void addCategoryToObject( int inObjectID, int inParentID ) { if( getCategory( inParentID ) == NULL ) { addCategory( inParentID ); } if( inObjectID >= reverseMapSize ) { // expand map int newMapSize = inObjectID + 1; ReverseCategoryRecord **newMap = new ReverseCategoryRecord*[newMapSize]; for( int i=0; i<newMapSize; i++ ) { newMap[i] = NULL; } memcpy( newMap, reverseMap, sizeof(ReverseCategoryRecord*) * reverseMapSize ); delete [] reverseMap; reverseMap = newMap; reverseMapSize = newMapSize; } CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( inParentID ); if( r != NULL ) { for( int i=0; i< r->objectIDSet.size(); i++ ) { if( r->objectIDSet.getElementDirect( i ) == inObjectID ) { // already there return; } } r->objectIDSet.push_back( inObjectID ); r->objectWeights.push_back( 0.0f ); autoAdjustWeights( inParentID ); ReverseCategoryRecord *rr = getReverseCategory( inObjectID ); if( rr == NULL ) { rr = new ReverseCategoryRecord; rr->childID = inObjectID; reverseMap[ inObjectID ] = rr; } rr->categoryIDSet.push_back( inParentID ); saveCategoryToDisk( inParentID ); } }
void EventLogChannel::log(const Message& msg) { if (!_h) open(); #if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) std::wstring utext; UnicodeConverter::toUTF16(msg.getText(), utext); const wchar_t* pMsg = utext.c_str(); ReportEventW(_h, getType(msg), getCategory(msg), POCO_MSG_LOG, NULL, 1, 0, &pMsg, NULL); #else const char* pMsg = msg.getText().c_str(); ReportEvent(_h, getType(msg), getCategory(msg), POCO_MSG_LOG, NULL, 1, 0, &pMsg, NULL); #endif }
void removeObjectFromAllCategories( int inObjectID ) { ReverseCategoryRecord *rr = getReverseCategory( inObjectID ); if( rr != NULL ) { for( int i=0; i< rr->categoryIDSet.size(); i++ ) { int cID = rr->categoryIDSet.getElementDirect( i ); CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( cID ); if( r != NULL ) { int index = r->objectIDSet.getElementIndex( inObjectID ); if( index != -1 ) { r->objectIDSet.deleteElement( index ); r->objectWeights.deleteElement( index ); } saveCategoryToDisk( cID ); } } delete rr; reverseMap[ inObjectID ] = NULL; } }
void removeCategoryFromObject( int inObjectID, int inParentID ) { CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( inParentID ); if( r != NULL ) { int index = r->objectIDSet.getElementIndex( inObjectID ); if( index != -1 ) { r->objectIDSet.deleteElement( index ); r->objectWeights.deleteElement( index ); } autoAdjustWeights( inParentID ); ReverseCategoryRecord *rr = getReverseCategory( inObjectID ); if( rr != NULL ) { rr->categoryIDSet.deleteElementEqualTo( inParentID ); } saveCategoryToDisk( inParentID ); } }
void fullCombination(const bool electrons = false) { TString type("_muons"); if( electrons ) type = "_electrons"; std::map<TString, TList*> cathegories; // Loop over all files std::map<TString, double> fw(filesAndWeightsMap( electrons )); std::map<TString, double>::const_iterator it = fw.begin(); for( ; it != fw.end(); ++it ) { TString cathegory(getCategory(it->first)); if( cathegories[cathegory] == 0 ) cathegories[cathegory] = new TList(); std::cout << "fileName = " << std::string(it->first).substr(std::string(it->first).find_last_of("/")+1)+"weighted"+type+".root" << std::endl; cathegories[cathegory]->Add( TFile::Open(std::string(it->first).substr(std::string(it->first).find_last_of("/")+1)+"weighted"+type+".root") ); } TList * combinationsList = new TList(); std::map<TString, TList*>::const_iterator it2 = cathegories.begin(); for( ; it2 != cathegories.end(); ++it2 ) { TFile *Target = TFile::Open( it2->first+"_combined"+type+".root", "RECREATE" ); std::cout << "fileName = " << it2->first << std::endl; combinationsList->Add( Target ); mergeFiles( Target, it2->second ); } }
