static void save_float(struct uih_context *uih, number_t number) { if (!first) myputc(' '); else first = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE /*20 should be enought to specify 64digit number :) */ #ifdef USE_XLDIO x_ldout((long double) number, 20, uih->savec->file); #else { char s[256]; sprintf(s, "%.20LG", (long double) number); myputs(s); } #endif #else { char s[256]; sprintf(s, "%.20G", (double) number); myputs(s); } #endif }
int myprintf(const char *format,...) { char c; va_list ap; char c_val; int i_val; char * p_val; char buf[10]; va_start(ap,format); //ap is format's address while((c = *format) != '\0') { if (c == '%') { c = *++format; switch(c) { case 's': p_val = va_arg(ap, char *); myputs(p_val); break; case 'c': c_val = va_arg(ap, int); myputchar(c_val); break; case 'd': i_val = va_arg(ap, int); itoa(i_val, buf); myputs(buf); break; default: break; } } else
static void save_float2(struct uih_context *uih, number_t number, int places) { char fs[10]; if (!first) myputc(' '); else first = 0; if (places < 0) places = 0; if (places > 20) places = 20; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE #ifdef USE_XLDIO fs[0] = 0; /* Avoid warning */ x_ldout((long double) number, places, uih->savec->file); #else { char s[256]; sprintf(fs, "%%.%iLG", places); sprintf(s, fs, (long double) number); myputs(s); } #endif #else { char s[256]; sprintf(fs, "%%.%iG", places); sprintf(s, fs, (double) number); myputs(s); } #endif }
void send_impulses(transmit_modes tx_mode) { /* * Send all saved impulses via the given transmit mode */ if (tx_mode == uart) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < current_impulse; i++) { // myputc((impulseData[i].year >> 12) + 0x30); // Send BCD as ASCII // myputc(((impulseData[i].year >> 8) & 0xf) + 0x30); myputs("20"); myputc(((impulseData[i].year >> 4) & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].year & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].mon >> 4) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].mon & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].day >> 4) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].day & 0xf) + 0x30); // myputc((impulseData[i].dow >> 4) + 0x30); // myputc((impulseData[i].dow & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].hour >> 4) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].hour & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].min >> 4) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].min & 0xf) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].sec >> 4) + 0x30); myputc((impulseData[i].sec & 0xf) + 0x30); myputs("\r\n"); } } else if (tx_mode == cc2500) {
static void start_save(struct uih_context *uih, const char *name) { if (!changed && !uih->savec->firsttime) { char s[256]; sprintf(s, "\n(usleep %i)\n", tl_lookup_timer(uih->savec->timer)); myputs(s); tl_reset_timer(uih->savec->timer); } changed = 1; myputc('('); myputs(name); first = 0; }
void show() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { locate(10+i,10); for(j=0;j<4;j++) { if(s[i][j]) myputs("%c ",s[i][j]-1+'A'); else myputs("%c ",' '); } } locate(14,12);myputs("rem=%3d",pnum); }
main() { char string[80]; FH *in,*out; #ifdef AMIGA out=(FH *)Output(); #else out = stdout; #endif #ifdef AMIGA if((in=(FH *)Open("test.dat",MODE_OLDFILE))==NULL) #else if((in=(FH *)fopen("test.dat","r"))==NULL) #endif { printf("Unable to open test.dat\n"); exit(1); } while(mygets(in,string,80)) myputs(out,string); #ifdef AMIGA Close(in); #else fclose(in); #endif }
int choice(int sfd,packet* pk,int* fd) { switch(pk->type) { case 0: get(pk,fd); break; case 1: mycd(pk); break; case 2: myls(pk); break; case 3: myputs(sfd,pk); break; case 4: mygets(pk,fd); break; case 5: myremove(pk); break; case 6: mypwd(pk); break; case 7: getend(fd); break; default: break; } return 0; }
int main(void) { const char *helloworld="Hello world\n"; myputs(*helloworld); while(1); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char** data = NULL; char* buf; int strcnt = 0; size_t strsize = 10; int i, j; FILE* inf; FILE* outf; int ret = 0; if (argc < 3) { printf("Few args"); return 0; } inf = fopen(argv[1], "r"); outf = fopen(argv[2], "w"); if (outf == NULL || inf == NULL) { printf("Invalid file names"); return 0; } data = malloc(10 * sizeof(char*)); data[strcnt] = NULL; ret = safe_gets(inf, &data[strcnt]); while (ret == 0) { strcnt++; if (strcnt + 1 == strsize) { strsize += 10; data = realloc(data, strsize * sizeof(char*)); if (data == NULL) printf("whats up?"); } /*printf("%s", data[strcnt - 1]);*/ data[strcnt] = NULL; ret = safe_gets(inf, &data[strcnt]); } for (i = 0; i < strcnt; ++i) for (j = i + 1; j < strcnt; ++j) if (mycmp(data[i], data[j]) >= 0) { buf = data[j]; data[j] = data[i]; data[i] = buf; } printf("Words: %ld\n", words); for (i = 0; i < strcnt; ++i){ myputs(outf, data[i]); free(data[i]); } free(data[i]); free(data); fclose(inf); fclose(outf); return 0; }
