Ejemplo n.º 1
FeatureNode::getConfig() const
    Config conf("feature");

    if ( !_features.empty() )
        // Write out a single feature for now.

        Feature* feature = _features.begin()->get();

        conf.set("name", getName());

        Config geomConf("geometry");
        geomConf.value() = GeometryUtils::geometryToWKT( feature->getGeometry() );

        std::string srs = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->getHorizInitString() : "";
        if ( !srs.empty() ) conf.set("srs", srs);

        std::string vsrs = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->getVertInitString() : "";
        if ( !vsrs.empty() ) conf.set("vdatum", vsrs);

        if ( feature->geoInterp().isSet() )
            conf.set("geointerp", feature->geoInterp() == GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE? "greatcircle" : "rhumbline");

    if (!_style.empty() )
        conf.set( "style", _style );

    return conf;
Ejemplo n.º 2
FeatureNode::FeatureNode(MapNode*              mapNode,
                         const Config&         conf,
                         const osgDB::Options* dbOptions ) :
AnnotationNode( mapNode, conf )
    osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> geom;
    if ( conf.hasChild("geometry") )
        Config geomconf = conf.child("geometry");
        geom = GeometryUtils::geometryFromWKT( geomconf.value() );
        if ( !geom.valid() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Config is missing required 'geometry' element" << std::endl;
    osg::ref_ptr<const SpatialReference> srs;
    srs = SpatialReference::create( conf.value("srs"), conf.value("vdatum") );
    if ( !srs.valid() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Config is missing required 'srs' element" << std::endl;

    optional<GeoInterpolation> geoInterp;

    conf.getObjIfSet( "style", _style );

    if ( srs.valid() && geom.valid() )
        Feature* feature = new Feature(geom.get(), srs.get() );

        conf.getIfSet( "geointerp", "greatcircle", feature->geoInterp(), GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE );
        conf.getIfSet( "geointerp", "rhumbline",   feature->geoInterp(), GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE );

        _features.push_back( feature );
      void compute()
          //Tell the calculator about the new start/end points
          _profileCalculator->setStartEnd( GeoPoint(_mapNode->getMapSRS(), _start.x(), _start.y(), 0),
                                           GeoPoint(_mapNode->getMapSRS(), _end.x(), _end.y(), 0));

          if (_featureNode.valid())
              _root->removeChild( _featureNode.get() );
              _featureNode = 0;

          LineString* line = new LineString();
          line->push_back( _start );
          line->push_back( _end );
          Feature* feature = new Feature(line, _mapNode->getMapSRS());
          feature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;    

          //Define a style for the line
          Style style;
          LineSymbol* ls = style.getOrCreateSymbol<LineSymbol>();
          ls->stroke()->color() = Color::Yellow;
          ls->stroke()->width() = 2.0f;
          ls->tessellation() = 20;

          style.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;

          feature->style() = style;

          _featureNode = new FeatureNode( _mapNode, feature );
          //Disable lighting
          _featureNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
          _root->addChild( _featureNode.get() );

Ejemplo n.º 4
OgrUtils::createFeature(OGRFeatureH handle, const FeatureProfile* profile)
    Feature* f = 0L;
    if ( profile )
        f = createFeature( handle, profile->getSRS() );
        if ( f && profile->geoInterp().isSet() )
            f->geoInterp() = profile->geoInterp().get();
        f = createFeature( handle, (const SpatialReference*)0L );
    return f;
Ejemplo n.º 5
BuildGeometryFilter::process( FeatureList& features, const FilterContext& context )
    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // skip empty geometry
            if ( part->size() == 0 )

            const Style& myStyle = input->style().isSet() ? *input->style() : _style;

            bool  setLinePropsHere   = input->style().isSet(); // otherwise it will be set globally, we assume
            float width              = 1.0f;
            bool  hasPolyOutline     = false;

            const PointSymbol*   pointSymbol = myStyle.get<PointSymbol>();
            const LineSymbol*    lineSymbol  = myStyle.get<LineSymbol>();
            const PolygonSymbol* polySymbol  = myStyle.get<PolygonSymbol>();

            // resolve the geometry type from the component type and the symbology:
            Geometry::Type renderType = Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN;

            // First priority is a matching part type and symbol:
            if ( polySymbol != 0L && part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
            else if ( lineSymbol != 0L && part->isLinear() )
                renderType = part->getType();
            else if ( pointSymbol != 0L && part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;

            // Second priority is the symbol:
            else if ( polySymbol != 0L )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
            else if ( lineSymbol != 0L )
                if ( part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                    renderType = Geometry::TYPE_RING;
                    renderType = Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING;
            else if ( pointSymbol != 0L )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;

            // No symbol? just use the geometry type.
                renderType = part->getType();

            // validate the geometry:
            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON && part->size() < 3 )
            else if ( (renderType == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING || renderType == Geometry::TYPE_RING) && part->size() < 2 )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor =
                polySymbol ? osg::Vec4f(polySymbol->fill()->color()) :
                lineSymbol ? osg::Vec4f(lineSymbol->stroke()->color()) :
                pointSymbol ? osg::Vec4f(pointSymbol->fill()->color()) :
            osg::Geometry* osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( _useVertexBufferObjects.value() );

            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = 0L;

            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom);
                allPoints = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>( osgGeom->getVertexArray() );
                // line or point geometry
                GLenum primMode = 
                    renderType == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING ? GL_LINE_STRIP :
                    renderType == Geometry::TYPE_RING       ? GL_LINE_LOOP :
                allPoints = new osg::Vec3Array();
                transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, allPoints, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );
                osgGeom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays( primMode, 0, part->size() ) );
                osgGeom->setVertexArray( allPoints );

                applyLineAndPointSymbology( osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet(), lineSymbol, pointSymbol );

                if ( primMode == GL_POINTS && allPoints->size() == 1 )
                    const osg::Vec3d& center = (*allPoints)[0];
                    osgGeom->setInitialBound( osg::BoundingBox(center-osg::Vec3(.5,.5,.5), center+osg::Vec3(.5,.5,.5)) );

            if (allPoints->getVertexBufferObject())
            // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe:
            if ( makeECEF && renderType != Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )
                // check for explicit tessellation disable:
                const LineSymbol* line = _style.get<LineSymbol>();
                bool disableTess = line && line->tessellation().isSetTo(0);

                if ( makeECEF && !disableTess )
                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    //ms.setMaxElementsPerEBO( INT_MAX );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