/* * Class: org_apache_log4j_nt_NTEventLogAppender * Method: reportEvent * Signature: (ILjava/lang/String;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_apache_log4j_nt_NTEventLogAppender_reportEvent( JNIEnv *env, jobject java_this, jint handle, jstring jstr, jint priority) { jboolean localHandle = JNI_FALSE; if (handle == 0) { // Client didn't give us a handle so make a local one. handle = (jint)RegisterEventSource(NULL, "Log4j"); localHandle = JNI_TRUE; } // convert Java String to character array const int numStrings = 1; LPCTSTR array[numStrings]; char *nstr = JNU_GetStringNativeChars(env, jstr); array[0] = nstr; // This is the only message supported by the package. It is backed by // a message resource which consists of just '%1' which is replaced // by the string we just created. const DWORD messageID = 0x1000; ReportEvent((HANDLE)handle, getType(priority), getCategory(priority), messageID, NULL, 1, 0, array, NULL); free((void *)nstr); if (localHandle == JNI_TRUE) { // Created the handle here so free it here too. DeregisterEventSource((HANDLE)handle); } return; }
void moveCategoryMemberDown( int inParentID, int inObjectID ) { CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( inParentID ); if( r != NULL ) { int index = r->objectIDSet.getElementIndex( inObjectID ); if( index != -1 && index != r->objectIDSet.size() - 1 ) { int *id = r->objectIDSet.getElement( index ); int *idToSwapWith = r->objectIDSet.getElement( index + 1 ); int temp = *idToSwapWith; *idToSwapWith = *id; *id = temp; float *prob = r->objectWeights.getElement( index ); float *probToSwapWith = r->objectWeights.getElement( index + 1 ); float tempProb = *probToSwapWith; *probToSwapWith = *prob; *prob = tempProb; saveCategoryToDisk( inParentID ); } } }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command& command, sf::Time dt){ if (command.category & getCategory()) command.action(*this, dt); for (auto child = mChildren.begin(); child != mChildren.end(); ++child) (*child)->onCommand(command, dt); }
void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::sendUpdate() { LLAvatarClassifiedInfo c_data; if(getClassifiedId().isNull()) { setClassifiedId(LLUUID::generateNewID()); } c_data.agent_id = gAgent.getID(); c_data.classified_id = getClassifiedId(); // *HACK // Categories on server start with 1 while combo-box index starts with 0 c_data.category = getCategory() + 1; c_data.name = getClassifiedName(); c_data.description = getDescription(); c_data.parcel_id = getParcelId(); c_data.snapshot_id = getSnapshotId(); c_data.pos_global = getPosGlobal(); c_data.flags = getFlags(); c_data.price_for_listing = getPriceForListing(); LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->sendClassifiedInfoUpdate(&c_data); if(isNew()) { // Lets assume there will be some error. // Successful sendClassifiedInfoUpdate will trigger processProperties and // let us know there was no error. mIsNewWithErrors = true; } }
/* * Class: org_apache_log4j_nt_NTEventLogAppender * Method: reportEvent * Signature: (ILjava/lang/String;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_apache_log4j_nt_NTEventLogAppender_reportEvent( JNIEnv *env, jobject java_this, jint jhandle, jstring jstr, jint priority) { jboolean localHandle = JNI_FALSE; HANDLE handle = gEventSources.getHandle(jhandle); if (handle == 0) { // Client didn't give us a handle so make a local one. handle = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, L"Log4j"); localHandle = JNI_TRUE; } // convert Java String to character array jsize msgLen = env->GetStringLength(jstr); jchar* msg = (jchar*) malloc((msgLen + 1) * sizeof(jchar)); env->GetStringRegion(jstr, 0, msgLen, msg); msg[msgLen] = 0; // This is the only message supported by the package. It is backed by // a message resource which consists of just '%1' which is replaced // by the string we just created. const DWORD messageID = 0x1000; ReportEventW(handle, getType(priority), getCategory(priority), messageID, NULL, 1, 0, (const wchar_t**) &msg, NULL); free((void *)msg); if (localHandle == JNI_TRUE) { // Created the handle here so free it here too. DeregisterEventSource(handle); } return; }