static void save_keyword(struct uih_context *uih, const char *name) { if (!first) myputc(' '); else first = 0; myputs(name); }
static void save_onoff(struct uih_context *uih, int number) { if (!first) myputc(' '); else first = 0; myputs(number ? "#t" : "#f"); }
int main(void) { const char *helloworld="Hello world\n"; *NVIC_CCR=*NVIC_CCR|0x200; myputs(*helloworld); while(1); return (0); }
static void save_keystring (struct uih_context *uih, CONST char *name) { if (!first) myputc (' '); else first = 0; myputc ('\''); myputs (name); }
static void comm_comout( /* print string to command line */ char *str ) { putc(COM_COMOUT, devout); myputs(str, devout); if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n') fflush(devout); }
static void save_int(struct uih_context *uih, int number) { char s[256]; if (!first) myputc(' '); else first = 0; sprintf(s, "%i", number); myputs(s); }
int main(void) { myputs(xxx); _print("yyy"); json_key("yyy"); const char *list = "xxx, yyy, zzz"; json_list(LIST); }
int printf(const char *format, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; int rv; va_start(ap, format); rv = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, format, ap); va_end(ap); myputs(buf); return rv; }
int main() { uart_init(); myputc('1'); myputc('2'); myputc('3'); myputc('4'); myputc('5'); myputc('6'); myputs("hello world!\n"); led_test(); return 0; }
static void comm_comin( /* read string from command line */ char *buf, char *prompt ) { putc(COM_COMIN, devout); if (prompt == NULL) putc(0, devout); else { putc(1, devout); myputs(prompt, devout); } fflush(devout); if (getc(devin) != COM_COMIN) reply_error("comin"); mygets(buf, devin); getstate(); }
/* *选择:0<往链接写报文>/1<cd>/2<myls>/3<打开文件>/4<读取服务端文件内容并发给客户端> *******5<移除文件>/6<获取当前路径>/7<关闭链接>/8<退出循环> * */ int choice(node* n,packet* pk,int* running,char *filedir) { switch(pk->type) { case 0: put(pk,n->put_fd); break; case 1: mycd(pk,n->curdir); send_pk(n->accept_fd,pk); break; case 2: myls(pk,n->curdir); send_pk(n->accept_fd,pk); break; case 3: myputs(pk,&(n->put_fd),filedir); send_pk(n->accept_fd,pk); break; case 4: mygets(n->accept_fd,pk,n->curdir); break; case 5: myremove(pk,n->curdir); send_pk(n->accept_fd,pk); break; case 6: mypwd(pk,n->curdir); send_pk(n->accept_fd,pk); break; case 7: putend(&(n->put_fd)); break; case 8: *running=0; break; default:break; } return 0; }
int main(){ char c[]="daisy duke"; myputs(c); return 0; }
int uih_save_enable(struct uih_context *uih, xio_file f, int mode) { struct uih_savedcontext *s; int i; last = 0; if (uih->save) { uih_error(uih, "Recording is already enabled"); return 0; } s = (struct uih_savedcontext *) calloc(1, sizeof(*s)); if (f == NULL || s == NULL) { uih_error(uih, "File could not be opended or out of memory"); return 0; } uih->savec = s; s->fcontext = make_fractalc(1, uih->image->pixelwidth * uih->image->width, uih->image->pixelheight * uih->image->height); if (s->fcontext == NULL) { uih_error(uih, "File could not be opended or out of memory"); return 0; } s->mode = mode; /*Invalidate context to force save everything first */ s->speedup = STEP; s->maxstep = MAXSTEP; s->xcenter = INT_MAX; s->fastmode = 2; s->juliamode = 0; s->cycling = 0; for (i = 0; i < uih_nfilters; i++) s->filter[i] = 0; s->pressed = 0; s->firsttime = 1; uih->palettechanged = 1; s->cyclingspeed = 30; s->fcontext->pre = s->fcontext->pim = 0; s->fcontext->bre = s->fcontext->bim = 0; s->fcontext->currentformula = NULL; s->fcontext->periodicity = 1; s->fcontext->maxiter = 170; s->fcontext->bailout = 4; s->fcontext->coloringmode = 0; s->fcontext->incoloringmode = 0; s->fcontext->outtcolor = 0; s->fcontext->intcolor = 0; s->fcontext->mandelbrot = 1; s->fcontext->plane = 0; s->fcontext->range = 3; s->fcontext->angle = 0; s->rotatepressed = 0; s->autorotate = 0; s->fastrotate = 0; s->rotationspeed = 10; s->clearscreen = 0; s->color = 0; s->xtextpos = 1; s->ytextpos = 1; s->file = f; s->timer = tl_create_timer(); s->synctimer = tl_create_timer(); uih->viewchanged = 1; uih->palettechanged = 1; uih->save = 1; uih_emulatetimers(uih); tl_reset_timer(s->timer); uih->moved = 0; #ifndef _plan9_ if (mode == UIH_SAVEANIMATION) myputs(";Animation file automatically generated by XaoS " XaoS_VERSION "\n" "; - a realtime interactive fractal zoomer\n" ";Use xaos -play <filename> to replay it\n"); else if (mode == UIH_SAVEPOS) myputs(";Position file automatically generated by XaoS " XaoS_VERSION "\n" "; - a realtime interactive fractal zoomer\n" ";Use xaos -load <filename> to display it\n"); #endif uih_saveframe(uih); uih_updatemenus(uih, "save"); xio_putc('\n', f); return 1; }
