Ejemplo n.º 1
bool EdgeColoringTest<DefaultStructs>::test(const Graph &graph, const ColorMap &colors)
	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;
	int degree = graph.Delta(Mask);
	int LOCALARRAY(kolory, degree+1);
	int lenKolory = 0;
	for(Vert vv = graph.getVert(); vv; vv = graph.getVertNext(vv)) {
		lenKolory = 0;
		for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(vv, Mask); ee;
			ee = graph.getEdgeNext(vv, ee, Mask))
			if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) return false;
			int col = colors[ee];
			if(col<0) return false;
			kolory[lenKolory++] = col;
		DefaultStructs::sort(kolory, kolory+lenKolory);
		int tmpLen = std::unique(kolory, kolory+lenKolory)-kolory;
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int SeqEdgeColoringPar<DefaultStructs>::greedy(const Graph &graph, ColorMap &colors,
	typename Graph::PEdge edge)
	if(colors.hasKey(edge) && colors[edge]>=0)
		return -1;

	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;

	Vert v1 = graph.getEdgeEnd1(edge);
	Vert v2 = graph.getEdgeEnd2(edge);

	int deg = graph.deg(v1, Mask)+graph.deg(v2, Mask);
	bool LOCALARRAY(neighCol, deg);
	for(int i = 0; i < deg; i++) neighCol[i] = false;

	for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(v1, Mask); ee;
		ee = graph.getEdgeNext(v1, ee, Mask))
		if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
		int col = colors[ee];
		if(col>=0 && col<deg)
			neighCol[ col ] = true;

	for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(v2, Mask); ee;
		ee = graph.getEdgeNext(v2, ee, Mask))
		if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
		int col = colors[ee];
		if(col>=0 && col<deg)
			neighCol[ col ] = true;

	int col = 0;
	while( neighCol[col] ) col++;
	return colors[ edge ] = col;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int EdgeColoringTest<DefaultStructs>::maxColor(const Graph &graph, const ColorMap &colors)
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;
	int col = -1;
	for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(Mask); ee;
		ee = graph.getEdgeNext(ee, Mask) )
		if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
		int tmp = colors[ee];
		if(tmp>col) col = tmp;
	return col;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int SeqEdgeColoringPar<DefaultStructs>::vizing(const Graph &graph,
	ColorMap &colors, typename Graph::PEdge edge,
	typename Graph::PVertex vert, int maxCol)
		return -1;

	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;
	int degree = graph.Delta(Mask);
	int mu = makeSubgraph(graph, std::make_pair(stdChoose(true), !edgeTypeChoose(Loop))).mu();
	VizingState<Graph, ColorMap> vState(graph, colors, degree+mu);
	vState.maxColor = maxCol;

	//edge coloring
	vizing(vState, edge, vert);
	return colors[edge];
Ejemplo n.º 5
int SeqEdgeColoringPar<DefaultStructs>::vizingSimple(const Graph &graph,
	ColorMap &colors)
	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;

	int degree = graph.Delta(Mask);
	VizingState<Graph, ColorMap> vState(graph, colors, degree+1);

	int LOCALARRAY(tmpTab, vState.notColored);

	//tmpTab - is used for checking free color availability
	if(colors.size()>0) {
		//for each vertex checks the free color availability (freeColor)
		for(Vert vv = graph.getVert(); vv; vv = graph.getVertNext(vv)) {
			for(int i=0; i<vState.notColored; i++)
				tmpTab[i] = 0;
			for(Edge ee=graph.getEdge(vv, Mask); ee;
				ee = graph.getEdgeNext(vv, ee, Mask))
				if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
				int tmpCol = colors[ee];
				if(tmpCol<0 || tmpCol>=vState.notColored) continue;
				tmpTab[ tmpCol ] = 1;
			int i=0;
			while(i<vState.notColored && tmpTab[i]==1) i++;
			vState.tabVert[ vState.vertToTab[vv] ].freeColor = i;

