Ejemplo n.º 1
ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByName(const void* a, const void* b)
  ANode* x = (*(ANode**)a);
  ANode* y = (*(ANode**)b);
  return x->name().compare(y->name()); // strcmp(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 2
ANode::merge(ANode* node_dst, ANode* node_src)
  // Do we really want this?
  //if (!IsMergable(node_dst, node_src)) {
  //  return false;
  // Perform the merge
  // 1. Move all children of 'node_src' into 'node_dst'
  for (ANodeChildIterator it(node_src); it.Current(); /* */) {
    ANode* x = it.current();
    it++; // advance iterator so we can unlink 'x'
  // 2. If merging ACodeNodes, update line ranges
  ACodeNode* dst0 = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(node_dst);
  ACodeNode* src0 = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(node_src);
  DIAG_Assert(Logic::equiv(dst0, src0), "Invariant broken!");
  if (dst0 && src0) {
    SrcFile::ln begLn = std::min(dst0->begLine(), src0->begLine());
    SrcFile::ln endLn = std::max(dst0->endLine(), src0->endLine());
    dst0->setLineRange(begLn, endLn);
    dst0->vmaSet().merge(src0->vmaSet()); // merge VMAs
  // 3. Unlink 'node_src' from the tree and delete it
  delete node_src;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
ANodeSortedIterator::cmpById(const void* a, const void* b)
  ANode* x = (*(ANode**)a);
  ANode* y = (*(ANode**)b);
  return (x->id() - y->id());
Ejemplo n.º 4
int IsAncestorOf(ANode *parent, ANode *son, int difference)
  ANode *iter = son;
  while (iter && difference > 0 && iter != parent) {
    iter = iter->Parent();
  if (iter && iter == parent)
     return 1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByDynInfo(const void* a, const void* b)
  ANode* x = (*(ANode**)a);
  ANode* y = (*(ANode**)b);

  // 0. test for equality
  if (x == y) {
    return 0;

  // INVARIANT: x != y, so never return 0

  ADynNode* x_dyn = dynamic_cast<ADynNode*>(x);
  ADynNode* y_dyn = dynamic_cast<ADynNode*>(y);

  // 1. distinguish by dynamic info
  if (x_dyn && y_dyn) {
    return cmpByDynInfoSpecial(x_dyn, y_dyn);

  // 2. distinguish by structure ids
  uint x_id = x->structureId();
  uint y_id = y->structureId();
  if (x_id != Prof::Struct::ANode::Id_NULL
      && y_id != Prof::Struct::ANode::Id_NULL) {
    int cmp_sid = cmp(x_id, y_id);
    if (cmp_sid != 0) {
      return cmp_sid;

  // 3. distinguish by type
  int cmp_ty = (int)x->type() - (int)y->type();
  if (cmp_ty != 0) {
    return cmp_ty;

#if 1
  // 4. distinguish by id
  int cmp_id = (int)x->id() - (int)y->id();
  if (cmp_id != 0) {
    return cmp_id;

  // *. Could compare childCount() and other aspects of children.
  DIAG_Die("Prof::CCT::ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByDynInfo: cannot compare:"
	   << "\n\tx: " << x->toStringMe(Prof::CCT::Tree::OFlg_Debug)
	   << "\n\ty: " << y->toStringMe(Prof::CCT::Tree::OFlg_Debug));
Ejemplo n.º 6
Tree::findNode(uint nodeId) const
  if (!m_nodeidMap) {
    m_nodeidMap = new NodeIdToANodeMap;
    for (ANodeIterator it(m_root); it.Current(); ++it) {
      ANode* n = it.current();
      m_nodeidMap->insert(std::make_pair(n->id(), n));
  NodeIdToANodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeidMap->find(nodeId);
  return (it != m_nodeidMap->end()) ? it->second : NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
ANode::distance(ANode* anc, ANode* desc)
  int distance = 0;
  for (ANode* x = desc; x != NULL; x = x->parent()) {
    if (x == anc) {
      return distance;

  // If we arrive here, there was no path between 'anc' and 'desc'
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  for (ANodeChildIterator it(this); it.Current(); /* */) {
    ANode* x = it.current();
    it++; // advance iterator -- it is pointing at 'x'

    if (x->hasMetrics()) {
    else {
      x->unlink(); // unlink 'x' from tree
      delete x;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Root::writeXML(ostream& os, uint oFlags, const char* pfx) const
  if (oFlags & Tree::OFlg_Compressed) {
    pfx = "";