            // assign the primary color:
#if USE_SINGLE_COLOR            
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array( 1 );
            (*colors)[0] = primaryColor;
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );

            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() ); //allPoints->size() );
            for(unsigned c=0; c<colors->size(); ++c)
                (*colors)[c] = primaryColor;
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );

            _geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( osgGeom, input );

            // build secondary geometry, if necessary (polygon outlines)
            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON && lineSymbol )
                // polygon offset on the poly so the outline doesn't z-fight
                osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PolygonOffset(1,1), 1 );

                osg::Geometry* outline = new osg::Geometry();
                outline->setUseVertexBufferObjects( _useVertexBufferObjects.value() );

                buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, false, outline);

                if ( outline->getVertexArray()->getVertexBufferObject() )
                osg::Vec4f outlineColor = lineSymbol->stroke()->color();                

                osg::Vec4Array* outlineColors = new osg::Vec4Array();                
                outlineColors->push_back( outlineColor );
                outline->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );
                unsigned pcount = part->getTotalPointCount();                
                outlineColors->reserve( pcount );
                for( unsigned c=0; c < pcount; ++c )
                    outlineColors->push_back( outlineColor );
                outline->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

                // check for explicit tessellation disable:                
                bool disableTess = lineSymbol && lineSymbol->tessellation().isSetTo(0);

                // subdivide if necessary.                
                if ( makeECEF && !disableTess )
                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider for outlines with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;
                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                        ms.run( *outline, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                        ms.run( *outline, threshold, *_geoInterp );

                applyLineAndPointSymbology( outline->getOrCreateStateSet(), lineSymbol, 0L );

                // make normals before adding an outline
                osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor sv;
                _geode->accept( sv );

                _geode->addDrawable( outline );

                //_featureNode->addDrawable( outline, input->getFID() );

                // Mark each primitive set with its feature ID.
                if ( context.featureIndex() )
                    context.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( outline, input );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
MGRSGraticule::buildSQIDTiles( const std::string& gzd )
    const GeoExtent& extent = _gzd[gzd];

    // parse the GZD into its components:
    unsigned zone;
    char letter;
    sscanf( gzd.c_str(), "%u%c", &zone, &letter );

    TextSymbol* textSym = _options->secondaryStyle()->get<TextSymbol>();
    if ( !textSym )
        textSym = _options->primaryStyle()->getOrCreate<TextSymbol>();

    AltitudeSymbol* alt = _options->secondaryStyle()->get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    double h = 0.0;

    TextSymbolizer ts( textSym );
    MGRSFormatter mgrs(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_100000M);
    osg::Geode* textGeode = new osg::Geode();
    textGeode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( 9999, "DepthSortedBin" );
    textGeode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( _depthAttribute, 1 );

    const SpatialReference* ecefSRS = extent.getSRS()->getECEF();
    osg::Vec3d centerMap, centerECEF;
    extent.getCentroid(centerMap.x(), centerMap.y());
    extent.getSRS()->transform(centerMap, ecefSRS, centerECEF);
    //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(centerMap, centerECEF);

    osg::Matrix local2world;
    ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( centerECEF, local2world ); //= ECEF::createLocalToWorld(centerECEF);
    osg::Matrix world2local;

    FeatureList features;

    std::vector<GeoExtent> sqidExtents;

    // UTM:
    if ( letter > 'B' && letter < 'Y' )
        // grab the SRS for the current UTM zone:
        // TODO: AL/AA designation??
        const SpatialReference* utm = SpatialReference::create(
                                          Stringify() << "+proj=utm +zone=" << zone << " +north +units=m" );

        // transform the four corners of the tile to UTM.
        osg::Vec3d gzdUtmSW, gzdUtmSE, gzdUtmNW, gzdUtmNE;
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(),extent.yMin(),h), utm, gzdUtmSW );
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(),extent.yMax(),h), utm, gzdUtmNW );
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(),extent.yMin(),h), utm, gzdUtmSE );
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(),extent.yMax(),h), utm, gzdUtmNE );

        // find the southern boundary of the first full SQID tile in the GZD tile.
        double southSQIDBoundary = gzdUtmSW.y(); //extentUTM.yMin();
        double remainder = fmod( southSQIDBoundary, 100000.0 );
        if ( remainder > 0.0 )
            southSQIDBoundary += (100000.0 - remainder);

        // find the min/max X for this cell in UTM:
        double xmin = extent.yMin() >= 0.0 ? gzdUtmSW.x() : gzdUtmNW.x();
        double xmax = extent.yMin() >= 0.0 ? gzdUtmSE.x() : gzdUtmNE.x();

        // Record the UTM extent of each SQID cell in this tile.
        // Go from the south boundary northwards:
        for( double y = southSQIDBoundary; y < gzdUtmNW.y(); y += 100000.0 )
            // start at the central meridian (500K) and go west:
            for( double x = 500000.0; x > xmin; x -= 100000.0 )
                sqidExtents.push_back( GeoExtent(utm, x-100000.0, y, x, y+100000.0) );

            // then start at the central meridian and go east:
            for( double x = 500000.0; x < xmax; x += 100000.0 )
                sqidExtents.push_back( GeoExtent(utm, x, y, x+100000.0, y+100000.0) );

        for( std::vector<GeoExtent>::iterator i = sqidExtents.begin(); i != sqidExtents.end(); ++i )
            GeoExtent utmEx = *i;

