void GestureClassifierByHistogram::createReferenceHistogramsForClass3Gesture()
	// create reference histograms
	ReferenceHistogramGeneratorForClass3Gesture refHistogramGenerator(local::class3GestureRefHistogramSigma);
	refHistogramGenerator.createHistograms(local::phaseHistBins, local::refHistogramNormalizationFactor);
	const std::vector<cv::MatND> &refHistograms = refHistogramGenerator.getHistograms();

	refHistogramsForClass3Gesture_.assign(refHistograms.begin(), refHistograms.end());

#if 0
	// FIXME [delete] >>
	// draw reference histograms
	for (std::vector<cv::MatND>::const_iterator it = refHistogramsForClass3Gesture_.begin(); it != refHistogramsForClass3Gesture_.end(); ++it)
#if 0
		double maxVal = 0.0;
		cv::minMaxLoc(*it, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, NULL);
		const double maxVal = local::refHistogramNormalizationFactor * 0.05;

		// draw 1-D histogram
		cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(local::phaseHistMaxHeight, local::phaseHistBins*local::phaseHistBinWidth, CV_8UC3));
		HistogramUtil::drawHistogram1D(*it, local::phaseHistBins, maxVal, local::phaseHistBinWidth, local::phaseHistMaxHeight, histImg);

		cv::imshow(local::windowNameClass1Gesture2, histImg);
void GestureClassifierByHistogram::drawMatchedIdPatternHistogram(const boost::circular_buffer<size_t> &matchedHistogramIndexes, const std::string &windowName) const
	// calculate matched index histogram
	cv::MatND hist;
#if defined(__GNUC__)
        cv::Mat tmpmat(std::vector<unsigned char>(matchedHistogramIndexes.begin(), matchedHistogramIndexes.end()));
        cv::calcHist(&tmpmat, 1, local::indexHistChannels, cv::Mat(), hist, local::histDims, local::indexHistSize, local::indexHistRanges, true, false);
	cv::calcHist(&cv::Mat(std::vector<unsigned char>(matchedHistogramIndexes.begin(), matchedHistogramIndexes.end())), 1, local::indexHistChannels, cv::Mat(), hist, local::histDims, local::indexHistSize, local::indexHistRanges, true, false);

	// normalize histogram
	//HistogramUtil::normalizeHistogram(hist, params_.maxMatchedHistogramNum);

	// draw matched index histogram
	cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(local::indexHistMaxHeight, local::indexHistBins*local::indexHistBinWidth, CV_8UC3));
	HistogramUtil::drawHistogram1D(hist, local::indexHistBins, params_.maxMatchedHistogramNum, local::indexHistBinWidth, local::indexHistMaxHeight, histImg);

	std::ostringstream sstream;
	sstream << "count: " << matchedHistogramIndexes.size();
	cv::putText(histImg, sstream.str(), cv::Point(10, 15), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 1, 8, false);

	cv::imshow(windowName, histImg);
void GestureClassifierByHistogram::createGestureIdPatternHistogramsForClass1Gesture()
	// create gesture pattern histograms
	GestureIdPatternHistogramGeneratorForClass1Gesture gestureIdPatternHistogramGenerator(local::gesturePatternHistogramSigma);
	gestureIdPatternHistogramGenerator.createHistograms(local::gesturePatternHistogramBinNum, local::gesturePatternHistogramNormalizationFactor);
	const std::vector<cv::MatND> &gesturePatternHistograms = gestureIdPatternHistogramGenerator.getHistograms();

	gestureIdPatternHistogramsForClass1Gesture_.assign(gesturePatternHistograms.begin(), gesturePatternHistograms.end());

#if 0
	// FIXME [delete] >>
	// draw gesture pattern histograms
	for (std::vector<cv::MatND>::const_iterator it = gesturePatternHistograms.begin(); it != gesturePatternHistograms.end(); ++it)
#if 0
		double maxVal = 0.0;
		cv::minMaxLoc(*it, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, NULL);
		const double maxVal = local::gesturePatternHistogramNormalizationFactor;

		// draw 1-D histogram
		cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(local::indexHistMaxHeight, local::gesturePatternHistogramBinNum*local::indexHistBinWidth, CV_8UC3));
		HistogramUtil::drawHistogram1D(*it, local::gesturePatternHistogramBinNum, maxVal, local::indexHistBinWidth, local::indexHistMaxHeight, histImg);

		cv::imshow(local::windowNameClass1Gesture2, histImg);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Histogram1D::getHistogramImage( const cv::Mat& image )
	// Compute histogram first
	cv::MatND hist = getHistogram( image );

	// Get min and max bin values
	double maxVal{ };
	double minVal{ };

	cv::minMaxLoc( hist, &minVal, &maxVal, 0, 0 );

	// Image on which to display histogram
	cv::Mat histImg( histSize_[0], histSize_[0], CV_8U, cv::Scalar( 255 ) );

	// set highest point at 90% of nbins
	int hpt = static_cast<int>( 0.9 * histSize_[0] );

