Ejemplo n.º 1
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env)
    axiom_node_t *echo_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *echo_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    ns1 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://ws.apache.org/axis2/services/echo",
    echo_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "echoString", ns1, &echo_om_node);
    text_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, echo_om_node, "text", NULL, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "Hello World!", text_om_node);

    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(echo_om_node, env);
    if (om_str)
        printf("\nSending OM : %s\n", om_str);
    AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);

    return echo_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 2
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env)
    axiom_node_t *op_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *op_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *value_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *value_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    int value1 = 13;
    int value2 = 7;
    char value_str[64];

    ns1 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://localhost/axis/Calculator", "ns1");
    op_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "add", ns1, &op_node);

    value_ele = axiom_element_create(env, op_node, "in1", NULL, &value_node);
    sprintf(value_str, "%d", value1);
    axiom_element_set_text(value_ele, env, value_str, value_node);

    value_ele = axiom_element_create(env, op_node, "in2", NULL, &value_node);
    sprintf(value_str, "%d", value1);
    axiom_element_set_text(value_ele, env, value_str, value_node);

    printf("requesting %d  + %d \n", value1, value2);
    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(op_node, env);
    if (om_str)
        printf("\nSending OM : %s\n", om_str);

    return op_node;

Ejemplo n.º 3
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t *env)
    axiom_node_t *echo_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* echo_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t* text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t * text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://ws.apache.org/rampart/c/samples", "ns1");
    /*ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://echo.services.wsas.wso2.org", "ns1");*/
    echo_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "echoIn", ns1, &echo_om_node);

    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, echo_om_node, "text", NULL, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "Hello", text_om_node);

    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(echo_om_node, env);
        printf("\nSending OM : %s\n", om_str);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        om_str = NULL;
    return echo_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 4
axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
    struct axis2_handler * handler,
    const axutil_env_t * env,
    struct axis2_msg_ctx * msg_ctx)
    axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;

    AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE);

    AXIS2_LOG_INFO(env->log, "Starting logging out handler .........");

    soap_envelope = axis2_msg_ctx_get_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env);

    if (soap_envelope)
        ret_node = axiom_soap_envelope_get_base_node(soap_envelope, env);

        if (ret_node)
            axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
            om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
            if (om_str)
                AXIS2_LOG_INFO(env->log, "Output message: %s", om_str);

    return AXIS2_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
char *test_endpoint_serialize()
    axiom_namespace_t *ns = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *subs_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *subs_elem = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *endpoint_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *endpoint_elem = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *addr_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *addr_elem = NULL;
    axiom_attribute_t *url_attr = NULL;
    char *content = NULL;
    const axutil_env_t *env = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *nsurl = "http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse";
    axis2_char_t *ns_prefix = "syn";
    axis2_char_t *notifyto = "http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService";

    env = axutil_env_create_all("test.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);
    /* Format of the message is as
     * <subscription><syn:endpoint xmlns:syn="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"><syn:address uri=
     * "http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService" /></syn:endpoint></subscription>
    printf("\ncontent1:<subscription><syn:endpoint xmlns:syn=\"http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse\"><syn:address uri=\"http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService\" /></syn:endpoint></subscription>");
    ns = axiom_namespace_create (env, nsurl, ns_prefix);

    subs_elem = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "subscription", NULL, &subs_node);
    endpoint_elem = axiom_element_create(env, subs_node, "endpoint", ns, &endpoint_node);
    addr_elem = axiom_element_create(env, endpoint_node, "address", ns, &addr_node);
    url_attr = axiom_attribute_create(env, "url", notifyto, NULL);
    axiom_element_add_attribute(addr_elem, env, url_attr, addr_node);

    content = (char *) axiom_node_to_string(subs_node, env);
    printf("\n\ncontent2:%s\n\n", content);

    return content;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t *env,
    axis2_char_t *text,
    axis2_char_t *seq)
    axiom_node_t *ping_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* ping_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;
    axiom_node_t* seq_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t * seq_om_ele = NULL;

    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create (env, "http://tempuri.org/", "ns1");
    ping_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "ping", ns1, &ping_om_node);
    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_om_node, "Text", ns1, &text_om_node);
    seq_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_om_node, "Sequence", ns1, &seq_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, text, text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, seq, seq_om_node);
    buffer = axiom_node_to_string(ping_om_node, env);
        printf("\nSending OM node in XML : %s \n",  buffer);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
    return ping_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 7
axis2_status_t verify(axutil_env_t *env,
        axis2_char_t *filename,
        openssl_pkey_t *prvkey ,
        oxs_x509_cert_t *cert)
    oxs_sign_ctx_t *sign_ctx = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *tmpl = NULL;
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE;

    tmpl = load_sample_xml(env , tmpl, filename);
    printf("File : \n%s\n", axiom_node_to_string(tmpl, env));
    sign_ctx = oxs_sign_ctx_create(env);
        axiom_node_t *sig_node = NULL;
        /*Set the operation*/
        oxs_sign_ctx_set_operation(sign_ctx, env, OXS_SIGN_OPERATION_VERIFY);
        sig_node = oxs_axiom_get_first_child_node_by_name(env, tmpl,
                                    OXS_NODE_SIGNATURE, OXS_DSIG_NS, OXS_DS );
            printf("Verification : Cannot find ds:Signature node\n");
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
        /**If the certificate is not given check key information*/
            axiom_node_t *ki_node = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *x509_node = NULL;
            ki_node = oxs_axiom_get_first_child_node_by_name(env, sig_node, OXS_NODE_KEY_INFO, OXS_DSIG_NS, OXS_DS);
            x509_node = oxs_axiom_get_first_child_node_by_name(env, ki_node, OXS_NODE_X509_DATA, OXS_DSIG_NS, OXS_DS);
            cert = oxs_x509_cert_create(env);
            printf("No certificate is given. Fetching certificate from the KeyInfo\n");
            status =  oxs_xml_key_process_X509Data(env, x509_node, cert);
            if(AXIS2_FAILURE == status){
                printf("Error reading KeyInfo\n");
                return AXIS2_FAILURE;

        /*Set certificate*/
            oxs_sign_ctx_set_certificate(sign_ctx, env, cert);
            printf("Certificate is NULL\n");
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
        status = oxs_xml_sig_verify(env, sign_ctx, sig_node, tmpl);
        if(AXIS2_SUCCESS != status){
            printf("\nSignature Failed :-(\n");
            printf("\nSignature Verified :-)\n");

    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 8
axiom_node_t* ajSoapAxis2Call(axis2_svc_client_t *client,
                              const axutil_env_t *env,
                              axiom_node_t *payload)
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;
    axis2_char_t * om_str  = NULL;

    if (ajDebugOn())
	om_str = axiom_node_to_string(payload, env);

	if (om_str)
	    ajDebug("\nSending OM : %s\n", om_str);
	    AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
	    om_str = NULL;

    /* Send request */
    ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(client, env, payload);

    if (ret_node)
	    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);

	    if (om_str)
		ajDebug("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);