            // now, clamp each of the points in the UTM SQID extent to the map-space
            // boundaries of the GZD tile. (We only need to clamp in the X dimension,
            // Y geometry is allowed to overflow.) Also, skip NE, we don't need it.
            double r, xlimit;

            osg::Vec3d sw(utmEx.xMin(), utmEx.yMin(), 0);
            r = (sw.y()-gzdUtmSW.y())/(gzdUtmNW.y()-gzdUtmSW.y());
            xlimit = gzdUtmSW.x() + r * (gzdUtmNW.x() - gzdUtmSW.x());
            if ( sw.x() < xlimit ) sw.x() = xlimit;

            osg::Vec3d nw(utmEx.xMin(), utmEx.yMax(), 0);
            r = (nw.y()-gzdUtmSW.y())/(gzdUtmNW.y()-gzdUtmSW.y());
            xlimit = gzdUtmSW.x() + r * (gzdUtmNW.x() - gzdUtmSW.x());
            if ( nw.x() < xlimit ) nw.x() = xlimit;

            osg::Vec3d se(utmEx.xMax(), utmEx.yMin(), 0);
            r = (se.y()-gzdUtmSE.y())/(gzdUtmNE.y()-gzdUtmSE.y());
            xlimit = gzdUtmSE.x() + r * (gzdUtmNE.x() - gzdUtmSE.x());
            if ( se.x() > xlimit ) se.x() = xlimit;

            // at the northernmost GZD (lateral band X), clamp the northernmost SQIDs to the upper latitude.
            if ( letter == 'X' && nw.y() > gzdUtmNW.y() )
                nw.y() = gzdUtmNW.y();

            // need this in order to calculate the font size:
            double utmWidth = se.x() - sw.x();

            // now transform the corner points back into the map SRS:
            utm->transform( sw, extent.getSRS(), sw );
            utm->transform( nw, extent.getSRS(), nw );
            utm->transform( se, extent.getSRS(), se );

            // and draw valid sqid geometry.
            if ( sw.x() < se.x() )
                Feature* lat = new Feature(new LineString(2), extent.getSRS());
                lat->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;
                lat->getGeometry()->push_back( sw );
                lat->getGeometry()->push_back( se );

                Feature* lon = new Feature(new LineString(2), extent.getSRS());
                lon->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                lon->getGeometry()->push_back( sw );
                lon->getGeometry()->push_back( nw );

                // and the text label:
                osg::Vec3d sqidTextMap = (nw + se) * 0.5;
                sqidTextMap.z() += 1000.0;
                osg::Vec3d sqidTextECEF;
                extent.getSRS()->transform(sqidTextMap, ecefSRS, sqidTextECEF);
                //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(sqidTextMap, sqidTextECEF);
                osg::Vec3d sqidLocal;
                sqidLocal = sqidTextECEF * world2local;

                MGRSCoord mgrsCoord;
                if ( mgrs.transform( GeoPoint(extent.getSRS(),sqidTextMap,ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), mgrsCoord) )
                    textSym->size() = utmWidth/3.0;
                    osgText::Text* d = ts.create( mgrsCoord.sqid );

                    osg::Matrixd textLocal2World;
                    ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( sqidTextECEF, textLocal2World );

                    d->setPosition( sqidLocal );
                    textGeode->addDrawable( d );

    else if ( letter == 'A' || letter == 'B' )
        // SRS for south polar region UPS projection. This projection has (0,0) at the
        // south pole, with +X extending towards 90 degrees E longitude and +Y towards
        // 0 degrees longitude.
        const SpatialReference* ups = SpatialReference::create(
                                          "+proj=stere +lat_ts=-90 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0 +k_0=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0");

        osg::Vec3d gtemp;
        double r = GeoMath::distance(-osg::PI_2, 0.0, -1.3962634, 0.0); // -90 => -80 latitude
        double r2 = r*r;

        if ( letter == 'A' )
            for( double x = 0.0; x < 1200000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                double yminmax = sqrt( r2 - x*x );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-x, -yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-x,  yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double y = -1100000.0; y < 1200000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                double xmax = sqrt( r2 - y*y );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-xmax, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(    0, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double x = -1200000.0; x < 0.0; x += 100000.0 )
                for( double y = -1200000.0; y < 1200000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                    osg::Vec3d sqidTextMap;
                    ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x+50000.0, y+50000.0, 0), extent.getSRS(), sqidTextMap);
                    if ( sqidTextMap.y() < -80.0 )
                        sqidTextMap.z() += 1000.0;
                        osg::Vec3d sqidTextECEF;
                        extent.getSRS()->transform(sqidTextMap, ecefSRS, sqidTextECEF);
                        //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(sqidTextMap, sqidTextECEF);
                        osg::Vec3d sqidLocal = sqidTextECEF * world2local;

                        MGRSCoord mgrsCoord;
                        if ( mgrs.transform( GeoPoint(extent.getSRS(),sqidTextMap,ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), mgrsCoord) )
                            textSym->size() = 33000.0;
                            osgText::Text* d = ts.create( mgrsCoord.sqid );
                            osg::Matrixd textLocal2World;
                            ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( sqidTextECEF, textLocal2World );
                            d->setPosition( sqidLocal );
                            textGeode->addDrawable( d );

        else if ( letter == 'B' )
            for( double x = 100000.0; x < 1200000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                double yminmax = sqrt( r2 - x*x );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x, -yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x,  yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double y = -1100000.0; y < 1200000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                double xmax = sqrt( r2 - y*y );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(    0, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d( xmax, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double x = 0.0; x < 1200000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                for( double y = -1200000.0; y < 1200000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                    osg::Vec3d sqidTextMap;
                    ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x+50000.0, y+50000.0, 0), extent.getSRS(), sqidTextMap);
                    if ( sqidTextMap.y() < -80.0 )
                        sqidTextMap.z() += 1000.0;
                        osg::Vec3d sqidTextECEF;
                        extent.getSRS()->transform(sqidTextMap, ecefSRS, sqidTextECEF);
                        //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(sqidTextMap, sqidTextECEF);
                        osg::Vec3d sqidLocal = sqidTextECEF * world2local;

