static bool ase_file_read_header(FILE *f, ASE_Header *header) { header->pos = ftell(f); header->size = fgetl(f); header->magic = fgetw(f); if (header->magic != ASE_FILE_MAGIC) return false; header->frames = fgetw(f); header->width = fgetw(f); header->height = fgetw(f); header->depth = fgetw(f); header->flags = fgetl(f); header->speed = fgetw(f); header->next = fgetl(f); header->frit = fgetl(f); header->transparent_index = fgetc(f); header->ignore[0] = fgetc(f); header->ignore[1] = fgetc(f); header->ignore[2] = fgetc(f); header->ncolors = fgetw(f); if (header->ncolors == 0) // 0 means 256 (old .ase files) header->ncolors = 256; fseek(f, header->pos+128, SEEK_SET); return true; }
float score_game(float *board) { FILE *f = fopen("game.txt", "w"); int i, j; int count = 3; fprintf(f, "komi 6.5\n"); fprintf(f, "boardsize 19\n"); fprintf(f, "clear_board\n"); for(j = 0; j < 19; ++j){ for(i = 0; i < 19; ++i){ if(board[j*19 + i] == 1) fprintf(f, "play black %c%d\n", 'A'+i+(i>=8), 19-j); if(board[j*19 + i] == -1) fprintf(f, "play white %c%d\n", 'A'+i+(i>=8), 19-j); if(board[j*19 + i]) ++count; } } fprintf(f, "final_score\n"); fclose(f); FILE *p = popen("./gnugo --mode gtp < game.txt", "r"); for(i = 0; i < count; ++i){ free(fgetl(p)); free(fgetl(p)); } char *l = 0; float score = 0; char player = 0; while((l = fgetl(p))){ fprintf(stderr, "%s \t", l); int n = sscanf(l, "= %c+%f", &player, &score); free(l); if (n == 2) break; } if(player == 'W') score = -score; pclose(p); return score; }
/* GrabNextPage - get the offset for the next page in the FT->pages [ ] array. * if there is not enough room in FT->pages [ ], expand it and * then add the next page. note that it doesn't update FT->top. * * arguments: * hWnd window message is being displayed in * * return value: * TRUE the next page is present * FALSE currently at eof */ FLAG PASCAL INTERNAL GrabNextPage ( HW hWnd ) { FLAG flag = FALSE; PLONG newPages; LONG newPos; CHAR line [ MAXLINELEN ]; INT cGetChar = TWINWIDTH ( hWnd ) + 1; if ( fSkipToLine ( hWnd, PAGETOLINE (FT->cPages) - 1 ) ) { fgetl ( line, cGetChar, FT->fhRead ); newPos = ftell ( FT->fhRead ); if ( fgetl ( line, cGetChar, FT->fhRead ) ) { if ( FT->cPages + 1 == FT->cPageMax ) { FT->cPageMax += PAGEGROW; newPages = ( PLONG ) ZMalloc ( FT->cPageMax * sizeof ( *newPages ) ); Move ( ( LPBYTE ) FT->pages, ( LPBYTE )newPages, FT->cPageMax * sizeof ( *newPages ) ); ZMfree ( FT->pages ); FT->pages = newPages; } fseek ( FT->fhRead, newPos, 0 ); FT->pages [ FT->cPages++ ] = newPos; flag = TRUE; } } return flag; }
static void clean_buffer(void) { char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int current, *last; if (use_to_unique_but_not_add) { if (fseek(use_to_unique_but_not_add, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) pexit("fseek"); while (fgetl(line, sizeof(line), use_to_unique_but_not_add)) { if (cut_len) line[cut_len] = 0; last = &buffer.hash[line_hash(line)]; #if ARCH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && !ARCH_INT_GT_32 current = *last; #else current = get_int(last); #endif while (current != ENTRY_END_HASH) { if (current != ENTRY_DUPE && !strcmp(line, &[current + 4])) { put_int(last, get_data(current)); put_data(current, ENTRY_DUPE); break; } last = (unsigned int *)&[current]; current = get_int(last); } } } if (do_not_unique_against_self) return; if (fseek(output, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) pexit("fseek"); while (fgetl(line, sizeof(line), output)) { if (cut_len) line[cut_len] = 0; last = &buffer.hash[line_hash(line)]; #if ARCH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && !ARCH_INT_GT_32 current = *last; #else current = get_int(last); #endif