  // N.B.: Assume that my children are LM's
  bool doPost = ANode::writeXML_pre(os, oFlags, pfx);
  for (ANodeSortedChildIterator it(this, ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByName);
       it.current(); it++) {
    ANode* scope = it.current();
    scope->writeXML(os, oFlags, pfx);
  if (doPost) {
    ANode::writeXML_post(os, oFlags, pfx);
  return os;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  ACodeNode* prev = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(prevSibling());
  ACodeNode* next = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(nextSibling());

  // NOTE: Technically should check for ln_NULL
  if ((!prev || (prev->begLine() <= m_begLn))
      && (!next || (m_begLn <= next->begLine()))) {
  // INVARIANT: The parent scope contains at least two children
  DIAG_Assert(parent()->childCount() >= 2, "");

  ANode* prnt = parent();

  //if (prnt->firstChild() == NULL) {
  //  link(prnt);
  if (m_begLn == ln_NULL) {
    // insert as first child
  else {
    // insert after sibling with sibling->begLine() <= begLine()
    // or iff that does not exist insert as first in sibling list
    ACodeNode* sibling = NULL;
    for (sibling = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(prnt->lastChild()); sibling;
	 sibling = dynamic_cast<ACodeNode*>(sibling->prevSibling())) {
      if (sibling->begLine() <= m_begLn) {
    if (sibling != NULL) {
    else {
Ejemplo n.º 11
ANode::aggregateMetrics(uint mBegId, uint mEndId)
  if ( !(mBegId < mEndId) ) {
    return; // short circuit

  const ANode* root = this;
  ANodeIterator it(root, NULL/*filter*/, false/*leavesOnly*/,
  for (ANode* n = NULL; (n = it.current()); ++it) {
    ANode* n_parent = n->parent();
    if (n != root) {
      for (uint mId = mBegId; mId < mEndId; ++mId) {
	double mVal = n->demandMetric(mId, mEndId/*size*/);
	n_parent->demandMetric(mId, mEndId/*size*/) += mVal;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 void AStarFindPath::reset()
     ANode* pNodeItem = m_pMapNodes;
     for (int y = 0; y < m_iRow; ++y)
         for (int x = 0; x < m_iCol; ++x)
             pNodeItem->m_iPosX = x;
             pNodeItem->m_iPosY = y;
     m_iStartX = m_iStartY = -1;
     m_iEndX = m_iEndY = -1;
     m_eAstarError = EAStarError::Error_Ok;
Ejemplo n.º 13
LM::writeXML(ostream& os, uint oFlags, const char* pre) const
  string indent = "  ";
  if (oFlags & Tree::OFlg_Compressed) {
    pre = "";
    indent = "";

  // N.B.: Assume my children are Files
  bool doPost = ANode::writeXML_pre(os, oFlags, pre);
  string prefix = pre + indent;
  for (ANodeSortedChildIterator it(this, ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByName);
       it.current(); it++) {
    ANode* scope = it.current();
    scope->writeXML(os, oFlags, prefix.c_str());
  if (doPost) {
    ANode::writeXML_post(os, oFlags, pre);
  return os;
Ejemplo n.º 14
ANode::leastCommonAncestor(ANode* n1, ANode* n2)
  // Collect all ancestors of n1 and n2.  The root will be at the front
  // of the ancestor list.
  ANodeList anc1, anc2;
  for (ANode* a = n1->parent(); (a); a = a->parent()) {
  for (ANode* a = n2->parent(); (a); a = a->parent()) {
  // Find the most deeply nested common ancestor
  ANode* lca = NULL;
  while ( (!anc1.empty() && !anc2.empty()) && (anc1.front() == anc2.front())) {
    lca = anc1.front();
  return lca;
Ejemplo n.º 15
ANode::mergePaths(ANode* lca, ANode* node_dst, ANode* node_src)
  bool merged = false;
  // Should we verify that lca is really the lca?
  // Collect nodes along the paths 'lca' --> 'node_dst', 'node_src'.
  // Exclude 'lca'.  Shallowest nodes are at beginning of list.
  ANodeList path_dst, path_src;
  for (ANode* x = node_dst; x != lca; x = x->parent()) {
  for (ANode* x = node_src; x != lca; x = x->parent()) {
  DIAG_Assert(path_dst.size() > 0 && path_src.size() > 0, "");
  // Merge nodes in 'path_src' into 'path_dst', shallowest to deepest,
  // exiting as soon as a merge fails
  ANodeList::iterator it_dst = path_dst.begin();
  ANodeList::iterator it_src = path_src.begin();

