Пример #1
void delay_nus2(uint32_t nDelay) {
	// remember current timer value:
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter_0 = timer_get_counter(SOFTI2C_TIMER_1);
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter_1;
	uint16_t deltaCounter;
	uint16_t nIteration = (nDelay / 65535);
	while (((nIteration * 65535) + nDelay) > 0) {
		TIMCounter_1 = timer_get_counter(SOFTI2C_TIMER_1);
		if ((TIMCounter_1 - TIMCounter_0) < 0) {
			if (nIteration > 0) {
			deltaCounter = TIMCounter_0 - TIMCounter_1;
		} else {
			deltaCounter = TIMCounter_1 - TIMCounter_0;
		if (deltaCounter >= nDelay)  {
		else {
			nDelay = nDelay - deltaCounter;
		TIMCounter_0 = TIMCounter_1;
Пример #2
void sleep(uint32_t microsec)
	uint64_t start_time = timer_get_counter();

	do {
		/* Nothing */
	} while (timer_get_counter() - start_time < microsec);
Пример #3
 * Set the DSM timer to interrupt
 * @param[in] us The time in microseconds divided by 10
void timer_dsm_set(u16 us) {
	u16 new_t = (us*2 + timer_get_counter(TIMER_DSM)) & 65535;
	u16 new_t = (us + timer_get_counter(TIMER_DSM)) & 65535;

	// Update the timer compare value 1
	timer_set_oc_value(TIMER_DSM, TIM_OC1, new_t);

	// Clear the interrupt flag and enable the interrupt of compare 1
	timer_clear_flag(TIMER_DSM, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
	timer_enable_irq(TIMER_DSM, TIM_DIER_CC1IE);
Пример #4
PUBLIC float HCSR04_read(uint8_t index)
    float fl_distancia = 0.0;
    UWord count_timer;

    //limpa contador
    timer_set_counter(timerM, 0);

    digitalWrite(ultrason[index].trig, 1);
    digitalWrite(ultrason[index].trig, 0);


    //Calculo de distancia.
    count_timer.value = timer_get_counter(timerM);

    //fl_distancia = (float)distancia.value*0.011328;
    fl_distancia = (float)count_timer.value*k;

    return (fl_distancia);
void tim2_isr(void)
	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF)) {

		/* Clear compare interrupt flag. */
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF);

		 * Get current timer value to calculate next
		 * compare register value.
		compare_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);

		/* Calculate and set the next compare value. */
		frequency = frequency_sequence[frequency_sel++];
		new_time = compare_time + frequency;

		timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1, new_time);
		if (frequency_sel == 18)
			frequency_sel = 0;

		/* Toggle LED to indicate compare event. */
		gpio_toggle(GPIOC, GPIO12);
Пример #6
 * Update our last capture time
void comm_tim_update_capture(void)
	comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
			   comm_tim_data.last_capture_time + comm_tim_data.freq);

Пример #7
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
  if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_CC3IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC3IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM1) + timer_rollover_cnt;
Пример #8
 * Record the time of the last commutation
void comm_tim_capture_time(void)
	u16 new_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	comm_tim_data.prev_time = comm_tim_state.next_prev_time;
	comm_tim_data.curr_time = new_time;
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = new_time;
	comm_tim_data.update_count = comm_tim_state.update_count;
	comm_tim_state.update_count = 0;
Пример #9
static uint32_t tim6_get_time_us(void)
	uint32_t cnt = timer_get_counter(TIM6);

	// convert to 1MHz less precise timer value -> units: microseconds
	uint32_t time_us = cnt * 100;

	return time_us;
Пример #10
Return the elapsed time to tell the Stack how much time is spent since last call.
INPUT	void
OUTPUT	value TIMEVAL (unsigned long) the elapsed time
TIMEVAL getElapsedTime(void)
    TIMEVAL timer = timer_get_counter(TIM3);	/* Read the value of the running timer */
    if (timer > last_time_set)                      /* In case the timer value is higher than the last time. */
        return (timer - last_time_set);         /* Calculate the time difference */
    else if (timer < last_time_set)                 /* Timer has cycled around */
        return (timer + (TIMEVAL_MAX - last_time_set)); /* Calculate the time difference */
        return TIMEVAL_MAX;                     /* timer has gone around a full cycle.*/
Пример #11
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
    static int last_value = 0;
    int value;
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC1IF) != 0) {
	// Timer channel 1 interrupt -> First edge (outcoming signal).
	timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
	last_value = timer_get_counter(TIM1);
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF)) {
	// Timer channel 2 interrupt -> response (incoming signal).
	timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF);
	value = timer_get_counter(TIM1) - last_value;
	if (value < 0)
	    value = value + 0xffff;
	latency = value;
	if (latency > latency_max)
	    latency_max = latency;
/** Returns current angle of motor shaft to some arbitrary 0-axis
 * @return angle in digit (2Pi=65536)
uint16_t Encoder::GetAngle()
   uint32_t time_since_last_pulse = timer_get_counter(REV_CNT_TIMER);
   uint16_t interpolated_angle = (angle_per_pulse * time_since_last_pulse) / last_pulse_timespan;

