Ejemplo n.º 1
Robot::Kicker::Kicker(Robot* robot)
    rob = robot;

    float x = rob->m_x;
    float y = rob->m_y;
    float z = rob->m_z;
    float centerx = x+(rob->cfg->robotSettings.RobotCenterFromKicker+rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerThickness);
    float centery = y;
    float centerz = z-(rob->cfg->robotSettings.RobotHeight)*0.5f+rob->cfg->robotSettings.WheelRadius-rob->cfg->robotSettings.BottomHeight+rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerZ;
    box = new PBox(centerx,centery,centerz,rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerThickness,rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerWidth,rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerHeight,rob->cfg->robotSettings.KickerMass,0.9,0.9,0.9);
    box->space = rob->space;


    joint = dJointCreateHinge (rob->w->world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,rob->chassis->body,box->body);
    const dReal *aa = dBodyGetPosition (box->body);
    dJointSetHingeAnchor (joint,aa[0],aa[1],aa[2]);
    dJointSetHingeAxis (joint,0,-1,0);

    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamVel,0);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamLoStop,0);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamHiStop,0);

    rolling = 0;
    kicking = false;
void CManipulator::SetStop(dJointID myJoint,SStopPara stopPara)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: car.cpp Proyecto: alon/track
void Car::setSpeed(int ind, dReal speed) 
	if (axle[ind] != 0) {
		dJointSetHingeParam(axle[ind], dParamFMax, max_f);	// what should this be?
		dJointSetHingeParam(axle[ind], dParamVel, speed);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SkidSteeringVehicle::step(dReal stepSize) {

    for(int fr = 0; fr < 2; fr++) {
        dJointSetHingeParam(this->wheelJoint[fr][0], dParamVel, this->velocityLeft.get());
        dJointSetHingeParam(this->wheelJoint[fr][1], dParamVel, this->velocityRight.get());
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * This method is called if the joint should be attached.
 * It creates the ODE-joint, calculates the current anchor-position
 * and axis-orientation and attaches the Joint.
 * @param obj1 first ODE-object to attach with
 * @param obj2 second ODE-object to attach with
void HingeJoint::attachJoint(dBodyID obj1, dBodyID obj2)
	gmtl::Vec3f newAnchor, newAxis, scaleVec;
	gmtl::Quatf entityRot;
	gmtl::AxisAnglef axAng;
	TransformationData entityTrans;

	joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
	dJointAttach(joint, obj1, obj2);

	newAnchor = anchor;
	newAxis = axis;
	if (mainEntity != NULL)
		entityTrans = mainEntity->getEnvironmentTransformation();
// get the scale values of the mainEntity
		scaleVec = entityTrans.scale;

// scale Anchor-offset by mainEntity-scale value
		newAnchor[0] *= scaleVec[0];
		newAnchor[1] *= scaleVec[1];
		newAnchor[2] *= scaleVec[2];

// scale Axis by mainEntity-scale value because of possible distortion
		newAxis[0] *= scaleVec[0];
		newAxis[1] *= scaleVec[1];
		newAxis[2] *= scaleVec[2];

// get the Rotation of the mainEntity
		entityRot = entityTrans.orientation;

// rotate Axis by mainEntity-rotation
		newAxis *= entityRot;

// rotate Anchor-offset by mainEntity-rotation
		newAnchor *= entityRot;

// transform new Anchor to world coordinates
		newAnchor += entityTrans.position;

	} // if
	dJointSetHingeAnchor(joint, newAnchor[0], newAnchor[1], newAnchor[2]);
	dJointSetHingeAxis(joint, newAxis[0], newAxis[1], newAxis[2]);

// ODE parameters for minimizing failure in Hinge Joint
// It should not be correct this way but it works better than without it ;-)
	dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamCFM, 0);
	dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopERP, 0);
	dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopCFM, 0);

	oldAngle = 0;

