static int do_set_param(Request *req) { u8 *name = g_buffer; char *content = (char *)g_buffer; int retv = 0; Section * section; Ack ack; retv = receive_text(name, req->dataSize); name[req->dataSize] = 0; APP_INFO("Section Name is : %s\n", (char *)name); section = find_section((char *)name); = ack.result = (NULL == section) ? -1 : 0; retv = send_text((u8 *)&ack, sizeof(ack)); if (ack.result == -1) { APP_INFO("Section [%s] is not found!\n", (char *)name); return -1; } // Receive parameter settings retv = receive_text((u8 *)content, req->info); content[req->info] = 0; if (0) { APP_INFO("===== Parameter Setting is : \n%s", content); } else { APP_INFO("===== Parameter Setting is : \n%s", content); retv = mw_config_params(section->map, content); retv = (*section->set)(section->name); ack.result = = retv; } retv = send_text((u8 *)&ack, sizeof(ack)); return retv; }
static int do_get_param(Request *req) { u8 *name = g_buffer; char *content = (char *)g_buffer; int retv = 0; Section * section; Ack ack; // Get section name retv = receive_text(name, req->dataSize); name[req->dataSize] = 0; APP_INFO("Section Name is : %s\n", (char *)name); section = find_section((char *)name); if (NULL == section) { ack.result = -1; = -1; APP_INFO("Section [%s] is not found!\n", (char *)name); return send_text((u8 *)&ack, sizeof(ack)); } else { retv = (*section->get)(section->name, req->info); retv = mw_output_params(section->map, &content); APP_INFO("\n%s\n", content); ack.result = retv; = strlen(content); send_text((u8 *)&ack, sizeof(ack)); return send_text((u8 *)content,; } }
int hash_map(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; char map_name[80]=""; int map_id; if(sscanf(text, "%*s *s")==-1){ //if no tail specified in command, default to current map map_id=clients.client[actor_node].map_id; } else if(sscanf(text, "%*s %[^\n]", map_name)==1){ map_id=get_map_id(map_name); if(map_id==-1){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cMap does not exist", c_red3+127); return 0; } } else { send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #MAP [map_name] or #MAP", c_red3+127); return 0; } get_map_details(actor_node, map_id); get_map_developer_details(actor_node, map_id); return 0; }
int hash_set_map_development_status(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; int development_status=0; int map_id; //extract data from text string if(sscanf(text, "%*s %i %i", &map_id, &development_status)!=2){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #SET_MAP_DEVELOPMENT_STATUS [map id] [map development status 0-2]", c_red3+127); return 0; } //check map exists if(strlen([map_id].elm_filename)==0){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cthat map id does not exist", c_red3+127); return 0; } //update map array[map_id].development_status=development_status; //update database push_sql_command("UPDATE MAP_TABLE SET STATUS=%i WHERE MAP_ID=%i",[map_id].development_status, map_id); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou changed the development status of map %i to %i", c_green3+127, map_id,[map_id].development_status); return 0; }
void main () { get_text(); send_text(1,line1); send_text(2,line2); }
int hash_set_map_name(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; char map_name[80]=""; int map_id; if(sscanf(text, "%*s %i %[^\n]", &map_id, map_name)!=2){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #SET_MAP_NAME [map id] [map name]", c_red3+127); return 0; } //check map exists if(strlen([map_id].elm_filename)==0){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cthat map id does not exist", c_red3+127); return 0; } //update map array strcpy([map_id].map_name, map_name); //update database push_sql_command("UPDATE MAP_TABLE SET MAP_NAME='%s' WHERE MAP_ID=%i",[map_id].map_name, map_id); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou changed the name of map %i to %s", c_green3+127, map_id,[map_id].map_name); return 0; }
__interrupt void interr_P1(void){ P1OUT ^= 0x01; // Sinalizar interrupção flag_pisca ^= 1; // Inverte flag_pisca if (flag_pisca == 1){ // Enviar msg pela serial send_text("Botton ON\n"); } else{ // Enviar msg pela serial send_text("Botton OFF\n"); itoa(int_buffer_ADC10, char_buffer_ADC10, 10); // int to char base 10 send_text(char_buffer_ADC10); send_byte('\n'); } P1IFG = 0x00; // Zera a flag de interrupção da porta 1 // DEBAUNCING __delay_cycles(8000); // delay de 1ms x = 1; // garante que irá entrar no while while(x == 1) if((P1IN & 0x08) == 0){ // testa se o botão p1.3 está pressionado x = 0; // muda estatus de x para sair do while } else{ // se não estiver pressionado volta a conferir x = 1; } __delay_cycles(8000); // delay de 1ms }
gboolean full_char_proc(KeySym keysym) { char *s = half_char_to_full_char(keysym); if (!s) return 0; char tt[CH_SZ+1]; utf8cpy(tt, s); if (current_CS->im_state == HIME_STATE_ENG_FULL) { send_text(tt); return 1; } if (current_method_type() == 6 && current_CS->im_state == HIME_STATE_CHINESE) add_to_tsin_buf_str(tt); else if (gtab_phrase_on() && ggg.gbufN) insert_gbuf_nokey(tt); else send_text(tt); return 1; }
