting to a NULL value, delete the key.
			RemoveKeyAt( i );
Ejemplo n.º 28
// Purpose: Given an absolute path, do a find first find next on it and build
// a list of files.  Physical file system only
static void FindFileAbsoluteList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &outAbsolutePathNames, const char *pszFindName )
	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_strncpy( szPath, pszFindName, sizeof( szPath ) );
	V_StripFilename( szPath );

	char szResult[MAX_PATH];

	for ( const char *pszFoundFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( pszFindName, &hFile ); pszFoundFile && hFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE; pszFoundFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( hFile ) )
		V_ComposeFileName( szPath, pszFoundFile, szResult, sizeof( szResult ) );
		outAbsolutePathNames.AddToTail( szResult );

	g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( hFile );
Ejemplo n.º 29
// Crea o actualiza la textura que se usara para proyectar la luz
void CInternalLight::UpdateTexture( const char* pTextureName )
    static const char *pEmptyString = "";

    if ( pTextureName == NULL )
        pTextureName = pEmptyString;

    if ( !m_nLightTexture.IsValid() || V_stricmp( m_textureName, pTextureName ) != 0 ) {
        if ( pTextureName == pEmptyString ) {
            m_nLightTexture.Init( "effects/flashlight001", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );
        else {
            m_nLightTexture.Init( pTextureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );

        V_strncpy( m_textureName, pTextureName, sizeof( m_textureName ) );
void CSizzPluginContext::GetSteamIDString( int userid, char *dest, int buff_size )
	if (dest && (buff_size > 0))
		int ent_index = EntIndexFromUserID(userid);
		if (ent_index != -1)
			IPlayerInfo *pInfo = GetPlayerInfo(ent_index);
			if (pInfo)
				const char *src = pInfo->GetNetworkIDString();
				if (src)
					V_strncpy(dest, src, buff_size);