Ejemplo n.º 1
ColorMap* getAggregatedARMap(const ColorMap* map, Real cleaningFactor, Real aggregationFactor, const string& projection)
	// We convert the factors from arcsec to pixels
	cleaningFactor /= sqrt(map->PixelArea());
	aggregationFactor /= sqrt(map->PixelArea());
	ColorMap* aggregated = new ColorMap(map);

	#if defined DEBUG
	aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "pure.fits");
	if(projection == "exact")
		/*! Clean the color map to remove very small components (like protons)*/
		aggregated->erodeCircularProjected(cleaningFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "eroded.fits");
		/*! Aggregate the blobs together */
		aggregated->dilateCircularProjected(cleaningFactor + aggregationFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "dilated.fits");
		/*! Give back the original size */
		aggregated->erodeCircularProjected(aggregationFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "closed.fits");
		/*! Apply the projection */
		if(projection == "equirectangular")
			aggregated->equirectangular_projection(map, false);
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "equirectangular_projection.fits");
			// We adjust the factors because in the projection the pixel size changes
			cleaningFactor *= (2./3.);
			aggregationFactor *= (2./3.);
		else if(projection == "lambert")
			aggregated->Lambert_cylindrical_projection(map, false);
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "Lambert_cylindrical_projection.fits");
			// We adjust the factors because in the projection the pixel size changes
			cleaningFactor *= (2./3.);
			aggregationFactor *= (2./3.);
		else if(projection == "sinusoidal")
			aggregated->sinusoidal_projection(map, false);
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "sinusoidal_projection.fits");
			// We adjust the factors because in the projection the pixel size changes
			cleaningFactor *= (2./3.);
			aggregationFactor *= (2./3.);
		else if(projection != "none")
			cerr<<"Unknown projection type "<<projection<<endl;
		/*! Clean the color map to remove very small components (like protons)*/
		aggregated->erodeCircular(cleaningFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "eroded.fits");
		/*! Aggregate the blobs together */
		aggregated->dilateCircular(cleaningFactor + aggregationFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "dilated.fits");
		/*! Give back the original size */
		aggregated->erodeCircular(aggregationFactor, 0);
		#if defined DEBUG
		aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "closed.fits");
		/* Apply the deprojection */
		if(projection == "equirectangular")
			ColorMap* projeted = new ColorMap(aggregated);
			aggregated->equirectangular_deprojection(projeted, false);
			delete projeted;
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "equirectangular_deprojection.fits");
		else if(projection == "lambert")
			ColorMap* projeted = new ColorMap(aggregated);
			aggregated->Lambert_cylindrical_deprojection(projeted, false);
			delete projeted;
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "Lambert_cylindrical_deprojection.fits");
		else if(projection == "sinusoidal")
			ColorMap* projeted = new ColorMap(aggregated);
			aggregated->sinusoidal_deprojection(projeted, false);
			delete projeted;
			#if defined DEBUG
			aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "sinusoidal_deprojection.fits");
		else if(projection != "none")
			cerr<<"Unknown projection type "<<projection<<endl;
	/*! Remove the parts off limb and colorize */
	#if defined DEBUG
	aggregated->writeFits(filenamePrefix + "aggregated.fits");

	return aggregated;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
	// We declare our program description
	string programDescription = "This Program does attribution and segmentation.";
	programDescription+="\nVersion: 3.0";
	programDescription+="\nAuthor: Benjamin Mampaey, [email protected]";
	programDescription+="\nCompiled on "  __DATE__  " with options :";
	programDescription+="\nNUMBERCHANNELS: " + toString(NUMBERCHANNELS);
	#if defined DEBUG
	programDescription+="\nDEBUG: ON";
	#if defined EXTRA_SAFE
	programDescription+="\nEXTRA_SAFE: ON";
	#if defined VERBOSE
	programDescription+="\nVERBOSE: ON";
	programDescription+="\nEUVPixelType: " + string(typeid(EUVPixelType).name());
	programDescription+="\nReal: " + string(typeid(Real).name());
	// We define our program parameters
	ArgParser args(programDescription);
	args("segmentation") = Classifier::segmentationParameters();
	args("classification") = Classifier::classificationParameters();
	args["config"] = ArgParser::ConfigurationFile('C');
	args["help"] = ArgParser::Help('h');