	    AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
	    om_str = NULL;
	ajDebug("seqAxis2wsCall: webservice call failed: %s\n",
	ajErr("webservice call FAILED: %s\n",

    return ret_node;
Ejemplo n.º 9
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env,
    const axis2_char_t * operation,
    const axis2_char_t * google_key,
    const axis2_char_t * word_to_spell)
    axiom_node_t *google_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *google_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns0 = NULL,
        *ns1 = NULL,
        *ns2 = NULL,
        *ns3 = NULL;
    axiom_attribute_t *attri1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;

    ns0 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, AXIOM_SOAP11_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI,
    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "urn:GoogleSearch", "ns1");
    ns2 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance",
    ns3 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema", "xsd");

    attri1 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "encodingStyle",

    google_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, NULL, operation, ns1, &google_om_node);
    axiom_element_add_attribute(google_om_ele, env, attri1, google_om_node);
    axiom_element_declare_namespace(google_om_ele, env, google_om_node, ns2);
    axiom_element_declare_namespace(google_om_ele, env, google_om_node, ns3);

    text_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, google_om_node, "key", NULL, &text_om_node);
    attri1 = axiom_attribute_create(env, "type", "xsd:string", ns2);
    axiom_element_add_attribute(text_om_ele, env, attri1, text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, google_key, text_om_node);

    text_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, google_om_node, "phrase", NULL,
    axiom_element_add_attribute(text_om_ele, env, attri1, text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, word_to_spell, text_om_node);

    buffer = axiom_node_to_string(google_om_node, env);
    printf("%s\n", buffer);
    AXIS2_FREE (env->allocator, buffer);
    return google_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 10
axiom_node_t *
axis2_listener_notify(const axutil_env_t *env, axiom_node_t *node)
    axiom_node_t *pres_node = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *status_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *body_elem = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *pres_elem = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *status_elem = NULL;
    axiom_attribute_t *attr_from = NULL;
    axutil_qname_t *qname= NULL;
    axis2_char_t *str = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *from = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *status = NULL;

    str = axiom_node_to_string(node, env);

    body_elem = axiom_node_get_data_element(node, env);

    qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "presence", NULL, NULL);
    pres_elem = axiom_element_get_first_child_with_qname(body_elem, env, qname,
                        node, &pres_node);
    axutil_qname_free(qname, env);

    if (pres_elem)
        qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "from", NULL, NULL);
        attr_from = axiom_element_get_attribute(pres_elem, env, qname);
        axutil_qname_free(qname, env);
        if (attr_from)
            from = axiom_attribute_get_value(attr_from, env);
        qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "status", NULL, NULL);
        status_elem = axiom_element_get_first_child_with_qname(pres_elem, env, qname,
                            pres_node, &status_node);
        axutil_qname_free(qname, env);
        if (status_elem)
            status = axiom_element_get_text(status_elem, env, status_node);

    printf("Received presence notification:\n\n");
    printf("From: %s\n", from);
    printf("Status: %s\n", status);
    printf("\nFull notification:\n%s\n\n", str);

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
    struct axis2_callback * callback,
    const axutil_env_t * env)

    /** SOAP response has arrived here; get the soap envelope
      from the callback object and do whatever you want to do with it */

    axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS;

    soap_envelope = axis2_callback_get_envelope(callback, env);

    if (!soap_envelope)
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        printf("echo stub invoke FAILED!\n");
        status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
        ret_node = axiom_soap_envelope_get_base_node(soap_envelope, env);

        if (!ret_node)
            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                            "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
            printf("echo stub invoke FAILED!\n");
            status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
            axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
            om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
            if (om_str)
                printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
                AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
            printf("\necho client invoke SUCCESSFUL!\n");

    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env)
    axiom_node_t *mtom_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *mtom_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *image_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *image_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *file_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *file_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *data_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_text_t *data_text = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *image_name = "E:/src/C/Axis2C/build/deploy/samples/bin/resources/axis2.jpg";
    const axis2_char_t *to_save_name = "test.jpg";
    axis2_bool_t optimized = AXIS2_TRUE;

    axiom_data_handler_t *data_handler = NULL;

    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/samples/mtom", "ns1");
    mtom_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "mtomSample", ns1, &mtom_om_node);

    file_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, mtom_om_node, "fileName", ns1, &file_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(file_om_ele, env, to_save_name, file_om_node);

    image_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, mtom_om_node, "image", ns1, &image_om_node);

    /* This is when we directly give file name */

    data_handler = axiom_data_handler_create(env, image_name, "image/jpeg");

    /* Uncomment following to set a callback instead of a file */

    /*data_handler = axiom_data_handler_create(env, NULL, "image/jpeg");
     axiom_data_handler_set_data_handler_type(data_handler, env, AXIOM_DATA_HANDLER_TYPE_CALLBACK);
     axiom_data_handler_set_user_param(data_handler, env, (void *)image_name);*/

        = axiom_text_create_with_data_handler(env, image_om_node, data_handler, &data_om_node);

    axiom_text_set_optimize(data_text, env, optimized);
    /*axiom_text_set_is_swa(data_text, env, AXIS2_TRUE);*/
    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(mtom_om_node, env);
        printf("%s", om_str);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
    return mtom_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 13
axiom_node_t *
axis2_listener_notify(const axutil_env_t *env, axiom_node_t *node)
    axis2_char_t *str = NULL;
    AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Start:axis2_listener_notify");

    str = axiom_node_to_string(node, env);
    if (str)
        printf("\nReceived : %s\n", str);
    AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "End:axis2_listener_notify");

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
    int i = 0;
    axutil_array_list_t *policy_list = NULL;
    axutil_array_list_t *policy_node_list = NULL;
    neethi_policy_t *resultant = NULL;
    axutil_allocator_t *allocator = axutil_allocator_init(NULL);
    axutil_error_t *error = axutil_error_create(allocator);
    const axutil_env_t *env = axutil_env_create_with_error(allocator, error);

    policy_list = axutil_array_list_create(env, 0);
    policy_node_list = axutil_array_list_create(env, 0);

    get_all_policy(argv[1], env, policy_node_list, argv[2]);

    for (i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(policy_node_list, env); i++)
        axiom_node_t *node = NULL;
        node = (axiom_node_t *) axutil_array_list_get(policy_node_list, env, i);
        status = load_policy_array(policy_list, node, env);

    resultant = merge_policylist(policy_list, env);
    if (!resultant)
        printf("Error Merging\n");
        return 0;
        axiom_node_t *s_node = NULL;
        axis2_char_t *buff = NULL;
        s_node = neethi_engine_serialize(resultant, env);
        if (!s_node)
            printf("Serializing failed\n");
            return 0;
        buff = axiom_node_to_string(s_node, env);
        printf("\n%s", buff);
    return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 15
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_bool_t AXIS2_CALL
    savan_filter_mod_t *filtermod,
    const axutil_env_t *env,
    savan_subscriber_t *subscriber,
    axiom_node_t *payload)
    axis2_char_t *payload_string = NULL;
    xmlDocPtr payload_doc = NULL;
    xsltStylesheetPtr xslt_template_filter = NULL;
    xmlChar *xfilter = NULL;
    xmlDocPtr result_doc;
    savan_xpath_filter_mod_t *filtermodimpl = NULL;

    filtermodimpl = SAVAN_INTF_TO_IMPL(filtermod);

    AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
            "[savan] Entry:savan_xpath_filter_mod_apply");

	xfilter = (xmlChar *) savan_subscriber_get_filter(subscriber, env);
		return AXIS2_FALSE;

    payload_string = axiom_node_to_string(payload, env);
    AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
        "[savan] payload_string before applying filter %s:%s", xfilter, payload_string);

    payload_doc = (xmlDocPtr)xmlParseDoc((xmlChar*)payload_string);

    xslt_template_filter = (xsltStylesheetPtr) savan_xpath_filter_mod_get_filter_template(env, 
            filtermodimpl->filter_template_path, xfilter);

    result_doc = (xmlDocPtr)xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt_template_filter, payload_doc, NULL);

        /*free(payload_string);*/ /* In apache freeing this give seg fault:damitha */
        return AXIS2_TRUE;

    AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[savan] Exit:savan_xpath_filter_mod_apply");
    return AXIS2_FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env,
    const axis2_char_t * attachment_name)
    axiom_node_t *mtom_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *mtom_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *attachment_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *attachment_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *data_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_text_t *data_text = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    axiom_data_handler_t *data_handler = NULL;

    ns1 =
        axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/samples/mtom",
    mtom_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "mtomSample", ns1, &mtom_om_node);

    attachment_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, mtom_om_node, "attachment", ns1, &attachment_om_node);

    /* The attachment is loaded using the callback. The callback should be 
     * specified in the axis2.xml */

    data_handler = axiom_data_handler_create(env, NULL, "image/jpeg");
    axiom_data_handler_set_data_handler_type(data_handler, env, AXIOM_DATA_HANDLER_TYPE_CALLBACK); 
    axiom_data_handler_set_user_param(data_handler, env, (void *)attachment_name);

    data_text =
        axiom_text_create_with_data_handler(env, attachment_om_node, data_handler,

    axiom_text_set_optimize(data_text, env, AXIS2_TRUE);
    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(mtom_om_node, env);
    if (om_str)
        printf("%s", om_str);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
    return mtom_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    const axutil_env_t *env,
    axiom_node_t *payload,
    int soap_version)
    axiom_soap_envelope_t* envelope = NULL;
    axiom_soap_header_t* header = NULL;
    axiom_soap_body_t* body = NULL;
    axiom_node_t* envelope_node = NULL;

    if ((soap_version == AXIOM_SOAP11) || (soap_version == AXIOM_SOAP12))
        envelope = axiom_soap_envelope_create_with_soap_version_prefix(env, soap_version, AXIOM_SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
        AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, "Unknown SOAP version");

    header = axiom_soap_header_create_with_parent(env, envelope);
    if (!header)
        return NULL;

    body = axiom_soap_body_create_with_parent(env, envelope);
    if (!body)
        return NULL;
    if (payload)
        axiom_soap_body_add_child(body, env, payload);

    envelope_node = axiom_soap_envelope_get_base_node(envelope, env);
    return axiom_node_to_string(envelope_node, env);	 
Ejemplo n.º 18
axiom_node_t *  AXIS2_CALL
create_key_info(const axutil_env_t *env, rampart_saml_token_t *saml)
    axiom_node_t *key_info = NULL;
    oxs_key_t *session_key = NULL;
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
    oxs_asym_ctx_t * asym_ctx = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *key_info_str = NULL;
	oxs_x509_cert_t *cert = NULL;
    /* Set the receiver certificate file. This public key will be used to encrypt the session key.*/
    axis2_char_t *certificate_file = axutil_stracat(env, axis2c_home, RECEIVER_CERTIFICATE_FILE);

    session_key = oxs_key_create(env);
    status = oxs_key_for_algo(session_key, env, NULL);    

    key_info = oxs_token_build_key_info_element(env, NULL);

    /* Create the asym_ctx_t and populate it.*/
    asym_ctx = oxs_asym_ctx_create(env);
    oxs_asym_ctx_set_algorithm(asym_ctx, env, OXS_HREF_RSA_PKCS1);
    oxs_asym_ctx_set_operation(asym_ctx, env,

	cert = oxs_key_mgr_load_x509_cert_from_pem_file(env, certificate_file);
	if (!cert)
                            "Certificate cannot be loaded");
		return NULL;
	oxs_asym_ctx_set_certificate(asym_ctx, env, cert);
    status = oxs_xml_enc_encrypt_key(env,
	rampart_saml_token_set_session_key(saml, env, session_key);
    key_info_str = axiom_node_to_string(key_info, env);
    return key_info;
Ejemplo n.º 19
axis2_char_t *
wsf_util_get_soap_msg_from_op_client (
    axis2_op_client_t * op_client,
    axutil_env_t * env,
    axis2_wsdl_msg_labels_t msg_label)
    if (op_client) {
        axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_env = NULL;
        const axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx = NULL;
        axiom_node_t *node = NULL;

        msg_ctx = axis2_op_client_get_msg_ctx (op_client, env, msg_label);
        if (!msg_ctx)
            return NULL;
        soap_env = axis2_msg_ctx_get_soap_envelope (msg_ctx, env);
        if (!soap_env)
            return NULL;
        node = axiom_soap_envelope_get_base_node (soap_env, env);
        return axiom_node_to_string (node, env);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* build SOAP request message content using OM (for java interop)*/
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t *env)
    axiom_node_t *ping_request_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* ping_request_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ping_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* ping_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t* text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t * text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns0 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    ns0 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://InteropBaseAddress/interop", "ns0");
    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://xmlsoap.org/Ping", "ns1");
        = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "PingRequest", ns0, &ping_request_om_node);
    ping_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_request_om_node, "Ping", ns1, &ping_om_node);

    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_om_node, "scenario", ns1, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "scenario", text_om_node);
    text_om_node = NULL;
    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_om_node, "origin", ns1, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "origin", text_om_node);
    text_om_node = NULL;
    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, ping_om_node, "text", ns1, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "text", text_om_node);

    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ping_request_om_node, env);
        printf("\nSending OM : %s\n", om_str);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        om_str = NULL;
    return ping_request_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 21
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
build_om_payload_for_echo_svc(const axutil_env_t *env)
    axiom_node_t *echo_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t* echo_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_node_t* text_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t * text_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;

    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/samples", "ns1");
    echo_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "echoString", ns1, &echo_om_node);
    text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, echo_om_node, "text", NULL, &text_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(text_om_ele, env, "echo5", text_om_node);

    om_str = axiom_node_to_string(echo_om_node, env);
    if (om_str)
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        om_str =  NULL;
    return echo_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* build SOAP request message content using OM */
axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env)
    axiom_node_t *notify_om_node = NULL;
    axiom_element_t *notify_om_ele = NULL;
    axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;

    ns1 = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://example.org/notify", "m");
    notify_om_ele =
        axiom_element_create(env, NULL, "notify", ns1, &notify_om_node);
    axiom_element_set_text(notify_om_ele, env, "notify5", notify_om_node);

    buffer = axiom_node_to_string(notify_om_node, env);
    if (buffer)
        printf("\nSending OM node in XML : %s \n", buffer);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);

