Ejemplo n.º 1
 void CDynamics2DVelocityControl::AttachTo(cpBody* pt_body) {
    /* If we are already controlling a body, detach from it first */
    if(m_ptControlledBody != NULL) {
    /* Set the wanted body as the new controlled one */
    m_ptControlledBody = pt_body;
    /* Add linear constraint */
    m_ptLinearConstraint =
    m_ptLinearConstraint->maxBias = 0.0f; /* disable joint correction */
    m_ptLinearConstraint->maxForce = m_fMaxForce; /* limit the dragging force */
    /* Add angular constraint */
    m_ptAngularConstraint =
    m_ptAngularConstraint->maxBias = 0.0f; /* disable joint correction */
    m_ptAngularConstraint->maxForce = m_fMaxTorque; /* limit the torque */
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Tank.c Proyecto: 0w/moai-dev
static cpSpace *
	staticBody = cpBodyNew(INFINITY, INFINITY);
	space = cpSpaceNew();
	cpSpaceResizeActiveHash(space, 30.0f, 1000);
	space->iterations = 10;
	cpShape *shape;
	// Create segments around the edge of the screen.
	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(-320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(320,-240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(320,-240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;
	for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
		cpBody *body = add_box(10.0, 1.0);
		cpConstraint *pivot = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew2(staticBody, body, cpvzero, cpvzero));
		pivot->biasCoef = 0.0f; // disable joint correction
		pivot->maxForce = 1000.0f; // emulate linear friction
		cpConstraint *gear = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGearJointNew(staticBody, body, 0.0f, 1.0f));
		gear->biasCoef = 0.0f; // disable joint correction
		gear->maxForce = 5000.0f; // emulate angular friction
	// We joint the tank to the control body and control the tank indirectly by modifying the control body.
	tankControlBody = cpBodyNew(INFINITY, INFINITY);
	tankBody = add_box(15.0, 10.0);
	cpConstraint *pivot = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew2(tankControlBody, tankBody, cpvzero, cpvzero));
	pivot->biasCoef = 0.0f; // disable joint correction
	pivot->maxForce = 10000.0f; // emulate linear friction
	cpConstraint *gear = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGearJointNew(tankControlBody, tankBody, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	gear->biasCoef = 1.0f; // limit angular correction rate
	gear->maxBias = 1.0f; // limit angular correction rate
	gear->maxForce = 500000.0f; // emulate angular friction
	return space;
Ejemplo n.º 3
CCSlideJoint::CCSlideJoint(CCPhysicsWorld *world,
	CCPhysicsBody *bodyA, CCPhysicsBody *bodyB, cpVect archA, cpVect archB,
	cpFloat min, cpFloat max) : CCJoint(world, bodyA, bodyB, SLIDE_JOINT)
	this->m_constraint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(world->getSpace(),
		cpSlideJointNew(bodyA->getBody(), bodyB->getBody(), archA, archB, min, max));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void weapon_update(Entity *ent) {
    cpBody *body = entity_body(ent);
    WeaponEntityData *data = entity_data(ent);

    if (data->owner && !data->player_joint) {
        cvar_setd_player(entity_owner(ent), "weapon_id", entity_id(ent));
        data->player_joint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(game.space, cpPivotJointNew2(
            cpv(0, -WEAPON_HEIGHT / 2), cpv(1, 0)
        cpConstraintSetErrorBias(data->player_joint, 0);

    int mult = 0;
    if (keymap_is_held("mouse1")) mult++;
    if (keymap_is_held("mouse2")) mult--;

    if (mult) {
        cpVect force_pos = cpv(0, WEAPON_HEIGHT);
        cpVect weapon_pos = cpBodyGetPosition(body);
        cpVect world_force_pos = cpvadd(weapon_pos, cpvrotate(cpBodyGetRotation(body), force_pos));
        cpVect mouse_delta = cpvsub(keymap_mouse_world(), world_force_pos);
        cpVect force = cpvmult(cpvnormalize(mouse_delta), mult * WEAPON_SWING_FORCE);
        cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint(body, force, world_force_pos);
void NaiveRotationAlgorithm::stepSystem(SystemInfo *individual)
    MachineSystem *oldSystem = individual->system;
    individual->system = new MachineSystem(*oldSystem); // copy it to stop all the damn bouncing about
    delete oldSystem;
    cpBody *inputBody = individual->system->partAtPosition(individual->system->inputMachinePosition)->body;
    cpBody *outputBody = individual->system->partAtPosition(individual->system->outputMachinePosition)->body;
    cpSpace *systemSpace = individual->system->getSpace();

