int main(int argc, char ** argv) { const int N = 1024 * 32; int alignoffset = 0; if(argc>1) { alignoffset = atoi(argv[1]); printf("alignment offset = %d \n", alignoffset); } char *origbuffer = malloc(N + alignoffset); char *origtmpbuffer = malloc(N + alignoffset); char *buffer = origbuffer + alignoffset; char *tmpbuffer = origtmpbuffer + alignoffset; printf("pointer alignment = %d bytes \n", 1<< __builtin_ctzll((uintptr_t)(const void *)(buffer))); int repeat = 100; size_t howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N); BEST_TIME_NOCHECK_NOPRE(memcpy(tmpbuffer,buffer,N), repeat, N); printf("\n"); BEST_TIME(despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME(neon_despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME(neon_despace_branchless(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME(neontbl_despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); free(origbuffer); free(origtmpbuffer); }
std::set<std::string> getAcceptRanges() const { std::set<std::string> V; if ( fields.find("accept-ranges") == fields.end() ) return V; std::string const v = fields.find("accept-ranges")->second; std::deque<std::string> tokens = libmaus2::util::stringFunctions::tokenize(v,std::string(",")); for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) { std::string s = despace(tolower(tokens[i])); if ( s.size() ) V.insert(s); } return V; }
std::string TS_Util::fixExpr(std::string expr) { std::string result = expr; result = despace(result); result = replaceEx(result, "++", cstr(OP_INC)); result = replaceEx(result, "--", cstr(OP_DEC)); result = replaceEx(result, "+=", cstr(OP_ADD_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, "-=", cstr(OP_SUB_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, "*=", cstr(OP_MUL_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, "/=", cstr(OP_DIV_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, "^=", cstr(OP_POW_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, ">=", cstr(OP_GE)); result = replaceEx(result, "<=", cstr(OP_LE)); result = replaceEx(result, "!=", cstr(OP_NEQ)); result = replaceEx(result, "==", cstr(OP_EQ)); result = replaceEx(result, "=", cstr(OP_SET)); result = replaceEx(result, "&&", "&"); result = replaceEx(result, "||", "|"); result = replaceEx(result, "(xor)", "#"); result = replaceEx(result, "(nand)", cstr(OP_NAND)); result = replaceEx(result, "(nor)", cstr(OP_NOR)); result = replaceEx(result, "(nxor)", cstr(OP_NXOR)); result = replaceEx(result, "(band)", cstr(OP_BAND)); result = replaceEx(result, "(bor)", cstr(OP_BOR)); result = replaceEx(result, "<<", "\\"); result = replaceEx(result, ">>", "\\-"); result = replaceEx(result, "(max)", cstr(OP_MAX)); result = replaceEx(result, "(min)", cstr(OP_MIN)); result = replaceEx(result, "(imp)", cstr(OP_IMP)); if (result != "(pi)") result = replaceEx(result, "(pi)", PI_STR); result = replaceEx(result, "(e)", "exp(1)"); result = replaceEx(result, "()", "(0)"); result = replaceEx(result, ")(", ")*("); return result; }
void init( std::string method, std::string addreq, std::string host, std::string path, unsigned int port = 80, bool ssl = false ) { bool headercomplete = false; std::set<InitParameters> seen; while ( ! headercomplete ) { InitParameters const initparams(method,addreq,host,path,port,ssl); if ( seen.find(initparams) != seen.end() ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: redirect loop detected, method=" << method << " host=" << host << " path=" << path << " port=" << port << " ssl=" << ssl << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } seen.insert(initparams); fields.clear(); CS.reset(); OS.reset(); SIS.reset(); GTLSIOS.reset(); SIOS = 0; bool const hasproxy = (ssl && hasHttpsProxy()) || ((!ssl) && hasHttpProxy()); if ( hasproxy ) { HttpAbsoluteUrl proxyurl = ssl ? HttpAbsoluteUrl(getenv("https_proxy")) : HttpAbsoluteUrl(getenv("http_proxy")); // std::cerr << "[D] using proxy " << proxyurl << std::endl; if ( proxyurl.ssl ) { #if defined(LIBMAUS2_HAVE_GNUTLS) libmaus2::network::GnuTLSSocket::unique_ptr_type tGTLSIOS(new libmaus2::network::GnuTLSSocket(,proxyurl.port,"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt","/etc/ssl/certs",true)); GTLSIOS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tGTLSIOS); SIOS = GTLSIOS.get(); #else libmaus2::network::OpenSSLSocket::unique_ptr_type tOS(new libmaus2::network::OpenSSLSocket(,proxyurl.port,0,"/etc/ssl/certs",true)); OS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tOS); SIOS = OS.get(); #endif libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream::unique_ptr_type tSIS(new libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream(*SIOS,64*1024)); SIS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tSIS); } else { libmaus2::network::ClientSocket::unique_ptr_type tCS(new libmaus2::network::ClientSocket(proxyurl.port,; CS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tCS); SIOS = CS.get(); libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream::unique_ptr_type tSIS(new libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream(*CS,64*1024)); SIS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tSIS); } } else { if ( ssl ) { #if defined(LIBMAUS2_HAVE_GNUTLS) libmaus2::network::GnuTLSSocket::unique_ptr_type tGTLSIOS(new libmaus2::network::GnuTLSSocket(host,port,"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt","/etc/ssl/certs",true)); GTLSIOS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tGTLSIOS); SIOS = GTLSIOS.get(); #else libmaus2::network::OpenSSLSocket::unique_ptr_type tOS(new libmaus2::network::OpenSSLSocket(host,port,0,"/etc/ssl/certs",true)); OS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tOS); SIOS = OS.get(); #endif libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream::unique_ptr_type tSIS(new libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream(*SIOS,64*1024)); SIS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tSIS); } else { libmaus2::network::ClientSocket::unique_ptr_type tCS(new libmaus2::network::ClientSocket(port,host.c_str())); CS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tCS); SIOS = CS.get(); libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream::unique_ptr_type tSIS(new libmaus2::network::SocketInputStream(*CS,64*1024)); SIS = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(tSIS); } } std::ostringstream reqastr; if ( hasproxy ) { reqastr << method << " " << (ssl ? "https" : "http") << "://" << host << ":" << port << path << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; reqastr << "Connection: close\r\n"; } else { reqastr << method << " " << path << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; reqastr << "Host: " << host << "\r\n"; } reqastr << addreq; reqastr << "\r\n"; // send request std::string const reqa = reqastr.str(); SIOS->write(reqa.c_str(),reqa.size()); libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray<char> c(128,false); char last4[4] = {0,0,0,0}; bool done = false; std::ostringstream headstr; while ( !done ) { SIS->readsome(c.begin(),c.size()); ssize_t r = SIS->gcount(); // buffer is empty, try to fill it if ( ! r ) { SIS->read(c.begin(),1); r = SIS->gcount(); if ( ! r ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: unexpected EOF/error while reading header" << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } else { SIS->unget(); continue; } } for ( ssize_t i = 0; (!done) && i < r; ++i ) { headstr.put(c[i]); last4[0] = last4[1]; last4[1] = last4[2]; last4[2] = last4[3]; last4[3] = c[i]; if ( last4[0] == '\r' && last4[1] == '\n' && last4[2] == '\r' && last4[3] == '\n' ) { for ( ssize_t j = i+1; j < r; ++j ) SIS->unget(); // SIS->clear(); done = true; } } } std::istringstream linestr(headstr.str()); std::vector<std::string> lines; while ( linestr ) { std::string line; std::getline(linestr,line); while ( line.size() && isspace(line[line.size()-1]) ) { line = line.substr(0,line.size()-1); } if ( line.size() ) lines.push_back(line); } if ( ! lines.size() ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: unable to get header" << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } statusline = lines[0]; std::vector<std::string> statustokens; for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < statusline.size(); ) { while ( i < statusline.size() && isspace(statusline[i]) ) ++i; uint64_t j = i; while ( j < statusline.size() && (!isspace(statusline[j])) ) ++j; std::string const token = statusline.substr(i,j-i); i = j; statustokens.push_back(token); } if ( statustokens.size() < 2 ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: status line " << statusline << " invalid" << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } std::string const replyformat = statustokens[0]; std::istringstream statuscodeistr(statustokens[1]); uint64_t statuscode; statuscodeistr >> statuscode; if ( ! statuscodeistr ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: invalid status code " << statustokens[1] << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } if ( replyformat != "HTTP/1.0" && replyformat != "HTTP/1.1" ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: unknown reply format " << replyformat << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } // std::cerr << "status code " << statuscode << std::endl; for ( uint64_t i = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i ) { std::string const line = lines[i]; uint64_t