Ejemplo n.º 1
Object *rna_Main_objects_new(Main *UNUSED(bmain), ReportList *reports, const char *name, ID *data)
	Object *ob;
	int type= OB_EMPTY;
	if(data) {
		switch(GS(data->name)) {
			case ID_ME:
				type= OB_MESH;
			case ID_CU:
				type= curve_type((struct Curve *)data);
			case ID_MB:
				type= OB_MBALL;
			case ID_LA:
				type= OB_LAMP;
			case ID_SPK:
				type= OB_SPEAKER;
			case ID_CA:
				type= OB_CAMERA;
			case ID_LT:
				type= OB_LATTICE;
			case ID_AR:
				type= OB_ARMATURE;
				const char *idname;
				if(RNA_enum_id_from_value(id_type_items, GS(data->name), &idname) == 0)
					idname= "UNKNOWN";

				BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "ID type '%s' is not valid for a object.", idname);
				return NULL;


	ob= add_only_object(type, name);

	ob->data= data;
	return ob;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void libblock_remap_data_postprocess_obdata_relink(Main *UNUSED(bmain), Object *ob, ID *new_id)
	if (ob->data == new_id) {
		switch (GS(new_id->name)) {
			case ID_ME:
			case ID_CU:
		test_object_materials(ob, new_id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ED_mesh_material_add(Mesh *me, Material *ma)
	int i;
	int totcol = me->totcol + 1;
	Material **mat;

	/* don't add if mesh already has it */
	for(i = 0; i < me->totcol; i++)
		if(me->mat[i] == ma)

	mat= MEM_callocN(sizeof(void*)*totcol, "newmatar");

	if(me->totcol) memcpy(mat, me->mat, sizeof(void*) * me->totcol);
	if(me->mat) MEM_freeN(me->mat);

	me->mat = mat;
	me->mat[me->totcol++] = ma;

Ejemplo n.º 4
int join_mesh_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	Main *bmain= CTX_data_main(C);
	Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
	Object *ob= CTX_data_active_object(C);
	Material **matar, *ma;
	Mesh *me;
	MVert *mvert, *mv;
	MEdge *medge = NULL;
	MFace *mface = NULL;
	Key *key, *nkey=NULL;
	KeyBlock *kb, *okb, *kbn;
	float imat[4][4], cmat[4][4], *fp1, *fp2, curpos;
	int a, b, totcol, totmat=0, totedge=0, totvert=0, totface=0, ok=0;
	int vertofs, *matmap=NULL;
	int	i, j, index, haskey=0, edgeofs, faceofs;
	bDeformGroup *dg, *odg;
	MDeformVert *dvert;
	CustomData vdata, edata, fdata;

	if(scene->obedit) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Cant join while in editmode");
	/* ob is the object we are adding geometry to */
	if(!ob || ob->type!=OB_MESH) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Active object is not a mesh");
	/* count & check */
	CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, Base*, base, selected_editable_bases) {
		if(base->object->type==OB_MESH) {
			me= base->object->data;
			totvert+= me->totvert;
			totedge+= me->totedge;
			totface+= me->totface;
			totmat+= base->object->totcol;
			if(base->object == ob)
				ok= 1;
			/* check for shapekeys */
	/* that way the active object is always selected */ 
	if(ok==0) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Active object is not a selected mesh");
	/* only join meshes if there are verts to join, there aren't too many, and we only had one mesh selected */
	me= (Mesh *)ob->data;
	key= me->key;

	if(totvert==0 || totvert==me->totvert) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "No mesh data to join");
	if(totvert > MESH_MAX_VERTS) {
		BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Joining results in %d vertices, limit is " STRINGIFY(MESH_MAX_VERTS), totvert);