    cpConstraint *motor = cpSimpleMotorNew(cpSpaceGetStaticBody(systemSpace), inputBody, M_PI);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(systemSpace, motor);
    cpConstraintSetMaxForce(motor, 50000);

    for (int i=0; i<simSteps; i++) {
        individual->inputValues[i] = (cpBodyGetAngle(inputBody));
        cpSpaceStep(systemSpace, 0.1);
        individual->outputValues[i] = (cpBodyGetAngle(outputBody));
    cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(systemSpace, motor);
    cpBodySetAngVel(outputBody, 0);
    cpBodySetAngle(inputBody, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
PostStepAddJoint(cpSpace *space, void *key, void *data)
//	printf("Adding joint for %p\n", data);
	cpConstraint *joint = (cpConstraint *)key;
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, joint);
Ejemplo n.º 7
cpSpace* cpSpaceSerializer::load(cpSpace *space, const char* filename)
	if (!_doc.LoadFile(filename))
		return space;
	//Grab our space
	TiXmlElement *root = _doc.FirstChildElement("space");
	if (!root)
		return space;

    _space = space;


    //A body id of zero is the space's static body
    _bodyMap[0] = space->staticBody;
	space->iterations = createValue<int>("iterations", root);
	space->gravity = createPoint("gravity", root);	
	space->damping = createValue<cpFloat>("damping", root);
	TiXmlElement *child = root->FirstChildElement("shape");
	//Read Shapes
	while (child)
		//attempt a shape
		cpShape *shape = createShape(child);
		if (shape)
			//This should not happen like this, need to reflect reality -rkb
            if (shape->body->m != INFINITY && !cpSpaceContainsBody(space, shape->body))
				cpSpaceAddBody(space, shape->body);

            cpSpaceAddShape(space, shape);
		child = child->NextSiblingElement("shape");
	//Read Constraints
	child = root->FirstChildElement("constraint");
	while (child)
		//else attempt a constraint
		cpConstraint *constraint = createConstraint(child);
		if (constraint)
			cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, constraint);
		child = child->NextSiblingElement("constraint");
	return space;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void
make_leg(cpSpace *space, cpFloat side, cpFloat offset, cpBody *chassis, cpBody *crank, cpVect anchor)
	cpVect a, b;
	cpShape *shape;
	cpFloat leg_mass = 1.0f;

	// make leg
	a = cpvzero, b = cpv(0.0f, side);
	cpBody *upper_leg = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(leg_mass, cpMomentForSegment(leg_mass, a, b, 0.0f)));
	cpBodySetPosition(upper_leg, cpv(offset, 0.0f));
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(upper_leg, a, b, seg_radius));
	cpShapeSetFilter(shape, cpShapeFilterNew(1, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew2(chassis, upper_leg, cpv(offset, 0.0f), cpvzero));
	// lower leg
	a = cpvzero, b = cpv(0.0f, -1.0f*side);
	cpBody *lower_leg = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(leg_mass, cpMomentForSegment(leg_mass, a, b, 0.0f)));
	cpBodySetPosition(lower_leg, cpv(offset, -side));
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(lower_leg, a, b, seg_radius));
	cpShapeSetFilter(shape, cpShapeFilterNew(1, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES));
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpCircleShapeNew(lower_leg, seg_radius*2.0f, b));
	cpShapeSetFilter(shape, cpShapeFilterNew(1, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES, CP_ALL_CATEGORIES));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 0.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPinJointNew(chassis, lower_leg, cpv(offset, 0.0f), cpvzero));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGearJointNew(upper_leg, lower_leg, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	cpConstraint *constraint;
	cpFloat diag = cpfsqrt(side*side + offset*offset);
	constraint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPinJointNew(crank, upper_leg, anchor, cpv(0.0f, side)));
	cpPinJointSetDist(constraint, diag);
	constraint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPinJointNew(crank, lower_leg, anchor, cpvzero));
	cpPinJointSetDist(constraint, diag);
 void CDynamics2DStretchableObjectModel::SetAngularFriction(Real f_max_bias,
                                                            Real f_max_force) {
       m_ptAngularFriction =
       m_ptAngularFriction->maxBias = f_max_bias;
       m_ptAngularFriction->maxForce = f_max_force; // emulate angular friction
 void CDynamics2DStretchableObjectModel::SetLinearFriction(Real f_max_bias,
                                                           Real f_max_force) {
       m_ptLinearFriction =
       m_ptLinearFriction->maxBias = f_max_bias;
       m_ptLinearFriction->maxForce = f_max_force; // emulate linear friction
Ejemplo n.º 11
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createPivotJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, vec2_t aPivot)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_Pivot;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpPivotJointNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aPivot));
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createSimpleMotorJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, GLMFloat aRate)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_SimpleMotor;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpSimpleMotorNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, aRate);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createRotaryLimitJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, GLMFloat aMinAngle, GLMFloat aMaxAngle)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_RotaryLimit;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpRotaryLimitJointNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, aMinAngle, aMaxAngle);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 14
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createSlideJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, vec2_t aAnchorA, vec2_t aAnchorB,
        GLMFloat aMinDist, GLMFloat aMaxDist)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_Slide;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpSlideJointNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aAnchorA), VEC2_TO_CPV(aAnchorB), aMinDist, aMaxDist);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createDampedSpringJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, vec2_t aAnchorA, vec2_t aAnchorB,
        GLMFloat aRestLength, GLMFloat aStiffness, GLMFloat aDamping)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_DampedSpring;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpDampedSpringNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aAnchorA), VEC2_TO_CPV(aAnchorB), aRestLength, aStiffness, aDamping);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void PlayLayer::onBackwardDown() {

