Ejemplo n.º 1
// get random seed from wideband noise rssi
void radio_init () {

    // manually reset radio
#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
    hal_pin_rst(0); // drive RST pin low
    hal_pin_rst(1); // drive RST pin high
    hal_waitUntil(os_getTime()+ms2osticks(1)); // wait >100us
    hal_pin_rst(2); // configure RST pin floating!
    hal_waitUntil(os_getTime()+ms2osticks(5)); // wait 5ms


    // some sanity checks, e.g., read version number
    u1_t v = readReg(RegVersion);
#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x12 ); 
#elif CFG_sx1272_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x22);
#error Missing CFG_sx1272_radio/CFG_sx1276_radio
    // seed 15-byte randomness via noise rssi
    while( (readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_MASK) != OPMODE_RX ); // continuous rx
    for(int i=1; i<16; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
            u1_t b; // wait for two non-identical subsequent least-significant bits
            while( (b = readReg(LORARegRssiWideband) & 0x01) == (readReg(LORARegRssiWideband) & 0x01) );
            randbuf[i] = (randbuf[i] << 1) | b;
    randbuf[0] = 16; // set initial index
#ifdef CFG_sx1276mb1_board
    // chain calibration
    writeReg(RegPaConfig, 0);
    // Launch Rx chain calibration for LF band

    // Sets a Frequency in HF band
    u4_t frf = 868000000;
    writeReg(RegFrfMsb, (u1_t)(frf>>16));
    writeReg(RegFrfMid, (u1_t)(frf>> 8));
    writeReg(RegFrfLsb, (u1_t)(frf>> 0));

    // Launch Rx chain calibration for HF band 
#endif /* CFG_sx1276mb1_board */


Ejemplo n.º 2
static void rxfsk (u1_t rxmode) {
    // only single rx (no continuous scanning, no noise sampling)
    ASSERT( rxmode == RXMODE_SINGLE );
    // select FSK modem (from sleep mode)
    //writeReg(RegOpMode, 0x00); // (not LoRa)
    ASSERT((readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_LORA) == 0);
    // enter standby mode (warm up))
    // configure frequency
    // set LNA gain
    //writeReg(RegLna, 0x20|0x03); // max gain, boost enable
    writeReg(RegLna, LNA_RX_GAIN);
    // configure receiver
    writeReg(FSKRegRxConfig, 0x1E); // AFC auto, AGC, trigger on preamble?!?
    // set receiver bandwidth
    writeReg(FSKRegRxBw, 0x0B); // 50kHz SSb
    // set AFC bandwidth
    writeReg(FSKRegAfcBw, 0x12); // 83.3kHz SSB
    // set preamble detection
    writeReg(FSKRegPreambleDetect, 0xAA); // enable, 2 bytes, 10 chip errors
    // set sync config
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncConfig, 0x12); // no auto restart, preamble 0xAA, enable, fill FIFO, 3 bytes sync
    // set packet config
    writeReg(FSKRegPacketConfig1, 0xD8); // var-length, whitening, crc, no auto-clear, no adr filter
    writeReg(FSKRegPacketConfig2, 0x40); // packet mode
    // set sync value
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue1, 0xC1);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue2, 0x94);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue3, 0xC1);
    // set preamble timeout
    writeReg(FSKRegRxTimeout2, 0xFF);//(LMIC.rxsyms+1)/2);
    // set bitrate
    writeReg(FSKRegBitrateMsb, 0x02); // 50kbps
    writeReg(FSKRegBitrateLsb, 0x80);
    // set frequency deviation
    writeReg(FSKRegFdevMsb, 0x01); // +/- 25kHz
    writeReg(FSKRegFdevLsb, 0x99);
    // configure DIO mapping DIO0=PayloadReady DIO1=NOP DIO2=TimeOut

    // enable antenna switch for RX
    // now instruct the radio to receive
    hal_waitUntil(LMIC.rxtime); // busy wait until exact rx time
    opmode(OPMODE_RX); // no single rx mode available in FSK
Ejemplo n.º 3
void os_radio (u1_t mode) {
    switch (mode) {
      case RADIO_RST:
        // put radio to sleep

      case RADIO_TX:
        // transmit frame now
        starttx(); // buf=LMIC.frame, len=LMIC.dataLen
      case RADIO_RX:
        // receive frame now (exactly at rxtime)
        startrx(RXMODE_SINGLE); // buf=LMIC.frame, time=LMIC.rxtime, timeout=LMIC.rxsyms

