Ejemplo n.º 1
MultiLogCTVerifier::Verify(Input cert,
                           Input issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo,
                           Input sctListFromCert,
                           Input sctListFromOCSPResponse,
                           Input sctListFromTLSExtension,
                           uint64_t time,
                           CTVerifyResult& result)
  MOZ_ASSERT(cert.GetLength() > 0);

  Result rv;

  // Verify embedded SCTs
  if (issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo.GetLength() > 0 &&
      sctListFromCert.GetLength() > 0) {
    LogEntry precertEntry;
    rv = GetPrecertLogEntry(cert, issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, precertEntry);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
    rv = VerifySCTs(sctListFromCert, precertEntry,
                    SignedCertificateTimestamp::Origin::Embedded, time,
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

  LogEntry x509Entry;
  rv = GetX509LogEntry(cert, x509Entry);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  // Verify SCTs from a stapled OCSP response
  if (sctListFromOCSPResponse.GetLength() > 0) {
    rv = VerifySCTs(sctListFromOCSPResponse, x509Entry,
                    SignedCertificateTimestamp::Origin::OCSPResponse, time,
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

  // Verify SCTs from a TLS extension
  if (sctListFromTLSExtension.GetLength() > 0) {
    rv = VerifySCTs(sctListFromTLSExtension, x509Entry,
                    SignedCertificateTimestamp::Origin::TLSExtension, time,
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
  return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1:
// "The hash shall be calculated over the value (excluding tag and length) of
// the subject public key field in the issuer's certificate."
// From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#appendix-B.1:
// KeyHash ::= OCTET STRING -- SHA-1 hash of responder's public key
//                          -- (i.e., the SHA-1 hash of the value of the
//                          -- BIT STRING subjectPublicKey [excluding
//                          -- the tag, length, and number of unused
//                          -- bits] in the responder's certificate)
static Result
MatchKeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, Input keyHash,
             const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ bool& match)
  if (keyHash.GetLength() != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH)  {
  static uint8_t hashBuf[TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH];
  Result rv = KeyHash(trustDomain, subjectPublicKeyInfo, hashBuf,
                      sizeof hashBuf);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  Input computed(hashBuf);
  match = InputsAreEqual(computed, keyHash);
  return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 3
BackCert::RememberExtension(Reader& extnID, Input extnValue,
                            bool critical, /*out*/ bool& understood)
  understood = false;

  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-keyUsage
  static const uint8_t id_ce_keyUsage[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x0f
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-subjectAltName
  static const uint8_t id_ce_subjectAltName[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x11
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-basicConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_basicConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x13
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-nameConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_nameConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x1e
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-certificatePolicies
  static const uint8_t id_ce_certificatePolicies[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x20
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-policyConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_policyConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x24
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-extKeyUsage
  static const uint8_t id_ce_extKeyUsage[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x25
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy
  static const uint8_t id_ce_inhibitAnyPolicy[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x36
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-pe-authorityInfoAccess
  static const uint8_t id_pe_authorityInfoAccess[] = {
    0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck
  static const uint8_t id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck[] = {
    0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x30, 0x01, 0x05
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py Netscape-certificate-type 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1
  static const uint8_t Netscape_certificate_type[] = {
    0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x01

  Input* out = nullptr;

  // We already enforce the maximum possible constraints for policies so we
  // can safely ignore even critical policy constraint extensions.
  // XXX: Doing it this way won't allow us to detect duplicate
  // policyConstraints extensions, but that's OK because (and only because) we
  // ignore the extension.
  Input dummyPolicyConstraints;

  // We don't need to save the contents of this extension if it is present. We
  // just need to handle its presence (it is essentially ignored right now).
  Input dummyOCSPNocheck;

  // For compatibility reasons, for some extensions we have to allow empty
  // extension values. This would normally interfere with our duplicate
  // extension checking code. However, as long as the extensions we allow to
  // have empty values are also the ones we implicitly allow duplicates of,
  // this will work fine.
  bool emptyValueAllowed = false;

  // RFC says "Conforming CAs MUST mark this extension as non-critical" for
  // both authorityKeyIdentifier and subjectKeyIdentifier, and we do not use
  // them for anything, so we totally ignore them here.

  if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_keyUsage)) {
    out = &keyUsage;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_subjectAltName)) {
    out = &subjectAltName;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_basicConstraints)) {
    out = &basicConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_nameConstraints)) {
    out = &nameConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_certificatePolicies)) {
    out = &certificatePolicies;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_policyConstraints)) {
    out = &dummyPolicyConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_extKeyUsage)) {
    out = &extKeyUsage;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_inhibitAnyPolicy)) {
    out = &inhibitAnyPolicy;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_pe_authorityInfoAccess)) {
    out = &authorityInfoAccess;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck) && critical) {
    // We need to make sure we don't reject delegated OCSP response signing
    // certificates that contain the id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension marked as
    // critical when validating OCSP responses. Without this, an application
    // that implements soft-fail OCSP might ignore a valid Revoked or Unknown
    // response, and an application that implements hard-fail OCSP might fail
    // to connect to a server given a valid Good response.
    out = &dummyOCSPNocheck;
    // We allow this extension to have an empty value.
    // See http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.ietf.x509/30947
    emptyValueAllowed = true;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(Netscape_certificate_type) && critical) {
    out = &criticalNetscapeCertificateType;