// set the maximum and minimum Joint-angles (if set).
	if (anglesSet)
} // attachJoint
Ejemplo n.º 6
void HingeJoint::applyAnchor(dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
	dJointSetHingeAnchor(m_joint, x, y, z);

	// Set of max and min of joint angle
	dJointSetHingeAxis (m_joint, m_axis.x(), m_axis.y(), m_axis.z());
	dJointSetHingeParam(m_joint, dParamLoStop, -2.0*M_PI);
	dJointSetHingeParam(m_joint, dParamHiStop,  2.0*M_PI);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*** 制  御 ***/
static void control()
    dReal fMax  = 10.0;

    for (int i=0; i<WHEEL_NUM;i++)
        dJointSetHingeParam(wheel[i].joint, dParamVel , wheel[i].v);
        dJointSetHingeParam(wheel[i].joint, dParamFMax, fMax);
    printf("POWER=%d \r",POWER);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: arm1.cpp Proyecto: Ry0/ODE
/*** P制御 ***/
void Pcontrol()
  dReal k =  10.0, fMax = 100.0;                   // 比例ゲイン,最大トルク

  for (int j = 1; j < NUM; j++) {
    dReal tmp = dJointGetHingeAngle(joint[j]);     // 関節角の取得
    dReal z = THETA[j] - tmp;                      // 残差
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint[j],dParamVel, k*z);  // 角速度の設定
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint[j],dParamFMax,fMax); // トルクの設定
Ejemplo n.º 9
void control() {  /***  P control  ****/
  static int step = 0;     // Steps of simulation   &nbsp;
  double k1 =  10.0,  fMax  = 100.0; // k1: proportional gain,  fMax:Max torque[Nm]

  for (int j = 1; j < NUM; j++) {
    double tmpAngle = dJointGetHingeAngle(joint[j]);  // Present angle[rad]
    double z = THETA[j] - tmpAngle;  // z: residual=target angle - present angle
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint[j], dParamVel, k1*z); // Set angular velocity[m/s]
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint[j], dParamFMax, fMax); // Set max torque[N/m]
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool CODEHingeJoint::init(dWorld& world, dJointGroupID groupID)
	bool result = CODEJoint::init(world, groupID);

	if (mDryFriction > 0)
		dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamVel, 0);
		dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamFMax, mDryFriction);

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CODEHingeJoint::setParams()
	double anchorPos[3];
	dJointSetHingeAnchor(mID, anchorPos[0], anchorPos[1], anchorPos[2]);
	dJointSetHingeAxis(mID, mAxisX, mAxisY, mAxisZ);
	dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamLoStop, mLowerLimit);
	dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamHiStop, mUpperLimit);
	if (mStopERP >= 0)
		dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamStopERP, mStopERP);
	if (mStopCFM >= 0)
		dJointSetHingeParam(mID, dParamStopCFM, mStopCFM);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void JOINT::Create_In_Simulator(dWorldID world, OBJECT *firstObject, OBJECT *secondObject) {

	joint = dJointCreateHinge(world,0);

	dJointAttach( joint , firstObject->Get_Body() , secondObject->Get_Body() );




Ejemplo n.º 13
*@brief ジョイントの速度制御の関数
* @param v 目標速度
void ODEJointObj::ControlJointVel(double v)
	if(JointType == 0)
		dJointSetSliderParam(joint, dParamVel, v);
		dJointSetSliderParam(joint, dParamFMax, 200);
	else if(JointType == 2)
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint,dParamVel, v);
Ejemplo n.º 14
/* ------------------------
* ロボットの生成・制御・座標
------------------------ */
void ControlOmni(double vx, double vy, int n)
    /* ローカル変数の定義 */
    double wheelV[4] = {vy, vy, vx, vx};  /* 角速度 */
    for (int i=0; i< OMNI_NUM; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<WHEEL_NUM;j++)
            /* モータの目標速度,目標角速度 */
            dJointSetHingeParam(wheel[i][j].joint, dParamVel , wheelV[j]);
            /* 目標速度を達成するために発揮可能なトルクの最大値 */
            dJointSetHingeParam(wheel[i][j].joint, dParamFMax, 0.1);
            /* 1ステップでモータに過剰なトルクがかかるのを防ぐ */
            dJointSetHingeParam(wheel[i][j].joint, dParamFudgeFactor, 0.1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
		void JointSlider::SetAllMovParams(double LoStop, double HiStop,
										  double Velocity, double MaxForce,
										  double FudgeFactor, double Bounce,
										  double StopERP, double StopCFM)
			if (LoStop <= 0) 
				dJointSetHingeParam(this->_id, dParamLoStop, LoStop);

