WPUBLIC void * bless_WFile (const char * fname, warc_u64_t max_size, wfile_mode_t mode, warc_bool_t compressed, const char * dname) { return (bless (WFile, fname, (warc_u64_t) max_size, mode, compressed,dname)); }
SV *ast_to_sv(pTHX_ AST *ast) { SV *root = node_to_sv(aTHX_ ast->root); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); hv_stores(hash, "root", set(root)); SV *ret = set(bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::AST")); return ret; }
void blessorcurse(struct obj *otmp, int chance) { if (otmp->blessed || otmp->cursed) return; if (!rn2(chance)) { if (!rn2(2)) { curse(otmp); } else { bless(otmp); } } return; }
void test1 (void) { void * a = bless (AFile, "./app/wdata/arc2warc/file.arc", ARC_FILE_UNCOMPRESSED, "."); void * w = bless (WFile, "file.warc", WARC_MAX_SIZE, WARC_FILE_WRITER, WARC_FILE_UNCOMPRESSED, "."); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(a,NIL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(w,NIL); assert(a); assert(w); while (AFile_hasMoreRecords (a) ) { void * ar = AFile_nextRecord (a); void * wr = NIL; unless (ar) { CU_FAIL ("unable to retrieve the ArcRecord object"); destroy (w); destroy (a); return ; } else CU_PASS (" retrieve the ArcRecord object"); wr = bless (WRecord); unless (wr) { CU_FAIL( "unable to create the WRecord object"); destroy (w); destroy (a); destroy (ar); return ; } else CU_PASS (" retrieve the ArcRecord object");
void test2 (void) { void * c = bless (WClient, makeS(""), 8080, makeS ("warcserver")); fprintf(stdout,"\n////////// test 2//////////\n"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(c,NIL); if (WClient_getWFile (c, 0, makeS("cwarc.warc.gz"), uS("./out2.warc.gz"))) { CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); destroy (c); }
void test4 (void) { void * c = bless (WClient, makeS(""), 8080, makeS ("warcserver")); fprintf(stdout,"\n////////// test 4//////////\n"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(c,NIL); if (WClient_getFiltredWFile (c, 0, makeS ("recordtype"), makeS ("warcinfo"), makeS("ero1.warc"), uS("./out4.warc"))) { fprintf (stdout, "--------------\n"); CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); destroy (c); }
void test5 (void) { void * c = bless (WClient, makeS(""), 8080, makeS ("warcserver")); fprintf(stdout,"\n////////// test 5//////////\n"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(c,NIL); if (WClient_getList (c, 0, makeS("cwarc.warc.gz"), makeS ("html"), uS("./out51.html"))) { CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); if (WClient_getList (c, 0, makeS("cwarc.warc.gz"), makeS ("xml"), uS("./out52.xml"))) { CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); if (WClient_getList (c, 0, makeS("cwarc.warc.gz"), makeS ("text"), uS("./out53.txt"))) { CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); if (WClient_getList (c, 0, makeS("cwarc.warc.gz"), makeS ("json"), uS("./out5.json"))) { CU_FAIL ( "request not satisfied"); } else CU_PASS ("request satisfied"); destroy (c); }
WPRIVATE void * WGetOpt_constructor (void * _self, va_list * app) { struct WGetOpt * const self = _self; const char * text = va_arg (* app, const char *); const warc_u32_t len = va_arg (* app, const warc_u32_t); /* preconditions */ assert (text); FLAGS = bless (WString, text, len); unless (FLAGS) { destroy (self); return (NIL); } OPTIND = 1; OPTARG = 0; SP = 1; return (self); }
void s_bless(void) { bless(0); }
/* Prayer occurs at altars, hence the name of the function */ void l_altar() { int i; int deity; char response; if(Current_Environment == E_COUNTRYSIDE) { deity = DRUID; } else { deity = Level->site[Player.x][Player.y].aux; } switch(deity) { case ODIN: print1("This granite altar is graven with a gallows."); break; case SET: print1("This sandstone altar has a black hand drawn on it."); break; case HECATE: print1("This silver altar is inlaid with a black cresent moon."); break; case ATHENA: print1("This golden altar is inscribed with an owl."); break; case DESTINY: print1("This crystal altar is in the form of an omega."); break; case DRUID: print1("This oaken altar is ornately engraved with leaves."); break; default: print1("This rude altar has no markings."); break; } print2("Worship at this altar? [yn] "); if(ynq2() == 'y') { if(Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] == 0) { increase_priest_rank(deity); } else if(!check_sacrilege(deity)) { if(Blessing) { print1("You have a sense of immanence."); } print2("Request a Blessing, Sacrifice an item, or just Pray [b,s,p] "); response = mcigetc(); while((response != 