int hash_cp(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ (void)(text); int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; int active_chan_slot=clients.client[actor_node].active_chan; if(active_chan_slot==0){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cNo active channel", c_red3+127); return 0; } int chan_id=clients.client[socket].chan[active_chan_slot-31]; send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cListing for channel [%i]: %s", c_blue1+127, chan_id,[chan_id].channel_name); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cDescription: %s", c_blue1+127,[chan_id].description); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cCharacters in channel...", c_blue1+127); for(int i=0; i<MAX_ACTORS; i++){ if(clients.client[i].client_node_status==CLIENT_NODE_USED && clients.client[i].player_type==PLAYER){ if(player_in_chan(i, chan_id)!=-1){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%c%s ", c_blue1+127, clients.client[i].char_name); } } } return 0; }
int hash_track(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; char on_off[4]=""; if(sscanf(text, "%*s %s", on_off)!=1){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #TRACK [ON / OFF]", c_red3+127); return 0; } str_conv_upper(on_off); if(strcmp(on_off, "ON")==0) { send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cposition tracking 'on'", c_green3+127); clients.client[actor_node].debug_status=DEBUG_TRACK; } else if(strcmp(on_off, "OFF")==0) { send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cposition tracking 'off'", c_green3+127); clients.client[actor_node].debug_status=DEBUG_OFF; } else { send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #TRACK [ON / OFF]", c_red3+127); return 0; } return 0; }
int hash_set_map_author_email(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; char map_author_email[80]=""; int map_id; //extract data from text string if(sscanf(text, "%*s %i %s", &map_id, map_author_email)!=2){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #SET_MAP_AUTHOR_EMAIL [map id] [map author email address]", c_red3+127); return 0; } //check map exists if(strlen([map_id].elm_filename)==0){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cthat map id does not exist", c_red3+127); return 0; } //update map array strcpy([map_id].author_email, map_author_email); //update database push_sql_command("UPDATE MAP_TABLE SET AUTHOR_EMAIL='%s' WHERE MAP_ID=%i",[map_id].author_email, map_id); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou changed the author email of map %i to %s", c_green3+127, map_id,[map_id].author_email); return 0; }
int hash_trace(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ (void)(text); int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; int map_id=clients.client[actor_node].map_id; int[map_id].map_axis; int pos_x=clients.client[actor_node].map_tile % map_axis; int pos_y=clients.client[actor_node].map_tile / map_axis; send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cwalkable tile trace (@=%i/%i)", c_green3+127, pos_x, pos_y); for(int x=pos_x-20; x<pos_x+20; x++){ char str[81]=""; for(int y=pos_y-40; y<pos_y+40; y++){ int z=(y * map_axis) + x; if(z==clients.client[actor_node].map_tile){ fprintf(stderr, "@"); strcat(str, "@"); } else { if(y>=0 && y<map_axis && x>=0 && x<map_axis){ if([map_id].height_map[z]==NON_TRAVERSABLE_TILE){ fprintf(stderr, "#"); strcat(str, "#"); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "."); strcat(str, "."); } } else{ fprintf(stderr, ":"); strcat(str, ":"); } } } send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%c%s", c_grey1+127, str); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return 0; }
void static emit() { send_text("Received:"); char text[2+1]; text[2] = '\0'; while ( received_data_is_waiting() ) { send_text(" 0x"); u8_to_hex( next_received_char(), text); send_text( text); } send_text("\r\n"); }
