Ejemplo n.º 1
void delay_nus2(uint32_t nDelay) {
	// remember current timer value:
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter_0 = timer_get_counter(SOFTI2C_TIMER_1);
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter_1;
	uint16_t deltaCounter;
	uint16_t nIteration = (nDelay / 65535);
	while (((nIteration * 65535) + nDelay) > 0) {
		TIMCounter_1 = timer_get_counter(SOFTI2C_TIMER_1);
		if ((TIMCounter_1 - TIMCounter_0) < 0) {
			if (nIteration > 0) {
			deltaCounter = TIMCounter_0 - TIMCounter_1;
		} else {
			deltaCounter = TIMCounter_1 - TIMCounter_0;
		if (deltaCounter >= nDelay)  {
		else {
			nDelay = nDelay - deltaCounter;
		TIMCounter_0 = TIMCounter_1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void sleep(uint32_t microsec)
	uint64_t start_time = timer_get_counter();

	do {
		/* Nothing */
	} while (timer_get_counter() - start_time < microsec);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Set the DSM timer to interrupt
 * @param[in] us The time in microseconds divided by 10
void timer_dsm_set(u16 us) {
	u16 new_t = (us*2 + timer_get_counter(TIMER_DSM)) & 65535;
	u16 new_t = (us + timer_get_counter(TIMER_DSM)) & 65535;

	// Update the timer compare value 1
	timer_set_oc_value(TIMER_DSM, TIM_OC1, new_t);

	// Clear the interrupt flag and enable the interrupt of compare 1
	timer_clear_flag(TIMER_DSM, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
	timer_enable_irq(TIMER_DSM, TIM_DIER_CC1IE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
PUBLIC float HCSR04_read(uint8_t index)
    float fl_distancia = 0.0;
    UWord count_timer;

    //limpa contador
    timer_set_counter(timerM, 0);

    digitalWrite(ultrason[index].trig, 1);
    digitalWrite(ultrason[index].trig, 0);


    //Calculo de distancia.
    count_timer.value = timer_get_counter(timerM);

    //fl_distancia = (float)distancia.value*0.011328;
    fl_distancia = (float)count_timer.value*k;

    return (fl_distancia);
void tim2_isr(void)
	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF)) {

		/* Clear compare interrupt flag. */
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF);

		 * Get current timer value to calculate next
		 * compare register value.
		compare_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);

		/* Calculate and set the next compare value. */
		frequency = frequency_sequence[frequency_sel++];
		new_time = compare_time + frequency;

		timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1, new_time);
		if (frequency_sel == 18)
			frequency_sel = 0;

		/* Toggle LED to indicate compare event. */
		gpio_toggle(GPIOC, GPIO12);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Update our last capture time
void comm_tim_update_capture(void)
	comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
			   comm_tim_data.last_capture_time + comm_tim_data.freq);

Ejemplo n.º 7
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
  if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_CC3IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC3IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM1) + timer_rollover_cnt;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Record the time of the last commutation
void comm_tim_capture_time(void)
	u16 new_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	comm_tim_data.prev_time = comm_tim_state.next_prev_time;
	comm_tim_data.curr_time = new_time;
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = new_time;
	comm_tim_data.update_count = comm_tim_state.update_count;
	comm_tim_state.update_count = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static uint32_t tim6_get_time_us(void)
	uint32_t cnt = timer_get_counter(TIM6);

	// convert to 1MHz less precise timer value -> units: microseconds
	uint32_t time_us = cnt * 100;

	return time_us;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Return the elapsed time to tell the Stack how much time is spent since last call.
INPUT	void
OUTPUT	value TIMEVAL (unsigned long) the elapsed time
TIMEVAL getElapsedTime(void)
    TIMEVAL timer = timer_get_counter(TIM3);	/* Read the value of the running timer */
    if (timer > last_time_set)                      /* In case the timer value is higher than the last time. */
        return (timer - last_time_set);         /* Calculate the time difference */
    else if (timer < last_time_set)                 /* Timer has cycled around */
        return (timer + (TIMEVAL_MAX - last_time_set)); /* Calculate the time difference */
        return TIMEVAL_MAX;                     /* timer has gone around a full cycle.*/
Ejemplo n.º 11
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
    static int last_value = 0;
    int value;
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC1IF) != 0) {
	// Timer channel 1 interrupt -> First edge (outcoming signal).
	timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
	last_value = timer_get_counter(TIM1);
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF)) {
	// Timer channel 2 interrupt -> response (incoming signal).
	timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF);
	value = timer_get_counter(TIM1) - last_value;
	if (value < 0)
	    value = value + 0xffff;
	latency = value;
	if (latency > latency_max)
	    latency_max = latency;
/** Returns current angle of motor shaft to some arbitrary 0-axis
 * @return angle in digit (2Pi=65536)
uint16_t Encoder::GetAngle()
   uint32_t time_since_last_pulse = timer_get_counter(REV_CNT_TIMER);
   uint16_t interpolated_angle = (angle_per_pulse * time_since_last_pulse) / last_pulse_timespan;