'b') && (response != 's') && (response != 'p') && (response != ESCAPE)) { response = mcigetc(); } if(response == 'b') { print1("You beg a heavenly benefice."); print2("You hear a gong resonating throughout eternity..."); morewait(); if(Blessing) { print1("A shaft of lecent radiance lances dwon from the heavens!"); print2("You feel uplifted..."); morewait(); gain_experience(Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * 50); cleanse(1); heal(10); bless(1); Blessing = FALSE; increase_priest_rank(deity); } else { print1("Your ardent plea is ignored."); print2("You feel ashamed."); Player.xp -= (Player.xp / 4); } calc_melee(); } else if(response == 's') { print1("Which item to Sacrifice?"); i = getitem('\0'); if(i == ABORT) { i = 0; } if(Player.possessions[i] == NULL) { print1("You have insulted your deity!"); print2("Not a good idea, as it turns out..."); dispel(-1); p_damage(Player.hp - 1, UNSTOPPABLE, "a god's pique"); } else if(true_item_value(Player.possessions[i]) > (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * 50)) { print1("With a burst of blue flame, your offering vanishes!"); dispose_lost_objects(1, Player.possessions[i]); print2("A violet nimbus settles around your head and slowly fades."); morewait(); Blessing = TRUE; } else { print1("A darkling glow envelopes your offering!"); print2("The glow slowly fades..."); morewait(); setgamestatus(SUPPRESS_PRINTING); if(Player.possessions[i]->used) { Player.possessions[i]->used = FALSE; item_use(Player.possessions[i]); Player.possessions[i]->blessing = -1 - abs(Player.possessions[i]->blessing); Player.possessions[i]->used = TRUE; item_use(Player.possessions[i]); } else { Player.possessions[i]->blessing = -1 - abs(Player.possessions[i]->blessing); } resetgamestatus(SUPPRESS_PRINTING); } } else if(response == 'p') { if(deity != Player.patron) { print1("Nothing seems to happen."); } else { increase_priest_rank(deity); } } } } }
static SV *node_to_sv(pTHX_ Node *node) { SV *ret = NULL; if (!node) return ret; if (TYPE_match(node, BranchNode)) { BranchNode *branch = dynamic_cast<BranchNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, branch->tk); add_key(hash, "left", branch->left); add_key(hash, "right", branch->right); add_key(hash, "next", branch->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Branch"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, FunctionCallNode)) { FunctionCallNode *call = dynamic_cast<FunctionCallNode *>(node); Nodes *args = call->args; size_t argsize = args->size(); AV *array = new_Array(); for (size_t i = 0; i < argsize; i++) { SV *arg = node_to_sv(aTHX_ args->at(i)); if (!arg) continue; av_push(array, set(arg)); } HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_key(hash, "next", call->next); add_token(hash, call->tk); (void)hv_stores(hash, "args", set(new_Ref(array))); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::FunctionCall"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ArrayNode)) { ArrayNode *array = dynamic_cast<ArrayNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, array->tk); add_key(hash, "next", array->next); add_key(hash, "idx", array->idx); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Array"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, HashNode)) { HashNode *h = dynamic_cast<HashNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, h->tk); add_key(hash, "next", h->next); add_key(hash, "key", h->key); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Hash"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, DereferenceNode)) { DereferenceNode *dref = dynamic_cast<DereferenceNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, dref->tk); add_key(hash, "next", dref->next); add_key(hash, "expr", dref->expr); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Dereference"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, FunctionNode)) { FunctionNode *f = dynamic_cast<FunctionNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, f->tk); add_key(hash, "next", f->next); add_key(hash, "body", f->body); add_key(hash, "prototype", f->prototype); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Function"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, BlockNode)) { BlockNode *b = dynamic_cast<BlockNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, b->tk); add_key(hash, "next", b->next); add_key(hash, "body", b->body); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Block"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ReturnNode)) { ReturnNode *r = dynamic_cast<ReturnNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, r->tk); add_key(hash, "next", r->next); add_key(hash, "body", r->body); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Return"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, SingleTermOperatorNode)) { SingleTermOperatorNode *s = dynamic_cast<SingleTermOperatorNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, s->tk); add_key(hash, "next", s->next); add_key(hash, "expr", s->expr); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::SingleTermOperator"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, DoubleTermOperatorNode)) { } else if (TYPE_match(node, LeafNode)) { LeafNode *leaf = dynamic_cast<LeafNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, leaf->tk); add_key(hash, "next", leaf->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Leaf"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ListNode)) { ListNode *list = dynamic_cast<ListNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, list->tk); add_key(hash, "data", list->data); add_key(hash, "next", list->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::List"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ArrayRefNode)) { ArrayRefNode *ref = dynamic_cast<ArrayRefNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, ref->tk); add_key(hash, "data", ref->data); add_key(hash, "next", ref->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::ArrayRef"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, HashRefNode)) { HashRefNode *ref = dynamic_cast<HashRefNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, ref->tk); add_key(hash, "data", ref->data); add_key(hash, "next", ref->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::HashRef"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, IfStmtNode)) { IfStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<IfStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "expr", stmt->expr); add_key(hash, "true_stmt", stmt->true_stmt); add_key(hash, "false_stmt", stmt->false_stmt); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::IfStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ElseStmtNode)) { ElseStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<ElseStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "stmt", stmt->stmt); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::ElseStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, DoStmtNode)) { DoStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<DoStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "stmt", stmt->stmt); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::DoStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ForStmtNode)) { ForStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<ForStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "init", stmt->init); add_key(hash, "cond", stmt->cond); add_key(hash, "progress", stmt->progress); add_key(hash, "true_stmt", stmt->true_stmt); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::ForStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ForeachStmtNode)) { ForeachStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<ForeachStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "itr", stmt->itr); add_key(hash, "cond", stmt->cond); add_key(hash, "true_stmt", stmt->true_stmt); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::ForeachStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, WhileStmtNode)) { WhileStmtNode *stmt = dynamic_cast<WhileStmtNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, stmt->tk); add_key(hash, "next", stmt->next); add_key(hash, "true_stmt", stmt->true_stmt); add_key(hash, "expr", stmt->expr); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::WhileStmt"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ModuleNode)) { ModuleNode *mod = dynamic_cast<ModuleNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, mod->tk); add_key(hash, "next", mod->next); add_key(hash, "args", mod->args); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Module"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, PackageNode)) { PackageNode *pkg = dynamic_cast<PackageNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, pkg->tk); add_key(hash, "next", pkg->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Package"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, RegPrefixNode)) { RegPrefixNode *reg = dynamic_cast<RegPrefixNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, reg->tk); add_key(hash, "next", reg->next); add_key(hash, "option", reg->option); add_key(hash, "expr", reg->exp); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::RegPrefix"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, RegReplaceNode)) { RegReplaceNode *reg = dynamic_cast<RegReplaceNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, reg->tk); add_key(hash, "next", reg->next); add_key(hash, "from", reg->from); add_key(hash, "to", reg->to); add_key(hash, "option", reg->option); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::RegReplace"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, RegexpNode)) { RegexpNode *reg = dynamic_cast<RegexpNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, reg->tk); add_key(hash, "next", reg->next); add_key(hash, "option", reg->option); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Regexp"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, LabelNode)) { LabelNode *label = dynamic_cast<LabelNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, label->tk); add_key(hash, "next", label->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Label"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, HandleNode)) { HandleNode *fh = dynamic_cast<HandleNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, fh->tk); add_key(hash, "expr", fh->expr); add_key(hash, "next", fh->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::Handle"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, HandleReadNode)) { HandleReadNode *fh = dynamic_cast<HandleReadNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, fh->tk); add_key(hash, "next", fh->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::HandleRead"); } else if (TYPE_match(node, ThreeTermOperatorNode)) { ThreeTermOperatorNode *term = dynamic_cast<ThreeTermOperatorNode *>(node); HV *hash = (HV*)new_Hash(); add_token(hash, term->tk); add_key(hash, "cond", term->cond); add_key(hash, "true_expr", term->true_expr); add_key(hash, "false_expr", term->false_expr); add_key(hash, "next", term->next); ret = bless(aTHX_ hash, "Compiler::Parser::Node::ThreeTermOperator"); } else { assert(0 && "node type is not found"); } return ret; }
void * bless_Wfile (char * path, warc_u64_t dim, int mode, int compressed, char * dname) { return bless (WFile, path, dim, mode, compressed, dname); }
WPUBLIC void * bless_WBloc (void * wfile, void * wrecord, warc_bool_t httpheaders, warc_u32_t alloc) { return (bless (WBloc, wfile, wrecord, httpheaders, alloc)); }
WPUBLIC void * bless_WRecord (void) { return (bless (WRecord)); }
void * bless_Wrecord () { return bless (WRecord); }
/* scroll of blessing */ void i_bless(pob o) { Objects[o->id].known = 1; bless(o->blessing); }
int main (int argc, const char ** argv) { void * p = NIL; /* WGetOpt object */ void * a = NIL; /* an ARC file object */ void * w = NIL; /* a WARC file object */ void * u = NIL; /* a UUID object */ char * aname = NIL; afile_comp_t amode = ARC_FILE_DETECT_COMPRESSION; warc_bool_t b = WARC_FALSE; warc_i32_t c = 0; warc_u8_t * flags = uS ("ca:f:t:"); char * fname = NIL; char * wdir = "."; wfile_comp_t cmode = WARC_FILE_UNCOMPRESSED; if (argc < 5 || argc > 9) { fprintf (stderr, "ARC to WARC convertor\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s -a <file.arc> -f <file.warc> [-c] [-t <working_dir>]\n", argv [0]); fprintf (stderr, "\t-a : valid ARC file name\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\t-f : valid WARC file name\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\t[-c] : WARC file will be GZIP compressed (default no)\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\t[-t] : temporary working directory (default \".\")\n"); return (2); } p = bless (WGetOpt, makeS (flags) ); assert (p); /* parse command line parameters */ while ( (c = WGetOpt_parse (p, argc, argv) ) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f' : if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':') fname = WGetOpt_argument (p); break; case 'c' : cmode = WARC_FILE_COMPRESSED_GZIP; break; case 'a' : if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':') aname = WGetOpt_argument (p); break; case 't' : if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':') wdir = WGetOpt_argument (p); break; case '?' : /* illegal option or missing argument */ destroy (p); return (1); } } unless (aname) { fprintf (stderr, "missing ARC file name. Use -a option\n"); destroy (p); return (1); } unless (fname) { fprintf (stderr, "missing WARC file name. Use -f option\n"); destroy (p); return (1); } /* open an existing ARC file */ a = bless (AFile, aname, amode, wdir); unless (a) { fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the