col = 0; while ( col < line.size() && line[col] != ':' ) ++col; if ( ! col || col == line.size() ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: invalid key value pair " << line << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } std::string const key = tolower(despace(line.substr(0,col))); std::string const val = despace(line.substr(col+1)); fields[key] = val; } switch ( statuscode ) { case 301: case 302: case 307: case 308: { std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = fields.end(); if ( it == fields.end() ) it = fields.find("Location"); if ( it == fields.end() ) it = fields.find("location"); if ( it == fields.end() ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: redirect status code " << statuscode << " but no location given" << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } std::string location = it->second; // std::cerr << "redirecting " << statuscode << " to " << location << std::endl; if ( ::libmaus2::network::HttpAbsoluteUrl::isHttpAbsoluteUrl(location) || ::libmaus2::network::HttpAbsoluteUrl::isHttpsAbsoluteUrl(location) ) { ::libmaus2::network::HttpAbsoluteUrl url(location); host =; port = url.port; path = url.path; ssl = url.ssl; } else if ( ::libmaus2::network::HttpAbsoluteUrl::isAbsoluteUrl(location) ) { libmaus2::exception::LibMausException lme; lme.getStream() << "HttpHeader: unsupported protocol in location " << location << std::endl; lme.finish(); throw lme; } else { path = location; } break; } default: { headercomplete = true; break; } } } #if 0 std::cerr << statusline << std::endl; for ( std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator ita = fields.begin(); ita != fields.end(); ++ita ) { std::cerr << ita->first << ": " << ita->second << std::endl; } #endif = host; url.port = port; url.path = path; url.ssl = ssl; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef __SSSE3__ gen_table_1mb(); #endif const int N = 1024; int alignoffset = 0; if (argc > 1) { alignoffset = atoi(argv[1]); printf("alignment offset = %d \n", alignoffset); } char *origbuffer = malloc(N + alignoffset); char *origtmpbuffer = malloc(N + alignoffset); char *buffer = origbuffer + alignoffset; char *tmpbuffer = origtmpbuffer + alignoffset; printf("pointer alignment = %d bytes \n", 1 << __builtin_ctzll((uintptr_t)(const void *)(buffer))); int repeat = 100; size_t howmanywhite; BEST_TIME_NOCHECK(memcpy(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(countspaces(buffer, N), howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(countspaces32(buffer, N), howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace32(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(faster_despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(faster_despace32(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace64(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_to(buffer, N, tmpbuffer), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_branchless(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_cmov(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_table(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); #ifdef __SSSE3__ BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_ssse3_cumsum(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_ssse3_lut_1kb(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_ssse3_lut_1mb(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); #endif #ifdef __AVX2__ BEST_TIME_CHECK(avx2_countspaces(buffer, N), howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(despace_avx2_vpermd(tmpbuffer, buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(avx2_despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(avx2_despace_branchless(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(avx2_despace_branchless_u2(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); #endif #ifdef __SSE4_1__ BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace_branchless(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace_branchless32(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace_branchless_u2(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace_branchless_u4(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse4_despace_trail(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); #endif #ifdef __SSE4_2__ BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse42_despace_branchless(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse42_despace_branchless_lookup(buffer, N), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); BEST_TIME_CHECK(sse42_despace_to(buffer, N, tmpbuffer), N - howmanywhite, howmanywhite = fillwithtext(buffer, N), repeat, N); #endif free(origbuffer); free(origtmpbuffer); }