// Returns TRUE if more than OTB_DS18B20_MAX_DS18B20S devices bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR otb_ds18b20_get_devices(void) { int rc; char ds18b20[OTB_DS18B20_DEVICE_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; char crc; otb_ds18b20_count = 0; do { rc = ds_search(ds18b20); if (rc) { // I want the address format in the same format as debian/raspbian // Which reverses the order of all but the first byte, and drops the CRC8 // byte at the end (which we'll check). os_memcpy(otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].addr, ds18b20, OTB_DS18B20_DEVICE_ADDRESS_LENGTH); os_snprintf((char*)otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].friendly, OTB_DS18B20_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH, "%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", ds18b20[0], ds18b20[6], ds18b20[5], ds18b20[4], ds18b20[3], ds18b20[2], ds18b20[1]); crc = crc8(ds18b20, 7); if(crc != ds18b20[7]) { WARN("DS18B20: CRC error: %s, crc=%xd", otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].friendly, crc); } otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].timer_int = 0; otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].index = otb_ds18b20_count; otb_ds18b20_count++; DEBUG("DS18B20: Successfully read device address %s", otb_ds18b20_addresses[otb_ds18b20_count].friendly); } } while (rc && (otb_ds18b20_count < OTB_DS18B20_MAX_DS18B20S)); if (rc) { rc = ds_search(ds18b20); } return(rc); }
int makeListOrganisations (struct namelist **olistp) { entrystruct * x; int retval; if (rebind() != OK) return NOTOK; retval = ds_search(&sarg, &serror, &sresult); if ((retval == DSE_INTR_ABANDONED) && (serror.dse_type == DSE_ABANDONED)) abandoned = TRUE; if (retval != OK) return NOTOK; correlate_search_results (&sresult); setProblemFlags(sresult); highNumber = 0; for (x = sresult.CSR_entries; x != NULLENTRYINFO; x = x->ent_next) { *olistp = list_alloc(); (*olistp)->name = dn2pstr(x->ent_dn); (*olistp)->ats = as_cpy(x->ent_attr); olistp = &(*olistp)->next; highNumber++; } *olistp = NULLLIST; entryinfo_free(sresult.CSR_entries, 0); dn_free (sresult.CSR_object); crefs_free (sresult.CSR_cr); filter_free(sarg.sra_filter); return OK; }
dsEnqError list_start() { struct ds_search_arg search_arg; struct ds_search_result result; struct DSError error; dsEnqError return_error; return_error = Okay; if (get_default_service (&search_arg.sra_common) != 0) { return localdsaerror; } search_arg.sra_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_options = SVC_OPT_PREFERCHAIN; search_arg.sra_baseobject = (*base_path != 'T'? str2dn (base_path): NULLDN); search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = FALSE; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTETYPESONLY; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_select = 0; search_arg.sra_searchaliases = TRUE; search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_ONELEVEL; search_arg.sra_filter = filter_alloc(); search_arg.sra_filter->flt_type = FILTER_NOT; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_next = NULLFILTER; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter = filter_alloc(); search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_type = FILTER_ITEM; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_next = NULLFILTER; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_type = FILTERITEM_EQUALITY; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un. fi_un_ava.ava_type = AttrT_new(""); search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un. fi_un_ava.ava_value = str2AttrV("dsa", search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter-> flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_type-> oa_syntax); #ifndef NO_STATS LLOG (log_stat,LLOG_NOTICE,("search +%s,extent %d, val objectClass != dsa", base_path,search_arg.sra_subset)); #endif if (search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item. fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_value == NULLAttrV) { return_error = localdsaerror; } else if (ds_search (&search_arg, &error, &result) != DS_OK) { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; log_ds_error(&error); ds_error_free(&error); switch (error.dse_type) { case DSE_LOCALERROR: return_error = duaerror; break; case DSE_REMOTEERROR: return_error = localdsaerror; break; case DSE_ATTRIBUTEERROR: return_error = attributerror; break; case DSE_REFERRAL: case DSE_DSAREFERRAL: return_error = remotedsaerror; break; case DSE_SECURITYERROR: return_error = security; break; case DSE_NAMEERROR: return_error = namerror; break; case DSE_SERVICEERROR: return_error = serviceerror; break; default: return_error = localdsaerror; break; } } else { dn_number = 0; if (result.CSR_entries != NULLENTRYINFO) { register EntryInfo *ptr; free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; for (ptr = result.CSR_entries; ptr != NULLENTRYINFO; ptr = ptr->ent_next) { dn_number++; dn2buf ((caddr_t)ptr->ent_dn, goto_path); add_seq (&dnseq, goto_path); } if (dn_number) dnseq = SortList(dnseq); } else if (result.CSR_limitproblem == LSR_NOLIMITPROBLEM) { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; return_error = nothingfound; } if (result.CSR_limitproblem != LSR_NOLIMITPROBLEM) { switch (result.CSR_limitproblem) { case LSR_TIMELIMITEXCEEDED: if (dn_number > 0) return_error = timelimit_w_partial; else { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; return_error = timelimit; } break; case LSR_SIZELIMITEXCEEDED: return_error = listsizelimit; break; case LSR_ADMINSIZEEXCEEDED: if (dn_number > 0) return_error = adminlimit_w_partial; else { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; return_error = adminlimit; } break; } } if (result.CSR_entries) entryinfo_free(result.CSR_entries, 0); } entry_number = dn_number; filter_free(search_arg.sra_filter); dn_free(search_arg.sra_baseobject); ds_error_free(&error); return return_error; }
main() { struct passwd *pw_entry ; struct passwd *getpwuid() ; struct stat buf ; int i = 1 ; int uid ; int um ; char pass1[LINESIZE] ; char pass2[LINESIZE] ; char Read_in_Stuff[LINESIZE] ; char **vecptr ; char *tmpdraft ; char home_dir[LINESIZE] ; char *p, *part1, *part2 ; char quipurc_file[100] ; char tailor_file[100] ; char user_name[9] ; char *localptr = Local ; char print_format = EDBOUT ; EntryInfo *ptr ; static CommonArgs ca = default_common_args; vecptr = (char **) malloc(100) ; vecptr[0] = malloc (LINESIZE) ; (void) strcpy(vecptr[0], "showentry") ; (void) strcpy(pass1, "x") ; (void) strcpy(pass2, "y") ; tmpdraft = malloc (LINESIZE) ; (void) strcpy(tmpdraft, "/tmp/dish-") ; if ((opt = ps_alloc (std_open)) == NULLPS) fatal (-62, "ps_alloc failed"); if (std_setup (opt, stderr) == NOTOK) fatal (-63, "std_setup failed"); if ((rps = ps_alloc (std_open)) == NULLPS) fatal (-64, "ps_alloc 2 failed"); if (std_setup (rps, stdout) == NOTOK) fatal (-65, "std_setup 2 failed"); (void) strcpy(filterstring, "userid=") ; /* Sort out files, userids etc. */ uid=getuid() ; if ((pw_entry=getpwuid(uid)) == 0) { ps_printf(rps, "Who are you? (no name for your uid number)\n") ; exit(1) ; } (void) strcpy(user_name, pw_entry->pw_name) ; (void) strcat(tmpdraft, user_name) ; if (getenv("HOME") == 0) { ps_printf(rps, "No home directory?!!") ; (void) strcpy(home_dir, pw_entry->pw_dir) ; } else { (void) strcpy(home_dir, getenv("HOME")) ; } (void) strcpy(quipurc_file, home_dir) ; (void) strcat(quipurc_file, "/.quipurc") ; (void) strcpy(tailor_file, isodefile ("dishinit", 1)); Manager[0] = 0; Password[0] = 0; Local[0] = 0; (void) stat(tailor_file, &buf) ; (void) seteuid(buf.st_uid) ; /* set effective to enable */ /* us to read protected file */ if ((fp_tailor = fopen(tailor_file, "r")) == 0) { ps_print(rps, "Can't open Tailor File. Abort.