Ejemplo n.º 1
void CPmwView::DoFileSaveAsGraphic() 
	BOOL     fRet = FALSE;
   CPmwDoc  *pDoc = GetDocument ();

   CString  Filter;
   Filter.LoadString (IDS_SAVE_AS_GRAPHIC_FILT);
	// this array must match the order in the above string!
	SaveGraphicType graphicTypes[] =
		{ None, Pmo, Bmp8, Bmp24, Jpeg, Png, Gif, Pcx, Tiff, WMeta };

   CString InitialDir = pDoc->GetPathManager()->ExpandPath("[[P]]");
   CString defExt = "*.pmo"; // This must match the first selection in the filter string

   CFileSaveAsGraphicDlg fileDlg(pDoc->something_selected(), Filter, defExt, InitialDir, this);

   PBOX WorldAll, WorldSel;
	pDoc->get_panel_world (&WorldAll, pDoc->get_current_panel());
   if (pDoc->GetSelectBound (&WorldSel) != TRUE)
      WorldSel = WorldAll;

   CDC *pDC = GetDC();
   if (!pDC)
		return;	// just bail...

	int LogPixX = pDC->GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSX);
	int LogPixY = pDC->GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY);
   fileDlg.SetDimensions(&WorldAll, &WorldSel, LogPixX, LogPixY);
   ReleaseDC (pDC);

   if (fileDlg.DoModal () == IDOK)
      CString  Filename = fileDlg.GetPathName ();

		CPoint cpDims;
		cpDims.x = fileDlg.m_Width;
		cpDims.y = fileDlg.m_Height;

      enum SaveGraphicType gt;
		gt = graphicTypes[fileDlg.GetGraphicTypeIndex ()];
      ASSERT ((gt > None) && (gt < Invalid));         

		BOOL fSelected = fileDlg.IsSaveSelected();

      ERRORCODE error = ERRORCODE_Memory;
		if (gt == Pmo)
			// save as "PrintMaster Objects" file
			error = SavePMObjectsToFile(Filename, pDoc, fSelected);
			CDibToGraphicFile pDibToGraphicFile(Filename);
			pDibToGraphicFile.CreateGraphicFile (pDoc, gt, cpDims, fSelected, NULL, LogPixX);
			error = pDibToGraphicFile.GetErrorCode();

      if (error != ERRORCODE_None)
         AfxMessageBox (IDS_ERROR_SAVING);
         if (fileDlg.AddToGallery() == TRUE)
            CPMWCollection* pCollection = GetGlobalCollectionManager()->GetUserCollection(CPMWCollection::typeArt);
            if (pCollection != NULL)
               int nResult = pCollection->ImportItem(Filename, NULL, NULL, fileDlg.m_strCategory, FALSE);
               if (nResult != ERRORCODE_None)
                  AfxMessageBox (IDS_ERROR_SAVING);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CCardView::OnCardServer()
	// Some configurations do not support online greetings ("card server").
	if (!GetConfiguration()->SupportsCardServer())

	// Get our document.
	CPmwDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();

		CString strID = GetGlobalContentManager()->GetAccountID();
		if(strID != "")
			// Put up the card server dialog.

			CCardServerDialog Dialog(this);

			Dialog.m_ctTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
			if (Dialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
				// Put up the disclaimer dialog.
				CCardServerDisclaimer Disclaimer(this);

				if (Disclaimer.DoModal() == IDOK)
					// Create the directory we want to use as our FTP source.
					CString csDir = pDoc->GetPathManager()->ExpandPath("[[U]]\\NETCARD");

					if (!Util::MakeDirectory(csDir))
						// Not able to make the directory.
						// LPCSTR pFormat = "Can't create the directory\n%s";
						LPCSTR pFormat = GET_PMWAPP()->GetResourceStringPointer(IDS_ErrCreateDirectory);
						CString csMessage;
						csMessage.Format(pFormat, (LPCSTR)csDir);

					// Construct the text file.
					CString csTextFile;
					Util::ConstructPath(csTextFile, csDir, "INFO.INI");

					CFile cfText;
					CString csVersion;
					CString csPPN;
						CFileException e;
						//if (!cfText.Open(csTextFile,
						//					  CFile::modeCreate
						//							| CFile::modeWrite,
						//					  &e))
						//	AfxThrowFileException(e.m_cause, e.m_lOsError);

						//do the time stuff 
						//time zone difference from PST
						struct _timeb tstruct;
						_ftime( &tstruct );
						int timecorrection = PacificTimeCorrection(tstruct.timezone);
						//get date of delivery - include current time
						struct tm when;   
						CString strDate;
						CTime testtime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
						when = *testtime.GetLocalTm(NULL);

						SYSTEMTIME sysTime = *Dialog.GetTime();
						if((when.tm_mday != sysTime.wDay) || (when.tm_mon != (sysTime.wMonth - 1)))
							when.tm_mday = sysTime.wDay;
							when.tm_mon = sysTime.wMonth - 1;

							ConvertToPST(&when, timecorrection);