  if (out) {
    // Don't allow an empty value for any extension we understand. This way, we
    // can test out->GetLength() != 0 or out->Init() to check for duplicates.
    if (extnValue.GetLength() == 0 && !emptyValueAllowed) {
    if (out->Init(extnValue) != Success) {
      // Duplicate extension
    understood = true;

  return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// CertID          ::=     SEQUENCE {
//        hashAlgorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,
//        issuerNameHash      OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's DN
//        issuerKeyHash       OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's public key
//        serialNumber        CertificateSerialNumber }
static inline Result
CertID(Reader& input, const Context& context, /*out*/ bool& match)
  match = false;

  DigestAlgorithm hashAlgorithm;
  Result rv = der::DigestAlgorithmIdentifier(input, hashAlgorithm);
  if (rv != Success) {
    if (rv == Result::ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM) {
      // Skip entries that are hashed with algorithms we don't support.
      return Success;
    return rv;

  Input issuerNameHash;
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerNameHash);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input issuerKeyHash;
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerKeyHash);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Input serialNumber;
  rv = der::CertificateSerialNumber(input, serialNumber);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  if (!InputsAreEqual(serialNumber, context.certID.serialNumber)) {
    // This does not reference the certificate we're interested in.
    // Consume the rest of the input and return successfully to
    // potentially continue processing other responses.
    return Success;

  // TODO: support SHA-2 hashes.

  if (hashAlgorithm != DigestAlgorithm::sha1) {
    // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success.
    return Success;

  if (issuerNameHash.GetLength() != TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH) {

  // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1:
  // "The hash shall be calculated over the DER encoding of the
  // issuer's name field in the certificate being checked."
  uint8_t hashBuf[TrustDomain::DIGEST_LENGTH];
  rv = context.trustDomain.DigestBuf(context.certID.issuer, hashBuf,
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  Input computed(hashBuf);
  if (!InputsAreEqual(computed, issuerNameHash)) {
    // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success.
    return Success;

  return MatchKeyHash(context.trustDomain, issuerKeyHash,
                      context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, match);
Ejemplo n.º 5
// XXX: The second value is of type |const Input&| instead of type |Input| due
// to limitations in our std::bind polyfill.
BackCert::RememberExtension(Reader& extnID, const Input& extnValue,
                            bool critical, /*out*/ bool& understood)
  understood = false;

  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-keyUsage
  static const uint8_t id_ce_keyUsage[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x0f
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-subjectAltName
  static const uint8_t id_ce_subjectAltName[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x11
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-basicConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_basicConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x13
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-nameConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_nameConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x1e
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-certificatePolicies
  static const uint8_t id_ce_certificatePolicies[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x20
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-policyConstraints
  static const uint8_t id_ce_policyConstraints[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x24
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-extKeyUsage
  static const uint8_t id_ce_extKeyUsage[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x25
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy
  static const uint8_t id_ce_inhibitAnyPolicy[] = {
    0x55, 0x1d, 0x36
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-pe-authorityInfoAccess
  static const uint8_t id_pe_authorityInfoAccess[] = {
    0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py Netscape-certificate-type 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1
  static const uint8_t Netscape_certificate_type[] = {
    0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x01

  Input* out = nullptr;

  // We already enforce the maximum possible constraints for policies so we
  // can safely ignore even critical policy constraint extensions.
  // XXX: Doing it this way won't allow us to detect duplicate
  // policyConstraints extensions, but that's OK because (and only because) we
  // ignore the extension.
  Input dummyPolicyConstraints;

  // RFC says "Conforming CAs MUST mark this extension as non-critical" for
  // both authorityKeyIdentifier and subjectKeyIdentifier, and we do not use
  // them for anything, so we totally ignore them here.

  if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_keyUsage)) {
    out = &keyUsage;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_subjectAltName)) {
    out = &subjectAltName;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_basicConstraints)) {
    out = &basicConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_nameConstraints)) {
    out = &nameConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_certificatePolicies)) {
    out = &certificatePolicies;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_policyConstraints)) {
    out = &dummyPolicyConstraints;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_extKeyUsage)) {
    out = &extKeyUsage;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ce_inhibitAnyPolicy)) {
    out = &inhibitAnyPolicy;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(id_pe_authorityInfoAccess)) {
    out = &authorityInfoAccess;
  } else if (extnID.MatchRest(Netscape_certificate_type) && critical) {
    out = &criticalNetscapeCertificateType;

  if (out) {
    // Don't allow an empty value for any extension we understand. This way, we
    // can test out->GetLength() != 0 or out->Init() to check for duplicates.
    if (extnValue.GetLength() == 0) {
    if (out->Init(extnValue) != Success) {
      // Duplicate extension
    understood = true;

  return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 6
CheckSubjectPublicKeyInfo(Reader& input, TrustDomain& trustDomain,
                          EndEntityOrCA endEntityOrCA)
  // Here, we validate the syntax and do very basic semantic validation of the
  // public key of the certificate. The intention here is to filter out the
  // types of bad inputs that are most likely to trigger non-mathematical
  // security vulnerabilities in the TrustDomain, like buffer overflows or the
  // use of unsafe elliptic curves.
  // We don't check (all of) the mathematical properties of the public key here
  // because it is more efficient for the TrustDomain to do it during signature
  // verification and/or other use of the public key. In particular, we
  // delegate the arithmetic validation of the public key, as specified in
  // NIST SP800-56A section 5.6.2, to the TrustDomain, at least for now.