Arc object\n"); free_p; return (2); } /* open or create a WARC file */ w = bless (WFile, fname, WARC_MAX_SIZE, WARC_FILE_WRITER, cmode, wdir); unless (w) { fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the Warc object\n"); free_p; free_a; return (3); } /* create a UUID object */ u = bless (WUUID); unless (u) { fprintf (stderr, "unable to create a UUID object\n"); free_p; free_w; free_a; return (4); } /* loop over all ARC records */ while (AFile_hasMoreRecords (a) ) { void * ar = AFile_nextRecord (a); void * wr = NIL; /* check the next ARC record */ unless (ar) { fprintf (stderr, "corrupted ARC\n"); free_err_out ( 5); } /* create an empty WARC record */ wr = bless (WRecord); unless (wr) { fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the WARC record object\n"); free_ar; free_err_out (6); } /* set the subject URI */ b = WRecord_setTargetUri (wr, makeS (ARecord_getUrl (ar) ) ); if (b) free_err (7); /* set the record tyep */ b = WRecord_setRecordType (wr, WARC_RESPONSE_RECORD); if (b) free_err (8); /* set the creation date */ b = WRecord_setDateFromArc (wr, makeS (ARecord_getCreationDate (ar) ) ); if (b) free_err (9); /* set the content type */ b = WRecord_setContentType (wr, makeS (ARecord_getMimeType (ar) ) ); if (b) free_err (10); /* Create a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) based on URL + Timestamp */ WUUID_hash (u, makeU (ARecord_getUrl (ar) ) ); WUUID_hash (u, makeU (ARecord_getCreationDate (ar) ) ); b = WRecord_setRecordId (wr, makeS (WUUID_text (u) ) ); if (b) free_err (11); WUUID_reinit (u); /* re-initialize the UUID object */ /* add the ARC IP as an Anvl */ b = WRecord_setIpAddress (wr, makeS (ARecord_getIpAddress (ar) ) ); if (b) free_err (12); /* move the ARC record payload to the WARC record */ b = ARecord_transferContent (ar, wr, a); if (b) free_err (13); /* save the WARC record into the WARC file */ b = WFile_storeRecord (w, wr, NIL); if (b) free_err (14); /* free the ARC and the WARC records */ free_in; } /* end of while */ /* free the ARC and the WARC files */ free_out; return (0); }
void l_sorcerors(void) { char action; int done=FALSE,fee; long total; print1("The Circle of Sorcerors."); if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] == -1) { print2("Fool! Didn't we tell you to go away?"); Player.mana = 0; dataprint(); } else while (! done) { if ((Player.rank[CIRCLE]==HIGHSORCEROR) && (Player.level > Primelevel) && find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,LAWBRINGER)) { print2("You obtained the Crown of the Lawgiver!"); morewait(); print1("The Crown is ritually sacrificed to the Lords of Chaos."); print2("You are now the Prime Sorceror of the Inner Circle!"); strcpy(Prime,Player.name); Primelevel = Player.level; morewait(); Primebehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(10); clearmsg(); print1("You learn the Spell of Disintegration!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); Spells[S_DISINTEGRATE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = PRIME; Player.maxpow += 10; Player.pow += 10; } menuclear(); menuprint("May we help you?\n\n"); menuprint("a: Become an Initiate of the Circle.\n"); menuprint("b: Raise your rank in the Circle.\n"); menuprint("c: Restore mana points\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave these Chambers of Power.\n"); showmenu(); action = mgetc(); if (action == ESCAPE) done = TRUE; else if (action == 'a') { if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] > 0) print2("You are already an initiate!"); else if (Player.alignment > 0) print2("You may not join -- you reek of Law!"); else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE] > 0) print2("Foolish Mage! You don't have the right attitude to Power!"); #ifdef INCLUDE_MONKS else if (Player.rank[MONKS] > 0) print2("Stupid monk. Go Meditate on this!"); #endif else { fee = 3000; fee += Player.alignment*100; fee += fee*(12 - Player.pow)/9; fee = max(100,fee); clearmsg(); mprint("For you, there is an initiation fee of"); mnumprint(fee); mprint(" Au."); print2("Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq2() =='y') { if (Player.cash < fee) print3("Try again when you have the cash!"); else { print1("Prime Sorceror "); nprint1(Prime); print2("conducts your initiation into the circle of novices."