	/* new material indices and material array */
	matar= MEM_callocN(sizeof(void*)*totmat, "join_mesh matar");
	if (totmat) matmap= MEM_callocN(sizeof(int)*totmat, "join_mesh matmap");
	totcol= ob->totcol;
	/* obact materials in new main array, is nicer start! */
	for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) {
		matar[a]= give_current_material(ob, a+1);
		id_us_plus((ID *)matar[a]);
		/* increase id->us : will be lowered later */
	/* - if destination mesh had shapekeys, move them somewhere safe, and set up placeholders
	 * 	with arrays that are large enough to hold shapekey data for all meshes
	 * -	if destination mesh didn't have shapekeys, but we encountered some in the meshes we're 
	 *	joining, set up a new keyblock and assign to the mesh
	if(key) {
		/* make a duplicate copy that will only be used here... (must remember to free it!) */
		nkey= copy_key(key);
		/* for all keys in old block, clear data-arrays */
		for(kb= key->block.first; kb; kb= kb->next) {
			if(kb->data) MEM_freeN(kb->data);
			kb->data= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*3*totvert, "join_shapekey");
			kb->totelem= totvert;
			kb->weights= NULL;
	else if(haskey) {
		/* add a new key-block and add to the mesh */
		key= me->key= add_key((ID *)me);
		key->type = KEY_RELATIVE;
	/* first pass over objects - copying materials and vertexgroups across */
	CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, Base*, base, selected_editable_bases) {
		/* only act if a mesh, and not the one we're joining to */
		if((ob!=base->object) && (base->object->type==OB_MESH)) {
			me= base->object->data;
			/* Join this object's vertex groups to the base one's */
			for(dg=base->object->defbase.first; dg; dg=dg->next) {
				/* See if this group exists in the object (if it doesn't, add it to the end) */
				if(!defgroup_find_name(ob, dg->name)) {
					odg = MEM_callocN(sizeof(bDeformGroup), "join deformGroup");
					memcpy(odg, dg, sizeof(bDeformGroup));
					BLI_addtail(&ob->defbase, odg);
			if(ob->defbase.first && ob->actdef==0)
			if(me->totvert) {
				/* Add this object's materials to the base one's if they don't exist already (but only if limits not exceeded yet) */
				if(totcol < MAXMAT) {
					for(a=1; a<=base->object->totcol; a++) {
						ma= give_current_material(base->object, a);

						for(b=0; b<totcol; b++) {
							if(ma == matar[b]) break;
						if(b==totcol) {
							matar[b]= ma;
							if(ma) {
						if(totcol >= MAXMAT)
				/* if this mesh has shapekeys, check if destination mesh already has matching entries too */
				if(me->key && key) {
					for(kb= me->key->block.first; kb; kb= kb->next) {
						/* if key doesn't exist in destination mesh, add it */
						if(key_get_named_keyblock(key, kb->name) == NULL) {
							/* copy this existing one over to the new shapekey block */
							kbn= MEM_dupallocN(kb);
							kbn->prev= kbn->next= NULL;
							/* adjust adrcode and other settings to fit (allocate a new data-array) */
							kbn->data= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*3*totvert, "joined_shapekey");
							kbn->totelem= totvert;
							kbn->weights= NULL;
							okb= key->block.last;
							curpos= (okb) ? okb->pos : -0.1f;
							if(key->type == KEY_RELATIVE)
								kbn->pos= curpos + 0.1f;
								kbn->pos= curpos;
							BLI_addtail(&key->block, kbn);
							kbn->adrcode= key->totkey;
							if(key->totkey==1) key->refkey= kbn;
							// XXX 2.5 Animato
#if 0
							/* also, copy corresponding ipo-curve to ipo-block if applicable */
							if(me->key->ipo && key->ipo) {
								// FIXME... this is a luxury item!
								puts("FIXME: ignoring IPO's when joining shapekeys on Meshes for now...");
	/* setup new data for destination mesh */
	memset(&vdata, 0, sizeof(vdata));
	memset(&edata, 0, sizeof(edata));
	memset(&fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata));
	mvert= CustomData_add_layer(&vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totvert);
	medge= CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);
	mface= CustomData_add_layer(&fdata, CD_MFACE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totface);