\n") ; exit(1) ; } while (fgets (Read_in_Stuff, LINESIZE, fp_tailor) != 0) { if (!strcmp(Read_in_Stuff, "##Anything after this line is copied into the users ~/.quipurc file\n")) { break ; } p = SkipSpace (Read_in_Stuff); if (( *p == '#') || (*p == '\0')) continue; /* ignore comments and blanks */ part1 = p; if ((part2 = index (p,':')) == NULLCP) { ps_printf (opt,"Seperator missing '%s'. Ignoring..\n",p); } *part2++ = '\0'; part2 = TidyString (part2); if (lexequ(part1, "manager") == 0) { (void) strcpy(Manager, part2) ; } else if (lexequ(part1, "password") == 0) { (void) strcpy(Password, part2) ; } else if (lexequ(part1, "local") == 0) { (void) strcpy(Local, part2) ; } else { ps_printf(rps, "Error in tailor. What's a %s?\n", part1) ; } } (void) setuid(uid) ; /* Restore Userid to original user. */ /* create ~/.quipurc file. NB this does eradicate anything in there. * (Theoretically nothing.) */ if (Manager[0] == 0) { ps_print(rps, "Can't find out the managers name\n") ; exit(1) ; } if (Password[0] == 0) { ps_print(rps, "Can't find out the managers password\n") ; exit(1) ; } if (Local[0] == 0) { ps_print(rps, "Can't find out where to search\n") ; exit(1) ; } um = umask(0177) ; if ((fp_quipurc = fopen(quipurc_file, "w")) == 0) { ps_printf(rps, "Can't open ~/.quipurc. Aborting..\n") ; exit(1) ; } (void) umask(um) ; if ((fileps = ps_alloc(std_open)) == NULLPS) { fatal (-66, "ps_alloc 2 failed"); } if (std_setup (fileps, fp_quipurc) == NOTOK) { fatal (-67, "std_setup 2 failed"); } /* Sorting out the bind section */ quipu_syntaxes() ; /* set up the needed function pointers */ dsap_init(&i, &vecptr) ; (void) strcpy(bindarg.dba_passwd, Password) ; bindarg.dba_version = DBA_VERSION_V1988; bindarg.dba_passwd_len = strlen(bindarg.dba_passwd) ; if ((bindarg.dba_dn = str2dn (Manager)) == NULLDN) { ps_printf (opt,"Invalid Manager name %s (???!)\n",Manager) ; exit(1) ; } if (ds_bind (&bindarg, &binderr, &bindresult) != OK) { ps_printf(rps, "Can't bind as the manager.\n") ; exit(1); } /* Hopefully, should be successfully bound */ /* * We now call the search stuff with the right bits, to see if we can get a * match of uid='user_name'. Once there, we echo lots of information from * their entry out to the .quipurc file. * Hopefully there should only be one match. This assumes that ALL dir info * up to date, and that SG do not allow multiple users with the same login. */ /* set up the appropriate structures and defaults. */ search_arg.sra_common = ca; /* struct copy */ search_arg.sra_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_sizelimit = 2 ; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = FALSE ; search_arg.sra_searchaliases = FALSE; search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_ONELEVEL; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTESANDVALUES ; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ; search_arg.sra_filter = filter_alloc() ; /* Default filter. */ search_arg.sra_filter->flt_next = NULLFILTER; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_type = FILTER_ITEM; search_arg.sra_filter->FUFILT = NULLFILTER; if (*localptr == '@') { localptr++; } if ((search_arg.sra_baseobject = str2dn(localptr)) == NULLDN) { ps_printf (opt,"Invalid sequence in username %s.\n", localptr); exit(1) ; } (void) strcat(filterstring, user_name) ; search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_type = FILTERITEM_EQUALITY ; if ((search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_type = AttrT_new ("userid")) == NULLAttrT) { ps_printf(rps, "Oops, userid is not a valid attr type. ABORT!!\n") ; exit(1) ; } if ((search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_value = str2AttrV (user_name, search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_type->oa_syntax)) == NULLAttrV) { ps_printf(rps, "%s is not a valid attribute value.\n", user_name) ; } /* call search */ /* We now ought to be in the right place, and with the search stuff set, * ready to call search, and receive one (or no) entry back, which then * gets processed accordingly. */ if (ds_search (&search_arg, &search_error, &search_result) != DS_OK) { ps_printf(rps, "Search failed...