Ejemplo n.º 1
uint qHash(const HifiSockAddr& sockAddr) {
    if (sockAddr.getAddress().isNull()) {
        return 0; // shouldn't happen, but if it does, zero is a perfectly valid hash
    quint32 address = sockAddr.getAddress().toIPv4Address();
    return sockAddr.getPort() + qHash(QByteArray::fromRawData((char*) &address,
Ejemplo n.º 2
int NodeList::processDomainServerList(const QByteArray& packet) {
    // this is a packet from the domain server, reset the count of un-replied check-ins
    _numNoReplyDomainCheckIns = 0;
    // if this was the first domain-server list from this domain, we've now connected
    if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {

    int readNodes = 0;
    // setup variables to read into from QDataStream
    qint8 nodeType;
    QUuid nodeUUID, connectionUUID;

    HifiSockAddr nodePublicSocket;
    HifiSockAddr nodeLocalSocket;
    QDataStream packetStream(packet);
    // pull our owner UUID from the packet, it's always the first thing
    QUuid newUUID;
    packetStream >> newUUID;
    // pull each node in the packet
    while(packetStream.device()->pos() < packet.size()) {
        packetStream >> nodeType >> nodeUUID >> nodePublicSocket >> nodeLocalSocket;

        // if the public socket address is 0 then it's reachable at the same IP
        // as the domain server
        if (nodePublicSocket.getAddress().isNull()) {

        SharedNodePointer node = addOrUpdateNode(nodeUUID, nodeType, nodePublicSocket, nodeLocalSocket);
        packetStream >> connectionUUID;
    // ping inactive nodes in conjunction with receipt of list from domain-server
    // this makes it happen every second and also pings any newly added nodes

    return readNodes;
Ejemplo n.º 3
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const HifiSockAddr& destinationSockAddr) {
    // XXX can BandwidthRecorder be used for this?
    // stat collection for packets
    _numCollectedBytes += datagram.size();

    qint64 bytesWritten = _nodeSocket.writeDatagram(datagram,
                          destinationSockAddr.getAddress(), destinationSockAddr.getPort());

    if (bytesWritten < 0) {
        qCDebug(networking) << "ERROR in writeDatagram:" << _nodeSocket.error() << "-" << _nodeSocket.errorString();