                        MGRSCoord mgrsCoord;
                        if ( mgrs.transform( GeoPoint(extent.getSRS(),sqidTextMap,ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), mgrsCoord) )
                            textSym->size() = 33000.0;
                            osgText::Text* d = ts.create( mgrsCoord.sqid );
                            osg::Matrixd textLocal2World;
                            ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( sqidTextECEF, textLocal2World );
                            d->setPosition( sqidLocal );
                            textGeode->addDrawable( d );

    else if ( letter == 'Y' || letter == 'Z' )
        // SRS for north polar region UPS projection. This projection has (0,0) at the
        // south pole, with +X extending towards 90 degrees E longitude and +Y towards
        // 180 degrees longitude.
        const SpatialReference* ups = SpatialReference::create(
                                          "+proj=stere +lat_ts=90 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +k_0=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0");

        osg::Vec3d gtemp;
        double r = GeoMath::distance(osg::PI_2, 0.0, 1.46607657, 0.0); // 90 -> 84 latitude
        double r2 = r*r;

        if ( letter == 'Y' )
            for( double x = 0.0; x < 700000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                double yminmax = sqrt( r2 - x*x );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-x, -yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-x,  yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double y = -600000.0; y < 700000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                double xmax = sqrt( r2 - y*y );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(-xmax, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(    0, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double x = -700000.0; x < 0.0; x += 100000.0 )
                for( double y = -700000.0; y < 700000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                    osg::Vec3d sqidTextMap;
                    ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x+50000.0, y+50000.0, 0), extent.getSRS(), sqidTextMap);
                    if ( sqidTextMap.y() > 84.0 )
                        sqidTextMap.z() += 1000.0;
                        osg::Vec3d sqidTextECEF;
                        extent.getSRS()->transform(sqidTextMap, ecefSRS, sqidTextECEF);
                        //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(sqidTextMap, sqidTextECEF);
                        osg::Vec3d sqidLocal = sqidTextECEF * world2local;

                        MGRSCoord mgrsCoord;
                        if ( mgrs.transform( GeoPoint(extent.getSRS(),sqidTextMap,ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), mgrsCoord) )
                            textSym->size() = 33000.0;
                            osgText::Text* d = ts.create( mgrsCoord.sqid );
                            osg::Matrixd textLocal2World;
                            ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( sqidTextECEF, textLocal2World );
                            d->setPosition( sqidLocal );
                            textGeode->addDrawable( d );

        else if ( letter == 'Z' )
            for( double x = 100000.0; x < 700000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                double yminmax = sqrt( r2 - x*x );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x, -yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x,  yminmax, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double y = -600000.0; y < 700000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                double xmax = sqrt( r2 - y*y );
                Feature* f = new Feature( new LineString(2), extent.getSRS() );
                f->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
                osg::Vec3d p0, p1;
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(    0, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p0 );
                ups->transform( osg::Vec3d( xmax, y, 0), extent.getSRS(), p1 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p0 );
                f->getGeometry()->push_back( p1 );
                features.push_back( f );

            for( double x = 0.0; x < 700000.0; x += 100000.0 )
                for( double y = -700000.0; y < 700000.0; y += 100000.0 )
                    osg::Vec3d sqidTextMap;
                    ups->transform( osg::Vec3d(x+50000.0, y+50000.0, 0), extent.getSRS(), sqidTextMap);
                    if ( sqidTextMap.y() > 84.0 )
                        sqidTextMap.z() += 1000.0;
                        osg::Vec3d sqidTextECEF;
                        extent.getSRS()->transform(sqidTextMap, ecefSRS, sqidTextECEF);
                        //extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(sqidTextMap, sqidTextECEF);
                        osg::Vec3d sqidLocal = sqidTextECEF * world2local;

                        MGRSCoord mgrsCoord;
                        if ( mgrs.transform( GeoPoint(extent.getSRS(),sqidTextMap,ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), mgrsCoord) )
                            textSym->size() = 33000.0;
                            osgText::Text* d = ts.create( mgrsCoord.sqid );
                            osg::Matrixd textLocal2World;
                            ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( sqidTextECEF, textLocal2World );
                            d->setPosition( sqidLocal );
                            textGeode->addDrawable( d );

    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();

    Style lineStyle;
    lineStyle.add( _options->secondaryStyle()->get<LineSymbol>() );
    lineStyle.add( _options->secondaryStyle()->get<AltitudeSymbol>() );

    GeometryCompiler compiler;
    osg::ref_ptr<Session> session = new Session( getMapNode()->getMap() );
    FilterContext context( session.get(), _featureProfile.get(), extent );

    // make sure we get sufficient tessellation:
    compiler.options().maxGranularity() = 0.25;

    osg::Node* geomNode = compiler.compile(features, lineStyle, context);
    if ( geomNode )
        group->addChild( geomNode );

    osg::MatrixTransform* mt = new osg::MatrixTransform(local2world);
    group->addChild( mt );

    // prep for depth offset:
    DepthOffsetUtils::prepareGraph( group );
    group->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( _minDepthOffset.get() );

    return group;
BuildGeometryFilter::processLines(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up referencing information:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        // extract the required line symbol; bail out if not found.
        const LineSymbol* line = 
            input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<LineSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<LineSymbol>() :

        if ( !line )

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( line->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( line->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), true );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // skip invalid geometry for lines.
            if ( part->size() < 2 )

            // if the underlying geometry is a ring (or a polygon), use a line loop; otherwise
            // use a line strip.
            GLenum primMode = dynamic_cast<Ring*>(part) ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_LINE_STRIP;

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = line->stroke()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            //osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            //osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // embed the feature name if requested. Warning: blocks geometry merge optimization!
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = new osg::Vec3Array();

            transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, allPoints, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            osgGeom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(primMode, 0, allPoints->getNumElements()) );
            osgGeom->setVertexArray( allPoints );

            if ( input->style().isSet() )
                //TODO: re-evaluate this. does it hinder geometry merging?
                applyLineSymbology( osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet(), line );
            // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe;
            // but if the tessellation is set to zero, or if the style specifies a
            // tessellation size, skip this step.
            if ( makeECEF && !line->tessellation().isSetTo(0) && !line->tessellationSize().isSet() )
                double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                //ms.setMaxElementsPerEBO( INT_MAX );
                if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