   if (ignore > 0)
      interpolated_angle = 0;

   return angle + interpolated_angle;
Пример #13
 * Update our last capture time and curr time
void comm_tim_update_capture_and_time(void)
	comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
	timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
			comm_tim_data.last_capture_time + comm_tim_data.freq);

	comm_tim_data.prev_time = comm_tim_state.next_prev_time;
	comm_tim_data.curr_time = comm_tim_data.last_capture_time;
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = comm_tim_data.last_capture_time;
	comm_tim_data.update_count = comm_tim_state.update_count;
	comm_tim_state.update_count = 0;
Пример #14
Interruptserviceroutine Timer 3 Compare 1 for the CAN timer
Pull in the timer counter value to represent the last time an alarm was set.
void tim3_isr(void)
    /* Clear interrrupt flag. */
    if (timer_get_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF))
        timer_clear_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
        /* Reread to force the previous write before leaving (a side-effect of hardware pipelining)*/
        timer_get_flag(TIM3, TIM_SR_CC1IF);
        last_time_set = timer_get_counter(TIM3);
        /* Call the time handler of the stack to adapt the elapsed time */
Пример #15
void tim2_isr(void) {

  if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_CC2IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC2IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM2) + timer_rollover_cnt;
  else if((TIM2_SR & TIM_SR_UIF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF);

Пример #16
void exti9_5_isr(void)
    u16 t1 = 0;
    u16 t = 0;
    t1 = timer_get_counter(TIM1);     // get the counter(TIM1) value    
    exti_reset_request(_PWM_EXTI);         //  reset(clean) the IRQ
    t = (t1>=t0) ? (t1-t0) : (65536+t1-t0);     // none-stop TIM1 counter, compute ppm-signal width (2MHz = 0.5uSecond)
    t0 = t1;
    if (!ppmSync) {      // ppm-in status : not Sync
        /*  (1) capture  pmSync (for ppm-timing > MIN_PPMin_Sync : 3300uSecond)  */
        if (t>MIN_PPMin_Sync) {    // ppm-input Sync-signal
            if (j<3) {             // set 3-times for count total channels number, k[0], k[1], k[2]
                j++;               // set for next count ppm-in total channels number
                k[j] = 0;          // initial ppm-in total channels number =0
            } else {               // accumulate 3-times total channels number k[0], k[1], k[2]
        /*  (2) count channels and set to  "ppmin_num_channels"  */
                j = 0;                          // initial ppm-in Sync counter=0 (or missed signal)
                k[0] = 0;                       // set ppm-in signal beginning k[0]=0, ignore the first count total channels number
                if (k[1]>1 && k[1]==k[2]) {     // compare total channels number k[1], k[2]
                    ppmin_num_channels = k[1];  // save number of channels found
                    ppmSync = 1;                // in-sync
                    i = 0;
        } else {             // t<MIN_PPMin_Sync,  ppm-input each Channel-signal
            k[j]++;          // conut 3-times for total channels number, k[0], k[1], k[2].
                             // ignore the first count total channels number k[0]
    } else {                // ppm-in status : Sync, 
        /*  (3) get  each channel value and set to  "Channel[i]" ,
                [0...ppmin_num_channels-1] for each Channel-signal */
        int ch = (t - (Model.ppmin_centerpw * 2))*10000 / (Model.ppmin_deltapw * 2);  //Convert input to channel value
        ppmChannels[i] = ch;
        i++;                           // set for next count  ppm-signal width
        /*  (4) continue count channels and compare  "num_channels",
                if not equal => disconnect(no-Sync) and re-connect (re-Sync) */
        if (t>MIN_PPMin_Sync) {                   // Got the ppm-input Sync-signal 
            if ((i-1) != ppmin_num_channels) {    // Trainer disconnect (coach-trainee disconnect or noise)
                ppmSync = 0;                      // set ppm-in status to "Not Sync"
            i = 0;                                // initial counter for capture next period
Пример #17
void delay_nus(sGrpDev* pGrpDev, uint32_t nCount) {
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter = nCount;
	if (pGrpDev->pTimer) {
		/* Counter enable. */
		/* Reset prescaler value. */
		timer_set_prescaler(pGrpDev->pTimer, 72);
		timer_set_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer, TIMCounter);
		/* Start timer. */
		TIM_CR1(pGrpDev->pTimer) |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
		while (TIMCounter > 1) {
			TIMCounter = timer_get_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer);
Пример #18
void tim1_up_isr(void) {
#elif defined(STM32F4)
void tim1_up_tim10_isr(void) {
  if((TIM1_SR & TIM_SR_UIF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_UIF);