    return bytesWritten;
Ejemplo n.º 4
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const HifiSockAddr& destinationSockAddr,
                                      const QUuid& connectionSecret) {
    QByteArray datagramCopy = datagram;
    if (!connectionSecret.isNull()) {
        // setup the MD5 hash for source verification in the header
        replaceHashInPacketGivenConnectionUUID(datagramCopy, connectionSecret);
    // stat collection for packets
    _numCollectedBytes += datagram.size();
    qint64 bytesWritten = _nodeSocket.writeDatagram(datagramCopy,
                                                    destinationSockAddr.getAddress(), destinationSockAddr.getPort());
    if (bytesWritten < 0) {
        qDebug() << "ERROR in writeDatagram:" << _nodeSocket.error() << "-" << _nodeSocket.errorString();
    return bytesWritten;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void DataServer::readPendingDatagrams() {
    QByteArray receivedPacket;
    HifiSockAddr senderSockAddr;
    while (_socket.hasPendingDatagrams()) {
        _socket.readDatagram(receivedPacket.data(), _socket.pendingDatagramSize(),
                             senderSockAddr.getAddressPointer(), senderSockAddr.getPortPointer());
        PacketType requestType = packetTypeForPacket(receivedPacket);
        if ((requestType == PacketTypeDataServerPut || requestType == PacketTypeDataServerGet) &&
            receivedPacket[numBytesArithmeticCodingFromBuffer(receivedPacket.data())] == versionForPacketType(requestType)) {
            QDataStream packetStream(receivedPacket);
            int numReceivedHeaderBytes = numBytesForPacketHeader(receivedPacket);
            // pull the sequence number used for this packet
            quint8 sequenceNumber = 0;
            packetStream >> sequenceNumber;
            // pull the UUID that we will need as part of the key
            QString userString;
            packetStream >> userString;
            QUuid parsedUUID(userString);
            if (parsedUUID.isNull()) {
                // we failed to parse a UUID, this means the user has sent us a username
                // ask redis for the UUID for this user
                redisReply* reply = (redisReply*) redisCommand(_redis, "GET user:%s", qPrintable(userString));
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING) {
                    parsedUUID = QUuid(QString(reply->str));
                if (!parsedUUID.isNull()) {
                    qDebug() << "Found UUID" << parsedUUID << "for username" << userString;
                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Failed UUID lookup for username" << userString;
                reply = NULL;
            if (!parsedUUID.isNull()) {
                if (requestType == PacketTypeDataServerPut) {
                    // pull the key and value that specifies the data the user is putting/getting
                    QString dataKey, dataValue;
                    packetStream >> dataKey >> dataValue;
                    qDebug("Sending command to redis: SET uuid:%s:%s %s",
                           qPrintable(dataKey), qPrintable(dataValue));
                    redisReply* reply = (redisReply*) redisCommand(_redis, "SET uuid:%s:%s %s",
                                                                   qPrintable(dataKey), qPrintable(dataValue));
                    if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcmp("OK", reply->str) == 0) {
                        // if redis stored the value successfully reply back with a confirm
                        // which is a reply packet with the sequence number
                        QByteArray replyPacket = byteArrayWithPopluatedHeader(PacketTypeDataServerConfirm, _uuid);
                        _socket.writeDatagram(replyPacket, senderSockAddr.getAddress(), senderSockAddr.getPort());
                } else {
                    // setup a send packet with the returned data
                    // leverage the packetData sent by overwriting and appending
                    QByteArray sendPacket = byteArrayWithPopluatedHeader(PacketTypeDataServerSend, _uuid);
                    QDataStream sendPacketStream(&sendPacket, QIODevice::Append);
                    sendPacketStream << sequenceNumber;
                    // pull the key list that specifies the data the user is putting/getting
                    QString keyListString;
                    packetStream >> keyListString;
                    if (keyListString != "uuid") {
                        // copy the parsed UUID
                        sendPacketStream << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(parsedUUID);
                        const char MULTI_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = '|';
                        // append the keyListString back to the sendPacket
                        sendPacketStream << keyListString;
                        QStringList keyList = keyListString.split(MULTI_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
                        QStringList valueList;
                        foreach (const QString& dataKey, keyList) {
                            qDebug("Sending command to redis: GET uuid:%s:%s",
                            redisReply* reply = (redisReply*) redisCommand(_redis, "GET uuid:%s:%s",
                            if (reply->len) {
                                // copy the value that redis returned
                                valueList << QString(reply->str);
                            } else {
                                // didn't find a value - insert a space
                                valueList << QChar(' ');
                        // append the value QStringList using the right separator
                        sendPacketStream << valueList.join(MULTI_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
                    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
void AssignmentClient::readPendingDatagrams() {
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();

    QByteArray receivedPacket;
    HifiSockAddr senderSockAddr;

    while (nodeList->getNodeSocket().hasPendingDatagrams()) {
        nodeList->getNodeSocket().readDatagram(receivedPacket.data(), receivedPacket.size(),
                                               senderSockAddr.getAddressPointer(), senderSockAddr.getPortPointer());

        if (nodeList->packetVersionAndHashMatch(receivedPacket)) {
            if (packetTypeForPacket(receivedPacket) == PacketTypeCreateAssignment) {

                qDebug() << "Received a PacketTypeCreateAssignment - attempting to unpack.";

                // construct the deployed assignment from the packet data
                _currentAssignment = AssignmentFactory::unpackAssignment(receivedPacket);

                if (_currentAssignment) {
                    qDebug() << "Received an assignment -" << *_currentAssignment;

                    // switch our DomainHandler hostname and port to whoever sent us the assignment

                    nodeList->getDomainHandler().setSockAddr(senderSockAddr, _assignmentServerHostname);

                    qDebug() << "Destination IP for assignment is" << nodeList->getDomainHandler().getIP().toString();

                    // start the deployed assignment
                    QThread* workerThread = new QThread;
                    workerThread->setObjectName("ThreadedAssignment Worker");

                    connect(workerThread, &QThread::started, _currentAssignment.data(), &ThreadedAssignment::run);

                    // Once the ThreadedAssignment says it is finished - we ask it to deleteLater
                    // This is a queued connection so that it is put into the event loop to be processed by the worker
                    // thread when it is ready.
                    connect(_currentAssignment.data(), &ThreadedAssignment::finished, _currentAssignment.data(),
                            &ThreadedAssignment::deleteLater, Qt::QueuedConnection);

                    // once it is deleted, we quit the worker thread
                    connect(_currentAssignment.data(), &ThreadedAssignment::destroyed, workerThread, &QThread::quit);

                    // have the worker thread remove itself once it is done
                    connect(workerThread, &QThread::finished, workerThread, &QThread::deleteLater);

                    // once the worker thread says it is done, we consider the assignment completed
                    connect(workerThread, &QThread::destroyed, this, &AssignmentClient::assignmentCompleted);


