Ejemplo n.º 1
void FAnimationRuntime::FillWithRefPose(TArray<FTransform> & OutAtoms, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones)
	// Copy Target Asset's ref pose.
	OutAtoms = RequiredBones.GetRefPoseArray();

	// If retargeting is disabled, copy ref pose from Skeleton, rather than mesh.
	// this is only used in editor and for debugging.
	if( RequiredBones.GetDisableRetargeting() )
		checkSlow( RequiredBones.IsValid() );
		// Only do this if we have a mesh. otherwise we're not retargeting animations.
		if( RequiredBones.GetSkeletalMeshAsset() )
			TArray<int32> const & PoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray = RequiredBones.GetPoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray();
			TArray<FBoneIndexType> const & RequireBonesIndexArray = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();
			TArray<FTransform> const & SkeletonRefPose = RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()->GetRefLocalPoses();

			for (int32 ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex<RequireBonesIndexArray.Num(); ArrayIndex++)
				int32 const & PoseBoneIndex = RequireBonesIndexArray[ArrayIndex];
				int32 const & SkeletonBoneIndex = PoseToSkeletonBoneIndexArray[PoseBoneIndex];

				// Pose bone index should always exist in Skeleton
				checkSlow(SkeletonBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);
				OutAtoms[PoseBoneIndex] = SkeletonRefPose[SkeletonBoneIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool FBoneReference::Initialize(const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones)
	BoneName = *BoneName.ToString().Trim().TrimTrailing();
	BoneIndex = RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(BoneName);

	// If bone name is not found, look into the master skeleton to see if it's found there.
	// SkeletalMeshes can exclude bones from the master skeleton, and that's OK.
	// If it's not found in the master skeleton, the bone does not exist at all! so we should report it as a warning.
	if( (BoneIndex == INDEX_NONE) && RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset() )
		if( RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(BoneName) == INDEX_NONE )
			UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Warning, TEXT("FBoneReference::Initialize BoneIndex for Bone '%s' does not exist in Skeleton '%s'"), 
				*BoneName.ToString(), *GetNameSafe(RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()));

	return (BoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);