	args["type"] = ArgParser::Parameter("SPoCA2", 'T', "The type of classifier to use for the attribution.\nPossible values: FCM, PFCM, PCM, PCM2, SPoCA, SPoCA2");
	args["imageType"] = ArgParser::Parameter("Unknown", 'I', "The type of the images.\nPossible values: EIT, EUVI, AIA, SWAP");
	args["imagePreprocessing"] = ArgParser::Parameter("ALC", 'P', "The steps of preprocessing to apply to the sun images.\nCan be any combination of the following:\n NAR=zz.z (Nullify pixels above zz.z*radius)\n ALC (Annulus Limb Correction)\n DivMedian (Division by the median)\n TakeSqrt (Take the square root)\n TakeLog (Take the log)\n TakeAbs (Take the absolute value)\n DivMode (Division by the mode)\n DivExpTime (Division by the Exposure Time)\n ThrMin=zz.z (Threshold intensities to minimum zz.z)\n ThrMax=zz.z (Threshold intensities to maximum zz.z)\n ThrMinPer=zz.z (Threshold intensities to minimum the zz.z percentile)\n ThrMaxPer=zz.z (Threshold intensities to maximum the zz.z percentile)\n Smooth=zz.z (Binomial smoothing of zz.z arcsec)");
	args["registerImages"] = ArgParser::Parameter(false, 'r', "Set to register/align the images when running multi channel attribution.");
	args["centersFile"] = ArgParser::Parameter("centers.txt", 'c', "The name of the file containing the centers. If it it not provided the centers will be initialized randomly.");
	args["computeEta"] = ArgParser::Parameter(false, 'e', "If the enters file do not contain the values for Eta or if you want to force Eta to be recomputed (slow!).");
	args["stats"] = ArgParser::Parameter(false, 's', "Set to compute stats about the generated maps.");
	args["statsPreprocessing"] = ArgParser::Parameter("NAR=0.95", 'P', "The steps of preprocessing to apply to the sun images.\nCan be any combination of the following:\n NAR=zz.z (Nullify pixels above zz.z*radius)\n ALC (Annulus Limb Correction)\n DivMedian (Division by the median)\n TakeSqrt (Take the square root)\n TakeLog (Take the log)\n TakeAbs (Take the absolute value)\n DivMode (Division by the mode)\n DivExpTime (Division by the Exposure Time)\n ThrMin=zz.z (Threshold intensities to minimum zz.z)\n ThrMax=zz.z (Threshold intensities to maximum zz.z)\n ThrMinPer=zz.z (Threshold intensities to minimum the zz.z percentile)\n ThrMaxPer=zz.z (Threshold intensities to maximum the zz.z percentile)\n Smooth=zz.z (Binomial smoothing of zz.z arcsec)");
	args["output"] = ArgParser::Parameter(".", 'O', "The name for the output file or of a directory.");
	args["uncompressed"] = ArgParser::Parameter(false, 'u', "Set this flag if you want results maps to be uncompressed.");
	args["fitsFile"] = ArgParser::RemainingPositionalParameters("Path to a fits file", NUMBERCHANNELS, NUMBERCHANNELS);
	// We parse the arguments
		args.parse(argc, argv);
	catch ( const invalid_argument& error)
		cerr<<"Error : "<<error.what()<<endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// We setup the output directory
	string outputDirectory;
	string outputFile = args["output"];
	if (isDir(outputFile))
		outputDirectory = outputFile;
		outputDirectory = getPath(outputFile);
		if (! isDir(outputDirectory))
			cerr<<"Error : "<<outputDirectory<<" is not a directory!"<<endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// We read and preprocess the sun images
	deque<string> imagesFilenames = args.RemainingPositionalArguments();
	vector<EUVImage*> images;
	for (unsigned p = 0; p < imagesFilenames.size(); ++p)
		EUVImage* image = getImageFromFile(args["imageType"], imagesFilenames[p]);
		#if defined DEBUG
			image->getHeader().set("IPREPROC", args["imagePreprocessing"], "Image Preprocessing");
			image->writeFits(outputDirectory + "/" + stripPath(stripSuffix(imagesFilenames[p])) + ".preprocessed.fits");
	// We verify the images are aligned and we register them
	for(unsigned p = 1; p < images.size(); ++p)
		string dissimilarity = checkSimilar(images[0], images[p]);
		if(! dissimilarity.empty())
				#if defined VERBOSE
				cout<<"Image "<<imagesFilenames[p]<<" will be registered to image "<<imagesFilenames[0]<<endl;
				#if defined DEBUG
				images[p]->writeFits(outputDirectory + "/" + stripPath(stripSuffix(imagesFilenames[p])) + ".registered.fits");
				#if defined EXTRA_SAFE
				cerr<<"Error: image "<<imagesFilenames[p]<<" and "<<imagesFilenames[0]<<" are not similar: "<<dissimilarity<<endl;
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
				cerr<<"Warning: image "<<imagesFilenames[p]<<" and "<<imagesFilenames[0]<<" are not similar: "<<dissimilarity<<endl;
	// We setup the filename prefix
	if (isDir(outputFile))
		// We set the name of the output files prefix to the outputDirectory + the classification type + image channel and date_obs
