Ejemplo n.º 1
lnd_in_supply(struct lndstr *lp)
    if (!opt_NOFOOD) {
	if (lp->lnd_item[I_FOOD] < get_minimum(lp, I_FOOD))
	    return 0;
    return lp->lnd_item[I_SHELL] >= get_minimum(lp, I_SHELL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
lnd_supply_all(struct lndstr *lp)
    int fail = 0;

    if (!opt_NOFOOD)
	fail |= !lnd_supply(lp, I_FOOD, get_minimum(lp, I_FOOD));
    fail |= !lnd_supply(lp, I_SHELL, get_minimum(lp, I_SHELL));
    return !fail;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Compute command
void command_compute(char* line) {

    char cmd[MAX_BUFFER];
    char key[MAX_BUFFER];
    char func[MAX_BUFFER];
    char arg1[MAX_BUFFER];

    int argc = sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s", cmd, func, key, arg1);
    if (argc < 3) {
        goto invalid;

    uint32_t result = 0;

    if (strcasecmp(func, "sum") == 0) {
        result = get_sum(m);
    } else if (strcasecmp(func, "trace") == 0) {
        result = get_trace(m);
    } else if (strcasecmp(func, "minimum") == 0) {
        result = get_minimum(m);
    } else if (strcasecmp(func, "maximum") == 0) {
        result = get_maximum(m);
    } else if (strcasecmp(func, "frequency") == 0) {
        result = get_frequency(m, atoll(arg1));
    } else {
        goto invalid;

    printf("%" PRIu32 "\n", result);

    puts("invalid arguments");
Ejemplo n.º 4
lnd_could_be_supplied(struct lndstr *lp)
    int res, food, food_needed, shells_needed, shells;

    if (!opt_NOFOOD) {
	food_needed = get_minimum(lp, I_FOOD);
	food = lp->lnd_item[I_FOOD];
	if (food < food_needed) {
	    res = s_commod((struct empobj *)lp, lp->lnd_item,
			   I_FOOD, food_needed,
			   lchr[lp->lnd_type].l_item[I_FOOD], 0);
	    lp->lnd_item[I_FOOD] = food;
	    if (!res)
		return 0;

    shells_needed = lchr[lp->lnd_type].l_ammo;
    shells = lp->lnd_item[I_SHELL];
    if (shells < shells_needed) {
	res = s_commod((struct empobj *)lp, lp->lnd_item,
		       I_SHELL, shells_needed,
		       lchr[lp->lnd_type].l_item[I_SHELL], 0);
	lp->lnd_item[I_SHELL] = shells;
	if (!res)
	    return 0;

    return 1;
float	retrieve_saturation(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b)
	float saturation;
	unsigned int max = get_maximum(r, g, b);
	unsigned int min = get_minimum(r, g, b);

	saturation = max - min;

	return saturation;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Saturation is calculates as below:
 * S = max(R, G, B) − min(R, G, B)
retrieve_saturation(tUInt r, tUInt g, tUInt b)
    tFloat32 saturation;
    tUInt max = get_maximum(r, g, b);
    tUInt min = get_minimum(r, g, b);

    saturation = static_cast<tFloat32> (max - min);

    return saturation;
Ejemplo n.º 7
RB_node* get_successor(RB_node *node, RB_node *nil){
    if(node->right != nil){
        return get_minimum(node->right, nil);
        RB_node *succ = node->parent;
        while(succ != nil && node == succ->right){
            node = succ;
            succ = succ->parent;
        return succ;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(){

    // In production code, of course, we won't hardcode this
    struct Link * link = load("data.txt");

    printf("Print as ordered by genome A\n");
    recursive_print(link, 0);

    printf("\nPrint as ordered by genome B\n");
    recursive_print(link, 1);

    printf("\nLowest position on genome A\n");
    print_link(get_minimum(link, 0));

    printf("\nLowest position on genome B\n");
    print_link(get_minimum(link, 1));