	vertofs= 0;
	edgeofs= 0;
	faceofs= 0;
	/* inverse transform for all selected meshes in this object */
	invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat);
	CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, Base*, base, selected_editable_bases) {
		/* only join if this is a mesh */
		if(base->object->type==OB_MESH) {
			me= base->object->data;
			if(me->totvert) {
				/* standard data */
				CustomData_merge(&me->vdata, &vdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totvert);
				CustomData_copy_data(&me->vdata, &vdata, 0, vertofs, me->totvert);
				/* vertex groups */
				dvert= CustomData_get(&vdata, vertofs, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
				/* NB: vertex groups here are new version */
				if(dvert) {
					for(i=0; i<me->totvert; i++) {
						for(j=0; j<dvert[i].totweight; j++) {
							/*	Find the old vertex group */
							odg = BLI_findlink(&base->object->defbase, dvert[i].dw[j].def_nr);
							if(odg) {
								/*	Search for a match in the new object, and set new index */
								for(dg=ob->defbase.first, index=0; dg; dg=dg->next, index++) {
									if(!strcmp(dg->name, odg->name)) {
										dvert[i].dw[j].def_nr = index;
				/* if this is the object we're merging into, no need to do anything */
				if(base->object != ob) {
					/* watch this: switch matmul order really goes wrong */
					mul_m4_m4m4(cmat, base->object->obmat, imat);
					/* transform vertex coordinates into new space */
					for(a=0, mv=mvert; a < me->totvert; a++, mv++) {
						mul_m4_v3(cmat, mv->co);
					/* for each shapekey in destination mesh:
					 *	- if there's a matching one, copy it across (will need to transform vertices into new space...)
					 *	- otherwise, just copy own coordinates of mesh (no need to transform vertex coordinates into new space)
					if(key) {
						/* if this mesh has any shapekeys, check first, otherwise just copy coordinates */
						for(kb= key->block.first; kb; kb= kb->next) {
							/* get pointer to where to write data for this mesh in shapekey's data array */
							fp1= ((float *)kb->data) + (vertofs*3);	
							/* check if this mesh has such a shapekey */
							okb= key_get_named_keyblock(me->key, kb->name);
							if(okb) {
								/* copy this mesh's shapekey to the destination shapekey (need to transform first) */
								fp2= ((float *)(okb->data));
								for(a=0; a < me->totvert; a++, fp1+=3, fp2+=3) {
									VECCOPY(fp1, fp2);
									mul_m4_v3(cmat, fp1);
							else {
								/* copy this mesh's vertex coordinates to the destination shapekey */
								mv= mvert;
								for(a=0; a < me->totvert; a++, fp1+=3, mv++) {
									VECCOPY(fp1, mv->co);
				else {
					/* for each shapekey in destination mesh:
					 *	- if it was an 'original', copy the appropriate data from nkey
					 *	- otherwise, copy across plain coordinates (no need to transform coordinates)
					if(key) {
						for(kb= key->block.first; kb; kb= kb->next) {
							/* get pointer to where to write data for this mesh in shapekey's data array */
							fp1= ((float *)kb->data) + (vertofs*3);	
							/* check if this was one of the original shapekeys */
							okb= key_get_named_keyblock(nkey, kb->name);
							if(okb) {
								/* copy this mesh's shapekey to the destination shapekey */
								fp2= ((float *)(okb->data));
								for(a=0; a < me->totvert; a++, fp1+=3, fp2+=3) {
									VECCOPY(fp1, fp2);
							else {
								/* copy base-coordinates to the destination shapekey */
								mv= mvert;
								for(a=0; a < me->totvert; a++, fp1+=3, mv++) {
									VECCOPY(fp1, mv->co);
				/* advance mvert pointer to end of base mesh's data */
				mvert+= me->totvert;
			if(me->totface) {
				/* make mapping for materials */
				for(a=1; a<=base->object->totcol; a++) {
					ma= give_current_material(base->object, a);

					for(b=0; b<totcol; b++) {
						if(ma == matar[b]) {
							matmap[a-1]= b;
					multiresModifier_prepare_join(scene, base->object, ob);

				CustomData_merge(&me->fdata, &fdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totface);
				CustomData_copy_data(&me->fdata, &fdata, 0, faceofs, me->totface);
				for(a=0; a<me->totface; a++, mface++) {
					mface->v1+= vertofs;
					mface->v2+= vertofs;
					mface->v3+= vertofs;
					if(mface->v4) mface->v4+= vertofs;
					if (matmap)
						mface->mat_nr= matmap[(int)mface->mat_nr];
						mface->mat_nr= 0;
				faceofs += me->totface;
			if(me->totedge) {
				CustomData_merge(&me->edata, &edata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DEFAULT, totedge);
				CustomData_copy_data(&me->edata, &edata, 0, edgeofs, me->totedge);
				for(a=0; a<me->totedge; a++, medge++) {
					medge->v1+= vertofs;
					medge->v2+= vertofs;
				edgeofs += me->totedge;
			/* vertofs is used to help newly added verts be reattached to their edge/face 
			 * (cannot be set earlier, or else reattaching goes wrong)
			vertofs += me->totvert;
			/* free base, now that data is merged */
			if(base->object != ob)
				ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, base);
	/* return to mesh we're merging to */
	me= ob->data;
	CustomData_free(&me->vdata, me->totvert);
	CustomData_free(&me->edata, me->totedge);
	CustomData_free(&me->fdata, me->totface);

	me->totvert= totvert;
	me->totedge= totedge;
	me->totface= totface;
	me->vdata= vdata;
	me->edata= edata;
	me->fdata= fdata;