  for ( ; (it_dst != path_dst.end() && it_src != path_src.end());
	++it_src, ++it_dst) {
    ANode* x_src = *it_src;
    ANode* x_dst = *it_dst;
    if (isMergable(x_dst, x_src)) {
      merged |= merge(x_dst, x_src);
    else {
      break; // done
  return merged;
Ejemplo n.º 16
ANode::arePathsOverlapping(ANode* lca, ANode* desc1, ANode* desc2)
  // Ensure that d1 is on the longest path
  ANode* d1 = desc1, *d2 = desc2;
  int dist1 = distance(lca, d1);
  int dist2 = distance(lca, d2);
  if (dist2 > dist1) {
    ANode* t = d1;
    d1 = d2;
    d2 = t;
  // Iterate over the longest path (d1 -> lca) searching for d2.  Stop
  // when x is NULL or lca.
  for (ANode* x = d1; (x && x != lca); x = x->parent()) {
    if (x == d2) {
      return true;
  // If we arrive here, we did not encounter d2.  Divergent.
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByMetric_fn(const void* a, const void *b)
  ANode* x = *(ANode**) a;
  ANode* y = *(ANode**) b;

  double vx = x->hasMetric(cmpByMetric_mId) ? x->metric(cmpByMetric_mId) : 0.0;
  double vy = y->hasMetric(cmpByMetric_mId) ? y->metric(cmpByMetric_mId) : 0.0;
  double difference = vy - vx;
  if (difference < 0) return -1;	
  else if (difference > 0) return 1;	
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByStructureInfo(const void* a, const void* b)
  ANode* x = (*(ANode**)a);
  ANode* y = (*(ANode**)b);

  if (x && y) {
    // 0. test for equality
    if (x == y) {
      return 0;

    // INVARIANT: x != y, so never return 0
    // 1. distinguish by structure ids
    uint x_id = x->structureId();
    uint y_id = y->structureId();
    int cmp_sid = cmp(x_id, y_id);
    if (cmp_sid != 0) {
      return cmp_sid;

    // 2. distinguish by types
    int cmp_ty = (int)x->type() - (int)y->type();
    if (cmp_ty != 0) {
      return cmp_ty;

    // 3. distinguish by dynamic info (unnormalized CCTs)
    //    (for determinism, ensure x and y are both ADynNodes)
    ADynNode* x_dyn = dynamic_cast<ADynNode*>(x);
    ADynNode* y_dyn = dynamic_cast<ADynNode*>(y);
    if (x_dyn && y_dyn) {
      int cmp_dyn = cmpByDynInfoSpecial(x_dyn, y_dyn);
      if (cmp_dyn != 0) {
	return cmp_dyn;
    // 5. distinguish by id
    int cmp_id = (int)x->id() - (int)y->id();
    if (cmp_id != 0) {
      return cmp_id;

    // 4. distinguish by tree context
    ANode* x_parent = x->parent();
    ANode* y_parent = y->parent();
    if (x_parent != y_parent) {
      int cmp_ctxt = cmpByStructureInfo(&x_parent, &y_parent);
      if (cmp_ctxt != 0) {
	return cmp_ctxt;
    // *. Could compare childCount() and other aspects of children.
    DIAG_Die("Prof::CCT::ANodeSortedIterator::cmpByStructureInfo: cannot compare:"
		<< "\n\tx: " << x->toStringMe(Prof::CCT::Tree::OFlg_Debug)
		<< "\n\ty: " << y->toStringMe(Prof::CCT::Tree::OFlg_Debug));
    return 0;
  else if (x) {
    return 1; // x > y=NULL (only used for recursive case)
  else if (y) {
    return -1; // x=NULL < y (only used for recursive case)
  else {
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * TODO: Check graph's data structures being consistent with node and edge functionality
bool uTestGraphOwn()
        AGraph graph( true);
        ANode *dummy = graph.newNode();
        graph.deleteNode( dummy);
        ANode *pred = graph.newNode();
        ANode *succ = graph.newNode();
        AEdge *edge = graph.newEdge( pred, succ);
        /** Check node insertion */
        ANode *new_node = edge->insertNode();
        AEdge *edge2 = new_node->firstSucc();
        assert( areEqP( new_node->firstPred(), pred->firstSucc())); 
        assert( areEqP( new_node->firstSucc(), succ->firstPred()));
        assert( areEqP( edge->pred(), pred));
        assert( areEqP( pred->firstSucc(), edge));
        assert( areEqP( edge->succ(), new_node));
        assert( areEqP( new_node->firstPred(), edge));
        assert( areEqP( edge2->pred(), new_node));
        assert( areEqP( edge2->succ(), succ));
        assert( areEqP( succ->firstPred(), edge2));