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("You learn the Spell of Magic Missiles."); Spells[S_MISSILE].known = TRUE; Player.cash -= fee; dataprint(); Player.rank[CIRCLE] = INITIATE; Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] = 1; Player.maxpow++; Player.pow++; } } } } else if (action == 'b') { if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] == 0) print2("You have not even been initiated, yet!"); else if (Player.alignment > -1) { print1("Ahh! You have grown too lawful!!!"); print2("You are hereby blackballed from the Circle!"); Player.rank[CIRCLE] = -1; morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("A pox upon thee!"); if (! Player.immunity[INFECTION]) Player.status[DISEASED]+=100; print2("And a curse on your possessions!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); acquire(-1); clearmsg(); enchant(-1); bless(-1); print3("Die, false sorceror!"); p_damage(25,UNSTOPPABLE,"a sorceror's curse"); done = TRUE; } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==PRIME) print2("You are at the pinnacle of mastery in the Circle."); else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==HIGHSORCEROR) { if (Player.level <= Primelevel) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else print2("You must return with the Crown of the LawBringer!"); } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==SORCEROR) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 4000) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a High Sorceror of the Inner Circle!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Disruption!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("To advance you must return with the LawBringer's Crown!"); print2("The LawBringer resides on Star Peak."); Spells[S_DISRUPT].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = HIGHSORCEROR; Player.maxpow += 5; Player.pow += 5; } } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==ENCHANTER) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 1500) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a member of the Circle of Sorcerors!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Ball Lightning!"); Spells[S_LBALL].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = SORCEROR; Player.maxpow += 2; Player.pow+=2; } } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==INITIATE) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 400) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a member of the Circle of Enchanters!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Firebolts."); Spells[S_FIREBOLT].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = ENCHANTER; Player.maxpow+=2; Player.pow+=2; } } } else if (action == 'c') { done = TRUE; fee = Player.level*100; if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]) fee = fee / 2; clearmsg(); print1("That will be: "); mnumprint(fee); nprint1("Au. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < fee) print2("Begone, deadbeat, or face the wrath of the Circle!"); else { Player.cash -= fee; total = calcmana(); while (Player.mana < total) { Player.mana++; dataprint(); } print2("Have a sorcerous day, now!"); } } else print2("Be seeing you!"); } } xredraw(); }
// circuit input from demarshalled witness void bless(const R1Cowitness<FR>& input) { bless(valueFromWitness(input)); }
/* Scrolls for the reading -RAK- */ void read_scroll() { int32u i; int j, k, item_val, y, x; int tmp[6], flag, used_up; bigvtype out_val, tmp_str; register int ident, l; register inven_type *i_ptr; register struct misc *m_ptr; free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (py.flags.blind > 0) msg_print("You can't see to read the scroll."); else if (no_light()) msg_print("You have no light to read by."); else if (py.flags.confused > 0) msg_print("You are too confused to read a scroll."); else if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("You are not carrying anything!"); else if (!find_range(TV_SCROLL1, TV_SCROLL2, &j, &k)) msg_print ("You are not carrying any scrolls!"); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Read which scroll?", j, k, 0)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; free_turn_flag = FALSE; used_up = TRUE; i = i_ptr->flags; ident = FALSE; while (i != 0) { j = bit_pos(&i) + 1; if (i_ptr->tval == TV_SCROLL2) j += 32; /* Scrolls. */ switch(j) { case 1: i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD]; if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) { objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void) sprintf(out_val, "Your %s glows faintly!", tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); if (enchant(&i_ptr->tohit)) { i_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED; calc_bonuses(); } else msg_print("The enchantment fails."