            // assign the primary color (PER_VERTEX required for later optimization)
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->assign( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements(), primaryColor );
            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( osgGeom, input );
            // install clamping attributes if necessary
            if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( osgGeom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );
    return geode;
BuildGeometryFilter::processPolygons(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up the reference system info:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        // access the polygon symbol, and bail out if there isn't one
        const PolygonSymbol* poly =
            input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<PolygonSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<PolygonSymbol>() :

        if ( !poly )

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( poly->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( poly->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();


            // skip geometry that is invalid for a polygon
            if ( part->size() < 3 )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = poly->fill()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            //osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            //osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // are we embedding a feature name?
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // compute localizing matrices or use globals
            osg::Matrixd w2l, l2w;
            if (makeECEF)
                osgEarth::GeoExtent featureExtent(featureSRS);

                computeLocalizers(context, featureExtent, w2l, l2w);
                w2l = _world2local;
                l2w = _local2world;

            // build the geometry:
            tileAndBuildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom, w2l);
            //buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom, w2l);

            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(osgGeom->getVertexArray());
            if (allPoints && allPoints->size() > 0)
                // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe:
                if ( makeECEF )
                    //convert back to world coords
                    for( osg::Vec3Array::iterator i = allPoints->begin(); i != allPoints->end(); ++i )
                        osg::Vec3d v(*i);
                        v = v * l2w;
                        v = v * _world2local;

                        (*i)._v[0] = v[0];
                        (*i)._v[1] = v[1];
                        (*i)._v[2] = v[2];

                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

                // assign the primary color array. PER_VERTEX required in order to support
                // vertex optimization later
                unsigned count = osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements();
                osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
                colors->assign( count, primaryColor );
                osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
                osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

                geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

                // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
                if ( context.featureIndex() )
                    context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( osgGeom, input );
                // install clamping attributes if necessary
                if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                    _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                    Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( osgGeom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );
    return geode;
Ejemplo n.º 9
UTMData::buildGZDTile(const std::string& name, const GeoExtent& extent, const Style& style, const FeatureProfile* featureProfile, const Map* map)
    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();

    Style lineStyle;
    lineStyle.add( const_cast<LineSymbol*>(style.get<LineSymbol>()) );
    lineStyle.add( const_cast<AltitudeSymbol*>(style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()) );

    bool hasText = style.get<TextSymbol>() != 0L;

    GeometryCompiler compiler;
    osg::ref_ptr<Session> session = new Session(map);
    FilterContext context( session.get(), featureProfile, extent );

    // make sure we get sufficient tessellation:
    compiler.options().maxGranularity() = 1.0;

    FeatureList features;

    // longitudinal line:
    LineString* lon = new LineString(2);
    lon->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
    lon->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    Feature* lonFeature = new Feature(lon, extent.getSRS());
    lonFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
    features.push_back( lonFeature );

    // latitudinal line:
    LineString* lat = new LineString(2);
    lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    Feature* latFeature = new Feature(lat, extent.getSRS());
    latFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;
    features.push_back( latFeature );

    // top lat line at 84N
    if ( extent.yMax() == 84.0 )
        LineString* lat = new LineString(2);
        lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
        lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
        Feature* latFeature = new Feature(lat, extent.getSRS());
        latFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;
        features.push_back( latFeature );

    osg::Node* geomNode = compiler.compile(features, lineStyle, context);
    if ( geomNode ) 
        group->addChild( geomNode );

    // get the geocentric tile center:
    osg::Vec3d tileCenter;
    extent.getCentroid( tileCenter.x(), tileCenter.y() );

    const SpatialReference* ecefSRS = extent.getSRS()->getGeocentricSRS();
    osg::Vec3d centerECEF;
    extent.getSRS()->transform( tileCenter, ecefSRS, centerECEF );

    if ( hasText )
        osg::Vec3d west, east;
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(),tileCenter.y(),0), ecefSRS, west );
        extent.getSRS()->transform( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(),tileCenter.y(),0), ecefSRS, east );

        const TextSymbol* textSym_in = style.get<TextSymbol>();
        osg::ref_ptr<TextSymbol> textSym = textSym_in ? new TextSymbol(*textSym_in) : new TextSymbol();
        textSym->size() = (west-east).length() / 3.0;

        TextSymbolizer ts(textSym.get());
        osg::Geode* textGeode = new osg::Geode();        
        osg::Drawable* d = ts.create(name);
        Registry::shaderGenerator().run(textGeode, Registry::stateSetCache());

        osg::Matrixd centerL2W;
        ecefSRS->createLocalToWorld( centerECEF, centerL2W );
        osg::MatrixTransform* mt = new osg::MatrixTransform(centerL2W);

    //group = buildGZDChildren( group, name );

    group = ClusterCullingFactory::createAndInstall( group, centerECEF )->asGroup();

    return group;
Ejemplo n.º 10
UTMGraticule::buildGZDTile( const std::string& name, const GeoExtent& extent )
    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();

    Style lineStyle;
    lineStyle.add( _options->primaryStyle()->get<LineSymbol>() );
    lineStyle.add( _options->primaryStyle()->get<AltitudeSymbol>() );

    //const Style& lineStyle = *_options->lineStyle();
    //Style textStyle = *_options->textStyle();

    bool hasText = _options->primaryStyle()->get<TextSymbol>() != 0L;

    GeometryCompiler compiler;
    osg::ref_ptr<Session> session = new Session( _mapNode->getMap() );
    FilterContext context( session.get(), _featureProfile.get(), extent );

    // make sure we get sufficient tessellation:
    compiler.options().maxGranularity() = 1.0;

    FeatureList features;

    // longitudinal line:
    LineString* lon = new LineString(2);
    lon->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
    lon->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    Feature* lonFeature = new Feature(lon, extent.getSRS());
    lonFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
    features.push_back( lonFeature );

    // latitudinal line:
    LineString* lat = new LineString(2);
    lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(), extent.yMin(), 0) );
    Feature* latFeature = new Feature(lat, extent.getSRS());
    latFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;
    features.push_back( latFeature );

