Ejemplo n.º 1
qint64 LimitedNodeList::sendPacket(std::unique_ptr<NLPacket> packet, const Node& destinationNode,
                                   const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (overridenSockAddr.isNull() && !destinationNode.getActiveSocket()) {
        qCDebug(networking) << "LimitedNodeList::sendPacket called without active socket for node. Not sending.";
        return 0;
    // use the node's active socket as the destination socket if there is no overriden socket address
    auto& destinationSockAddr = (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) ? *destinationNode.getActiveSocket()
                                                             : overridenSockAddr;
    return sendPacket(std::move(packet), destinationSockAddr, destinationNode.getConnectionSecret());
Ejemplo n.º 2
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeUnverifiedDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
        const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        // if we don't have an ovveriden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;

        PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(datagram);

        // optionally peform sequence number replacement in the header
        if (SEQUENCE_NUMBERED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {

            QByteArray datagramCopy = datagram;

            PacketSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = getNextSequenceNumberForPacket(destinationNode->getUUID(), packetType);
            replaceSequenceNumberInPacket(datagramCopy, sequenceNumber, packetType);

            // send the datagram with sequence number replaced in header
            return writeDatagram(datagramCopy, *destinationSockAddr);
        } else {
            return writeDatagram(datagram, *destinationSockAddr);

    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv,
                                   Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType,
                                   const HifiSockAddr& customAssignmentServerSocket,
                                   const char* requestAssignmentPool) :
    QCoreApplication(argc, argv),
    _requestAssignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, requestAssignmentPool),
    // register meta type is required for queued invoke method on Assignment subclasses

    // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME

    // create a NodeList as an unassigned client
    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NODE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED);

    // set the custom assignment socket if we have it
    if (!customAssignmentServerSocket.isNull()) {

    // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required
    qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment << "\n";

    QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest()));

    // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket
    connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readPendingDatagrams()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
qint64 LimitedNodeList::sendPacket(std::unique_ptr<NLPacket> packet, const Node& destinationNode,
                                   const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    // use the node's active socket as the destination socket if there is no overriden socket address
    auto& destinationSockAddr = (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) ? *destinationNode.getActiveSocket()
                                                             : overridenSockAddr;
    return sendPacket(std::move(packet), destinationSockAddr, destinationNode.getConnectionSecret());
Ejemplo n.º 5
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram,
                                      const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
                                      const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(datagram);

        if (NON_VERIFIED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {
            return writeUnverifiedDatagram(datagram, destinationNode, overridenSockAddr);

        // if we don't have an overridden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;

        QByteArray datagramCopy = datagram;

        // if we're here and the connection secret is null, debug out - this could be a problem
        if (destinationNode->getConnectionSecret().isNull()) {
            qDebug() << "LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram called for verified datagram with null connection secret for"
                     << "destination node" << destinationNode->getUUID() << " - this is either not secure or will cause"
                     << "this packet to be unverifiable on the receiving side.";

        // perform replacement of hash and optionally also sequence number in the header
        if (SEQUENCE_NUMBERED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {
            PacketSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = getNextSequenceNumberForPacket(destinationNode->getUUID(), packetType);
            replaceHashAndSequenceNumberInPacket(datagramCopy, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret(),
                                                 sequenceNumber, packetType);
        } else {
            replaceHashInPacket(datagramCopy, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret(), packetType);

        emit dataSent(destinationNode->getType(), datagram.size());
        auto bytesWritten = writeDatagram(datagramCopy, *destinationSockAddr);
        // Keep track of per-destination-node bandwidth
        return bytesWritten;

    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
                               const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        // if we don't have an ovveriden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;
        return writeDatagram(datagram, *destinationSockAddr, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret());
    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv) :
    QCoreApplication(argc, argv),
    // register meta type is required for queued invoke method on Assignment subclasses
    // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME
    const char ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION[] = "-t";
    const char* assignmentTypeString = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**)argv, ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION);
    Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType = Assignment::AllTypes;
    if (assignmentTypeString) {
        // the user is asking to only be assigned to a particular type of assignment
        // so set that as the ::overridenAssignmentType to be used in requests
        requestAssignmentType = (Assignment::Type) atoi(assignmentTypeString);
    const char ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION[] = "--pool";
    const char* requestAssignmentPool = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**) argv, ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION);
    // setup our _requestAssignment member variable from the passed arguments
    _requestAssignment = Assignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, requestAssignmentPool);
    // create a NodeList as an unassigned client
    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NodeType::Unassigned);
    // grab the overriden assignment-server hostname from argv, if it exists
    const char* customAssignmentServerHostname = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**)argv, CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION);
    const char* customAssignmentServerPortString = getCmdOption(argc,(const char**)argv, CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION);
    HifiSockAddr customAssignmentSocket;
    if (customAssignmentServerHostname || customAssignmentServerPortString) {
        // set the custom port or default if it wasn't passed
        unsigned short assignmentServerPort = customAssignmentServerPortString
        ? atoi(customAssignmentServerPortString) : DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT;
        // set the custom hostname or default if it wasn't passed
        if (!customAssignmentServerHostname) {
            customAssignmentServerHostname = DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME;
        customAssignmentSocket = HifiSockAddr(customAssignmentServerHostname, assignmentServerPort);
    // set the custom assignment socket if we have it
    if (!customAssignmentSocket.isNull()) {
    // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required
    qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment;
    QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest()));
    // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket
    connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &AssignmentClient::readPendingDatagrams,