							CString str_ampm = "AM";
							if( when.tm_hour > 12 )        /* Set up extension. */
									 str_ampm = "PM";
							if( when.tm_hour > 12 )        /* Convert from 24-hour */
									 when.tm_hour -= 12;    /*   to 12-hour clock.  */
							if( when.tm_hour == 0 )        /*Set hour to 12 if midnight. */
									 when.tm_hour = 12;
							strDate.Format("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d%s", 
													(int)((int)when.tm_mon + 1),when.tm_mday,when.tm_year,when.tm_hour,when.tm_min,when.tm_sec,str_ampm);   
							strDate = "";
						CString strPSTCorrection;
						strPSTCorrection.Format("%d", timecorrection);   

						// Construct the version string.
						CString csEol = "\r\n";
						csVersion = GetConfiguration()->ReplacementText('T');
						csVersion += ' ';
						csVersion += GET_PMWAPP()->GetVersion();

						csPPN = GET_PMWAPP()->GetParentPartNumber();

						WritePrivateProfileString( "UserData", "UserId",
													GetGlobalContentManager()->GetAccountID(), csTextFile);
						WritePrivateProfileString( "UserData", "Description",
													csVersion, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "UserData", "SenderEmail",
													Dialog.m_csFrom, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "UserData", "RecipientEmail",
													Dialog.m_csTo, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "UserData", "sku",
													csPPN, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "CardData", "Title",
													Dialog.m_csTitle, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "CardData", "Date",
													strDate, csTextFile);

						WritePrivateProfileString( "CardData", "Offset",
													strPSTCorrection, csTextFile);

		#if 0 
						// Write version
						cfText.Write(csVersion, csVersion.GetLength());
						cfText.Write(csEol, csEol.GetLength());
						// Write "from" email address
						cfText.Write(Dialog.m_csFrom, Dialog.m_csFrom.GetLength());
						cfText.Write(csEol, csEol.GetLength());
						// Write "to" email address
						cfText.Write(Dialog.m_csTo, Dialog.m_csTo.GetLength());
						cfText.Write(csEol, csEol.GetLength());
						// Write Parent Part Number
						cfText.Write(csPPN, csPPN.GetLength());
						cfText.Write(csEol, csEol.GetLength());

						// Could not write the text file. Complain.
						// LPCSTR pFormat = "Can't create the file\n%s";
						LPCSTR pFormat = GET_PMWAPP()->GetResourceStringPointer(IDS_ErrCreateFile);
						CString csMessage;
						csMessage.Format(pFormat, (LPCSTR)csTextFile);

					// Figure out how big we want the panels to be.
					CPoint cpFrontDims;
					CPoint cpInsideDims;

					PBOX World;
					pDoc->get_panel_world(&World, CARD_PANEL_Front);

					// Fit the front panel into a 425x425 square.
					PPNT FrontDims;
					FrontDims.x = World.x1 - World.x0;
					FrontDims.y = World.y1 - World.y0;

					double dScale = 425.0/(double)FrontDims.x;
					double dYScale = 425.0/(double)FrontDims.y;
					if (dScale > dYScale) dScale = dYScale;

					cpFrontDims.x = (int)((double)FrontDims.x*dScale);
					cpFrontDims.y = (int)((double)FrontDims.y*dScale);

					pDoc->get_panel_world(&World, CARD_PANEL_Inside);

					cpInsideDims.x = (int)((double)(World.x1-World.x0)*dScale);
					cpInsideDims.y = (int)((double)(World.y1-World.y0)*dScale);

					TRACE("Front: %d, %d; Inside: %d, %d\n",
							cpFrontDims.x, cpFrontDims.y,
							cpInsideDims.x, cpInsideDims.y);

					BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;

					CCardServerProgressDialog ProgressDialog(AfxGetMainWnd());

					CString csName;
					Util::ConstructPath(csName, csDir, "front.gif");
					if (DumpPanel(CARD_PANEL_Front, csName, cpFrontDims))
						Util::ConstructPath(csName, csDir, "inside.gif");
						if(DumpPanel(CARD_PANEL_Inside, csName, cpInsideDims))
   						fSuccess = TRUE;

					if (!fSuccess)
						// "Can't create card pictures."

					// Now, invoke the DLL to write the data.
					CCardServerDLL DLL;
		#ifdef WIN32
					CString csDLLName = pDoc->GetPathManager()->ExpandPath("FTP32.DLL");
					CString csDLLName = pDoc->GetPathManager()->ExpandPath("FTP16.DLL");
					// Startup the dialog.
					if (DLL.Startup(csDLLName))
							// Put up our progress dialog.
							// Send the files.
							int nResult = DLL.SendFiles(csDir, ProgressDialog);

							// Take down the progress dialog now.

							// Shut down the DLL.

							CPmwDialog Dialog(nResult == 0 ? IDD_CARD_SERVER_SUCCESS : IDD_CARD_SERVER_FAILURE);
						// Not able to load the DLL. Complain.
						// LPCSTR pFormat = "The file\n%s\nis missing or bad.";
						LPCSTR pFormat = GET_PMWAPP()->GetResourceStringPointer(IDS_ErrMissingDLL);
						CString csMessage;
						csMessage.Format(pFormat, (LPCSTR)csDLLName);