\n") ; exit (1) ; /* This is not the same as coming back with */ /* message "search failed to find anything. */ } /* If the user does not exist in the DIT, print out the limited .quipurc * and the warning message, and allow the user to play DISH. */ if (search_result.CSR_entries == NULLENTRYINFO) { ps_printf(opt, "Unfortunately, you seem to have no entry in\n") ; ps_printf(opt, "the directory. Contact '%s' who should be able to help.\n", Manager) ; ps_printf(opt, "In the mean time, you can read, but not write.\n") ; } else { ptr = search_result.CSR_entries ; dn = dn_cpy(ptr->ent_dn) ; /* Essence of move user_name. */ /* collect the info and put it into current_entry */ /* Set up the desired attribute type to be read*/ /* from read.c */ if ((at = AttrT_new ("userPassword")) != NULLAttrT) { as_flag = as_merge (as_flag, as_comp_new (AttrT_cpy (at), NULLAV, NULLACL_INFO)); } else { ps_printf(rps, "Oops, Serious error. unknown attribute type 'userPassword'.\n") ; exit(1) ; } if ((current_entry = local_find_entry (dn, FALSE)) == NULLENTRY) { read_arg.rda_common = ca; /* struct copy */ read_arg.rda_object = dn; read_arg.rda_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTESANDVALUES; read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ; read_arg.rda_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ; if (ds_read (&read_arg, &read_error, &read_result) != DS_OK) { ps_printf(rps, "We even seem to be having problems reading\n" ) ; ps_printf(rps, "an entry we searched and found!! HELP!!\n") ; exit(1) ; } if (read_result.rdr_entry.ent_attr == NULLATTR) { ps_printf(rps, "No attributes present. Even though\n") ; ps_printf(rps, "we found you by userid attribute!!! HELP!!\n") ; exit (1) ; } cache_entry (&(read_result.rdr_entry), read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes, TRUE) ; } if ((current_entry = local_find_entry (dn, FALSE)) == NULLENTRY) { ps_printf(rps, "We still have nothing.Even after reading? Abort.\n") ; exit(1) ; } ps_printf(fileps, "username: "******"\n") ; ps_printf(fileps, "me: ") ; dn_print(fileps, dn, EDBOUT) ; ps_printf(fileps, "\n") ; /* now showattribute -nokey to display it. */ ps_printf(fileps, "password: "******"You need a password...\n") ; (void) strcpy(pass1, getpassword("Enter Password: "******"Re-enter password: "******"\nMismatch - Try again.\n") ; } } ps_printf(fileps, "%s\n", pass1) ; um = umask(0177) ; if ((fp_draft = fopen(tmpdraft, "w")) == 0) { ps_print(rps, "Can't open draft file... Abort.\n") ; exit(1) ; } (void) umask(um) ; (void) fprintf(fp_draft, "UserPassword = %s\n", pass1) ; (void) fprintf(fp_draft, "acl = self # write # attributes # acl $ userPassword\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_draft, "acl = others # compare # attributes # acl $ userPassword\n\n") ; (void) fclose(fp_draft) ; if ((fp_draft = fopen (tmpdraft, "r")) == NULL) { ps_printf (opt, "Can't open draft entry %s\n", tmpdraft); exit(1) ; } entry_ptr = get_default_entry (NULLENTRY); #ifdef TURBO_DISK entry_ptr->e_attributes = fget_attributes (fp_draft); #else entry_ptr->e_attributes = get_attributes (fp_draft); #endif (void) fclose (fp_draft); mod_arg.mea_common = ca; /* struct copy */ mod_arg.mea_object = dn; for (moddn = dn ; moddn->dn_parent != NULLDN; moddn=moddn->dn_parent) ; entry_ptr->e_name = rdn_cpy (moddn->dn_rdn); /* add rdn as attribute */ avst = avs_comp_new (AttrV_cpy (&entry_ptr->e_name->rdn_av)); temp = as_comp_new (AttrT_cpy (entry_ptr->e_name->rdn_at), avst, NULLACL_INFO); entry_ptr->e_attributes = as_merge (entry_ptr->e_attributes, temp); for (as = entry_ptr->e_attributes; as != NULLATTR; as = as->attr_link) { emnew = NULLMOD; trail = as->attr_link; as->attr_link = NULLATTR; temp = current_entry->e_attributes; for (; temp != NULLATTR; temp = temp->attr_link) if (AttrT_cmp (as->attr_type, temp->attr_type) == 0) { /* found it - does it need changing ? */ if (avs_cmp (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value) != 0) emnew = modify_avs (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value,as->attr_type); break; } if (temp == NULLATTR) { emnew = em_alloc (); emnew->em_type = EM_ADDATTRIBUTE; emnew->em_what = as_cpy(as); emnew->em_next = NULLMOD; } if (emnew != NULLMOD) { mod_arg.mea_changes = ems_append (mod_arg.mea_changes,emnew); } as->attr_link = trail; } while (ds_modifyentry (&mod_arg, &mod_error) != DS_OK) { if (dish_error (opt, &mod_error) == 0) { ps_printf(rps,"We have a dish error. Bye.