    printf("\nAll links with scores above 50\n");
    recursive_print(winnow(link, 50), 0);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main() {
    /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */   
    int N, size;
    int* arr;
    int* output;
    arr = (int *) malloc(N * sizeof(int));
    output = (int *) malloc(N * sizeof(int));
    for(int arr_i = 0; arr_i < N; arr_i++) {
        scanf("%d", &arr[arr_i]);
    qsort(arr, N, sizeof(int), compare);
    size = get_minimum(arr, output, N);
    print_output(output, size);
    return 0;
// *******************************************************************
// Function print_employee_wages
// Purpose: This function will print out the gross
//          wages of each employee.
// Parameters: employees - the array of structures for employees
//             size - the number of employees to input
// Returns: Nothing (void)
// *******************************************************************
void print_employee_wages (struct employee employees[], int size)
    int i; // To increment the loop
    float maximum[3] = {0}; // stores the maximum values
    float minimum[3] = {0}; // stores the minimum values
    float total[3] = {0}; // Totals to be used for the total and average
    // Declare functions called
    void get_totals (struct employee employees[], float total_array[], int size);
    void get_minimum (struct employee employees[], float minimum[], int size);
    void get_maximum (struct employee employees[], float maximum[], int size);
    // Print out header information for data to be displayed
    printf ("\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    printf ("Name\t\t\tClock#\tWage\tHours\tOT\tGross\n");
    printf ("--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    // Print out employee information to the screen
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        printf ("%s\t\t%06li\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%4.2f\n", employees[i].name ,employees[i].id_number, employees[i].wage, employees[i].hours, employees[i].overtime, employees[i].gross);
    // run the stats functions
    get_totals (employees, total, size);
    get_minimum (employees, minimum, size);
    get_maximum  (employees, maximum, size);

    // Print out various stats
    printf ("--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    // Total of hours, overtime hours, and gross wages paid
    printf("Total:\t\t\t\t\t%.1f\t%.1f\t\%.2f\n", total[0], total[1], total[2]);
    // Average of hours, overtime hours, and gross wages paid
    printf("Average:\t\t\t\t%.1f\t%.1f\t\%.2f\n", total[0] / size, total[1] / size, total[2] / size);
    // Minimum hours, overtime, and gross
    printf("Minimum:\t\t\t\t%.1f\t%.1f\t\%.2f\n", minimum[0], minimum[1], minimum[2]);
    // Maximum hours, overtime, and gross
    printf("Maximum:\t\t\t\t%.1f\t%.1f\t\%.2f\n", maximum[0], maximum[1], maximum[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Compute command.
void command_compute(char* line) {

	char cmd[MAX_BUFFER];
	char key[MAX_BUFFER];
	char func[MAX_BUFFER];
	char arg1[MAX_BUFFER];

	int argc = sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s", cmd, func, key, arg1);
	if (argc < 3) {
		goto invalid;

	float result = 0;

	if (strcasecmp(func, "sum") == 0) {
		result = get_sum(m);
	} else if (strcasecmp(func, "trace") == 0) {
		result = get_trace(m);
	} else if (strcasecmp(func, "minimum") == 0) {
		result = get_minimum(m);
	} else if (strcasecmp(func, "maximum") == 0) {
		result = get_maximum(m);
	} else if (strcasecmp(func, "determinant") == 0) {
		result = get_determinant(m);
	} else if (strcasecmp(func, "frequency") == 0) {
		ssize_t count = get_frequency(m, atof(arg1));
		printf("%zu\n", count);
	} else {
		goto invalid;

	printf("%.2f\n", result);

	puts("invalid arguments");
Ejemplo n.º 12
//Returns the most frequently occuring element
//or -1 if there is no such unique element
int64_t get_mode(int64_t* vector) 

	if (g_existCalcs[arg1].modeFlag == 1)
		return g_existCalcs[arg1].mode;
	g_existCalcs[arg1].modeFlag = 1;

	//Mode of a uniform vector is any element within it
	if (g_length == 1 || g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == UNIFORM)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].mode = vector[0];
		return vector[0];