MAV_RESULT GCS_MAVLINK_Tracker::handle_command_long_packet(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet) { // do command send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Command received: "); switch(packet.command) { case MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM: if (is_equal(packet.param1,1.0f)) { tracker.arm_servos(); return MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } if (is_zero(packet.param1)) { tracker.disarm_servos(); return MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED; } return MAV_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED; case MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO: if (!tracker.servo_test_set_servo(packet.param1, packet.param2)) { return MAV_RESULT_FAILED; } return MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED; // mavproxy/mavutil sends this when auto command is entered case MAV_CMD_MISSION_START: tracker.set_mode(AUTO, MODE_REASON_GCS_COMMAND); return MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED; default: return GCS_MAVLINK::handle_command_long_packet(packet); } }
static int do_aaa_control(Request *req) { int retv = 0; Ack ack; APP_INFO("Process AAA control id [%d].\n", (int)req->info); switch (req->info) { case AAA_START: retv = mw_start_aaa(fd_iav); if (retv < 0) { APP_ERROR("mw_start_aaa failed!\n"); } APP_INFO("AAA control : Start AAA done !\n"); break; case AAA_STOP: retv = mw_stop_aaa(); APP_INFO("AAA control : Stop AAA done !\n"); break; default: APP_PRINTF("Unknown AAA control id [%d]\n", (int)req->info); break; } ack.result = = retv; retv = send_text((u8 *)&ack, sizeof(ack)); return retv; }
/** * @brief This function handles Hard Fault exception. * @param None * @retval None */ void HardFault_Handler(void) { send_text( "Hard Fault.\n" ); /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */ while (1) { } }
/** * @brief This function handles Memory Manage exception. * @param None * @retval None */ void MemManage_Handler(void) { send_text( "MemRange Fault.\n" ); /* Go to infinite loop when Memory Manage exception occurs */ while (1) { } }
void *text_reader_thread(void *args) { char line[200]; while(true) { scanf("%s", line); if (text_reader_active) send_text(line); } return NULL; }
void send_utf8_ch(char *bchar) { char tt[CH_SZ+1]; int len = utf8_sz(bchar); memcpy(tt, bchar, len); tt[len]=0; send_text(tt); }
int hash_cl(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ (void)(text); int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "\n%cNo Channel Description", c_blue1+127); for(int i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++){ if([i].chan_type!=CHAN_VACANT) { send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%c%i %s %-10s %-30s", c_blue1+127, i, " ",[i].channel_name,[i].description); } } return 0; }
void packet_scan(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length) { if (length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: send_text("%d", adc_z_new); break; } } }
/* * This is no longer directly sends information to its target. * As part of a larger attempt to consolidate all data transmission * into send_text, this function was modified so as to use send_text(). * This function can send both direct CTCP requests, as well as the * appropriate CTCP replies. By its use of send_text(), it can send * CTCPs to DCC CHAT and irc nickname peers, and handles encryption * transparantly. This greatly reduces the logic, complexity, and * possibility for error in this function. */ void send_ctcp (int type, const char *to, int datatag, const char *format, ...) { char putbuf [BIG_BUFFER_SIZE + 1], *putbuf2; int len; int l; const char *pb; char *extra = NULL; /* Make sure that the final \001 doesnt get truncated */ if ((len = IRCD_BUFFER_SIZE - (12 + strlen(to))) <= 0) return; /* Whatever. */ putbuf2 = alloca(len); l = message_from(to, LEVEL_CTCP); if (format) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(putbuf, BIG_BUFFER_SIZE, format, args); va_end(args); pb = outbound_recode(to, from_server, putbuf, &extra); do_hook(SEND_CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s %s", ctcp_type[type], to, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, pb); snprintf(putbuf2, len, "%c%s %s%c", CTCP_DELIM_CHAR, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, pb, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); new_free(&extra); } else { do_hook(SEND_CTCP_LIST, "%s %s %s", ctcp_type[type], to, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name); snprintf(putbuf2, len, "%c%s%c", CTCP_DELIM_CHAR, ctcp_cmd[datatag].name, CTCP_DELIM_CHAR); } /* XXX - Ugh. What a hack. */ putbuf2[len - 2] = CTCP_DELIM_CHAR; putbuf2[len - 1] = 0; send_text(from_server, to, putbuf2, ctcp_type[type], 0, 1); pop_message_from(l); }
void send_verbose_date(int socket, int game_days){ /** public function - see header */ int game_year=game_data.game_days / 360; int year_days=game_data.game_days % 360; char season_name[80]=""; char season_description[160]=""; get_game_season(year_days, season_name, season_description); send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cThe day is %02i in the season of %s, year %i", 127+c_purple1, game_days, season_name, game_year); }