                    // move the NodeList to the thread used for the _current assignment

                    // let the assignment handle the incoming datagrams for its duration
                    disconnect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), 0, this, 0);
                    connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), &QUdpSocket::readyRead, _currentAssignment.data(),

                    // Starts an event loop, and emits workerThread->started()
                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Received an assignment that could not be unpacked. Re-requesting.";
            } else if (packetTypeForPacket(receivedPacket) == PacketTypeStopNode) {
                if (senderSockAddr.getAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHost ||
                    senderSockAddr.getAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) {
                    qDebug() << "AssignmentClientMonitor at" << senderSockAddr << "requested stop via PacketTypeStopNode.";

                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Got a stop packet from other than localhost.";
            } else {
                // have the NodeList attempt to handle it
                nodeList->processNodeData(senderSockAddr, receivedPacket);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void NodeBounds::draw() {
    if (!(_showVoxelNodes || _showModelNodes || _showParticleNodes)) {
        _overlayText[0] = '\0';

    NodeToJurisdictionMap& voxelServerJurisdictions = Application::getInstance()->getVoxelServerJurisdictions();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap& modelServerJurisdictions = Application::getInstance()->getModelServerJurisdictions();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap& particleServerJurisdictions = Application::getInstance()->getParticleServerJurisdictions();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap* serverJurisdictions;

    // Compute ray to find selected nodes later on.  We can't use the pre-computed ray in Application because it centers
    // itself after the cursor disappears.
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    QGLWidget* glWidget = application->getGLWidget();
    float mouseX = application->getMouseX() / (float)glWidget->width();
    float mouseY = application->getMouseY() / (float)glWidget->height();
    glm::vec3 mouseRayOrigin;
    glm::vec3 mouseRayDirection;
    application->getViewFrustum()->computePickRay(mouseX, mouseY, mouseRayOrigin, mouseRayDirection);

    // Variables to keep track of the selected node and properties to draw the cube later if needed
    Node* selectedNode = NULL;
    float selectedDistance = FLT_MAX;
    bool selectedIsInside = true;
    glm::vec3 selectedCenter;
    float selectedScale = 0;

    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();

    foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, nodeList->getNodeHash()) {
        NodeType_t nodeType = node->getType();

        if (nodeType == NodeType::VoxelServer && _showVoxelNodes) {
            serverJurisdictions = &voxelServerJurisdictions;
        } else if (nodeType == NodeType::ModelServer && _showModelNodes) {
            serverJurisdictions = &modelServerJurisdictions;
        } else if (nodeType == NodeType::ParticleServer && _showParticleNodes) {
            serverJurisdictions = &particleServerJurisdictions;
        } else {

        QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
        if (serverJurisdictions->find(nodeUUID) != serverJurisdictions->end()) {
            const JurisdictionMap& map = serverJurisdictions->value(nodeUUID);

            unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();

            if (rootCode) {
                VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                glm::vec3 location(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z);
                location *= (float)TREE_SCALE;

                AABox serverBounds(location, rootDetails.s * TREE_SCALE);

                glm::vec3 center = serverBounds.getVertex(BOTTOM_RIGHT_NEAR)
                    + ((serverBounds.getVertex(TOP_LEFT_FAR) - serverBounds.getVertex(BOTTOM_RIGHT_NEAR)) / 2.0f);

                const float VOXEL_NODE_SCALE = 1.00f;
                const float MODEL_NODE_SCALE = 0.99f;
                const float PARTICLE_NODE_SCALE = 0.98f;

                float scaleFactor = rootDetails.s * TREE_SCALE;

                // Scale by 0.92 - 1.00 depending on the scale of the node.  This allows smaller nodes to scale in
                // a bit and not overlap larger nodes.
                scaleFactor *= 0.92 + (rootDetails.s * 0.08);

                // Scale different node types slightly differently because it's common for them to overlap.
                if (nodeType == NodeType::VoxelServer) {
                    scaleFactor *= VOXEL_NODE_SCALE;
                } else if (nodeType == NodeType::ModelServer) {
                    scaleFactor *= MODEL_NODE_SCALE;
                } else {
                    scaleFactor *= PARTICLE_NODE_SCALE;

                float red, green, blue;
                getColorForNodeType(nodeType, red, green, blue);
                drawNodeBorder(center, scaleFactor, red, green, blue);

                float distance;
                BoxFace face;
                bool inside = serverBounds.contains(mouseRayOrigin);
                bool colliding = serverBounds.findRayIntersection(mouseRayOrigin, mouseRayDirection, distance, face);