	//All vectors with unique values have no mode
	else if (g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == SEQUP || g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == SEQDOWN ||
			g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == PRIME)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].mode = -1;
		return -1;

	int64_t max = get_maximum(vector);
	int64_t min = get_minimum(vector);
	if ((max - min) <   2147483648) //16gb can hold 2147483648 int64s
		//12gb can hold 1610612736 int64s
		//8gb  can hold 1073741824 int64s
		//4gb  can hold 536870912  int64s
		return fast_mode(vector, max, min);

	int64_t* result = cloned(vector);
	qsort(result, g_length, sizeof(int64_t), int64Ascend);

	int64_t curSpanCount = 0, hiSpanCount = 0, 
			currentCheck = 0, repeatCount = 0, mode = 0;

	for (int64_t i = 0; i < g_length; i++)
		if (currentCheck != result[i])
			currentCheck = result[i];
			curSpanCount = 0;

		if (curSpanCount > hiSpanCount)
			repeatCount = 0;
			hiSpanCount = curSpanCount;
			mode = currentCheck;   
		else if (currentCheck != result[i+1] && curSpanCount == hiSpanCount)
			repeatCount = 1;

	if (repeatCount > 0)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].mode = -1;
		return -1;

	g_existCalcs[arg1].mode = mode;
	return mode;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void test_fft(size_t size, double time = 1.5)
    const tick_value correction = 0;//calibrate_correction();
    printf(">  [%9ld, ", (long)size);
    real* in  = aligned_malloc<real>(size * 2);
    real* out = aligned_malloc<real>(size * 2);
    fill_random(in, size * 2);
    std::copy(in, in + size * 2, out);
    fft_benchmark<false> fft(size, out, out);

    fill_random(in, size * 2);

    std::vector<tick_value> measures;
    const tick_value bench_tick_start = tick();
    const time_value bench_start      = now();
    while (time_between(now(), bench_start) < time)
        const tick_value start = tick();
        const tick_value stop = tick();
        const tick_value diff = stop - start;
        measures.push_back(diff >= correction ? diff - correction : 0);
        fill_random(in, size * 2);
        std::copy(in, in + size * 2, out);
    const tick_value bench_tick_stop = tick();
    const time_value bench_stop      = now();

    const double tick_frequency =
        (long double)(bench_tick_stop - bench_tick_start) / time_between(bench_stop, bench_start);

    tick_value tick_value = get_minimum(measures);
    double time_value     = tick_value / tick_frequency;
    const double flops     = (5.0 * size * std::log((double)size) / (std::log(2.0) * time_value));

    const char* units = "'s' ";
    if (time_value < 0.000001)
        units       = "'ns'";
        time_value = time_value * 1000000000.0;
    else if (time_value < 0.001)
        units       = "'us'";
        time_value = time_value * 1000000.0;
    else if (time_value < 1.0)
        units       = "'ms'";
        time_value = time_value * 1000.0;

    printf("%9lld, ", tick_value);
    printf("%7g, %s, ", time_value, units);
    printf("%7g, ", flops / 1000000.0);
    printf("%8lld, ", measures.size());
    printf("%8.6f],\n", tick_frequency / 1000000000.0);

Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Actually get the commod
 * First, try to forage in the sector
 * Second look for a warehouse or headquarters to leech
 * Third, look for a ship we own in a harbor
 * Fourth, look for supplies in a supply unit we own
 *		(one good reason to do this last is that the supply
 *		 unit will then call resupply, taking more time)
 * May want to put code to resupply with SAMs here, later --ts
static int
s_commod(struct empobj *sink, short *vec,
	 i_type type, int wanted, int limit, int actually_doit)
    natid own = sink->own;
    coord x = sink->x;
    coord y = sink->y;
    int lookrange;
    struct sctstr sect;
    struct nstr_sect ns;
    struct nstr_item ni;
    struct lchrstr *lcp;
    struct shpstr ship;
    struct lndstr land;
    /* leave at least 1 military in sectors/ships */
    int minimum = 0;
    int can_move;
    double move_cost, weight, mobcost;
    int packing;
    struct dchrstr *dp;
    struct ichrstr *ip;

    if (wanted > limit)
	wanted = limit;
    if (wanted <= vec[type])
	return 1;
    wanted -= vec[type];

    /* try to get it from sector we're in */
    if (sink->ef_type != EF_SECTOR) {
	getsect(x, y, &sect);
	if (sect.sct_own == own) {
	    if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD)
		minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(sect.sct_item,
	    if (sect.sct_item[type] - wanted >= minimum) {
		sect.sct_item[type] -= wanted;
		if (actually_doit) {
		    vec[type] += wanted;
		    put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink);
		return 1;
	    } else if (sect.sct_item[type] - minimum > 0) {
		wanted -= sect.sct_item[type] - minimum;
		sect.sct_item[type] = minimum;
		if (actually_doit) {
		    vec[type] += sect.sct_item[type] - minimum;