void GCS_MAVLINK::send_text_P(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str) { mavlink_statustext_t m; uint8_t i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(m.text); i++) { m.text[i] = pgm_read_byte((const prog_char *)(str++)); if (m.text[i] == '\0') { break; } } if (i < sizeof(m.text)) m.text[i] = 0; send_text(severity, (const char *)m.text); }
static void putstr_inp(char *p) { clear_page_label(); // dbg("gtab_hide_row2 %d\n", gtab_hide_row2); hide_row2_if_necessary(); char_play(p); int to_tsin = (cur_inmd->flag & FLAG_GTAB_SYM_KBM) && inmd[default_input_method].method_type==method_type_TSIN && tss.c_len; if (utf8_str_N(p) > 1 || !(p[0]&128)) { if ((gtab_disp_key_codes && !gtab_hide_row2) || ggg.wild_mode) lookup_gtabn(p, NULL); if (to_tsin) { add_to_tsin_buf_str(p); } else send_text(p); } else { if (poo.same_pho_query_state == SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) { poo.same_pho_query_state = SAME_PHO_QUERY_pho_select; start_gtab_pho_query(p); ClrIn(); ClrSelArea(); return; } if ((gtab_disp_key_codes && !gtab_hide_row2) || ggg.wild_mode) lookup_gtab(p); if (to_tsin) add_to_tsin_buf_str(p); else send_utf8_ch(p); } clear_after_put(); if ((cur_inmd->flag & FLAG_GTAB_SYM_KBM)) { extern int win_kbm_inited, b_show_win_kbm; init_in_method(default_input_method); if (win_kbm_inited && !b_show_win_kbm) hide_win_kbm(); } }
int hash_lc(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; int chan_id=0; if(sscanf(text, "%*s %i", &chan_id)!=1){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #LC [channel number]", c_red3+127); return 0; } leave_channel(actor_node, chan_id); return 0; }
void keyPress(unsigned char key, int mousex, int mousey) { switch (key) { case 13: messages.push_back("You: "+msg); send_text(msg); msg = ""; break; case 8: if (msg.size() > 0) { msg.pop_back(); } break; default: msg += key; } glutPostRedisplay(); }
void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_param_request_list(mavlink_message_t *msg) { mavlink_param_request_list_t packet; mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(msg, &packet); // send system ID if we can char sysid[40]; if (hal.util->get_system_id(sysid)) { send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, sysid); } // Start sending parameters - next call to ::update will kick the first one out _queued_parameter = AP_Param::first(&_queued_parameter_token, &_queued_parameter_type); _queued_parameter_index = 0; _queued_parameter_count = AP_Param::count_parameters(); }
int hash_pm(int actor_node, char *text) { /** public function - see header */ int socket=clients.client[actor_node].socket; char char_name[MAX_CHAR_NAME_LEN]=""; char message[1024]=""; if(sscanf(text, "%*s %s %[^\n]", char_name, message)!=2){ send_text(socket, CHAT_SERVER, "%cyou need to use the format #PM [character name][message]", c_red3+127); return 0; } send_pm(actor_node, char_name, message); return 0; }
/*************************************************************************** * Function: void flush_output() * * Description: * Use select() to determine which connections that have output pending * are capable of accepting output at the moment, and send as much data to * those connections as they will accept. **************************************************************************/ void flush_output() { conn_data *conn; fd_set fd_outset; struct timeval sel_timeout; iterator *conn_iter = create_iter(conn_list);; /* * Clear out the fd_set and add to it the fds of all connections with * output pending. */ FD_ZERO(&fd_outset); for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter)); iterate_iter(conn_iter)) { if (length_list(conn->output) != 0) FD_SET(conn->fd, &fd_outset); } /* * Use select to determine which fds actually belong in the set. * (NOFILE is the maximum number of open files per process, as described * previously) */ bzero(&sel_timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)); if (select(NOFILE, NULL, &fd_outset, NULL, &sel_timeout) <0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Selection of ready file descriptors failed.\n"); perror(" flush_output(select)"); exit(ERROR); } /* * Process connections with pending output. Note that it is necessary to * iterate the iterator _before_ executing the loop in case the connection * we're currently working on gets disconnected. */ for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter)); ) { iterate_iter(conn_iter); if (FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fd_outset)) { if (send_text(conn) <= 0) { disconnect(conn); continue; } } } destroy_iter(conn_iter); }