void SceneNode::callCommand(const Command& command, sf::Time dt) { if (command.category & getCategory()) command.action(*this, dt); for (const Ptr& child : children) child->callCommand(command, dt); }
bool DesignStore::addDesign(Design::Ptr d){ d->setDesignId(next_designid++); //check components all come from this category IdMap cl = d->getComponents(); Player::Ptr player = Game::getGame()->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer(d->getOwner()); PlayerView::Ptr playerview = player->getPlayerView(); for(IdMap::iterator itcurr = cl.begin(); itcurr != cl.end(); ++itcurr){ if(!(playerview->isUsableComponent(itcurr->first))) return false; std::map<uint32_t, Component::Ptr>::iterator itcomp = components.find(itcurr->first); if(itcomp == components.end()) return false; getComponent(itcurr->first)->setInUse(); } d->eval(); designs[d->getId()] = d; getCategory(d->getCategoryId())->doAddDesign(d); if(d->isValid()){ playerview->addUsableDesign(d->getId()); }else{ playerview->addVisibleDesign( DesignView::Ptr( new DesignView( d->getId(), true )) ); } Game::getGame()->getPlayerManager()->updatePlayer(player->getID()); Game::getGame()->getPersistence()->saveDesign(d); return true; }
void NaiveBayesianClassifier::changeWordCount(const QString &category, const QString &word, int change) { long idxsearch=-1; c4_Row findrow; c4_StringProp match("word"); const char* test = word; match(findrow) = test; c4_IntProp count("count"); c4_View cat = getCategory(category); idxsearch = cat.Find(findrow,idxsearch+1); if (idxsearch>=0) { long int zero = 0; count(cat[idxsearch]) = std::max(zero, count(cat[idxsearch]) + change); } else { c4_StringProp newWord("word"); c4_IntProp newCount("count"); c4_Row newRow; QString temp = QString(word); newWord(newRow)=temp; newCount(newRow)=1; cat.Add(newRow); } }
char isProbabilitySet( int inParentID ) { CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( inParentID ); if( r != NULL && r->isProbabilitySet ) { return true; } return false; }
void EPropertySheet::addProperty ( const char* categoryName, const char* propName, EPropertyVar* propVar ) { QStandardItem* categoryItem = getCategory ( categoryName ); int curRow = 0; if ( !categoryItem ) { curRow = mTreeModel->rowCount(); mTreeModel->setRowCount ( curRow + 1 ); categoryItem = new QStandardItem ( categoryName ); mTreeModel->setItem ( curRow, 0, categoryItem ); categoryItem->setEditable ( false ); mTreeView->expand ( categoryItem->index() ); } QList<QStandardItem*> lists; EPropertySheetTreeItem* item = new EPropertySheetTreeItem ( propName ); item->setBackground ( QBrush ( Qt::lightGray ) ); item->setEditable ( false ); lists.push_back ( item ); item = new EPropertySheetTreeItem(); item->SetExtraData ( propVar ); QVariant var; toQVariant ( propVar->mProp, var ); item->setData ( var, Qt::EditRole ); //item->setWhatsThis("WhatsThis"); //item->setStatusTip("StatusTip"); item->setToolTip("ToolTip"); //item->setData ( Qt::EditRole ,var); lists.push_back ( item ); categoryItem->appendRow ( lists ); }
void AddTaskDialog::construct() { ++obj_cnt; upd_mode = false; additional_flag = false; setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setWindowTitle("REXLoader - "+tr("Новое задание")); priority = 2; //нормальный приоритет if(!parent())setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/appimages/trayicon.png")); FileNameValidator *validator = new