    /* look for a headquarters or warehouse */
    lookrange = tfact(own, 10.0);
    snxtsct_dist(&ns, x, y, lookrange);
    while (nxtsct(&ns, &sect) && wanted) {
	if (ns.curdist == 0)
	if (sect.sct_own != own)
	if ((sect.sct_type != SCT_WAREH) &&
	    (sect.sct_type != SCT_HEADQ) && (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR))
	if ((sect.sct_type == SCT_HEADQ) &&
	    (sect.sct_dist_x == sect.sct_x) &&
	    (sect.sct_dist_y == sect.sct_y))
	if (sect.sct_effic < 60)
	move_cost = path_find(sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE);
	if (move_cost < 0)
	if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD)
	    minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(sect.sct_item,
	if (sect.sct_item[type] <= minimum)
	ip = &ichr[type];
	dp = &dchr[sect.sct_type];
	packing = ip->i_pkg[dp->d_pkg];
	if (packing > 1 && sect.sct_effic < 60)
	    packing = 1;
	weight = (double)ip->i_lbs / packing;
	mobcost = move_cost * weight;
	if (mobcost > 0)
	    can_move = (double)sect.sct_mobil / mobcost;
	    can_move = sect.sct_item[type] - minimum;
	if (can_move > sect.sct_item[type] - minimum)
	    can_move = sect.sct_item[type] - minimum;

	if (can_move >= wanted) {
	    int n;

	    sect.sct_item[type] -= wanted;

	    /* take off mobility for delivering sect */
	    n = roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost);
	    sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += wanted;
		put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink);
	    return 1;
	} else if (can_move > 0) {
	    int n;
	    wanted -= can_move;
	    sect.sct_item[type] -= can_move;

	    /* take off mobility for delivering sect */
	    n = roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost);
	    sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += can_move;

    /* look for an owned ship in a harbor */
    snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_SHIP, x, y, lookrange);
    while (nxtitem(&ni, &ship) && wanted) {
	if (sink->ef_type == EF_SHIP && sink->uid == ship.shp_uid)
	if (ship.shp_own != own)
	if (!(mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUPPLY))
	getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, &sect);
	if (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR)
	if (sect.sct_effic < 2)
	move_cost = path_find(sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE);
	if (move_cost < 0)
	if (!opt_NOFOOD && type == I_FOOD)
	    minimum = 1 + (int)ceil(food_needed(ship.shp_item,
	if (ship.shp_item[type] <= minimum)
	ip = &ichr[type];
	dp = &dchr[sect.sct_type];
	packing = ip->i_pkg[dp->d_pkg];
	if (packing > 1 && sect.sct_effic < 60)
	    packing = 1;
	weight = (double)ip->i_lbs / packing;
	mobcost = move_cost * weight;
	if (mobcost > 0)
	    can_move = (double)sect.sct_mobil / mobcost;
	    can_move = ship.shp_item[type] - minimum;
	if (can_move > ship.shp_item[type] - minimum)
	    can_move = ship.shp_item[type] - minimum;
	if (can_move >= wanted) {
	    int n;
	    ship.shp_item[type] -= wanted;

	    n = roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost);
	    sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += can_move;
		putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship);
		if (n)
		put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink);
	    return 1;
	} else if (can_move > 0) {
	    int n;
	    wanted -= can_move;
	    ship.shp_item[type] -= can_move;

	    n = roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost);
	    sect.sct_mobil -= LIMIT_TO(n, 0, sect.sct_mobil);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += can_move;
		putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship);
		if (n)

    /* look for an owned supply unit */
    snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_LAND, x, y, lookrange);
    while (nxtitem(&ni, &land) && wanted) {
	int min;

	if (sink->ef_type == EF_LAND && sink->uid == land.lnd_uid)
	if (land.lnd_own != own)

	lcp = &lchr[(int)land.lnd_type];
	if (!(lcp->l_flags & L_SUPPLY))

	if (land.lnd_item[type] <= get_minimum(&land, type))

	if (land.lnd_ship >= 0) {
	    getsect(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, &sect);
	    if (sect.sct_type != SCT_HARBR || sect.sct_effic < 2)

	move_cost = path_find(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, x, y, own, MOB_MOVE);
	if (move_cost < 0)

