string getHostname() { string hostname; ifstream statsFile("/etc/hostname"); if (getline(statsFile, hostname)) { return hostname; } return "general_hostname"; }
// ###################################################################### void SimulationViewerStats::saveAGMaskStats(const Image<float> &img, const std::string caller, const std::string suffix) { ushort minx = 0, miny = 0, maxx = 0, maxy = 0; float min, max, avg, std; uint N; // get a whole bunch of stats about this output image getMinMaxAvgEtc(img, min, max, avg, std, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, N); std::string fileName; std::string txt = suffix; fileName = itsGetSingleChannelStatsFile.getVal() + txt; LINFO("SAVING AG STATS TO %s",fileName.c_str()); std::ofstream statsFile(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::app); statsFile << "AGstats" << "\t"; statsFile << (itsFrameNumber - 1) << "\t"; // differentiate between scale image stats and the combined max norm // for compatability with single channel stats statsFile << "COMBINED\t" << caller << "\t"; //itsFrameIdx++; statsFile << "final" << "\t" << "FINAL" << "\t"; statsFile << itsTotalCount << "\t" << itsMaskCount << "\t" << itsLamCount << "\t" << itsOverlapCount << "\t"; statsFile << min << "\t" << max << "\t" << avg << "\t" << std << "\t" << minx << "\t" << miny << "\t" << maxx << "\t" << maxy << "\t" << N << "\n"; statsFile.close(); }
// ###################################################################### void SimulationViewerStats::saveCompat(const Image<float>& img, const std::string suffix, const int frameOffset) { unsigned int frameIdx = (unsigned int)((int)itsFrameNumber + frameOffset); std::string fileName; std::string txt = suffix; fileName = itsGetSingleChannelStatsFile.getVal() + txt; ushort minx = 0, miny = 0, maxx = 0, maxy = 0; float min, max, avg, std; uint N; // get a whole bunch of stats about this output image getMinMaxAvgEtc(img, min, max, avg, std, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, N); LINFO("SAVING COMPAT STATS TO %s",fileName.c_str()); std::ofstream statsFile(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::app); statsFile << "final" << "\t"; statsFile << frameIdx << "\t"; // differentiate between scale image stats and the combined max norm // for compatability with single channel stats statsFile << "COMBINED\t-1\t"; //itsFrameIdx++; statsFile << "final" << "\t" << "FINAL" << "\t"; statsFile << min << "\t" << max << "\t" << avg << "\t" << std << "\t" << minx << "\t" << miny << "\t" << maxx << "\t" << maxy << "\t" << N << "\n"; statsFile.close(); if(itsSaveStatsPerChannelFreq.getVal()) { std::string txt = ".final.freq.txt"; fileName = itsGetSingleChannelStatsFile.getVal() + txt; FFTWWrapper fft(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); double dimg[img.getHeight() * img.getWidth()]; Image<float>::const_iterator itr = img.begin(); double *ditr = &dimg[0]; while(itr != img.end()) *ditr++ = double(*itr++); fft.init(dimg); double mag[img.getHeight() * (img.getWidth()/2 + 1)]; fft.compute(mag); std::ofstream freqFile(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::app); freqFile << "final" << "\t"; freqFile << frameIdx << "\t"; freqFile << "COMBINED\t-1\t"; freqFile << "SIZE\t" << img.getWidth() <<"\t"<< img.getHeight() << "\n"; for(int i = 0; i < img.getHeight(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < (img.getWidth()/2 + 1); j++) freqFile << mag[i * (img.getWidth()/2 + 1) + j] << "\t"; freqFile << "\n"; } freqFile.close(); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { const std::string program_name = "hts_AdapterTrimmer"; std::string app_description = "Adapter Trimmer, trims off adapters by first overlapping paired-end reads and\n"; app_description += " trimming off overhangs which by definition are adapter sequence in standard\n"; app_description += " libraries. SE Reads are trimmed by overlapping the adapter-sequence and trimming off the overlap."; try { /** Define and parse the program options */ namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description standard = setStandardOptions(); // version|v ; help|h ; notes|N ; stats-file|L ; append-stats-file|A po::options_description input = setInputOptions(); // read1-input|1 ; read2-input|2 ; singleend-input|U // tab-input|T ; interleaved-input|I ; from-stdin|S po::options_description output = setOutputOptions(program_name); // force|F ; prefix|p ; gzip-output,g ; fastq-output|f // tab-output|t ; interleaved-output|i ; unmapped-output|u ; to-stdout,O po::options_description desc("Application Specific Options"); setDefaultParamsCutting(desc); // no-orphans|n ; stranded|s ; min-length|m setDefaultParamsOverlapping(desc); // kmer|k ; kmer-offset|r ; max-mismatch-errorDensity|x // check-lengths|c ; min-overlap|o desc.add_options() ("no-fixbases,X", po::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "after trimming adapter, DO NOT use consensus sequence of paired reads, only trims adapter sequence"); desc.add_options() ("adapter-sequence,a", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA"), "Primer sequence to trim in SE adapter trimming, default is truseq ht primer sequence"); po::options_description cmdline_options; cmdline_options.add(standard).add(input).add(output).add(desc); po::variables_map vm; try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm); // can throw version_or_help(program_name, app_description, cmdline_options, vm); po::notify(vm); // throws on error, so do after help in case std::string statsFile(vm["stats-file"].as<std::string>()); std::string prefix(vm["prefix"].as<std::string>()); AdapterCounters counters(statsFile, vm["append-stats-file"].as<bool>(), program_name, vm["notes"].as<std::string>()); std::shared_ptr<OutputWriter> pe = nullptr; std::shared_ptr<OutputWriter> se = nullptr; outputWriters(pe, se, vm["fastq-output"].as<bool>(), vm["tab-output"].as<bool>(), vm["interleaved-output"].as<bool>(), vm["unmapped-output"].as<bool>(), vm["force"].as<bool>(), vm["gzip-output"].as<bool>(), vm["to-stdout"].as<bool>(), prefix ); if(vm.count("read1-input")) { // paired-end reads if (vm["read1-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> >().size() != vm["read1-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> >().size()) { throw std::runtime_error("must have same number of input files for read1 and read2"); } InputReader<PairedEndRead, PairedEndReadFastqImpl> ifr(vm["read1-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> >(), vm["read2-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> >()); helper_adapterTrimmer(ifr, pe, se, counters, vm["max-mismatch-errorDensity"].as<double>(), vm["max-mismatch"].as<size_t>(), vm["min-overlap"].as<size_t>(), vm["stranded"].as<bool>(), vm["min-length"].as<size_t>(), vm["check-lengths"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer-offset"].as<size_t>(), vm["no-orphans"].as<bool>(), vm["no-fixbases"].as<bool>(), vm["adapter-sequence"].as<std::string>() ); } if (vm.count("interleaved-input")) { // interleaved pairs InputReader<PairedEndRead, InterReadImpl> ifr(vm["interleaved-input"].as<std::vector<std::string > >()); helper_adapterTrimmer(ifr, pe, se, counters, vm["max-mismatch-errorDensity"].as<double>(), vm["max-mismatch"].as<size_t>(), vm["min-overlap"].as<size_t>(), vm["stranded"].as<bool>(), vm["min-length"].as<size_t>(), vm["check-lengths"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer-offset"].as<size_t>(), vm["no-orphans"].as<bool>(), vm["no-fixbases"].as<bool>(), vm["adapter-sequence"].as<std::string>() ); } if(vm.count("singleend-input")) { // single-end reads InputReader<SingleEndRead, SingleEndReadFastqImpl> ifr(vm["singleend-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> >()); helper_adapterTrimmer(ifr, pe, se, counters, vm["max-mismatch-errorDensity"].as<double>(), vm["max-mismatch"].as<size_t>(), vm["min-overlap"].as<size_t>(), vm["stranded"].as<bool>(), vm["min-length"].as<size_t>(), vm["check-lengths"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer-offset"].as<size_t>(), vm["no-orphans"].as<bool>(), vm["no-fixbases"].as<bool>(), vm["adapter-sequence"].as<std::string>() ); } if(vm.count("tab-input")) { // tab_input