Geometry * LengthIndexedLine::extractLine(double startIndex, double endIndex) const { const LocationIndexedLine lil(linearGeom); const double startIndex2 = clampIndex(startIndex); const double endIndex2 = clampIndex(endIndex); // if extracted line is zero-length, resolve start lower as well to // ensure they are equal const bool resolveStartLower = ( startIndex2 == endIndex2 ); const LinearLocation startLoc = locationOf(startIndex2, resolveStartLower); const LinearLocation endLoc = locationOf(endIndex2); // LinearLocation endLoc = locationOf(endIndex2, true); // LinearLocation startLoc = locationOf(startIndex2); return ExtractLineByLocation::extract(linearGeom, startLoc, endLoc); }
Pose& Trajectory::update(){ //If finished interpolating between current start and end Control Points //Move onto next one. //Also check that we have not reached the end of our list to avoid //out of bounds exceptions if(forward) u++; else u--; //Should never be negative int k0, k1, k2, k3; k0 = k1 = k2 = k3 = 0; //implies forward because u is > //printf("CpIndex = %d ----- u = %d ----- startFrame = %d -------- endFrame = %d \n", cpIndex, u, startFrame, endFrame); if(cycleType!= circle && (u >= endFrame) && forward && cpIndex < (controlPoints.size() - 1)){ startFrame = endFrame; cpIndex++; endFrame =>frame; u = startFrame; }else if((u <= endFrame) && !forward && cpIndex > 0){ //Should only reach this point if moving backwards aka !forward startFrame = endFrame; cpIndex--; endFrame =>frame; u = startFrame; }else if((u >= endFrame) && forward){ //do not have to check index, because it will be modded to stay safe startFrame =>frame; cpIndex++; endFrame =>frame; u = startFrame; } //circle, pendulum, clamp switch(cycleType){ case circle:{ //Must use brackets because we define a variable for scope reasons int size = controlPoints.size()-1; cpIndex = cpIndex % size; k0 = (cpIndex-1) % size; //clampIndex should do nothing k1 = cpIndex; //clampIndex should do nothing for all k2 = (cpIndex+1) % size; k3 = (cpIndex+2) % size; if(k2 == size) end = true; } break; case pendulum: if(forward){ k0 = clampIndex(cpIndex - 2); k1 = clampIndex(cpIndex-1); k2 = clampIndex(cpIndex); k3 = clampIndex(cpIndex + 1); if((k2 == k3) && (u >= endFrame)){ forward = false; end = true; } }else{ k0 = clampIndex(cpIndex + 2); k1 = clampIndex(cpIndex +1); k2 = clampIndex(cpIndex); k3 = clampIndex(cpIndex - 1); if(k2 == k3 && u<=endFrame) forward = true; } break; case clamp: k0 = clampIndex(cpIndex - 1); k1 = clampIndex(cpIndex); k2 = clampIndex(cpIndex +1); k3 = clampIndex(cpIndex + 2); if(k1 == k2 && u>=endFrame) end = true; break; default: printf("No cycle Type is chosen"); break; } float u_norm; //TODO rethink if(forward){ u_norm = abs((float)(u -startFrame) / (float)(endFrame- startFrame)); //printf("Forward U_Norm ------- %f--------------%d - %d/ (%d - %d) \n", u_norm, u, startFrame, endFrame, startFrame); } else{ u_norm = (float)(startFrame - u) / (startFrame- endFrame); //printf("Backward U_Norm ------- %f--------------%d - %d/ (%d - %d) \n", u_norm, startFrame, u, startFrame, startFrame); } Eigen::MatrixXf T(1, 4); T(0, 0) = (u_norm*u_norm*u_norm); T(0, 1) = (u_norm*u_norm); T(0, 2) = (u_norm); T(0, 3) = 1.0f; //PRINT K's //printf("K0 -- %d--- k1-- %d --k2 %d--- k3-- %d\n", k0, k1, k2, k3); //Create G! Eigen::MatrixXf G(4, 1); for(unsigned int i=0; i<7; i++) { // G G(0, 0) =[0][i]; //must add the [0] to dereference the pointer G(1, 0) =[0][i]; G(2, 0) =[0][i]; G(3, 0) =[0][i]; //G.print(); //printf("%d ---%f, %f, %f, %f\n", i, G(0,0), G(1, 0), G(2, 0), G(3,0)); // interpolation Eigen::MatrixXf interpolation = T*M*G; //multipying vectors and matrices PofU[i] = (float)interpolation(0,0); //what do we do with this? // printf("---%d %f %f\n", i, PofU[i], interpolation(0,0)); // cout << "The matrix T is:\n" << endl << T << endl; // cout << "The matrix M is:\n" << endl << M << endl; // cout << "The matrix G is:\n" << endl << G << endl; // cout << "The matrix interpolation is:\n" << endl << interpolation << endl; } Pose* inbetween = new Pose(PofU[0], PofU[1], PofU[2], PofU[3], PofU[4], PofU[5], PofU[6]); if(!end) pointsAlongPath.push_back(&inbetween->position); return *inbetween; }
RefPtr<ArrayBuffer> ArrayBuffer::slice(int begin) const { return sliceImpl(clampIndex(begin), byteLength()); }