    // top lat line at 84N
    if ( extent.yMax() == 84.0 )
        LineString* lat = new LineString(2);
        lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
        lat->push_back( osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), 0) );
        Feature* latFeature = new Feature(lat, extent.getSRS());
        latFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;
        features.push_back( latFeature );

    osg::Node* geomNode = compiler.compile(features, lineStyle, context);
    if ( geomNode ) 
        group->addChild( geomNode );

    // get the geocentric tile center:
    osg::Vec3d tileCenter;
    extent.getCentroid( tileCenter.x(), tileCenter.y() );
    osg::Vec3d centerECEF;
    extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF( tileCenter, centerECEF );

    if ( hasText )
        osg::Vec3d west, east;
        extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(osg::Vec3d(extent.xMin(),tileCenter.y(),0), west );
        extent.getSRS()->transformToECEF(osg::Vec3d(extent.xMax(),tileCenter.y(),0), east );

        TextSymbol* textSym = _options->primaryStyle()->getOrCreate<TextSymbol>();
        textSym->size() = (west-east).length() / 3.0;

        TextSymbolizer ts( textSym );
        osg::Geode* textGeode = new osg::Geode();
        textGeode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( 9998, "DepthSortedBin" );   
        textGeode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( _depthAttribute, 1 );
        osg::Drawable* d = ts.create(name);

        osg::MatrixTransform* mt = new osg::MatrixTransform(ECEF::createLocalToWorld(centerECEF));

    group = buildGZDChildren( group, name );

    group = ClusterCullingFactory::createAndInstall( group, centerECEF )->asGroup();

    return group;
Ejemplo n.º 11
BuildGeometryFilter::processPolygons(FeatureList& features, const FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up the reference system info:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // skip geometry that is invalid for a polygon
            if ( part->size() < 3 )

            // access the polygon symbol, and bail out if there isn't one
            const PolygonSymbol* poly =
                input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<PolygonSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<PolygonSymbol>() :
            if ( !poly )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = poly->fill()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // are we embedding a feature name?
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom);

            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(osgGeom->getVertexArray());
            // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe:
            if ( makeECEF )
                double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                //ms.setMaxElementsPerEBO( INT_MAX );
                if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

            // assign the primary color array. PER_VERTEX required in order to support
            // vertex optimization later
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->assign( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements(), primaryColor );
            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( osgGeom, input );
    return geode;
Ejemplo n.º 12
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();

    // try to load an earth file.
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // load an earth file and parse demo arguments
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load(arguments, &viewer);
    if ( !node )
        return usage(argv);

    root->addChild( node );

    // find the map node that we loaded.
    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(node);
    if ( !mapNode )
        return usage(argv);

    // Group to hold all our annotation elements.
    osg::Group* annoGroup = new osg::Group();
    root->addChild( annoGroup );

    //A group for all the editors
    osg::Group* editorGroup = new osg::Group;
    root->addChild( editorGroup );
    editorGroup->setNodeMask( 0 );

    HBox* box = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate(&viewer)->addControl( new HBox() );
    box->setChildSpacing( 5 );
    //Add a toggle button to toggle editing
    CheckBoxControl* editCheckbox = new CheckBoxControl( false );
    editCheckbox->addEventHandler( new ToggleNodeHandler( editorGroup ) );
    box->addControl( editCheckbox );
    LabelControl* labelControl = new LabelControl( "Edit Annotations" );
    labelControl->setFontSize( 24.0f );
    box->addControl( labelControl  );

    // Make a group for 2D items, and activate the decluttering engine. Decluttering
    // will migitate overlap between elements that occupy the same screen real estate.
    osg::Group* labelGroup = new osg::Group();
    Decluttering::setEnabled( labelGroup->getOrCreateStateSet(), true );
    annoGroup->addChild( labelGroup );

    // Style our labels:
    Style labelStyle;
    labelStyle.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>()->alignment() = TextSymbol::ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER;
    labelStyle.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color::Yellow;

    // A lat/long SRS for specifying points.
    const SpatialReference* geoSRS = mapNode->getMapSRS()->getGeographicSRS();


    // A series of place nodes (an icon with a text label)
        Style pin;
        pin.getOrCreate<IconSymbol>()->url()->setLiteral( "../data/placemark32.png" );

        // bunch of pins:
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -74.00, 40.71), "New York"      , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -77.04, 38.85), "Washington, DC", pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-118.40, 33.93), "Los Angeles"   , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -71.03, 42.37), "Boston"        , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-157.93, 21.35), "Honolulu"      , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, 139.75, 35.68), "Tokyo"         , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98), "New Orleans"   , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82), "Miami"         , pin));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-117.17, 32.72), "San Diego"     , pin));

        // test with an LOD:
        osg::LOD* lod = new osg::LOD();
        lod->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, 14.68, 50.0), "Prague", pin), 0.0, 1e6);
        labelGroup->addChild( lod );

        // absolute altitude:
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -87.65, 41.90, 1000, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), "Chicago"       , pin));


    // a box that follows lines of latitude (rhumb line interpolation, the default)
        Geometry* geom = new Polygon();
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(0,   40, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-60, 40, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-60, 60, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(0,   60, 0) );
        Style geomStyle;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Cyan;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 5.0f;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;
        FeatureNode* gnode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, new Feature(geom, geoSRS, geomStyle));
        annoGroup->addChild( gnode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-30, 50), "Rhumb line polygon", labelStyle) );


    // another rhumb box that crosses the antimeridian
        Geometry* geom = new Polygon();
        geom->push_back( -160., -30. );
        geom->push_back(  150., -20. );
        geom->push_back(  160., -45. );
        geom->push_back( -150., -40. );
        Style geomStyle;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Lime;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 3.0f;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;
        FeatureNode* gnode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, new Feature(geom, geoSRS, geomStyle));
        annoGroup->addChild( gnode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -175, -35), "Antimeridian polygon", labelStyle) );


    // A path using great-circle interpolation.
        Geometry* path = new LineString();
        path->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-74, 40.714, 0) );   // New York
        path->push_back( osg::Vec3d(139.75, 35.68, 0) ); // Tokyo