InputReader<ReadBase, TabReadImpl> ifr(vm["tab-input"].as<std::vector<std::string> > ()); helper_adapterTrimmer(ifr, pe, se, counters, vm["max-mismatch-errorDensity"].as<double>(), vm["max-mismatch"].as<size_t>(), vm["min-overlap"].as<size_t>(), vm["stranded"].as<bool>(), vm["min-length"].as<size_t>(), vm["check-lengths"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer-offset"].as<size_t>(), vm["no-orphans"].as<bool>(), vm["no-fixbases"].as<bool>(), vm["adapter-sequence"].as<std::string>() ); } if(vm["from-stdin"].as<bool>()) { // stdin bi::stream<bi::file_descriptor_source> tabin {fileno(stdin), bi::close_handle}; InputReader<ReadBase, TabReadImpl> ifr(tabin); helper_adapterTrimmer(ifr, pe, se, counters, vm["max-mismatch-errorDensity"].as<double>(), vm["max-mismatch"].as<size_t>(), vm["min-overlap"].as<size_t>(), vm["stranded"].as<bool>(), vm["min-length"].as<size_t>(), vm["check-lengths"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer"].as<size_t>(), vm["kmer-offset"].as<size_t>(), vm["no-orphans"].as<bool>(), vm["no-fixbases"].as<bool>(), vm["adapter-sequence"].as<std::string>() ); } // no input specified on the command line if (!vm.count("read1-input") && !vm.count("interleaved-input") && !vm.count("singleend-input") && !vm.count("tab-input") && !vm["from-stdin"].as<bool>()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << "Input file type absent from command line" << std::endl << std::endl; version_or_help(program_name, app_description, cmdline_options, vm, true); exit(ERROR_IN_COMMAND_LINE); //success } counters.write_out(); } catch(po::error& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; return ERROR_IN_COMMAND_LINE; } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "\n\tUnhandled Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION; } return SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Declare the supported options. knob::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") (KnobStatsFile, knob::value<string>()->default_value(""), "stats file to generate") (KnobToSimulatorFifo, knob::value<string>(), "named fifo used to get events from the front-end") // these are used to tag the output file, but don't affect the simulation at all (KnobScheme, knob::value<string>()->default_value("<none/>"), "text describing this simulation setup") (KnobWorkload, knob::value<string>()->default_value("<none/>"), "workload being run") (KnobInput, knob::value<string>()->default_value("<none/>"), "input being used") (KnobThreads, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(0), "number of threads in the workload") // everything below are simulator parameters (KnobCores, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(8), "number of cores to simulate") (KnobIgnoreStackRefs, "Ignore stack accesses." ) // cache parameters (KnobBlockSize, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(64), "Block size for all caches") (KnobL1Size, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1<<15/*32KB*/), "Size (in bytes) of each private L1 cache") (KnobL1Assoc, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(8), "Associativity of each private L1 cache") (KnobUseL2, "Model a private L2 for each core") (KnobL2Size, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1<<18/*256KB*/), "Size (in bytes) of the private L2 cache") (KnobL2Assoc, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(8), "Associativity of the private L2 cache") (KnobUseL3, "Model an L3 cache shared amongst all cores") (KnobL3Size, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1<<23/*8MB*/), "Size (in bytes) of the shared L3 cache") (KnobL3Assoc, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(16), "Associativity