RefPtr<ArrayBuffer> ArrayBuffer::slice(int begin, int end) const { return sliceImpl(clampIndex(begin), clampIndex(end)); }
void Pager::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { QFrame::paintEvent(event); if (d->images.size() == 0) { return; } // Maximum bounding box of a single page image QSize box = clampedBoundingBox(); // In parametric equation of a circle, the offset from the centre is: // x = a sin t // Spread determines how the index of page maps to the above t. double h = (double) box.height(); double w = (double) box.width(); double a = (width() - w - d->marginLeft - d->marginRight - (d->orientation == Qt::Vertical && d->scrollBar->isVisible() ? d->scrollBar->width() : 0)) / 2.0; double _1 = asin(w/a); double s = spread(); double t1 = _1 + s * ((_PI / 2) - _1); int limitGrace = 5; //int upperLimit = (int) (d->guiIndex + _PI / (2.0 * t1)) + limitGrace + 1; // FIXME shuffle int upperLimit = (int) (d->guiIndex + width() / w + 1); //int lowerLimit = (int) (d->guiIndex - _PI / (2.0 * t1)) - limitGrace; // FIXME shuffle int lowerLimit = (int) (d->guiIndex - width() / w - 1); QPainter painter(this); painter.setClipRect(rect().adjusted(0, 1, -1, 0)); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); QFont f(painter.font()); f.setPixelSize(9); painter.setFont(f); painter.translate(width() / 2, 0); painter.translate(-box.width() / 2, 0); // FIXME shuffle double lower = a; double upper = (count() - 1) * w - lower; double clamp = qBound(lower, d->guiIndex * w, upper); painter.translate(-clamp, 0); // end FIXME shuffle painter.translate(0, d->marginTop); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (isActiveWindow()) { painter.setPen(QApplication::palette().highlight().color()); painter.setBrush(QApplication::palette().highlight()); } else { int gray = qGray(QApplication::palette().highlight().color().rgb()); painter.setPen(QColor(gray, gray, gray)); painter.setBrush(QColor(gray, gray, gray)); } double radius = 4.0; double transientWidth = 0.0; double transientHeight = 0.0; double transientLabelWidth = 0.0; double transientLabelBottom = 0.0; if (d->images.size() == 1) { QSize imageSize = d->images[0].size(); imageSize.scale(box, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); transientWidth = imageSize.width(); transientHeight = imageSize.height(); if (d->drawLabels && !labelAt(0).isEmpty()) { QRect labelRect(QPoint((box.width() - transientWidth) / 2.0, radius), QPoint(box.width() - (box.width() - transientWidth) / 2.0, 12 + radius)); QString elidedLabel = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(labelAt(0), Qt::ElideMiddle, labelRect.width()); QRect bb(painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect(labelRect, Qt::AlignCenter, elidedLabel)); transientLabelWidth = (double) bb.width(); transientLabelBottom = (double) bb.bottom(); } } else { int previousIndex = clampIndex((int) floor(d->guiIndex)); int nextIndex = clampIndex((int) ceil(d->guiIndex)); QSize previousSize = box; if (!d->images[previousIndex].isNull()) { previousSize = d->images[previousIndex].size(); previousSize.scale(box, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } QSize nextSize = box; if (!d->images[nextIndex].isNull()) { nextSize = d->images[nextIndex].size(); nextSize.scale(box, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } transientWidth = previousSize.width() + (nextSize.width() - previousSize.width()) * (d->guiIndex - previousIndex); transientHeight = previousSize.height() + (nextSize.height() - previousSize.height()) * (d->guiIndex - previousIndex); if (d->drawLabels && !labelAt(previousIndex).isEmpty() && !labelAt(nextIndex).isEmpty()) { double previousLabelWidth = 0.0; double previousLabelBottom = 0.0; { QRect labelRect(0, box.height() + radius, previousSize.width(), 12); QString elidedLabel = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(labelAt(previousIndex), Qt::ElideMiddle, labelRect.width()); QRect bb(painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect(labelRect, Qt::AlignCenter, elidedLabel)); previousLabelWidth = (double) bb.width(); previousLabelBottom = (double) bb.bottom(); } double nextLabelWidth = 0.0; double nextLabelBottom = 0.0; { QRect labelRect(0, box.height() + radius, nextSize.width(), 12); QString elidedLabel = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(labelAt(nextIndex), Qt::ElideMiddle, labelRect.width()); QRect bb(painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect(labelRect, Qt::AlignCenter, elidedLabel)); nextLabelWidth = (double) bb.width(); nextLabelBottom = (double) bb.bottom(); } transientLabelWidth = previousLabelWidth + (nextLabelWidth - previousLabelWidth) * (d->guiIndex - previousIndex); transientLabelBottom = previousLabelBottom + (nextLabelBottom - previousLabelBottom) * (d->guiIndex - previousIndex); } } painter.