	/* old material array */
	for(a=1; a<=ob->totcol; a++) {
		ma= ob->mat[a-1];
		if(ma) ma->id.us--;
	for(a=1; a<=me->totcol; a++) {
		ma= me->mat[a-1];
		if(ma) ma->id.us--;
	if(ob->mat) MEM_freeN(ob->mat);
	if(ob->matbits) MEM_freeN(ob->matbits);
	if(me->mat) MEM_freeN(me->mat);
	ob->mat= me->mat= NULL;
	ob->matbits= NULL;
	if(totcol) {
		me->mat= matar;
		ob->mat= MEM_callocN(sizeof(void *)*totcol, "join obmatar");
		ob->matbits= MEM_callocN(sizeof(char)*totcol, "join obmatbits");
	ob->totcol= me->totcol= totcol;
	ob->colbits= 0;

	if (matmap) MEM_freeN(matmap);
	/* other mesh users */
	test_object_materials((ID *)me);
	/* free temp copy of destination shapekeys (if applicable) */
	if(nkey) {
		// XXX 2.5 Animato
#if 0
		/* free it's ipo too - both are not actually freed from memory yet as ID-blocks */
		if(nkey->ipo) {
			BLI_remlink(&bmain->ipo, nkey->ipo);
		BLI_remlink(&bmain->key, nkey);
	DAG_scene_sort(bmain, scene);	// removed objects, need to rebuild dag before editmode call

#if 0
	ED_object_enter_editmode(C, EM_WAITCURSOR);
	ED_object_exit_editmode(C, EM_FREEDATA|EM_WAITCURSOR|EM_DO_UNDO);
	/* toggle editmode using lower level functions so this can be called from python */
	make_editMesh(scene, ob);
	load_editMesh(scene, ob);
	me->edit_mesh= NULL;
	DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB|OB_RECALC_DATA);
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void BlenderStrokeRenderer::RenderStrokeRepBasic(StrokeRep *iStrokeRep) const
	//  Build up scene

	vector<Strip*>& strips = iStrokeRep->getStrips();
	Strip::vertex_container::iterator v[3];
	StrokeVertexRep *svRep[3];
	/* Vec3r color[3]; */ /* UNUSED */
	unsigned int vertex_index, edge_index, loop_index;
	Vec2r p;

	for (vector<Strip*>::iterator s = strips.begin(), send = strips.end(); s != send; ++s) {
		Strip::vertex_container& strip_vertices = (*s)->vertices();
		int strip_vertex_count = (*s)->sizeStrip();
		int xl, xu, yl, yu, n, visible_faces, visible_segments;
		bool visible;

		// iterate over all vertices and count visible faces and strip segments
		// (note: a strip segment is a series of visible faces, while two strip
		// segments are separated by one or more invisible faces)
		v[0] = strip_vertices.begin();
		v[1] = v[0] + 1;
		v[2] = v[0] + 2;
		visible_faces = visible_segments = 0;
		visible = false;
		for (n = 2; n < strip_vertex_count; n++, v[0]++, v[1]++, v[2]++) {
			svRep[0] = *(v[0]);
			svRep[1] = *(v[1]);
			svRep[2] = *(v[2]);
			xl = xu = yl = yu = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
				p = svRep[j]->point2d();
				if (p[0] < 0.0)
				else if (p[0] > _width)
				if (p[1] < 0.0)
				else if (p[1] > _height)
			if (xl == 3 || xu == 3 || yl == 3 || yu == 3) {
				visible = false;
			else {
				if (!visible)
				visible = true;
		if (visible_faces == 0)

		//me = Mesh.New()
#if 0
		Object *object_mesh = BKE_object_add(freestyle_bmain, freestyle_scene, OB_MESH);
		Object *object_mesh = NewMesh();
		Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)object_mesh->data;
		mesh->mat = (Material **)MEM_mallocN(1 * sizeof(Material *), "MaterialList");
		mesh->mat[0] = material;
		mesh->totcol = 1;
		test_object_materials(freestyle_bmain, (ID *)mesh);

		// vertices allocation
		mesh->totvert = visible_faces + visible_segments * 2;
		mesh->mvert = (MVert *)CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totvert);

		// edges allocation
		mesh->totedge = visible_faces * 2 + visible_segments;
		mesh->medge = (MEdge *)CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totedge);

		// faces allocation
		mesh->totpoly = visible_faces;
		mesh->mpoly = (MPoly *)CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->pdata, CD_MPOLY, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totpoly);