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 2: i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD]; if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) { objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void) sprintf(out_val, "Your %s glows faintly!", tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); if (enchant(&i_ptr->todam)) { i_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED; calc_bonuses (); } else msg_print("The enchantment fails."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 3: k = 0; l = 0; if (inventory[INVEN_BODY].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_BODY; if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_ARM; if (inventory[INVEN_OUTER].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_OUTER; if (inventory[INVEN_HANDS].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_HANDS; if (inventory[INVEN_HEAD].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_HEAD; /* also enchant boots */ if (inventory[INVEN_FEET].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_FEET; if (k > 0) l = tmp[randint(k)-1]; if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_BODY].flags) l = INVEN_BODY; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_ARM].flags) l = INVEN_ARM; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_OUTER].flags) l = INVEN_OUTER; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_HEAD].flags) l = INVEN_HEAD; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_HANDS].flags) l = INVEN_HANDS; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_FEET].flags) l = INVEN_FEET; if (l > 0) { i_ptr = &inventory[l]; objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void) sprintf(out_val, "Your %s glows faintly!", tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); if (enchant(&i_ptr->toac)) { i_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED; calc_bonuses (); } else msg_print("The enchantment fails."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 4: msg_print("This is an identify scroll."); ident = TRUE; used_up = ident_spell(); /* the identify may merge objects, causing the identify scroll to move to a different place. Check for that here. */ if (i_ptr->tval != TV_SCROLL1 || i_ptr->flags != 0x00000008) { item_val--; i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; if (i_ptr->tval != TV_SCROLL1 || i_ptr->flags != 0x00000008) { msg_print("internal error with identify spell."); msg_print("Please tell the wizard!"); return; } } break; case 5: if (remove_curse()) { msg_print("You feel as if someone is watching over you."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 6: ident = light_area(char_row, char_col); break; case 7: for (k = 0; k < randint(3); k++) { y = char_row; x = char_col; ident |= summon_monster(&y, &x, FALSE); } break; case 8: teleport(10); ident = TRUE; break; case 9: teleport(100); ident = TRUE; break; case 10: (void) tele_level(); ident = TRUE; break; case 11: if (py.flags.confuse_monster == 0) { msg_print("Your hands begin to glow."); py.flags.confuse_monster = TRUE; ident = TRUE; } break; case 12: ident = TRUE; map_area(); break; case 13: ident = sleep_monsters1(char_row, char_col); break; case 14: ident = TRUE; warding_glyph(); break; case 15: ident = detect_treasure(); break; case 16: ident = detect_object(); break; case 17: ident = detect_trap(); break; case 18: ident = detect_sdoor(); break; case 19: msg_print("This is a mass genocide scroll."); ident = mass_genocide(TRUE); break; case 20: ident = detect_invisible(); break; case 21: ident = aggravate_monster(20); if (ident) msg_print("There is a high pitched humming noise."); break; case 22: ident = trap_creation(); break; case 23: ident = td_destroy(); break; case 24: /* Not Used , used to be door creation */ break; case 25: msg_print("This is a Recharge-Item scroll."); ident = TRUE; used_up = recharge(60); break; case 26: msg_print("This is a genocide scroll."); ident = genocide(TRUE); break; case 27: ident = unlight_area(char_row, char_col); break; case 28: ident = protect_evil(); break; case 29: ident = TRUE; create_food(); break; case 30: ident = dispel_creature(UNDEAD, 60); break; case 31: remove_all_curse(); ident = TRUE; break; case 33: i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD]; if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) { objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void) sprintf(out_val, "Your %s glows brightly!", tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); flag = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(2); k++) if (enchant(&i_ptr->tohit)) flag = TRUE; for (k = 0; k < randint(2); k++) if (enchant(&i_ptr->todam)) flag = TRUE; if (flag) { i_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED; calc_bonuses (); } else msg_print("The enchantment fails."