			if (HiStop >= 0)
				dJointSetHingeParam(this->_id, dParamHiStop, HiStop);

			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamVel, Velocity);
			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamFMax, MaxForce);
			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamFudgeFactor, FudgeFactor);
			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamBounce, Bounce);
			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamStopERP, StopERP);
			dJointSetSliderParam(this->_id, dParamStopCFM, StopCFM);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void ServoMotor::create(Joint* joint)
  ASSERT(dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge || dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeSlider);
  this->joint = positionSensor.joint = joint;
  if(dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge)
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint->joint, dParamFMax, maxForce);
    dJointSetSliderParam(joint->joint, dParamFMax, maxForce);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void createHingeLeg(ODEObject &leg,
	ODEObject &bodyAttachedTo,
	dJointID &joint,
	dReal xPos, dReal yPos, dReal zPos,
	dReal xRot, dReal yRot, dReal zRot,
	dReal radius, dReal length,
	dReal maxAngle, dReal minAngle,
	dReal anchorXPos, dReal anchorYPos, dReal anchorZPos)
	dMatrix3 legOrient;
	dRFromEulerAngles(legOrient, xRot, yRot, zRot);

	//position and orientation
	leg.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(leg.Body, xPos, yPos, zPos);
	dBodySetRotation(leg.Body, legOrient);
	dBodySetLinearVel(leg.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(leg.Body, (void *)0);

	dMass legMass;
	dMassSetCapsule(&legMass, 1, 3, radius, length);
	//dBodySetMass(leg.Body, &legMass);

	leg.Geom = dCreateCapsule(Space, radius, length);
	dGeomSetBody(leg.Geom, leg.Body);

	//hinge joint
	joint = dJointCreateHinge(World, jointgroup);

	//attach and anchor
	dJointAttach(joint, bodyAttachedTo.Body, leg.Body);
	dJointSetHingeAnchor(joint, anchorXPos, anchorYPos, anchorZPos);

	dJointSetHingeAxis(joint, 0, 1, 0);

	//Max and min angles
	dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle);
	dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, minAngle);

Ejemplo n.º 18
void ODE_Dynamixel::updateActuators() {

	if(mJoint != 0) {
		mCurrentPosition = dJointGetAMotorAngle(mJoint, 0);
		dJointSetHingeParam(mHingeJoint, dParamFMax, mCalculatedFriction);
		dJointSetAMotorParam(mJoint, dParamVel, mCalculatedVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void JOINT::Actuate(void) {

	if ( motorNeuron == NULL )


	double motorNeuronValue = motorNeuron->Get_Value();

	double zeroToOne = motorNeuronValue/2.0 + 0.5;

	double desiredAngle = zeroToOne * ( highStop - lowStop ) + lowStop;

	double currentAngle = dJointGetHingeAngle(joint);

	double diff = desiredAngle - currentAngle;

	dJointSetHingeParam(joint,dParamVel, speed * diff);