        Style pathStyle;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Red;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 3.0f;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;

        Feature* pathFeature = new Feature(path, geoSRS, pathStyle);
        pathFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;

        //OE_INFO << "Path extent = " << pathFeature->getExtent().toString() << std::endl;

        FeatureNode* pathNode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, pathFeature);
        annoGroup->addChild( pathNode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-170, 61.2), "Great circle path", labelStyle) );


    // Two circle segments around New Orleans.
        Style circleStyle;
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Cyan, 0.5);
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;

        CircleNode* circle = new CircleNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98, 1000., ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
            Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS),
            circleStyle, Angle(-45.0, Units::DEGREES), Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES), true);
        annoGroup->addChild( circle );

        editorGroup->addChild( new CircleNodeEditor( circle ) );

		Style circleStyle;
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Red, 0.5);
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;

		CircleNode* circle = new CircleNode(
			GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98, 1000., ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
			Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS),
			circleStyle, Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES), Angle(360.0 - 45.0, Units::DEGREES), true);
		annoGroup->addChild( circle );

		editorGroup->addChild( new CircleNodeEditor( circle ) );


    // An extruded ellipse around Miami.
        Style ellipseStyle;
        ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Orange, 0.75);
        ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
        EllipseNode* ellipse = new EllipseNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82, 0.0, ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
            Distance(250, Units::MILES),
            Distance(100, Units::MILES),
            Angle   (0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(360.0 - 45.0, Units::DEGREES), 
        annoGroup->addChild( ellipse );
        editorGroup->addChild( new EllipseNodeEditor( ellipse ) );
		Style ellipseStyle;
		ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Blue, 0.75);
		ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
		EllipseNode* ellipse = new EllipseNode(
			GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82, 0.0, ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
			Distance(250, Units::MILES),
			Distance(100, Units::MILES),
			Angle   (0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(-40.0, Units::DEGREES), 
            Angle(40.0, Units::DEGREES), 
		annoGroup->addChild( ellipse );
		editorGroup->addChild( new EllipseNodeEditor( ellipse ) );

        // A rectangle around San Diego
        Style rectStyle;
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Green, 0.5);
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;
        RectangleNode* rect = new RectangleNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -117.172, 32.721),
            Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS ),
            Distance(600, Units::KILOMETERS ),
        annoGroup->addChild( rect );

        editorGroup->addChild( new RectangleNodeEditor( rect ) );


    // An extruded polygon roughly the shape of Utah. Here we demonstrate the
    // FeatureNode, where you create a geographic geometry and use it as an
    // annotation.
        Geometry* utah = new Polygon();
        utah->push_back( -114.052, 37.0   );
        utah->push_back( -109.054, 37.0   );
        utah->push_back( -109.054, 41.0   );
        utah->push_back( -111.040, 41.0   );
        utah->push_back( -111.080, 42.059 );
        utah->push_back( -114.080, 42.024 );

        Style utahStyle;
        utahStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
        utahStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::White, 0.8);

        Feature*     utahFeature = new Feature(utah, geoSRS, utahStyle);
        FeatureNode* featureNode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, utahFeature);
        annoGroup->addChild( featureNode );


    // an image overlay.
        ImageOverlay* imageOverlay = 0L;
        osg::Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile( "../data/USFLAG.TGA" );
        if ( image )
            imageOverlay = new ImageOverlay(mapNode, image);
            imageOverlay->setBounds( Bounds( -100.0, 35.0, -90.0, 40.0) );
            annoGroup->addChild( imageOverlay );

            editorGroup->addChild( new ImageOverlayEditor( imageOverlay ) );

    // install decoration. These change the appearance of an Annotation
    // based on some user action.

    // highlight annotation upon hover by default:
    DecorationInstaller highlightInstaller("hover", new HighlightDecoration());
    annoGroup->accept( highlightInstaller );

    // scale labels when hovering:
    DecorationInstaller scaleInstaller("hover", new ScaleDecoration(1.1f));
    labelGroup->accept( scaleInstaller );

    // install an event handler for picking and hovering.
    AnnotationEventCallback* cb = new AnnotationEventCallback();
    cb->addHandler( new MyAnnoEventHandler() );

    annoGroup->addEventCallback( cb );


    // initialize the viewer:    
    viewer.setSceneData( root );

    viewer.getCamera()->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()));

    return viewer.run();
Ejemplo n.º 13
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();

    // try to load an earth file.
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // load an earth file and parse demo arguments
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load(arguments, &viewer);
    if ( !node )
        return usage(argv);

    root->addChild( node );

    // find the map node that we loaded.
    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(node);
    if ( !mapNode )
        return usage(argv);

    // Group to hold all our annotation elements.
    osg::Group* annoGroup = new osg::Group();
    root->addChild( annoGroup );

    // Make a group for labels
    osg::Group* labelGroup = new osg::Group();
    annoGroup->addChild( labelGroup );

    osg::Group* editGroup = new osg::Group();
    root->addChild( editGroup );

    // Style our labels:
    Style labelStyle;
    labelStyle.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>()->alignment() = TextSymbol::ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER;
    labelStyle.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color::Yellow;

    // A lat/long SRS for specifying points.
    const SpatialReference* geoSRS = mapNode->getMapSRS()->getGeographicSRS();


    // A series of place nodes (an icon with a text label)
        Style pm;
        pm.getOrCreate<IconSymbol>()->url()->setLiteral( "../data/placemark32.png" );
        pm.getOrCreate<IconSymbol>()->declutter() = true;
        pm.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>()->halo() = Color("#5f5f5f");

        // bunch of pins:
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -74.00, 40.71), "New York"      , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -77.04, 38.85), "Washington, DC", pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-118.40, 33.93), "Los Angeles"   , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -71.03, 42.37), "Boston"        , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-157.93, 21.35), "Honolulu"      , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, 139.75, 35.68), "Tokyo"         , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98), "New Orleans"   , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82), "Miami"         , pm));
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-117.17, 32.72), "San Diego"     , pm));

        // test with an LOD:
        osg::LOD* lod = new osg::LOD();
        lod->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, 14.68, 50.0), "Prague", pm), 0.0, 2e6);
        labelGroup->addChild( lod );