		// loops allocation
		mesh->totloop = visible_faces * 3;
		mesh->mloop = (MLoop *)CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOP, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totloop);

		// colors allocation
		mesh->mloopcol = (MLoopCol *)CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, mesh->totloop);

		//  Data copy

		MVert *vertices = mesh->mvert;
		MEdge *edges = mesh->medge;
		MPoly *polys = mesh->mpoly;
		MLoop *loops = mesh->mloop;
		MLoopCol *colors = mesh->mloopcol;

		v[0] = strip_vertices.begin();
		v[1] = v[0] + 1;
		v[2] = v[0] + 2;

		vertex_index = edge_index = loop_index = 0;
		visible = false;

		// Note: Mesh generation in the following loop assumes stroke strips
		// to be triangle strips.
		for (n = 2; n < strip_vertex_count; n++, v[0]++, v[1]++, v[2]++) {
			svRep[0] = *(v[0]);
			svRep[1] = *(v[1]);
			svRep[2] = *(v[2]);
			xl = xu = yl = yu = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
				p = svRep[j]->point2d();
				if (p[0] < 0.0)
				else if (p[0] > _width)
				if (p[1] < 0.0)
				else if (p[1] > _height)
			if (xl == 3 || xu == 3 || yl == 3 || yu == 3) {
				visible = false;
			else {
				if (!visible) {
					// first vertex
					vertices->co[0] = svRep[0]->point2d()[0];
					vertices->co[1] = svRep[0]->point2d()[1];
					vertices->co[2] = get_stroke_vertex_z();

					// second vertex
					vertices->co[0] = svRep[1]->point2d()[0];
					vertices->co[1] = svRep[1]->point2d()[1];
					vertices->co[2] = get_stroke_vertex_z();

					// first edge
					edges->v1 = vertex_index - 2;
					edges->v2 = vertex_index - 1;
				visible = true;

				// vertex
				vertices->co[0] = svRep[2]->point2d()[0];
				vertices->co[1] = svRep[2]->point2d()[1];
				vertices->co[2] = get_stroke_vertex_z();

				// edges
				edges->v1 = vertex_index - 1;
				edges->v2 = vertex_index - 3;

				edges->v1 = vertex_index - 1;
				edges->v2 = vertex_index - 2;

				// poly
				polys->loopstart = loop_index;
				polys->totloop = 3;

				// loops
				if (n % 2 == 0) {
					loops[0].v = vertex_index - 1;
					loops[0].e = edge_index - 1;

					loops[1].v = vertex_index - 2;
					loops[1].e = edge_index - 3;

					loops[2].v = vertex_index - 3;
					loops[2].e = edge_index - 2;
				else {
					loops[0].v = vertex_index - 1;
					loops[0].e = edge_index - 2;

					loops[1].v = vertex_index - 3;
					loops[1].e = edge_index - 3;

					loops[2].v = vertex_index - 2;
					loops[2].e = edge_index - 1;
				loops += 3;
				loop_index += 3;

				// colors
				if (n % 2 == 0) {
					colors[0].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[0]);
					colors[0].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[1]);
					colors[0].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[2]);
					colors[0].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->alpha());

					colors[1].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[0]);
					colors[1].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[1]);
					colors[1].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[2]);
					colors[1].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->alpha());

					colors[2].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[0]);
					colors[2].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[1]);
					colors[2].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[2]);
					colors[2].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->alpha());
				else {
					colors[0].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[0]);
					colors[0].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[1]);
					colors[0].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->color()[2]);
					colors[0].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[2]->alpha());

					colors[1].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[0]);
					colors[1].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[1]);
					colors[1].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->color()[2]);
					colors[1].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[0]->alpha());

					colors[2].r = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[0]);
					colors[2].g = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[1]);
					colors[2].b = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->color()[2]);
					colors[2].a = (short)(255.0f * svRep[1]->alpha());
				colors += 3;
		} // loop over strip vertices
#if 0
		BKE_mesh_validate(mesh, TRUE);
	} // loop over strips
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* settings: 0 - preview, 1 - render */
Mesh *rna_Object_to_mesh(Object *ob, ReportList *reports, Scene *sce, int apply_modifiers, int settings)
	Mesh *tmpmesh;
	Curve *tmpcu = NULL;
	Object *tmpobj = NULL;
	int render = settings == eModifierMode_Render, i;
	int cage = !apply_modifiers;

