Ejemplo n.º 1
createLabels( Map* map )
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> labels = new osg::Group();

    // first, open up the source shapefile
    OGRFeatureOptions fo;
    fo.url() = g_featureFile;

    osg::ref_ptr<FeatureSource> features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( fo );
    if ( !features.valid() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Unable to load features!" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    features->initialize( "" );
    const FeatureProfile* featureProfile = features->getFeatureProfile();
    if ( !featureProfile || !featureProfile->getSRS() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Feature data has no spatial reference!" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    osg::ref_ptr<FeatureCursor> cursor = features->createFeatureCursor();
    if ( !cursor.valid() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Failed to query the feature source!" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    //SceneControlBin* priorityBin = canvas->getSceneControls();

    unsigned count = 0;

    std::set<std::string> antiDupeSet;

    while( cursor->hasMore() )
        Feature* feature = cursor->nextFeature();
        Geometry* geom = feature->getGeometry();

        if ( !geom )

        // we will display the country name:
        std::string text = feature->getString( g_labelAttr );
        if ( text.empty() )

        // and use the population to prioritize labels:
        float population = feature->getDouble(g_priorityAttr, 0.0);

        // remove duplicate labels:
        if ( g_removeDupes )
            if ( antiDupeSet.find(text) != antiDupeSet.end() )

        // calculate the world location of the label:
        osg::Vec3d centerPoint = geom->getBounds().center();

        osg::Vec3d mapPoint;
        if ( !map->toMapPoint( centerPoint, featureProfile->getSRS(), mapPoint ) )

        osg::Vec3d worldPoint;
        if ( !map->mapPointToGeocentricPoint( mapPoint, worldPoint ) )

        // create the label and place it:
        osg::MatrixTransform* xform = new osg::MatrixTransform( osg::Matrix::translate(worldPoint) );
        xform->setCullCallback( new CullNodeByNormal(worldPoint) );
        xform->addChild( new ControlNode(new LabelControl(text)) );
        labels->addChild( xform );


        //OE_NOTICE << LC << "Added: " << text << std::endl;

    OE_NOTICE << LC << "Found " << count << " features. " << std::endl;

    return labels.release();
BuildGeometryFilter::processPoints(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up referencing information:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), true );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // extract the required point symbol; bail out if not found.
            const PointSymbol* point =
                input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<PointSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<PointSymbol>() :

            if ( !point )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = point->fill()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            //osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            //osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // embed the feature name if requested. Warning: blocks geometry merge optimization!
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = new osg::Vec3Array();

            transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, allPoints, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            osgGeom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, allPoints->getNumElements()) );
            osgGeom->setVertexArray( allPoints );

            if ( input->style().isSet() )
                //TODO: re-evaluate this. does it hinder geometry merging?
                applyPointSymbology( osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet(), point );

            // assign the primary color (PER_VERTEX required for later optimization)
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->assign( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements(), primaryColor );
            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( osgGeom, input );
            // install clamping attributes if necessary
            if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( osgGeom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );
    return geode;
BuildGeometryFilter::processLines(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up referencing information:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        // extract the required line symbol; bail out if not found.
        const LineSymbol* line = 
            input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<LineSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<LineSymbol>() :

        if ( !line )

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( line->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( line->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), true );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // skip invalid geometry for lines.
            if ( part->size() < 2 )

            // if the underlying geometry is a ring (or a polygon), use a line loop; otherwise
            // use a line strip.
            GLenum primMode = dynamic_cast<Ring*>(part) ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_LINE_STRIP;

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = line->stroke()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            //osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            //osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // embed the feature name if requested. Warning: blocks geometry merge optimization!
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = new osg::Vec3Array();

            transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, allPoints, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            osgGeom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(primMode, 0, allPoints->getNumElements()) );
            osgGeom->setVertexArray( allPoints );

            if ( input->style().isSet() )
                //TODO: re-evaluate this. does it hinder geometry merging?
                applyLineSymbology( osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet(), line );
            // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe;
            // but if the tessellation is set to zero, or if the style specifies a
            // tessellation size, skip this step.
            if ( makeECEF && !line->tessellation().isSetTo(0) && !line->tessellationSize().isSet() )
                double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                //ms.setMaxElementsPerEBO( INT_MAX );
                if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                    ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