\n") ; entry_free (entry_ptr); exit(1) ; } mod_arg.mea_object = mod_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name; } ps_print (rps, "Modified "); dn_print (rps, dn, EDBOUT); ps_print (rps, "\n"); delete_cache (dn); /* re-cache when next read */ entry_free (entry_ptr); ems_part_free (mod_arg.mea_changes); } } while(fgets(Read_in_Stuff, LINESIZE, fp_tailor) != 0) { fputs(Read_in_Stuff, fp_quipurc) ; } (void) fclose(fp_quipurc) ; (void) fclose(fp_tailor) ; /* (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "dsap: local_dit \"%s\"\n", Local) ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: acl\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: treestructure\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: masterdsa\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: slavedsa\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: objectclass\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "cache_time: 30\n") ; (void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "connect_time: 2\n") ; */ (void) ds_unbind() ; (void) unlink(tmpdraft) ; }
//=========================================================== // Kosio implementations //=========================================================== int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR ds18b20() { int r, i, tempLength=0; uint8_t addr[8], data[12]; ds_init(); r = ds_search(addr); if(r) { console_printf("Found Device @ %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\r\n", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5], addr[6], addr[7]); if(crc8(addr, 7) != addr[7]) console_printf( "CRC mismatch, crc=%xd, addr[7]=%xd\r\n", crc8(addr, 7), addr[7]); switch(addr[0]) { case 0x10: console_printf("Device is DS18S20 family.\r\n"); break; case 0x28: console_printf("Device is DS18B20 family.\r\n"); break; default: console_printf("Device is unknown family.\r\n"); return 1; } } else { console_printf("No DS18B20 detected, sorry.\r\n"); return 1; } // perform the conversion reset(); select(addr); write(DS1820_CONVERT_T, 1); // perform temperature conversion sleepms(1000); // sleep 1s console_printf("Scratchpad: "); reset(); select(addr); write(DS1820_READ_SCRATCHPAD, 0); // read scratchpad for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) { data[i] = read(); console_printf("%2x ", data[i]); } console_printf("\r\n"); int HighByte, LowByte, TReading, SignBit, Tc_100, Whole, Fract; LowByte = data[0]; HighByte = data[1]; TReading = (HighByte << 8) + LowByte; SignBit = TReading & 0x8000; // test most sig bit if (SignBit) // negative TReading = (TReading ^ 0xffff) + 1; // 2's comp Whole = TReading >> 4; // separate off the whole and fractional portions Fract = (TReading & 0xf) * 100 / 16; //MQTT stuff here console_printf("DS18B20/Temperature: %c%d.%d Celsius\r\n", SignBit ? '-' : '+', Whole, Fract < 10 ? 0 : Fract); if(SignBit){ os_sprintf(DS18B20_Temperature, "%c%d.%d", SignBit ? '-' : '+', Whole, Fract < 10 ? 0 : Fract ); MQTT_Publish(&mqttClient,DS18B20_MQTT_Temperature,DS18B20_Temperature,5,0,0); } else { os_sprintf(DS18B20_Temperature, "%d.%d", Whole, Fract < 10 ? 0 : Fract ); MQTT_Publish(&mqttClient,DS18B20_MQTT_Temperature,DS18B20_Temperature,4,0,0); } // MANUAL MODE LOGICS HERE if (dDEVICE_MODE){ if (Whole>=dBR_BOILER_SET&&GPIO_INPUT_GET(PIN_GPIO14)) { GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(PIN_GPIO14,0); } } return r; }
