Ejemplo n.º 1
    void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) override{
        const GrDistanceFieldLCDTextGeoProc& dfTexEffect =

        GrGLSLVertexBuilder* vertBuilder = args.fVertBuilder;
        GrGLSLVaryingHandler* varyingHandler = args.fVaryingHandler;
        GrGLSLUniformHandler* uniformHandler = args.fUniformHandler;

        // emit attributes

        GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder* fragBuilder = args.fFragBuilder;

        // setup pass through color
        if (!dfTexEffect.colorIgnored()) {
            varyingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(dfTexEffect.inColor(), args.fOutputColor);

        // Setup position

        // emit transforms

        // set up varyings
        bool isUniformScale = (dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kUniformScale_DistanceFieldEffectMask) ==
        bool isSimilarity = SkToBool(dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kSimilarity_DistanceFieldEffectFlag);
        bool isGammaCorrect =
            SkToBool(dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kGammaCorrect_DistanceFieldEffectFlag);
        GrGLSLVertToFrag recipScale(kFloat_GrSLType);
        GrGLSLVertToFrag uv(kVec2f_GrSLType);
        varyingHandler->addVarying("TextureCoords", &uv, kHigh_GrSLPrecision);
        vertBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", uv.vsOut(), dfTexEffect.inTextureCoords()->fName);

        // compute numbers to be hardcoded to convert texture coordinates from float to int
        SkASSERT(dfTexEffect.numTextures() == 1);
        GrTexture* atlas = dfTexEffect.textureAccess(0).getTexture();
        SkASSERT(atlas && SkIsPow2(atlas->width()) && SkIsPow2(atlas->height()));

        GrGLSLVertToFrag st(kVec2f_GrSLType);
        varyingHandler->addVarying("IntTextureCoords", &st, kHigh_GrSLPrecision);
        vertBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec2(%d, %d) * %s;", st.vsOut(),
                                 atlas->width(), atlas->height(),

        // add frag shader code


        // create LCD offset adjusted by inverse of transform
        // Use highp to work around aliasing issues
        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 uv = %s;\n", uv.fsIn());

        SkScalar lcdDelta = 1.0f / (3.0f * atlas->width());
        if (dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kBGR_DistanceFieldEffectFlag) {
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float delta = -%.*f;\n", SK_FLT_DECIMAL_DIG, lcdDelta);
        } else {
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float delta = %.*f;\n", SK_FLT_DECIMAL_DIG, lcdDelta);
        if (isUniformScale) {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float st_grad_len = abs(dFdx(%s.x));", st.fsIn());
            // We use the y gradient because there is a bug in the Mali 400 in the x direction.
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float st_grad_len = abs(dFdy(%s.y));", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 offset = vec2(st_grad_len*delta, 0.0);");
        } else if (isSimilarity) {
            // For a similarity matrix with rotation, the gradient will not be aligned
            // with the texel coordinate axes, so we need to calculate it.
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 st_grad = dFdx(%s);", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 offset = delta*st_grad;");
            // We use dFdy because of a Mali 400 bug, and rotate -90 degrees to
            // get the gradient in the x direction.
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 st_grad = dFdy(%s);", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 offset = delta*vec2(st_grad.y, -st_grad.x);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("float st_grad_len = length(st_grad);");
        } else {
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 st = %s;\n", st.fsIn());

            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 Jdx = dFdx(st);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 Jdy = dFdy(st);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 offset = delta*Jdx;");

        // green is distance to uv center
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tvec4 texColor = ");
        fragBuilder->appendTextureLookup(args.fTexSamplers[0], "uv", kVec2f_GrSLType);
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tvec3 distance;\n");
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tdistance.y = texColor.r;\n");
        // red is distance to left offset
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tvec2 uv_adjusted = uv - offset;\n");
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\ttexColor = ");
        fragBuilder->appendTextureLookup(args.fTexSamplers[0], "uv_adjusted", kVec2f_GrSLType);
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tdistance.x = texColor.r;\n");
        // blue is distance to right offset
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tuv_adjusted = uv + offset;\n");
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\ttexColor = ");
        fragBuilder->appendTextureLookup(args.fTexSamplers[0], "uv_adjusted", kVec2f_GrSLType);
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tdistance.z = texColor.r;\n");