   if (ignore > 0)
      interpolated_angle = 0;

   return angle + interpolated_angle;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Update our last capture time and curr time
void comm_tim_update_capture_and_time(void)
	comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
			comm_tim_data.last_capture_time + comm_tim_data.freq);

	comm_tim_data.prev_time = comm_tim_state.next_prev_time;
	comm_tim_data.curr_time = comm_tim_data.last_capture_time;
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = comm_tim_data.last_capture_time;
	comm_tim_data.update_count = comm_tim_state.update_count;
	comm_tim_state.update_count = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Interruptserviceroutine Timer 3 Compare 1 for the CAN timer
Pull in the timer counter value to represent the last time an alarm was set.
void tim3_isr(void)
    /* Clear interrrupt flag. */
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF))
        timer_clear_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
        /* Reread to force the previous write before leaving (a side-effect of hardware pipelining)*/
        timer_get_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
        last_time_set = timer_get_counter(TIM3);
        /* Call the time handler of the stack to adapt the elapsed time */
Ejemplo n.º 15
void tim2_isr(void) {

  if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_CC2IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC2IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM2) + timer_rollover_cnt;
  else if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_UIF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF);

Ejemplo n.º 16
void exti9_5_isr(void)
    u16 t1 = 0;
    u16 t = 0;
    t1 = timer_get_counter(TIM1);     // get the counter(TIM1) value    
    exti_reset_request(_PWM_EXTI);         //  reset(clean) the IRQ
    t = (t1>=t0) ? (t1-t0) : (65536+t1-t0);     // none-stop TIM1 counter, compute ppm-signal width (2MHz = 0.5uSecond)
    t0 = t1;
    if (!ppmSync) {      // ppm-in status : not Sync
        /*  (1) capture  pmSync (for ppm-timing > MIN_PPMin_Sync : 3300uSecond)  */
        if (t>MIN_PPMin_Sync) {    // ppm-input Sync-signal
            if (j<3) {             // set 3-times for count total channels number, k[0], k[1], k[2]
                j++;               // set for next count ppm-in total channels number
                k[j] = 0;          // initial ppm-in total channels number =0
            } else {               // accumulate 3-times total channels number k[0], k[1], k[2]
        /*  (2) count channels and set to  "ppmin_num_channels"  */
                j = 0;                          // initial ppm-in Sync counter=0 (or missed signal)
                k[0] = 0;                       // set ppm-in signal beginning k[0]=0, ignore the first count total channels number
                if (k[1]>1 && k[1]==k[2]) {     // compare total channels number k[1], k[2]
                    ppmin_num_channels = k[1];  // save number of channels found
                    ppmSync = 1;                // in-sync
                    i = 0;
        } else {             // t<MIN_PPMin_Sync,  ppm-input each Channel-signal
            k[j]++;          // conut 3-times for total channels number, k[0], k[1], k[2].
                             // ignore the first count total channels number k[0]
    } else {                // ppm-in status : Sync, 
        /*  (3) get  each channel value and set to  "Channel[i]" ,
                [0...ppmin_num_channels-1] for each Channel-signal */
        int ch = (t - (Model.ppmin_centerpw * 2))*10000 / (Model.ppmin_deltapw * 2);  //Convert input to channel value
        ppmChannels[i] = ch;
        i++;                           // set for next count  ppm-signal width
        /*  (4) continue count channels and compare  "num_channels",
                if not equal => disconnect(no-Sync) and re-connect (re-Sync) */
        if (t>MIN_PPMin_Sync) {                   // Got the ppm-input Sync-signal 
            if ((i-1) != ppmin_num_channels) {    // Trainer disconnect (coach-trainee disconnect or noise)
                ppmSync = 0;                      // set ppm-in status to "Not Sync"
            i = 0;                                // initial counter for capture next period
Ejemplo n.º 17
void delay_nus(sGrpDev* pGrpDev, uint32_t nCount) {
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter = nCount;
	if (pGrpDev->pTimer) {
		/* Counter enable. */
		/* Reset prescaler value. */
		timer_set_prescaler(pGrpDev->pTimer, 72);
		timer_set_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer, TIMCounter);
		/* Start timer. */
		TIM_CR1(pGrpDev->pTimer) |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
		while (TIMCounter > 1) {
			TIMCounter = timer_get_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer);
Ejemplo n.º 18
void tim1_up_isr(void) {
#elif defined(STM32F4)
void tim1_up_tim10_isr(void) {
  if((TIM1_SR & TIM_SR_UIF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_UIF);