while (current != ENTRY_END_HASH && current != ENTRY_DUPE) { if (!strcmp(line, &[current + 4])) { put_int(last, get_data(current)); put_data(current, ENTRY_DUPE); break; } last = (unsigned int *)&[current]; current = get_int(last); } } if (ferror(output)) pexit("fgets"); /* Workaround a Solaris stdio bug */ if (fseek(output, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) pexit("fseek"); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ LABEL *LabelReadFile(char *labelfile) { LABEL *area ; char *fname, line[STRLEN], *cp; FILE *fp ; int vno, nlines ; float x, y, z, stat ; fname = labelfile; area = (LABEL *)calloc(1, sizeof(LABEL)) ; if (!area) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY,"%s: could not allocate LABEL struct.",Progname); /* read in the file */ fp = fopen(fname, "r") ; if (!fp) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open label file %s", Progname, fname)) ; cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp) ; if (!cp) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: empty label file %s", Progname, fname)) ; if (!sscanf(cp, "%d", &area->n_points)) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: could not scan # of lines from %s", Progname, fname)) ; area->max_points = area->n_points ; area->lv = (LABEL_VERTEX *)calloc(area->n_points, sizeof(LABEL_VERTEX)) ; if (!area->lv) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: LabelRead(%s) could not allocate %d-sized vector", Progname, labelfile, sizeof(LV)*area->n_points) ; nlines = 0 ; while ((cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp)) != NULL) { if (sscanf(cp, "%d %f %f %f %f", &vno, &x, &y, &z, &stat) != 5) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: could not parse %dth line in %s", Progname, area->n_points, fname)) ; area->lv[nlines].x = x ; area->lv[nlines].y = y ; area->lv[nlines].z = z ; area->lv[nlines].stat = stat ; area->lv[nlines].vno = vno ; nlines++ ; } fclose(fp) ; if (!nlines) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "%s: no data in label file %s", Progname, fname)); return(area) ; }
RANDOM_FOREST * RFreadFrom(FILE *fp) { RF *rf ; int nfeatures, nclasses, ntrees, max_depth, ntraining, nsteps, c, n, f ; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN], *cp, *class_names[MAX_CLASSES] ; double feature_fraction ; cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %lf", &nfeatures, &nclasses, &ntrees, &max_depth, &ntraining,&nsteps, &feature_fraction) ; for (c = 0 ; c < nclasses ; c++) { cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; class_names[c] = (char *)calloc(strlen(cp)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(class_names[c], cp) ; } rf = RFalloc(ntrees, nfeatures, nclasses, max_depth, class_names, nsteps) ; rf->feature_fraction = feature_fraction ; rf->ntraining = ntraining ; rf->feature_min = (double *)calloc(rf->nfeatures, sizeof(rf->feature_min[0])) ; if (rf->feature_min == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "RFalloc(%d, %d, %d, %d): could not allocate fmin", ntrees,nfeatures,nclasses, max_depth) ; rf->feature_max = (double *)calloc(rf->nfeatures, sizeof(rf->feature_max[0])) ; if (rf->feature_max == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "RFalloc(%d, %d, %d, %d): could not allocate fmax", ntrees,nfeatures,nclasses, max_depth) ; for (f = 0 ; f < rf->nfeatures ; f++) { cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "%lf %lf\n", &rf->feature_min[f], &rf->feature_max[f]) ; } cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; // should be FEATURE NAMES rf->feature_names = (char **)calloc(rf->nfeatures, sizeof(char *)) ; if (rf->feature_names == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "RFreadFrom: could not allocate feature name array") ; for (f = 0 ; f < rf->nfeatures ; f++) { cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; rf->feature_names[f] = (char *)calloc(strlen(cp)+1, sizeof(char)) ; if (rf->feature_names[f] == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "RFreadFrom: could not allocate %d-len feature name array [%d]", strlen(cp)+1, f) ; strcpy(rf->feature_names[f], cp) ; } for (n = 0 ; n < rf->ntrees ; n++) rfReadTree(rf, &rf->trees[n], fp) ; for (c = 0 ; c < nclasses ; c++) free(class_names[c]) ; return(rf) ; }
static int translate_indices_to_annotations(MRI_SURFACE *mris, char *translation_fname) { char fname[STRLEN], *cp, line[STRLEN], name[STRLEN], **names ; FILE *fp ; int nlines, i, vno, *r, *g, *b, *indices ; VERTEX *v ; cp = getenv("FREESURFER_HOME") ; if (!cp) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: FREESURFER_HOME not defined in environment", Progname) ; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", cp, translation_fname) ; fp = fopen(fname, "r") ; if (!fp) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read translation file %s", Progname, fname) ; nlines = 0 ; cp = fgetl(line, STRLEN-1, fp) ; while (cp != NULL) { nlines++ ; cp = fgetl(line, STRLEN-1, fp) ; } printf("%d lines found in file\n", nlines) ; rewind(fp) ; r = (int *)calloc(nlines, sizeof(int)) ; g = (int *)calloc(nlines, sizeof(int)) ; b = (int *)calloc(nlines, sizeof(int)) ; indices = (int *)calloc(nlines, sizeof(int)) ; names = (char **)calloc(nlines, sizeof(char *)) ; if (!r || !g || !b || !indices || !names) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate %d-len internal buffers", Progname, nlines) ; for (i = 0 ; i < nlines ; i++) { cp = fgetl(line, STRLEN-1, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "%d %s %d %d %d %*d", &indices[i], name, &r[i], &g[i], &b[i]) ; names[i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(name)+1, sizeof(char)) ; strcpy(names[i], name) ; printf("parsing parcellation unit %s...\n", name) ; } fclose(fp) ; for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) { v = &mris->vertices[vno] ; if (v->ripflag) continue ; } return(NO_ERROR) ; }
LTA *ltaReadFileEx(const char *fname) { FILE *fp; LINEAR_TRANSFORM *lt ; int i, nxforms, type ; char line[STRLEN], *cp ; LTA *lta ; fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (fp==NULL) ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "ltaReadFile(%s): can't open file",fname)); cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp) ; if (cp == NULL) { fclose(fp) ; ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_BADFILE, "ltaReadFile(%s): can't read data",fname)); } sscanf(cp, "type = %d\n", &type) ; cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "nxforms = %d\n", &nxforms) ; lta = LTAalloc(nxforms, NULL) ; lta->type = type ; for (i = 0 ; i < lta->num_xforms ; i++) { lt = <a->xforms[i] ; fscanf(fp, "mean = %f %f %f\n", <->x0, <->y0, <->z0) ; fscanf(fp, "sigma = %f\n", <->sigma) ; MatrixAsciiReadFrom(fp, lt->m_L) ; } // oh, well this is the added part for (i=0; i < lta->num_xforms; i++) { if (fgets(line, 199, fp)) { if (strncmp(line, "src volume info", 15)==0) { char *p; readVolGeom(fp, <a->xforms[i].src); p = fgets(line, 199, fp); if (strncmp(line, "dst volume info", 15)==0) readVolGeom(fp, <a->xforms[i].dst); } } } fclose(fp) ; return(lta) ; }