      case RADIO_RXON:
        // start scanning for beacon now
        startrx(RXMODE_SCAN); // buf=LMIC.frame
Ejemplo n.º 4
// start LoRa receiver (time=LMIC.rxtime, timeout=LMIC.rxsyms, result=LMIC.frame[LMIC.dataLen])
static void rxlora (u1_t rxmode) {
    // select LoRa modem (from sleep mode)
    ASSERT((readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_LORA) != 0);
    // enter standby mode (warm up))
    // don't use MAC settings at startup
    if(rxmode == RXMODE_RSSI) { // use fixed settings for rssi scan
        writeReg(LORARegModemConfig1, RXLORA_RXMODE_RSSI_REG_MODEM_CONFIG1);
        writeReg(LORARegModemConfig2, RXLORA_RXMODE_RSSI_REG_MODEM_CONFIG2);
    } else { // single or continuous rx mode
        // configure LoRa modem (cfg1, cfg2)
        // configure frequency
    // set LNA gain
    writeReg(RegLna, LNA_RX_GAIN); 
    // set max payload size
    writeReg(LORARegPayloadMaxLength, 64);
    // use inverted I/Q signal (prevent mote-to-mote communication)
    writeReg(LORARegInvertIQ, readReg(LORARegInvertIQ)|(1<<6));
    // set symbol timeout (for single rx)
    writeReg(LORARegSymbTimeoutLsb, LMIC.rxsyms);
    // set sync word
    writeReg(LORARegSyncWord, LORA_MAC_PREAMBLE);
    // configure DIO mapping DIO0=RxDone DIO1=RxTout DIO2=NOP
    // clear all radio IRQ flags
    writeReg(LORARegIrqFlags, 0xFF);
    // enable required radio IRQs
    writeReg(LORARegIrqFlagsMask, ~rxlorairqmask[rxmode]);

    // enable antenna switch for RX

    // now instruct the radio to receive
    if (rxmode == RXMODE_SINGLE) { // single rx
        hal_waitUntil(LMIC.rxtime); // busy wait until exact rx time
    } else { // continous rx (scan or rssi)
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void txfsk () {
    // select FSK modem (from sleep mode)
    writeReg(RegOpMode, 0x10); // FSK, BT=0.5
    ASSERT(readReg(RegOpMode) == 0x10);
    // enter standby mode (required for FIFO loading))
    // set bitrate
    writeReg(FSKRegBitrateMsb, 0x02); // 50kbps
    writeReg(FSKRegBitrateLsb, 0x80);
    // set frequency deviation
    writeReg(FSKRegFdevMsb, 0x01); // +/- 25kHz
    writeReg(FSKRegFdevLsb, 0x99);
    // frame and packet handler settings
    writeReg(FSKRegPreambleMsb, 0x00);
    writeReg(FSKRegPreambleLsb, 0x05);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncConfig, 0x12);
    writeReg(FSKRegPacketConfig1, 0xD0);
    writeReg(FSKRegPacketConfig2, 0x40);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue1, 0xC1);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue2, 0x94);
    writeReg(FSKRegSyncValue3, 0xC1);
    // configure frequency
    // configure output power

    // set the IRQ mapping DIO0=PacketSent DIO1=NOP DIO2=NOP

    // initialize the payload size and address pointers    
    writeReg(FSKRegPayloadLength, LMIC.dataLen+1); // (insert length byte into payload))

    // download length byte and buffer to the radio FIFO
    writeReg(RegFifo, LMIC.dataLen);
    writeBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);

    // enable antenna switch for TX
    // now we actually start the transmission
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void txlora () {
    // select LoRa modem (from sleep mode)
    //writeReg(RegOpMode, OPMODE_LORA);
    ASSERT((readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_LORA) != 0);

    // enter standby mode (required for FIFO loading))
    // configure LoRa modem (cfg1, cfg2)
    // configure frequency
    // configure output power
    writeReg(RegPaRamp, (readReg(RegPaRamp) & 0xF0) | 0x08); // set PA ramp-up time 50 uSec
    // set sync word
    writeReg(LORARegSyncWord, LORA_MAC_PREAMBLE);
    // set the IRQ mapping DIO0=TxDone DIO1=NOP DIO2=NOP
    // clear all radio IRQ flags
    writeReg(LORARegIrqFlags, 0xFF);
    // mask all IRQs but TxDone
    writeReg(LORARegIrqFlagsMask, ~IRQ_LORA_TXDONE_MASK);

    // initialize the payload size and address pointers    
    writeReg(LORARegFifoTxBaseAddr, 0x00);
    writeReg(LORARegFifoAddrPtr, 0x00);
    writeReg(LORARegPayloadLength, LMIC.dataLen);
    // download buffer to the radio FIFO
    writeBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);

    // enable antenna switch for TX
    // now we actually start the transmission
Ejemplo n.º 7

