Ejemplo n.º 1
void FAnimationRuntime::ConvertPoseToMeshSpace(const TArray<FTransform> & LocalTransforms, TArray<FTransform> & MeshSpaceTransforms, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones)
	const int32 NumBones = RequiredBones.GetNumBones();

	// right now all this does is to convert to SpaceBases
	check( NumBones == LocalTransforms.Num() );
	check( NumBones == MeshSpaceTransforms.Num() );

	const FTransform* LocalTransformsData = LocalTransforms.GetData(); 
	FTransform* SpaceBasesData = MeshSpaceTransforms.GetData();
	const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndexArray = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();

	// First bone is always root bone, and it doesn't have a parent.
		check( RequiredBoneIndexArray[0] == 0 );
		MeshSpaceTransforms[0] = LocalTransforms[0];

	const int32 NumRequiredBones = RequiredBoneIndexArray.Num();
	for(int32 i=1; i<NumRequiredBones; i++)
		const int32 BoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndexArray[i];
		FPlatformMisc::Prefetch(SpaceBasesData + BoneIndex);

		// For all bones below the root, final component-space transform is relative transform * component-space transform of parent.
		const int32 ParentIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex);
		FPlatformMisc::Prefetch(SpaceBasesData + ParentIndex);

		FTransform::Multiply(SpaceBasesData + BoneIndex, LocalTransformsData + BoneIndex, SpaceBasesData + ParentIndex);

		checkSlow( MeshSpaceTransforms[BoneIndex].IsRotationNormalized() );
		checkSlow( !MeshSpaceTransforms[BoneIndex].ContainsNaN() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FAnimationRuntime::FillWithRefPose(TArray<FTransform> & OutAtoms, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones)
	// Copy Target Asset's ref pose.
	OutAtoms = RequiredBones.GetRefPoseArray();

	// If retargeting is disabled, copy ref pose from Skeleton, rather than mesh.
	// this is only used in editor and for debugging.
	if( RequiredBones.GetDisableRetargeting() )
		checkSlow( RequiredBones.IsValid() );
		// Only do this if we have a mesh. otherwise we're not retargeting animations.
		if( RequiredBones.GetSkeletalMeshAsset() )
			TArray<int32> const & PoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray = RequiredBones.GetPoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray();
			TArray<FBoneIndexType> const & RequireBonesIndexArray = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();
			TArray<FTransform> const & SkeletonRefPose = RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()->GetRefLocalPoses();

			for (int32 ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex<RequireBonesIndexArray.Num(); ArrayIndex++)
				int32 const & PoseBoneIndex = RequireBonesIndexArray[ArrayIndex];
				int32 const & SkeletonBoneIndex = PoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray[PoseBoneIndex];

				// Pose bone index should always exist in Skeleton
				checkSlow(SkeletonBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);
				OutAtoms[PoseBoneIndex] = SkeletonRefPose[SkeletonBoneIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FAnimationRuntime::InitializeTransform(const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, /*inout*/ FTransformArrayA2 & Atoms)
	check( Atoms.Num() == RequiredBones.GetNumBones() );
	const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndices = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();
	for (int32 j = 0; j < RequiredBoneIndices.Num(); ++j)
		const int32 BoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndices[j];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Scale transforms by Weight.
 * Result is obviously NOT normalized.
void FAnimationRuntime::ApplyWeightToTransform(const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, /*inout*/ FTransformArrayA2& Atoms, float Weight)
	const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndices = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();
	ScalarRegister MultWeight(Weight);
	for (int32 j = 0; j < RequiredBoneIndices.Num(); ++j)
		const int32 BoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndices[j];
		Atoms[BoneIndex] *= MultWeight;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void FAnimationRuntime::CombineWithAdditiveAnimations(int32 NumAdditivePoses, const FTransformArrayA2** SourceAdditivePoses, const float* SourceAdditiveWeights, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, /*inout*/ FTransformArrayA2& Atoms)
	const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndices = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();
	for (int32 PoseIndex = 0; PoseIndex < NumAdditivePoses; ++PoseIndex)
		const ScalarRegister VBlendWeight(SourceAdditiveWeights[PoseIndex]);
		const FTransformArrayA2& SourceAtoms = *SourceAdditivePoses[PoseIndex];

		for (int32 j = 0; j < RequiredBoneIndices.Num(); ++j)
			const int32 BoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndices[j];
			FTransform SourceAtom = SourceAtoms[BoneIndex];
			FTransform::BlendFromIdentityAndAccumulate(Atoms[BoneIndex], SourceAtom, VBlendWeight);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void FAnimationRuntime::CreateMaskWeights(TArray<FPerBoneBlendWeight> & BoneBlendWeights, const TArray<FInputBlendPose>	&BlendFilters, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, const USkeleton* Skeleton)
	if ( Skeleton )
		const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndices = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();

		// base mask bone
		for (int32 PoseIndex=0; PoseIndex<BlendFilters.Num(); ++PoseIndex)
			const FInputBlendPose& BlendPose = BlendFilters[PoseIndex];

			for (int32 BranchIndex=0; BranchIndex<BlendPose.BranchFilters.Num(); ++BranchIndex)
				const FBranchFilter& BranchFilter = BlendPose.BranchFilters[BranchIndex];
				int32 MaskBoneIndex = RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(BranchFilter.BoneName);

				// how much weight increase Per depth
				float MaxWeight = (BranchFilter.BlendDepth > 0) ? 1.f : -1.f;
				float IncreaseWeightPerDepth = (BranchFilter.BlendDepth != 0) ? (1.f/((float)BranchFilter.BlendDepth)) : 1.f;
				// go through skeleton tree requiredboneindices
				for (int32 BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex<RequiredBoneIndices.Num(); ++BoneIndex)
					int32 MeshBoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndices[BoneIndex];
					int32 Depth = RequiredBones.GetDepthBetweenBones(MeshBoneIndex, MaskBoneIndex);

					// if Depth == -1, it's not a child
					if( Depth != -1 )
						// when you write to buffer, you'll need to match with BasePoses BoneIndex
						FPerBoneBlendWeight& BoneBlendWeight = BoneBlendWeights[BoneIndex];

						BoneBlendWeight.SourceIndex = PoseIndex;
						float BlendIncrease = IncreaseWeightPerDepth * (float)(Depth + 1);
						BoneBlendWeight.BlendWeight = FMath::Clamp<float>(BoneBlendWeight.BlendWeight + BlendIncrease, 0.f, 1.f);