Ejemplo n.º 20
void sODEJoint::UpdateJoint( float fTimeDelta )
	if ( bMovingLimit )
		fMoveTime -= fTimeDelta;
		if ( fMoveTime < 0 ) 
			bMovingLimit = false;
			fMoveTime = 0;

		float lerp = fMoveTime / fOrigMoveTime;

		float fNewLow = fLowStart*lerp + fLowEnd*(1-lerp);
		float fNewHigh = fHighStart*lerp + fHighEnd*(1-lerp);

		dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamLoStop, fNewLow );
		dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamHiStop, fNewHigh );
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void set_phys_joint_attr(dJointID j, int p, float v)
    switch (dJointGetType(j))
    case dJointTypeHinge:     dJointSetHingeParam    (j, p, v); break;
    case dJointTypeSlider:    dJointSetSliderParam   (j, p, v); break;
    case dJointTypeHinge2:    dJointSetHinge2Param   (j, p, v); break;
    case dJointTypeUniversal: dJointSetUniversalParam(j, p, v); break;
    default: break;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void sODEJoint::SetMovingHingeLimit( float startlow, float starthigh, float endlow, float endhigh, float time )
	if ( time <= 0 ) 
		dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamLoStop, endlow );
		dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamHiStop, endhigh );

	bMovingLimit = true;
	fLowStart = startlow;
	fHighStart = starthigh;
	fLowEnd = endlow;
	fHighEnd = endhigh;
	fMoveTime = time;
	fOrigMoveTime = time;

	dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamLoStop, startlow );
	dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamHiStop, starthigh );
Ejemplo n.º 23
void Hinge::createPhysics()



  // find bodies to connect
  Body* parentBody = dynamic_cast<Body*>(parent);
  ASSERT(!parentBody || parentBody->body);
  Body* childBody = dynamic_cast<Body*>(*children.begin());

  // create joint
  joint = dJointCreateHinge(Simulation::simulation->physicalWorld, 0);
  dJointAttach(joint, childBody->body, parentBody ? parentBody->body : 0);
  //set hinge joint parameter
  dJointSetHingeAnchor(joint, pose.translation.x, pose.translation.y, pose.translation.z);
  Vector3<> globalAxis = pose.rotation * Vector3<>(axis->x, axis->y, axis->z);
  dJointSetHingeAxis(joint, globalAxis.x, globalAxis.y, globalAxis.z);
  if(axis->cfm != -1.f)
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamCFM, dReal(axis->cfm));

    const Axis::Deflection& deflection = *axis->deflection;
    float minHingeLimit = deflection.min;
    float maxHingeLimit = deflection.max;
    if(minHingeLimit > maxHingeLimit)
      minHingeLimit = maxHingeLimit;
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    float internalTolerance = (maxHingeLimit - minHingeLimit) * 0.1f;
      minHingeLimit -= internalTolerance;
      maxHingeLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minHingeLimit));
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, dReal(maxHingeLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minHingeLimit));
    if(deflection.stopCFM != -1.f)
      dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopCFM, dReal(deflection.stopCFM));
    if(deflection.stopERP != -1.f)
      dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamStopERP, dReal(deflection.stopERP));

  // create motor

  OpenGLTools::convertTransformation(rotation, translation, transformation);
void control()
    double k1 =  10.0,  fMax  = 100.0;                                      // k1:gain, fMax: max torque [Nm]

    for(int i=0;i<MAX_JOINTS;i++)
        current_angleR[i] = dJointGetHingeAngle(jointR[i]);              // current joint
        //double z = target_angleR[i]*M_PI/180 - current_angleR[i];        // z = target – current
        double z = target_angleR[i] - current_angleR[i];        // z = target – current
        // Set angular velocity for the joint: w = k1(th_tarjet-th_curr)
        dJointSetHingeParam(jointR[i],dParamFMax,fMax);                     // max torque
    for(int i=0;i<MAX_JOINTS;i++)
        current_angleL[i] = dJointGetHingeAngle(jointL[i]);              // current joint
        //double z = target_angleL[i]*M_PI/180 - current_angleL[i];               // z = target – current
        double z = target_angleL[i] - current_angleL[i];               // z = target – current
        // Set angular velocity for the joint: w = k1(th_tarjet-th_curr)
        dJointSetHingeParam(jointL[i],dParamFMax,fMax);                     // max torque
Ejemplo n.º 25
void ServoMotor::step(float stepSize) {


