Ejemplo n.º 1
void CBotNew::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
    if (!bMain) return;

    CBotStack*    pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);    //primary stack
    if (pile == nullptr) return;

    if (m_exprRetVar != nullptr)    // new Class().method()
        if (pile->GetState() == 2)
            CBotStack* pile3 = pile->RestoreStack();
            m_exprRetVar->RestoreState(pile3, bMain);

    CBotStack*    pile1 = pj->AddStack2();  //secondary stack

    CBotToken*    pt = &m_vartoken;
    CBotClass*    pClass = CBotClass::Find(pt);

    // create the variable "this" pointer type to the object

    if ( pile->GetState()==0)

    CBotVar* pThis = pile1->GetVar();   // find the pointer

    // is ther an assignment or parameters (constructor)
    if ( pile->GetState()==1)
        // evaluates the constructor of the instance

        CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];
        CBotStack*    pile2 = pile;

        int        i = 0;

        CBotInstr*    p = m_parameters;
        // evaluate the parameters
        // and places the values on the stack
        // to be interrupted at any time

        if (p != nullptr) while ( true)
            pile2 = pile2->RestoreStack();  // space on the stack for the result
            if (pile2 == nullptr) return;

            if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
                p->RestoreState(pile2, bMain);  // interrupt here!
            ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar();
            p = p->GetNext();
            if ( p == nullptr) break;
        ppVars[i] = nullptr;

        pClass->RestoreMethode(m_nMethodeIdent, m_vartoken.GetString(), pThis,
                               ppVars, pile2)    ;        // interrupt here!
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CBotClassInst::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
    CBotVar*    pThis = NULL;

    CBotStack*  pile = pj;
    if ( bMain ) pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
    if ( pile == NULL ) return;

    // creates the variable of type pointer to the object
        CBotString  name = m_var->m_token.GetString();
        pThis = pile->FindVar(name);
        pThis->SetUniqNum((static_cast<CBotLeftExprVar*>(m_var))->m_nIdent); // its attribute a unique number

    CBotToken*  pt = &m_token;
    CBotClass*  pClass = CBotClass::Find(pt);
    bool bIntrincic = pClass->IsIntrinsic();

    if ( bMain && pile->GetState()<3)
        // is there an assignment or parameters (constructor)

//      CBotVarClass* pInstance = NULL;

        if ( m_expr != NULL )
            // evaluates the expression for the assignment
            m_expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain);

        else if ( m_hasParams )
            // evaluates the constructor of an instance

            if ( !bIntrincic && pile->GetState() == 1)

            CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];
            CBotStack*  pile2 = pile;

            int     i = 0;

            CBotInstr*  p = m_Parameters;
            // evaluates the parameters
            // and the values an the stack
            // for the ability to be interrupted at any time (\TODO pour pouvoir être interrompu n'importe quand)

            if ( p != NULL) while ( true )
                pile2 = pile2->RestoreStack();                      // place on the stack for the results
                if ( pile2 == NULL ) return;

                if ( pile2->GetState() == 0 )
                    p->RestoreState(pile2, bMain);      // interrupted here?
                ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar();
                p = p->GetNext();
                if ( p == NULL) break;
            ppVars[i] = NULL;

            // creates a variable for the result
//            CBotVar*    pResult = NULL;     // constructor still void

            pClass->RestoreMethode(m_nMethodeIdent, pClass->GetName(), pThis, ppVars, pile2);

    if ( m_next2b != NULL )
         m_next2b->RestoreState(pile, bMain);                   // other(s) definition(s)