  Reader algorithm;
  Input subjectPublicKey;
  Result rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::SEQUENCE, algorithm);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  rv = der::BitStringWithNoUnusedBits(input, subjectPublicKey);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  rv = der::End(input);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  Reader subjectPublicKeyReader(subjectPublicKey);

  Reader algorithmOID;
  rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(algorithm, der::OIDTag, algorithmOID);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  // RFC 3279 Section 2.3.1
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py rsaEncryption 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
  static const uint8_t rsaEncryption[] = {
    0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01

  // RFC 3279 Section 2.3.5 and RFC 5480 Section 2.1.1
  // python DottedOIDToCode.py id-ecPublicKey 1.2.840.10045.2.1
  static const uint8_t id_ecPublicKey[] = {
    0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x02, 0x01

  if (algorithmOID.MatchRest(id_ecPublicKey)) {
    // An id-ecPublicKey AlgorithmIdentifier has a parameter that identifes
    // the curve being used. Although RFC 5480 specifies multiple forms, we
    // only supported the NamedCurve form, where the curve is identified by an
    // OID.

    Reader namedCurveOIDValue;
    rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(algorithm, der::OIDTag,
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

    // RFC 5480
    // python DottedOIDToCode.py secp256r1 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7
    static const uint8_t secp256r1[] = {
      0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07

    // RFC 5480
    // python DottedOIDToCode.py secp384r1
    static const uint8_t secp384r1[] = {
      0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x22

    // RFC 5480
    // python DottedOIDToCode.py secp521r1
    static const uint8_t secp521r1[] = {
      0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23

    // Matching is attempted based on a rough estimate of the commonality of the
    // elliptic curve, to minimize the number of MatchRest calls.
    NamedCurve curve;
    unsigned int bits;
    if (namedCurveOIDValue.MatchRest(secp256r1)) {
      curve = NamedCurve::secp256r1;
      bits = 256;
    } else if (namedCurveOIDValue.MatchRest(secp384r1)) {
      curve = NamedCurve::secp384r1;
      bits = 384;
    } else if (namedCurveOIDValue.MatchRest(secp521r1)) {
      curve = NamedCurve::secp521r1;
      bits = 521;
    } else {

    rv = trustDomain.CheckECDSACurveIsAcceptable(endEntityOrCA, curve);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

    // RFC 5480 Section 2.2 says that the first octet will be 0x04 to indicate
    // an uncompressed point, which is the only encoding we support.
    uint8_t compressedOrUncompressed;
    rv = subjectPublicKeyReader.Read(compressedOrUncompressed);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
    if (compressedOrUncompressed != 0x04) {

    // The point is encoded as two raw (not DER-encoded) integers, each padded
    // to the bit length (rounded up to the nearest byte).
    Input point;
    rv = subjectPublicKeyReader.SkipToEnd(point);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
    if (point.GetLength() != ((bits + 7) / 8u) * 2u) {
      return Result::ERROR_BAD_DER;

    // XXX: We defer the mathematical verification of the validity of the point
    // until signature verification. This means that if we never verify a
    // signature, we'll never fully check whether the public key is valid.
  } else if (algorithmOID.MatchRest(rsaEncryption)) {
    // RFC 3279 Section 2.3.1 says "The parameters field MUST have ASN.1 type
    // NULL for this algorithm identifier."
    rv = der::ExpectTagAndEmptyValue(algorithm, der::NULLTag);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;

    // RSAPublicKey :: = SEQUENCE{
    //    modulus            INTEGER,    --n
    //    publicExponent     INTEGER  }  --e
    rv = der::Nested(subjectPublicKeyReader, der::SEQUENCE,
                     [&trustDomain, endEntityOrCA](Reader& r) {
      Input modulus;
      Input::size_type modulusSignificantBytes;
      Result rv = der::PositiveInteger(r, modulus, &modulusSignificantBytes);
      if (rv != Success) {
        return rv;
      // XXX: Should we do additional checks of the modulus?
      rv = trustDomain.CheckRSAPublicKeyModulusSizeInBits(
             endEntityOrCA, modulusSignificantBytes * 8u);
      if (rv != Success) {
        return rv;

      // XXX: We don't allow the TrustDomain to validate the exponent.
      // XXX: We don't do our own sanity checking of the exponent.
      Input exponent;
      return der::PositiveInteger(r, exponent);
    if (rv != Success) {
      return rv;
  } else {

  rv = der::End(algorithm);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;
  rv = der::End(subjectPublicKeyReader);
  if (rv != Success) {
    return rv;

  return Success;