FileNameValidator(this); gui->fileName->setValidator(validator); gui->categoryBox->setValidator(validator); gui->saveFrame->setVisible(false); urlValidator(); loadDatabaseData(); connect(gui->categoryBox,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),this,SLOT(updateLocation(int))); connect(gui->urlBox,SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(urlValidator())); connect(gui->browseButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(openDirDialog())); connect(gui->startNowBtn,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(startNow())); connect(gui->startLaterBtn,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(startLater())); connect(gui->urlBox,SIGNAL(activated(QString)),this,SLOT(getCategory(QString))); connect(gui->saveButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(updateTaskInfo())); connect(gui->cancelButton_2,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(reject())); QDesktopWidget ds; QRect desktop = ds.availableGeometry(); QPoint top_left = QPoint((desktop.bottomRight().x()-size().width())/2+20*(obj_cnt-1),(desktop.bottomRight().y()-size().height())/2+20*(obj_cnt-1)); move(top_left); setAttribute(Qt::WA_AlwaysShowToolTips); gui->errorFrame->setHidden(true); scanClipboard(); }
void AddTaskDialog::urlValidator() { if(gui->urlBox->currentText().isEmpty()) { gui->startNowBtn->setEnabled(false); gui->startLaterBtn->setEnabled(false); gui->errorFrame->setHidden(true); return; } if(protocols.isEmpty())return; QUrl url(gui->urlBox->currentText()); QString errorStr; if(!url.isValid())errorStr = tr("URL не корректен. Введите другой URL или исправьте этот."); else if(!protocols.contains(url.scheme().toLower()))errorStr = tr("Этот протокол не поддерживается. Проверьте наличие соответствующего плагина и его состояние."); if(errorStr.isEmpty()) { gui->errorFrame->setHidden(true); gui->startNowBtn->setEnabled(true); gui->startLaterBtn->setEnabled(true); } else { gui->errorLabel->setText(errorStr); gui->errorFrame->setHidden(false); gui->startNowBtn->setEnabled(false); gui->startLaterBtn->setEnabled(false); } getCategory(gui->urlBox->currentText()); }
Aircraft::Aircraft(Type type, const TextureHolder& textures, const FontHolder& fonts) : Entity(Table[type].hitpoints) , mType(type) , mFireCommand() , mMissileCommand() , mFireCountdown(sf::Time::Zero) , mIsFiring(false) , mIsLaunchingMissile(false) , mShowExplosion(true) , mSpawnedPickup(false) , mSprite(textures.get(Table[type].texture), Table[type].textureRect) , mExplosion(textures.get(Textures::Explosion)) , mFireRateLevel(1) , mSpreadLevel(1) , mMissileAmmo(2) , mDropPickupCommand() , mTravelledDistance(0.f) , mDirectionIndex(0) , mMissileDisplay(nullptr) { mExplosion.setFrameSize(sf::Vector2i(256, 256)); mExplosion.setNumFrames(16); mExplosion.setDuration(sf::seconds(1)); centerOrigin(mSprite); centerOrigin(mExplosion); mFireCommand.category = Category::SceneAirLayer; mFireCommand.action = [this, &textures] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time) { createBullets(node, textures); }; mMissileCommand.category = Category::SceneAirLayer; mMissileCommand.action = [this, &textures] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time) { createProjectile(node, Projectile::Missile, 0.f, 0.5f, textures); }; mDropPickupCommand.category = Category::SceneAirLayer; mDropPickupCommand.action = [this, &textures] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time) { createPickup(node, textures); }; std::unique_ptr<TextNode> healthDisplay(new TextNode(fonts, "")); mHealthDisplay = healthDisplay.get(); attachChild(std::move(healthDisplay)); if (getCategory() == Category::PlayerAircraft) { std::unique_ptr<TextNode> missileDisplay(new TextNode(fonts, "")); missileDisplay->setPosition(0, 70); mMissileDisplay = missileDisplay.get(); attachChild(std::move(missileDisplay)); } updateTexts(); }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command& command, sf::Time dt) { if(command.category & getCategory()) command.action(*this, dt); FOREACH(Ptr& child, children) child->onCommand(command, dt); }
void AddTaskDialog::setOtherFilename(const QString &flname) { if(flname.isEmpty()) return; gui->fileName->setText(flname); getCategory(gui->fileName->text()); }