    return notify_om_node;
Ejemplo n.º 23
    const axutil_env_t* env,
    axis2_char_t* wsdl_file_name,
    const axis2_char_t* operation_name,	
    wsf_wsdl_data_t* parameters,
    axis2_char_t* script_binding_home,
    axis2_svc_client_t* svc_client,
    axutil_hash_t* svc_client_user_options,
    axis2_char_t* service_name,
    axis2_char_t* port_name,
    wsf_wsdl_data_t** response)
    int soap_version = 2; 
    int has_fault = AXIS2_FALSE;
    int binding_style = WSDL_BINDING_STYLE_DOC_LIT_W;
    axis2_char_t* payload = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* payload_node = NULL;
    axis2_char_t* request_buffer = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* type_map = NULL;	
    axis2_char_t *res_text = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* sig_axiom = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t *fault_node = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* wsdl_axiom = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* params_node = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t* returns_node = NULL;	
    axiom_soap_body_t *soap_body = NULL;	
    axiom_node_t *body_base_node = NULL;	
    /*axis2_char_t *wrapper_element = NULL;*/	
    axiom_node_t* operation_axiom = NULL;	
    axiom_soap_fault_t *soap_fault = NULL;	
    axis2_options_t *client_options = NULL;	
    /*axis2_char_t *wrapper_element_ns = NULL;*/	
    /*axiom_node_t *axiom_soap_base_node = NULL;	*/
    axiom_soap_envelope_t *response_envelope = NULL;	
    wsf_wsdl_data_template_t* input_template = NULL;	
    wsf_wsdl_data_template_t* output_template = NULL;	
    axis2_bool_t is_version1_wsdl = AXIS2_FALSE;
    axis2_char_t* xslt_location = NULL;
    axis2_char_t* type_map_file = NULL;

    AXIS2_LOG_TRACE_MSG(env->log, "Starting execution of wsf_wsdl_request..."); 

    xslt_location = axutil_strcat(env, script_binding_home, WSF_WSDL_XSLT_LOCATION_POSTFIX, NULL);
    type_map_file = axutil_strcat(env, script_binding_home, WSF_WSDL_TYPE_MAP_POSTFIX, NULL);

    client_options = (axis2_options_t *)axis2_svc_client_get_options(svc_client, env);

    axis2_options_set_xml_parser_reset(client_options, env, AXIS2_FALSE);

    if (!wsf_wsdl_parser_load_wsdl(env, wsdl_file_name, xslt_location, &wsdl_axiom, &sig_axiom, &is_version1_wsdl, AXIS2_FALSE))
        return AXIS2_FALSE;

    wsdl_util_create_type_map(env, type_map_file, &type_map);


    wsdl_util_identify_binding_style(env, operation_axiom, &binding_style);

    if (!operation_axiom)
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "Operation axiom is NULL");

        if (wsdl_axiom) 
            axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
        if (sig_axiom)
            axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
        if (type_map)
            axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);
        return AXIS2_FALSE;

    wsdl_util_get_params_node(env, operation_axiom, &params_node);
    wsdl_util_get_returns_node(env, operation_axiom, &returns_node);

    wsdl_data_util_axiom_to_template(env, params_node, &input_template);
    wsdl_data_util_axiom_to_template(env, returns_node, &output_template);

        axis2_char_t* buffer = NULL;
        wsdl_data_util_serialize_data(env, parameters, &buffer);
        AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, buffer);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
        wsdl_data_util_serialize_template(env, input_template, &buffer);
        AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, buffer);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
        buffer = NULL;

    if (wsdl_data_util_validate_data(env, type_map, input_template, parameters, VALIDATION_CRITERIA_REQUEST_MODE_TYPE) == AXIS2_TRUE)
        payload_node = wsdl_data_util_create_payload(env, parameters, binding_style);
        payload = payload_node? axiom_node_to_string(payload_node, env) : NULL;
        // axiom_node_free_tree(payload_node, env);
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "User data is not valid or not in proper format");

        if (input_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
        if (output_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);

        if (wsdl_axiom) 
            axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
        if (sig_axiom)
            axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
        if (type_map)
            axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);
        return AXIS2_FALSE;

    if (!payload_node)
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "Request payload is not found");

        if (input_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
        if (output_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);

        if (wsdl_axiom) 
            axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
        if (sig_axiom)
            axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
        if (type_map)
            axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);
        return AXIS2_FALSE; 

    request_buffer = (axis2_char_t*)wsdl_util_create_request_envelope(env, payload_node, soap_version);

    if (!request_buffer)
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "Error in creating request payload dom");

        if (input_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
        if (output_template)
            wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);

        if (wsdl_axiom) 
            axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
        if (sig_axiom)
            axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
        if (type_map)
            axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);

        return AXIS2_FALSE;

    response_envelope = (axiom_soap_envelope_t*)wsdl_util_send_receive_soap_envelope_with_op_client(env, 
    if (response_envelope) 
        has_fault = AXIS2_TRUE;
        soap_body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body (response_envelope, env);

        if (soap_body)
            soap_fault = axiom_soap_body_get_fault (soap_body, env);

        if (soap_fault) 
            soap_version = axis2_options_get_soap_version(client_options, env);
            fault_node = axiom_soap_fault_get_base_node(soap_fault, env);
            if (fault_node)
                res_text = axiom_node_to_string(fault_node, env);
                AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Fault payload is %s", res_text);

                if (input_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
                if (output_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);
                if (wsdl_axiom) 
                    axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
                if (sig_axiom)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
                if (type_map)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);

                return AXIS2_FALSE;

        if (soap_body)
            body_base_node = axiom_soap_body_get_base_node(soap_body, env);

        if (body_base_node && !soap_fault)
            axis2_char_t *response_buffer = NULL;	
            wsf_wsdl_data_t *response_data = NULL;

            response_buffer = axiom_node_to_string(body_base_node, env);
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                "Response buffer is %s", response_buffer);

            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, response_buffer);

            wsdl_data_util_axiom_to_data(env, body_base_node, &response_data);

                axis2_char_t* buffer = NULL;
                wsdl_data_util_serialize_data(env, response_data, &buffer);
                AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, buffer);
                AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
                wsdl_data_util_serialize_template(env, output_template, &buffer);
                AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, buffer);
                AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer);
                buffer = NULL;

            if (wsdl_data_util_validate_data(env, type_map, output_template, response_data, VALIDATION_CRITERIA_RESPONSE_MODE) == AXIS2_TRUE)
                AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, "Valid response!!!");
                *response = response_data;

                if (input_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
                if (output_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);
                if (wsdl_axiom) 
                    axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
                if (sig_axiom)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
                if (type_map)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);

                return AXIS2_TRUE;
                AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "Response data is not valid or not in proper format");

                if (input_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
                if (output_template)
                    wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);
                if (wsdl_axiom) 
                    axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
                if (sig_axiom)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
                if (type_map)
                    axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);

                return AXIS2_FALSE;
    else  /* response_envelope == NULL */
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR_MSG(env->log, "Response envelope not found");

    if (input_template)
        wsdl_data_template_free(env, input_template);
    if (output_template)
        wsdl_data_template_free(env, output_template);

    if (wsdl_axiom) 
        axiom_node_free_tree(wsdl_axiom, env);
    if (sig_axiom)
        axiom_node_free_tree(sig_axiom, env);
    if (type_map)
        axiom_node_free_tree(type_map, env);

    return AXIS2_FALSE;
        axiom_node_t* AXIS2_CALL
                adb_TransformTypeChoice_t* _TransformTypeChoice,
                const axutil_env_t *env, axiom_node_t *parent, axiom_element_t *parent_element, int parent_tag_closed, axutil_hash_t *namespaces, int *next_ns_index)
             axis2_char_t *string_to_stream;
         axiom_node_t* current_node = NULL;
         int tag_closed = 0;
         axis2_char_t* xsi_prefix = NULL;
         axiom_namespace_t* xsi_ns = NULL;
         axiom_attribute_t* xsi_type_attri = NULL;
         axis2_char_t* type_attrib = NULL;
                axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;

                axis2_char_t *qname_uri = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *qname_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *p_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_bool_t ns_already_defined;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1_temp;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_2;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_2_temp;
               axis2_char_t *start_input_str = NULL;
               axis2_char_t *end_input_str = NULL;
               unsigned int start_input_str_len = 0;
               unsigned int end_input_str_len = 0;
               axiom_data_source_t *data_source = NULL;
               axutil_stream_t *stream = NULL;


            AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, NULL);
            AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, _TransformTypeChoice, NULL);
                    current_node = parent;
                    data_source = (axiom_data_source_t *)axiom_node_get_data_element(current_node, env);
                    if (!data_source)
                        return NULL;
                    stream = axiom_data_source_get_stream(data_source, env); /* assume parent is of type data source */
                    if (!stream)
                        return NULL;
              if(!(xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                  /* it is better to stick with the standard prefix */
                  xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, "xsi");
                  axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, xsi_prefix);

                        axiom_namespace_t *element_ns = NULL;
                        element_ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                        axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, element_ns);
                            axiom_namespace_free(element_ns, env);
              type_attrib = axutil_strcat(env, " ", xsi_prefix, ":type=\"TransformTypeChoice\"", NULL);
              axutil_stream_write(stream, env, type_attrib, axutil_strlen(type_attrib));

              AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, type_attrib);
              string_to_stream = ">"; 
              axutil_stream_write(stream, env, string_to_stream, axutil_strlen(string_to_stream));
              tag_closed = 1;
            else {
              /* if the parent tag closed we would be able to declare the type directly on the parent element */ 
              if(!(xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                  /* it is better to stick with the standard prefix */
                  xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, "xsi");
                  axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, xsi_prefix);

                        axiom_namespace_t *element_ns = NULL;
                        element_ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                        axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, element_ns);
                            axiom_namespace_free(element_ns, env);
            xsi_ns = axiom_namespace_create (env,
            xsi_type_attri = axiom_attribute_create (env, "type", "TransformTypeChoice", xsi_ns);
            axiom_element_add_attribute (parent_element, env, xsi_type_attri, parent);
                if(0 == axutil_strcmp(_TransformTypeChoice->current_choice, ":extraElement"))
                       p_prefix = NULL;

                   if (!_TransformTypeChoice->is_valid_extraElement)
                            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Nil value found in non-nillable property extraElement");
                            return NULL;
                     start_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (4 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + 
                                 /* axutil_strlen("<:>") + 1 = 4 */
                     end_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (5 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + axutil_strlen("extraElement")));
                                  /* axutil_strlen("</:>") + 1 = 5 */

                      * parsing extraElement element

                            sprintf(start_input_str, "<%s%sextraElement>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        start_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(start_input_str);
                        sprintf(end_input_str, "</%s%sextraElement>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        end_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(end_input_str);
                                text_value_1 = axiom_node_to_string(_TransformTypeChoice->property_extraElement, env);
                                axutil_stream_write(stream, env, text_value_1, axutil_strlen(text_value_1));

                if(0 == axutil_strcmp(_TransformTypeChoice->current_choice, "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:XPath"))
                       if(!(p_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                           p_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof (axis2_char_t) * ADB_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_LIMIT);
                           sprintf(p_prefix, "n%d", (*next_ns_index)++);
                           axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, p_prefix);
                           axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, axiom_namespace_create (env,

                   if (!_TransformTypeChoice->is_valid_XPath)
                            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Nil value found in non-nillable property XPath");
                            return NULL;
                     start_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (4 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + 
                                 /* axutil_strlen("<:>") + 1 = 4 */
                     end_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (5 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + axutil_strlen("XPath")));
                                  /* axutil_strlen("</:>") + 1 = 5 */

                      * parsing XPath element

                            sprintf(start_input_str, "<%s%sXPath>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        start_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(start_input_str);
                        sprintf(end_input_str, "</%s%sXPath>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        end_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(end_input_str);
                           text_value_2 = _TransformTypeChoice->property_XPath;
                           axutil_stream_write(stream, env, start_input_str, start_input_str_len);
                           text_value_2_temp = axutil_xml_quote_string(env, text_value_2, AXIS2_TRUE);
                           if (text_value_2_temp)
                               axutil_stream_write(stream, env, text_value_2_temp, axutil_strlen(text_value_2_temp));
                               AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, text_value_2_temp);
                               axutil_stream_write(stream, env, text_value_2, axutil_strlen(text_value_2));
                           axutil_stream_write(stream, env, end_input_str, end_input_str_len);


            return parent;
Ejemplo n.º 25
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    const axutil_env_t *env = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *address = NULL;
    axis2_endpoint_ref_t *endpoint_ref = NULL;
    axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
    axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;

    const axis2_char_t *google_key = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *word_to_spell = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *operation = NULL;

    operation = "doSpellingSuggestion";
    google_key = "00000000000000000000000000000000";
    word_to_spell = "salvasion";

    /* Set up the environment */
    env = axutil_env_create_all("google_client.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

    /* Set end point reference of google service */
    address = "http://api.google.com/search/beta2";

    if ((argc > 1) && (axutil_strcmp("-h", argv[1]) == 0))
        printf("\nUsage : %s [google_key] [word_to_spell] \n", argv[0]);
            ("\tgoogle_key Your Google license key. Default value won't work. You must use your key here.\n");
            ("\tword_to_spell Word to be spelled by Google service. Default is %s\n",
            ("NOTE: command line arguments must appear in given order, with trailing ones being optional\n");
        printf("\tUse -h for help\n");
        return 0;

    if (argc > 1)
        google_key = argv[1];
    if (argc > 2)
        word_to_spell = argv[2];
    if (argc > 3)
        address = argv[3];

    printf("Using endpoint : %s\n", address);
    printf("\nInvoking operation %s with params %s and %s\n", operation,
           google_key, word_to_spell);

    /* Create EPR with given address */
    endpoint_ref = axis2_endpoint_ref_create(env, address);

    /* Setup options */
    options = axis2_options_create(env);
    axis2_options_set_to(options, env, endpoint_ref);
    axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP11);

    /* Set up deploy folder. */
    client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFC_HOME");
    if (!client_home || !strcmp(client_home, ""))
        client_home = "../..";

    /* Create service client */
    svc_client = axis2_svc_client_create(env, client_home);
    if (!svc_client)
            ("Error creating service client, Please check WSFC_HOME again\n");
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        return -1;

    /* Set service client options */
    axis2_svc_client_set_options(svc_client, env, options);

    /* Build the SOAP request message payload using OM API. */
    payload =
        build_soap_body_content(env, operation, google_key, word_to_spell);

