HTMLOptionElement::SetSelected(bool aValue)
  // Note: The select content obj maintains all the PresState
  // so defer to it to get the answer
  HTMLSelectElement* selectInt = GetSelect();
  if (selectInt) {
    int32_t index = Index();
    // This should end up calling SetSelectedInternal
    selectInt->SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(index, index, aValue,
                                         false, true, true);
  } else {
    SetSelectedInternal(aValue, true);

  return NS_OK;
HTMLOptionElement::BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsIAtom* aName,
                                 const nsAttrValueOrString* aValue,
                                 bool aNotify)
  nsresult rv = nsGenericHTMLElement::BeforeSetAttr(aNamespaceID, aName,
                                                    aValue, aNotify);

  if (aNamespaceID != kNameSpaceID_None || aName != nsGkAtoms::selected ||
      mSelectedChanged) {
    return NS_OK;

  // We just changed out selected state (since we look at the "selected"
  // attribute when mSelectedChanged is false).  Let's tell our select about
  // it.
  HTMLSelectElement* selectInt = GetSelect();
  if (!selectInt) {
    return NS_OK;

  // Note that at this point mSelectedChanged is false and as long as that's
  // true it doesn't matter what value mIsSelected has.
  NS_ASSERTION(!mSelectedChanged, "Shouldn't be here");

  bool newSelected = (aValue != nullptr);
  bool inSetDefaultSelected = mIsInSetDefaultSelected;
  mIsInSetDefaultSelected = true;

  int32_t index = Index();
  // This should end up calling SetSelectedInternal, which we will allow to
  // take effect so that parts of SetOptionsSelectedByIndex that might depend
  // on it working don't get confused.
  selectInt->SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(index, index, newSelected,
                                       false, true, aNotify);

  // Now reset our members; when we finish the attr set we'll end up with the
  // rigt selected state.
  mIsInSetDefaultSelected = inSetDefaultSelected;
  mSelectedChanged = false;
  // mIsSelected doesn't matter while mSelectedChanged is false

  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
HTMLOptionElement::SetSelected(bool aValue)
  // Note: The select content obj maintains all the PresState
  // so defer to it to get the answer
  HTMLSelectElement* selectInt = GetSelect();
  if (selectInt) {
    int32_t index = Index();
    uint32_t mask = HTMLSelectElement::SET_DISABLED | HTMLSelectElement::NOTIFY;
    if (aValue) {
      mask |= HTMLSelectElement::IS_SELECTED;

    // This should end up calling SetSelectedInternal
    selectInt->SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(index, index, mask);
  } else {
    SetSelectedInternal(aValue, true);

  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
HTMLOptionElement::BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsIAtom* aName,
                                 nsAttrValueOrString* aValue,
                                 bool aNotify)
  nsresult rv = nsGenericHTMLElement::BeforeSetAttr(aNamespaceID, aName,
                                                    aValue, aNotify);

  if (aNamespaceID != kNameSpaceID_None || aName != nsGkAtoms::selected ||
      mSelectedChanged) {
    return NS_OK;

  bool defaultSelected = aValue;
  // First make sure we actually set our mIsSelected state to reflect our new
  // defaultSelected state.  If that turns out to be wrong,
  // SetOptionsSelectedByIndex will fix it up.  But otherwise we can end up in a
  // situation where mIsSelected is still false, but mSelectedChanged becomes
  // true (later in this method, when we compare mIsSelected to
  // defaultSelected), and then we start returning false for Selected() even
  // though we're actually selected.
  mIsSelected = defaultSelected;

  // We just changed out selected state (since we look at the "selected"
  // attribute when mSelectedChanged is false).  Let's tell our select about
  // it.
  HTMLSelectElement* selectInt = GetSelect();
  if (!selectInt) {
    return NS_OK;

  NS_ASSERTION(!mSelectedChanged, "Shouldn't be here");

  bool inSetDefaultSelected = mIsInSetDefaultSelected;
  mIsInSetDefaultSelected = true;

  int32_t index = Index();
  uint32_t mask = HTMLSelectElement::SET_DISABLED;
  if (defaultSelected) {
    mask |= HTMLSelectElement::IS_SELECTED;

  if (aNotify) {
    mask |= HTMLSelectElement::NOTIFY;

  // This can end up calling SetSelectedInternal if our selected state needs to
  // change, which we will allow to take effect so that parts of
  // SetOptionsSelectedByIndex that might depend on it working don't get
  // confused.
  selectInt->SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(index, index, mask);

  // Now reset our members; when we finish the attr set we'll end up with the
  // rigt selected state.
  mIsInSetDefaultSelected = inSetDefaultSelected;
  // mIsSelected might have been changed by SetOptionsSelectedByIndex.  Possibly
  // more than once; make sure our mSelectedChanged state is set correctly.
  mSelectedChanged = mIsSelected != defaultSelected;

  return NS_OK;