	/* perform the mesh extraction based on type */
	switch (ob->type) {
	case OB_FONT:
	case OB_CURVE:
	case OB_SURF:

		/* copies object and modifiers (but not the data) */
		tmpobj= copy_object(ob);
		tmpcu = (Curve *)tmpobj->data;

		/* if getting the original caged mesh, delete object modifiers */
		if( cage )

		/* copies the data */
		tmpobj->data = copy_curve( (Curve *) ob->data );

#if 0
		/* copy_curve() sets disp.first null, so currently not need */
			Curve *cu;
			cu = (Curve *)tmpobj->data;
			if( cu->disp.first )
				MEM_freeN( cu->disp.first );
			cu->disp.first = NULL;

		/* get updated display list, and convert to a mesh */
		makeDispListCurveTypes( sce, tmpobj, 0 );
		nurbs_to_mesh( tmpobj );
		/* nurbs_to_mesh changes the type to a mesh, check it worked */
		if (tmpobj->type != OB_MESH) {
			free_libblock_us( &(G.main->object), tmpobj );
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "cant convert curve to mesh. Does the curve have any segments?");
			return NULL;
		tmpmesh = tmpobj->data;
		free_libblock_us( &G.main->object, tmpobj );

	case OB_MBALL: {
		/* metaballs don't have modifiers, so just convert to mesh */
		Object *basis_ob = find_basis_mball(sce, ob);
		/* todo, re-generatre for render-res */
		/* metaball_polygonize(scene, ob) */

		if(ob != basis_ob)
			return NULL; /* only do basis metaball */

		tmpmesh = add_mesh("Mesh");
		if(render) {
			ListBase disp = {NULL, NULL};
			makeDispListMBall_forRender(sce, ob, &disp);
			mball_to_mesh(&disp, tmpmesh);
			mball_to_mesh(&ob->disp, tmpmesh);

	case OB_MESH:
		/* copies object and modifiers (but not the data) */
		if (cage) {
			/* copies the data */
			tmpmesh = copy_mesh( ob->data );
		/* if not getting the original caged mesh, get final derived mesh */
		} else {
			/* Make a dummy mesh, saves copying */
			DerivedMesh *dm;
			CustomDataMask mask = CD_MASK_MESH; /* this seems more suitable, exporter,
												   for example, needs CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT */
			/* Write the display mesh into the dummy mesh */
			if (render)
				dm = mesh_create_derived_render( sce, ob, mask );
				dm = mesh_create_derived_view( sce, ob, mask );
			tmpmesh = add_mesh( "Mesh" );
			DM_to_mesh( dm, tmpmesh );
			dm->release( dm );
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object does not have geometry data");
		return NULL;

	/* Copy materials to new mesh */
	switch (ob->type) {
	case OB_SURF:
	case OB_FONT:
	case OB_CURVE:
		tmpmesh->totcol = tmpcu->totcol;		
		/* free old material list (if it exists) and adjust user counts */
		if( tmpcu->mat ) {
			for( i = tmpcu->totcol; i-- > 0; ) {
				/* are we an object material or data based? */

				tmpmesh->mat[i] = ob->matbits[i] ? ob->mat[i] : tmpcu->mat[i];

				if (tmpmesh->mat[i]) {

#if 0
	/* Crashes when assigning the new material, not sure why */
	case OB_MBALL:
		tmpmb = (MetaBall *)ob->data;
		tmpmesh->totcol = tmpmb->totcol;
		/* free old material list (if it exists) and adjust user counts */
		if( tmpmb->mat ) {
			for( i = tmpmb->totcol; i-- > 0; ) {
				tmpmesh->mat[i] = tmpmb->mat[i]; /* CRASH HERE ??? */
				if (tmpmesh->mat[i]) {

	case OB_MESH:
		if (!cage) {
			Mesh *origmesh= ob->data;
			tmpmesh->flag= origmesh->flag;
			tmpmesh->mat = MEM_dupallocN(origmesh->mat);
			tmpmesh->totcol = origmesh->totcol;
			tmpmesh->smoothresh= origmesh->smoothresh;
			if( origmesh->mat ) {
				for( i = origmesh->totcol; i-- > 0; ) {
					/* are we an object material or data based? */
					tmpmesh->mat[i] = ob->matbits[i] ? ob->mat[i] : origmesh->mat[i];

					if (tmpmesh->mat[i]) {
	} /* end copy materials */

	/* we don't assign it to anything */
	/* make sure materials get updated in objects */
	test_object_materials( ( ID * ) tmpmesh );

	return tmpmesh;