    DoodleTruck *doodleTruck = DoodleTruck::sharedDoodleTruck();
	if (!backward_touched){
		if (!cpSpaceContainsConstraint(doodleTruck->getSpace(), (cpConstraint*)doodleTruck->getMotor()))
			cpSpaceAddConstraint(doodleTruck->getSpace(), (cpConstraint*)doodleTruck->getMotor());
	backward_touched = true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createDampedRotarySpringJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b,
        GLMFloat aRestAngle, GLMFloat aStiffness, GLMFloat aDamping)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_DampedRotarySpring;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpDampedRotarySpringNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, aRestAngle, aStiffness, aDamping);
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 18
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createGrooveJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, vec2_t aGrooveStart, vec2_t aGrooveEnd,
        vec2_t aAnchorB)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_Groove;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpGrooveJointNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aGrooveStart), VEC2_TO_CPV(aGrooveEnd),
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void physics_add_top_down_friction(cpBody *body, cpBody *control, float friction, cpConstraint **out_pivot, cpConstraint **out_gear) {
    //emulates linear friction
    cpConstraint *pivot = cpSpaceAddConstraint(game.space, cpPivotJointNew2(
    cpConstraintSetErrorBias(pivot, cpBodyGetMass(body) * friction);
    cpConstraintSetMaxForce(pivot, cpBodyGetMass(body) * friction);

    //emulates angular friction
    cpConstraint *gear = cpSpaceAddConstraint(game.space, cpGearJointNew(
        0, 1
    cpConstraintSetMaxBias(gear, 0);
    cpConstraintSetMaxForce(gear, friction / cpBodyGetMass(body) / 10);

    if (out_pivot) *out_pivot = pivot;
    if (out_gear) *out_gear = gear;
void DynamicObjectStabilizator::fixatePoints()
//	vector<IDynamicObject *>::iterator begin = m_DynamicObjects.begin();
//	vector<IDynamicObject *>::iterator end = m_DynamicObjects.end();
//	vector<IDynamicObject *>::iterator iter = begin + 1;
//	for(  ; iter != end ; iter++ )
	size_t count = m_DynamicObjects.size();
	for( size_t object_i = 0 ; object_i < 2 ; object_i++ )
		const IGeometryObject & geometryObjext = m_DynamicObjects[object_i]->getGeometryObject();
		if( geometryObjext.getType() != GEOMETRYOBJECT_POINT )
//			assert( false );
		cpBody * kineticBody = cpBodyNewKinematic();
		cpSpaceAddBody( m_Space, kineticBody );
		m_KineticBodies.push_back( kineticBody );

		const GeometryPoint & geometryPoint = dynamic_cast<const GeometryPoint &>( geometryObjext );

		int x = geometryPoint.getX();
		int y = geometryPoint.getY();
		cpVect mousePoint = cpv( x, y );
		cpShape * shape = cpSpacePointQueryNearest( m_Space, mousePoint, 100.0, GRAB_FILTER, 0 );