/** * Search the data structure. * @param dlPtr * @param CBHandle The call back function that would be called for search. * The search call back function would check the passed's key and compare * with the elements inside the data structure. * @return Node that is returned by the call back function. */ ds_packetContainer * ds_dl_search (ds_dlist dlPtr, int key, CBHandleType CBHandle) { return ds_search (&dlPtr->base, key, CBHandle); }
/** * Search the data structure. * @param cdPtr * @param CBHandle The call back function that would be called for search. * The search call back function would check the passed's key and compare * with the elements inside the data structure. * @return Node that is returned by the call back function. */ ds_packetContainer * ds_cd_search (ds_cdlist cdPtr, int key, CBHandleType CBHandle) { return ds_search (&cdPtr->base, key, CBHandle); }
dsEnqError srch_start() { struct ds_search_arg search_arg; struct ds_search_result result; struct DSError error; dsEnqError return_error; extern Filter make_filter(); DN curr_rdn; if (*mvalue == '\0') { return list_start(); } if (get_default_service (&search_arg.sra_common) != 0) { return nothingfound; } search_arg.sra_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_options = SVC_OPT_PREFERCHAIN; curr_rdn = search_arg.sra_baseobject = (*base_path != 'T'? str2dn (base_path): NULLDN); search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = FALSE; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTETYPESONLY; search_arg.sra_eis.eis_select = 0; search_arg.sra_searchaliases = TRUE; search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_ONELEVEL; while (curr_rdn != NULLDN) { if (!strcmp(curr_rdn->dn_rdn->rdn_at->oa_ot.ot_stroid, "")) { search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_WHOLESUBTREE; break; } curr_rdn = curr_rdn->dn_parent; } if ((search_arg.sra_filter = make_filter(filt_arr[typeindx])) == NULLFILTER) return duaerror; #ifndef NO_STATS LLOG (log_stat, LLOG_NOTICE, ("search +%s, extent %d, val %s", base_path,search_arg.sra_subset, mvalue)); #endif if(ds_search (&search_arg, &error, &result) != DS_OK) { /* deal with error */ free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; log_ds_error(&error); ds_error_free(&error); switch (error.dse_type) { case DSE_LOCALERROR: return_error = duaerror; break; case DSE_REMOTEERROR: return_error = localdsaerror; break; case DSE_ATTRIBUTEERROR: return_error = attributerror; break; case DSE_REFERRAL: case DSE_DSAREFERRAL: return_error = remotedsaerror; break; case DSE_SECURITYERROR: return_error = security; break; case DSE_NAMEERROR: return_error = namerror; break; case DSE_SERVICEERROR: return_error = serviceerror; break; default: return_error = localdsaerror; break; } } else { correlate_search_results (&result); dn_number = 0; if (result.CSR_entries != NULLENTRYINFO) { register EntryInfo *ptr; return_error = Okay; free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; for (ptr = result.CSR_entries; ptr != NULLENTRYINFO; ptr = ptr->ent_next){ dn_number++; dn2buf((caddr_t) ptr->ent_dn, goto_path); add_seq(&dnseq, goto_path); } if (dn_number) dnseq = SortList(dnseq); } else if (result.CSR_limitproblem == LSR_NOLIMITPROBLEM) { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; dn_number = 0; return_error = nothingfound; } if(result.CSR_limitproblem != LSR_NOLIMITPROBLEM) { switch (result.CSR_limitproblem) { case LSR_TIMELIMITEXCEEDED: if (dn_number > 0) return_error = timelimit_w_partial; else { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; return_error = timelimit; } break; case LSR_SIZELIMITEXCEEDED: return_error = listsizelimit; break; case LSR_ADMINSIZEEXCEEDED: if (dn_number > 0) return_error = adminlimit_w_partial; else { free_seq(dnseq); dnseq = NULLDS; return_error = adminlimit; } break; } entryinfo_free(result.CSR_entries, 0); } } entry_number = dn_number; filter_free(search_arg.sra_filter); dn_free(search_arg.sra_baseobject); ds_error_free(&error); return return_error; }