 * Draw a screen-aligned quadrilateral.
 * Coords are clip coords with y=0=bottom.
static void
draw_quad(struct st_context *st,
          float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, GLfloat z,
          unsigned num_instances,
          const union pipe_color_union *color)
   struct cso_context *cso = st->cso_context;
   struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0};
   GLuint i;
   float (*vertices)[2][4];  /**< vertex pos + color */

   vb.stride = 8 * sizeof(float);

   if (u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(vertices[0]),
                      &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer,
                      (void **) &vertices) != PIPE_OK) {

   /* Convert Z from [0,1] to [-1,1] range */
   z = z * 2.0f - 1.0f;

   /* positions */
   vertices[0][0][0] = x0;
   vertices[0][0][1] = y0;

   vertices[1][0][0] = x1;
   vertices[1][0][1] = y0;

   vertices[2][0][0] = x1;
   vertices[2][0][1] = y1;

   vertices[3][0][0] = x0;
   vertices[3][0][1] = y1;

   /* same for all verts: */
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      vertices[i][0][2] = z;
      vertices[i][0][3] = 1.0;
      vertices[i][1][0] = color->f[0];
      vertices[i][1][1] = color->f[1];
      vertices[i][1][2] = color->f[2];
      vertices[i][1][3] = color->f[3];


   /* draw */
   cso_set_vertex_buffers(cso, cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(cso), 1, &vb);
   cso_draw_arrays_instanced(cso, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4,
                             0, num_instances);
   pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Setup all vertex pipeline state, rasterizer state, and fragment shader
 * constants, and issue the draw call for PBO upload/download.
 * The caller is responsible for saving and restoring state, as well as for
 * setting other fragment shader state (fragment shader, samplers), and
 * framebuffer/viewport/DSA/blend state.
st_pbo_draw(struct st_context *st, const struct st_pbo_addresses *addr,
            unsigned surface_width, unsigned surface_height)
   struct cso_context *cso = st->cso_context;

   /* Setup vertex and geometry shaders */
   if (!st->pbo.vs) {
      st->pbo.vs = st_pbo_create_vs(st);
      if (!st->pbo.vs)
         return false;

   if (addr->depth != 1 && st->pbo.use_gs && !st->pbo.gs) {
      st->pbo.gs = st_pbo_create_gs(st);
      if (!st->pbo.gs)
         return false;

   cso_set_vertex_shader_handle(cso, st->pbo.vs);

   cso_set_geometry_shader_handle(cso, addr->depth != 1 ? st->pbo.gs : NULL);

   cso_set_tessctrl_shader_handle(cso, NULL);

   cso_set_tesseval_shader_handle(cso, NULL);

   /* Upload vertices */
      struct pipe_vertex_buffer vbo = {0};
      struct pipe_vertex_element velem;

      float x0 = (float) addr->xoffset / surface_width * 2.0f - 1.0f;
      float y0 = (float) addr->yoffset / surface_height * 2.0f - 1.0f;
      float x1 = (float) (addr->xoffset + addr->width) / surface_width * 2.0f - 1.0f;
      float y1 = (float) (addr->yoffset + addr->height) / surface_height * 2.0f - 1.0f;

      float *verts = NULL;

      vbo.stride = 2 * sizeof(float);

      u_upload_alloc(st->pipe->stream_uploader, 0, 8 * sizeof(float), 4,
                     &vbo.buffer_offset, &vbo.buffer.resource, (void **) &verts);
      if (!verts)
         return false;

      verts[0] = x0;
      verts[1] = y0;
      verts[2] = x0;
      verts[3] = y1;
      verts[4] = x1;
      verts[5] = y0;
      verts[6] = x1;
      verts[7] = y1;


      velem.src_offset = 0;
      velem.instance_divisor = 0;
      velem.vertex_buffer_index = 0;
      velem.src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT;

      cso_set_vertex_elements(cso, 1, &velem);

      cso_set_vertex_buffers(cso, velem.vertex_buffer_index, 1, &vbo);

      pipe_resource_reference(&vbo.buffer.resource, NULL);

   /* Upload constants */
      struct pipe_constant_buffer cb;

      cb.buffer = NULL;
      cb.user_buffer = &addr->constants;
      cb.buffer_offset = 0;
      cb.buffer_size = sizeof(addr->constants);

      cso_set_constant_buffer(cso, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, 0, &cb);

      pipe_resource_reference(&cb.buffer, NULL);

   /* Rasterizer state */
   cso_set_rasterizer(cso, &st->pbo.raster);

   /* Disable stream output */
   cso_set_stream_outputs(cso, 0, NULL, 0);

   if (addr->depth == 1) {
      cso_draw_arrays(cso, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
   } else {
      cso_draw_arrays_instanced(cso, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
                                0, 4, 0, addr->depth);

   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Draw a quad with given position, texcoords and color.
st_draw_quad(struct st_context *st,
             float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float z,
             float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1,
             const float *color,
             unsigned num_instances)
   struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0};
   struct st_util_vertex *verts;

   vb.stride = sizeof(struct st_util_vertex);

   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(struct st_util_vertex), 4,
                  &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer, (void **) &verts);
   if (!vb.buffer) {
      return false;

   /* lower-left */
   verts[0].x = x0;
   verts[0].y = y1;
   verts[0].z = z;
   verts[0].r = color[0];
   verts[0].g = color[1];
   verts[0].b = color[2];
   verts[0].a = color[3];
   verts[0].s = s0;
   verts[0].t = t0;

   /* lower-right */
   verts[1].x = x1;
   verts[1].y = y1;
   verts[1].z = z;
   verts[1].r = color[0];
   verts[1].g = color[1];
   verts[1].b = color[2];
   verts[1].a = color[3];
   verts[1].s = s1;
   verts[1].t = t0;

   /* upper-right */
   verts[2].x = x1;
   verts[2].y = y0;
   verts[2].z = z;
   verts[2].r = color[0];
   verts[2].g = color[1];
   verts[2].b = color[2];
   verts[2].a = color[3];
   verts[2].s = s1;
   verts[2].t = t1;

   /* upper-left */
   verts[3].x = x0;
   verts[3].y = y0;
   verts[3].z = z;
   verts[3].r = color[0];
   verts[3].g = color[1];
   verts[3].b = color[2];
   verts[3].a = color[3];
   verts[3].s = s0;
   verts[3].t = t1;


   /* At the time of writing, cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot() always returns
    * zero.  If that ever changes we need to audit the calls to that function
    * and make sure the slot number is used consistently everywhere.
   assert(cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context) == 0);

                          1, &vb);

   if (num_instances > 1) {
      cso_draw_arrays_instanced(st->cso_context, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4,
                                0, num_instances);
   } else {
      cso_draw_arrays(st->cso_context, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);

   pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer, NULL);

   return true;