	//init edges by degree colors
	int ii;
	for(Edge edge = graph.getEdge(Mask); edge;
		edge = graph.getEdgeNext(edge, Mask))
		if(colors.hasKey(edge)&&colors[edge]>=0) continue;
		Vert vert1 = graph.getEdgeEnd1(edge);
		Vert vert2 = graph.getEdgeEnd2(edge);
		for(int i=0; i<degree; i++)
			tmpTab[i] = 0;
		for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(vert1, Mask); ee;
			ee = graph.getEdgeNext(vert1, ee, Mask))
			if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
			int tmpCol = colors[ee];
			if(tmpCol<0 || tmpCol>=vState.notColored) continue;
			tmpTab[ tmpCol ] = 1;
		for(Edge ee=graph.getEdge(vert2, Mask); ee;
			ee=graph.getEdgeNext(vert2, ee, Mask))
			if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
			int tmpCol = colors[ee];
			if(tmpCol<0 || tmpCol>=vState.notColored) continue;
			tmpTab[ tmpCol ] |= 2;

		for(int i=0; i<degree; i++) {
			if(tmpTab[i]!=0) continue;

			colors[edge] = i;
			vState.changeColor(edge, vState.notColored, i);
			tmpTab[i] = 3; // 3=1|2
			if(i > vState.maxColor)
				vState.maxColor = i;
		//setting free colors at vertices
		for(ii=0; ii<degree; ii++)
			if((tmpTab[ii]&1)==0) break;
		int id = vState.vertToTab[vert1];
		vState.tabVert[id].freeColor = ii;
		for(ii=0; ii<degree; ii++)
			if((tmpTab[ii]&2)==0) break;
		id = vState.vertToTab[vert2];
		vState.tabVert[id].freeColor = ii;
	//edge coloring
	int idFree;
	while( (idFree=vState.colorToList[vState.notColored])>0 ) {
		Edge ee = vState.listEdgeCol[idFree].edge;
		vizingSimple(vState, ee, ee->getEnd1());
	return vState.maxColor;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int SeqEdgeColoringPar<DefaultStructs>::colorInterchange(const Graph &graph, ColorMap &colors,
	typename Graph::PEdge edge)
	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;

	int oldColor = colors[ edge ]; //oldColor is maximal color in the graph
	colors.delKey( edge );

	Vert vert1 = graph.getEdgeEnd1(edge);
	Vert vert2 = graph.getEdgeEnd2(edge);
	int deg = graph.deg(vert1, Mask) + graph.deg(vert2, Mask);
	char LOCALARRAY(matchedColors, deg);
	for(int i=0; i<deg; i++) matchedColors[i] = 0;

	for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(vert1, Mask); ee;
		ee = graph.getEdgeNext(vert1, ee, Mask))
		if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
		int col = colors[ee];
		if(col<0 || col>=deg) continue;
		matchedColors[col] |= 1;
	for(Edge ee = graph.getEdge(vert2, Mask); ee;
		ee = graph.getEdgeNext(vert2, ee, Mask))
		if(!colors.hasKey(ee)) continue;
		int col = colors[ee];
		if(col<0 || col>=deg) continue;
		matchedColors[col] |= 2;

	VizingState<Graph, ColorMap> vState(graph, colors, oldColor);
	int idVert1 = vState.vertToTab[vert1];
	int idVert2 = vState.vertToTab[vert2];
	for(int c1 = 0; c1<oldColor; c1++) {
		for(int c2 = c1+1; c2<oldColor; c2++)
			if((matchedColors[c1]&1)!=0 && (matchedColors[c2]&1)!=0)
			if((matchedColors[c1]&2)!=0 && (matchedColors[c2]&2)!=0)
			int begPath, endPath, colPath;

			if((matchedColors[c1]&1)!=0) {
				begPath = idVert1;
				endPath = idVert2;
				colPath = c1;
			} else if((matchedColors[c2]&1)!=0) {
				begPath = idVert1;
				endPath = idVert2;
				colPath = c2;
			} else if((matchedColors[c1]&2)!=0) {
				begPath = idVert2;
				endPath = idVert1;
				colPath = c1;
			} else if((matchedColors[c2]&2)!=0) {
				begPath = idVert2;
				endPath = idVert1;
				colPath = c2;

			vState.subgraph(c1, c2);
			if(vState.altPathWalk(begPath, colPath)==endPath)

			vState.altPathRecoloring(begPath, colPath);
			colors[edge] = colPath;
			return colPath;

	return colors[edge] = oldColor; //recoloring failed