		filenamePrefix = makePath(outputDirectory, args["type"]);
		for(unsigned p = 0; p < images.size(); ++p)
			filenamePrefix += "." + images[p]->Channel() + "." + toString(images[p]->ObservationTime());
		filenamePrefix += ".";
		outputFile = filenamePrefix + "SegmentedMap.fits";
		filenamePrefix = stripSuffix(outputFile);
	// We initialise the Classifier
	Classifier* F;
	bool classifierIsPossibilistic = false;
	if (args["type"] == "FCM")
		F = new FCMClassifier(args("classification"));
	else if (args["type"] == "PCM")
		F = new PCMClassifier(args("classification"));
		classifierIsPossibilistic = true;
	else if (args["type"] == "PFCM")
		F = new PFCMClassifier(args("classification"));
		classifierIsPossibilistic = true;
	else if (args["type"] == "PCM2")
		F = new PCM2Classifier(args("classification"));
		classifierIsPossibilistic = true;
	else if (args["type"] == "SPoCA")
		F = new SPoCAClassifier(args("classification"));
		classifierIsPossibilistic = true;
	else if (args["type"] == "SPoCA2")
		F = new SPoCA2Classifier(args("classification"));
		classifierIsPossibilistic = true;
		cerr<<"Error : "<<args["type"]<<" is not an accepted classifier!"<<endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// We read the channels and the initial class centers from the centers file
	vector<RealFeature> B;
	vector<Real> Eta;
	vector<string> channels;
	if(args["centersFile"].is_set() && isFile(args["centersFile"]) && !emptyFile(args["centersFile"]))
				if(! readCentersFromFile(args["centersFile"], channels, B))
					cerr<<"Error: could not read centers from file!"<<endl;
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				else if(!reorderImages(images, channels))
					cerr<<"Error : The images channels do not correspond to centers channels."<<endl;
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
					// We initialise the classifier with the centers read from the file
					F->initB(channels, B);
					// We add the images to the classifier
					// We init the Eta with FCM attribution for the U
				if(! readCentersEtasFromFile(args["centersFile"], channels, B, Eta) || Eta.empty())
						cerr<<"Error: could not read centers and/or eta from file!"<<endl;
						return EXIT_FAILURE;
				else if(!reorderImages(images, channels))
					cerr<<"Error : The images channels do not correspond to centers channels."<<endl;
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
					// We initialise the classifier with the centers and eta read from the file
					dynamic_cast<PCMClassifier*>(F)->initBEta(channels, B, Eta);
					// We add the images to the classifier
			if(! readCentersFromFile(args["centersFile"], channels, B))
				cerr<<"Error: could not read centers from file!"<<endl;
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			else if(!reorderImages(images, channels))
				cerr<<"Error : The images channels do not correspond to centers channels."<<endl;
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
				// We initialise the classifier with the centers read from the file
				F->initB(channels, B);
				// We add the images to the classifier
		cerr<<"Error : For attribution you must provide the centers."<<endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// We do the attribution
	// We declare the segmented map with the WCS of the first image, and get the segmentation map
	ColorMap* segmentedMap = new ColorMap(images[0]->getWCS());
	F->getSegmentedMap(args("segmentation"), segmentedMap);
	//We add information about the classification to the header of the segmented map
	Header& header = segmentedMap->getHeader();
	for (unsigned p = 0; p < imagesFilenames.size(); ++p)
		header.set(string("IMAGE")+toString(p+1,3), stripPath(imagesFilenames[p]));
	header.set("CPREPROC", args["imagePreprocessing"], "Classification Image preprocessing");
	header.set("CLASTYPE", args["type"], "Classifier Type");
		header.set("SPREPROC", args["statsPreprocessing"], "Segmentation stats Image preprocessing");

	// We write the segmentedMap to a fits file
	FitsFile file(outputFile, FitsFile::overwrite);
	segmentedMap->writeFits(file, args["uncompressed"] ? 0 : FitsFile::compress, "SegmentedMap");
		for (unsigned p = 0; p < imagesFilenames.size(); ++p)
			EUVImage* image = getImageFromFile(args["imageType"], imagesFilenames[p]);
			// We get the RegionStats
			vector<SegmentationStats*> segmentation_stats = getSegmentationStats(segmentedMap, image);
			// We write the RegionStats into the fits
			writeRegions(file, segmentation_stats);
			for (unsigned r = 0; r < segmentation_stats.size(); ++r)
				delete segmentation_stats[r];
	// We cleanup
	delete segmentedMap;
	delete F;
	for (unsigned p = 0; p < images.size(); ++p)
		delete images[p];