void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
  if((TIM1_SR & PPM_CC_IF) != 0) {
    timer_clear_flag(TIM1, PPM_CC_IF);

    uint32_t now = timer_get_counter(TIM1) + timer_rollover_cnt;
Пример #19
void delay_ms(sGrpDev* pGrpDev, uint32_t nCount) {
	volatile uint16_t TIMCounter;// = nCount;
	uint16_t cnt2;
	/* Counter enable. */
	/* Reset prescaler value. */
	timer_set_prescaler(pGrpDev->pTimer, 7200);
	for (cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < 750; cnt2++) {
		TIMCounter = nCount;
		timer_set_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer, TIMCounter);
		/* Start timer. */
		TIM_CR1(pGrpDev->pTimer) |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
		while (TIMCounter > 1) {
			TIMCounter = timer_get_counter(pGrpDev->pTimer);
void Encoder::UpdateRotorAngle(int dir)
   if (encMode == SINGLE)
      int16_t numPulses = GetPulseTimeFiltered();

      angle += (int16_t)(dir * numPulses * anglePerPulse);
   else if (encMode == RESOLVER)
      static uint16_t lastAngle = 0;
      uint16_t angleDiff;

      if (encMode == SPI)
         angle = GetAngleSPI(); //Gets 12-bit
         angle <<= 4;
         uint16_t diffPos = angle - lastAngle;
         uint16_t diffNeg = lastAngle - angle;
         angleDiff = MIN(diffNeg, diffPos);
         uint32_t cntVal = timer_get_counter(REV_CNT_TIMER);
         cntVal *= TWO_PI;
         cntVal /= pulsesPerTurn * 4;
         angle = (uint16_t)cntVal;
         angleDiff = (angle - lastAngle) & 0xFFFF;
         if ((TIM_CR1(REV_CNT_TIMER) & TIM_CR1_DIR_DOWN))
            angleDiff = (lastAngle - angle) & 0xFFFF;

      lastAngle = angle;
      turnsSinceLastSample += angleDiff;
      //Param::SetDig(Param::tm_meas, angle);
Пример #21
 * Timer 2 interrupt handler
void tim2_isr(void)

	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF)) {
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_CC1IF);

		/* prepare for next comm */
		comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);
		//comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = timer_get_ic_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1);
		//comm_tim_data.last_capture_time = TIM2_CCR1;

		/* triggering commutation event */
		if (comm_tim_trigger_comm || comm_tim_trigger_comm_once) {
			timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_COMG);
			//timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_COMG | TIM_EGR_UG);

		/* (re)setting "semaphors" */
		comm_tim_trigger_comm_once = false;
		comm_tim_trigger = true;

		/* Set next comm time */
		timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
				comm_tim_data.last_capture_time +
				(comm_tim_data.freq * 2));
		//timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1,
		//		comm_tim_data.last_capture_time +
		//		65535);


	if (timer_get_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF)) {
		timer_clear_flag(TIM2, TIM_SR_UIF);

Пример #22
void tim1_cc_isr(void) {
	if(timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF)) {
		if (timer_get_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2OF)) 
		uint32_t current_counter = timer_get_counter(TIM1);
		uint32_t current_overflow = overflow_counter;
		timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_CC2IF);
		//gpio_toggle(GPIOE, GPIO13); /* toggle pin for 'scope debugging */
		if (m_state == PENDING) { // start measurement
			start_counter = current_counter;
			overflow_counter = 0;
			m_state = RUNNING;
		if (edges == NUM_EDGES) { // end measurement
			cycles_during_measurement = 
				(current_overflow*TIMER1_PERIOD) + current_counter - start_counter;
			m_state = IDLE;
		} else {
			edges += 1;
 * Get the counter value of Timer
 * @return Counter value
uint16_t tim_get_counter(void)
	return timer_get_counter(TIM6);
Пример #24
timeval_t current_time() {
  return timer_get_counter(TIM2);
Пример #25
 * Update the next prev time to the current time
void comm_tim_update_next_prev(void)
	comm_tim_state.next_prev_time = timer_get_counter(TIM2);