        // absolute altitude:
        labelGroup->addChild( new PlaceNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -87.65, 41.90, 1000, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE), "Chicago", pm));


    // a box that follows lines of latitude (rhumb line interpolation, the default)
        Geometry* geom = new Polygon();
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(0,   40, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-60, 40, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-60, 60, 0) );
        geom->push_back( osg::Vec3d(0,   60, 0) );

        Feature* feature = new Feature(geom, geoSRS);
        feature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;

        Style geomStyle;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Cyan;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 5.0f;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->tessellationSize() = 75000;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;
        FeatureNode* fnode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, feature, geomStyle);
        annoGroup->addChild( fnode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-30, 50), "Rhumb line polygon", labelStyle) );


    // another rhumb box that crosses the antimeridian
        Geometry* geom = new Polygon();
        geom->push_back( -160., -30. );
        geom->push_back(  150., -20. );
        geom->push_back(  160., -45. );
        geom->push_back( -150., -40. );
        Style geomStyle;

        Feature* feature = new Feature(geom, geoSRS);
        feature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE;

        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Lime;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 3.0f;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->tessellationSize() = 75000;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        geomStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;

        FeatureNode* gnode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, feature, geomStyle);
        annoGroup->addChild( gnode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS, -175, -35), "Antimeridian polygon", labelStyle) );


    // A path using great-circle interpolation.
    // Keep a pointer to it so we can modify it later on.
    FeatureNode* pathNode = 0;
        Geometry* path = new LineString();
        path->push_back( osg::Vec3d(-74, 40.714, 0) );   // New York
        path->push_back( osg::Vec3d(139.75, 35.68, 0) ); // Tokyo

        Feature* pathFeature = new Feature(path, geoSRS);
        pathFeature->geoInterp() = GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;

        Style pathStyle;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::White;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 1.0f;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->tessellationSize() = 75000;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<PointSymbol>()->size() = 5;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<PointSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color::Red;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        pathStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU;

        //OE_INFO << "Path extent = " << pathFeature->getExtent().toString() << std::endl;

        pathNode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, pathFeature, pathStyle);
        annoGroup->addChild( pathNode );

        labelGroup->addChild( new LabelNode(mapNode, GeoPoint(geoSRS,-170, 61.2), "Great circle path", labelStyle) );


    // Two circle segments around New Orleans.
        Style circleStyle;
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Cyan, 0.5);
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;

        CircleNode* circle = new CircleNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98, 1000., ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
            Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS),
            circleStyle, Angle(-45.0, Units::DEGREES), Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES), true);
        annoGroup->addChild( circle );

        editGroup->addChild( new CircleNodeEditor(circle) );

		Style circleStyle;
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Red, 0.5);
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
		circleStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;

		CircleNode* circle = new CircleNode(
			GeoPoint(geoSRS, -90.25, 29.98, 1000., ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
			Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS),
			circleStyle, Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES), Angle(360.0 - 45.0, Units::DEGREES), true);
		annoGroup->addChild( circle );

        editGroup->addChild( new CircleNodeEditor(circle) );


    // An extruded ellipse around Miami.
        Style ellipseStyle;
        ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Orange, 0.75);
        ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
        EllipseNode* ellipse = new EllipseNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82, 0.0, ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
            Distance(250, Units::MILES),
            Distance(100, Units::MILES),
            Angle   (0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(45.0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(360.0 - 45.0, Units::DEGREES), 
        annoGroup->addChild( ellipse );

        editGroup->addChild( new EllipseNodeEditor(ellipse) );
		Style ellipseStyle;
		ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Blue, 0.75);
		ellipseStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
		EllipseNode* ellipse = new EllipseNode(
			GeoPoint(geoSRS, -80.28, 25.82, 0.0, ALTMODE_RELATIVE),
			Distance(250, Units::MILES),
			Distance(100, Units::MILES),
			Angle   (0, Units::DEGREES),
            Angle(-40.0, Units::DEGREES), 
            Angle(40.0, Units::DEGREES), 
		annoGroup->addChild( ellipse );

        editGroup->addChild( new EllipseNodeEditor(ellipse) );

        // A rectangle around San Diego
        Style rectStyle;
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::Green, 0.5);
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
        rectStyle.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() = AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_DRAPE;
        RectangleNode* rect = new RectangleNode(
            GeoPoint(geoSRS, -117.172, 32.721),
            Distance(300, Units::KILOMETERS ),
            Distance(600, Units::KILOMETERS ),
        annoGroup->addChild( rect );

        editGroup->addChild( new RectangleNodeEditor(rect) );


    // An extruded polygon roughly the shape of Utah. Here we demonstrate the
    // FeatureNode, where you create a geographic geometry and use it as an
    // annotation.
        Geometry* utah = new Polygon();
        utah->push_back( -114.052, 37.0   );
        utah->push_back( -109.054, 37.0   );
        utah->push_back( -109.054, 41.0   );
        utah->push_back( -111.040, 41.0   );
        utah->push_back( -111.080, 42.059 );
        utah->push_back( -114.080, 42.024 );

        Style utahStyle;
        utahStyle.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>()->height() = 250000.0; // meters MSL
        utahStyle.getOrCreate<PolygonSymbol>()->fill()->color() = Color(Color::White, 0.8);

        Feature*     utahFeature = new Feature(utah, geoSRS);
        FeatureNode* featureNode = new FeatureNode(mapNode, utahFeature, utahStyle);
        annoGroup->addChild( featureNode );


    // an image overlay.
        ImageOverlay* imageOverlay = 0L;
        osg::Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile( "../data/USFLAG.TGA" );
        if ( image )
            imageOverlay = new ImageOverlay(mapNode, image);
            imageOverlay->setBounds( Bounds( -100.0, 35.0, -90.0, 40.0) );
            annoGroup->addChild( imageOverlay );

            editGroup->addChild( new ImageOverlayEditor(imageOverlay) );


    // initialize the viewer:    
    viewer.setSceneData( root );    
    return viewer.run();