    /* Send request */
    ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(svc_client, env, payload);

    if (axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_has_fault(svc_client, env))
        axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL;
        axiom_soap_body_t *soap_body = NULL;
        axiom_soap_fault_t *soap_fault = NULL;
        axis2_char_t *fault_string = NULL;

        printf("\nResponse has a SOAP fault\n");
        soap_envelope =
            axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_soap_envelope(svc_client, env);
        if (soap_envelope)
            soap_body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(soap_envelope, env);

        if (soap_body)
            soap_fault = axiom_soap_body_get_fault(soap_body, env);

        if (soap_fault)
            fault_string = axiom_node_to_string(axiom_soap_fault_get_base_node
                                                (soap_fault, env), env);
            printf("\nReturned SOAP fault: %s\n", fault_string);
            AXIS2_FREE (env->allocator, fault_string);

        if (svc_client)
            axis2_svc_client_free(svc_client, env);
            svc_client = NULL;

        if (env)
            axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
            env = NULL;

        return -1;

    if (ret_node)
        if (axiom_node_get_node_type(ret_node, env) == AXIOM_ELEMENT)
            axis2_char_t *result = NULL;
            axiom_element_t *result_ele = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *ret_node1 = NULL;

            result_ele =
                (axiom_element_t *) axiom_node_get_data_element(ret_node, env);
            if (axutil_strcmp
                (axiom_element_get_localname(result_ele, env),
                 "doSpellingSuggestionResponse") != 0)
                print_invalid_om(env, ret_node);
                return AXIS2_FAILURE;

            ret_node1 = axiom_node_get_first_element(ret_node, env);    /*return */
            if (!ret_node1)
                print_invalid_om(env, ret_node);
                return AXIS2_FAILURE;
            result_ele =
                (axiom_element_t *) axiom_node_get_data_element(ret_node1, env);
            result = axiom_element_get_text(result_ele, env, ret_node1);
            printf("\nResult = %s\n", result);
            print_invalid_om(env, ret_node);
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        printf("Google client invoke FAILED!\n");

    if (svc_client)
        axis2_svc_client_free(svc_client, env);
        svc_client = NULL;

    if (env)
        axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
        env = NULL;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    const axutil_env_t *env = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *address = NULL;
    axis2_endpoint_ref_t *endpoint_ref = NULL;
    axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
    axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;
    axis2_bool_t method_get = AXIS2_FALSE;
    axis2_bool_t method_head = AXIS2_FALSE;
    axis2_bool_t method_put = AXIS2_FALSE;
    axis2_bool_t method_delete = AXIS2_FALSE;

    /* Set up the environment */
    env = axutil_env_create_all("echo_rest.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

    /* Set end point reference of echo service */
    address = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/echo/echoString";
    if (argc > 1)
        if (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-mGET", 5))
            method_get = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-mHEAD", 6))
            method_head = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-mPUT", 5))
            method_put = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-mDELETE",8 ))
            method_delete = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == axutil_strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
            printf("Usage : %s [endpoint_url] \n", argv[0]);
            printf("\nNOTE: You can test for other HTTP methods by changing the");
            printf(" services.xml of the echo service\n and providing the correct REST HTTP method");
            printf(" and the location to be used for operation.\n");
            printf(" Also note that you have to restart the server after changing the services.xml.\n");
            printf(" use %s -mGET for HTTP GET\n", argv[0]);
            printf(" use %s -mHEAD for HTTP HEAD\n", argv[0]);
            printf(" use %s -mDELETE for HTTP DELETE\n", argv[0]);
            printf(" use %s -mPUT for HTTP PUT\n", argv[0]);
            printf(" use -h for help\n");
            return 0;
            address = argv[1];

    if (argc > 2)
        if (0 == strncmp(argv[2], "-mGET", 5))
            method_get = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[2], "-mHEAD", 6))
            method_head = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[2], "-mPUT", 5))
            method_put = AXIS2_TRUE;
        else if (0 == strncmp(argv[2], "-mDELETE",8 ))
            method_delete = AXIS2_TRUE;
            address = argv[2];

    printf("Using endpoint : %s\n", address);

    /* Create EPR with given address */
    endpoint_ref = axis2_endpoint_ref_create(env, address);

    /* Setup options */
    options = axis2_options_create(env);
    axis2_options_set_to(options, env, endpoint_ref);
    /* Enable REST at the client side */
    axis2_options_set_enable_rest(options, env, AXIS2_TRUE);

    if (AXIS2_TRUE == method_get)
        axis2_options_set_http_method(options, env, AXIS2_HTTP_GET);
    else if (AXIS2_TRUE == method_head)
        axis2_options_set_http_method(options, env, AXIS2_HTTP_HEAD);
    else if (AXIS2_TRUE == method_put)
        axis2_options_set_http_method(options, env, AXIS2_HTTP_PUT);
    else if (AXIS2_TRUE == method_delete)
        axis2_options_set_http_method(options, env, AXIS2_HTTP_DELETE);
    /* Set up deploy folder. It is from the deploy folder, the configuration is picked up
     * using the axis2.xml file.
     * In this sample client_home points to the Axis2/C default deploy folder. The client_home can 
     * be different from this folder on your system. For example, you may have a different folder 
     * (say, my_client_folder) with its own axis2.xml file. my_client_folder/modules will have the 
     * modules that the client uses
    client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("WSFC_HOME");
    if (!client_home || !strcmp(client_home, ""))
        client_home = "../..";

    /* Create service client */
    svc_client = axis2_svc_client_create(env, client_home);
    if (!svc_client)
            ("Error creating service client, Please check WSFC_HOME again\n");
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        return -1;

    /* Set service client options */
    axis2_svc_client_set_options(svc_client, env, options);

    /* Build the SOAP request message payload using OM API. */
    payload = build_om_payload_for_echo_svc(env);

    /* Send request */
    ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(svc_client, env, payload);

    if (ret_node && 
        axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_has_fault(svc_client, env))
        axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
        om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
        if (om_str)
            printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        printf("\necho client invoke FAILED!\n");
    else if (ret_node)
        axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
        om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
        if (om_str)
            printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        printf("\necho client invoke SUCCESSFUL!\n");
    else if (method_head &&
        axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_has_fault(svc_client, env))
        /* HEAD request should probably be removed from this file,
         * and be relocated to transport unit tests.
        printf("\necho client invoke FAILED!\n");
    else if (method_head)
        /* HEAD request should probably be removed from this file,
         * and be relocated to transport unit tests.
        printf("\necho client invoke SUCCESSFUL!\n");
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        printf("echo client invoke FAILED!\n");

    if (svc_client)
        axis2_svc_client_free(svc_client, env);
        svc_client = NULL;

    if (env)
        axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
        env = NULL;
    return 0;
        axiom_node_t* AXIS2_CALL
                adb_CanonicalizationMethodType_t* _CanonicalizationMethodType,
                const axutil_env_t *env, axiom_node_t *parent, axiom_element_t *parent_element, int parent_tag_closed, axutil_hash_t *namespaces, int *next_ns_index)
               axiom_attribute_t *text_attri = NULL;
             axis2_char_t *string_to_stream;
         axiom_node_t* current_node = NULL;
         int tag_closed = 0;
         axis2_char_t* xsi_prefix = NULL;
         axiom_namespace_t* xsi_ns = NULL;
         axiom_attribute_t* xsi_type_attri = NULL;
         axis2_char_t* type_attrib = NULL;
                axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;

                axis2_char_t *qname_uri = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *qname_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *p_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_bool_t ns_already_defined;
               int i = 0;
               int count = 0;
               void *element = NULL;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1_temp;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_2;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_2_temp;
                axis2_char_t *text_value = NULL;
               axis2_char_t *start_input_str = NULL;
               axis2_char_t *end_input_str = NULL;
               unsigned int start_input_str_len = 0;
               unsigned int end_input_str_len = 0;
               axiom_data_source_t *data_source = NULL;
               axutil_stream_t *stream = NULL;


            AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, NULL);
            AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, _CanonicalizationMethodType, NULL);
                    current_node = parent;
                    data_source = (axiom_data_source_t *)axiom_node_get_data_element(current_node, env);
                    if (!data_source)
                        return NULL;
                    stream = axiom_data_source_get_stream(data_source, env); /* assume parent is of type data source */
                    if (!stream)
                        return NULL;
                        p_prefix = NULL;
                           text_value = axutil_uri_to_string(_CanonicalizationMethodType->property_Algorithm, env, AXIS2_URI_UNP_OMITUSERINFO);
                           string_to_stream = (axis2_char_t*) AXIS2_MALLOC (env-> allocator, sizeof (axis2_char_t) *
                                                            (5  + ADB_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_LIMIT +
                                                             axutil_strlen(text_value) + 
                           sprintf(string_to_stream, " %s%s%s=\"%s\"", p_prefix?p_prefix:"", (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"",
                                                "Algorithm",  text_value);
                           axutil_stream_write(stream, env, string_to_stream, axutil_strlen(string_to_stream));
                           AXIS2_FREE(env-> allocator, string_to_stream);
                      AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Nil value found in non-optional attribute Algorithm");
                      return NULL;
              string_to_stream = ">"; 
              axutil_stream_write(stream, env, string_to_stream, axutil_strlen(string_to_stream));
              tag_closed = 1;
                       p_prefix = NULL;

                   if (!_CanonicalizationMethodType->is_valid_extraElement)
                           /* no need to complain for minoccurs=0 element */
                     start_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (4 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + 
                                 /* axutil_strlen("<:>") + 1 = 4 */
                     end_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (5 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + axutil_strlen("extraElement")));
                                  /* axutil_strlen("</:>") + 1 = 5 */

                      * Parsing extraElement array
                     if (_CanonicalizationMethodType->property_extraElement != NULL)
                            sprintf(start_input_str, "<%s%sextraElement>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":""); 
                         start_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(start_input_str);

                         sprintf(end_input_str, "</%s%sextraElement>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                         end_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(end_input_str);

                         count = axutil_array_list_size(_CanonicalizationMethodType->property_extraElement, env);
                         for(i = 0; i < count; i ++)
                            element = axutil_array_list_get(_CanonicalizationMethodType->property_extraElement, env, i);

                            if(NULL == element) 
                      * parsing extraElement element

                                text_value_1 = axiom_node_to_string((axiom_node_t*)element, env);
                                axutil_stream_write(stream, env, text_value_1, axutil_strlen(text_value_1));

                           p_prefix = NULL;
                           ns1 = NULL;
                           text_value = axutil_uri_to_string(_CanonicalizationMethodType->property_Algorithm, env, AXIS2_URI_UNP_OMITUSERINFO);
                           text_attri = axiom_attribute_create (env, "Algorithm", text_value, ns1);
                           axiom_element_add_attribute (parent_element, env, text_attri, parent);
                         AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Nil value found in non-optional attribute Algorithm");
                         return NULL;

            return parent;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        axiom_node_t* AXIS2_CALL
                adb_Exception_t* _Exception,
                const axutil_env_t *env, axiom_node_t *parent, axiom_element_t *parent_element, int parent_tag_closed, axutil_hash_t *namespaces, int *next_ns_index)
             axis2_char_t *string_to_stream;
         axiom_node_t* current_node = NULL;
         int tag_closed = 0;
         axis2_char_t* xsi_prefix = NULL;
         axis2_char_t* type_attrib = NULL;
         axiom_namespace_t* xsi_ns = NULL;
         axiom_attribute_t* xsi_type_attri = NULL;
                axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL;

                axis2_char_t *qname_uri = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *qname_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_char_t *p_prefix = NULL;
                axis2_bool_t ns_already_defined;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1;
                    axis2_char_t *text_value_1_temp;
               axis2_char_t *start_input_str = NULL;
               axis2_char_t *end_input_str = NULL;
               unsigned int start_input_str_len = 0;
               unsigned int end_input_str_len = 0;
               axiom_data_source_t *data_source = NULL;
               axutil_stream_t *stream = NULL;


            AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, NULL);
            AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, _Exception, NULL);
                    current_node = parent;
                    data_source = (axiom_data_source_t *)axiom_node_get_data_element(current_node, env);
                    if (!data_source)
                        return NULL;
                    stream = axiom_data_source_get_stream(data_source, env); /* assume parent is of type data source */
                    if (!stream)
                        return NULL;
              if(!(xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                  /* it is better to stick with the standard prefix */
                  xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, "xsi");
                  axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, xsi_prefix);

                        axiom_namespace_t *element_ns = NULL;
                        element_ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                        axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, element_ns);
              type_attrib = axutil_strcat(env, " ", xsi_prefix, ":type=\"Exception\"", NULL);
              axutil_stream_write(stream, env, type_attrib, axutil_strlen(type_attrib));

              AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, type_attrib);
              string_to_stream = ">"; 
              axutil_stream_write(stream, env, string_to_stream, axutil_strlen(string_to_stream));
              tag_closed = 1;
            else {
              /* if the parent tag closed we would be able to declare the type directly on the parent element */ 
              if(!(xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                  /* it is better to stick with the standard prefix */
                  xsi_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, "xsi");
                  axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, xsi_prefix);

                        axiom_namespace_t *element_ns = NULL;
                        element_ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                        axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, element_ns);
            xsi_ns = axiom_namespace_create (env,
            xsi_type_attri = axiom_attribute_create (env, "type", "Exception", xsi_ns);
            axiom_element_add_attribute (parent_element, env, xsi_type_attri, parent);
                       if(!(p_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(namespaces, "http://services.resource.ui.mgt.registry.carbon.wso2.org", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING)))
                           p_prefix = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof (axis2_char_t) * ADB_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_LIMIT);
                           sprintf(p_prefix, "n%d", (*next_ns_index)++);
                           axutil_hash_set(namespaces, "http://services.resource.ui.mgt.registry.carbon.wso2.org", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, p_prefix);
                           axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(parent_element, env, axiom_namespace_create (env,

                   if (!_Exception->is_valid_Exception)
                           /* no need to complain for minoccurs=0 element */
                     start_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (4 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + 
                                 /* axutil_strlen("<:>") + 1 = 4 */
                     end_input_str = (axis2_char_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) *
                                 (5 + axutil_strlen(p_prefix) + axutil_strlen("Exception")));
                                  /* axutil_strlen("</:>") + 1 = 5 */