/* LineToCont - move to the given position in the file, grab the line and put * it in the correct line of hWnd->pContent * * arguments: * hWnd window of interest * lineNum line to fetch * * return value: * none */ VOID PASCAL INTERNAL LineToCont ( HW hWnd, INT lineNum ) { INT width = TWINWIDTH ( hWnd ); CHAR line [ MAXLINELEN ]; INT ContentLine; if ( ( lineNum > FT->llof ) && ( FT->llof != -1 ) ) return; if ( fSkipToLine ( hWnd, lineNum ) ) { /* +1 for the trailing null char */ if ( fgetl ( line, width + 1, FT->fhRead ) ) { FT->cur++; if ( LINETOPAGE (FT->cur) >= FT->cPages && !GrabNextPage ( hWnd ) ) FT->llof = FT->cur; } else FT->llof = FT->cur; if ( !strcmpis ( strEOH, line ) ) *line = 0; } SpacePad ( line, MAXLINELEN - 1 ); ContentLine = lineNum - FT->top; if ( ( ContentLine >= 0 ) && ( ContentLine <= TWINHEIGHT ( hWnd ) - 1 ) ) Move ( ( LPSTR ) line, ( LPSTR ) hWnd->pContent + ( ContentLine * width * sizeof ( CHAR ) ), width ); return; }
list *read_data_cfg(char *filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if(file == 0) file_error(filename); char *line; int nu = 0; list *options = make_list(); while((line=fgetl(file)) != 0){ ++ nu; strip(line); switch(line[0]){ case '\0': case '#': case ';': free(line); break; default: if(!read_option(line, options)){ fprintf(stderr, "Config file error line %d, could parse: %s\n", nu, line); free(line); } break; } } fclose(file); return options; }
SEQUENCE readOneSequence(OPTIONS options){ SEQUENCE SEQ; char inchar; /* input sequence name */;[]='\0'; /* chop */ SEQ.orf.string=NULL; if (options.verbose>=1) fprintf(options.fout,"# session %s\n",; /* read sequence */ inchar=fgetc(options.fin); SEQ.sequence=instanceString(); for(SEQ.sequence.length=0; inchar!=EOF;){ /*if (('a'<=inchar && inchar<='z') || ('A'<=inchar && inchar<='Z')) {*/ if (isalpha(inchar)) { if(SEQ.sequence.length + 10 > SEQ.sequence.buffer){ SEQ.sequence.buffer = (SEQ.sequence.length + MAXLETTER)*sizeof(char); SEQ.sequence.string = (char*)realloc(SEQ.sequence.string, SEQ.sequence.buffer); if(SEQ.sequence.string == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory err occurred on line %d\n", __LINE__); exit(1); } } SEQ.sequence.string[SEQ.sequence.length] = inchar; SEQ.sequence.string[SEQ.sequence.length+1] = '\0'; SEQ.sequence.length++; } inchar=fgetc(options.fin); if (inchar=='>') break; } return SEQ; }
void cfg_init(char *name, int allow_missing) { FILE *file; char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; int number; if (cfg_database && !cfg_recursion) return; cfg_name = str_alloc_copy(path_expand(name)); file = fopen(cfg_name, "r"); if (!file) { cfg_name = str_alloc_copy(path_expand_ex(name)); file = fopen(cfg_name, "r"); if (!file) { if (allow_missing && errno == ENOENT) return; pexit("fopen: %s", cfg_name); } } number = 0; while (fgetl(line, sizeof(line), file)) if (cfg_process_line(line, ++number)) cfg_error(cfg_name, number); if (ferror(file)) pexit("fgets"); if (fclose(file)) pexit("fclose"); }
char *batchprocfile(char name[], char *parser()) { FILE *unit; char *ptr; level = -1; batchlevel = level; unit = fopen(name,"r"); if (unit == NULL) return "? Unable to open input file"; level = 0; batchlevel = level; while (TRUE) { if (level == 0) { ptr = fgetl(unit,procbuffer,255); if (ptr == NULL) break; } ptr = batch_____proc(procbuffer,parser); if (level < 0) return ptr; } while (level > 0) { fclose(procfile[level]); level--; } fclose(unit); level = -1; batchlevel = level; procbuffer[0] = 0; return parser(procbuffer); }
list *read_cfg(char *filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if(file == 0) file_error(filename); char *line; int nu = 0; list *sections = make_list(); section *current = 0; while((line=fgetl(file)) != 0){ ++ nu; strip(line); switch(line[0]){ case '[': current = malloc(sizeof(section)); list_insert(sections, current); current->options = make_list(); current->type = line; break; case '\0': case '#': case ';': free(line); break; default: if(!read_option(line, current->options)){ fprintf(stderr, "Config file error line %d, could parse: %s\n", nu, line); free(line); } break; } } fclose(file); return sections; }