            // assign the primary color (PER_VERTEX required for later optimization)
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->assign( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements(), primaryColor );
            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( osgGeom, input );
            // install clamping attributes if necessary
            if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( osgGeom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );
    return geode;
BuildGeometryFilter::processPolygonizedLines(FeatureList&   features, 
                                             bool           twosided,
                                             FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    // establish some referencing
    bool                    makeECEF   = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS     = 0L;

    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    // iterate over all features.
    for( FeatureList::iterator i = features.begin(); i != features.end(); ++i )
        Feature* input = i->get();
        // extract the required line symbol; bail out if not found.
        const LineSymbol* line =
            input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<LineSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<LineSymbol>() :

        if ( !line )

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( line->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( line->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        // The operator we'll use to make lines into polygons.
        PolygonizeLinesOperator polygonizer( *line->stroke() );

        // iterate over all the feature's geometry parts. We will treat
        // them as lines strings.
        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), true );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // if the underlying geometry is a ring (or a polygon), close it so the
            // polygonizer will generate a closed loop.
            Ring* ring = dynamic_cast<Ring*>(part);
            if ( ring )

            // skip invalid geometry
            if ( part->size() < 2 )

            // transform the geometry into the target SRS and localize it about 
            // a local reference point.
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> verts   = new osg::Vec3Array();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> normals = new osg::Vec3Array();
            transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, verts.get(), normals.get(), mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            // turn the lines into polygons.
            osg::Geometry* geom = polygonizer( verts.get(), normals.get(), twosided );
            if ( geom )
                geode->addDrawable( geom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( geom, input );
            // install clamping attributes if necessary
            if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( geom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );

        polygonizer.installShaders( geode );
    return geode;
BuildGeometryFilter::processPolygons(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context)
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    // set up the reference system info:
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        // access the polygon symbol, and bail out if there isn't one
        const PolygonSymbol* poly =
            input->style().isSet() && input->style()->has<PolygonSymbol>() ? input->style()->get<PolygonSymbol>() :

        if ( !poly )

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( poly->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( poly->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();


            // skip geometry that is invalid for a polygon
            if ( part->size() < 3 )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor = poly->fill()->color();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            //osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( true );
            //osgGeom->setUseDisplayList( false );

            // are we embedding a feature name?
            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // compute localizing matrices or use globals
            osg::Matrixd w2l, l2w;
            if (makeECEF)
                osgEarth::GeoExtent featureExtent(featureSRS);

                computeLocalizers(context, featureExtent, w2l, l2w);
                w2l = _world2local;
                l2w = _local2world;

            // build the geometry:
            tileAndBuildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom, w2l);
            //buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom, w2l);

            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(osgGeom->getVertexArray());
            if (allPoints && allPoints->size() > 0)
                // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe:
                if ( makeECEF )
                    //convert back to world coords
                    for( osg::Vec3Array::iterator i = allPoints->begin(); i != allPoints->end(); ++i )
                        osg::Vec3d v(*i);
                        v = v * l2w;
                        v = v * _world2local;

                        (*i)._v[0] = v[0];
                        (*i)._v[1] = v[1];
                        (*i)._v[2] = v[2];

                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
                        ms.run( *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

                // assign the primary color array. PER_VERTEX required in order to support
                // vertex optimization later
                unsigned count = osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements();
                osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
                colors->assign( count, primaryColor );
                osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );
                osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

                geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

                // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
                if ( context.featureIndex() )
                    context.featureIndex()->tagDrawable( osgGeom, input );
                // install clamping attributes if necessary
                if (_style.has<AltitudeSymbol>() &&
                    _style.get<AltitudeSymbol>()->technique() == AltitudeSymbol::TECHNIQUE_GPU)
                    Clamping::applyDefaultClampingAttrs( osgGeom, input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0) );
    return geode;
Ejemplo n.º 6
ExtrudeGeometryFilter::process( FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context )
    // seed our random number generators
    Random wallSkinPRNG( _wallSkinSymbol.valid()? *_wallSkinSymbol->randomSeed() : 0, Random::METHOD_FAST );
    Random roofSkinPRNG( _roofSkinSymbol.valid()? *_roofSkinSymbol->randomSeed() : 0, Random::METHOD_FAST );

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        // run a symbol script if present.
        if ( _extrusionSymbol->script().isSet() )
            StringExpression temp( _extrusionSymbol->script().get() );
            input->eval( temp, &context );