#define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))

const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
    /*       T  A    B       C     mode		   opcode	*/
    opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC) 		/* OP_MOVE */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_LOADK */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_LOADBOOL */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_LOADNIL */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_GETUPVAL */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_GETGLOBAL */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABLE */
    , opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_SETGLOBAL */
    , opmode(0, 0, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_SETUPVAL */
    , opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABLE */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_NEWTABLE */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SELF */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_ADD */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SUB */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_MUL */
    , opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_DIV */
Ejemplo n.º 8
// called by hal ext IRQ handler
// (radio goes to stanby mode after tx/rx operations)
void radio_irq_handler (u1_t dio) {
    ostime_t now = os_getTime();
    if( (readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_LORA) != 0) { // LORA modem
        u1_t flags = readReg(LORARegIrqFlags);
        if( flags & IRQ_LORA_TXDONE_MASK ) {
            // save exact tx time
            LMIC.txend = now - us2osticks(43); // TXDONE FIXUP
        } else if( flags & IRQ_LORA_RXDONE_MASK ) {
            // save exact rx time
            if(getBw(LMIC.rps) == BW125) {
                now -= LORA_RXDONE_FIXUP[getSf(LMIC.rps)];
            LMIC.rxtime = now;
            // read the PDU and inform the MAC that we received something
            LMIC.dataLen = (readReg(LORARegModemConfig1) & SX1272_MC1_IMPLICIT_HEADER_MODE_ON) ?
                readReg(LORARegPayloadLength) : readReg(LORARegRxNbBytes);
            // set FIFO read address pointer
            writeReg(LORARegFifoAddrPtr, readReg(LORARegFifoRxCurrentAddr)); 
            // now read the FIFO
            readBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);
            // read rx quality parameters
            LMIC.snr  = readReg(LORARegPktSnrValue); // SNR [dB] * 4
            LMIC.rssi = readReg(LORARegPktRssiValue) - 125 + 64; // RSSI [dBm] (-196...+63)
        } else if( flags & IRQ_LORA_RXTOUT_MASK ) {
            // indicate timeout
            LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        // mask all radio IRQs
        writeReg(LORARegIrqFlagsMask, 0xFF);
        // clear radio IRQ flags
        writeReg(LORARegIrqFlags, 0xFF);
    } else { // FSK modem
        u1_t flags1 = readReg(FSKRegIrqFlags1);
        u1_t flags2 = readReg(FSKRegIrqFlags2);
        if( flags2 & IRQ_FSK2_PACKETSENT_MASK ) {
            // save exact tx time
            LMIC.txend = now;
        } else if( flags2 & IRQ_FSK2_PAYLOADREADY_MASK ) {
            // save exact rx time
            LMIC.rxtime = now;
            // read the PDU and inform the MAC that we received something
            LMIC.dataLen = readReg(FSKRegPayloadLength);
            // now read the FIFO
            readBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);
            // read rx quality parameters
            LMIC.snr  = 0; // determine snr
            LMIC.rssi = 0; // determine rssi
        } else if( flags1 & IRQ_FSK1_TIMEOUT_MASK ) {
            // indicate timeout
            LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        } else {
            // Do not infinite loop when interrupt triggers unexpectedly
            // Instead, call ASSERT, which calls hal_failed, so there is at least a
            // traceable error. (MK)
    // go from stanby to sleep
    // run os job (use preset func ptr)
    os_setCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.osjob.func);
Ejemplo n.º 9


#define opmode(t,b,bk,ck,sa,k,m) (((t)<<OpModeT) | \
   ((b)<<OpModeBreg) | ((bk)<<OpModeBrk) | ((ck)<<OpModeCrk) | \
   ((sa)<<OpModesetA) | ((k)<<OpModeK) | (m))

const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  B Bk Ck sA  K  mode			   opcode    */
  opmode(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_MOVE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, iABx)		/* OP_LOADK */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_LOADBOOL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_LOADNIL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_GETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, iABx)		/* OP_GETGLOBAL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, iABx)		/* OP_SETGLOBAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, iABC)		/* OP_SETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_NEWTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_SELF */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_ADD */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_SUB */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_MUL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, iABC)		/* OP_DIV */
Ejemplo n.º 10
  "EQ_II",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) == RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/
  "EQ_FF",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) == RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/
  "LT_II",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) <  RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/
  "LT_FF",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) <  RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/
  "LE_II",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) <= RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/
  "LE_FF",  /*	A B C	if ((RK(B) <= RK(C)) ~= A) then pc++		*/


#define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))