                // If the camera is inside a node it will be "selected" if you don't have your cursor over another node
                // that you aren't inside.
                if (colliding && (!selectedNode || (!inside && (distance < selectedDistance || selectedIsInside)))) {
                    selectedNode = node.data();
                    selectedDistance = distance;
                    selectedIsInside = inside;
                    selectedCenter = center;
                    selectedScale = scaleFactor;

    if (selectedNode) {

        glTranslatef(selectedCenter.x, selectedCenter.y, selectedCenter.z);
        glScalef(selectedScale, selectedScale, selectedScale);

        NodeType_t selectedNodeType = selectedNode->getType();
        float red, green, blue;
        getColorForNodeType(selectedNode->getType(), red, green, blue);

        glColor4f(red, green, blue, 0.2);


        HifiSockAddr addr = selectedNode->getPublicSocket();
        QString overlay = QString("%1:%2  %3ms")

        // Ideally we'd just use a QString, but I ran into weird blinking issues using
        // constData() directly, as if the data was being overwritten.
        strcpy(_overlayText, overlay.toLocal8Bit().constData());
    } else {
        _overlayText[0] = '\0';
Ejemplo n.º 8
void NodeBounds::draw() {
    if (!_showEntityNodes) {
        _overlayText[0] = '\0';

    NodeToJurisdictionMap& entityServerJurisdictions = Application::getInstance()->getEntityServerJurisdictions();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap* serverJurisdictions;

    // Compute ray to find selected nodes later on.  We can't use the pre-computed ray in Application because it centers
    // itself after the cursor disappears.
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    PickRay pickRay = application->getCamera()->computePickRay(application->getTrueMouseX(),

    // Variables to keep track of the selected node and properties to draw the cube later if needed
    Node* selectedNode = NULL;
    float selectedDistance = FLT_MAX;
    bool selectedIsInside = true;
    glm::vec3 selectedCenter;
    float selectedScale = 0;

    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    nodeList->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        NodeType_t nodeType = node->getType();
        if (nodeType == NodeType::EntityServer && _showEntityNodes) {
            serverJurisdictions = &entityServerJurisdictions;
        } else {
        QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();
        if (serverJurisdictions->find(nodeUUID) != serverJurisdictions->end()) {
            const JurisdictionMap& map = (*serverJurisdictions)[nodeUUID];
            unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();
            if (rootCode) {
                VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                glm::vec3 location(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z);
                AACube serverBounds(location, rootDetails.s);
                glm::vec3 center = serverBounds.getVertex(BOTTOM_RIGHT_NEAR)
                + ((serverBounds.getVertex(TOP_LEFT_FAR) - serverBounds.getVertex(BOTTOM_RIGHT_NEAR)) / 2.0f);
                const float ENTITY_NODE_SCALE = 0.99f;
                float scaleFactor = rootDetails.s;
                // Scale by 0.92 - 1.00 depending on the scale of the node.  This allows smaller nodes to scale in
                // a bit and not overlap larger nodes.
                scaleFactor *= 0.92f + (rootDetails.s * 0.08f);
                // Scale different node types slightly differently because it's common for them to overlap.
                if (nodeType == NodeType::EntityServer) {
                    scaleFactor *= ENTITY_NODE_SCALE;
                float red, green, blue;
                getColorForNodeType(nodeType, red, green, blue);
                drawNodeBorder(center, scaleFactor, red, green, blue);
                float distance;
                BoxFace face;
                bool inside = serverBounds.contains(pickRay.origin);
                bool colliding = serverBounds.findRayIntersection(pickRay.origin, pickRay.direction, distance, face);

                // If the camera is inside a node it will be "selected" if you don't have your cursor over another node
                // that you aren't inside.
                if (colliding && (!selectedNode || (!inside && (distance < selectedDistance || selectedIsInside)))) {
                    selectedNode = node.data();
                    selectedDistance = distance;
                    selectedIsInside = inside;
                    selectedCenter = center;
                    selectedScale = scaleFactor;
            } else {
        } else {

    if (selectedNode) {

        glTranslatef(selectedCenter.x, selectedCenter.y, selectedCenter.z);
        glScalef(selectedScale, selectedScale, selectedScale);

        float red, green, blue;
        getColorForNodeType(selectedNode->getType(), red, green, blue);

        DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderSolidCube(1.0f, glm::vec4(red, green, blue, 0.2f));


        HifiSockAddr addr = selectedNode->getPublicSocket();
        QString overlay = QString("%1:%2  %3ms")

        // Ideally we'd just use a QString, but I ran into weird blinking issues using
        // constData() directly, as if the data was being overwritten.
        strcpy(_overlayText, overlay.toLocal8Bit().constData());
    } else {
        _overlayText[0] = '\0';