        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tdistance = "
           "vec3(" SK_DistanceFieldMultiplier ")*(distance - vec3(" SK_DistanceFieldThreshold"));");

        // adjust width based on gamma
        const char* distanceAdjustUniName = nullptr;
        fDistanceAdjustUni = uniformHandler->addUniform(kFragment_GrShaderFlag,
                                                        kVec3f_GrSLType, kDefault_GrSLPrecision,
                                                        "DistanceAdjust", &distanceAdjustUniName);
        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("distance -= %s;", distanceAdjustUniName);

        // To be strictly correct, we should compute the anti-aliasing factor separately
        // for each color component. However, this is only important when using perspective
        // transformations, and even then using a single factor seems like a reasonable
        // trade-off between quality and speed.
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("float afwidth;");
        if (isSimilarity) {
            // For similarity transform (uniform scale-only is a subset of this), we adjust for the
            // effect of the transformation on the distance by using the length of the gradient of
            // the texture coordinates. We use st coordinates to ensure we're mapping 1:1 from texel
            // space to pixel space.

            // this gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("afwidth = " SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*st_grad_len;");
        } else {
            // For general transforms, to determine the amount of correction we multiply a unit
            // vector pointing along the SDF gradient direction by the Jacobian of the st coords
            // (which is the inverse transform for this fragment) and take the length of the result.
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 dist_grad = vec2(dFdx(distance.r), dFdy(distance.r));");
            // the length of the gradient may be 0, so we need to check for this
            // this also compensates for the Adreno, which likes to drop tiles on division by 0
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("float dg_len2 = dot(dist_grad, dist_grad);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("if (dg_len2 < 0.0001) {");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("dist_grad = vec2(0.7071, 0.7071);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("dist_grad = dist_grad*inversesqrt(dg_len2);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 grad = vec2(dist_grad.x*Jdx.x + dist_grad.y*Jdy.x,");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("                 dist_grad.x*Jdx.y + dist_grad.y*Jdy.y);");

            // this gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("afwidth = " SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*length(grad);");

        // The smoothstep falloff compensates for the non-linear sRGB response curve. If we are
        // doing gamma-correct rendering (to an sRGB or F16 buffer), then we actually want distance
        // mapped linearly to coverage, so use a linear step:
        if (isGammaCorrect) {
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec4 val = "
                "vec4(clamp(distance + vec3(afwidth) / vec3(2.0 * afwidth), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);");
        } else {
                "vec4 val = vec4(smoothstep(vec3(-afwidth), vec3(afwidth), distance), 1.0);");

        // set alpha to be max of rgb coverage
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("val.a = max(max(val.r, val.g), val.b);");

        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = val;", args.fOutputCoverage);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) override{
        const GrDistanceFieldA8TextGeoProc& dfTexEffect =
        GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder* fragBuilder = args.fFragBuilder;

        GrGLSLVertexBuilder* vertBuilder = args.fVertBuilder;
        GrGLSLVaryingHandler* varyingHandler = args.fVaryingHandler;
        GrGLSLUniformHandler* uniformHandler = args.fUniformHandler;

        // emit attributes

        // adjust based on gamma
        const char* distanceAdjustUniName = nullptr;
        // width, height, 1/(3*width)
        fDistanceAdjustUni = uniformHandler->addUniform(kFragment_GrShaderFlag,
                                                        kFloat_GrSLType, kDefault_GrSLPrecision,
                                                        "DistanceAdjust", &distanceAdjustUniName);

        // Setup pass through color
        if (!dfTexEffect.colorIgnored()) {
            varyingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(dfTexEffect.inColor(), args.fOutputColor);