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(d->guiIndex * w + (box.width() - transientWidth) / 2.0 - radius, box.height() - transientHeight - radius, transientWidth + radius * 2, transientHeight + radius * 2), radius, radius); if (d->drawLabels && transientLabelWidth > 0.0 && transientLabelBottom > 0.0) { painter.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(d->guiIndex * w + (box.width() - transientLabelWidth) / 2.0 - radius, box.height(), transientLabelWidth + radius * 2, transientLabelBottom - box.height() + radius / 2.0), radius, radius); } painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); QPen pen(QColor(115, 115, 115)); pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); pen.setWidthF(0.5); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); static QVector< double > sin_ts; // FIXME Make a member, not a static variable sin_ts.resize(count()); // Iterate through pages double offset = 0.0; for (int i = (int) ceil(d->guiIndex); i < count(); ++i) { if (i < lowerLimit || i > upperLimit) continue; double preModifier = d->indexPreModifiers.value(i, 0.0); double postModifier = d->indexPostModifiers.value(i, 0.0); offset += preModifier; if (preModifier >= 0.0) { double t = (i - (d->guiIndex - offset)) * t1; t = qBound(-_PI/2.0, t, _PI/2); sin_ts[i] = sin(t); } else { sin_ts[i] = 10.0; } offset += postModifier; } offset = 0.0; for (int i = (int) ceil(d->guiIndex) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i < lowerLimit || i > upperLimit) continue; double preModifier = d->indexPreModifiers.value(i, 0.0); double postModifier = d->indexPostModifiers.value(i, 0.0); offset += postModifier; if (preModifier >= 0.0) { double t = (i - (d->guiIndex + offset)) * t1; t = qBound(-_PI/2.0, t, _PI/2); sin_ts[i] = sin(t); } else { sin_ts[i] = 10.0; } offset += preModifier; } for (int i = 0; i < d->guiIndex; ++i) { if (i < lowerLimit || i > upperLimit) continue; double sin_t =; if (sin_t > 1.0) continue; double opacity = 1.0; if (d->transitionTimes.contains(i) && !d->transitionTimes[i].isNull()) { opacity *= d->transitionTimes[i].elapsed() / 500.0; } if (i < lowerLimit + limitGrace) { // opacity *= (i - lowerLimit) / (double) limitGrace; // FIXME shuffle } painter.setOpacity(opacity); QPixmap image = d->images[i].isNull() ? QPixmap(":/images/pager_loading.png") : d->images[i]; QSize size = image.size(); size.scale(box, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); //double x = sin_t * (a + (w - size.width()) / 2.0) + (w - size.width()) / 2.0; // FIXME shuffle double x = w * i + (w - size.width()) / 2.0; double y = h - size.height(); QRect rect((int) x, (int) y, size.width(), size.height()); painter.drawPixmap(rect, image); painter.drawRect(rect); if (d->drawLabels) { QString label = labelAt(i); if (!label.isEmpty()) { QRect labelRect(rect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, radius), rect.bottomRight() + QPoint(0, 12 + radius)); QString elidedLabel = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(label, Qt::ElideMiddle, rect.width());; painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0)); QFontMetrics fm(painter.font()); QSize numSize = fm.boundingRect(elidedLabel).size(); double lozengeRadius = 1 + numSize.height() / 2.0; numSize += QSize(numSize.height(), 0); QRect numRect(0, 0, numSize.width() + 2, numSize.height() + 2); numRect.moveCenter(; numRect.moveBottom(rect.bottom() + radius + 1); painter.setBrush(Qt::yellow); painter.setPen(QColor(140, 140, 0)); painter.drawRoundedRect(numRect, lozengeRadius, lozengeRadius); painter.setPen(Qt::black); painter.drawText(numRect, Qt::AlignCenter, elidedLabel); painter.restore(); } } if (d->hasAnnotation.value(i, 0) > 0) { drawAnnotationTag(&painter, rect); } if (!d->spotlightsHidden && !d->searchHits.isEmpty()) { drawSearchHits(&painter, d->searchHits.value(i, 0), rect); } painter.setOpacity(1.0); } for (int i = count() - 1; i >= d->guiIndex; --i) { if (i < lowerLimit || i > upperLimit) continue; double sin_t =; if (sin_t > 1.0) continue; double opacity = 1.0; if (d->transitionTimes.contains(i) && !d->transitionTimes[i].isNull()) { opacity *= d->transitionTimes[i].elapsed() / 500.0; } if (i > upperLimit - limitGrace) { // opacity *= (limitGrace + i - upperLimit) / (double) limitGrace; // FIXME shuffle } painter.setOpacity(opacity); QPixmap image = d->images[i].isNull() ? QPixmap(":/images/pager_loading.png") : d->images[i]; QSize size = image.size(); size.scale(box, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); //double x = sin_t * (a + (w - size.width()) / 2.0) + (w - size.width()) / 2.0; // FIXME shuffle double x = w * i + (w - size.width()) / 2.0; double y = h - size.height(); QRect rect((int) x, (int) y, size.width(), size.height()); painter.drawPixmap(rect, image); painter.drawRect(rect); if (d->drawLabels) { QString label = labelAt(i); if (!label.isEmpty()) { QRect labelRect(rect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, radius), rect.bottomRight() + QPoint(0, 12 + radius)); QString elidedLabel = painter.fontMetrics().elidedText(label, Qt::ElideMiddle, labelRect.width());; painter.setPen(QColor(200, 200, 200)); painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0)); painter.drawText(labelRect, Qt::AlignCenter, elidedLabel); painter.restore(); } } if (d->hasAnnotation.value(i, 0) > 0) { drawAnnotationTag(&painter, rect); } if (!d->spotlightsHidden && !d->searchHits.isEmpty()) { drawSearchHits(&painter, d->searchHits.value(i, 0), rect); } painter.setOpacity(1.0); } sin_ts.clear(); }
QString Pager::labelAt(int index) const { return d->; }
int Pager::insert(int index, const QPixmap & image) { index = clampIndex(index, true); d->images.insert(index, image); d->updateScrollBar(); d->labels.insert(index, QString()); // Deal with null images FIXME // Modify current index if necessary if (index <= d->currentIndex && d->images.size() > 0) { d->currentIndex += 1; d->guiIndex += 1.0; } // Modify index modifiers QMap< int, double > updatedModifiers; QMutableMapIterator< int, double > iter(d->indexPreModifiers); iter.toBack(); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { iter.previous(); int targetIndex = iter.key(); if (targetIndex >= index) { double modifier = iter.value(); iter.remove(); updatedModifiers[targetIndex + 1] = modifier; } else { break; } } d->indexPreModifiers.unite(updatedModifiers); updatedModifiers.clear(); iter = d->indexPostModifiers; iter.toBack(); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { iter.previous(); int targetIndex = iter.key(); if (targetIndex >= index) { double modifier = iter.value(); iter.remove(); updatedModifiers[targetIndex + 1] = modifier; } else { break; } } d->indexPostModifiers.unite(updatedModifiers); // Modify transition times QMap< int, QTime > updatedTimes; QMutableMapIterator< int, QTime > t_iter(d->transitionTimes); t_iter.toBack(); while (t_iter.hasPrevious()) { t_iter.previous(); int targetIndex = t_iter.key(); if (targetIndex >= index) { QTime time = t_iter.value(); t_iter.remove(); updatedTimes[targetIndex + 1] = time; } else { break; } } d->transitionTimes.unite(updatedTimes); // Modify Search Hits QMap< int, int > updatedSearchHits; QMutableMapIterator< int, int > iter2(d->searchHits); iter2.toBack(); while (iter2.hasPrevious()) { iter2.previous(); int targetIndex = iter2.key(); if (targetIndex >= index) { int hits = iter2.value(); iter2.remove(); updatedSearchHits[targetIndex + 1] = hits; } else { break; } } d->searchHits.unite(updatedSearchHits); // Modify Annotations QMap< int, int > updatedHasAnnotation; iter2 = d->hasAnnotation; iter2.toBack(); while (iter2.hasPrevious()) { iter2.previous(); int targetIndex = iter2.key(); if (targetIndex >= index) { int hits = iter2.value(); iter2.remove(); updatedHasAnnotation[targetIndex + 1] = hits; } else { break; } } d->hasAnnotation.unite(updatedHasAnnotation); // Mask newly insert page d->indexPreModifiers[index] = -1.0; // Set up transition d->transitionTimes[index]; d->timer.start(); update(); return index; }
const QPixmap & Pager::at(int index) const { return d->; }