		if( 0 == shape )

		cpVect new_mouse_position = cpv( x, y );
		cpBodySetPosition( kineticBody, new_mouse_position );

		cpBody * trackingBody = cpShapeGetBody( shape );

		cpConstraint * joint = cpPivotJointNew2( kineticBody, trackingBody, cpvzero, cpvzero );
		cpSpaceAddConstraint( m_Space, joint );

		m_Joints.push_back( joint );

		break; //one pointb
void GeometrySpringDynamic::initSpring()
	GeometrySpringGetAngles getAngles( this );
//	int linkFromAbsoluteAngle = getAngles.getLinkFromAngle();
//	int linkToAbsoluteAngle = getAngles.getLinkToAngle();

//	float angle = M_PI / 180.0 * angleInt;

	const GeometryLinkDynamic * linkFrom = getDynamicLinkFrom();
	const GeometryLinkDynamic * linkTo = getDynamicLinkTo();

	cpBody * bodyFrom = linkFrom->getBody();
	cpBody * bodyTo = linkTo->getBody();

	GetRotateAngleFunctor getAngle( this );
	int rotateAngleInt = getAngle.getAngle();
	float rotateAngle  = M_PI / 180.0 * rotateAngleInt;

	m_ConstraintGear = cpSpaceAddConstraint( m_Space, cpGearJointNew( bodyFrom, bodyTo, rotateAngle, 1.0f ) );
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool PhysicsJoint::initJoint()
    bool ret = !_initDirty;
    while (_initDirty)
        ret = createConstraints();

        for (auto subjoint : _cpConstraints)
            subjoint->maxForce = _maxForce;
            subjoint->errorBias = cpfpow(1.0f - 0.15f, 60.0f);
            cpSpaceAddConstraint(_world->_cpSpace, subjoint);
        _initDirty = false;
        ret = true;

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static cannon_t *createCannon(cpVect p, cpFloat length, cpFloat radius) {
    cannon_t *c;
    cpVect a, b;

    a = cpv(0, 0);
    b = cpv(length, 0);

    c = (cannon_t *)malloc(sizeof(cannon_t));
    c->length = length;
    c->body = cpSpaceAddBody(g_Space, cpBodyNew(2.0f, INFINITY));
    c->body->p = p;

    /*c->shape = cpPolyShapeNew(c->body, NUM_DOMINO_VERTS, dominoVerts, cpvzero);*/
    c->shape = cpSpaceAddShape(g_Space, cpSegmentShapeNew(c->body, a, b, radius));
    c->shape->e = 0.0f;
    c->shape->u = 1.0f;

    cpSpaceAddConstraint(g_Space, cpPivotJointNew(c->body, &g_Space->staticBody, p));

    return c;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static cpSpace *
	space = cpSpaceNew();
	cpSpaceResizeActiveHash(space, 30.0f, 1000);
	space->iterations = 10;

	cpShape *shape;

	// Create segments around the edge of the screen.
	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(NULL, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(-320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(NULL, cpv(320,-240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(NULL, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(320,-240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;

	shape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(NULL, cpv(-320,240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	shape->layers = NOT_GRABABLE_MASK;
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
	cpBody *body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(100.0f, 10000.0f));