of the shared L3 cache") // RCDC (KnobTSO, "Enable simulation of Det-TSO. Mutually exclusive with other Det-X schemes." ) (KnobHB, "Enable simulation of Det-HB. Mutually exclusive with other Det-X schemes." ) (KnobNondet, "Enable simulation of Nondet. Mutually exclusive with other Det-X schemes." ) (KnobQuantumSize, knob::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1000), "Quantum size (insns)") (KnobSmartQuantumBuilding, "Use store buffer hit/miss information to deterministically estimate runtime when possible." ) ; knob::store( knob::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), s_knobs ); knob::notify(s_knobs); if (s_knobs.count("help")) { cout << desc << "\n"; return 1; } // can only simulate one execution strategy at a time assert( s_knobs.count(KnobTSO) + s_knobs.count(KnobHB) + s_knobs.count(KnobNondet) == 1 ); time_t startTime = time( NULL ); MultiCacheSimulator<RCDCLine, uint64_t>* sim; CacheConfiguration<RCDCLine> l1config, l2config, l3config; l1config.blockSize = l2config.blockSize = l3config.blockSize = s_knobs[KnobBlockSize].as<unsigned>(); l1config.callbacks = l2config.callbacks = l3config.callbacks = NULL; l1config.assoc = s_knobs[KnobL1Assoc].as<unsigned>(); l1config.cacheSize = s_knobs[KnobL1Size].as<unsigned>(); l2config.assoc = s_knobs[KnobL2Assoc].as<unsigned>(); l2config.cacheSize = s_knobs[KnobL2Size].as<unsigned>(); l3config.assoc = s_knobs[KnobL3Assoc].as<unsigned>(); l3config.cacheSize = s_knobs[KnobL3Size].as<unsigned>(); sim = new MultiCacheSimulator<RCDCLine, uint64_t> ( s_knobs[KnobCores].as<unsigned>(), l1config, s_knobs.count(KnobUseL2), l2config, s_knobs.count(KnobUseL3), l3config ); // pass knobs values through to the caches SMPCache<RCDCLine, uint64_t>::cache_iter_t it; sim->m_simulateHB = s_knobs.count(KnobHB); sim->m_simulateTSO = s_knobs.count(KnobTSO); sim->m_quantumSize = s_knobs[KnobQuantumSize].as<unsigned>(); sim->m_smartQuantumBuilding = s_knobs.count(KnobSmartQuantumBuilding); for ( it = sim->m_allCaches.begin(); it != sim->m_allCaches.end(); it++ ) { // per-cache initialization goes here (*it)->useDetStoreBuffers = (sim->m_simulateHB || sim->m_simulateTSO); } ifstream eventFifo; s_knobs[KnobToSimulatorFifo].as<string>().c_str(), ios::binary ); assert( eventFifo.good() ); // main event loop processEvents( sim, eventFifo ); cerr << "[rcdcsim] generating stats for " << nameOfDetStrategy() << endl; eventFifo.close(); // each stat is dumped as a Python dictionary object stringstream prefix; /* prefix << "{'RCDCStat':True, "; prefix << "'determinismStrategy': '" << nameOfDetStrategy() << "', "; prefix << "'quantumSize': '" << (s_knobs[KnobQuantumSize].as<unsigned>()/1000) << "k', "; prefix << "'smartQuantumBuilding': " << pyOfBool( s_knobs.count(KnobSmartQuantumBuilding) ) << ", "; prefix << "'threads': " << s_knobs[KnobThreads].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'workload': '" << s_knobs[KnobWorkload].as<string>() << "', "; prefix << "'input': '" << s_knobs[KnobInput].as<string>() << "', "; prefix << "'scheme': '" << s_knobs[KnobScheme].as<string>() << "', "; prefix << "'cores': '" << s_knobs[KnobCores].as<unsigned>() << "p', "; prefix << "'ignoreStackRefs': " << pyOfBool( s_knobs.count(KnobIgnoreStackRefs) ) << ", "; prefix << "'BlockSize': " << s_knobs[KnobBlockSize].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'l1Assoc': " << s_knobs[KnobL1Assoc].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'l1Size': " << s_knobs[KnobL1Size].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'useL2': " << pyOfBool( s_knobs.count(KnobUseL2) ) << ", "; prefix << "'l2Assoc': " << s_knobs[KnobL2Assoc].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'l2Size': " << s_knobs[KnobL2Size].