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 34: i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD]; if (i_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING) { objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void)sprintf(out_val,"Your %s glows black, fades.",tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); unmagic_name(i_ptr); i_ptr->tohit = -randint(5) - randint(5); i_ptr->todam = -randint(5) - randint(5); i_ptr->flags = TR_CURSED; py_bonuses(i_ptr, -1); calc_bonuses (); ident = TRUE; } break; case 35: k = 0; l = 0; if (inventory[INVEN_BODY].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_BODY; if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_ARM; if (inventory[INVEN_OUTER].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_OUTER; if (inventory[INVEN_HANDS].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_HANDS; if (inventory[INVEN_HEAD].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_HEAD; /* also enchant boots */ if (inventory[INVEN_FEET].tval != TV_NOTHING) tmp[k++] = INVEN_FEET; if (k > 0) l = tmp[randint(k)-1]; if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_BODY].flags) l = INVEN_BODY; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_ARM].flags) l = INVEN_ARM; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_OUTER].flags) l = INVEN_OUTER; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_HEAD].flags) l = INVEN_HEAD; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_HANDS].flags) l = INVEN_HANDS; else if (TR_CURSED & inventory[INVEN_FEET].flags) l = INVEN_FEET; if (l > 0) { i_ptr = &inventory[l]; objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void) sprintf(out_val,"Your %s glows brightly!", tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); flag = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(2) + 1; k++) if (enchant(&i_ptr->toac)) flag = TRUE; if (flag) { i_ptr->flags &= ~TR_CURSED; calc_bonuses (); } else msg_print("The enchantment fails."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 36: if ((inventory[INVEN_BODY].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(4) == 1)) k = INVEN_BODY; else if ((inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(3) ==1)) k = INVEN_ARM; else if ((inventory[INVEN_OUTER].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(3) ==1)) k = INVEN_OUTER; else if ((inventory[INVEN_HEAD].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(3) ==1)) k = INVEN_HEAD; else if ((inventory[INVEN_HANDS].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(3) ==1)) k = INVEN_HANDS; else if ((inventory[INVEN_FEET].tval != TV_NOTHING) && (randint(3) ==1)) k = INVEN_FEET; else if (inventory[INVEN_BODY].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_BODY; else if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_ARM; else if (inventory[INVEN_OUTER].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_OUTER; else if (inventory[INVEN_HEAD].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_HEAD; else if (inventory[INVEN_HANDS].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_HANDS; else if (inventory[INVEN_FEET].tval != TV_NOTHING) k = INVEN_FEET; else k = 0; if (k > 0) { i_ptr = &inventory[k]; objdes(tmp_str, i_ptr, FALSE); (void)sprintf(out_val,"Your %s glows black, fades.",tmp_str); msg_print(out_val); unmagic_name(i_ptr); i_ptr->flags = TR_CURSED; i_ptr->toac = -randint(5) - randint(5); calc_bonuses (); ident = TRUE; } break; case 37: ident = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(3); k++) { y = char_row; x = char_col; ident |= summon_undead(&y, &x); } break; case 38: ident = TRUE; bless(randint(12)+6); break; case 39: ident = TRUE; bless(randint(24)+12); break; case 40: ident = TRUE; bless(randint(48)+24); break; case 41: ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.word_recall == 0) py.flags.word_recall = 25 + randint(30); msg_print("The air about you becomes charged."); break; case 42: destroy_area(char_row, char_col); ident = TRUE; break; case 43: place_special(char_row, char_col, SPECIAL); prt_map(); break; case 44: special_random_object(char_row, char_col, 1); prt_map(); break; default: msg_print("Internal error in scroll()"); break; } /* End of Scrolls. */ } i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level +(m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }