Ejemplo n.º 1
int CLabelView::PrintLabelsBackward(PrintContext &pc, int nSide)
	CPmwDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();

	CLabelPrintDialog* pDialog = (CLabelPrintDialog*)pc.m_pPD;
	int nTotalPages = pDialog->m_nTotalPages;

	// Set the side.
	DWORD dwCurrentPage = pDoc->CurrentPageIndex();
	if (nSide != (int)dwCurrentPage)
		pDoc->GotoPage((DWORD)nSide, FALSE);

	// Start at requested first label for first page.
	int nError = 0;

	// Run through all the pages.
	for (int nPage = nTotalPages; nPage-- > 0;)
		pc.m_nStartingLabel = (nPage == 0) ? pDialog->m_nStartingLabel : 0;
		SetLabelVariables(pc, nPage);
		if ((nError = OnPrintLabels(pc, nPage, nTotalPages)) != 0)
			// Aack! We got an error. Leave now.

	// Reset the page.
	if (dwCurrentPage != pDoc->CurrentPageIndex())
		pDoc->GotoPage(dwCurrentPage, FALSE);

	return nError;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CLabelView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
	// Print preview comes in as printing. Printing case does not come here.
	// So, IsPrinting() flag determines preview.
	if (!pDC->IsPrinting() || m_pPreviewExtent == NULL)

// Save the scaled_source x0 and y0 in the printer rc since we will be
// changing them.

	// Save the in extent since it gets change during interrupt.
	PBOX InExtent = m_pPreviewExtent->extent;

	PBOX SourcePbox = printer_rc.source_pbox;

	PPNT SourceOrigin;
	SourceOrigin.x = printer_rc.scaled_source_x0;
	SourceOrigin.y = printer_rc.scaled_source_y0;

/* Get the document to work with. */
	CPmwDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
	int nPrintOrientation = pDoc->get_orientation();
	BOOL fLandscape = (nPrintOrientation == LANDSCAPE);

/* Get the App and its info. */
	CPmwApp* pApp = GET_PMWAPP();
	CPaperInfo* pPaperInfo = pApp->GetPaperInfo(nPrintOrientation);
	CPrinterInfo* pPrinterInfo = pApp->GetPrinterInfo(nPrintOrientation);
	CFixedRect PaperPhysicalMargins = pPaperInfo->PhysicalMargins();

/* Get the paper info. */
	CPaperInfo* pLabelInfo = pDoc->GetPaperInfo();
	CFixedRect Margins = pLabelInfo->Margins();

	// If this is landscape, rotate the margins correctly.


/* Compute the number of slots we need to print. */
   int nSlot = m_pPreviewExtent->update_object == NULL ? 0 : m_pPreviewExtent->m_nPreviewSlot;
	int nSlots = pLabelInfo->Slots();

/* Run through all the slots. */
	while (nSlot < nSlots)
	// Setup the parameters for this slot so that we will draw in the correct
	// spot on the page.

		ASSERT(pDoc->CurrentPageIndex() == 0 || pDoc->CurrentPageIndex() == 1);
		CFixedRect SlotBounds = pLabelInfo->SlotBounds(nSlot);
		BOOL fBack = (pDoc->CurrentPageIndex() == 1);

		CFixedPoint Dims = pLabelInfo->PaperDims();

		CFixed lLeft = SlotBounds.Left;
		CFixed lTop = SlotBounds.Top;
		CFixed lWidth = SlotBounds.Width();
		CFixed lHeight = SlotBounds.Height();

		if (fLandscape)
			switch (pPrinterInfo->Orientation())
				case 90:
				// 90 degree rotation (like lasers)
					SlotBounds.Left = Dims.y - (lTop + lHeight);
					SlotBounds.Top = lLeft;
//				case -1:
//				case 270:
				// 270 degree rotation (like dot-matrix)
					SlotBounds.Left = lTop;
					SlotBounds.Top = Dims.x - (lLeft + lWidth);
			if (fBack)
				// We are printing the back side. Reverse the slot.
				SlotBounds.Left = Dims.y - (SlotBounds.Left + lHeight);
			SlotBounds.Right = SlotBounds.Left + lHeight;
			SlotBounds.Bottom = SlotBounds.Top + lWidth;
			// Portrait.
			if (fBack)
				// We are printing the back side. Reverse the slot.
				SlotBounds.Left = Dims.x - SlotBounds.Right;
				SlotBounds.Right = SlotBounds.Left + lWidth;