static void ase_file_read_frame_header(FILE *f, ASE_FrameHeader *frame_header) { frame_header->size = fgetl(f); frame_header->magic = fgetw(f); frame_header->chunks = fgetw(f); frame_header->duration = fgetw(f); ase_file_read_padding(f, 6); }
int main(void) { struct hist_record rec; char *line; char outbuf[80]; int rc; while(!feof(stdin)) { line = fgetl(stdin); if (!line) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected EOF\n"); return 3; } if (!strncmp(line, "History:", 8)) { free(line); break; } } while(!feof(stdin)) { line = fgetl(stdin); if (!line) break; rc = parse_event(&rec, line); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d in line: %s\n", rc, line); free(line); return rc; } free(line); if (rec.type == HT_MISC) { if (rec.misc.type == ME_CASH) { writedate(, outbuf); printf("%s CA %d %d\n", outbuf,,; } } } return 0; }
tree *read_tree(char *filename) { tree t = {0}; FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); char *line; int last_parent = -1; int group_size = 0; int groups = 0; int n = 0; while((line=fgetl(fp)) != 0){ char *id = calloc(256, sizeof(char)); int parent = -1; sscanf(line, "%s %d", id, &parent); t.parent = realloc(t.parent, (n+1)*sizeof(int)); t.parent[n] = parent; t.child = realloc(t.child, (n+1)*sizeof(int)); t.child[n] = -1; = realloc(, (n+1)*sizeof(char *));[n] = id; if(parent != last_parent){ ++groups; t.group_offset = realloc(t.group_offset, groups * sizeof(int)); t.group_offset[groups - 1] = n - group_size; t.group_size = realloc(t.group_size, groups * sizeof(int)); t.group_size[groups - 1] = group_size; group_size = 0; last_parent = parent; } = realloc(, (n+1)*sizeof(int));[n] = groups; if (parent >= 0) { t.child[parent] = groups; } ++n; ++group_size; } ++groups; t.group_offset = realloc(t.group_offset, groups * sizeof(int)); t.group_offset[groups - 1] = n - group_size; t.group_size = realloc(t.group_size, groups * sizeof(int)); t.group_size[groups - 1] = group_size; t.n = n; t.groups = groups; t.leaf = calloc(n, sizeof(int)); int i; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) t.leaf[i] = 1; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(t.parent[i] >= 0) t.leaf[t.parent[i]] = 0; fclose(fp); tree *tree_ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(tree)); *tree_ptr = t; //error(0); return tree_ptr; }
string File::operator*() const { char* line = nullptr; if (fgetl(line, _file)) { return string(line); } return string(""); }
static void handleFile(FILE *f,char *delim,int first,int last) { char line[MAX_LINE_LEN]; while(fgetl(line,sizeof(line),f)) { printFields(line,delim,first,last); if(ferror(stdout)) { printe("Write failed"); break; } } }
static int rfReadNode(RANDOM_FOREST *rf, NODE *node, FILE *fp) { int c, leaf ; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN], *cp ; cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "NODE %d %d %d %lf\n", &leaf, &node->depth, &node->feature, &node->thresh) ; cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; cp = strtok(line, " ") ; for (node->total_counts = 0, c = 0 ; c < rf->nclasses ; c++) { if (cp == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "could not read class counts") ; sscanf(cp, "%d ", &node->class_counts[c]) ; cp = strtok(NULL, " ") ; node->total_counts += node->class_counts[c] ; } node->training_set = (int *)calloc(node->total_counts, sizeof(node->training_set[0])) ; #if 0 cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; cp = strtok(line, " ") ; for (n = 0 ; n < node->total_counts ; n++) { if (cp == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_BADFILE, "could not read training set") ; sscanf(cp, "%d ", &node->training_set[n]) ; cp = strtok(NULL, " ") ; } #endif cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; // NODE: END line if (leaf == 0) // read the next pair of nodes { node->left = rfAllocateNode(node->total_counts, node->depth+1, rf->nclasses) ; node->right = rfAllocateNode(node->total_counts, node->depth+1, rf->nclasses) ; rfReadNode(rf, node->left, fp) ; rfReadNode(rf, node->right, fp) ; } return(NO_ERROR) ; }
static int lpafFillEntries(LP_ANSWER_FILE *lpaf, char *fname, int entryno) { int nentries, type, i, num ; char buf[100], *base_name, line[200], *cp ; FILE *fp ; nentries = FileNumberOfEntries(fname) ; type = FileType(fname) ; base_name = FileFullName(fname) ; for (i = 0 ; i < nentries ; i++) { switch (type) { case LIST_FILE: fp = fopen(base_name, "rb") ; if (!fp) ErrorReturn(0, (ERROR_NO_FILE, "lpafFillEntries: could not open %s\n", base_name)) ; cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp) ; nentries = 0 ; while (cp) { sscanf(cp, "%s", buf) ; num = lpafFillEntries(lpaf, buf, entryno+nentries) ; nentries += num ; cp = fgetl(line, 199, fp) ; } fclose(fp) ; break ; default: sprintf(buf, "%s#%d", base_name, i) ; lpaf->filelist[entryno+i] = (char *)calloc(strlen(buf)+1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(lpaf->filelist[entryno+i], buf) ; break ; } } return(nentries) ; }
static MAYBE_INLINE int skip_lines(unsigned long n, char *line) { if (n) { line_number += n; do { if (!fgetl(line, LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, word_file)) return 1; } while (--n); } return 0; }
static int rfReadTree(RANDOM_FOREST *rf, TREE *tree, FILE *fp) { int f ; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN], *cp ; cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "TREE %d %d %d\n", &tree->depth, &tree->nleaves, &tree->nfeatures) ; tree->feature_list = (int *)calloc(tree->nfeatures, sizeof(tree->feature_list[0])); if (tree->feature_list == NULL) ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "rfReadTree: could not allocate feature list (%d)", tree->nfeatures) ; for (f = 0 ; f < tree->nfeatures ; f++) { cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; sscanf(cp, "%d", &tree->feature_list[f]) ; } rfReadNode(rf, &tree->root, fp) ; cp = fgetl(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fp) ; // TREE: END line rfFindLeaves(tree) ; return(NO_ERROR) ; }
int *read_map(char *filename) { int n = 0; int *map = 0; char *str; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if(!file) file_error(filename); while((str=fgetl(file))){ ++n; map = realloc(map, n*sizeof(int)); map[n-1] = atoi(str); } return map; }
static char *batch_____proc(char strg[], char *parser()) { char *ptr; while (level > 0) { if (fgetl(procfile[level],procbuffer,255) != NULL) break; else { fclose(procfile[level]); level--; batchlevel = level; if (level == 0) return ""; } } if (level == 0) { strncpy(procbuffer,strg,255); procbuffer[255] = 0; } batchlevel = level; ptr = parser(procbuffer); if (*ptr != 0) { if (*ptr == '?') /* ? in first column indicates quit request */ { while (level > 0) { fclose(procfile[level]); level--; } level = -1; batchlevel = level; return ptr; } /* else is assumed to be #INCLUDE filename */ level++; if (level > 10) level = 10; else { procfile[level] = fopen(ptr,"r"); if (procfile[level] == NULL) level--; } } batchlevel = level; return ptr; }
