Ejemplo n.º 1
/* virtual */
HdSt_TestLightingShader::SetCamera(GfMatrix4d const &worldToViewMatrix,
                                 GfMatrix4d const &projectionMatrix)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            = worldToViewMatrix.TransformDir(_lights[i].dir).GetNormalized();
Ejemplo n.º 2
GfPlane &
GfPlane::Transform(const GfMatrix4d &matrix) 
    // Compute the point on the plane along the normal from the origin.
    GfVec3d pointOnPlane = _distance * _normal;

    // Transform the plane normal by the adjoint of the matrix to get
    // the new normal.  The adjoint (inverse transpose) is used to
    // multiply normals so they are not scaled incorrectly.
    GfMatrix4d adjoint = matrix.GetInverse().GetTranspose();
    _normal = adjoint.TransformDir(_normal).GetNormalized();

    // Transform the point on the plane by the matrix.
    pointOnPlane = matrix.Transform(pointOnPlane);

    // The new distance is the projected distance of the vector to the
    // transformed point onto the (unit) transformed normal. This is
    // just a dot product.
    _distance = GfDot(pointOnPlane, _normal);

    return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: frustum.cpp Proyecto: JT-a/USD
GfFrustum::_CalculateFrustumPlanes() const
    if (!_planes.empty())


    // These are values we need to construct the planes.
    const GfVec2d &winMin = _window.GetMin();
    const GfVec2d &winMax = _window.GetMax();
    double near           = _nearFar.GetMin();
    double far            = _nearFar.GetMax();
    GfMatrix4d m          = ComputeViewInverse();

    // For a perspective frustum, we use the viewpoint and four
    // corners of the near-plane frustum rectangle to define the 4
    // planes forming the left, right, top, and bottom sides of the
    // frustum.
    if (_projectionType == GfFrustum::Perspective) {

        // Get the eye-space viewpoint (the origin) and the four corners
        // of the near-plane frustum rectangle using similar triangles.
        // This picture may help:   
        //                  top of near plane
        //                  frustum rectangle
        //                  + --
        //                / |  | 
        //              /   |  |
        //            /     |  | h
        //          /       |  |
        //        /         |  |                 
        //   vp +-----------+ --               
        //                    center of near plane frustum rectangle
        //      |___________|
        //           near    
        // The height (h) of this triangle is found by the following
        // equation, based on the definition of the _window member
        // variable, which is the size of the image rectangle in the
        // reference plane (a distance of 1 from the viewpoint):
        //      h       _window.GetMax()[1]
        //    ------ = --------------------
        //     near             1
        // Solving for h gets the height of the triangle. Doing the
        // similar math for the other 3 sizes of the near-plane
        // rectangle is left as an exercise for the reader.
        // XXX Note: If we ever allow reference plane depth to be other 
        // than 1.0, we'll need to revisit this.

        GfVec3d vp(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        GfVec3d lb(near * winMin[0], near * winMin[1], -near);
        GfVec3d rb(near * winMax[0], near * winMin[1], -near);
        GfVec3d lt(near * winMin[0], near * winMax[1], -near);
        GfVec3d rt(near * winMax[0], near * winMax[1], -near);

        // Transform all 5 points into world space by the inverse of the
        // view matrix (which converts from world space to eye space).
        vp = m.Transform(vp);
        lb = m.Transform(lb);
        rb = m.Transform(rb);
        lt = m.Transform(lt);
        rt = m.Transform(rt);

        // Construct the 6 planes. The three points defining each plane
        // should obey the right-hand-rule; they should be in counter-clockwise 
        // order on the inside of the frustum. This makes the intersection of 
        // the half-spaces defined by the planes the contents of the frustum.
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(vp, lb, lt) );     // Left
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(vp, rt, rb) );     // Right
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(vp, rb, lb) );     // Bottom
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(vp, lt, rt) );     // Top
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(rb, lb, lt) );     // Near

    // For an orthographic projection, we need only the four corners
    // of the near-plane frustum rectangle and the view direction to
    // define the 4 planes forming the left, right, top, and bottom
    // sides of the frustum.
    else {

        // The math here is much easier than in the perspective case,
        // because we have parallel lines instead of triangles. Just
        // use the size of the image rectangle in the reference plane,
        // which is the same in the near plane.
        GfVec3d lb(winMin[0], winMin[1], -near);
        GfVec3d rb(winMax[0], winMin[1], -near);
        GfVec3d lt(winMin[0], winMax[1], -near);
        GfVec3d rt(winMax[0], winMax[1], -near);

        // Transform the 4 points into world space by the inverse of
        // the view matrix (which converts from world space to eye
        // space).
        lb = m.Transform(lb);
        rb = m.Transform(rb);
        lt = m.Transform(lt);
        rt = m.Transform(rt);

        // Transform the canonical view direction (-z axis) into world
        // space.
        GfVec3d dir = m.TransformDir(-GfVec3d::ZAxis());

        // Construct the 5 planes from these 4 points and the
        // eye-space view direction.
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(lt + dir, lt, lb) );       // Left
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(rb + dir, rb, rt) );       // Right
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(lb + dir, lb, rb) );       // Bottom
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(rt + dir, rt, lt) );       // Top
        _planes.push_back( GfPlane(rb, lb, lt) );             // Near

    // The far plane is the opposite to the near plane. To compute the 
    // distance from the origin for the far plane, we take the distance 
    // for the near plane, add the difference between the far and the near 
    // and then negate that. We do the negation since the far plane
    // faces the opposite direction. A small drawing would help:
    //                               far - near
    //                     /---------------------------\ *
    //        |           |                             |
    //        |           |                             |
    //        |           |                             |
    //   <----|---->      |                             |
    // fnormal|nnormal    |                             |
    //        |           |                             |
    //                near plane                     far plane
    //         \---------/ *
    //          ndistance
    //         \---------------------------------------/ *
    //                         fdistance
    // So, fdistance = - (ndistance + (far - near))
                -(_planes[4].GetDistanceFromOrigin() + (far - near))) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: rgb.cpp Proyecto: 400dama/USD
GfRGB GfRGB::Transform(const GfMatrix4d &m) const
    return GfRGB(m.TransformDir(_rgb));