	// Draw vertical line for each bin
	for( int h = 0; h < histSize_[0]; ++h )
		float binVal = hist.at< float >( h );
		int intensity = static_cast<int>( binVal * hpt / maxVal );

		cv::line( histImg, cv::Point( h, histSize_[0] ),
		          cv::Point( h, histSize_[0] - intensity ), cv::Scalar::all( 0 ) );

	return histImg;
void GestureClassifierByHistogram::drawTemporalOrientationHistogram(const cv::MatND &temporalHist, const std::string &windowName) const
#if 1
	double maxVal = 0.0;
	cv::minMaxLoc(temporalHist, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, NULL);
	const double maxVal = local::refHistogramNormalizationFactor * 0.05;

	cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(temporalHist.rows*local::phaseVertScale, temporalHist.cols*local::phaseHorzScale, CV_8UC3));
	HistogramUtil::drawHistogram2D(temporalHist, temporalHist.cols, temporalHist.rows, maxVal, local::phaseHorzScale, local::phaseVertScale, histImg);

	cv::imshow(windowName, histImg);
void GestureClassifierByHistogram::drawAccumulatedPhaseHistogram(const cv::MatND &accumulatedHist, const std::string &windowName) const
#if 0
	double maxVal = 0.0;
	cv::minMaxLoc(accumulatedHist, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, NULL);
	const double maxVal = local::refHistogramNormalizationFactor * 0.05;

	cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(local::phaseHistMaxHeight, local::phaseHistBins*local::phaseHistBinWidth, CV_8UC3));
	HistogramUtil::drawHistogram1D(accumulatedHist, local::phaseHistBins, maxVal, local::phaseHistBinWidth, local::phaseHistMaxHeight, histImg);

	cv::imshow(windowName, histImg);
Ejemplo n.º 7
cv::Mat Histogram::getHistogramImage(const cv::Mat &image, const int &histSize) const
    cv::MatND hist = getHistogramValues(image, histSize);     //get HistogramValues and save in hist

    double max = 0;
    double min = 0;
    cv::minMaxLoc(hist, &min, &max);

    cv::Mat histImg(histSize, histSize, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255));

    for(int i = 0; i < histSize; i++)
        float value = hist.at<float>(i);
        int intensity = static_cast<int>(value/max * 0.9*histSize);

        cv::line(histImg, cv::Point(i,histSize), cv::Point(i,histSize-intensity), cv::Scalar(0));

    return histImg;
cv::Mat StrategyColorHistogram::getHistogramImage(const cv::Mat &image, cv::Scalar color)
    cv::MatND hist = getHistogram(image);

    double maxVal = 0;
    double minVal = 0;
    cv::minMaxLoc(hist, &minVal, &maxVal, 0 , 0);

    cv::Mat histImg(m_histSize[0], m_histSize[0], CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
    int hpt = static_cast<int>(0.9 * m_histSize[0]);

    for(int h = 0; h < m_histSize[0]; h++)
        float binVal = hist.at<float>(h);
        int intensity = static_cast<int>(binVal * hpt / maxVal);
        cv::line(histImg, cv::Point(h, m_histSize[0]),
                cv::Point(h, m_histSize[0] - intensity), color);

    return histImg;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Cognition::on_Histogram_clicked()

   Mat src=imread(("img"+QString().setNum(imgNum-1)+".jpg").toStdString(),0);

   int gbins = 256;
       int histSize[] = {gbins};
       // hue varies from 0 to 179, see cvtColor
       float granges[] = { 0, 255 };

       const float* ranges[] = { granges };
       MatND hist;
       // we compute the histogram from the 0-th and 1-st channels
       int channels[] = {0};

       calcHist( &src, 1, channels, Mat(), // do not use mask
                hist, 1, histSize, ranges,
                true, // the histogram is uniform
                false );

        double maxValue=0,minValue=0;
        cout<<maxValue<<" "<<minValue<<endl;
        Mat histImg(histSize[0],histSize[0],CV_8U,Scalar(255));
        int hpt =static_cast<int>(0.9*histSize[0]);
        for(int h=0;h<histSize[0];h++)
            float binVal =hist.at<float>(h);
            int intensity=static_cast<int>(binVal*hpt/maxValue);
       namedWindow( "Source", 1 );
       imshow( "Source", src );

       namedWindow( "hist", 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Image::showHistogramAsImage()
	for( int n = 0; n < (int) _histograms.size(); n++ )
		double maxVal = 0;
		double minVal = 0;
		cv::minMaxLoc( _histograms.at( n ), &minVal, &maxVal );

		cv::Mat histImg( 256, 256, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(255) );

		int hpt = static_cast< int >( 0.9 * 256 );
		for( int h = 0; h < 256; h++ )
			float binVal = _histograms.at( n ).at< float >( h );
			int intensity = static_cast< int >( binVal * hpt/maxVal );
			cv::line( histImg, cv::Point( h, 256 ), cv::Point( h, 256 - intensity ),
					cv::Scalar::all( 0 ) );
		std::string name = "Histogram channel " + Log::to_string( n );
		cv::namedWindow( name, 0 );
		cv::imshow( name, histImg );