static void read_file(char *name, void (*process_line)(char *line)) { FILE *file; char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (!(file = fopen(name, "r"))) pexit("fopen: %s", name); while (fgetl(line, sizeof(line), file)) process_line(line); if (ferror(file)) pexit("fgets"); if (fclose(file)) pexit("fclose"); }
void vec_char_rnn(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, char *seed) { char *base = basecfg(cfgfile); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", base); network net = parse_network_cfg(cfgfile); if(weightfile){ load_weights(&net, weightfile); } int inputs = get_network_input_size(net); int c; int seed_len = strlen(seed); float *input = calloc(inputs, sizeof(float)); int i; char *line; while((line=fgetl(stdin)) != 0){ reset_rnn_state(net, 0); for(i = 0; i < seed_len; ++i){ c = seed[i]; input[(int)c] = 1; network_predict(net, input); input[(int)c] = 0; } strip(line); int str_len = strlen(line); for(i = 0; i < str_len; ++i){ c = line[i]; input[(int)c] = 1; network_predict(net, input); input[(int)c] = 0; } c = ' '; input[(int)c] = 1; network_predict(net, input); input[(int)c] = 0; layer l = net.layers[0]; #ifdef GPU cuda_pull_array(l.output_gpu, l.output, l.outputs); #endif printf("%s", line); for(i = 0; i < l.outputs; ++i){ printf(",%g", l.output[i]); } printf("\n"); } }
list *get_paths(char *filename) { list *lines = NULL; //add by frisch // list *lines; char *path; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file: %s\n", filename); exit(0); } lines = make_list(); while ((path = fgetl(file))){ list_insert(lines, path); } fclose(file); return lines; }
u32 hlfmt_detect (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, FILE *fp, u32 max_check) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; // Exception: those formats are wrongly detected as HLFMT_SHADOW, prevent it if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 5300) return HLFMT_HASHCAT; if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 5400) return HLFMT_HASHCAT; u32 *formats_cnt = (u32 *) hccalloc (HLFMTS_CNT, sizeof (u32)); u32 num_check = 0; char *line_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); while (!feof (fp)) { const size_t line_len = fgetl (fp, line_buf); if (line_len == 0) continue; if (hlfmt_detect_pwdump (hashcat_ctx, line_buf, line_len)) formats_cnt[HLFMT_PWDUMP]++; if (hlfmt_detect_passwd (hashcat_ctx, line_buf, line_len)) formats_cnt[HLFMT_PASSWD]++; if (hlfmt_detect_shadow (hashcat_ctx, line_buf, line_len)) formats_cnt[HLFMT_SHADOW]++; if (num_check == max_check) break; num_check++; } hcfree (line_buf); u32 hashlist_format = HLFMT_HASHCAT; for (u32 i = 1; i < HLFMTS_CNT; i++) { if (formats_cnt[i - 1] >= formats_cnt[i]) continue; hashlist_format = i; } free (formats_cnt); return hashlist_format; }
NAMELIST *read_all(FILE *fin){ char *seqname=NULL, *seqname2; fpos_t position; int fileend=1; long list_size=MAXLETTER, i=0, length; NAMELIST *list; list=(NAMELIST *)malloc(list_size*sizeof(NAMELIST)); fseeko(fin,0,SEEK_SET); fgetpos(fin, &position); while((seqname=fgetl(fin,&fileend))==NULL || fileend!=0){ if (seqname[0]=='>'){ if(i+2>list_size){ list_size+=MAXLETTER; list=(NAMELIST *)realloc(list,list_size*sizeof(NAMELIST)); } /* delete return and white space */ for(length=strlen(seqname); length >= 0 && isspace(seqname[length]); length--); seqname[length+1]='\0'; length--; /*length=strlen(seqname);*/ /*fprintf(stderr, "seqname: %s//\n", seqname);*/ seqname2=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(length+2)); strcpy(seqname2, seqname+1); list[i].name=seqname2; list[i].fposition=position; list[i].from=1; list[i].to=length; i++; list[i].name=NULL; /*if(i>1000) break;*/ } if(seqname != NULL) { free(seqname); seqname=NULL; } fgetpos(fin, &position); } return list; }