Ejemplo n.º 1
void Touch::UpdateTouches(Controls& controls) // Called from HandleUpdate
    zoom_ = false; // reset bool

    Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();

    // Zoom in/out
    if (input->GetNumTouches() == 2)
        TouchState* touch1 = input->GetTouch(0);
        TouchState* touch2 = input->GetTouch(1);

        // Check for zoom pattern (touches moving in opposite directions and on empty space)
        if (!touch1->touchedElement_ && !touch2->touchedElement_ && ((touch1->delta_.y_ > 0 && touch2->delta_.y_ < 0) || (touch1->delta_.y_ < 0 && touch2->delta_.y_ > 0)))
            zoom_ = true;
            zoom_ = false;

        if (zoom_)
            int sens = 0;
            // Check for zoom direction (in/out)
            if (Abs(touch1->position_.y_ - touch2->position_.y_) > Abs(touch1->lastPosition_.y_ - touch2->lastPosition_.y_))
                sens = -1;
                sens = 1;
            cameraDistance_ += Abs(touch1->delta_.y_ - touch2->delta_.y_) * sens * touchSensitivity_ / 50.0f;
            cameraDistance_ = Clamp(cameraDistance_, CAMERA_MIN_DIST, CAMERA_MAX_DIST); // Restrict zoom range to [1;20]

    // Gyroscope (emulated by SDL through a virtual joystick)
    if (useGyroscope_ && input->GetNumJoysticks() > 0)  // numJoysticks = 1 on iOS & Android
        JoystickState* joystick = input->GetJoystickByIndex(0);
        if (joystick->GetNumAxes() >= 2)
            if (joystick->GetAxisPosition(0) < -GYROSCOPE_THRESHOLD)
                controls.Set(CTRL_LEFT, true);
            if (joystick->GetAxisPosition(0) > GYROSCOPE_THRESHOLD)
                controls.Set(CTRL_RIGHT, true);
            if (joystick->GetAxisPosition(1) < -GYROSCOPE_THRESHOLD)
                controls.Set(CTRL_FORWARD, true);
            if (joystick->GetAxisPosition(1) > GYROSCOPE_THRESHOLD)
                controls.Set(CTRL_BACK, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Player::HandleSceneUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
    //Take the frame time step, which is stored as a double
    float timeStep = eventData[Update::P_TIMESTEP].GetFloat();
    //Pulse and spin the counters' apples and hearts

    //Only handle input when player is active
    if (!rootNode_->IsEnabled()) return;

    Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();

    //Movement values
    Vector3 move = Vector3::ZERO;
    Vector3 moveJoy = Vector3::ZERO;
    Vector3 moveKey = Vector3::ZERO;
    float thrust = pilotMode_ ? 256.0f : 2323.0f;
    float maxSpeed = pilotMode_? 1.8f : 23.0f;    //Firing values
    Vector3 fire = Vector3::ZERO;
    Vector3 fireJoy = Vector3::ZERO;
    Vector3 fireKey = Vector3::ZERO;

    //Read input
    if (input->GetJoystickByIndex(0)){
        moveJoy = Vector3::RIGHT * input->GetJoystickByIndex(0)->GetAxisPosition(0) +
                Vector3::BACK * input->GetJoystickByIndex(0)->GetAxisPosition(1);
        fireJoy = Vector3::RIGHT * input->GetJoystickByIndex(0)->GetAxisPosition(2) +
                Vector3::BACK * input->GetJoystickByIndex(0)->GetAxisPosition(3);
    moveKey = Vector3::LEFT * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_A) +
            Vector3::RIGHT * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_D) +
            Vector3::FORWARD * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_W) +
            Vector3::BACK * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_S);
    fireKey = Vector3::LEFT * (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_J) || input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_4)) +
            Vector3::RIGHT * (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_L) || input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_6)) +
            Vector3::FORWARD * (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_I) || input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_8)) +
            Vector3::BACK * (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_K) || input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_2) || input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_5)) +
            Quaternion(45.0f, Vector3::UP)*Vector3::LEFT * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_7) +
            Quaternion(45.0f, Vector3::UP)*Vector3::RIGHT * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_3) +
            Quaternion(45.0f, Vector3::UP)*Vector3::FORWARD * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_9) +
            Quaternion(45.0f, Vector3::UP)*Vector3::BACK * input->GetKeyDown(KEY_KP_1);

    //Pick most significant input
    moveJoy.Length() > moveKey.Length() ? move = moveJoy : move = moveKey;
    fireJoy.Length() > fireKey.Length() ? fire = fireJoy : fire = fireKey;

    //Restrict move vector length
    if (move.Length() > 1.0f) move /= move.Length();
    else if (move.Length() < 0.1f) move *= 0.0f;

    if (fire.Length() < 0.1f) fire *= 0.0f;
    else fire.Normalize();

    //When in pilot mode
    if (pilotMode_){
        //Apply movement
        Vector3 force = move * thrust * timeStep;
        if (rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity().Length() < maxSpeed ||
                (rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity().Normalized() + force.Normalized()).Length() < 1.0f) {

        //Update rotation according to direction of the player's movement.
        Vector3 velocity = rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity();
        Vector3 lookDirection = velocity + 2.0f*fire;
        Quaternion rotation = rootNode_->GetWorldRotation();
        Quaternion aimRotation = rotation;
        rootNode_->SetRotation(rotation.Slerp(aimRotation, 7.0f * timeStep * velocity.Length()));

        //Update animation
        if (velocity.Length() > 0.05f){
            animCtrl_->PlayExclusive("Resources/Models/WalkRelax.ani", 0, true, 0.15f);
            animCtrl_->SetSpeed("Resources/Models/WalkRelax.ani", velocity.Length()*2.3f);
            animCtrl_->SetStartBone("Resources/Models/WalkRelax.ani", "MasterBone");
        else {
            animCtrl_->PlayExclusive("Resources/Models/IdleRelax.ani", 0, true, 0.15f);
            animCtrl_->SetStartBone("Resources/Models/IdleRelax.ani", "MasterBone");
    // When in ship mode
    } else {
        //Update shield
        Quaternion randomRotation = Quaternion(Random(360.0f),Random(360.0f),Random(360.0f));
        shieldNode_->SetRotation(shieldNode_->GetRotation().Slerp(randomRotation, Random(1.0f)));
        Color shieldColor = shieldMaterial_->GetShaderParameter("MatDiffColor").GetColor();
        Color newColor = Color(shieldColor.r_ * Random(0.6f, 0.9f),
                               shieldColor.g_ * Random(0.7f, 0.95f),
                               shieldColor.b_ * Random(0.8f, 0.9f));
        shieldMaterial_->SetShaderParameter("MatDiffColor", shieldColor.Lerp(newColor, Min(timeStep * 23.5f, 1.0f)));
        ship_.node_->SetPosition(Vector3::UP *masterControl_->Sine(2.3f, -0.1f, 0.1f));
        //Apply movement
        Vector3 force = move * thrust * timeStep;
        if (rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity().Length() < maxSpeed ||
                (rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity().Normalized() + force.Normalized()).Length() < 1.0f) {

        //Update rotation according to direction of the ship's movement.
        if (rigidBody_->GetLinearVelocity().Length() > 0.1f)

        sinceLastShot_ += timeStep;
        if (fire.Length()) {
            if (sinceLastShot_ > shotInterval_)