        // iterator over the parts.
        GeometryIterator iter( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( iter.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = iter.next();

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> walls = new osg::Geometry();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> rooflines = 0L;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> baselines = 0L;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Drawable> outlines  = 0L;
            if ( part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                rooflines = new osg::Geometry();

                // prep the shapes by making sure all polys are open:

            // make a base cap if we're doing stencil volumes.
            if ( _makeStencilVolume )
                baselines = new osg::Geometry();

            // calculate the extrusion height:
            float height;

            if ( _heightCallback.valid() )
                height = _heightCallback->operator()(input, context);
            else if ( _heightExpr.isSet() )
                height = input->eval( _heightExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                height = *_extrusionSymbol->height();

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> wallStateSet;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> roofStateSet;

            // calculate the wall texturing:
            SkinResource* wallSkin = 0L;
            if ( _wallSkinSymbol.valid() )
                if ( _wallResLib.valid() )
                    SkinSymbol querySymbol( *_wallSkinSymbol.get() );
                    querySymbol.objectHeight() = fabs(height);
                    wallSkin = _wallResLib->getSkin( &querySymbol, wallSkinPRNG, context.getDBOptions() );

                    //TODO: simple single texture?

            // calculate the rooftop texture:
            SkinResource* roofSkin = 0L;
            if ( _roofSkinSymbol.valid() )
                if ( _roofResLib.valid() )
                    SkinSymbol querySymbol( *_roofSkinSymbol.get() );
                    roofSkin = _roofResLib->getSkin( &querySymbol, roofSkinPRNG, context.getDBOptions() );

                    //TODO: simple single texture?

            float verticalOffset = (float)input->getDouble("__oe_verticalOffset", 0.0);

            // Build the data model for the structure.
            Structure structure;


            // Create the walls.
            if ( walls.valid() )
                osg::Vec4f wallColor(1,1,1,1), wallBaseColor(1,1,1,1);

                if ( _wallPolygonSymbol.valid() )
                    wallColor = _wallPolygonSymbol->fill()->color();

                if ( _extrusionSymbol->wallGradientPercentage().isSet() )
                    wallBaseColor = Color(wallColor).brightness( 1.0 - *_extrusionSymbol->wallGradientPercentage() );
                    wallBaseColor = wallColor;

                buildWallGeometry(structure, walls.get(), wallColor, wallBaseColor, wallSkin);

                if ( wallSkin )
                    // Get a stateset for the individual wall stateset
                    context.resourceCache()->getOrCreateStateSet(wallSkin, wallStateSet, context.getDBOptions());

            // tessellate and add the roofs if necessary:
            if ( rooflines.valid() )
                osg::Vec4f roofColor(1,1,1,1);
                if ( _roofPolygonSymbol.valid() )
                    roofColor = _roofPolygonSymbol->fill()->color();

                buildRoofGeometry(structure, rooflines.get(), roofColor, roofSkin);

                if ( roofSkin )
                    // Get a stateset for the individual roof skin
                    context.resourceCache()->getOrCreateStateSet(roofSkin, roofStateSet, context.getDBOptions());

            if (_outlineSymbol.valid())
                outlines = buildOutlineGeometry(structure);

            if ( baselines.valid() )
                osgUtil::Tessellator tess;
                tess.setTessellationType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_TYPE_GEOMETRY );
                tess.setWindingType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_WINDING_ODD );
                tess.retessellatePolygons( *(baselines.get()) );

            // Set up for feature naming and feature indexing:
            std::string name;
            if ( !_featureNameExpr.empty() )
                name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr, &context );

            FeatureIndexBuilder* index = context.featureIndex();

            if ( walls.valid() && walls->getVertexArray() && walls->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() > 0 )
                addDrawable( walls.get(), wallStateSet.get(), name, input, index );

            if ( rooflines.valid() && rooflines->getVertexArray() && rooflines->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() > 0 )
                addDrawable( rooflines.get(), roofStateSet.get(), name, input, index );

            if ( baselines.valid() && baselines->getVertexArray() && baselines->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() > 0 )
                addDrawable( baselines.get(), 0L, name, input, index );

            if ( outlines.valid() )
                addDrawable( outlines.get(), 0L, name, input, index );

    return true;