		CFixedPoint Org;
		Org.x = Margins.Left-PaperPhysicalMargins.Left;
		Org.y = Margins.Top-PaperPhysicalMargins.Top;
		if (fLandscape)
		/* Printout is landscape. Reverse the origins. */
			CFixed t = Org.x;
			Org.x = Org.y;
			Org.y = t;
		PPNT Delta;
		Delta.x = MulFixed(SlotBounds.Left + Org.x, PAGE_RESOLUTION);
		Delta.y = MulFixed(SlotBounds.Top + Org.y, PAGE_RESOLUTION);

		printer_rc.source_pbox.x0 = SourcePbox.x0 - Delta.x;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.y0 = SourcePbox.y0 - Delta.y;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.x1 = SourcePbox.x1 - Delta.x;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.y1 = SourcePbox.y1 - Delta.y;

		printer_rc.scaled_source_x0 = /*SourceOrigin.x*/
								- Delta.x*printer_rc.x_resolution;
		printer_rc.scaled_source_y0 = /*SourceOrigin.y*/
								- Delta.y*printer_rc.y_resolution;

		if (IsBoxOnBox(&printer_rc.source_pbox, &InExtent))
			// Do the draw.

			if (m_pPreviewExtent->update_object != NULL)
				m_pPreviewExtent->m_nPreviewSlot = nSlot;
				m_pPreviewExtent->extent = InExtent;

	// Update the parameters for the next label to draw.


// Restore the scaled source x0 from the saved values.

	printer_rc.source_pbox = SourcePbox;
	printer_rc.scaled_source_x0 = SourceOrigin.x;
	printer_rc.scaled_source_y0 = SourceOrigin.y;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CLabelView::OnDraw(PrintContext* pc)
	CPmwDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
	DWORD dwPage = pDoc->CurrentPageIndex();

	// Verify we are doing a normal page.
	if (dwPage != 0 && dwPage != 1)
		// Non-standard page (like the "key" page). Defer to the base class.

// Save the scaled_source x0 and y0 in the printer rc since we will be
// changing them.

	PBOX SourcePbox = printer_rc.source_pbox;

	PPNT SourceOrigin;
	SourceOrigin.x = printer_rc.scaled_source_x0;
	SourceOrigin.y = printer_rc.scaled_source_y0;

/* Get the document to work with. */
	int nPrintOrientation = pDoc->get_orientation();
	BOOL fLandscape = (nPrintOrientation == LANDSCAPE);

/* Get the App and its info. */
	CPmwApp* pApp = GET_PMWAPP();
	CPaperInfo* pPaperInfo = pApp->GetPaperInfo(nPrintOrientation);
	CPrinterInfo* pPrinterInfo = pApp->GetPrinterInfo(nPrintOrientation);
	CFixedRect PaperPhysicalMargins = pPaperInfo->PhysicalMargins();
/* Get the paper info. */
	CPaperInfo* pLabelInfo = pDoc->GetPaperInfo();
	CFixedRect Margins = pLabelInfo->Margins();
	// If this is landscape, rotate the margins correctly.


/* Get the label print dialog. */
	CLabelPrintDialog* pDialog = (CLabelPrintDialog*)pc->m_pPD;

/* Get the name list. */
	CStdMacroServer* pMacroServer = pDoc->GetMacroServer();
	NameListRecord* pNameList = pMacroServer->GetNameList();

/* Compute the number of slots we need to print. */
	int nSlot = pc->m_nStartingLabel;
	int nSlots = pLabelInfo->Slots();

/* Run through all the slots. */
	while (nSlot < nSlots && !UserAbort)
	// See if the name we want is the one that's bound.
		if (pc->m_nBoundName != pc->m_nCurrentName)
			pc->m_nBoundName = pc->m_nCurrentName;
			ASSERT(pc->m_pCursor != NULL);
			if (pc->m_pCursor != NULL)
				pMacroServer->BindToRecord(pc->m_pCursor, pNameList->Name(pc->m_nBoundName));

	// Setup the parameters for this slot so that we will draw in the correct
	// spot on the page.