	if (isBurntOut_) {
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint_->getJoint(), dParamVel, 0);

	if (isVelocityDriven_) {
		if (fabs(desiredVelocity_) < 1e-5) {
			dJointSetHingeParam(joint_->getJoint(), dParamVel, 0);
		} else {
			dJointSetHingeParam(joint_->getJoint(), dParamVel, desiredVelocity_);
	} else {
		dReal curPosition = dJointGetHingeAngle(joint_->getJoint());
		dReal error = curPosition - desiredPosition_;

		dReal velocity = -gain_ * error / stepSize;

		if (velocity > MAX_VELOCITY) {
			velocity = MAX_VELOCITY;
		} else if (velocity < MIN_VELOCITY) {
			velocity = MIN_VELOCITY;

		if (fabs(velocity) > 1e-5) {
			dJointSetHingeParam(joint_->getJoint(), dParamVel, velocity);
		} else {
			dJointSetHingeParam(joint_->getJoint(), dParamVel, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 26
void SkidSteeringVehicle::create() {
    this->vehicleBody = dBodyCreate(this->environment->world);
    this->vehicleGeom = dCreateBox(this->environment->space, this->vehicleBodyLength, this->vehicleBodyWidth, this->vehicleBodyHeight);
    this->environment->setGeomName(this->vehicleGeom, name + ".vehicleGeom");
    dMassSetBox(&this->vehicleMass, this->density, this->vehicleBodyLength, this->vehicleBodyWidth, this->vehicleBodyHeight);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits(this->vehicleGeom, Category::OBSTACLE);
    dGeomSetCollideBits(this->vehicleGeom, Category::OBSTACLE | Category::TERRAIN);
    dBodySetMass(this->vehicleBody, &this->vehicleMass);
    dBodySetPosition(this->vehicleBody, this->xOffset, this->yOffset, this->zOffset);
    dGeomSetBody(this->vehicleGeom, this->vehicleBody);
    dGeomSetOffsetPosition(this->vehicleGeom, 0, 0, this->wheelRadius);

    dReal w = this->vehicleBodyWidth + this->wheelWidth + 2 * this->trackVehicleSpace;
    for(int fr = 0; fr < 2; fr++) {
        for(int lr = 0; lr < 2; lr++) {
            this->wheelGeom[fr][lr] = dCreateCylinder(this->environment->space, this->wheelRadius, this->wheelWidth);
            this->environment->setGeomName(this->wheelGeom[fr][lr], this->name + "." + (!fr ? "front" : "rear") + (!lr ? "Left" : "Right") + "Wheel");
            dGeomSetCategoryBits(this->wheelGeom[fr][lr], Category::TRACK_GROUSER);
            dGeomSetCollideBits(this->wheelGeom[fr][lr], Category::TERRAIN);
            dMassSetCylinder(&this->wheelMass[fr][lr], this->density, 3, this->wheelRadius, this->wheelWidth);
            this->wheelBody[fr][lr] = dBodyCreate(this->environment->world);
            dBodySetMass(this->wheelBody[fr][lr], &this->wheelMass[fr][lr]);
            dGeomSetBody(this->wheelGeom[fr][lr], this->wheelBody[fr][lr]);
            dBodySetPosition(this->wheelBody[fr][lr], this->xOffset + (fr - 0.5) * this->wheelBase, this->yOffset + w * (lr - 0.5), this->zOffset);
            dMatrix3 wheelR;
            dRFromZAxis(wheelR, 0, 2 * lr - 1, 0);
            dBodySetRotation(this->wheelBody[fr][lr], wheelR);
            this->wheelJoint[fr][lr] = dJointCreateHinge(this->environment->world, 0);
            dJointAttach(this->wheelJoint[fr][lr], this->vehicleBody, this->wheelBody[fr][lr]);
            dJointSetHingeAnchor(this->wheelJoint[fr][lr], this->xOffset + (fr - 0.5) * this->wheelBase, this->yOffset + this->vehicleBodyWidth * (lr - 0.5), this->zOffset);
            dJointSetHingeAxis(this->wheelJoint[fr][lr], 0, 1, 0);
            dJointSetHingeParam(this->wheelJoint[fr][lr], dParamFMax, 5.0);
    this->bodyArray = dRigidBodyArrayCreate(this->vehicleBody);
    for(int fr = 0; fr < 2; fr++) {
        for(int lr = 0; lr < 2; lr++) {
            dRigidBodyArrayAdd(this->bodyArray, this->wheelBody[fr][lr]);
void ODE_PID_PassiveActuatorModel::updateInputValues() 
	if(mJoint != 0) {
		double desiredAngle = 0.0;
		PassiveActuatorAdapter *owner = dynamic_cast<PassiveActuatorAdapter*>(mOwner);