void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
  if((TIM1_SR & PPM_CC_IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, PPM_CC_IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM1) + timer_rollover_cnt;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void delay_ms(sGrpDev* pGrpDev, uint32_t nCount) {
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter;// = nCount;
	uint16_t cnt2;
	/* Counter enable. */
	/* Reset prescaler value. */
	timer_set_prescaler(pGrpDev->pTimer, 7200);
	for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < 750; cnt2++) {
		TIMCounter = nCount;
		timer_set_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer, TIMCounter);
		/* Start timer. */
		TIM_CR1(pGrpDev->pTimer) |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
		while (TIMCounter > 1) {
			TIMCounter = timer_get_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer);
void Encoder::UpdateRotorAngle(int dir)
   if (encMode == SINGLE)
      int16_t numPulses = GetPulseTimeFiltered();

      angle += (int16_t)(dir * numPulses * anglePerPulse);
   else if (encMode == RESOLVER)
      static uint16_t lastAngle = 0;
      uint16_t angleDiff;

      if (encMode == SPI)
         angle = GetAngleSPI(); //Gets 12-bit
         angle <<= 4;
         uint16_t diffPos = angle - lastAngle;
         uint16_t diffNeg = lastAngle - angle;
         angleDiff = MIN(diffNeg, diffPos);
         uint32_t cntVal = timer_get_counter(REV_CNT_TIMER);
         cntVal *= TWO_PI;
         cntVal /= pulsesPerTurn * 4;
         angle = (uint16_t)cntVal;
         angleDiff = (angle - lastAngle) & 0xFFFF;
         if ((TIM_CR1(REV_CNT_TIMER) & TIM_CR1_DIR_DOWN))
            angleDiff = (lastAngle - angle) & 0xFFFF;

      lastAngle = angle;
      turnsSinceLastSample += angleDiff;
      //Param::SetDig(Param::tm_meas, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Timer 2 interrupt handler
void tim2_isr(void)

	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF)) {
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF);

		/* prepare for next comm */
		comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
		//comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_ic_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1);
		//comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = TIM2_CCR1;

		/* triggering commutation event */
		if (comm_tim_trigger_comm || comm_tim_trigger_comm_once) {
			timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_COMG);
			//timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_COMG | TIM_EGR_UG);

		/* (re)setting "semaphors" */
		comm_tim_trigger_comm_once = false;
		comm_tim_trigger = true;

		/* Set next comm time */
		timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
				comm_tim_data.last_capture_time +
				(comm_tim_data.freq * 2));
		//timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
		//		comm_tim_data.last_capture_time +
		//		65535);


	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF)) {
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF);

Ejemplo n.º 22
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
	if(timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF)) {
		if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2OF)) 
		uint32_t current_counter = timer_get_counter(TIM1);
		uint32_t current_overflow = overflow_counter;
		timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF);
		//gpio_toggle(GPIOE, GPIO13); /* toggle pin for 'scope debugging */
		if (m_state == PENDING) { // start measurement
			start_counter = current_counter;
			overflow_counter = 0;
			m_state = RUNNING;
		if (edges == NUM_EDGES) { // end measurement
			cycles_during_measurement = 
				(current_overflow*TIMER1_PERIOD) + current_counter - start_counter;
			m_state = IDLE;
		} else {
			edges += 1;
 * Get the counter value of Timer
 * @return Counter value
uint16_t tim_get_counter(void)
	return timer_get_counter(TIM6);
Ejemplo n.º 24
timeval_t current_time() {
  return timer_get_counter(TIM2);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Update the next prev time to the current time
void comm_tim_update_next_prev(void)
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);