	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(body, cpv(-75,0), cpv(75,0), 5.0f));
	shape->e = 1.0f; shape->u = 1.0f;
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew2(body, NULL, cpvzero, cpvzero));
	return space;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 int MagneticGripperGrippableCollisionPreSolve(cpArbiter* pt_arb, cpSpace* pt_space, void* p_data) {
    /* Get the shapes involved */
    CP_ARBITER_GET_SHAPES(pt_arb, ptGripperShape, ptGrippableShape);
    /* Get a reference to the gripper data */
    SDynamics2DEngineGripperData& sGripperData = *reinterpret_cast<SDynamics2DEngineGripperData*>(ptGripperShape->data);
    /* The gripper is locked or unlocked? */
    if(sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsUnlocked()) {
       /* The gripper is locked. If it was gripping an object,
        * release it. Then, process the collision normally */
    	 if(sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsGripping()) {
       return 1;
    else if(! sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsGripping()) {
       /* The gripper is unlocked and free, create the joints */
       /* Prevent gripper from slipping */
       pt_arb->e = 0.0f; // No elasticity
       pt_arb->u = 1.0f; // Max friction
       pt_arb->surface_vr = cpvzero; // No surface velocity
       /* Calculate the anchor point on the grippable body
          as the centroid of the contact points */
       cpVect tGrippableAnchor = cpvzero;
       for(SInt32 i = 0; i < pt_arb->numContacts; ++i) {
          tGrippableAnchor = cpvadd(tGrippableAnchor, cpArbiterGetPoint(pt_arb, i));
       tGrippableAnchor = cpvmult(tGrippableAnchor, 1.0f / pt_arb->numContacts);
       /* Create a constraint */
       sGripperData.GripConstraint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(pt_space,
       sGripperData.GripConstraint->biasCoef = 0.95f; // Correct overlap
       sGripperData.GripConstraint->maxBias  = 0.01f; // Max correction speed
    /* Ignore the collision, the objects are gripped already */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void
click(int button, int state, int x, int y)
	if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON){
		if(state == GLUT_DOWN){
			cpVect point = mouseToSpace(x, y);
			cpShape *shape = cpSpacePointQueryFirst(space, point, GRABABLE_MASK_BIT, CP_NO_GROUP);
				cpBody *body = shape->body;
				mouseJoint = cpPivotJointNew2(mouseBody, body, cpvzero, cpBodyWorld2Local(body, point));
				mouseJoint->maxForce = 50000.0f;
				mouseJoint->errorBias = cpfpow(1.0f - 0.15f, 60.0f);
				cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, mouseJoint);
		} else if(mouseJoint){
			cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(space, mouseJoint);
			mouseJoint = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/* Mouse handling is a bit tricky. We want the user to move
 * tiles using the mouse but because tiles are dynamic bodies
 * managed by Chipmunk2D, we cannot directly control them.
 * This is resolved by creating a pivot joint between an
 * invisible mouse body that we can control and the tile body
 * that we cannot directly control.
static void apply_mouse_motion(struct state* state)
    struct mouse m;
    int w, h;
    get_screen_size(&w, &h);
    int x = m.x_position * w;
    int y = m.y_position * h;
    cpVect mouse_pos = cpv(x, y);
    cpVect new_point =
        cpvlerp(cpBodyGetPosition(state->mouse_body), mouse_pos, 0.25f);
        cpvmult(cpvsub(new_point, cpBodyGetPosition(state->mouse_body)),
    cpBodySetPosition(state->mouse_body, new_point);
    if (m.left_click && state->mouse_joint == NULL) {
        cpFloat radius = 5.0;
        cpPointQueryInfo info = { 0 };
        cpShape* shape = cpSpacePointQueryNearest(state->space, mouse_pos,
                                                  radius, GRAB_FILTER, &info);
        if (shape && cpBodyGetMass(cpShapeGetBody(shape)) < INFINITY) {
            cpVect nearest = (info.distance > 0.0f ? info.point : mouse_pos);
            cpBody* body = cpShapeGetBody(shape);
            state->mouse_joint =
                cpPivotJointNew2(state->mouse_body, body, cpvzero,
                                 cpBodyWorldToLocal(body, nearest));
            cpConstraintSetMaxForce(state->mouse_joint, 5000000.0f);
                                     cpfpow(1.0f - 0.15f, 60.0f));
            cpSpaceAddConstraint(state->space, state->mouse_joint);
    if (m.left_click == false && state->mouse_joint != NULL) {
        cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(state->space, state->mouse_joint);                                                 
        state->mouse_joint = NULL;  
Ejemplo n.º 28
static cpSpace *
	ChipmunkDemoMessageString = "Control the crane by moving the mouse. Press the down arrow to release.";
	space = cpSpaceNew();
	cpSpaceSetIterations(space, 30);
	cpSpaceSetGravity(space, cpv(0, -100));
	cpSpaceSetDamping(space, 0.8);
	cpBody *staticBody = cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space);
	cpShape *shape;
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(320,-240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	// Add a body for the dolly.
	dollyBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(10, INFINITY));
	cpBodySetPos(dollyBody, cpv(0, 100));
	// Add a block so you can see it.
	cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpBoxShapeNew(dollyBody, 30, 30));
	// Add a groove joint for it to move back and forth on.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGrooveJointNew(staticBody, dollyBody, cpv(-250, 100), cpv(250, 100), cpvzero));
	// Add a pivot joint to act as a servo motor controlling it's position
	// By updating the anchor points of the pivot joint, you can move the dolly.
	dollyServo = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(staticBody, dollyBody, cpBodyGetPos(dollyBody)));
	// Max force the dolly servo can generate.
	cpConstraintSetMaxForce(dollyServo, 10000);
	// Max speed of the dolly servo
	cpConstraintSetMaxBias(dollyServo, 100);
	// You can also change the error bias to control how it slows down.
	//cpConstraintSetErrorBias(dollyServo, 0.2);
	// Add the crane hook.
	cpBody *hookBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(1, INFINITY));
	cpBodySetPos(hookBody, cpv(0, 50));
	// Add a sensor shape for it. This will be used to figure out when the hook touches a box.
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpCircleShapeNew(hookBody, 10, cpvzero));
	cpShapeSetSensor(shape, cpTrue);
	cpShapeSetCollisionType(shape, HOOK_SENSOR);
	// Add a slide joint to act as a winch motor
	// By updating the max length of the joint you can make it pull up the load.
	winchServo = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpSlideJointNew(dollyBody, hookBody, cpvzero, cpvzero, 0, INFINITY));
	// Max force the dolly servo can generate.
	cpConstraintSetMaxForce(winchServo, 30000);
	// Max speed of the dolly servo
	cpConstraintSetMaxBias(winchServo, 60);
	// TODO cleanup
	// Finally a box to play with
	cpBody *boxBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(30, cpMomentForBox(30, 50, 50)));
	cpBodySetPos(boxBody, cpv(200, -200));
	// Add a block so you can see it.
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpBoxShapeNew(boxBody, 50, 50));
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 0.7);
	cpShapeSetCollisionType(shape, CRATE);
	cpSpaceAddCollisionHandler(space, HOOK_SENSOR, CRATE, (cpCollisionBeginFunc)HookCrate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	return space;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static void
AttachHook(cpSpace *space, cpBody *hook, cpBody *crate)
	hookJoint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(hook, crate, cpBodyGetPos(hook)));
Ejemplo n.º 30
CDynamics2DCylinderEntity::CDynamics2DCylinderEntity(CDynamics2DEngine& c_engine,
        CCylinderEntity& c_entity) :
    CDynamics2DEntity(c_engine, c_entity.GetEmbodiedEntity()),
    m_ptBody(NULL) {
    /* Get the radius of the entity */
    Real fRadius = c_entity.GetRadius();
    m_fHalfHeight = c_entity.GetHeight() * 0.5f;
    /* Create a circle object in the physics space */
    const CVector3& cPosition = GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition();
    if(c_entity.IsMovable()) {
        /* The cylinder is movable */
        /* Create the body */
        m_ptBody = cpSpaceAddBody(m_cEngine.GetPhysicsSpace(),
                                                    fRadius + fRadius,
        m_ptBody->p = cpv(cPosition.GetX(), cPosition.GetY());
        CRadians cXAngle, cYAngle, cZAngle;
        GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation().ToEulerAngles(cZAngle, cYAngle, cXAngle);
        cpBodySetAngle(m_ptBody, cZAngle.GetValue());
        /* Create the geometry */
        m_ptShape = cpSpaceAddShape(m_cEngine.GetPhysicsSpace(),
                                    cpCircleShapeNew(m_ptBody, fRadius, cpvzero));
        /* This object is grippable */
        m_ptShape->collision_type = CDynamics2DEngine::SHAPE_GRIPPABLE;
        m_ptShape->data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&c_entity);
        /* No elasticity */
        m_ptShape->e = 0.0;
        /* Lots surface contact friction to help pushing */
        m_ptShape->u = 0.7;
        /* Friction with ground */
        m_ptLinearFriction =
        m_ptLinearFriction->biasCoef = 0.0f; // disable joint correction
        m_ptLinearFriction->maxForce = 1.0f; // emulate linear friction
        m_ptAngularFriction =
        m_ptAngularFriction->biasCoef = 0.0f; // disable joint correction
        m_ptAngularFriction->maxForce = 5.0f; // emulate angular friction
    else {
        /* The cylinder is not movable */
        /* Create the geometry */
        m_ptShape = cpSpaceAddStaticShape(m_cEngine.GetPhysicsSpace(),
                                                  cpv(cPosition.GetX(), cPosition.GetY())));
        /* This object is normal */
        m_ptShape->collision_type = CDynamics2DEngine::SHAPE_NORMAL;
        m_ptShape->data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&c_entity);
        /* No elasticity */
        m_ptShape->e = 0.0;
        /* Little contact friction to help sliding away */
        m_ptShape->u = 0.1;