		ASSERT(dwPage == 0 || dwPage == 1);
		CFixedRect SlotBounds = pLabelInfo->SlotBounds(nSlot);
		BOOL fBack = (dwPage == 1);

		CFixedPoint Dims = pLabelInfo->PaperDims();

		CFixed lLeft = SlotBounds.Left;
		CFixed lTop = SlotBounds.Top;
		CFixed lWidth = SlotBounds.Width();
		CFixed lHeight = SlotBounds.Height();

		if (fLandscape)
			switch (pPrinterInfo->Orientation())
				case 90:
				// 90 degree rotation (like lasers)
					SlotBounds.Left = Dims.y - (lTop + lHeight);
					SlotBounds.Top = lLeft;
//				case -1:
//				case 270:
				// 270 degree rotation (like dot-matrix)
					SlotBounds.Left = lTop;
					SlotBounds.Top = Dims.x - (lLeft + lWidth);
			if (fBack)
				// We are printing the back side. Reverse the slot.
				SlotBounds.Left = Dims.y - (SlotBounds.Left + lHeight);
			SlotBounds.Right = SlotBounds.Left + lHeight;
			SlotBounds.Bottom = SlotBounds.Top + lWidth;
			// Portrait.
			if (fBack)
				// We are printing the back side. Reverse the slot.
				SlotBounds.Left = Dims.x - SlotBounds.Right;
				SlotBounds.Right = SlotBounds.Left + lWidth;

		CFixedPoint Org;

		Org.x = Margins.Left-PaperPhysicalMargins.Left;
		Org.y = Margins.Top-PaperPhysicalMargins.Top;
		if (fLandscape)
		/* Printout is landscape. Reverse the origins. */
			CFixed t = Org.x;
			Org.x = Org.y;
			Org.y = t;
		PPNT Delta;
		Delta.x = MulFixed(SlotBounds.Left + Org.x, PAGE_RESOLUTION);
		Delta.y = MulFixed(SlotBounds.Top + Org.y, PAGE_RESOLUTION);

		printer_rc.source_pbox.x0 = SourcePbox.x0 - Delta.x;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.y0 = SourcePbox.y0 - Delta.y;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.x1 = SourcePbox.x1 - Delta.x;
		printer_rc.source_pbox.y1 = SourcePbox.y1 - Delta.y;

		printer_rc.scaled_source_x0 = /*SourceOrigin.x*/
								- Delta.x*printer_rc.x_resolution;
		printer_rc.scaled_source_y0 = /*SourceOrigin.y*/
								- Delta.y*printer_rc.y_resolution;

	// Do the draw.


	// Update the parameters for the next label to draw.

		if (pDialog->m_fCollate)
			if (++pc->m_nCurrentName == pNameList->Names())
			/* Reset the name index. */
				pc->m_nCurrentName = (pNameList->Names() == 0) ? -1 : 0;
			/* Advance to the next copy. */
				if (pc->m_nCurrentCopy == pDialog->m_nLabelCopies)
				/* All done! */

			// Finished another set.
			// If we need to stop here, do so now.

				if (pDialog->m_fPageBreak)
				/* Move to the next page. */
		/* We want to do the next copy. */
			if (++pc->m_nCurrentCopy == pDialog->m_nLabelCopies)
			/* Reset the copy count. */
				pc->m_nCurrentCopy = 0;
			/* Advance to the next name. */
				if (pc->m_nCurrentName == pNameList->Names())
				/* All done! */

			// Finished another set.
			// If we need to stop here, do so now.

				if (pDialog->m_fPageBreak)
				/* Move to the next page. */

// Restore the scaled source x0 from the saved values.

	printer_rc.source_pbox = SourcePbox;
	printer_rc.scaled_source_x0 = SourceOrigin.x;
	printer_rc.scaled_source_y0 = SourceOrigin.y;