int NaiveBayesianClassifier::getWordCount(const QString &category, const QString &word) { long idxsearch=-1; c4_Row findrow; c4_StringProp match("word"); match(findrow)=word; c4_View cat = getCategory(category); idxsearch = getCategory(category).Find(findrow,idxsearch+1); if (idxsearch>=0) { c4_IntProp count("count"); return count(cat[idxsearch]); } else { return 0; } }
void NTEventLogAppender::_append(const LoggingEvent& event) { const char* ps[1]; ps[0] = event.message.c_str(); const DWORD messageID = 0x1000; ::ReportEvent(_hEventSource, getType(event.priority), getCategory(event.priority), messageID, NULL, 1, 0, ps, NULL); }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command& command, sf::Time dt) { // Command current node, if category matches if (command.category & getCategory()) command.action(*this, dt); // Command children FOREACH(Ptr& child, mChildren) child->onCommand(command, dt); }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command& command, sf::Time dt) { if (command.category & getCategory()) { command.action(*this, dt); } for(Ptr& child : mChildren) { child->onCommand(command, dt); } }
CategoryWidget::CategoryWidget(WContainerWidget *parent) :WContainerWidget(parent) { categoryContainer = new WContainerWidget(this); getCategory(); new WText("Add new", this); categoryEdit = new WLineEdit(this); saveCategory = new WPushButton("Add", this); saveCategory->clicked().connect(this, &CategoryWidget::checkCategory); }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command & command, sf::Time delta) { if (command.category & getCategory()) { command.action(*this, delta); } for (auto & child : children_) { child->onCommand(command, delta); } }
char isObjectUsedInCategories( int inObjectID ) { CategoryRecord *r = getCategory( inObjectID ); if( r != NULL && r->objectIDSet.size() > 0 ) { return true; } int num = getNumCategoriesForObject( inObjectID ); return ( num > 0 ); }
void MaterialCategoryModel::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { MaterialCategory* cat; cat = getCategory("No Category"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("No Category")); cat = getCategory("Structural"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("Structural")); cat = getCategory("Structural Core"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("Structural Core")); cat = getCategory("Thermal Management"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("Thermal Management")); cat = getCategory("Glue"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("Glue")); cat = getCategory("Elementary"); if (cat) cat->setDisplayName(tr("Elementary")); } }
static void addCategory( int inParentID ) { if( getCategory( inParentID ) != NULL ) { // already exists return; } // add it to file structure File categoriesDir( NULL, "categories" ); if( !categoriesDir.exists() ) { categoriesDir.makeDirectory(); } if( ! categoriesDir.exists() || ! categoriesDir.isDirectory() ) { printf( "Failed to make categories directory\n" ); return; } // now add it to live, in memory database if( inParentID >= mapSize ) { // expand map int newMapSize = inParentID + 1; CategoryRecord **newMap = new CategoryRecord*[newMapSize]; for( int i=0; i<newMapSize; i++ ) { newMap[i] = NULL; } memcpy( newMap, idMap, sizeof(CategoryRecord*) * mapSize ); delete [] idMap; idMap = newMap; mapSize = newMapSize; } CategoryRecord *r = new CategoryRecord; r->parentID = inParentID; r->isPattern = false; r->isProbabilitySet = false; idMap[ inParentID ] = r; // don't save to disk now, because it's empty }
void SceneNode::onCommand(const Command &command, sf::Time dt) { if (command.category & getCategory()) { command.action(*this, dt); if (command.category == Category::Scene) return; } for (auto & child : mChildren) child->onCommand(command, dt); }