#if 0
	 * Recursive supply is disabled for now.  It can introduce
	 * cycles into the "resupplies from" relation.  The code below
	 * attempts to break these cycles by temporarily zapping the
	 * commodity being supplied.  That puts the land file in a
	 * funny state temporarily, risking loss of supplies when
	 * something goes wrong on the way.  Worse, it increases
	 * lnd_seqno even when !actually_doit, which can lead to
	 * spurious seqno mismatch oopses in users of
	 * lnd_could_be_supplied().  I can't be bothered to clean up
	 * this mess right now, because recursive resupply is too dumb
	 * to be really useful anyway: each step uses the first source
	 * it finds, without consideration of mobility cost.  If you
	 * re-enable it, don't forget to uncomment its documentation
	 * in supply.t as well.
	if (land.lnd_item[type] - wanted < get_minimum(&land, type)) {
	    struct lndstr save;

	     * Temporarily zap this unit's store, so the recursion
	     * avoids it.
	    save = land;
	    land.lnd_item[type] = 0;
	    putland(land.lnd_uid, &land);
	    save.lnd_seqno = land.lnd_seqno;

	    s_commod((struct empobj *)&land, land.lnd_item, type, wanted,
		     lchr[land.lnd_type].l_item[type] - wanted,
	    land.lnd_item[type] += save.lnd_item[type];

	    if (actually_doit)
		putland(land.lnd_uid, &land);
		putland(save.lnd_uid, &save);

	min = get_minimum(&land, type);
	ip = &ichr[type];
	weight = ip->i_lbs;
	mobcost = move_cost * weight;
	if (mobcost > 0)
	    can_move = (double)land.lnd_mobil / mobcost;
	    can_move = land.lnd_item[type] - min;
	if (can_move > land.lnd_item[type] - min)
	    can_move = land.lnd_item[type] - min;

	if (can_move >= wanted) {
	    land.lnd_item[type] -= wanted;
	    land.lnd_mobil -= roundavg(wanted * weight * move_cost);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += wanted;
		putland(land.lnd_uid, &land);
		put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink);
	    return 1;
	} else if (can_move > 0) {
	    wanted -= can_move;
	    land.lnd_item[type] -= can_move;
	    land.lnd_mobil -= roundavg(can_move * weight * move_cost);
	    if (actually_doit) {
		vec[type] += can_move;
		putland(land.lnd_uid, &land);

    if (actually_doit)
	put_empobj(sink->ef_type, sink->uid, sink);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void recursive_print(Link * link, size_t order_by){
    recursive_print_r(get_minimum(link, order_by)->p[order_by]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main() {
    scanf("%s", string);
    n = strlen(string);
    power[0] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
        power[i] = power[i - 1] * MAGIC;
    hash[n] = 0;
    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; -- i) {
        hash[i] = hash[i + 1] * MAGIC + string[i];
    //for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
    //    printf("%s\n", string + array[i]);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
        minimum[0][i] = array[i];
    for (int j = 1; j < D; ++ j) {
        for (int i = 0; i + (1 << j) <= n; ++ i) {
            minimum[j][i] = std::min(minimum[j - 1][i], minimum[j - 1][i + (1 << j - 1)]);
    log[0] = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
        log[i] = log[i - 1];
        if (1 << log[i] + 1 < i) {
            log[i] ++;
    // height [0..n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++ i) {
        begin[i] = i - 1;
        while (begin[i] != -1 && height[begin[i]] >= height[i]) {
            begin[i] = begin[begin[i]];
    for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; -- i) {
        end[i] = i + 1;
        while (end[i] != n - 1 && height[end[i]] >= height[i]) {
            end[i] = end[end[i]];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
        answer[n - i] = Data(i, i);
//for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
//    printf("%s\n", string + array[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++ i) {
        int l = begin[i] + 1;
        int r = end[i];
        int a = get_minimum(l, i + 1);
        int b = get_minimum(i + 1, r + 1);
        if (a > b) {
            std::swap(a, b);
        Data d(a, b);
        answer[height[i]] = std::min(answer[height[i]], d);
    int q;
    scanf("%d", &q);
    while (q --) {
        int l;
        scanf("%d", &l);
        if (answer[l].i == -1) {
            puts("-1 -1");
        } else {
            printf("%d %d\n", answer[l].i + 1, answer[l].j + 1);
    return 0;