		if(owner != 0) {
			desiredAngle = (owner->getReferenceAngle() + owner->getReferenceOffsetAngle()) 
							* owner->getGearRatio() + owner->getOffsetAngle();

		double currentAngle = dJointGetAMotorAngle(mJoint, 0);
		mPID_Controller.update(currentAngle, desiredAngle * Math::PI / 180.0);

		dJointSetAMotorParam(mJoint, dParamFMax, mMaxForce->get());
		dJointSetHingeParam(mHingeJoint, dParamFMax, mFriction->get());
		dJointSetAMotorParam(mJoint, dParamVel, mPID_Controller.getVelocity());
Ejemplo n.º 28
void ServoMotor::act()
  const float currentPos = dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge
                           ? dJointGetHingeAngle(joint->joint)
                           : dJointGetSliderPosition(joint->joint);

  float setpoint = this->setpoint;
  const float maxValueChange = maxVelocity * Simulation::simulation->scene->stepLength;
  if(std::abs(setpoint - currentPos) > maxValueChange)
    if(setpoint < currentPos)
      setpoint = currentPos - maxValueChange;
      setpoint = currentPos + maxValueChange;

  const float newVel = controller.getOutput(currentPos, setpoint);
  if(dJointGetType(joint->joint) == dJointTypeHinge)
    dJointSetHingeParam(joint->joint, dParamVel, dReal(newVel));
    dJointSetSliderParam(joint->joint, dParamVel, dReal(newVel));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * This method sets the minimum and maximum angle of the ODE-hinge joint.
 * The method checks if the first or the second EntityTransform is the
 * mainEntity, because then the angles have to be set into different
 * directions. The maxAngle-parameter is set two times, because ODE only
 * accepts it if the maximum angle is above the minimum angle. To avoid
 * checking this we easily set it two times.
void HingeJoint::setODEAngles()
	if (!firstIsMain)
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle - deltaAngle - deltaAngleODE);
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, minAngle - deltaAngle - deltaAngleODE);
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle - deltaAngle - deltaAngleODE);

// 		printf("\nHingeJoint::setODEAngles(): HiStop = %f LoStop = %f\n",  maxAngle - deltaAngle - deltaAngleODE, minAngle - deltaAngle - deltaAngleODE);
	} else
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle + deltaAngle + deltaAngleODE);
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamLoStop, minAngle + deltaAngle + deltaAngleODE);
		dJointSetHingeParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle + deltaAngle + deltaAngleODE);

// 		printf("\nHingeJoint::setODEAngles(): HiStop = %f LoStop = %f\n",  maxAngle + deltaAngle + deltaAngleODE, minAngle + deltaAngle + deltaAngleODE);
	} // else
} // setODEAngles
Ejemplo n.º 30
void sODEJoint::SetHingeLimit( float low, float high )
	dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamLoStop, low );
	dJointSetHingeParam( oJoint, dParamHiStop, high );