                      * parsing Exception element

                            sprintf(start_input_str, "<%s%sException>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        start_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(start_input_str);
                        sprintf(end_input_str, "</%s%sException>",
                                 (p_prefix && axutil_strcmp(p_prefix, ""))?":":"");
                        end_input_str_len = axutil_strlen(end_input_str);
                                text_value_1 = axiom_node_to_string(_Exception->property_Exception, env);
                                axutil_stream_write(stream, env, start_input_str, start_input_str_len);
                                axutil_stream_write(stream, env, text_value_1, axutil_strlen(text_value_1));
                                axutil_stream_write(stream, env, end_input_str, end_input_str_len);


            return parent;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    const axutil_env_t *env = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *address = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *file_name = NULL;
    axis2_char_t *policy_file = NULL;
    axis2_endpoint_ref_t* endpoint_ref = NULL;
    axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
    axis2_svc_client_t* svc_client = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
    neethi_policy_t *policy = NULL;
    rampart_config_t* client_config = NULL;
    axutil_property_t *property = NULL;
    rampart_saml_token_t *saml = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *assertion = NULL;
	/* Set up the environment */
    env = axutil_env_create_all("echo.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

    /* Set end-point-reference of echo service */
    address = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/echo";
    if (argc > 2)
        address = argv[1];
        client_home = argv[2];
        printf("Using endpoint : %s\n", address);
        printf("Using client_home : %s\n", client_home);

    if ((axutil_strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) || (axutil_strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0))
        printf("Usage : %s [endpoint_url] [client_home]\n", argv[0]);
        printf("use -h for help\n");
        return 0;

    /* Create end-point-reference with given address */
    endpoint_ref = axis2_endpoint_ref_create(env, address);

    /* Setup options */
    options = axis2_options_create(env);
    axis2_options_set_to(options, env, endpoint_ref);
    axis2_options_set_action(options, env,
    /*axis2_options_set_action(options, env,

    /*If the client home is not specified, use the AXIS2C_HOME*/
    if (!client_home)
        client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME");
        printf("\nNo client_home specified. Using default %s", client_home);

    /* Create service client */
    printf("client_home= %s", client_home);
    svc_client = axis2_svc_client_create(env, client_home);
    if (!svc_client)
        printf("Error creating service client\n");
        return -1;

    client_config = rampart_config_create(env);
        printf("Cannot create rampart config\n");
        return 0;
    assertion = create_saml_assertion(env);
    saml = rampart_saml_token_create(env, assertion, RAMPART_ST_CONFIR_TYPE_SENDER_VOUCHES);
	rampart_saml_token_set_token_type(saml, env, RAMPART_ST_TYPE_SIGNED_SUPPORTING_TOKEN);
    rampart_config_add_saml_token(client_config, env, saml);

    property = axutil_property_create_with_args(env, AXIS2_SCOPE_REQUEST ,
        AXIS2_TRUE, (void *)rampart_config_free, client_config);
    axis2_options_set_property(options, env, RAMPART_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION, property);

    /* Set service client options */
    axis2_svc_client_set_options(svc_client, env, options);

    /*We need to specify the client's policy file location*/
        file_name = axutil_stracat(env, client_home, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR);
        policy_file = axutil_stracat(env, file_name, "policy.xml" );
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name);
        file_name = NULL;        
        printf("Client Home not Specified\n");
        printf("echo client invoke FAILED!\n");
        return 0;
    /*Create the policy, from file*/   
    policy = neethi_util_create_policy_from_file(env, policy_file);
        printf("\nPolicy creation failed from the file. %s\n", policy_file);
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, policy_file);
        policy_file = NULL;

    status = axis2_svc_client_set_policy(svc_client, env, policy);

    if(status == AXIS2_FAILURE)
        printf("Policy setting failed\n");
    /* Build the SOAP request message payload using OM API.*/
    payload = build_om_payload_for_echo_svc(env);
    /*If not engaged in the client's axis2.xml, uncomment this line*/
    axis2_svc_client_engage_module(svc_client, env, "rampart");
    /* Send request */
    ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(svc_client, env, payload);

    if (axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_has_fault(svc_client, env))
        axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL;
        axiom_soap_body_t *soap_body = NULL;
        axiom_soap_fault_t *soap_fault = NULL;

        printf ("\nResponse has a SOAP fault\n");
        soap_envelope =
            axis2_svc_client_get_last_response_soap_envelope(svc_client, env);
        if (soap_envelope)
            soap_body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(soap_envelope, env);
        if (soap_body)
            soap_fault = axiom_soap_body_get_fault(soap_body, env);
        if (soap_fault)
            printf("\nReturned SOAP fault: %s\n",
            printf("echo client invoke FAILED!\n");
            return -1;
    if (ret_node)
        axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
        om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
        if (om_str)
            printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
        printf("\necho client invoke SUCCESSFUL!\n");
        AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        ret_node = NULL;
        printf("echo client invoke FAILED!\n");
        return -1;

    if (svc_client)
        axis2_svc_client_free(svc_client, env);
        svc_client = NULL;
    if (env)
        axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
        env = NULL;
    return 0;
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    const axutil_env_t *env = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *address = NULL;
    axis2_endpoint_ref_t *endpoint_ref = NULL;
    axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL;
    axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;

    /* Set up the environment */
    env =
        axutil_env_create_all("echo_blocking_addr_amqp.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

    /* Set end point reference of echo service */
    address = "amqp://localhost:5672/axis2/services/echo";
    if (argc > 1)
        address = argv[1];
    if (axutil_strcmp(address, "-h") == 0)
        printf("Usage : %s [endpoint_url]\n", argv[0]);
        printf("use -h for help\n");
        return 0;
    printf("Using endpoint : %s\n", address);

    /* Create EPR with given address */
    endpoint_ref = axis2_endpoint_ref_create(env, address);

    /* Setup options */
    options = axis2_options_create(env);
    axis2_options_set_to(options, env, endpoint_ref);
    axis2_options_set_action(options, env,

    /* Set up deploy folder. It is from the deploy folder, the configuration is picked up
     * using the axis2.xml file.
     * In this sample client_home points to the Axis2/C default deploy folder. The client_home can 
     * be different from this folder on your system. For example, you may have a different folder 
     * (say, my_client_folder) with its own axis2.xml file. my_client_folder/modules will have the 
     * modules that the client uses
    client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME");
    if (!client_home || !strcmp(client_home, ""))
        client_home = "../..";

    /* Create service client */
    svc_client = axis2_svc_client_create(env, client_home);
    if (!svc_client)
            ("Error creating service client, Please check AXIS2C_HOME again\n");
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        return -1;

    /* Set service client options */
    axis2_svc_client_set_options(svc_client, env, options);

    /* Engage addressing module */
    axis2_svc_client_engage_module(svc_client, env, AXIS2_MODULE_ADDRESSING);

    /* Build the SOAP request message payload using OM API. */
    payload = build_om_payload_for_echo_svc(env);

    /* Send request */
    ret_node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(svc_client, env, payload);

    if (ret_node)
        axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL;
        om_str = axiom_node_to_string(ret_node, env);
        if (om_str)
            printf("\nReceived OM : %s\n", om_str);
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, om_str);
        printf("\necho client invoke SUCCESSFUL!\n");
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,
                        "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s",
        printf("echo client invoke FAILED!\n");

    if (svc_client)
        axis2_svc_client_free(svc_client, env);
        svc_client = NULL;

    if (env)
        axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
        env = NULL;

    return 0;