static void vprint(printer *p, const char *format, va_list ap) { char buf[BSZ]; const char *s = format; char c; int i; for (i = 0; i < p->indent; ++i) p->putchr(p, ' '); while ((c = *s++)) { switch (c) { case '%': switch ((c = *s++)) { case 'M': { /* md5 value */ md5uint x = va_arg(ap, md5uint); x = 0xffffffffUL & x; sprintf(buf, "%8.8lx", (unsigned long)x); goto putbuf; } case 'c': { int x = va_arg(ap, int); p->putchr(p, x); break; } case 's': { char *x = va_arg(ap, char *); if (x) myputs(p, x); else goto putnull; break; } case 'd': { int x = va_arg(ap, int); sprintf(buf, "%d", x); goto putbuf; } case 't': { ptrdiff_t x; A(*s == 'd'); s += 1; x = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t); /* should use C99 %td here, but this is not yet widespread enough */ sprintf(buf, "%ld", (long) x); goto putbuf; } case 'f': case 'e': case 'g': { char fmt[3] = "%x"; double x = va_arg(ap, double); fmt[1] = c; sprintf(buf, fmt, x); goto putbuf; } case 'v': { /* print optional vector length */ int x = va_arg(ap, int); if (x > 1) { sprintf(buf, "-x%d", x); goto putbuf; } break; } case 'o': { /* integer option. Usage: %oNAME= */ int x = va_arg(ap, int); if (x) p->putchr(p, '/'); while ((c = *s++) != '=') if (x) p->putchr(p, c); if (x) { sprintf(buf, "=%d", x); goto putbuf; } break; } case 'u': { unsigned x = va_arg(ap, unsigned); sprintf(buf, "%u", x); goto putbuf; } case 'x': { unsigned x = va_arg(ap, unsigned); sprintf(buf, "%x", x); goto putbuf; } case '(': { /* newline, augment indent level */ p->putchr(p, '\n'); p->indent += p->indent_incr; break; } case ')': { /* decrement indent level */ p->indent -= p->indent_incr; break; } case 'p': { /* note difference from C's %p */ /* print plan */ plan *x = va_arg(ap, plan *); if (x) x->adt->print(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } case 'P': { /* print problem */ problem *x = va_arg(ap, problem *); if (x) x->adt->print(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } case 'T': { /* print tensor */ tensor *x = va_arg(ap, tensor *); if (x) X(tensor_print)(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } default: A(0 /* unknown format */); break; putbuf: myputs(p, buf); break; putnull: myputs(p, "(null)"); break; } break; default: p->putchr(p, c); break; } } }
static void vprint(printer *p, const char *format, va_list ap) { const char *s = format; char c; INT ival; while ((c = *s++)) { switch (c) { case '%': switch ((c = *s++)) { case 'M': { /* md5 value */ md5uint x = va_arg(ap, md5uint); putulong(p, (unsigned long)(0xffffffffUL & x), 16, 8); break; } case 'c': { int x = va_arg(ap, int); p->putchr(p, x); break; } case 's': { char *x = va_arg(ap, char *); if (x) myputs(p, x); else goto putnull; break; } case 'd': { int x = va_arg(ap, int); ival = (INT)x; goto putival; } case 'D': { ival = va_arg(ap, INT); goto putival; } case 'v': { /* print optional vector length */ ival = va_arg(ap, INT); if (ival > 1) { myputs(p, "-x"); goto putival; } break; } case 'o': { /* integer option. Usage: %oNAME= */ ival = va_arg(ap, INT); if (ival) p->putchr(p, '/'); while ((c = *s++) != '=') if (ival) p->putchr(p, c); if (ival) { p->putchr(p, '='); goto putival; } break; } case 'u': { unsigned x = va_arg(ap, unsigned); putulong(p, (unsigned long)x, 10, 0); break; } case 'x': { unsigned x = va_arg(ap, unsigned); putulong(p, (unsigned long)x, 16, 0); break; } case '(': { /* newline, augment indent level */ p->indent += p->indent_incr; newline(p); break; } case ')': { /* decrement indent level */ p->indent -= p->indent_incr; break; } case 'p': { /* note difference from C's %p */ /* print plan */ plan *x = va_arg(ap, plan *); if (x) x->adt->print(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } case 'P': { /* print problem */ problem *x = va_arg(ap, problem *); if (x) x->adt->print(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } case 'T': { /* print tensor */ tensor *x = va_arg(ap, tensor *); if (x) X(tensor_print)(x, p); else goto putnull; break; } default: A(0 /* unknown format */); break; putnull: myputs(p, "(null)"); break; putival: putint(p, ival); break; } break; default: p->putchr(p, c); break; } } }