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'useL3': " << pyOfBool( s_knobs.count(KnobUseL3) ) << ", "; prefix << "'l3Assoc': " << s_knobs[KnobL3Assoc].as<unsigned>() << ", "; prefix << "'l3Size': " << s_knobs[KnobL3Size].as<unsigned>() << ", ";*/ // actual stat value goes here string suffix = "}\n"; // check for filename collisions and rename around them string statsFilename = s_knobs["statsfile"].as<string>(); while ( fileExists( statsFilename ) ) { statsFilename += ".1"; } ofstream statsFile( statsFilename.c_str(), ios_base::trunc ); // dump stats from the caches sim->dumpStats( statsFile, prefix.str(), suffix ); // dump "global" stats double minutes = difftime( time( NULL ), startTime ) / 60.0; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'SimulationRunningTimeMinutes': " << minutes << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'maxLiveThreads': " << s_maxLiveThreads << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'numSpawnedThreads': " << s_numSpawnedThreads << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'numStackAccesses': " << s_stackAccesses << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'numTotalInstructions': " << s_insnsExecuted << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'causalityInducedEventDelays': " << s_causalityDelays << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'unprocessedEvents': " << s_unprocessedEvents << suffix; statsFile << prefix.str() << "'forcedCommits': " << s_forcedCommits << suffix; statsFile.close(); cerr << "[rcdcsim] finished generating stats for " << nameOfDetStrategy() << endl; delete sim; cerr << "[rcdcsim] simulation process exiting" << endl; return 0; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// main looop void DeviceMonitor::Main( ) { assert( dev_monitor_ ); const int fd_mon = udev_monitor_get_fd( dev_monitor_ ); const int nfds = fd_mon + 1; int queue_tok = 8; sigset_t sigempty; sigemptyset( &sigempty ); struct timespec timeout; if( activity ) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; //timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_nsec = 100000000; //timeout.tv_nsec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = 999; timeout.tv_nsec = 0; } while ( true ) { fd_set fds_read; FD_ZERO( &fds_read ); FD_SET( fd_mon, &fds_read ); // block for something interesting to happen int res = pselect( nfds, &fds_read, 0, 0, &timeout, &sigempty ); if ( res < 0 ) { if ( EINTR != errno ) throw ErrnoException( "select" ); std::cout << "Exiting on signal\n"; return; // signalled } // udev monitor notification? if ( FD_ISSET( fd_mon, &fds_read ) ) { std::tr1::shared_ptr< udev_device > device( udev_monitor_receive_device( dev_monitor_ ), &udev_device_unref ); // make sure this is a device we want to monitor if (!acceptDevice_(device.get())) continue; const char* str = udev_device_get_action( device.get() ); if ( !str ) { } else if ( 0 == strcasecmp( str, "add" ) ) { deviceAdded_( device.get() ); } else if ( 0 == strcasecmp( str, "remove" ) ) { deviceRemove_( device.get() ); } else { if ( debug ) { std::cout << "action: " << str << '\n'; std::cout << ' ' << udev_device_get_syspath(device.get()) << "' (" << udev_device_get_subsystem(device.get()) << ")\n"; } } } if( activity ) { for( int i = 0; i < num_disks_; ++i ) { std::ifstream stats; statsFile(i).c_str() ); char buf[256]; stats.getline( &(buf[0]), 255 ); std::string s(&(buf[0])); // tokenize the string std::string::size_type last = s.find_first_not_of( " ", 0 ); std::string::size_type pos = s.find_first_of( " ", last ); int tok = 0; int queue_length = 0; while( std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != last ) { last = s.find_first_not_of(" ", pos ); pos = s.find_first_of( " ", last ); ++tok; if( tok == queue_tok ) { queue_length = atoi(s.substr( last, pos - last ).c_str()); if( debug ) std::cout << " " << i << " " << queue_length; break; } } int led_idx = ledIndex(i); if( led_enabled_[led_idx] && leds_ ) { if( queue_length > 0 ) { leds_->Set( LED_BLUE, led_idx, true ); leds_->Set( LED_RED, led_idx, true ); } else { leds_->Set( LED_BLUE, led_idx, true ); leds_->Set( LED_RED, led_idx, false ); } } } } if( debug ) std::cout << "\n"; } }