LUAI_DDEF const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  A    B       C     mode		   opcode	*/
  opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_MOVE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_LOADK */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgN, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_LOADKX */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_LOADBOOL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_LOADNIL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_GETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_SETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_NEWTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SELF */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_ADD */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SUB */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_MUL */
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Parameters::parse_options(int argc, char* argv[])
    unsigned log_level = 2;
    std::string log_file;

    po::options_description general("General options");
    auto general_add = general.add_options();
    general_add("version,V", "print version string");
    general_add("help,h", "produce help message");
    general_add("log-level,l", po::value<unsigned>(&log_level),
                "set the log level (default:2, all:0)");
    general_add("log-file,L", po::value<std::string>(&log_file),
                "name of target log file");
    general_add("maximum-number,n", po::value<uint64_t>(&maximum_number),
                "set the maximum number of microslices to process (default: "

    po::options_description source("Source options");
    auto source_add = source.add_options();
    source_add("shm-channel,c", po::value<size_t>(&shm_channel),
               "use given shared memory channel as data source");
    source_add("input-shm,I", po::value<std::string>(&input_shm),
               "name of a shared memory to use as data source");
    source_add("input-archive,i", po::value<std::string>(&input_archive),
               "name of an input file archive to read");

    po::options_description opmode("Operation mode options");
    auto opmode_add = opmode.add_options();
    opmode_add("debugger,d", po::value<bool>(&debugger)->implicit_value(true),
             "enable/disable debugger (raw message unpacking and printout)");
    opmode_add("sorter,s", po::value<bool>(&sorter)->implicit_value(true),
             "enable/disable sorting by epoch in epoch buffer for sink(s) (build output ms from epochs)");
    opmode_add("ep_in_ms,N", po::value<uint32_t>(&epoch_per_ms),
             "Number of epochs stored in each output MS in case sorter is used (default:1)");
    opmode_add("sortmesg", po::value<bool>(&sortmesg)->implicit_value(true),
             "enable/disable message sorting inside epoch buffer before creation of new ms");

    po::options_description sink("Sink options");
    auto sink_add = sink.add_options();
    sink_add("dump_verbosity,v", po::value<size_t>(&dump_verbosity),
             "set output debug dump verbosity");
    sink_add("output-shm,O", po::value<std::string>(&output_shm),
             "name of a shared memory to write to");
    sink_add("output-archive,o", po::value<std::string>(&output_archive),
             "name of an output file archive to write");

    po::options_description desc;

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    if (vm.count("help") != 0u) {
        std::cout << "ngdpbtool, git revision " << g_GIT_REVISION << std::endl;
        std::cout << desc << std::endl;

    if (vm.count("version") != 0u) {
        std::cout << "ngdpbtool, git revision " << g_GIT_REVISION << std::endl;

    if (vm.count("log-file")) {
        L_(info) << "Logging output to " << log_file;
        logging::add_file(log_file, static_cast<severity_level>(log_level));

    size_t input_sources = vm.count("input-archive") + vm.count("input-shm");
    if (input_sources == 0) {
        throw ParametersException("no input source specified");
    if (input_sources > 1) {
        throw ParametersException("more than one input source specified");
Ejemplo n.º 12

#define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))

LUAI_DDEF const NameDef(lu_byte) NameDef(luaP_opmodes)[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  A    B       C     mode		   opcode	*/
  opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgR), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_MOVE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABx))		/* OP_LOADK */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABx))		/* OP_LOADKX */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_LOADBOOL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_LOADNIL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_GETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_GETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgR), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_GETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_SETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 0, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgN), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_SETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_SETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(OpArgU), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_NEWTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgR), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_SELF */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_ADD */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_SUB */
 ,opmode(0, 1, NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(OpArgK), NameDef(iABC))		/* OP_MUL */
Ejemplo n.º 13


#define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))

LUAI_DDEF const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  A    B       C     mode		   opcode	*/
  opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_MOVE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_LOADK */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgN, OpArgN, iABx)		/* OP_LOADKX */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_LOADBOOL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_LOADNIL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_GETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_GETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABUP */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgU, OpArgN, iABC)		/* OP_SETUPVAL */
 ,opmode(0, 0, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SETTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		/* OP_NEWTABLE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SELF */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_ADD */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_SUB */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgK, iABC)		/* OP_MUL */
Ejemplo n.º 14

#define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))

LUAI_DDEF const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  A    B       C     mode		   opcode	*/


//  opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_LOAD_INT_1       */
// ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC),		  /* OP_LOAD_INT_2       */

  opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_MALLOC              */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_FREE                */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_INT            */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_STORE_INT           */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_DOUBLE         */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_STORE_DOUBLE        */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_BOOL           */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_STORE_BOOL          */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_POINTER        */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_STORE_POINTER       */

 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_OFFSET         */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_CHAR           */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_STORE_CHAR          */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)		  /* OP_CS_LOAD_STRING         */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC),		  /* OP_CS_STORE_STRING        */