    /** Test iterators */
        AGraph graph( true);
        ANode *node1 = graph.newNode();
        ANode *node2 = graph.newNode();
        ANode *node3 = graph.newNode();
        AEdge *edge1 = graph.newEdge( node1, node2);
        AEdge *edge2 = graph.newEdge( node2, node3);
        for ( Node::Succ succ_iter = node2->succsBegin(),
                         succ_iter_end = node2->succsEnd();
              succ_iter != succ_iter_end;
              succ_iter++ )
            assert( areEqP( *succ_iter, edge2));
        for ( Node::Pred pred_iter = node2->predsBegin(),
                         pred_iter_end = node2->predsEnd();
              pred_iter != pred_iter_end;
              pred_iter++ )
            assert( areEqP( *pred_iter, edge1));
        Node::EdgeIter edge_iter = node2->edgesBegin();
        Node::EdgeIter edge_iter_end = node2->edgesEnd();
        assert( edge_iter != edge_iter_end);
        assert( areEqP( *edge_iter, edge1) || areEqP( *edge_iter, edge2));
        if ( areEqP( *edge_iter, edge1))
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), edge1->pred()));
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), node1));
        } else
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), edge2->succ()));
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), node3));
        assert( edge_iter != edge_iter_end);
        assert( areEqP( *edge_iter, edge1) || areEqP( *edge_iter, edge2));
        if ( areEqP( *edge_iter, edge1))
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), edge1->pred()));
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), node1));
        } else
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), edge2->succ()));
            assert( areEqP( edge_iter.node(), node3));
        assert( edge_iter == edge_iter_end);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
HasANodeTy(const ANode& node, long type)
  return (type == ANode::TyANY || node.type() == ANode::IntToANodeType(type));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Check marker functionality
bool uTestMarkers()
    AGraph graph( true);
    ANode *dummy = graph.newNode();
    graph.deleteNode( dummy);
    ANode *pred = graph.newNode();
    ANode *succ = graph.newNode();
    AEdge *edge = graph.newEdge( pred, succ);
    Marker m = graph.newMarker();
    Marker m2 = graph.newMarker();

    Marker m_array[ MAX_GRAPH_MARKERS];
    assert( !pred->isMarked( m));
    assert( !succ->isMarked( m));
    assert( !edge->isMarked( m));
    assert( !pred->isMarked( m2));
    pred->mark( m);
    succ->mark( m);
    edge->mark( m);
    edge->mark( m2);

    assert( pred->isMarked( m));
    assert( succ->isMarked( m));
    assert( edge->isMarked( m));
    assert( edge->isMarked( m2));
    edge->unmark( m);

    /** Check that different markers have different behaviour */
    assert( edge->isMarked( m2));
    assert( !edge->isMarked( m));
    graph.freeMarker( m);
    graph.freeMarker( m2);
    for ( MarkerIndex i = 0; i < MAX_GRAPH_MARKERS; i++)
        m_array [ i] = graph.newMarker();
    for ( MarkerIndex i = 0; i < MAX_GRAPH_MARKERS; i++)
        graph.freeMarker( m_array[ i]);
    m = graph.newMarker();
    graph.freeMarker( m);
    ANode *n;
    for (  n = graph.firstNode(); isNotNullP( n);)
        ANode *tmp = n;
        n = n->nextNode();
        graph.deleteNode( tmp);
    return true;