        // Setup position

        // emit transforms

        // add varyings
        GrGLSLVertToFrag recipScale(kFloat_GrSLType);
        GrGLSLVertToFrag uv(kVec2f_GrSLType);
        bool isUniformScale = (dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kUniformScale_DistanceFieldEffectMask) ==
        bool isSimilarity = SkToBool(dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kSimilarity_DistanceFieldEffectFlag);
        bool isGammaCorrect =
            SkToBool(dfTexEffect.getFlags() & kGammaCorrect_DistanceFieldEffectFlag);
        varyingHandler->addVarying("TextureCoords", &uv, kHigh_GrSLPrecision);
        vertBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", uv.vsOut(), dfTexEffect.inTextureCoords()->fName);

        // compute numbers to be hardcoded to convert texture coordinates from float to int
        SkASSERT(dfTexEffect.numTextures() == 1);
        GrTexture* atlas = dfTexEffect.textureAccess(0).getTexture();
        SkASSERT(atlas && SkIsPow2(atlas->width()) && SkIsPow2(atlas->height()));

        GrGLSLVertToFrag st(kVec2f_GrSLType);
        varyingHandler->addVarying("IntTextureCoords", &st, kHigh_GrSLPrecision);
        vertBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec2(%d, %d) * %s;", st.vsOut(),
                                 atlas->width(), atlas->height(),

        // Use highp to work around aliasing issues
        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 uv = %s;\n", uv.fsIn());

        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tfloat texColor = ");
        fragBuilder->codeAppend("\tfloat distance = "
                       SK_DistanceFieldMultiplier "*(texColor - " SK_DistanceFieldThreshold ");");
        // adjust width based on gamma
        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("distance -= %s;", distanceAdjustUniName);

        fragBuilder->codeAppend("float afwidth;");
        if (isUniformScale) {
            // For uniform scale, we adjust for the effect of the transformation on the distance
            // by using the length of the gradient of the t coordinate in the y direction.
            // We use st coordinates to ensure we're mapping 1:1 from texel space to pixel space.

            // this gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("afwidth = abs(" SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*dFdx(%s.x));",
            // We use the y gradient because there is a bug in the Mali 400 in the x direction.
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("afwidth = abs(" SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*dFdy(%s.y));",
        } else if (isSimilarity) {
            // For similarity transform, we adjust the effect of the transformation on the distance
            // by using the length of the gradient of the texture coordinates. We use st coordinates
            // to ensure we're mapping 1:1 from texel space to pixel space.
            // We use the y gradient because there is a bug in the Mali 400 in the x direction.

            // this gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float st_grad_len = length(dFdx(%s));", st.fsIn());
            // We use the y gradient because there is a bug in the Mali 400 in the x direction.
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float st_grad_len = length(dFdy(%s));", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("afwidth = abs(" SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*st_grad_len);");
        } else {
            // For general transforms, to determine the amount of correction we multiply a unit
            // vector pointing along the SDF gradient direction by the Jacobian of the st coords
            // (which is the inverse transform for this fragment) and take the length of the result.
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 dist_grad = vec2(dFdx(distance), dFdy(distance));");
            // the length of the gradient may be 0, so we need to check for this
            // this also compensates for the Adreno, which likes to drop tiles on division by 0
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("float dg_len2 = dot(dist_grad, dist_grad);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("if (dg_len2 < 0.0001) {");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("dist_grad = vec2(0.7071, 0.7071);");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("dist_grad = dist_grad*inversesqrt(dg_len2);");

            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 Jdx = dFdx(%s);", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppendf("vec2 Jdy = dFdy(%s);", st.fsIn());
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec2 grad = vec2(dist_grad.x*Jdx.x + dist_grad.y*Jdy.x,");
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("                 dist_grad.x*Jdx.y + dist_grad.y*Jdy.y);");

            // this gives us a smooth step across approximately one fragment
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("afwidth = " SK_DistanceFieldAAFactor "*length(grad);");

        // The smoothstep falloff compensates for the non-linear sRGB response curve. If we are
        // doing gamma-correct rendering (to an sRGB or F16 buffer), then we actually want distance
        // mapped linearly to coverage, so use a linear step:
        if (isGammaCorrect) {
                "float val = clamp(distance + afwidth / (2.0 * afwidth), 0.0, 1.0);");
        } else {
            fragBuilder->codeAppend("float val = smoothstep(-afwidth, afwidth, distance);");

        fragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(val);", args.fOutputCoverage);